• Published 11th Sep 2013
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The Wheel and the Butterfly A Dan X Pinkie Pie Saga - Justice3442

Pinkie Pie finds herself adjusting to a new, hostile world, with a new hostile friend. Can they make it through this new misadventure together, or is it the universe that needs to watch out for them?

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Part 8 Dan & Pinkie Vs. Ordinary Week: Chapter 51: Dan Vs. Anime Con

The Wheel and the Butterfly

A Dan X Pinkie Pie saga

Part 8 Dan & Pinkie Vs. Ordinary Week

Chapter 51: Dan Vs. Anime Con


“And then what happened?!” Pinkie asked enthusiastically from her chair in front of Dan.

Dan paused glancing at the two women in front of him.

Pinkie was enthusiastically hanging on every word.

Becky had certainly gotten into the story a bit, but was now flashing nervous grins at the people who had noticed Dan’s screaming.

Dan focused on Pinkie. “Haven’t I told you this already?!”

“Just wanted you to know I’m paying attention!” Pinkie replied cheerfully.

“Well, it’s distracting…uhhh…where was I?”

“You had just done your big skywardy scream.” Pinkie reminded, pointing at Dan.

“Oh yeah…So anyway…”

<*Meanwhile, take several years…*>

“I’m so glad Grandma is so good at sewing…and leather work…and wig making…and welding.” Dan said to no one in particular. He sighed, “I really need like…a hyper-intelligent cat or ferret or something to talk to when Chris isn’t around.”

Dan’s wig was blond and spiky, his outfit was composed of a purple, sleeveless shirt, baggy purple trousers, a leather belt attached to leather straps that went over his shoulders, two imposing looking leather and metal gauntlets, and a large metal shoulder protector on his left shoulder. On his non-metal clad shoulder, he carried a giant, rectangular sword that angled off to a point at the very end and was larger than him. He carried a bulging plastic bag in his free hand.

Dan shouldered his way past men and women of all ages in colorful outfits, cat ears, and a plethora of various weapons and accessories, colliding his large, metal shoulder protector into people’s chests, and knocking his giant sword into people’s heads.

“Out of the way, nerds, I have a friend to rescue.” Dan declared as meanly and heroically as he could muster.

To Dan’s irritated surprise, his comment was mostly met with grins and giggles.

He swung open a large, glass door, and entered a large convention hall. The door closed behind him, shattering as it impacted his large metal sword. Dan’s eye’s widened as he quickly put some distance between himself and the door and continued walking through the crowded convention hall.

“Ulgh…it’s like a truck carrying hair spray collided with a rainbow in here!” Dan declared, looking over the attendees.

“Excuse me, sir.”

Dan turned quickly, whacking a blonde, dreadlocked man in the face with his sword.

Dan examined the man who was wearing a black shirt that read ‘SECURITY’ in bold white letters, khakis, and sandals.

“The fuzz! Stay away, copper! I got a sword, and I’m not afraid to use it!” Dan lifted the sword off his shoulder and promptly dropped the heavy item, damaging the tiled convention floor.

The security guy adjusted his pink tinted glasses. “It’s all good, bra. I just need to peace bound that weapon.”

Dan struggled to lift the heavy sword up to a point where he could swing it. “Peace…bond?”

The dreadlocked man looped a plastic tie around the handle of the sword. “The peace bond is a sacred, convention promise that you won’t use any props, accessories, or weapons in a violent manner.”

“But…” Dan began to protest. “That’s the whole point!”

“Sir, points aren’t allowed on weapons…though I see yours is blunt.” The man said, motioning to the large sword.

Dan sighed. “Grandma’s angle grinder was broken…”

The security guard helped put Dan’s sword back on his shoulder. “Alright, you’re all set! Enjoy the con, dude!”

Dan grumbled as the security guard walked away. “Lousy…Japanesese mysticism…rendering my blunt sword useless…”

“Dude! That’s the best Cloud I’ve seen, yet!”

