• Published 12th Jul 2017
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Our new Friends, Our new Enemies - The Potato Guy

Equestria rots from within and Princess Luna falls prey to the corruption of an evil Pony. Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash finds herself in the strangest world, one where her loyalty will truly become tested.

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Chapter 20: The slippery slope

Solar Virtue

“Ok, I can do this!” Solar proclaimed triumphantly to himself.

Nerves wriggled around his body like an infested parasite. Here he stood, just feet away from his objective, his test.

The Sovereign Tower, the hive of the enemy.

Solar did try and check himself whenever he thought so negatively of the Human’s. Blatantly they were up to no good, with countless secrets and murderous plots, but the point of their visit, as he had to keep telling himself, was that of diplomacy, not war.

Not that knowing this truth anyway altered Solar’s opinion on one Human in particular, the very one he was now going to meet.

Victus, now apparently the boss here, had attempted to belittle, degrade and generally insult Solar and his entire race. These were actions not benefiting the role of Ambassador, and knowing such a role was the highest ranked here, among the Humans, it only allowed the arrogant Victus to freely attack. His punitive attacks now more validated and strengthened with the power of his new rank.

That was what now worried Solar. Not Victus and his petty insults, not how the Human would undoubtedly try and get under his skin. It was the reasonability. The responsibility Luna had put upon his shoulders to represent her and by extension, Pony kind. It was up to him to do this right and not to mess up. Solar had been in tense situations before, many of them having large consequences, but none had the capacity to start an interspecies war.

The Human Guards currently guarded the entrance to the tower gardens, the very same guards Luna had objected to being on this side of the wall. Solar understood now why.

It had not been a conciliatory gesture from them. Not one worthy of intending of trust. As Solar could now see, it was a power move, an idea sprung from Human command to intimidate and consolidate power.

Well the only one who was going to successfully perform the latter was Solar himself. Expressions of fortitude would do little when he got in the tower and slapped Victus around a little, like the obnoxious little foal he was.

That was, if he even got in there first.

“That’s close enough, Pony” warned one of the Guards, his body clad in the same dark plate metal as seemingly all the Humans. He towered over Solar, apparently not threatened at all by the Pony in front of him.

His face, fully covered by a helmet which seemed to dip down from the forehead creating a “V” like shape, portrayed no emotion, but Solar knew, if he could see more than just the glimpse of eyes through the two, rather angry looking, slots, than he would see the face of a Human so believing of his own power, so sure of his species superiority, that he probably didn’t even see this potential intruder a threat.

Solar was a threat however, but not in any physical way currently. He was going to use his new found power to bring Victus down a peg.

“I have a meeting with the Ambassador” carefully warned back Solar, ensuring the Human knew delaying him was not in his interest.

“I’ll be the judge of that, Pony!” spat back the guard.

Solar scowled, for the Human’s prevention of his tasks was not one born of professionality. Helmet or not, Solar could see the smirk beneath it, and it wasn’t friendly.

“You sure you want to do this?” Solar asked confidently. “Or shall I tell Princess Luna why this crucial meeting was delayed?”

Now it was his turn to smirk, as his position elevated above the Human. However this armoured figure seemed unthreatened and generally unmoved by the very real consequences to his actions.

Solar would have to press further on the issue.

“You know who I am, right? Solar continued, his confidence unjaded, and new found strength, ready. “I’m the Night Warden. Princess Luna’s confidant, closest ally an-“

“I don’t care who you are!” interjected the guard sharply “You could be Queen of the castle for all I care, you aren’t getting in that easy”.

The ignorance alone of the Human irritated Solar more than he cared to realise. This was literally just a simple guard, and his guarding was proving more effective than need be.

“We don’t even have a Queen”. Calmly replied Solar, careful to not this pawn get the better of him.

“Hell if I care. Like I said, you don’t just get to walk in here”.

Solar’s determination was mirrored by the Human as if neither wanted to blink first and let their race down.

Hence why Solar needed to ensure this guard knew his place.

“Look! I don’t have time for this. Go and speak to Victus if you need, but I’m expected and I won’t have one of the likes of you stopping me!”

If the Human wasn’t playing the game before, he sure was now. The only difference now was a simple one, that the Human was actually armed. This combined with the equally simple fact that the Human was far taller created an unnerving experience for Solar, as the halberd like weapon could very easily descend upon his unprotected skull at any moment, now even more likely with the current confrontation.

