• Published 12th Jul 2017
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Our new Friends, Our new Enemies - The Potato Guy

Equestria rots from within and Princess Luna falls prey to the corruption of an evil Pony. Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash finds herself in the strangest world, one where her loyalty will truly become tested.

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Chapter 18: Luna's determination

Solar Virtue

Night time was quickly becoming Solar’s favourite time of the day.

It was a secluded, peaceful time, one of a strangely beautiful, unknown quality to it.

It was mainly a time for Solar to get work done, be it Human watching, taking reports from Guards or anything else Princess Luna wished him to do.

Trust was a fickle thing apparently. Not exactly too terrible, but in having Luna’s personal trust, Solar’s day to day life wasn’t exactly cast in stone. One day he was merely writing letters for Luna that could be sent to some Yak dignitary, another day he was brainstorming ideas of an effective siege defence with Luna, should Canterlot ever get attacked.

Being a Night Warden was a special thing, Solar did not doubt it. He had indeed begun to grow into such a role. Just two days ago he had his first real diplomatic task, receiving a, admittedly low ranking, Griffon diplomat. Ironically shadowed by Luna the entire meeting, it dawned on Solar that his role as Night Warden could mean a great many of things, according to what Luna wanted. Yet, tasks like this, jobs with real consequence, it empowered him, installed a great deal of pride within his soul, and even if that meeting wasn’t important in the long time, it was a start, the start of a long road leading to real power, and the approving look from Luna, that he spied as the diplomat transitioned to additional matters with the Princess herself, gave him real confidence that his new role really meant something.

Still, the variety that encompassed his role was nothing short of varied.It was never boring, always keeping him on his hooves, but to Solar, right now, all his tasks lacked any structure. It was as if he was just doing whatever was left, whatever needed doing, albeit still important things. Be it either through letter, servant, or Luna herself, Solar would, quite randomly if he may say himself, be instructed to perform something for the Princess which he had no idea needed doing, even to the point in which Solar could have sworn was normally done by somepony else.

That was the point bugging him right now. Yes, some tasks, like the Human investigation, that was clear Night Warden territory, but letter writing? Scribing? Patrol organisation with the Captains? Even the military related tasks, although still interesting to a Pony well accustomed to fighting, that was surely the role of the military itself?

Nothing really seemed to make sense this past week.

It had been seven full days since that fateful meeting with both the Princesses, and seven days to think on his current position.

Conclusion? Was he really needed?

Luna had almost been toying with him with the sheer scope of his tasks, his challenges. Solar wanted his actions to have real consequence, even if he had to accept just building up to that for now, like with the diplomat.Though everything he had done so far served only to juxtapose that, to show him he was just a Pony close enough to Luna that she should tell him to do anything.

“Solar Virtue?” said Princess Luna, her eyes fixated on the apparent day dreaming Pony.

In truth, he had slightly wondered off in his mind.He almost had forgotten he was with Luna, in a private moment located within a very traditional but grand drawing room, one of Luna’s own. Located within her own private tower.

“Hmm? Yes, sorry Princess! I was just thinking” Solar replied blustery, almost looking for an excuse.

Luna was cleverer than this however, able to see through an apparent lie.

“Thinking of the renovation of my Moon Garden? I had no idea you were so perplexed by such an issue, or convinced such a fact needs further thought? Or should I ask if a pony such as yourself had experience in such matters, judging from your thinking on the topic.”


He had been seen right through, but Luna had just proven many of his points. He was not a pony to be consulted on matters of structure repair or whatever. That was a task below him, even without his Warden rank. He wasn’t a builder or stone mason, even in days gone by. This was a task far too menial for the powerful Night Warden.

Again, it was another thing that made no sense.

“I wouldn’t lie to you, Princess….” Solar admitted, solemnly.

“Good” was Luna’s quick and straightforward point, one made as she looked back down from across the desk to her notes.

Solar had not yet finished taking his risk though.

“…I wouldn’t lie, but I must say Princess, is all this…planning, really necessary?”

A pause followed, a pause that shook Solar right to his core. A silence, having asked that question only meant the worse. That he had perhaps offended Luna, or otherwise angered her. Perhaps this risk would really mean no reward.

“I-I dint m-mean that it isn’t important, Princess!” Solar struggled to reiterate, desperate to regain his suddenly lost ground. “I just meant that…”

He took a moment to re-join that horribly uncomfortable silence, all the while with Luna’s powerful gaze digging right into him, drilling straight through any metal barriers. This look of displeasure was surely the greatest of any of her weapons.

Wrecked by Luna’s disgust of his question, broken by the Princesses’ lack of reply, Solar sighed heavily, and prepared to speak honestly, without any scramble to salvage his reputation.

“I just feel I’m not the Pony qualified to give any feedback for all this, and I wouldn’t want to give any bad opinion that could make this bad”.

More silence, and more uninterrupted tension, surely exclusively felt by Solar.

“You may leave”.

Those words cut through Solar like a hot knife through butter. They were the last words he had, recently quite hoped, to hear. Panic set in.

“P-princess I didn’t mean-…”

Solar desperately tried to fight for his point, his entire position in all the Royal business. His foalish point, however accurate, had jeopardised his entire desire to be here, his entire self. Should he be removed from this, should he ruin this once in a lifetime chance, he would be left nothing. Broken from what could have been,

Luna was not having it however. Rising from her seat, she turned to leave, not even giving Solar any more orders to go.

“Luna I…”


Even as a civilian, a Pony just as any pony else, he wouldn’t dare call the Princess by just her name, right to her face.