Dan turned with a confused expression to a group of con attendees, a blur of strange outfits and spikey hair.

Is that…is that woman wearing a skirt completely made out of belts!? Is that…is that even possible?!

How much hair gel did that man need to make his hair shoot straight up like that?!

And what the heck is that thing?! It looks like Beast from the X-Men decided he was going to explore his Native American roots or something…

“Can we get a picture?”

“What?” Dan exclaimed.

Don’t these idiots care that I’m infiltrating their animation convention as a video game character?!

I guess they were just captivated by my suave nature and handsome features.

Dan sighed. “Oh, alight…but make sure you get my good side.” Dan said, getting into a pose.

Soon, Dan found he couldn’t make it more than a few dozen feet without someone snapping his photo.

STOP IT!” He growled at a plethora of girls in cat ears. “I’m on a mission!”

“Awwww…someone needs a glomp!” One of the girls stated.

Glomp you!” Dan shouted angrily.

It would turn out to be a mistake. Soon the mass of cat girls was upon him burying him in an avalanche of glomps and huggles.

“Stop! Decease! Oooh, if my sword wasn’t peace bonded…”

“Someone’s being Tsundere!” One of the girls announced.


“Awww…Kawaii desu ne?”



Chris sat on the ground next to a sign that read ‘Dead Leaves’. He clutched his knees to his chest and rocked back and forth. “Too many colors…ba…baby…changing to old man…I just…so…much…what?”

“Wow! That was amazing!” An excited looking, maroon haired girl commented, walking out of the convention room. “Totally unique! Can you believe that was all hand drawn?”

“No…” Chris answered from the floor. “I can’t believe it…in fact…I’m not sure I can believe anything anymore.”

“Chris, are you okay?” Elise asked. “You look pale…”

“I’m fine, Elise…just…babies…cats…water elephants in the desert…hmmm…dessert…”

Elise looked down at Chris with concern. “Uh…sorry, Chris…I guess I kinda started you out on the strong stuff…” Elise paused. “Oh! Wait here! I’ll go get us some bubble-tea and maybe I can find a room that’s playing a nice shonen, or something.”

“Sure, Elise...sounds great!” Chris offered with a weak smile.

Elise smiled and began to walk away.

Alright, don’t blow this, Elise! Sure, he’s a bit of a nerd, but he’s new to all this and you just gave him two smoking barrels of the trippiest anime available! And he’s the first potential boyfriend you’ve had in years that isn’t completely obsessed with himself.

Chris followed Elise with his eyes until she disappeared into the mass of colorful con goers.

Alright, don’t blow this, Chris! She is by far, the smartest, prettiest girl that has shown the least bit of interest in you, plus you sort of owe her after…

“Chris, stop looking dumb and vacant on the ground and start looking dumb and vacant standing up!”

Chris gave a startled yelp as he looked up at Dan, the short man unusually imposing looking in his getup.

“Dan…are you dressed as Cloud Strife?!” Chris asked, as he stood to his feet.

Dan grinned. “Yeah! Nifty disguise, right?! These stupid anime dweebs must be stewing with rage that I’d show up as a video game character…”

Chris sighed and shook his head. “Alright, first off, a sizable portion of the costumes here are from video games.”

“WHAT?!” Dan exclaimed in an angry, shocked tone. “It’s an anime convention! That means, ‘animation’…I think…No one said anything about video games!”

“Dan, you must have noticed you’re not the only Final Fantasy 7 character running around.”

“I assumed they were here to rescue friends, too!” Dan insisted. “And, ‘7’?! How can there be seven of something if it was the Final Fantasy!?”

Chris wrinkled his forehead as he simultaneously attempted to raise his eyebrows and knit his brow together. “Dan, it’s right there in the title!”

“Chris, you are simply the dumbest person on the planet! It’s clearly Final Fantasy Vlula.” Dan insisted.

“What? Dan, that doesn’t even make sense! ‘Vlula’ isn’t a word…those are roman numerals.”