Solar then decided to strike first, if only a little less violently. As confidently and unstoppable as he walked up to this point, Solar continued as he had done before.

And met the exact same result.

The metal end of the Human’s weapon came slamming to the ground, physically blocking Solar’s path. As determined as Solar was, such a conviction was volleyed back with an equally strong fortitude.

“Our Commander has just been murdered, the welcome we were promised turned out to just be a trick by your Princess, and now you try and force yourself into this building…”

Solar nearly distracted himself upon thinking on the point regarding the Princess. The only Princess that had even given an official welcome was Celestia, and in the case of Luna, she had felt this betrayal all too personally. Yet hearing that it seemed a trick to the Humans, whatever that meant, it was intriguing to say the least.

That however, was the least of Solar’s current problems.

“….I bet you think you’re all tough and mighty with that fancy rank of yours. Like you’re better than me...” If the Human was already too close to Solar, then he was now downright invading his personal space. The tall figure approached Solar as far as he could, just to look down on him himself.

The irony wasn’t lost on Solar.

“I’ve dealt with you parasites all my life. Thinking that we are lower than dirt. Well I’m not giving you an inch more than you deserve, so when I say you’re not coming in, you’re not coming in!”

Solar admired his resolution at the very least. Here the guard was, preventing access of a high level official from a scheduled meeting organised by Princess Luna herself. The Human had some nerve and for that ignorant moment of foolish bravery, Solar allowed him one last chance.

“Your Ambassador is personally waiting for me, Princess Luna herself sent me and when I, the actual Night Warden, demand access, you give it. So move aside”.

In his mind, Solar had not a speck of worry. Yes, the issue of lateness may arise, with Solar probably having to kick the Human guard around, but aside from that, nothing here seemed an issue.

In all aspects, Solar was better than this Human. He had the trust and respect from one of the most powerful Ponies in the land, he had been given a universally recognized role of high authority, one not so easily questioned or defied, and he had simply a higher purpose than this lowly guard. While the Human was sound in his duties, all his existence was on show now, all his reason of living. Solar’s ambitions and experiences were of a status that this Human could only dream of.

The Guard was nothing to Solar, and with recent advantageous developments, this contrast was even more definite.

On the subject of superiority, Solar was of a higher quality in another aspect.

Winning a fight.

Granted he had never seen a Human fight, but such a fact wasn’t going to distract Solar from the firm belief that a worm was going to be better than him in any regard.

“Strong!” suddenly bellowed a voice.

Sadly Solar never got a chance to demonstrate his perfection, not when another Human, also clad in armour, bar a helmet, came from around the tower.

“Not letting anyone in again eh?” said this intervening Human.

Now close enough, Solar could get a good look at this Human. He was of the cheery variety, a small fun smirk seemingly on his face permanently. His hair was longer than many of the male Humans Solar had seen, the long dark locks being pushed back over his head. His face was liberally scarred, the sign of a seasoned warrior, but many of these scars were partially covered by a short patchy beard. For a probable high rank, at least in comparison to the guard, it wasn’t very becoming.

“Sir, this…Pony insists on entering on his own whim. He thinks he-“

“Ah no matter, I think we are expecting company anyway” the new Human said dismissively, waving his hand towards the guard which quite visibly didn’t please him.

“So this is the infamous Night Warden huh?” questioned the higher ranked Human, his smirk now directly focused on Solar. This confidence shown made Solar feel quite uncomfortable. As the Humans’ were obviously up to something, perhaps in line with Celestia, every sign of questionable behaviour, every sign of mere note even was important to log. The sheer variety of Solar’s encounters with the Human’s was suspicious, and this apparent good cop, bad cop approach towards him only served to raise further questions.

“I had no idea I was ‘infamous’. Any reason for that?” asked Solar carefully, yet still mirroring the comparative positivity from the new Human.

“Oh it’s nothing really. We are all just still amazed about your light and dark split of your rulers. Everything is very…themed here.”

Solar understood the Human’s point. Having a Princess of both the sun and the moon did create a contrast to say the least, with varying architecture, patterns and even titles, in Solar’s own case. This was not really a problem for him in the past and in fact now it had become a beneficiary as of late. Anything to allow Solar to fit in between Luna and Celestia was only a positive.

“Oh, I guess where you from its pretty different then?” Solar said, as simply as he could, if only to seem friendly.

