• Published 12th Jul 2017
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Our new Friends, Our new Enemies - The Potato Guy

Equestria rots from within and Princess Luna falls prey to the corruption of an evil Pony. Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash finds herself in the strangest world, one where her loyalty will truly become tested.

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Chapter 22: Whispers in the dark

Solar Virtue

Even he had to admit it now.

A life devoid of physical challenge, one barren of test, it starved Solar of a key enjoyment in life. One previously found in abundants.


Political manipulation of the highest level in the land, undoubtedly, was satisfying. Where else could he amass such credible and influential power? This was literally his greatest achievement and however many adventures he had been on, however many mortal trials he had subjected his body to, none could compare to the very real fact that now his power had extended through the realms of government, and sunken deeply into Princess Luna herself.

He could have become the world’s deadliest hitpony. He could have been the most daring adventurer. Nothing came even close to his rank here, no matter how hard he tried.

He loved it, he was a fool to not admit that.

Gratification was found in great hoards as he found his slow yet methodical plans payed dividends to him. So perhaps it was obvious that, in terms of physical action, this new ‘job’ wasn’t as fast paced as his old one. Most ponies could only dream of something so action filled to be a part of their lives, so Solar took some comfort in knowing, in terms of that sort of danger, he was now in a job that was less so unlike the rest of the world.

Yet even now, he was not like other ponies. He did not live life as they did. Thankfully so, as if he were to suddenly lose all his progress thus far, then he would know pain that even he hadn’t known when his actual life was in danger.

Now, his own very existence seemed to tie in with an unquenchable thirst for control. Luna gave him that, but the more she did, the more Solar became addicted to its allure. No pony, be they ordinary or accustomed to the threats of the world, could even imagine themselves in Solar’s position. To put it mildly, he had made it.

Though he still had to admit it.

His life now was rewarding, surreally so. The constant desire to slap himself was always there, as if he forever believed himself in a dream. This was no dream however, and the reality of it all did indeed instil Solar with a sense of pride and accomplishment.

But no matter how prideful he may get, no matter how many achievements he may accomplish, it still left that fun sized hole in his life that he had well and truly left behind upon being here.

Of course he had little choice in the matter. This had all stemmed from his reparations to Luna after all, and deep down, there was still that resentment there. It was the age old struggle within him which would dictate his life and the path he took. Perhaps it was because of that very struggle within him that Solar felt so uncaring to all those around him. His choices had not been his own and while they had still benefited him, the loss of that freedom was insulting.

Still, this did not explain his emerging confusion in regards to Luna herself. Who was she to him? What did he think of her?

It was no great secret to him that Luna no longer cast that dark shadow that Solar so bitterly despised in the past. When his freedom had been taken, Solar, while civil about it all, wished Luna no fortune. It was maybe that that fuelled one side in his struggle , the desire to sink his metaphorical claws into Luna for his own gain, maybe it was all because he was still angry from his slight. On the other hoof however, why did he now so suddenly feel comfortable within his position? There was no fun, despite the power. Did it all come down to Luna yet again? Was this growing feeling towards her to blame?

Too many questions, too little time, especially as the Human Victus droned on with meaningless diplomatic chat.

“….So I believe that would form the basis of a workable framework between Salutis and Equestria”.

In truth, Solar had barely listened. Here he was, meeting with the Human in what was now an essentially secret meeting, far from the prying eyes of Celestia and her minions. Yet it was for that very reason Solar found himself so bored. These more secluded discussions, now apparently scheduled to meet in the old west Lunar garden tower, a location admittedly very private, they were inconsequential. They lacked any meaningful and juicy substance that kept Solar seated, instead producing an almost real pheromone that ensured Solar would want to remove himself from the human’s presence.

It was just so….boring.

Nothing of value could be gathered from these talks. Solar even wished he could attend upon court today instead of this. Instead, there was nothing here to further his position or bank for later use. It was all talk that Solar was surprised was even happening. The topics, usually menial in nature, were obviously better suited for Celestia and her little band of diplomats. In discussing it with Solar instead, especially considering the new accord between Victus and Luna, it either suggested that the human had a thing for silly little details, and wished to tell them to as many ponies as possible, or that he wasn’t telling them to any pony at all, bar Solar.

