• Published 12th Jul 2017
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Our new Friends, Our new Enemies - The Potato Guy

Equestria rots from within and Princess Luna falls prey to the corruption of an evil Pony. Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash finds herself in the strangest world, one where her loyalty will truly become tested.

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Chapter 9: Playing the game

Solar was exhausted.

When he had last awoken from a restful sleep, it had been in the lush countryside, getting up early to ensure he reached Ponyville, his supposed home, in good time.

His unsurprising lack of luck meant however that was not to be. So here he found himself, in Canterlot Castle, tasked with learning more of these mysterious Humans.

It was a task he took seriously, regardless of having no choice in the matter. But in executing the task, that was something he simply didn’t take seriously in any form.

Yes, the Humans had been busy touring the Castle, learning their way around and establishing accommodation, but that took no longer than under two hours and with the tour concluded, Solar could have easily swooped in and began his questioning and the intrigue he had perfected over the years.

Alas, he never made an attempt to capitalize on this opportunity. Luna had given him no dead line, but even he knew that didn’t meant to slack and ignore his task. It definitely didn’t mean going to his room and take a long sleep into the late hours of the morning.

No pony had set out to awake him, Solar taking this as an indication that Luna had yet to warrant his defiance as punishment worthy, but he dare not test the Princess any further.

Solar Virtue work up with a restful stretch, allowing himself to monetarily fall into a blissful ignorance, free from life’s problems and personal responsibilities.

Like all things however, it did not last. Into his mind came yesterday’s memories, causing an annoyed growl to escape his lips.

Solar began to question his decision not to resist to Luna’s demand, even if it meant great danger to him. A feeling of submissiveness overcame him, thoughts of easily giving in taking over.

What kind of bitch am I?

Yet for all of his thoughts of regret and annoyance, they would do little to serve him. The only option that remained was to keep his head high, bite his tongue and continue with a stiff upper lip. Like it or not, this was the situation he now found himself in and until an opportunity of rewarding escape was presented to him, he would just have to deal with it.

Luckily however, Solar had never been a pony to truly procrastinate. Quickly walking down to the kitchens for a bite to eat, he wasted no time in beginning his task to satisfy Luna’s thirst for knowledge of the Humans.

Solar immediately went to look for any human who could provide him with such a thing, and of a sufficient quality for a Princess.

The only other variable in this whole quest was a simple sheet of instructions left for him by his door, written presumably by Luna herself, indicating that she was aware he had ventured to his bed. Solar honestly didn’t know what Luna’s writing looked like, so if she had not written the note, could it be possible other ponies knew of Luna’s current desires, and maybe even were seeking knowledge for her too?

Solar knew not and frankly didn’t care. As long as he did what was required of him, and did it well, then other ponies could do what they liked.

The note in question was simple and straight forward. Consisting only of repeated demands that he learn more of the Humans.

Princess Luna requires thee to investigate and determine the ambitions and motives of the newly arrived Human race.

Thou will serve diligently and professionally as a loyal and proper representative of thy Princesses and country.

It is of imperative consequence that thou perform thy duty competently as a member of The Princess of the Nights Household, but also as a citizen of Equestria. In thy hooves now lie considerable responsibility for thy country ponies, and such fortuitous developments present considerable risk to thy kingdom.

May the night guide you

Two things stood out to Solar in this note. Firstly, that Luna, happily or not, considered Solar to be a full part of her service and should act accordingly, as an extension of her in fact. Secondly, that riddled among the words nicely written on the paper was a deep suspicion and concern of the Humans now present. It was as if Luna feared their presence here, or at the very least was unsure of them.

It reminded him of last night’s encounter between Luna and her sister, how Celestia seemed very controlling and secretive, and not just about the Humans, yet Solar guessed that the Princess of the Sun was hiding something from her sister.

It wasn’t his job nor right to find out what was happening between them, but given time, Solar knew he’d find out, and it caused a small but sly smile to emerge.

For now however, such thoughts were set aside. He was currently looking for Humans, and even that was proving to be difficult.

The first place he went to investigate was the Sovereign tower, where their accommodation was now. If they were inside, they made no indication of it, and Solar, in his early days of repeated Royal service, didn’t think it wise to go checking inside just yet.