“Ha!” bellowed back the Human. “You could say that.”

Wary of showing his ignorance of the finer details of the Human’s, Solar wished for this encounter to be over. He had a job to do after all.

“Anyway, let me escort you inside, my Lord Warden”. The new Human proclaimed, giving a mock bow to Solar in a fashion he could not decide was an insult or just further positive attitude. Nevertheless, Solar said nothing, determined to get past this fine print in Human form.

“That means you can move, Strong”. The guard looked upon his superior with unease, still committed to his refusal of Solar’s entry. This defiance could only last a few moments however, the repercussions of his actions now seeming very real. Standing aside, his weapon being pulled back, the guard known as Strong finally withdrew from his blocking of the entrance, and Solar finally ventured forth within.

This was, in truth, his first time within the Sovereign Tower. Not that it was a regretful lack of experience. The tower had been more or less abandoned until now. As a guard, Solar had looked past the overgrown grounds of the tower to see a structure, while not differing too greatly to the setting it found itself in, saddened and forgotten by any diplomats the Princesses deemed worthy of being in a prestigious location. Yes, the tower had long past its glory days where species of all variety found themselves here, eager to conduct diplomacy of the highest importance.

Now however, the grounds were reclaimed, the tower reoccupied, and its purpose….unknown. To Solar and Luna at least.

Simple diplomacy, even from a new race wasn’t deserving of an, albeit abandoned, building with a proud past. Just as Solar already knew, Celestia and the Humans were up to something.

For now though, Solar allowed himself the satisfaction of finally being inside a place he had seen, but not entered for so long.

The entrance hall, however small it may be, was not quite as ornately designed as the rest of Canterlot castle, but did have a certain high class charm to it, probably to impress the party within. It was tasteful to put it simply, but still disappointing to Solar, who after so long, almost expected something good.

“Names Zoldak. Means mercenary where I’m from. You have been told about many of use names of varied detail, yes?"

Solar nodded, remembering the clear divide between the Human’s and how it impacted their naming. This Zoldak, having a single word name, it too having a practical meaning, meant this Human, along with the guard Strong, were not of a socially high class. It did beg the question of who this Human was exactly.

“I am Solar Virtue. Night War-“Solar had intended to be diplomatic, yet even that was off limits it seemed.

“Yeah, we know who you are, and may I say, you’ve made quite the name for yourself”.

This took Solar quite by surprise. He had anticipated the word that he was the new Night Warden to be quite in circulation by now, but was the truth really that he had been the subject of gossip? That tales of his past misdeeds, be they true or not, had been talked about quite commonly?

“How much?” Solar inquired.

“Huh?” coyly replied Zoldak, as he continued to lead Solar within the tower.

“How much do you know about me, exactly?” Solar’s done was to the point, almost aggressively so. While it wasn’t so much what they knew that bothered him, the mere fact they did, after such a short time here, was concerning.

“Enough” was all Solar got to this very legitimate worry.

Of course this Zoldak wasn’t the prime suspect in acquiring this information, most likely. There was only so much the lowly Human could learn from simple gossip. If this was as bad as he thought, then somepony of great knowledge must have divulged something at least. Just another mystery to add to the pile.

“Enough also of this silly talk. Before I let you into the arena with Victus, I want you to know if you have any concern while we host you, don’t hesitate to tell me ok.”

The cheery nature of this Human wasn’t pleasant to be around. Whatever he was up to, Solar just wished he admitted it.

“I thank you.” Committed Solar diplomatically. “But who shall I ask for? Zoldak…. what exactly?”

Probably realising he had gone all this time as just a named figure, no rank or purpose accompanying it, Zoldak laughed nervously, but attempted to continue his positive demeanour.

“Oh my mistake. But really, just ask for Zoldak, people will know”.

This Human was either messing with Solar, probably maliciously so, or just so free of care that it was a fact that he should be in no position of authority.

The annoyance was of no consequence now however, as Solar found himself at the bottom of a flight of stairs, presumingly the very same leading up to Victus.

This was the moment of truth. In honesty, he did not fear Victus, not see him as any sort of threat, and be it physical of intellectual. It was more the pressure of his own mistakes, the very same mistakes Luna so dearly wanted wiped out. Were he a more disloyal Pony at this moment of time, those “mistakes”, may not seem like mistakes at all, more of a continuation of him quest for triumph.