The thing is, he didn’t show any disrespect within his voice, on the contrary, His tone was devoid of all negativity, no callousness to the royal tradition what so ever. In fact, disregarding the fact of that he was so desperate to get her to stay he had no control over his words, the reason to this casualness was one he had swelled deeply on recently.

Ever since his return to servitude, his opinions of Luna had been all over the place. More and more he began to see the Princess as something different, a pony unlike any other. His respect for her was growing, and he admired her will and resilience to the world.

Over the last week he had attempted to decode the meaning to all this…confusion.From her time as Nightmare Moon, to the challenges of returning to a world, one thousand years having been without her, to even her strong rule she apparently showed before exile, Luna’s entire life had been one Solar looked upon favourably.

She had been one with the darkness many a time, in both the bad times and good. In the latter, Luna had, and continued to show her desire for the greater good, and Solar just couldn’t agree more.His motives were more sinister, and in the future, the desire for power was perhaps stronger, but still, that desire seemed to go hoof in hoof with his respect for Luna. His desire for all thing power seemed a perfect match to helping Luna.

In fact, just as Celestia had said to him, “help her”, it felt only natural he did this.

Yet, as he had begun to wonder, this didn’t just seem like a professional thing anymore. Solar didn’t believe this confusion was just business. It was far more personal, and on an unfamiliar and uncomfortable emotional level.

Whatever the growing feeling was, it had made him forget Luna’s title, and in that panicked moment, Solar saw her not as a Princess, but as a Pony in his life, and that had never happened before.

All other Ponies in the past, no matter how well he knew them, they were all just another one of life’s play pieces, Luna wasn’t that, she was actually somepony to him, or was seeming to become so.

Yet, through all this worry, anxiety and confusion, it did serve to ensure Luna stopped walking off.

Solar couldn’t wait for a miracle, he took his next chance.

“Princess…. What really meant to say was…” This time, he ensured he chose his words carefully. “I know the garden is precious to you, Princess, important to you beyond all comparison, I just hope that this renovation is carried out respectfully well.”

More silence, more moments of nothing happening. It absolutely killed Solar. The Princess of the Nights eyes once more burrowed deeply into Solar who, while trying had at first, couldn’t hold his gaze back, his eyes wondering wildly around the room in fear and anxiety.

The remarkable then happened.

Luna sat back down, just as if nothing had happened.

Solar couldn’t risk to sigh in relief, it would be too obvious and telling of his worry.Still, in his mind, his brain felt like jelly from this close call.

Yet perhaps it was greedy to wish the silence had dispersed. Solar’s ears filled themselves with the, albeit comfortable, sound of the crackling fire and the ticking of the grand clock. This really was a peaceful and elegant room he thought, and the fact he was in here, the room where Luna did so much of her work, wasn’t lost on him.

“Um…I hope that’s ok, Princess. I hope you understand me” Solar said, breaking the silence, as Luna continued to read her notes quietly.

Another moment passed silently before Luna gave her reply, all while not removing her look at her desk.

“I hope you understand you, Solar Virtue. You speak the words you wish to hear, but you do not hear them”.

Riddles? Is she suggesting I become her jester or something?

Solar appeared perplexed by Luna’s reply, unsure how to interpret it.Was this a deep meaning to his personality or something?

Finally, perhaps annoyed of his lack of comprehension, Luna spoke up once more.

“This is no trick. You have shown sufficient understanding on why we are currently having this conversation.”

Still Solar said nothing, feeling quite the idiot in the process.

It was a shameful display really, to show this much ineptitude in front of the Princess. Whichever action he took next, to remain silent and let awkwardness rule or reiterate his confusion out loud, both just told Luna what a foal he was.

For what it was worth, Solar chose the former.

If Luna was a more normal pony, one liberally showing emotion, Solar was sure she would have sighed and rolled her eyes to the back of her head. That would be actually been fortunate, for the plain faced, unmoving look from Luna installed too much tension and shame into Solar, as her condescending stare truly worked its magic.

“The Moon Garden is indeed precious to me, these are not my words, but yours, Solar Virtue. Thus you have stated the answer to the problem you seek.”

Solar understood now. With the gardens importance, not only was attention on it warranted, his own was.

“I see now, Princess…” Solar said slowly and deliberately, realising what this could possibly mean. “It’s crucial we focus on it, and that’s exactly why you’re telling me all this…”

Luna watched Solar intently, though without seemingly great interest. She listened to his words carefully, awaiting the answer she was looking for.

“I could have never have been in the garden, never heard of it, even not like it, but that’s not the point”.

With each passing word Solar became more confident on his reasoning, his understanding, while Luna, still impossible to read, seemed to relax into Solar’s answer, her face possibly showing signs of approval.

“The point is that you tell me things became they are important to you, and as your Night Warden, that makes them important to me….In a way….it shows you….trust me?”

The revelation struck him as he said it, realising the gravity of this possible development. Luna herself, seemed devoid of all emotion, but just looking relaxing teal eyes, Solar felt at ease, happy with his current understanding on all this.

He wasted no time discussing it further, or forcing Luna to summarise his discovery. Solar felt content in knowing what he hadn’t but a minute ago.

His luck, if he could call it that, was great right now. At first, he thought that in sharing Luna’s most important desires was obvious, as her Night Warden. It came with the job. But knowing Luna had given him this rank as if to give him a chance to prove himself, a rank not given to any Pony alive, not only was that an honour, but it showed him this trust, this private connection between them, it was done concisely by Luna, and even if the Night Warden was privy to such things, it was only happening because Luna wanted it to. She didn’t have to give him this rank.


Solar smiled, but prevented himself from seeming too cocky. He didn’t want to jinx all this of course. Meanwhile Luna set back to her notes, magically picking up a quill to write additions to the paper.

This left Solar again in silence, wondering how next to proceed this meeting of the two.