Additionally, Human guards were yet to be positioned anywhere, as Celestia had agreed to consider last night, much to Luna’s great disapproval, this being the tower directly next to the Luna garden.

Next he tried the Throne room.


Then the ambassador tower, the tower in which most foreign ambassadors resided.

Still nothing.

Instead of further wasting his time searching, Solar decided to inquire.

“You there!” Solar demanded of a servant pony, practically startling the humble Earth Pony. “Where are the Humans?”

The servant, perhaps just startled by Solar’s sudden demand, seemed a little nervous.

“Um…I’m not sure. Last I saw them there was a group near the Castle armoury” Her nervousness remained.

“The armoury?” Solar questioned, wondering why they would be there. “You wouldn’t lie to me would you?”

Years of dishonourable experience in the wide world had provided him with certain skills. He wasn’t exactly proud of it, but there had been times in the past in which questions like this, where he needed information, hadn’t occurred so nicely. It was perhaps such things that influenced his way of speaking and asking, there had been many instances in which ponies had seen him and dangerous and unfriendly.

“N-no no. Not at all Sir” The servant stuttered.

“I’m no Sir” Solar replied blankly, caught a little off guard from her respectful title for him. “But the armoury, why are they there? What interest could they have in our weaponry?”

“I’m not sure. I just saw them head towards there” The Servant pony replied to his further questioning.

Solar gave a moment’s pause to contemplate this knowledge. The tour offered to the Humans would surely not include the armoury, being in off limits to most ponies, diplomats included. The fact they were down there was suspicious, almost as if they were scouting out the place.

Perhaps it was him just overreacting, years in dangerous places making him an almost paranoid pony, or maybe Luna’s suspicions of the Humans were well placed, and that Solar should take this answer seriously.

He would decide once he knew more.

“Fine. As you were” Solar replied quickly to the young servant Pony, as she dashed off quickly.

Just as he was about to make his leave too, his walk was interrupted by the inclusion of a nearby Day Guard.

“Have you also tried the courtyard?” he said.

Solar had not expected any talk with the guards, let alone any attention to be given to him. It annoyed him.

“Have you tried bucking off?” he said bitterly. “Why would they be there?”

“It’s a big place. Maybe they’d be hanging out there”

Solar was ready to not only reply angrily to this completely useless and terrible reason, but also act angrily. He truly had to restrain himself from aggressively scolding this idiotic guard, now that he wasn’t among ponies who weren’t under the control of one of the most powerful beings to ever exist.

“What the buck do you think you are, you worthless piece of shit!” Solar cared little for the aggressive condescending of his tone. “‘Hanging out’. Sweet bucking Celestia!”

Solar didn’t, and couldn’t care for the Guards response and thus returned to his journey to the armoury.

“It’s just Princess Luna has been walking around the Castle today. She didn’t seem like she wanted any interference or any pony bothering her, so I thought a large group, that defiantly would bother her, could be outside.”

Solar froze. Not dramatically, but in slight interest.

“What are you talking about?” asked Solar, walking up to the Guard in a direct and powerful fashion.

“Weeeellll, I probably shouldn’t go around gossiping about it, but Princess Luna often feels a little lonely I think. Doesn’t really like the company most of the time”

Solar stared deeply into the eyes of this Guard. Not blinking at all, Solar seemed, if only the slightest, to unsettle the golden glad pony.

A patronising snort emerged from Solar’s snout as he showed both disgust and disappointment on his face.

“No shit, we all know that. Thanks for the help” he said, sarcasm as clear as day in his voice, once more turning to leave.

This seem to trigger the Guard into feeling unsatisfactory to Solar, and quickly attempted to tell more.

It was a tactic that brought a hidden smile to Solar.

“But it’s not just that! She’s doing it more regularly now, even forsaking some official duties and spending more time practically locked in her bed chambers.”

This is juicy

Solar again walked up to the guard, albeit far more curiously now.

“Perhaps she’s ill. Maybe she’s just not busy” Solar said, baiting the Guard into divulging more information.