The thought was an intriguing one. Solar had no idea if Celestia was still actively engaging with Victus’ new administration, as she had started with when the Commander was still around. Perhaps she was simply bust and realised that, as Solar could agree with, these matters mattered little in comparison to more heated diplomacy with the Griffons for example.

Still, Humans were an unknown, mysterious force and neglecting them was a foolish decision as a leader, and not one befitting Celestia. On the contrary, Luna, in her wisdom, had concluded more intensive talks needed to occur with the humans were progress to be made, as she had demonstrated to accepting Solar’s idea of having these exact meetings.

Maybe Victus in wisdom of his own, had thrown his hat in with Solar and Luna, deciding to himself bypass Celestia somewhat. Maybe he had put off meeting with her in favour of the one happening right now. It was a possibility, given that details of personal concern in regards to his Father were now known to Solar, the Human simply thought himself more invested with his pony counterpart, and in talking with him, more results could be made. Solar couldn’t blame him. The two were now entering a deeper world of intrigue and shadows. Consequences were higher and with that, potential rewards, should Victus or Solar play their cards right. That was the most likely reason this was all happening. Because as it stood, intensive talks with Celestia mattered little to the real substance that was with Luna and Solar.

“You figured out who killed the Commander yet?”

Solar’s sudden change of topic fulfilled its purpose. To startle Victus into an almost humorous state of shock and generally, just to talk about anything else.

“You’re not seriously blaming me still, are you? I even gave you that report detailing everything we kno-“

Solar couldn’t bear to here this pathetic rhetoric. It was true that the other day he had, discretely, been given a report containing all the apparent evidence that the Humans had collected in regards to the death of the Commander. Of course since it apparently happened within the Sovereign tower, an embassy of sorts now, it was left to the Humans themselves to conduct an investigation. The report suggested it was poison that had done the deed, yet it wasn’t that in which Solar so curiously questioned.

Question marks still arose into every other line, within the report, that wasn’t pure and unequivocal fact. Most notably was who the report seemed to blame for the murder. Or rather, who it didn’t blame. For that was what the report essentially was. A note created to explain how dead the Commander actually was. Important details had been interestingly left out, raising more questions that it solved.

In recent days, Solar had suspected Victus less of this act. Sure like him, the Human was clearly in the position to benefit from the Commanders death. Power had been given generously. It was indeed possible the election for a new leader had been rigged somehow, freely allowing Victus to finally get to where he was now.

Yet softening Solar’s accusation recently was the, increasingly, clear concern Victus had in regards to his Father, Virtus. It was now obvious there was little love lost between the two, and Virtus Vane had little confidence in his son, if at all. If that was truly the case, why would Victus rush into becoming leader?

Of course the report didn’t help in this. Concerningly so, it practically suggested ponies were as much to blame, such was its vagueness in detail and provocative, almost nationalistic tone. Yet Victus had done, relatively so, what he could do seem less confrontational, showing that the change in terms that he had demonstrated the other day, wasn’t a one off.

In conclusion, the mystery was as mysterious as ever, if not more so. The report had remained confined to higher diplomatic circles, Celestia included, but not shared extensively beyond that. A good thing too, for the general populace was still unaware of the Humans, bar increasingly true rumours. Should a report detailing murder and deceit be their first impression of this new race, diplomacy would be made so much harder.

For now, the mystery affected Solar little, and if it stayed that way, perhaps he could turn a blind eye to it.

“I’m not blaming you!” replied Solar, raising a hoof in defence. “Let’s just talk about something else instead”.

However undiplomatic it was, Victus conceded, choosing to satisfy Solar’s whims.

“But I would like to know more about this home of yours…” then Solar said, sliding in quickly with his request.

To this, Victus leaned back in his chair, wiping away some stray cob webs that had been disturbed ever since the two had entered this abandoned structure.

“And there I was thinking you were serious. Very well, what do you want to know?” His tired tone came with a sigh, as if he thought himself about to explain the tones of architecture of his world like he would do to a child. Solar’s intent was a bit more personal though.

“Your family. Tell me about your happy family.”

This was something Victus again hadn’t anticipated. To his credit however, he avoided becoming annoyed and otherwise unaccepting of such questions. Details of the Human world were scarce, its communities and peoples, even less so.

“Well dear mama and dear papa love us all so greatly so! We laugh and joke and otherwise are just a happy bunch!”