This, quite clearly, was difficult. He didn’t feel at a loss of what to say, quite the opposite in fact. His mind raced with thoughts, but not all relating to the topic at hoof.

There was more confusion. A rush in development at his strange feelings for the Princess.In his head his brain span around with thoughts of what this could all mean. It was a mess, an unfamiliar and uncomfortable scenario Solar now found himself in, and that was bad enough. In his past experience, be incapable or unsure of something, even unknowing of how to do something usually meant he would be punished for his ignorance.

Not sure how to beat an opponent? He got hit.

Not sure how to reach a certain destination? He got lost.

Not sure how to reply to a difficult conversation? He went silent.

This was situation he had never been in, and his dumbstruck expression told his new weakness all.

He felt exposed with all this raw emotion. As if his mental and emotional defences had failed entirely, letting in all sorts of new things. It was as if he had been sent back to his foal hood days, where growing up meant exposing himself to the emotions and challenges that being an older pony brought.

Solar wasn’t used to this feeling of helplessness, especially with Luna right here. He felt totally weakened by her, as if she had cursed him.

Perhaps she had. Perhaps this was all a way of controlling him, what with his stained past. A dangerous pony in perhaps the most important place in Equestria? Solar wouldn’t even trust himself.

Yet he still felt his free will somewhere, and would Luna really put a spell on him? More questions to the already existing pile.

What do you want from me Luna?! What are you doing to me?!

His frustration was building up on his exposed ignorance. His fidgeting and shifting physical positon was giving away his uncomfortableness in all this, and he felt himself losing it.

Until Luna noticed.

“Pray tell Solar, what is the matter? You seem perplexed if I may say so?”

Her tone was far gentler, almost helpful, Sounds more normally associated with her sister. That honestly made it worse. That he was a pony in need of delicate help. Kindness being employed to help him.

“Nothing Princess. It’s nothing” His tone in return was resolute and sure, but as such words of his always went, it wouldn’t help. Saying nothing to such a question never settled the matter in his experience.

“You think me blind Solar? Or perhaps foalish? Could it be that?”

Luna didn’t seem mad, not at all. Perhaps more amused than anything, despite the lack of any smile. Her words were accusing, but the intent wasn’t.

Still, Solar blundered back defensively like an idiot.

“N-no! Not at all!”

To this, Luna actually did do something more expected, and did show emotion.

A soft giggle emitted from her lips, as she witnessed Solar’s quite pathetic excuse.

Embarrassment took him. He would have rather her yell, at least then he could try and remain stoic. Here, he was a hot awkward mess, plainly on show for the denier he was.

“Bah, you have seemed at trouble ever since you opened that door. Tell me truthfully, Solar Virtue, what is on your mind?”

Solar had to relax, less her become an even bigger mess than he was now.He called upon his strength, his usual composure under pressure, and breathed in deeply. Like it or not, Luna was onto him, and he couldn’t leave her empty hoofed.

“It’s just…..” Solar paused, deciding on what his words might be.

Luna was just there, staring at him. Concern almost in her eyes, but almost not. She was a hard to read Pony, a complicated and complex character, and an individual Solar couldn’t really compare to.

“I’m just….maybe….having a little difficulty adjusting to life here. Compared to the places I’ve been in my past, you know?”

Well buck, I’ve done it now.

He lied. He lied again to the Pony willing to give him a chance, and he didn’t feel bad about it.

Solar could have divulged his feelings, he real trouble, but that was never really going to happen to a lying, cheating, dangerous and quite frankly, bad Pony.

He just hoped Luna wouldn’t catch on to that fact right now.

“Ah…so the life of servitude once more impacts you. Once again you feel the strain of living a regimented life.” Said Luna, perhaps a little too confident in her assessment, as her eyes drifted down to her notes for a second, as his she felt she had solved this puzzle, and that was that.

Thought that wasn’t it of course.Because he was lying mainly.

Yet Solar felt a tingle within him, a chance he should take. An opportunity too good to miss.

The easy option here was to just acknowledge what Luna had said, and let the topic draw to a close, but in denying her, in saying, and thus lying further, she was wrong, he could provide himself with possibly further chance of speaking deeply with the Princess, and getting closer to her, for whatever reason he now wanted that…

“No Princess that is not what’s up right now” Solar replied, diving deeper into his lies.

“Oh?” said Luna, curiosity spreading. She once again had his full attention, and waited for him to divulge more.

“I mean, I guess you know a lot of the stuff I’ve done, a lot of the places and ponies I’ve associated with…”

Luna said nothing, but the slightest of scowls, however small it might be, told Solar she was aware.

“I familiarized myself quite well with them, if I may say myself. I know those kind of things when I see them and….”

Here goes nothing

Luna seemed more curious than ever, eager to know where his point was going, and in all honesty, so was Solar himself.

“…I just feel it’s the same here, but this time, it’s a bit beyond me, taking a shape unfamiliar to me”

Solar felt bad in knowing he had just let words come out. He had a target, but how he got there wasn’t a certainty. His point was based on fact though, and he was now about to see if Luna got this.

Apparently taking the bait, Luna’s eyes narrowed, probably realising what Solar hadn’t fully. While not staring directly at him, any pony could have been forgiven for thinking that was the case. Where her thoughts directed at a single Pony, such as he, then Solar would have felt very fearful for what was to come. The reality was that Luna was deep in thought, and her near anger was indeed a thing.

“Tell me, Solar Virtue. Tell me it true and tell it all.” Her words were demanding, incapable of any compassion, as the answer she seeked was not one to be twisted to be told falsely. Solar swallowed hard in anticipation.