“Yeah could be, but I heard from one of my biddies, who heard it from one of his buddies, who heard it from once his officer buddi---“The Guard could clearly see the ‘I don’t bucking care’ face plastered onto Solar. “Well anyway, there’s a few ponies who are well to believe that Princess Luna and Celestia haven’t exactly been seeing eye to eye recently. It’s apparently been effecting official business. Like I heard that an amendment to the peace treaty with the Griffins was due and because of something between the Princesses’, it was never signed.”

This was all too good to the ears of Solar. First he had acquired information of the Humans, small as it was, but now he was practically being book read rifts between Luna and Celestia. A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.

And there was more.

“…oh, and I’m not so sure on this one, the stuff I just said has some good sources saying it, but next bit is just a wild rumour at this point”

Solar waited keenly for it “Yes?”

The Guard had guilt all over him, obviously having difficulty saying.

“Ok well, and this is just what I heard so, you know, take it as you will. Apparently Princess Celestia has been hiding something big from Princess Luna. Like real big!”

This peaked his interest.

“Just please don’t tell anypony I told you this, I’d get the boot for sure” The Guard pleaded, his eyes yielding a sense of desperateness.

“You’d get worse than that friend” Solar replied, more focused on what he had just learned than some career of a Guard he didn’t know.

“Well, I guess you wouldn’t really need to tell anypony anyway” The guard then suddenly said, a little calm restoring.

“What?” Solar asked.

“You’re part Of Princess Luna’s secret service right? That’s why you’re asking about the Humans, everypony thought Luna would want to investigate the whole thing.”

Solar could only blink in response.


He waited this situation out, seeing how it would develop.

“I’m surprised you didn’t know about the stuff between the Princesses, but I guess you were just questioning me, like we do with crime witnesses. “

Solar didn’t say a thing. Sure, Luna has instructed him with solving a thing out, but he was far from being in her secret service, The Shadows as they were more informally known.

Yet this was an opportunity he couldn’t have foreseen, and he was going to exploit it for all of its worth.

“Hmmm, I will neither deny nor accept that” Solar said, purposely trying to be fooled by this foalish Guard.

“Ha! I knew it. Knew I had it in me” The guard said triumphantly, much to Solar’s amusement.

“Anyway, you must keep this knowledge to yourself. Tell no other Pony, no Guard, civilian, or any other Pony you think is part of the secret service. If you have anything, tell only me”

Solar felt a little nervous exploiting this belief however. If any pony were to find out he was impersonating a member of the Shadows to this Guard, he’d find himself back in the Badlands before he could even blink.

To this Guard, Solar was the only pony from the Shadows in which he would even associate with, even talk about. Solar swallowed a little at the thought of his the Shadows themselves found out somepony was feeding information a fake member of their group.

“Yeah yeah, sure thing! Just between you and me only” The guard said with a wink, making Solar want to roll his eyes to the back of his head, such as this Guards gullibleness.

“What’s your name anyway, in case I need to find you?” asked Solar, making his first contact.

“Thick Plate” He said, almost proudly.

Thick indeed

“Well back to your duties Thick Plate, forget you even saw me”

“Ohhh, just like a shadow. I got ya!” Thick Plate said with a sly smile, only serving to amuse Solar who could only want to laugh at how this whole thing played out.

Solar didn’t laugh however, nor reply, he quickly moved off, leaving Thick Plate to his duties. He still had his own official duties to complete, but so far, the fruits of this endeavour had been bountiful, and Solar was excited to see what else there was to discover.

On his way to the armoury Solar began to contemplate the developing situation he found himself in. It was encouraging that he had already found some interest in his findings, despite him previously anticipating a boring if not aggravating time in Luna’s service. Of course the feeling of the chains of servitude still weighed heavily upon him, but at this early stage at least, they didn’t seem too heavy.

Pleasantly, Solar found he didn’t have to venture all the way to the armoury. Walking through the ancient stone corridors he heard distant chatter, one of the voices being familiar to him.

Turning to move closer, he bore witness to a small group of Armour glad Humans, numbering around five. Two of these Solar recognised, Commander Starvation and Victus, the latter having removed his armour and now only donning a dark uniform like garment.