Now however, he had a job, a responsibility. It was his duty now to not look back too greatly for inspiration in representing Luna, for that would be the greatest mistake of all.

“Yes, enter”. Came the voice from the other side of the door.

And so Solar did.

Hold it together Sol. Don’t embarrass yourself.

“Well look who we have here!” mockingly proclaimed Victus. “Guess you’ve played the game well huh? I was genuinely expecting Princess Luna”.

Solar held his tongue. It was even before the Human spoke that Solar wanted to buck his face in, such was the instant ability to cause great annoyance.

Not just annoyance too it seemed. Solar could give Victus some credit, he decided, for the Human’s seemingly natural ability to break his opposite contender into a more primal, unhinged form. That was what Solar felt right now. An instinctive urge to throw the rule book out the window, and let at Victus.

A move once performed regularly. A move now considered a mistake.

Whatever Victus may throw at him, whatever Solar would have to endure, he would do so. If not for him…For Luna.

“Don’t bother.” Warned Solar. He was in no mood for mind games, his appetite for the Human’s verbal diarrhoea at an all-time low.

“What?” came Victus’ response. One cowering behind ignorance, just to compose a discussion born of civil and professional nature, even harder now. Solar saw right through it, allowing himself some reprieve from extra annoyance. The fact that Victus was sat at his desk though, failing to stand and greet him like an actual diplomat would, that practically negated all sense of calm Solar had built up.

“Don’t play coy with me!” cried back Solar, actual aggression in his voice.

This made Victus look. His head now out of various papers and scrolls, Solar now saw a face of actual shock, albeit obviously fake. Still, with near shouting already, Solar wouldn’t be surprised if Human guards came rushing in to investigate the disturbance.

“Do you seriously think I’m numb in the head or something?” Solar had now practically began to lean over the desk, his front hooves firmly planted on the grand old oak desk. “The crap you sling may be accepted by the Humans but it won’t stick here! And that’s without me!”

Noting his rather undiplomatic tone, Solar halted in his threatening accusations, allowing Victus to speak. Never did he sit down though. That would be way too much a concession.

“Sticking crap? You alright there Solar?” said Victus, confusion plain on his face.

“No! Not with your racism so casually on show! We just won’t take it. And for the love of Celestia, DON’T CALL ME PONY!”

That about did it for Guards to come rushing in, their armour clanking and hands ready to draw their swords.

“Woah! Its ok gentlemen! Just a little passionate discussion. No need to worry!”

Solar didn’t think Victus to be the compromising type. The kind of individual with enough pragmatism and a cool enough head to step back on a situation and attempt to calm it down.

Yet that was exactly what he was doing now.

“Our friend Solar here, our personal envoy from Princess Luna, was just discussing some important diplomatic matters. You know, the kind with far-reaching consequences.”

The guards, despite their helmeted faces, obviously shared looks of confusion, evaluating the threat of Solar themselves.

An understandable, well performed moment in their jobs. The same couldn’t be said of Victus though.

“It’s ok boys. You know how matters of state of diplomatic relations go. Artfulness and political finesse! It’s enough to make any man passionate yes?” Victus actually smiled as he said that, and fake effort could clearly be noticed in his enthusiasm. Was he trying to impress his Guards? Or something else entirely?

The guards in question clearly didn’t expect anything but some form of rescue. They stood there like silent iron giants, wondering if it was all now worth it.

“I’m telling you guys, its fine! It’s just the matter of this scroll here.” Victus continued unravelling fully a scroll heavy in writing. “Here! Let me tell you about it!”

Too heavy in writing to the Guards it seemed, who saw the jungle of words and writing and called off their intervention then and there. Instead of remaining present, even in the name of order, they decided, rather than listen to Victus blabber on about some random scroll, they would rather be anywhere but here, leaving two in the room once more.

With this intervention to an intervention, Solar could only repay such an odd development by at least sitting down at the provided seats.

“And for the record…I didn’t call you Pony”.


Solar was effectively left a humiliated, raging mess. He had misheard Victus, lost his cool and temper, unintentionally brought in the Guards and now was saved by the Human he was raging at. If this wasn’t a bad start to diplomacy, he didn’t know what was.

Solar knew now he really had to make Luna proud.

This time, he would act as he wanted to initially.

Solar didn’t know what political manoeuvre’s Victus was performing, but he was adamant he would, knock on wood, thwart them this time.