Obvious sarcasm didn’t suit the human. That or he wasn’t even trying with it. Regardless, Solar refused to relinquish his chase for the truth.

“Funny. But tell me the truth, or I’ll tell Luna on you.” Solar meant it also, but more in the way of getting her to use some truth telling spell or something. The dreams of having a magical horn on the head.

“Then I’ll tell Celestia on you” shot back Victus, not as unarmed as one might believe.

“Touché” concluded Solar, ending the jokes for a more serious tone.

“If you must know, I don’t even have a Mother…at least….not anymore….” Quite predictably, Victus’ tone was solemn, fitting the topic all too well. “She died in child birth, giving birth to me of all people….”

Solar said nothing. He too hadn’t known his mother, nor his father. Unlike Victus however, Solar did not mourn. He didn’t even care. He didn’t know them, they hadn’t helped him, so apart from genetic similarities, what else was there to share? Certainly not love.

Alas, it was still a sensitive, even raw topic for Victus, and while Solar’s mind was not filled of rose tinted memories, he wasn’t so stupid to mock the severity of the conversation. He did many things different to others, and he was proud of those things, but he knew he was the outliner in this lack of thought and care. He was the weird one right now, and was definitely wasn’t about to shout about it.

Though it wouldn’t stop him picking the knowledge apart.

“So I imagine you receive some form of unjust blame? From your Father?”

If he could, Solar would have smiled. This was limited knowledge, personal as could be, but it was useful. It told wonders about the Vane family.

“Suppose so…yeah. Twenty seven years to get used to it. Twenty-seven years of resentment for ‘murdering’ my own Mother”. Victus obviously wasn’t overjoyed with the talk, but quite likely painful memories had occupied him now and with it, ensuring his distraction.

Solar didn’t envy the young human, but as he would never tell him. He was more interested in Victus’ actual age, previously unknown until now.

It was an age normally associated with following orders, certainly not making them. Resentment or not, Victus’ Father must surely be proud to a certain degree that his son had risen to such power this quickly. Maybe there was more to this.

“Does your Father act this way to anyone else?” Solar questioned, really directing his questions to a point in which he would learn anything about any siblings. In reality, he probably seemed more like some sort of therapist. Patiently waiting for details so he could discuss some family issue.

By some odd strike of fortune, it was maybe this interpretation that helped Solar.

“Ha! If only!” Victus bellowed out, if in an attempt to hide his sadness. “My older brother is the golden child. The perfect specimen. Father has brought him up to follow in his footsteps, so how could brother Corvus ever receive anything but attention and effort…”

Solar raised an eyebrow, brining on a half-smile to ensure his words didn’t seem too serious.

“Do I smell jealousy in the air?” the pony asked, seemingly joking but deadly serious about knowing if this was fact.

“You wouldn’t be the first to think that” then replied Victus with a sigh. Unexpectedly then, he seemed to relax, and all sense of depression seemed to leave him, quite oddly.

“Me and Corvus get along well actually. He takes the centre stage. He’s the star in the family, and we are both ok with that. Like I say, me and him, we get along a storm….unlike well….my sister.”

Solar’s ears perked up at this, just as he was about to be disappointed when he didn’t get any juicy family issues in the form of Victus and his brother.

“Valeria is well…um…she is difficult in a word.”


“She’s independent and fierce, I’ll give her that much at least”. Victus now seemed to tread carefully, as if his sister herself was here watching.

“Bit of the fighter variant huh?” asked Solar, considering the strength of this family and if they would ever pose a threat. A threat excluding Victus of course. Solar could have even proved the reasoning behind his arrogance.

“If only she was just that” Victus seemed to practically warn. “She’s a snake. Always poised to bite should you do anything she doesn’t like. Pray for help if you make an enemy of her, for she will never forget it”.

It was clear Victus’ father wasn’t the only one who had a healthy amount of dislike for the youngest son, judging from the current tone. Without seeming too interested, and especially without seeming too hungry for personal secrets to use, Solar gingerly inquired further.

“Well…she sounds fun. What does she do?”

Victus scoffed, proving even more that perhaps this family was more dysfunctional than Solar had initially anticipated.

“Scheme. Plot. Gets others to do her dirty work. In our society, women aren’t exactly expected to…you know, fight for anything. So Valeria, in some twisted attempt to impress Father maybe, insists on being as ruthless as possible.”