The Humans were still talking among themselves before they even noticed Solar. The room, a simple stone one made of rock far darker than the standard Canterlot white, was dimply lit, only a few flame touches mantled to the wall to illuminate the room.

Despite the relative darkness however, it wasn’t that dark, and yet Solar remained, completely unnoticed. Unless the vision of these Humans was that bad, it was becoming clearer and clearer to him that he wasn’t being unnoticed, but rather ignored.

The two Humans he knew had their backs to him while the full armour glad other three defiantly would have been able to see him.

Eventually one of these three gave a quick nod in his direction, as if he was saying “look, he’s still there”. Only then did the other two turn around.

No one said a word. Solar thought it both polite and advantageous to wait to be spoken to, the latter reason being most beneficial, hoping to not have his words ignored and seem somewhat weak.

The Humans however, only seemed confused and puzzled at why this pony was here, staring at them. Starvation most of all, who in particular seemed fairly disgusted at the whole thing.

“Yes?” the Commander asked, his words as dry and blunt as could be. “The hell do you want?” his last words seemed bordering on anger. Why would this pony be here? How could he have the audacity of even wanting to talk?

Solar compared his tone to the drill sergeants back in Guard training. Both they and this Human looking down upon him like dirt. Scum who were good at nothing.

Solar decided to play it safe.

“Greetings, I am Solar Vir-“

“I don’t give a flying fuck who you are” suddenly cut off the Commander, surprising Solar. The Human clearly was not appreciating his presence here at all, polite or not.

“And cut that whole ‘greetings’ stuff out. I’ve had enough of all this fancy language already”

Straight to the point. Military indeed.

“Right” Solar said simply, noting the change of tone of the Commander from earlier, now far more plain and bare, none of the relative politeness and restraint he showed in the Throne room.

“I’m just here to ask questions”

The Commander narrowed his eyes at Solar, judging this individual like any good Military officer would in an unfamiliar and potentially dangerous situation.

“Questions?” joined in Victus, stepping forward towards Solar. He stopped a few feet in front of him, observing and watching the pony as a foal watches an animal at a zoo.

“This is one of the ponies from yesterday when we met the Princesses” Victus proclaimed, calm yet a hint of pride within his words of discovery.

The Commander paused for a second as if to remember, or as Solar favoured, that he was refusing to believe that Victus, A human who the Commander obviously didn’t really like, was telling the truth.

“Of course “Starvation eventually said. “You were one of Luna’s lackeys. I think I saw you in her shadow, acting nice and obedient by staying out of the way.

This guy is here for diplomacy right?

He was never aggressive, but it was clear that he was almost mocking Solar for his position, perhaps to gain a response, something Solar wouldn’t give.

“That’s me.” Simply replied Solar, the confirmation allowing the Commander to relax somewhat. However, Victus still seemed suspicious.

“I just have a few quick questions for our guests if that’s ok” The Commander said nothing, remaining stoic, not saying anything that would delay the questions. Solar appreciated his straight talking attitude, even when he said nothing.

“Alright, so I was wondering wh-“Again Solar was cut off however.

“Whose questions are these? Who sent you?” Victus asked, his eyes fixated on Solar, trust not something seen in them.

Solar gave the exact same look back. Perhaps if Starvation was the sword, the military guy, then Victus could possibly be the spyglass, the one who revelled in intrigue.

“Princess Luna” Solar said slowly and carefully, cautiously anticipating both the Humans response.

Victus’s reaction was far more immediate.

“Luna! Are we under investigation?!” he cried, obviously outraged. “Barely a day here and the leaders of Equestria send their spy’s and skulking minions after us.” He further shouted, looking towards Solar with his last words.

The Commander however showed no reaction, either deep in thought or uncaring. Victus had not yet finished his outcry anyhow.

“It’s quite obvious we are not trusted. At best we have to remain under constant surveillance like a criminal. Under obligation to answer questions like children at any time!” He seemed to be directing these points at his group, as if he was trying to get them to agree and join in on his protest.

If this were indeed the goal, it did not materialise. Frustrated with the lack of any visible support, Victus instead went to convince his leader.