“Listen, Victus.” Solar restarted, slowly and carefully, ensuring his disposition was maintained, but also as his own retort to the name mistake. “I have come here for-“

“Restarting diplomatic purposes? Cut in Victus, much to the displeasure of an already uncomfortable Solar.

“Yes.” He said methodically. “We think it best that we jus-“

“Just get on with it? Couldn’t agree more!”

Interrupt me again. I dare you.

Solar hesitated in his reading of the rough script he had created in his head. Either Victus was trying to be clever, in yet another attempt to grind Solar’s gears down, or he was quite the opposite. An ignorant, dumb and green boy who had no idea what he was truly doing in his role.

Solar knew the latter quite well. Almost too well, remembering many a time when he too lied through his teeth in a desperate attempt at garnering an amount of competence.

Maybe Luna had more confidence in him than he anticipated. As if there was no Pony better suited for an experience such as this.

“Listen here, Human! I-“

Solar was initially all too happy to let loose a warning threat, albeit of a less severe nature than before, but he held his tongue, going once more in recent times against his common nature.

Thankfully so, but before he could rectify his aggressive mistakes, a curious thought did enter his mind.

Was all this change, his more recent professional nature, was it all for Luna?

“I think we should both act a bit more deserving of our new and privileged positions. Less of the crap between us, you know?”

Solar’s new tone was consolatory, a verbal hoof offering to his Human counterpart. It may have not been easy to do so, acting so civil with Victus, but in the long term, he hoped it all would be so. That he would make Equestria proud.

Victus however, stared at the Pony opposite him with blank curiosity. His newly acquired, fabricated upbeatness took a seat. Solar didn’t pretend to know the Human on a personal level but he knew his character, and Solar knew that, as he himself would once have felt, that in Victus continuing his crusade of mockery and disrespect, he eagerly outed himself as a weak character. An individual whose consideration for what was best paled in comparison to the other, Solar in this case.

Victus would sulk, he would taste the bitterness of this defeat, but as it was for all of Solar’s actions, it would be for the greater good.

The Human would just have to learn a few things first.

“Done”. Came a response.

An ideal response. The best outcome.

So why was Solar so surprised?

It came quick, and so sure in itself. There had been a pause after Solar had voiced his demand, but the silence had already been put on the back burner and forgotten about.

The real shock that developed here, wasn’t that the response was what it was, but that Victus himself seemed to equally believe it. He, from the sounds of it, seemed to genuinely agree with Solar, and happily so.

“Excuse me?” Solar’s confusion rose up in verbal form.

“That’s alright. I agree. Let’s do exactly that!”

It hadn’t been a bloop. Solar’s ears hadn’t deceived him. Victus, from seeming so incompetent in his tricks and attitude, now seemed a master on manipulation, and from what it implied, he had successfully manipulated Solar into believing him.

“No but seriously… excuse me?” Solar couldn’t quite believe that the same Human who had publically insulted, mocked and done all but physically attack him was now being so diplomatic. When did this racist, spoilt, sorry excuse for a legitimate envoy of Humanity become so civil? What had changed?

“I know, I heard you and I’m very much in favour of doing that!” Each plea and every word that now emerged from Victus stunk of genuinity , as much as Solar didn’t want to believe it. Yet he had to, for the Humans upbeat performance that had been on show not but a few minutes ago was too an attempt of rectification. Though that had probably been a step too far for Victus, hence why it seemed so forged, as if he had a script of his own. Now however, in total contrast, Solar could sense no fraud and certainly no sense that Victus himself felt compelled to be as he was.

No. From face value at least, to which Solar would allow himself the distinction of being an excellent judge of such, Victus was an open book, and Solar, too in his seas of change, was almost happy to accept it.

“Listen, Solar Virtue…” Victus began, surely with his explanation. Solar allowed this in diplomatic faith, but in also hopefulness that he personally wouldn’t have to deal with Victus as the young Human had previously exhibited himself.

“I know we haven’t got off on right foot. It’s been a rough start” to which Solar instantly gave a hearty snort.

You can say that again.

“And while I admit I have occasionally…. made a fool of myself, somewhat… as our dearly departed Commander like to frequently remind me of. But circumstances have…let’s say allowed, a new set of eyes to view our current situation. For both of us in fact. We both now have an opportunity to differ to the previous administration of leadership. Commander Starvation was certainly a character, but a diplomat he was not. I perhaps could ensure a few things go more in the right direction, for both of our species”.