That was an interesting point. Perhaps due to the gender inequality, only Victus was left to send here, due to his older brother Corvus being otherwise occupied with family duties. From the sounds of it, Solar had to thank this quirk of the Humans, for if this Valeria was as bad as she seemed, than all this manipulation could have proven harder than anticipated.

On such a disloyal and dishonourable topic, Solar was at least glad he could find out this information himself, and not have to rely on third parties such as influenced guards like Thick Plate, or the potentially unreliable word of Celestia. This information was pure and direct, and all too useful to him.

“So your brother is the public face of the next generation, your father is a control freak and your sister is…. psychotic? If I may use that word?” Solar said, careful to not seem too offensive, but equally as so as if to seem on Victus’ side.

“Ha. Yes, if we are being polite” Victus replied, obviously labelling Solar’s words as a massive understatement.

“Ok, so that’s your family…but what about you?” Solar then pressed, determined to know the real Victus, warts and all. Only then could he fully act. Only then could he make a move once he knew who Victus truly was, especially regarding to his true desires.

“Me?” the human then replied, genuinely surprised the topic of his family should now include him so heavily.

“Yeah.” Solar replied confidently. “What’s your role in the family?”

This question seemed to put Victus at unease somewhat, as if he struggled for an answer. A possible concern for him, but the more likely worry, as Solar thought and was about to find out, was in total contrast to not having an answer at all.

“Well, I suppose I’m just here? I guess?”

Such an answer barely satisfied Solar, who in perhaps a state of greed, wanted a story just short of a mental break down. Yet the more he thought about it, the more this non answer gave up its secrets, and unveiled that the reason behind its existence. That Victus had never been given the chance to fill it with substance.

“You’re here now, at the head of an important diplomatic mission” Solar said, almost in a comforting tone.

“Yeah, but not by design. I got voted in after the Commander died, but probably just in fear of my Father and what he would do if he didn’t get his way”.

It was a fair point, and one solidifying Victus’ lack of self-worth. Truly the odd one of his family, he had been secluded from chance and achievement, and left in a position of power that wasn’t even his own doing. Little wonder he was worried about his Father, for if he messed even this up, his worth would be seen as less than even before.

“Still, here you are, and that’s surely better than nothing, right?” Solar honestly hated feeling the friend here, to an individual that was not so. This apparent comfort would serve his cause well, but actually doing it, Solar couldn’t even entertain the idea of doing it again.

Except, perhaps, to one other Pony.

“I suppose that’s true. I just hope I do myself proud, you know?” replied Victus, perking himself up a little. “Forget Father, I don’t need to suck up to him like a child anymore. The idea of making everyone back home, low or high, proud of what I do here…yeah, I like the sound of that!”

Glad to help then?

Solar honestly couldn’t care less for the wellbeing of this human, and seeming the buddy to lean on was a joke he could almost bellow out at, but it had served to explain Victus somewhat, and the shadow of his family that he wished to finally escape.

“Let’s hope this positivity helps you out then. We won’t be getting anywhere otherwise”.

In truth, Solar now wished to move on. His small talk sensor was going off and now Victus had resolved his little personal issue, he would undoubtedly feel the need to express this achievement in mundane, meaningless chatter.

“Oh I agree!”

Here we go….

“Yep, I think it’s going to help me out…a lot.”

Or not

There was something inherently creepy about the humans’ remark. Not in some personal, weird way. Solar certainly didn’t feel in danger from the human, and there was definitely no way that such a physical situation would occur, judging instinctively from Victus’ still unseen ability to fight.

Quite the contrary, his words seemed less threatening, and more ominous, as if he was thinking out loud. If nothing else, the comment served to ensure Solar was reminded that were he ever to trust these humans, then they must give up any ulterior motives. Secret desires and plans that, to Solar’s great regret, still remained secret to this very moment.

At least for now, odd comfort could be felt in knowing Victus wasn’t as curiously free of mystery, as the human had attempted to show with his sudden reversal of personality around Solar.

Yet as a new concern introduced itself to Solar, luck wasn’t so common in that he could escape his previous fear. The concern of an awkward, crampt room could not seemed to leave quietly, ironically leaving a chamber so devoid of noise, Solar was sure his thoughts would have been able to be heard.

This void seemed to exist in a feeling that felt like days. Both human and pony just sat there, opposite each other as if they were high schoolers who had just met, let alone high level diplomats whose action would determine the fate of their two species.