“Starvation, you cannot allow this to stand! They are acting more like our enemies than even I anticipated.” Again the aporetic Human gave a side glance to Solar, as if he suspected the pony of trying to listen in, when in reality Solar, despite somewhat curious at why Victus was so cagey, couldn’t care less about if one Human didn’t trust him.

What he did care about was if the Commander was about to start having reservations of ponies. Aside from the irritated glance he gave Victus when he didn’t address him by his correct title, the older Human just stared at Solar, seemingly giving Victus’s words a chance.

“The worst thing that can now happen is if we begin to be resented” Victus continued. “Think about it, these strange new beings, not trusted by their Princess. It could get bad for us real quick”

The lack of any retort from the Commander or attempt to keep the rebellious Victus in line began to worry Solar. Starvation could be swinging to the Humans point of view, jeopardising not only Solar at his mission, but the relationship between both species, though of course the former was more important.

Tense moments went by after Victus had finished, both he and Solar waiting with baited breath to see what the Commander believed.

“Your Princess” he said, deeply. “Why did she send you here?”

All Humans placed their gaze upon a tensed Solar, whose mind raced to come up with a satiable response. Regardless of all the dangerous situations he had been in, all the possible times he could have been killed, the feeling that possibly the fate of the entire Human-Pony diplomatic relationship now was in his hands, it was daunting to say the least.

He almost wish they were at least trying to kill him. That was far more familiar territory.

“Because this is our land, and we need to know who we are dealing with, be they friend or though” Solar finally stated, choosing his tone carefully. Regardless, it wasn’t an answer to Victus’s taste.

“So that gives you the right to tread all over us? To treat us like your prisoners?” The young Human said, burying his blue eyes into Solar.

“That’s not what you are in any form, legal or otherwise.” Solar replied quickly and confidently, hoping this plan of his would work. “Until now you have been given the curtsy of free entry and settlement here. Now you’re staying, you surely cannot expect us to remain idle while a species we know little to nothing about proclaims themselves the diplomatic bridge between us and their home.”

Victus almost didn’t wait for Solar to finish, establishing thoughts within the pony that this Human simply had something against ponies, and anything said would fall on uninterested ears.

“So we are to remain in our tower under constant watch and potential threat?” Victus said, very unhappily.

“Not necessarily. You’re free as any diplomat is. You’re not going to be spied on whatsoever.” Solar glanced at the Commander, trying to gage his opinion. “When you’re besieging a fort or city, you don’t sit by while the other side remains un-researched. No, you send recon teams to scout them out. You send informants…but most importantly, if you want to get an idea of who they are…you ask questions. That’s the way you learn. That’s the strategy you need to win….or starve them.” Solar gave a visible look to the Commander who seemed a little taken back at Solar’s words.

At first, it didn’t seem like Solar’s idea had worked. To treat this whole asking questions thing like a battle, and that he was the Commander in charge. A smart strategist wouldn’t pass up an opportunity to learn more of their enemy, be they fighting at that moment or not.

Moments went by again, Victus positively shocked by Solar’s example, and that he and the Humans were being painted as an enemy.

Commander Starvation however, and perhaps it was only because of Solar’s mention of an effective way to starve an enemy, he had a small smile on his face.

It was all Solar needed to know to breathe a sigh of relief.

“What?!” Victus cried out, reacting first. “So we are your enemies?” Solar said nothing, returning the slightest of smiles back to the Commander.

Yet Victus seemed to think this a victory, that he had been proven right.

“I knew it, I knew these Ponies couldn’t be trusted!” he seemed almost joyful that, in his mind at least, diplomacy had broken down. “Lord Vanquisher will surely reward me for my great to service to---“

As soon as the Commander heard these words, particularly when he mentioned the individual known as Lord Vanquisher, he was ripped from his understanding studying gaze of Solar, and to the enraged gaze that he now placed on Victus.

“You…squirming…devious little MAGGOT!” The Commander said, increasing his volume and aggressiveness with each word. “I FUCKING KNEW IT!”

The Commander was practically touching Victus as he closed the distance to stand intimidatingly in front of him. Starvation was taller and more muscular, but it was the rough, dangerously unpredictable look that the Commander emitted which truly put fear into both Victus and Solar, who wasn’t even the one having the anger directed at him.