A sincere explanation at least, and one full of pragmatism, a quality greatly appreciated by Solar.

“…And I hope that you and Princess Luna’s more hands on approach will benefit us too…. even if that does bypass the Princess Celestia…”

This snapped Solar out of his daydreaming. Talk of the Commanders death again had reminded him of the still persistent plot that skulked around in the shadows. Solar did listen intently at Victus’ way of mentioning his previous superior. Nothing was ruled out yet, and it was still very possible that Victus was in on this, in some cheap quest for power.

What ended those admittedly important and worthwhile thoughts was too something Victus said however.

“How….do you know about that?”

It was if not concerning, then highly suspicious that this piece of information had either been leaked or discovered by Victus. Solar and Luna’s decision to act unilaterally, excluding Celestia, was an extremely sensitive piece of knowledge, and extremely dangerous should it be used maliciously. Furthermore, it had practically only just been decided, so the horrifying fact that such a secret and covert piece of knowledge was perhaps no longer so much of those things, that was an anxious thought by Solar.

“You want to know if anyone else knows about that. Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me”.

Solar could have expected a wink at the end of that, such was the smiling threat that it was. Again, Solar knew this trick. A piece of useful information wasn’t always best utilised by spreading it like tabloid gossip. Sometimes it was better to be kept withheld, yet ready to be used should the guilty party need some schooling.

“Sure, but which Pony told you? I’d be honestly impressed if you had Human operatives already up and about”.

It had to be a Pony who betrayed his and Luna’s trust. Not only had the Humans been confined to a single area, but a new species, in a new land…that wasn’t an opportunity to develop some sort of efficient spy network. Perhaps it was Luna herself who had divulged the information, for a higher, complicated purpose. If so, Solar was either too dumb or too sensible in that he didn’t understand why she would spread this knowledge. This left the now additional worry that Canterlot’s secrets and hallways were leaky, and the ship wasn’t as water tight as Solar would have liked.

Of course Victus wasn’t going to outright tell him now. It would just have to be another concern to press.

“A mutually beneficial source, Solar. I told you, don’t worry. I for one like this idea!”

A mutually beneficial source? A spy that helps the victim? HA!

Maybe Victus was as dumb as he seemed, but the conversation was flowing like a flooded river, its water thrashing and rushing downstream with furious and unpredictable speed. Victus had been allowing Solar to be surprised and then surprised again with his decisions, and his approval of what was effectively treason, were it not for Luna being an architect of such secret designs.

An unexpected development to be sure, but not one Solar could too exploit. His new tendency as a more “normal” Pony was to act as they did. Extremely relative to a situation if not totally smitten by it.

To rely on his past experience this time, was wise if he wanted to get through this unscathed.

“Oh? Want to tell me why? Perhaps as a testimony of our new willingness to let bygones be bygones. “

Victus considered the sweetened deal, probably eager to know if this path of covert diplomacy would be better than direct diplomacy with Celestia. He, presumingly, wanted what was best for his kind, and if this offered method did that, who was he to argue?

Or so Solar thought.

Was the offer not as sweet as originally anticipated? The time taken for a response certainly seemed to indicate so. It wasn’t Victus ignoring the question either, such was his apparent state of deep thoughtfulness. He was defiantly considering his options, but the question was, why was he?

“Something the matter? Are we suddenly going the honest route?” challenged Solar for an answer.

Victus didn’t immediately reply again, as his head looked to be a whirlwind of logic and speculation. He wasn’t playing anything here. He was seriously weighing up Solar’s offer against something unknown.

“Oh it nothing….just…..Nah. It’s nothing”. Victus’ words were all over the place, as was his composure. In this symbolic game of diplomacy, a slight hiccup was it took to mess up. Victus had allowed himself to show his indecisiveness, and Solar was eager to know why.

“Obviously not. Tell me. If you’re serious about us not being dicks to each other, maybe you can let me…I don’t know…help or something?”


That was an uncomfortable word for Solar to say, the more he thought about it.

Again Victus considered Solar’s extra request. It was obvious something was the matter. A point in his head that was blocking his acceptation of Solar’s original request of just finding out the positives of a secret deal.

“I have a duty you know, to my People back home.” The tone from the Human was suddenly serious, and almost caring. It didn’t take a genius to realise this topic could be dear to Victus.