The silence, while excruciating, should have been better appreciated. If Solar had magically wished for a certainty to occur, it should have been this, for when the silence was eventually broken, it didn’t not make for a pleasant experience in the slightest.

“Listen, I’ve been thinking…” suddenly said Victus, a serious tone to his voice.

“About what?” replied Solar, sensing something actually worth his time rising to the surface.

“I believe in this technique, the me and you in secret kind of thing. I’d be slaughtered if she ever heard me, but I’m finding it…easier, I guess? Easier to discuss matters with you and Princess Luna, rather than Princess Celestia.”

Victus was nervous, and rightfully so. However these meetings went, Solar was still officially part of Celestia and Luna’s court and thus, a representative of them. This secret meeting, despite Solar being a part of it, was technically a kick in Celestia’s face at the very least. This was all happening in protest to her essentially.

As such, Victus knew full well Solar could renege on all this, a revert to as it was, as it was supposed to be. Solar was almost sure he could punish Victus himself, being so highly ranked up now. An ironic action, and one full of loss, for both sides. Both Solar and Victus needed this secrecy for as Victus now freely could admit, Celestia wasn’t being forthcoming, and such a thing was regretful and deeply puzzling.

“Is there a but coming up?” then questioned Solar, wondering what the point of all this was. Victus couldn’t deny this, even to the point of seeming quite troubled by it all.

“Well not exactly, but there is more… since we are doing all this behind closed doors, so to speak, I think it safe to offer us something that has benefited me….or should I say, somepony, as he wanted me to say”.


This almost staged cue led to a series of hoof clops steadily approaching, followed by old door creaking open.

Now Solar really did wish the room had remained silent.

Nestled almost smugly between the door frame stood a pony. A unicorn of a somewhat stocky build and stature, but not one overly intimidating. His coat was as dull as Solar could ever imagine, a greyish, but almost brown look to it. Were it taken on face value solely, any pony could be forgiven for thinking this drab looking pony would bring literal clouds with him, such was the bleakness that seemed to be forever hovering over him.

In this particular situation however, Solar wasn’t just any pony. Because the unicorn that now stood before him, wilfully invited by Victus, was all too well known to Solar.

Blank Canvas stood ominously before him, a smug grin that could only be there for the shock that now emitted from Solar’s own face.

Blank Canvas hadn’t been seen since his timely dismissal of Solar, just before the young Night Warden would enter Ponyville. It was this conniving, secretive pony that had been the reason Solar was now here. If Blank Canvas hadn’t dismissed Solar from his operations, in a jealous and worried course of action, then Solar would simply have never found himself in Canterlot at all and by extension, within his current role. Fortunately, his dismissal had borne great fruit, but if it had gone the way Blank Canvas had wished, the Solar would still be rotting away like some retiree in a home, alone and goal less.

“When I spared your life, I never expected my mercy to have elevated you to such great…. power, Solar Virtue”.

Blank Canvas’ speech was silky smooth for his age, of which no pony really knew however. Yet in his few decades of life, as Solar resumed, they had done little to weather his snake like personality. Despite getting the drop on him here, already Solar could sense the practical envy and spite in knowing that, from what was meant to be an effective banishment of Solar, had turned quickly into such useful positions of power.

Surprise of Blank Canvas’ arrival was real, but so now was the delicious irony of it all.

“Yes, your mercy. I’m totally sure your informed decision of sparing my life, just for me to have Luna’s own ear, was totally your meticulously designed plan.” Solar knew Blank Canvas well after working with him for so long. The information broker of the criminal underground was a clever, careful pony. His actions simply never were carried out unless well informed success was evident. His life was knowledge. That was his power, and it had served him well through blackmailing, brokering and the like, but in living such a covert lifestyle, in apparently misinterpreting an outcome, one he had designed himself, that must hurt.

Especially if the outcome had actually benefitted the pony it was meant to destroy.

The two pony’s eyes were locked. Blank Canvas couldn’t take his eyes off Solar, creepily so, even as he talked. “And you never wondered why I just couldn’t have you remaining any longer…”

It was nice for Solar that the knowledge hungry pony standing there had effectively admitted being concerned over Solar and his abilities, while the two were together. Solar had guessed it as soon as it happened, but as was evident with his sudden rise to power here, Solar had proven in full with his abilities, threatening enough to Blank Canvas, but in spiteful immaturity, Solar’s dismal had been masked as nothing but a threat on his life. If he wanted to live, he would have to leave, that was his idea.