“You’ve just been waiting to swoop in to get yourself a nice comfy promotion like the scavenger parasite you are!” Victus dare not argue with the towering figure in front of him, less he risk a far more severe punishment, such was Solar’s interpretation of the pure anger of the Commander.

“You worthless, envious spiteful little creature! You think you’re so capable that you deserve any post of worth, more than you have already, which is a fucking miracle may I add!”

Again Victus remained silent, for it was not a question with any answer that would satisfy his superior.

“Vanquisher gave you the great privilege of coming here, but if he saw the low cunning scavenger you are, I’d be happy to see him send you on a wasteland patrol, you degenerate piece of shit!”

The atmosphere of the room was awkward to say the least. It was cold and tense, as if it could explode at any moment. The pony thanked the world that he wasn’t Victus, as it seemed like his own Commander was about to murder him.

Thankfully for poor Victus, it never came to that. With an obvious sigh of frustration and self-control, the Commander, through gritted teeth gave him command.

“Get…out of my sight!” he hissed, barely holding his calm.

Victus waited a moment, almost preparing an appeal to the command. Solar silently indicated his disapproval of such a suicidal notion. Whether or not the human saw Solar’s small bit of assistance, that was unknown, prompting a lack of heart beats for a few seconds in Earth Ponies chest, but luckily for Victus, he remained silent and compliant.

Without any proper military respect though, Victus simply turned and stormed off, huffing like a sulking foal and his telling off. The young human had no orders at where to go, simply removing himself from Commander Starvation’s vicinity.

The atmosphere that filled the rooms void wasn’t too different from when Victus was in it. An awkward and unstable silence prevailed, as Solar could only watch the Commander has he closed his eyes in annoyance.

Solar, not daring to further annoy the Human, simply remained still and quiet until something was said, something the other Humans also practiced.

“Anyway” Said the Commander, regaining his cool. “Where were we? Oh yes!” His tone was for more positive now, but no smile came, worrying Solar that he was about to decline any attempt at questions.

“You wanted to ask things. To figure us out” Again Solar began to fear that he was about to be denied, only being asked this so the Commander may return with a ‘no’.

It never came however.

Solar simply nodded and awaited his answer.

“I don’t see why I shouldn’t provide you with answers” The Commander almost uncaringly said.

Wait, what?

It was an answer Solar didn’t expect. Not sure if he was hearing correctly, he just had to get a confirmation.

“You will?” he asked.

“Yeah” Starvation quickly and surely responded. “Like you said to annoying Victus, not knowing is not being clever. Within reason, you may ask what you, and your Princess wish”

Solar paused for a moment, cheering in his mind at this further victory of today. Pulling out a sheet of paper and a pen from his saddle pack, he returned the small understanding nod he received from the commander, something that formed the corners of his lips to curl into a smile, and began his questions.

“Well, I guess what we want to know first is…”

Solar triumphantly and gleefully made his way through the corridors of Canterlot castle , witnessing Celestia’s sun set, and Luna’s moon take its place.

It was Luna who he now was looking for, ready to give her the word heavy report he had written, full of answers from Commander Starvation’s own mouth.

Following their meeting near the armoury, Solar waited for night to come, and Luna to wake by converting his hastily written answers into a report worthy of a Princess.

There was no love lost between he and Luna, that was plain, and Solar knew he couldn’t charm nor bribe Luna with favourable report or the like. This was his job, and he was simply doing it well, as was his duty so even if he became the best of Luna’s ponies, he wouldn’t expect any different treatment nor reward. Doing something well was a reward in itself, Solar thought. Yet such was the detail and length of the answers he had received from Starvation, even Luna would perhaps show a smile to even him.

Solar was heading to the Throne room, expecting Luna to be hosting her Night Court there. In truth, he suspected her not to be there. Today’s fresh knowledge, courtesy of the foalish Thick Plate, exposed to him that Luna was possibly not fulfilling her Royal duties as well as she could. It was because of this that Solar was preparing for the fact she wouldn’t even be there and in all honesty, it was a preparation he had long been ready for.