Dan put on a goofy expression and began flapping his fingers up and down. “Menehamenaha numerals.”

“Oh, Hey! Cloud!”

Dan impulsively turned around, clobbering Chris in the head with his giant sword, and posed for a photo.

An excited looking girl in a t-shirt that read ‘FREE GLOMPS’ snapped Dan’s photo. She put down her camera and grinned. “Free glomp?” She asked.

Dan rolled his eyes, and thrust his bag into Chris’s arms. “Oh, alright…”

The girl bounded up to Dan and gave him a quick squeeze before running off down the convention hall.

“Wow…I can’t believe you let that girl take your picture…and hug you…” Chris commented.

Dan turned to Chris, clobbering yet another con goer with his massive sword. “I’m fitting in! It’s the only way I could get in close enough to sneak you out!” Dan pointed at the bag in Chris’s arms. “There’s your disguise! Get it on,” Dan pointed at Chris, “and let’s get out of here!” Dan demanded irritable as ever as he motioned behind him with his thumb.

“Dan! I can’t leave!” Chris insisted. “I promised Elise I’d do this convention with her after I showed her Space Monkeys from Planet Space.”

“WHAT?! Why should you suffer for enriching that vampiress’s life with the best movie ever made?!”

“I uh…sort of made her sit through multiple commentaries on the film, too…” Chris admitted.

“So! Those commentaries are insightful, and delightful! She should be thanking you! Not forcing you to suffer!”

“…I also made her watch the holiday special.” Chris admitted meekly.

Dan paused. “Okay, you do kind of owe her one for that…I’m not sure I should be impressed that she’d even still hang around you, or if this just confirms my suspicion that she isn’t human!”

“Dan, Elise is a very nice girl! And it would be nice if you didn’t chase away every girl I met!”

Dan leveled an index finger at Chris. “Every girl you’ve met has been horrible, without exception, you should be so grateful that I’m helping you out! Like now for instance! Go dive into a bathroom and change. Grandma put her blood, sweat, and tears into that costume you’re holding…So, you might want to take a shower when we get out of here…”

“Dan, you called me like…an hour and a half ago. Are you trying to tell me that your grandma”—Chris motioned out to Dan—“did all that in that time!”

Dan shrugged as he examined his outfit. “Yeah, bit of a rush job, really…I mean…she clearly hurried the engraving on the belt and my left gauntlet is a little loose.”

“How are you even holding that sword?! It’s bigger than you!” Chris exclaimed, motioning out to Dan’s giant Buster Sword.

“I’m fully supporting its weight with only my spine!” Dan declared with a smile.

“But, isn’t that painful?”

“You have no idea.” Dan replied. “Now go change! I think I’m starting to get 1st degree burns from all the flashes going off in my face.”

Chris sighed. “Fine! But I’m not abandoning Elise.”

“But that was like half the point of me coming here!” Dan whined as he motioned out with his free hand.

Chris walked off towards a nearby bathroom. “I’m not ditching another potential girlfriend just because you don’t like her.”

“FINE! Get your blood drained! See if I care.” Dan replied. “Stupid Chris…stupid vampire girl…stupid anime convention…”

“OH! SWEET! Cloud!”

Dan turned again and placed a hand on his hip as he attempted a heroic looking pose; knocking a couple more con attendees to the ground as he got his photo taken yet again.

“Da…Dan?” Chris called from the bathroom. “I don’t feel very comfortable about the prospect of wearing this.”

“I needed you to match!” Dan insisted.

“Couldn’t you have picked a different character!?”

Dan rolled his eyes. “You’re freakishly tall and grandma said she didn’t have the time or material for any of the other characters!”

“What about Cid?! He would have been perfect!”

“What, am I made out of goggles?! Just suit up and stop your moaning!”

Dan heard a feminine, long, and laborious sigh.

“Hello, Dan.” Elise said, her voice notably absent of enthusiasm as she stood carrying a bubble tea in either hand. “I…wait…are you actually dressed up?!”