“The corruption you see here, the degradation, does it seep far? As a Pony familiar with such degeneracy, how does it seem to you?”

I’m a degenerate Pony?Charmer

Individual words aside, it was an interesting question, and one, if not true, would have meant never wishing to stay here. There was opportunity in chaos, and Solar was surely taking this opportunity.

“Hm, well I’m not sure there’s such a clear answer to that Prin-“ Solar had chosen his words carefully, eager to not slip up, or worse, expose his true plans. Luna however, didn’t want something so vague.

“Do not act as if you were a mere politician, Solar Virtue. You are better than that!” Hissed Luna, apparently having a sharper distaste for politics than she did when Solar had left the Guards in the past.

“I do not wish for some observation under the guise of fabricated concern for my wellbeing.We are both painfully aware of the foulness that has manifested itself in Equestria’s authority. “

A true enough desire if ever there was one, thought Solar. Luna wanted an unaltered, raw version of what he supposedly thought. Luckily, just as she said, Solar could easily recite the truth.

“What can I say which you don’t already know, Princess? The economy is in the trash, corruption, bribery, it’s everywhere I see” Solar said with a solemn tone, as if to completely side with Luna.

The Princess had a good eye for these things. Many of her servants would encounter such things on a daily basis, which was all the more curious into why she so desperately wanted Solar’s view on all this. Of course extra support was always welcome, but what use could he be of convincing anypony else? How much weight to his name was there really?

The answer was of course, precious little, but that was not the reason why Solar felt so upbeat at this. It was yet more evidence that Luna’s trust in him was increasing, and with his confirmation into Equestria’s mess, it would further solidify Luna’s confidence of what Celestia had failed to solve, perhaps even see.

For that was maybe the true reason behind the continued mayhem. While many of these problems may have been created out her control. Celestia, being seen as having the most influence of any single Pony, had done little to solve it. A falling economy, tense diplomatic relations with neighbouring kingdoms and nations, corruption on every level, increased organised crime, of which Solar had played a part in, and curiously, some big bad villain appearing at almost regular intervals. All these things were terrible on stability, for confidence in the country as a whole. Life may continue seemingly as normal, but underneath that smile of the Ponies, lay a darker, demoralised society. A failing one in all sense of the word.

Luna knew this. Solar had contributed to it. But that was something Luna didn’t know, and Solar’s plan to capitalize on this societal chaos, to claw at power while it was easy to acquire, Luna could never know that.

And right now, Solar wasn’t sure that was just because he didn’t want to get in trouble. Luna knowing meant something more now, as if he would lose something dear to him.

“I thank you for your honesty, even though I know you have most likely been witness to a more gruesome and sorrowful side of our failings, in your past”.

True words from the Princess. Were Equestria healthy, half the criminal and bad things he had done, in his past few years, wouldn’t have been able to happen. Equestria was weak, and weakness draws predators.

Sad as it was to see, Solar couldn’t feel too bad. He had and continued to benefit from the lack of fortune in the land. Luna on the other hoof, couldn’t seem further away from his hidden joy.

Almost angry a moment ago, Luna had visibly sunk in her profile.Her eyes became sad as a melancholy feeling consumed the room. It was a sight unusual to Solar, and most other ponies he waged. There were no tears, no pitiful attempts at support. Luna was truly heartbroken at the state of her kingdom, but she never once broke down, and Solar could only admire that.

“It is with a sombre heart that I can confide in you which you are already accustomed to. “ She rose her head to meet Solar’s eyes, a mournful and betrayed look to her. “Equestria, on levels only visible to us thus far, has let a corruption to spread, and now we all start to feel its consequences. “

Luna stood up and walked to a window, overlooking the city of Canterlot. Solar kept still in his seat, but on the dark night, he could still see her reflection in the glass as the flames continued to flicker. What she was looking at was unknown to him, but he guessed it was a vacant gaze, staring at nothing while the painful reality of what had happened to the land set in.

“Did you know, not but a mere fortnight ago, I had taken a peaceful stroll through the streets of Canterlot’s old town. Twas a calm, beautiful night. All seemed well in the world, for my Ponies that is…”

That was something Solar caught on to. A possible sign to Luna’s general unhappiness, and not just from the state of the country. As had been the case for a while, and a fact fairly well known at this point, Luna had been reclusive, unsatisfied with her Royal life. This sad truth may be more than a rumour now, but in Luna saying it herself, it spoke to perhaps the severity of it all. Luna was not a pony to so easily talk about her problems, and should she do so, Solar could only imagine how bad it really was for her.

“… The town was quiet, empty nearly. I had been enjoying the true night I had found myself in. That was until a small filly, of an age I can barely remember, approached me. Fear consuming her, she nearly departed my presence, were it not for my persistent efforts to ensure that was indeed, not the case.”

Solar politely listened, respectfully ensuring he didn’t set anything off from Luna, just like he had done previously.

“When I did finally managed to approach the little one without worry of her leaving, I was greeted with a shocking sight. Unbathed and uncared for, this poor filly was. At first, I thought her of the unfortunate souls to have no home. Twas something I now wished was the case.”

Now, without any help from Solar at all, Luna did seem to change in appearance, and quite drastically so. Just as it had done, so memorably before, Luna’s coat seemed to darken straight in front of Solar’s eyes. The comforting and dreamy blue cast out for a void like black.Her eyes, those that Solar had found himself sink more and more into as time went on, gone. The demonic windows to hell taking their place.