Even when he was a guard, many years ago, Luna’s Night Court had never been too popular. Luna attended it faithfully, but each night, aside from the odd rarity, she often sat there, on her throne, completely alone all night, not a single pony opening the great doors to seek advice or the like.

This process continued for as long as Solar knew. Every night Luna attended her court, and every night she would end it without a single other pony attending.

If Solar could compliment her on anything, it would be her almost foalish dedication to her Night Court. Night after night just waiting in the pure quiet for anypony, knowing none would come and she would end the night as she began it. Alone.

So now, years after leaving the Guard, and learning Luna’s life here and her Royal situation may have possibly deteriorated to the point of self-isolation.

Solar was eager to find out the truth behind these rumours, but with the fact she probably wouldn’t even be in the Throne room, Solar readied himself for disappointment.

It was with pleasant shock however that Solar, throwing open the great doors to the Throne room, he found the midnight blue Alicorn sitting on her throne, eagerly awaiting court attendees.

Her eyes picked up immediately at the doors opening, lifting her head in almost excitement just as a dog would when suspecting a walk.

It didn’t surprise Solar though. She had probably been waiting in that exact spot for as long as she had been here, no pony to talk to.

Not that she was ever a social pony, but the isolation and knowledge she would remain so all night must be hard, even for her.

Before she could recognise him, Solar bore witness to something her rarely, if ever saw Luna do. She smiled.

It was a smile not just a genuine happiness, but excitement and relief too. Such feelings due to the pure pleasure she derived from knowing that a pony would possibly take the time and effort to come to her, and only her, for whatever reason. For some pony to attend the Night court, knowing they could just sleep and attend the day court and thus seek Celestia, it must have meant the world to Luna that she was chosen for help or advice.

It was probably these reasons why, when she realised it was only Solar entering the room, that realisation it wasn’t a pony seeking her, all hope and happiness was sucked like a vacuum out of her, replaced with bitterness and disappointment of which Solar had never known.

She momentarily hung her head in defeat like fashion, knowing that still no pony would visit her Night Court.

This look then evolved to one of anger. Solar could brought her hopes up, before swiftly crashing them down.

“Solar Virtue” Luna shot out, hiding her disappoint as only a Princess could. “Why do thou cometh to mine Night Court? Thou doth almost definitely not hath any reason nor wish to be here”

Luna was not one to usually make assumptions on her subjects, but with Solar, she was well informed and experienced with his lack of appreciation for her.

Solar held his tongue at this aggravating remark, knowing not doing so would put him in deeper trouble then he currently was. Still, they were words that reminded Solar Luna held his freedom, and it didn’t do anything to help higher his opinion for her.

“You told me to find out more of the Humans and return when I have something to tell you, so here I am”

Luna remained bitter from her tease, probably wanting Solar gone and replaced with a genuine pony who wanted genuine help. Yet as Solar had brought her what she desired, it was clear she knew anger wasn’t warranted here, so she allowed curiosity to take its place.

“Oh? What do you have for me?” Luna asked, her voice a little gentler. Solar also noticed she did not speak in an old fashioned tongue, speaking clear and proper modern Equestrian instead, reminding him of what she had told Celestia earlier, that because of his past with her, and the strained relationship they shared, Luna in essence just didn’t like him and thus would not grace him with the effort of speaking in a modern way. Because he had brought her what she wanted, memories of hatred between the two were replaced with a small degree of gratitude.

Solar brought out his written report, trying to hide his smug triumphant smile in the process.

“Answers for questions a plenty. All from Commander Starvation himself.”

Solar handed Luna the report, almost excited at her reaction which he knew wouldn’t really come, being the proper and dignified Princess she was.

Watching her scan through the pages, Solar couldn’t help but try and show a little pride at his success.

“Everything we could want to know. Things like that Humans have no capabilities for magic. In fact, it doesn’t even exist where they come from. Oh, and that they came through some sort of magical portal to Equestria. They think they come from an entirely different world.”

Obviously not reading to this point yet, Luna raised her eyes in surprise at this revelation, obviously quite interested at this knowledge.

“Apparently in their world there are three factions, their nation of Salutis being one of them. The other two are quite different to our Humans, politically wise.”