Dan grinned evilly at the maroon haired woman. “Doesn’t it just burn you up inside?”

“Well…no actually…Wow! That’s a great costume! I didn’t know you were into anime.”

Dan narrowed his eyes. “I’m not!” He insisted. “I’m merely here to rescue Chris.”

Elise expression turned worried. “Why? Did he say something to you?! Is he not having a good time?!”


In a flash, Elise sat down the two drinks she was holding and had Dan by his costume clad shoulders. “TELL ME! TELL ME!TELL ME!TELL ME!” Elise demanded as she shook Dan back and forth.

“Stop…shaking…me…you…harlot…” Dan choked out.

“Dan,” Chris began walking out the bathroom, “I really don’t want to Elise to see me like…”

Elise paused from shaking Dan to stare at Chris who was now wearing a large, brown wig complete with two large braids over his shoulders, and a giant one going down his back; a small, red jacket; large, brown boats; mental bracelets, and a long, pink dress that went all the way down to his ankles.
Chris’s face flushed. “Uh…Elise! I can explain…”

Elise gasped. “Chris, I didn’t know you were into cosplay!”

“Uh…well….I’m not you see…”

“Oh, this is sooo great!” Elise exclaimed.

“Wait, what?” Chris and Dan exclaimed in unison, exchanging perplexed glances.

Elise beamed. “I have a few costumes prepped in case you warmed up to this! I had no idea you guys planned to come here already!” She reached down to grab the bubble teas on the floor and trusted one each into Dan’s and Chris’s hands. “Wait here! I’ll go change into my Vincent outfit!” Elise giddily ran down the hall.

“WHOA! Awesome Cloud and Aerith, guys!”

Dan posed and Chris put on a goofy grin just in time to have their photos snapped.

“Aerith?” Dan asked in a perplexed tone.

“That’s Aeris’s name in the Japanese version of the game.” Chris explained.

“Oh, huh, I thought that guy had a lisp…I didn’t know they made a Japanese version of Final Fantasy Vlula.” Dan replied.

“No, Dan, you see…” Chris sighed exasperatedly. “…Never mind.”

“OH! Sweet costumes guys!”

Dan and Chris quickly posed for another photo as a flash went off.

The two friends paused, looked at each other, and announced “I’m staying.”

Chris gave Dan a surprised expression. “I thought you hated anime!”

“I do!” Dan insisted. “But my desire for attention is stronger in this case…what about you?”

Chris shrugged. “Somehow dressing up like a girl turned out to be a good thing! I’m not going to question it. I guess you can leave and go back to getting your photo taken and hugged by strangers.”

“What?!” Dan protested. “No way! Can you imagine how many photos we’re going to get when there’s three of us all dressed up?!”

Chris smiled and rolled his eyes as he took a sip from his bubble tea. “Oooh, yummy!”

Dan eyed his own beverage suspiciously. “It’s got…black orbs at the bottom…I think they’re concentrated evil…”

“Dan, its fine.” Chris insisted.

Dan frowned at his drink and cautiously took a sip. “BLECK! Horrible!” Dan declared tossing the offending beverage off on a short journey into someone’s face.


BwaHaHaHaHa, in your face, anime con!” Dan declared, as he ran from the convention center, balancing his sword on his shoulder in one hand, trophy that read ‘Best Group Cosplay’ in the other.

Chris smiled and shook his head as he watched his friend scamper off into the California night. “He has a thing for trophies.” He explained to the woman in a long, black wig; red cloak; and black outfit.

Elise smiled back at Chris and shrugged. “That’s fine.” Her smile turned to a grin. “I got what I wanted, anyway.”

“Oh?” Chris asked. “What’s that?”

Elise wrapped a hand and a metal claw around Chris’s neck, leaned up, and placed her lips over his.

Chris got over his initial surprise to wrap arms around Elise and return the unexpected affection.