Solar dare not react. Any movement, anything coming from him might trigger Luna. He got lucky last time, in the Throne Room. He played to her respect for strength and determination. His fortune there was that he needn’t feel bad for this opportunistic stalking. He needed to stay, and so he did. Yet unlike now, it was he who had started this terrifying transformation off, and it was he who needed to rectify it. Now, it was dark thoughts, horrible experiences of hers causing this, and Solar had no idea what they even were honestly. If he had to sit this one out, he couldn’t risk picturing himself as an enemy to her. This angry, dark Luna was tension incarnate, causing actual fear within Solar’s heart.As bad as that might be, this Luna was more susceptible to manipulation, and in this time of chaos and power plays, Solar desperately needed Luna’s anger, her true power.

All he needed was for her to slip just a little, not be so perfect. Then he would have the ride up to the top.

Thank you Luna. Maybe you aren’t so bad.

A burst of regret suddenly came to Solar as his thoughts continued. Was this right? With Luna especially?

“This little one, this young being, so new and innocent to this cruel world, had been neglected, tortured by her own family!This barbarous act of neglect, this crime, so marginal to infanticide, as my own eyes saw, was villainess to the core.”

As Luna continued, her voice lost its regality, its soft beauty. In came a bitter, deathly and vengeful cry, and she hadn’t yet even finished.

“Furthermore, the wicked acts of her parents had yet to end, as I so regretfully found out from the frightened and fragile being the filly was.”

Then turned Luna, showing her contrasted face to the honest and true beauty of before. The malevolence Solar now saw stared straight at him, and then the pressure was on.

“Tell me now , Solar Virtue, in your times of crime, of being such a parasite to society, of intentionally neglecting your Princesses’ laws, did you ever, ever, commit such merciless and hateful acts of physical violence towards the young?! Did you EVER violate nature’s basic laws with such vile actions?!”

This wasn’t good. His answer was obvious and one Luna would be happy with, but she was starting to get out of control. Anger was rising and preventing clear thought. This was his plan all along, but collateral damage was getting a real possibility.

“Never!” Solar barked back, as sure and disgusted as her. “Never Princess! This I swear on my life!”

Luna snorted back, or what was once Luna.

“Your life?” she spat condescendingly, walking back to the window. “What is your life to that poor soul? A good and honest life, one so young and so free of life’s savagery.”

Solar said nothing, not wishing to give credence to the very real possibility Luna may see what was obvious, that a bad pony such as himself was not worth it compared to the loss of one so innocent.

Moments went by, and the tension in the room could have brought it crashing down. In the reflection, Solar saw the dark Luna grit her teeth, only some miraculous self-control preventing her from blasting the whole tower to pieces.

“For what it’s worth, I believe you, Solar Virtue. You are not a good pony, but, from what I have witnessed, I do not see you as beastly as the ones I so immeasurably wished the opportunity to punish accordingly.”

So, you’re missing out on fixing all this?

This was interesting to Solar. Further frustration from being able to sort life’s mess out. She felt powerless indeed.

“You know what the true calamity of this is?” Luna asked, anger mixing with sadness now.

“That you missed your chance to intervene? To control this descending society?” Solar’s answer was an audacious one, one he wasn’t sure he would have said out loud, were it not for the same thoughts in his head just moments before.

Though luckily, as Solar swallowed hard, and while Luna did indeed seem to notice his boldness, no punishment came his way. In fact, the sad smile Solar glanced momentarily on her face seemed to suggest he was right, and just maybe, she was proud he noticed that burden of hers.

“No, if only, for the cruellest trick life threw at this innocent filly, was that in the end, her parents, either truthfully or not, began to show regret for the beaten and broken state of their child…”

Luna had to pause. It was well hidden, years of social discipline shining through, but she so nearly chocked on her words.

That wasn’t enough to stop the most surprising thing Solar saw.

A shining drop in the Moon lights glow, a tear fell down Luna’s cheek.

A real tear from the Princess of the Night. A pony so experienced and powerful, crying, or at least starting, in front of a mess of pony such as Solar.

Instinct took over. Taking a few gentle steps towards his Princess, Solar felt concern within him, genuine unease with seeing Luna in this poor state. Her anger was one thing, controllable to a point, but this degree of sadness, a state of near defeat, served him little.

Though that wasn’t the reason he now so worryingly approached her.

He stood behind her, a mere foot away, Luna quickly checked behind her. Her head turning but shooting back forward as she knew Solar was close, but didn’t want him to see.

No more tears came, but by this point, it was too late. Solar had seen it all.

“I discovered that this filly’s parents, Ponies associated with petty crime, had given her the hope of redemption. The, illusion or not, possibility of becoming a real family again. They had given her hope….before even that was cruelly snatched away.”

Solar listened it, unable to think anything else than one thought.

I hope you’re ok

“The Filly believed her life to have meaning again. Hope for the future, but alas, the bad deeds of her parents caught up with them. One night, after playing outside, she returned to her home, only to find the lifeless remains of her parents.”

Solar lowered his head, as in near respect, indeed a rare enough thing.

“That hope, that maybe she foolishly believed in, broke this Filly, leaving her as cold and empty as the parents she no longer had.If that is not life’s persecution towards this delicate one, I’m afraid I do not know what is. “

Solar didn’t say anything, he couldn’t. The sadness had already happened, the little girl had lost everything, and believing it could get better. Life went up, only for it to come crashing back down. Even to Solar, that was unfairness on a whole new level.Despite not even knowing his parents, he counted himself lucky he didn’t have to suffer such family misfortune of the likes of that.

Luna, anger still reigning, and darkness ruling all, stared so intently out the window, Solar thought it may crack from mere pressure alone. The truth was, Luna could do nothing to this injustice, only let herself feel anger and regret over it all.

There was no real hope, for anything in this world right now, and she knew it.

But perhaps some could be created, just in a less orthodox way.

Solar has successfully bet on withstanding her anger, in order for him to progress. Now, perhaps another game of chance was needed, to play to her absence of faith.