“As do I.” replied Solar. A true statement, but perhaps not in the honest, good and nice way most Ponies would think of.

“I get that, but this is different. My father-“and then Victus shut himself up. Practically restraining his mouth in order to not spill any new beans.

“Your Father?” Solar remembered he was probably a powerful Human. His family, including Victus, rich and influential. While Commander Starvation seemed to have previous little respect for the Vane family, but that did not indicate a point of weakness from Victus’ relations.

“Yeah. It’s nothing really, like I said, but he has a habit of expecting the best. No slouching. No neglect and certainly no failure.”

This was the most open Victus had ever been, further fuelling the fire that he had changed, or at least turned a new leaf to be more fitting in his position. Either that or he was truly a masterful actor.

“There’s nothing to worry about from this distance, but I hope in this little game of secrets you’re playing with Princess Celestia, it doesn’t screw us over! I’d be letting my people down, and then who knows how my Father will act to rectify it all”.

This was all so useful to Solar and his plans. Information and of the juicy variety at that. Here, from what it now seemed like, was a Human who was insecure enough to first act like a total brat to gain respect, and then begin to worry about what his Daddy thought of him. No Pony wanted to mess up of course, especially at this level of seriousness within Government, but this new insecurity Victus was now showing, intentionally or not, was unbefitting of him.

Something Solar didn’t mind of course. This was something of his own to use, not only to counter Victus’ knowledge of he and Luna, but also in just about any way on his long quest for power. Blackmail, threats, intimidation, all could be used now against Victus with this knowledge now. It was another weapon in his war against any that stood in his way to meet his destiny.

“It seems this is a delicate situation for us all, Victus”. Solar’s civil and seemingly understanding nature garnered the attention from his opposite. Severe or not, this would be considered a moment of weakness from Victus, and apparent consolidation and help would only be welcomed in a weakened state.

“I’m not sure what the situation is really like for you back home, but I know we both wouldn’t want it becoming unstable, for all our sakes. As the official Night Warden, and with my Princesses’ backing, I would like to help you so that our diplomacy flows freely and smoothly, and that our two species may coexist, not only peacefully side by side, but well!”

An unexpected moment of triumph from Solar, as Victus seemed encouraged by the Ponies support. If he too was wondering and worrying if Solar was willing to move forward with a clear head, as he was possibly demonstrating, then a lot of that fear was now dissertated. To him, Solar, despite seeming sarcastic, confrontational and downright arrogant, was now offering a hoof of help and cooperation, for the greater good of all.

“I hope so. Which I why I’m willing to give this all a chance.” Victus said with a polite half smile. This was most likely his first real test of leadership, just trusting Solar and his secret plan with Luna. It was a gamble for the Human, but the shadows here were strong, and Luna’s shadow, born of her night, was even stronger. Victus the Human seemed ready to finally make a breakthrough in these diplomatic negotiations.

“Then I propose this...” Solar continued, a cautious optimism in his voice for the future, and for him. “We meet officially, as a sanctioned official of Equestria, even in Celestia’s eyes, to discuss whatever, and at a time of your choosing, we meet as we are now. That is-“

At first, Solar couldn’t quite understood the bewildered look at Victus’ face, with his eyes wide and expression shook. Solar initially put it down to a gratitude of surprise that all this was even happening now.

That theory was thrown from the tower window as he stood up, almost to attention, and his eyes were now clearly not focused on Solar.

Agitated he could not be. Turning around to see what was causing this disturbance was the one Pony he couldn’t feel negatively towards.

Princess Luna stood there, in her full glory. Alone and ready to talk.

“Princess” simultaneously came of respectful chorus from Solar and Victus who looked upon each other if to wonder why Luna was even here.

What was obvious however was that, unlike the previous head of this diplomatic mission, Victus seemed far more orthodox in his respect of leaders, and his interactions with them. Solar couldn’t see the Commander getting all humble in this moment.

“Princess Luna!” Solar proclaimed, himself finding a faint hint of happy surprise within his voice. “What are you doing here?”

Luna stood regally, elegant dark brooches upon her body. She had dressed up slightly from when Solar had met her early, perhaps in anticipation for this very meeting, which, conveniently, she hadn’t told Solar about.

“Can a Princess not attend matters of her own state, dear Night Warden?” she said, velvety yet staunchly, her eyes set on Solar as she approached him.