Luna was obviously listening intently, but was still fixated at the report.

Have I actually done something she likes?

Luna didn’t take the time to praise him for this obvious victory, instead just curiously read the words, leaving Solar feeling a little awkward.

“There’s even things like Human meals, recreational games, culture. I was told a lot” Solar said, trying to fill the verbal void. Still Luna kept on reading.

Eventually, yet still with her head in the pages, she spoke.

“You have done commendable work here, Solar Virtue. It would be unfair to not voice your achievement”

Bucking yes!

This was a momentous day. Today was the day Solar had done something that Luna appreciated. The first day she had ever spoken to him without bitter intent in her eyes,

It was a natural high for him. All across his body a warm feeling manifested, inspiring confidence and great joy within him. So much so in fact, that he was even willing to be of service, for now at least.

“From what I gathered, it seems the Commander views me less suspiciously than any other ponies”

Luna gave a small sarcastic laugh.

“Not surprising. Unlike my dear Sisters ponies, you didn’t try and sneak the Humans in without informing their other Princess. Military figures appreciate honesty in my experience. It is good that Humans do no differ in this regard.”

Damn true. Solar thought, remembering the Commanders distaste for Victus’s slimy moves.

“Exactly, I’m well informed from the Commander that Celestia also knowledge of the Humans that we do not”

Solar was careful to mention the Commander in his words, ensuring he didn’t rat out Thick Plate just yet.

This caused Luna to stop reading, raising her head with anger in her eyes, but not for Solar this time.

“This does not surprise me. Something foul resides in this castle regarding these Humans. I dare say Celestia is a cohort of such a mystery.”

If this wasn’t a confirmation that Luna suspected Celestia of hiding things from her, then Solar didn’t know what was. It was the thing he was determined to capitalise on, now that he had Luna to his opening to the political world of Canterlot.

“True. Celestia is definitely hiding something. She clearly doesn’t trust you, nor does she appreciate you. The fact she allows the relationship between you two so so easily collapse shows that she cares lit----“

Only when it was too late was when Solar realised his crucial error.


Solar was practically petrified, and he deserved it. Telling Luna how shit a sister Celestia was was foalish. How stupid he was, just because he felt proud of his report.


Still Solar remained still, sensing the familiarities between the situation he knew found himself in, and the one Victus was in.

Luna voice quietened down when she saw her guards reveal themselves in concern. That was the only thing she lessened however. Even with a quieter voice, the anger she currently felt was the most obvious thing Solar had ever known. The anger itself was only somehow increasing, despite the restraint in voice volume.

It seemed Solar just couldn’t not annoy Luna.

“We will not forget this, Solae Virtue. We will decide how thou will be punished.”

Solar swallowed hard, cursing himself for overconfidence. He just hoped this wouldn’t be the end of his newly appreciated quest of intrigue.

Luna moved the report away and lowered her head, hiding her face from the world.

“Leave us”

Her words were bitter, disappointed and angry but what hit Solar the most was, and what surprised him the most, her words were full of betrayal.

That is exactly what he had done. He had betrayed her trust, or what little he had. Luna had trusted Solar to perform for her, to be her eyes and ears. He was to be an extension of her, and despite getting her what she had wanted, he had failed her.

Solar didn’t admire Luna by a long shot, but for some strange reason, her felt bad for upsetting her, and as he silently left the Throne room, leaving Luna to experience a Night court in which no pony would appreciate her, he vowed not to be so stupid in the future. If Luna were to let him go, then so be it, Solar would manage as he always had. But if, by some miracle, Luna kept him in her service, Solar would ensure something like this wasn’t repeated.

Being in her service may very well be advantageous to him, but in the future, perhaps it would be better to stay on Luna’s good side.

He had the ability to become one of her greatest and strongest assets, and should he remain and not screw up again, Solar anticipated he would naturally become a part of Luna’s life, just not so officially.

Author's Note:

Finally new chapter posted!
The annoying thing about backing your files up is you dont think you need to until everything screws up. Still, heres a chapter, just a little later.
As always, id love to hear what you think of the story thus far, feedback is something you can literally never have enough of.
till next time :)

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