All she needed was a target for that hope, even if it started with vengeance.

“Your right, life is shit. Everything seems so in the dumps that it’s like life as it is now, won’t provide us with anything good”.

Solar’s feigned show provoked a confused look from Luna, as she slowly turned her head towards him. This confusion wasn’t as small as a misunderstanding. Should Luna not comprehend his meaning soon, this little act of his was going to get him blasted out that window she kept staring out of.

“You know, when as was part of your Guard, um…in the past, I wasn’t only kicked out because of the neglect I showed. Shining Armor hates me for it, but whenever we encountered a problem, some gang running amuck, some beast in need of defeat, I always found it was the more…unusual, left field tactics that worked best. Going by the book doesn’t always solve everything”.

Ignoring his contempt for that arrogant Captain, and now Prince, Solar cast his mind on his more unorthodox methods of keeping the peace. Methods some considered a bit extreme for a Guard. Now however, perhaps Luna would be more inclined to agree with him.

“In my honest opinion Princess, The problems we face today in society are here because the current way of dealing with them have failed. Yes, a lot of the status quo works, otherwise we would have a shitshow of extra problems, but for those we have, we need to try something a bit different.”

Solar now had Luna’s attention. Though he would be forgiven for not thinking so. She seemed so pissed off, so tired of life and so bitterly angry to life’s burdens that her slit eyes, the piercing arrows that shot from them, seemed to almost lazily look at him.

“Speak of this alternate strategy then, Solar Virtue” She spoke, clearly not expecting any useful substance.

However, Solar was determined to prove her wrong, to ensure every time she spoke his full name, it wasn’t done so disappointedly or patronizing.

“Instead of restraining ourselves within the tried and tested methods of the status quo, we should properly utilize tools we already have, but seldom use”.

Luna seemed to momentarily consider this point, yet hid of true thoughts on the matter. That was acceptable to Solar, who knew this wasn’t the most drastic thing he could say.

“What I mean is this….Me, A Night Warden, combined with the Shadows or all your other Night agents, use us, a bit more forcibly if you must” Solar said, almost excitedly.

Luna listened carefully, or as much as her near tired face could show, but she did not budge, and still seemed unconvinced.

“If you are suggesting I order my loyal servants, my dedicated Ponies to expose themselves just so they may display strength, then I would thin-“Perhaps quite stupidly, Solar waited not to continue his point, cutting the Princess off, only just avoiding the consequences with continued explanation of his point.Still, in this changed state, Luna had murder in her eyes.

“No, not drive them into public view. I’m just suggesting that maybe they get their hooves a bit dirty, to stop being so Canterlot focused, so inwards thinking. Deploy your might, still within the dark of the night, but allow them to properly use their skills to restore order, and bring back hope!”

Luna did not suddenly and out right deny Solar and his plan. Neither did she seem so disgusted at what came out his mouth. She thought on this point for a good minute, as if, in her most private of moments, she too had considered this point but not done anything about it.

It was progress.

“A bold move, but not one I-“

Clearly having a death wish, Solar again interjected, but this time wouldn’t take the same risk of being told no. Before Luna could even realise the stupid thing he had done, cutting a Princess off, Solar went in hard, for the killing blow.

“Celestia has been weak. Her short comings have snowballed into pain for the entire land. She may mean good, and she may regret all this happening but she is still partially responsible for this mess. Secrecy with the Humans just confirms she doesn’t have Equestria’s best intensions at heart, not when she refuses to share any intelligence with these strange beings, in the slightest.”

Goodbye head.

The room seemed to enter a state of negative volume, as if life and noise had been sucked away into the void. Not even the crackling of the fire could really make itself noticed, not with Solar’s outright dangerous audacity.If Luna had cause enough to punish him, blaming the country’s problems on her Sister would warrant it, especially after just suggesting Luna take more control, almost as if he were suggesting a coup.

Of course, he wasn’t, he didn’t dare to.

Solar just hoped Luna knew that also, but in this near alter ego form, one of a lack of control, that hope seemed increasingly bleak by the microsecond.

“Celestia….” Luna almost mumbled, with Solar unable to detect just the sheer amount of emotions running through her voice. Possible anger for him, shock at all this, regret at her own distrust for her sister, all very possible, and all very bad for him.

Yet then, without even looking at him, Luna continued talking, as if Solar was not even there.

“Celestia has…. neglected her Princessly duties to the point of tainting her very role. She…..she has not shown leadership, and I regret that an excessive amount.”

Talking slowly, Luna seemed more saddened by Celestia failings to help properly govern and lead. It was a tame explanation, one devoid of much of the energy and blame that Solar expected.

But Luna had yet to finish.

“I have had faith in my Sister, and quite rightly so….but she shows complete disrespect and discontent with even my role in the night. If she cannot even respect her equivalent role, then what hope is there for respect of the rule of law?”

Solar had heard these rumours. That Luna felt weakened and burnt out from her admittedly, hard role governing and night, in addition of the dream realm. This confirmed a more personal drift between the Sisters.

“Furthermore, her failings as a figure head to our Ponies, a beacon of stability in a dark world, match her failings at even defending our realm. I respect and cherish our nation’s heroes and guardians, I am greatly thankful for the elements who dwell in Ponyville, but outsourcing the actual defence of Equestria is a lazy and laughable move at best, a ludicrous and dangerous act at worst. This cannot continue!”

Luna’s voice seem to rise, but not in outright lack of control like earlier. She seemed empowered by her words, with determination rising as the truth came from her lips. This was what Solar had wanted.