“Perhaps for the best” replied Solar, his wit and alertness sharpening from the mere presence of this powerful and extremely dangerous pony. “Apparently I was too much for you to handle, judging from your agreements with the Human’s. Speaking of….”

It was concerning in all honesty, despite Solar not wishing to show it. Blank Canvas, should he wish to dedicate himself to it, could probably bring down entire governments with what he knew and what he could know. So acting in shadowy secrecy with the humans, it did worry Solar somewhat. Victus may have obvious intentions, but Blank Canvas wasn’t that plain. Victus could be good through and through, but merely the humans being here was enough for Blank to act with dangerous consequence.

“Hey!” Victus cried out defensively, “Wasn’t my plan. We needed some base of operations to move out from, figuratively speaking. Blank Canvas was found out and he provided us with useful knowledge so we weren’t arriving to Equestria blind. You didn’t think we would introduce ourselves without at least some insider knowledge? At least you get that advantage with other nations back home”.

This was an innocent, if misinformed point. Sure, it was fair, if dishonest of the Humans to research Equestria before arriving, despite Equestria not having that luxury in return. But this wasn’t some vacation broche. Blank Canvas wasn’t a book of Equestria to read that explained customs and nice beaches to visit. In seeking out this pony, the humans could obtain such knowledge, but also do, so much more.

“Oh and I bet this you lot just accepted such a role with humility and gratitude?!” argued back Solar, annoyed now that he would have to worry and watch out for one of Blank’s inevitable schemes.

“Well, it didn’t take a lot for him to say yes…..”

Luna spare me

It was too late for Solar to get irritated, he knew that. This was the reality now, and for every moment he got annoyed that this plot of the humans, it was another moment for them and Blank to advance whatever duplicitous plans they had. Solar, as he had already started with Victus, had to get in on these things as much as he could, or Blank could easily ruin his own scheming plans.

“Better not tell Luna. She’s annoyed as it is that Celestia knew of you lot before she did”. Even saying the words Solar wasn’t sure he knew of the consequences of what Luna feeling betrayed even further. Were Solar to have stayed with Blank, then it was entirely possible that he could have known of the Humans before Luna also.

“Better not tell Celestia either of your little plan with Luna to bypass her entirely” then suddenly said Blank Canvas. Solar shot him a deathly glare that, were he have given it prior to his position here, would only result in his certain death, such was the aggressiveness of it.

Luckily, but also interestingly enough, Blank had only initiated himself into such immaturity and childlike bantering because, as it was becoming evident, he truly was threatened somewhat by Solar. No longer was the Night Warden a mere pawn to be used as muscle, he was of equal potential power, and Blank knew this.

“And there I was wondering who your informant could have been, Victus.” Solar thought out loud, looking back at the Human.

“I know right! Bet you’re a bit happier now, having an old friend in on the job”. Solar waited for Victus to finish his sentence, or at least to laugh out loud.

That never came for as long as he waited.

“Wait seriously?” Solar then asked, to a bemused Victus. “Are you actually being serious now?” Still Victus remained silent, his face puzzled as could be.

Oh buck me!

It was true. Victus was sincere in his words. In his mind, Solar and Blank Canvas were old work buddies, perfect companions to help Victus to secure results behind Celestia back. Or rather, Blank had lied through his teeth and sufficiently convinced Victus that the shared past between he and Solar was a clean and protective one.

“This is what you meant by a ‘mutually beneficial source’, wasn’t it?!” condemned Solar, realising now that not only had Victus been aware of Solar’s plan with Luna, as he had said the other day upon Solar’s first entrance into the Sovereign Tower, but he had become aware of it through Blank Canvas, who concerningly, knew himself somehow. Obviously Blank had lied about his past with Victus to seem trustworthy and to convince Victus that this meeting now would be worth it.

As little as it had seemed to have changed thus far, only the informant having a face being the sole development, Solar almost wished it had all remained secret. Blank Canvas clearly had his own spies within Canterlot Castle and be it leaky or not, in possession of such valuable information, it only reinforced that already sound and pronounced fact that Blank Canvas could not be trusted.