Elise broke the kiss, released her grip on Chris’s neck, and began drumming her metal talon lightly against Chris’s pink dress. “You know…” Elise purred. “They’re still showing anime all night…”

Chris smiled down at Elise. “Uh, sure…sounds great…” He offered tentatively.

“Come on!” Elise said enthusiastically. “I think Yakitate!! Japan is playing.”

“Uh…what’s it about?” Chris asked, afraid Elise was going to break out a word like ‘cerebral’ or a term like ‘thought provoking’.

“It’s about making bread.”

Chris paused. “That sounds AMAZING!”

Elise smiled and slipped her hand over Chris’s. The two walked back into the convention center, hand in hand.

>*Back in the present*<

“YAY!” Pinkie said clapping. “A happy ending!”

Becky paused and looked at Dan. “Wait…so let me get this straight…you infiltrated an anime convention by getting dressed up, got your picture taken like a hundred times in between accidentally causing property damage and hitting people with your sword, won a costume competition…and that’s your bad experience with anime?!”

Dan pondered this. “Uh...well when you put it like that…”

“Did you even watch any anime while you were there?!”

“Well…no…” Dan admitted.

“Call me crazy...” Becky began.

“You’re crazy!” Pinkie said obediently.

“Uh, you didn’t let me finish.” Becky said.

“Oops, sorry. I thought you were making a comic store decree.” Pinkie replied.

Becky turned back to Dan. “Call me crazy, but I think you could at least try to watch something.”

“Oooo! Ooooo!” Pinkie began to giddily hop up and down from foot to foot. “Can we, Dan? Can we? Can we?!”

Dan sighed. “Fine!”

Becky grinned. “So what are you two into?”

“Violence.” Dan answered.

“Mayhem.” Pinkie added.

“Destruction of the undead.” Continued Dan.

Becky smiled and looked over the shelves. “I’ve got just the thing.”

“Oh! You meant what we liked to watch!” Dan exclaimed.

Pinkie giggled. “Boy, is my face red…” She put a finger up to her chin and looked at the ceiling. “Though…come to think of it, it’s pretty much the same thing.”

Becky chuckled to herself. “You two are really, funny.”

“We are?” Dan asked surprised.

Pinkie leaned back so she was facing straight up and slowly positioned herself to look up at Dan with a huge, toothy grin. “Are you kidding? We’re hilarious!” She declared.

“Huh…I did not know that.” Dan admitted.

“Here!” Becky held up two, thin rectangular boxes. The one in the front reading ‘Hellsing’ in front of a rather deranged looking individual with a cross in his mouth.

“Oooo! Look Dan! It’s named after that guy you’re always talking about.”

“Excuse you, but ‘that guy’ is named ‘Abraham Van Helsing’ and he only has one ‘l’ in his name.”

“Come on, Dan!” Becky insisted. “If you’re into vampires and zombies half as much as I know you are, you’ll really like this!”

Dan scrunched his mouth to a side, and grabbed the two blu-ray/DVD packs, and handed them to Pinkie.

“Yay!” Pinkie declared, enthusiastically placing the packs into her basket.

Becky produced a phone and looked at Pinkie, “Hey, can I text you my number? If you like that, I’m sure I can recommend tons of other great stuff.”

Pinkie gasped and began to rattle off digits.

Becky pressed the screen on her phone a few times and smiled. “Got it, thanks!”

Pinkie grinned as her bag made an audible ‘ding’.

“Well, I better get back to work!” Becky declared waving. “Thanks for the story, guys!”

Dan merely nodded as Pinkie waved enthusiastically.

“Dan! Dan! Dan! Dan! Dan!” Pinkie began to repeat over and over again.

“I’m right HERE! What is it?!”

“I made a new friend!” Pinkie declared happily. “She gave me her number and everything! And she wasn’t even a creepy guy!”

“I’m happy for you, I really am…Now let’s get out of here…”

“No wait…” Pinkie said, staring off down the aisle. She spied a curtained off section with a sign that read ‘Adults Only’ and pointed at it.

“I want to see what’s in there!”

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