“I love my Sister, but love alone will not prevent me from seeing what her mistakes have induced, and the family bonds that bind us will never stop me from letting my Ponies suffer , because my Sister insists of smiling with dignitaries, and throwing outlandishly lavish and expensive parties. Tis a miracle the fires of revolution have not yet taken us!”

Solar dare not smile, however much he wanted to. Luna was crossing the boundaries of allegiances, shifting her opinion of how to act. Solar was winning her.

“Your audacious daring was blunt and uncomfortable for me, Solar Virtue” Luna commanded, looking back on Solar as she, right there, seemed to revert to her original self. Solar wondered if Luna was even aware of this dramatic transformation, but he never voiced this curiosity.

“If it were any other Pony, I’d have them thrown out the castle at once! But fortune smiles on us today, as it was indeed you who decided to speak up on this, and speak against the imperfections my Sister shows, all too often”.

Luna projected pride, though Solar did feel a hint if guilt, especially after Celestia had honestly shown kindness and understanding to him, just last week. Still, she commanded him to help Luna, and he was. He was helping her show strength, to regain control and cure the disease that was today’s society. That infestation had broken Luna, and in fixing it, it would fix her.

Maybe Celestia should have been a bit more specific in her instructions.

“You’re welcome Princess” Solar replied, taking care to show pride in himself, but not arrogantly so. He was a loyal and obeying servant of Luna’s at least he needed to at least seem so.

“But I must…” Solar inquired, raising an eyebrow from Luna.

“Ask what? Celestia may have floundered in her responsibilities, hopelessly blundered in her service to our Ponies, all to the point of lives being lost, but I will not turn against her…not again…”

Any pony could guess correctly what Luna meant here. For whatever reason, Luna had presumed Solar was almost asking her of a repeat of when Nightmare Moon fought against Celestia, and been subsequently banished as a result.

Not yet Luna.

“What? N-no! Not at all Princess! Never!” Luna seemed unamused at Solar’s defence, as she should be, that was a dark time for her, and relieving in even in thought was bad enough.

“I was just going to ask, now we know we can’t…you know…exactly let Celestia make an even bigger mess of things…what are we going to do about the Humans?”

It was a good point. Until now, he, and even Luna, had merely acquainted themselves with a few select Humans, trying to hoard knowledge of them. That was wise, and useful to a point, but they were here on a supposed diplomatic mission and so far, no diplomacy had occurred, even from Celestia.

“An acceptable point, and a valid concern. Celestia, quite offensively and remarkably of her, kept their presence an undisclosed mystery to me. Unacceptable enough, but the lack of urgency she shows now, with assassination a very real possibility in the Humans ranks, is more unnecessary oafishness from her, and that inaction has gone on far enough! As a joint Princess of Equestria, I have it within my right to approach these Humans, and handle them in whatever manner I see fit.”

Solar’s curiosity grew at Luna’s near attempt at justifying her actions, as if there was a part of her still unsure of all this.

“Which reminds me…” Luna then suddenly said. “Before I called you here, developments have made themselves known to us, from the Sovereign Tower.”

Solar perked up at this news from the Human’s place of residence. Ever since their Commander had perished, possibly killed, the Humans had retreated and remained elusive as they chose their next leader.

A curious and concerning move to Solar. Further evidence to why Celestia should step aside in these matters. Were he not here, he could have been mistaken for not knowing of the Humans. Solar had heard nothing regarding them from Celestia.

“A new leader has been elected, in the ranks of Humanity. We may now finally initiate full diplomacy once more.”

As Luna sat back down, truly resetting the tension of the room to pre changing feel, Solar too reproached the desk, wondering who, should these Humans directly elect, the new leader was.

“Oh yeah? Well that’s good I suppose. Interesting too, although their Commander showed a lot of strength, and in all honesty, I kind of respected him, he wasn’t exactly diplomatic material. Too much-“

As Solar continued on with reciting his experiences with the Human Commander, Luna wasted no time in delivering him the news.

The bad news. To him anyway,

“Tis the Human, Victus Vane. The young upstart, if I remember correctly”

Oh Tartarus no!

Disaster want exactly spelt in the stars from this, but Victus, the young arrogant and downright annoying second in command had not taken a liking to Solar, and vice versa in truth. The two hadn’t exactly gotten along.

“Upstart?!” Solar exclaimed, almost amused at Luna’s quite generous description of the Human. “They guy absolutely hates Ponies! As in full xenophobic!”

Solar passionate argument that Victus should objectively not be in any real position of power was a warranted one. In his experience, cocky and disobedient young ones with some personal vendetta to prove, they were dangerous. Their reckless pursuit of their selfish desires caused untold collateral damage, and had little concern with others.

Now that I think about it, am I describing myself?

As similar in some things as they may be, Solar at least didn’t have some unjustified prejudice against others. The only ones who annoyed him, truly deserved it. Mass including an entire species to be worthy of his hatred what not something Solar had experience with. Victus’s unwarranted dislike of Equestria and all within it was not becoming of the official diplomat to the place, the very role the Human now found himself in.

With actual power, and a seemingly unstoppable hostility towards Pony kind, this spelt bad tidings for all involved.

“An individual with that much antipathy in his heart, and now with real possibilities in ensuring that bitterness can be employed to its full potential…let’s just say he could screw us over any day!”

This reality wasn’t up for debate. Solar may have grievances of his own, he may be acting quite the hypocrite here, but truth was truth, and Solar wasn’t prepared to let his species suffer for it.

Luna however, didn’t seem so impassioned by this, despite quite literally being Equestria in body. An attack of all Ponies was an attack on her, and right now, Solar wasn’t sure why she wasn’t acting more serious about this.

“And you know this how?” was her response, her answer which severely disappointed Solar.