“So this was the real reason you called this meeting in secret? Why you so desperately needed my presence. So you could brag about your friends?” Blank Canvas in question could only join his Human client in continuous smugness. Solar had messed up here, not knowing about him sooner. He would only have announced himself here today if he had a reason, otherwise he could have remained an elusive figure, determined to stay in the shadows and collect all the secrets he could ever want.

“Well every meeting with you is always a pleasure, Solar” Victus replied, obviously trying to flatter his way out of this.

“Ugh!” boomed out Solar, as Victus remained in blissful ignorance from the true severity of the entire situation. His inner richness seeping out as he played the part of spoilt daddy’s boy well, even donning a long, military style jacket, buttoned up at the front with glistening beads that were clearly real gold.

“If I may…” then stated Blank Canvas, stepping forward, as if to show himself off, and by extension, the power he held. “From what I have been told, we are faced with tremendous opportunity. We-“

Solar was having none of it though. Blank was a worm, albeit one with a brain. He was a slimy and deceitful character, and his presence never made for any positivity. Even the worst things Solar had done and seen had been in relation to him, and the jobs he required doing. In letting Blank freely be here, among real and important diplomacy, it could only spell trouble.

“Oh no you don’t!” cut in Solar, determined to not let poisonous words flow. “We don’t need you here. We were progressing well enough with this opportunity before you showed your face here. We-“

Yet around as it went, it was next Victus’ turn to cut in and silence the current speaker. Almost apprehensively he stepped forward. Yet Solar’s gaze was not on the Human, for as mysterious and possibly dangerous as they could be, the only danger in this room was the pony standing opposite Solar. The very pony whose eyes drifted sideways to Victus, and who’s smile crept up in ominous intensity. An act ever true to form, for as he often did, he knew what was to come.

“Um…I didn’t just bring you here today to meet Blank, Solar”. Victus was nervous of something, something he knew and something Blank knew. The only difference was that it appeared difficult for the human to vocalise, as if the consequences were harsh. For the pony, as all secrets were to him, it was captivating and in being so, beneficial to him. Just another reason why Blank couldn’t be trusted. No matter the situation, the worm that he was could wriggle around enough to escape the after effects at worst, to capitalise on them at best.

“Just get it out with Victus!” Solar bellowed around, fully irritated that his job, his plans, had become all the more complicated with Blank added into the equation.

“Well…um…Blank Canvas here told me something, and I think you need to know…like now”. Clearly the human wasn’t sure if he should be the one to tell Solar this mysterious slice of information, but if morals were to be adhered to, and rules properly obeyed, none of the three present would be here at all. Perfectly explaining Solar’s disregard for the care given. He just wanted to know regardless.

“For bucks sake! Tell me already!” Solar demanded, growing tired of the teasing.

“Don’t get mad…. but I think there might be a strong chance of an assassination attempt on Celestia.”

Excuse me?!

Solar couldn’t believe what he was hearing. All this time Victus was being cowardly, because he was hiding a fact like that.


Solar bore no love for Celestia at all. On the contrary, his plans went against her. Yet learning something like this, an act that could cause untold chaos, he wasn’t the deceiving Night Warden anymore. He wasn’t a dishonest pony in seek of power, he was just an average bystander, who was now learning that the lands most famous individual was about to die.

“WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME SOONER IDIOT?! YOU THINK THIS ISNT IMPORTANT INFORMATION?” Solar’s rage was justifiable. He knew it. When exactly was Victus planning on sharing this knowledge, if at all. In keeping it secret, he was just as complacent as the assassin was.

“Hey I basically only just learned myself!” pleaded Victus, raising his hands in pathetic defence, like he actually had an excuse.

“BUCK! She might be dead already! You realise if she dies you guys are going to be a suspect yes?!” Solar was honestly beginning to panic. He had planned, and already started, to undermine the state, to oppose the Princess, but outright killing her, in this very moment, he wasn’t prepared for that. No pony could be.

Except one of course.

“Relax. Why do you think we are telling you now?” interjected the worm that was Blank Canvas. Of course he somehow knew, and of course he wasn’t panicking. Whether Celestia lived or died, he would find a way to benefit from it. Blank would never have the audacity to be behind this plot, but Solar would never put it past him to actually fix this new mess.