“By talking to him! Personally. Each and every time it hasn’t been pleasant.He cannot and should not be trusted, not him.”

Quite frankly shocked and amazed Luna wasn’t taking this matter seriously, Solar almost feel on the tried and true tactic of knowing sense into the ignorant opposite, so that whatever stupidity he had faced then, it wouldn’t bother him for too long.

This was Princess Luna however, and wasn’t ever going to lay a hoof on her, for fear of losing it.

“Princess, I wrote you a report on what I had learned about the Humans, my meetings with Victus included!”

Solar’s ardent assertion seemed to have little effect, only confusing him more.

“So you are suggesting I did not read it?” calmly asked Luna, totally in contrast to her fiery self just a few minutes ago.

This however, was a rhetorical question. Solar didn’t doubt that she had read his report, and even stating that was to fall into her trap.He was being scolded for his stupid question in reality.

“Furthermore, you claim to know this Humans true intensions from your….how many encounters?”


Solar understand her grievances. Her questioning of him. As sure as he was, his barely even two talks with Victus didn’t add to much.it wasn’t sufficient evidence to make such damning accusation against an individual.

Still, Solar knew and remembered his uncomfortable times with the Human, and he knew trouble when he saw it. It was frustrating, but he was convinced on ensuring Luna knew this too.

For now though, he could only remain silent, he head bowing in defeat. Any retorting argument would serve no good.

“Preciously. Be watchful of how you act, Solar Virtue. Be mindful or what you say, even in private. Accusations said could potentially mean accusations regretted, especially at this early stage”.

Solar understood. He should make his move this early on, especially if his suspicions were correct. He had to be slow but deliberate, and ensure his strategy was fool proud, and completely sure. Nonetheless, it was a great shame Luna had not supported him. He had achieved much with her today, but there was still a way to go if he were to have such a powerful figure on his side.

“You’ll have to take these lessons, that you have learned today, to heart, if you are to serve me well, and if you are to initiate our first act of diplomacy with the Humans, I require confidence in your abilities to represent your Princess well, since I cannot supervise you all day”.

Wait, what?

Had he heard that correctly? For a moment there he felt defeated, out of options nearly. Now, was Luna really suggesting what he thought he had just heard?

“Princess…you mean…?” Solar insinuated, a blank face of pure surprise, now facing Luna.

“Quite.” She said without hesitation. “I see no benefit in waiting for Celestia to have first contact with this Victus. You will leave my presence now, make your way to the Sovereign tower, and meet its new leader”.

Solar didn’t quite know what to say. One second Luna was denying him, the next she was commanding him to jump in at the deep end, just like that.

“And do what?” simply asked Solar, trying to get his mind around what this meant.

“Act. In my stead. You are my Night Warden, my shadow.”

This was exactly what he wanted, the chance he needed. Being the first official representative of Equestria to meet the Human’s new leader, even if it was Victus, that was big, the importance of which, Solar had yet to fully comprehend, in this sudden development.

“But…why me? Why not any pony else?” Solar, in his mind, almost felt unworthy. There were countless other diplomats, other servants of Luna that could better handle an up jumped Human. Why him?

Luna then cast an eye towards Solar, saying nothing, but insinuating everything.

In that time, which seemed to last for an eternity, Solar knew his answer, for he had already been given it.

No converse occurred, but both Ponies knew what would have been said.

Yes, there were other options open to Luna, and she knew that, but it was he she wanted this task for. It was he that she trusted in this crucial task.He was the one she thought of first, just like with the incident earlier, with the Moon Garden.

“Il…I’ll get straight onto it” Solar then said, the gravity of which was only just making itself known to him.

What if he caused a war between the two species or something? He trusted Luna in her judgments, but this sort of high level official business didn’t come naturally to him. Did it?

Luna caught onto this fact, and allowed Solar some parting words.

“Be wary Solar, but also remember, we do this all, this deviation from the norm, for the greater good. In defiance of those who would not”.

Luna’s warning obviously suggested the defiance against Celestia, but on a deep level, a more personal one, her words harkened back to the time in the Throne room, when Luna had so shockingly opened up to him.

Then, He had gained her trust with a candid display of support and willingness to stand by Luna, no matter how she may act, how she may seem, and how she may think.

Like most of their conversations, parting words meant just that. Neither was interested in wasted time or small talk. Solar took his leave, the Sovereign Tower his destination.

On that walk from Luna’s quarters, all he could think of was Luna. Her confidence in his was rising and with it, her belief in him and his apparent cause. A bond was forming, a trust between the two unlikely Ponies. It may have been one born of necessity in this dark time, but it was still one.

Solar didn’t feel any joy in lying to her, in knowing his goals were far more selfish. In fact, this deception seem to tag on various strings within him, deep in his chest.

Every step he now took felt off. Like he was further upsetting Luna every moment he took. A betrayal in every hoof step. He wasn’t going to stop to meet Victus now, that was in both Solar’s and Luna’s interest, but just knowing Luna believed him doing all this totally for her and the greater good, in the most honest definition of the word, it didn’t feel so right.

Something was developing within him, in relation to Luna.

He had to make her proud, he had to successfully do this for her.

Victus seemed to unfairly hate Ponies, a hatred including Solar, without doubt.

Solar would show him the strength of Equestria, the country he had fought and acted against. Now, he would fight for it.

Author's Note:

At least it didn't take 5 months:rainbowlaugh:

About this chapter, you should know this takes place in a universe in which Celestia and Luna arent as close following Luna's return. Obviously the episode "Royal problem" doesn't happen, so what you see in that episode, the conflicts, they are very much still alive, if even more severe

Anyway I look forward to your reactions to the chapter, and I hope you're all enjoying the story.

Until next time 😃

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