“Oh so that makes it all the better, does it?!” Solar was rightfully angry at this. Like how Luna had been denied important knowledge of the Humans, so now was Solar denied this crucial development, one, like Luna, could very much impact his entire world. “Buck, I need to know everything you know!”

“I mean this is all just hearsay surely. Whoever would do such a stupid thing would surely get caught right?”

Victus’ ignorance was painful, but it served to demonstrate his innocence in this at least. The human wouldn’t surely attempt to kill the head of state, when he had only just arrived, and arrived under a cloud of suspicion. Even he wasn’t so stupid.

“It aint hearsay if HE told you!” Solar boomed, his hood aggressively pointing towards Blank Canvas. “I hate him but he knows the truth from the false, and something this bucking big, I doubt even he would make a mistake!”

Another reason that panicked Solar so much. Blank Canvas didn’t give hollow facts. However he could, he validated his information, and validated in well. If he said something, he was either deliberately lying, or was telling the whole truth, and even if he was lying, this wasn’t something Solar could afford to chance.

“Then…what do we do?” Victus said awkwardly as if playground secrets had been told.

“ARE YOU STUPID?” cried out Solar at such a naïve comment. “We stop it, NOW!”

Solar was honestly dumbfounded at the lax attitude that had taken the room. Blank, predictably, was eerily calm about the whole thing. An expected reaction but one not devoid of making Solar feel uncomfortable. Victus on the other hood was acting like a foal who couldn’t understand the severity of adult life. Solar wished he would smack some sense into the Human.

“I need you to tell me everything you know, now Victus!” Solar almost threatened, moving upon the human. “Names, places, times. Everything!”.

“Well all we know is that it’s happening soonish and probably in public view, to cause mayhem. That’s what you said right, Blank?” Victus spoke, looking upon the informant like this was some sort of casual meeting.

SOONISH?” Solar could hardly believe himself. Was the fact that Celestia was about to be killed somehow not big enough? “When? Where?! Tell me dummy!”

By now Solar had grown so impatient with the human, so aggravated at his informality, that he had taken to mounting the desk, and prodding his hoof into the human’s chest, in a hurried attempt at getting answers.

“W- we don’t know”. Then came Victus’ disappointing answer.


Solar was almost blowing up internally at this. Blank Canvas just stood there, no help at all, and Victus was acting purely like a fool. In his head, Solar brainstormed theories of where and when this assassination could take place. Somewhere in full view, but Celestia had no external appointments outside the castle. There were precious few opportunities coming up where Celestia would even be meeting the public, let alone in full view.

The only time when she would even be meeting Ponies was at open court.

Oh shit.

“Court…. that’s today…. That’s….!”

The very reason this meeting was happening today, all because Celestia was too busy with court to even meet up with Victus.

Now, finally, Victus’ eyes opened wide. Even he knew how screwed they all were, realising where Celestia was, instead of meeting him.

“In ten minutes. Oh my….”

Solar wasted no time.

He jumped off the table, leaving Victus behind and disregarding the pony who most likely knew more to this plot than he had divulged. There simply was no time. Nearly tripping down the worn steps of the tower, Solar forced his legs to serve him to their limit. He wasn’t going to enter the throne room to a crowd is disarray, and a Princess fallen.

“MOVE! OUT MY WAY!” bellowed Solar, as citizens and Guards annoyingly found themselves in Solar’s rapid and unstoppable path. He didn’t even care if they were unaware of who he was, and would try and report him for his carelessness. If they knew what was about to happen, they would give him the widest parting.

What Solar was in rush to stop hadn’t been attempted for centuries. Even with detreating relations with other nations, no Griffon, no Changeling, nothing had even come close to actually killing Celestia. If this went through, the world tension would rise into a situation Solar wasn’t sure he could have any control in.

Questions of where this bold threat even came from would come later, for now, Solar needed to intervene, all so his own plans of chaos didn’t fall through.

Author's Note:

Happy Halloween everyone! :derpytongue2:

Just In case you forgot the character Blank Canvas, he's the one mentioned in chapter 1 (after the prologue), so feel free to jog your memory there.

So by now in the story, there are now a couple interweaving schemes and plots, so without giving anything away, everything from here on out is connected in some way, big or small. It'd be interesting to see if any of you have any good guesses to what really is going on.

If its not too much trouble, I appreciate it so greatly so if you could like and upvote this story if youre enjoying it so far. it honestly and truly helps me out so much.

Until next time :)

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