Now sudden moments of weakness found a new host. Shocked and surprised at this intervention, Solar’s strength faded, and his composure collapsed. The disturbance Solar now felt was perhaps understandable, given the immense concentration and total absorption into the crucial discussion with Victus, but he was better than that, stronger than that. A Pony entering the room, breaking the conversation did not match the criteria that would result in Solar completely losing focus as he did now. Luna however, she managed to crack him and break his defences with shocking ease.

Solar wasn’t star struck by any means, and certainly, in his past disregard of authority, to feel flustered by such a powerful individual, that was laughable.

No Pony was laughing now however, least of all Solar.

“O-of course you can Lu- Princess…”

It wasn’t so much nerves that ruined Solar now. More that same old rebounding feeling, the very kind that so easily compromised him, and ever parted an opening in the validity of his desires. It was an encore of self-doubt, about who he was as a Pony and what he wanted from life. That, and the most suspicious, curious bewilderment of them all.

His personal feelings for her.

“Your Majesty!” announced Victus. Surprise and shock too was evident in his voice, but unlike Solar, he was not burned with uncertainty and self-questioning. On the contrary, Victus seemed somewhat honoured that Princess Luna had decided to visit. It was a royal stamp of approval in his new leadership.

“How may we help you, Princess?” came the initiative sponsored by Solar, determined to regain some composure.

Luna looked upon the diplomatic duo with restrained curiosity, as would a teacher do to a student. After all, she was essentially the teacher of the realm, there to help and guide all her subjects. Here however, it was a far more professional and technical gaze, and no pony or Human was mistaken when thinking this was an assessment, and one most likely on progress thus far.

“I but aspire to uncover the means of which to shepherd mine own Ponies to a safe and prosperous future”. A seemingly simple and harmlessly obvious request, suitable for any leader. Luna was more than that though, and being here was no coincidence.

Yet while Solar, quite uncomfortably, knew Luna was here to not only to learn, but also act as a last resort of such, in case he failed, Victus was ignorant to this. It was his first meeting with Pony leadership as one accepted by them. He was most likely too focused on getting things right than reading in-between the lines.

“Ah, you wish to know how this little negotiation is going. Well I have good news in that department!” Victus professed, shooting an agreeable smile towards Solar. “I and Night Warden Solar have come to an agreement! A settlement to ensure the good and decent relations between our peoples!”

The Human seemed proud of this announcement, somewhat surprising Solar who, despite hearing positive noises from Victus, didn’t expect such a sudden accord. Perhaps this was a method of trying to impress the Princess. If so, then it was known to Solar that this had worked, yet in a strangely different way.

Victus was surely proud of himself, his first achievement really, but pride in other parties was reserved to smaller quantities, and not for any Human.

Luna was hard to read, but Solar had known her for quite a while, and similar troublesome pasts did create somewhat of an understanding between the two. What Solar read now, as she looked down upon him, an admiring beam of gentle subtleness, was that Luna had pride in Solar. Professional delight in his part finding success.

This was nothing but good news, furthermore, if begrudgingly, enhanced by the fact that Victus said nothing of his knowledge of Luna and Solar’s plan. That would enable Solar to be safe somewhat for now.

“Oh? Then thee has’t mine great thanks, noble Vane. I trust us to accomplish most wondrous things together”.

A well-practiced, if cookie cutter formed, line. Necessary of course, and seemingly useful, given Victus’ current satisfaction. Standard reactions to a standard sentence. What was not so however was relative pride and look that lingered from Luna towards Solar.

She had positioned herself close to him initially. Nothing of consequence so thought Solar. But as her satisfaction that this meeting had been a success grew and became for apparent, this intimate proximity seemed just more.

She occasionally kept looking down upon Solar almost protectively, while Victus gave the usual politician jargon of how this was a defining moment and the like. Now not only did she seem proud in his achievements, but thankful on a personally dear level.

Solar had no idea how to react of course, still standing there rather uncomfortably as he desperately searched for an effective state of mind. Yet Luna was like this to him, and he just didn’t know how to take it.

Finally she did divert her attention from him to Victus, but Solar was left with the fragments of confusion and self-wonder. Luna was causing him so much thought and emotion that he didn’t even know what self-thought and emotion he was feeling anymore.

“Noble Victus, I must emphasize the need to maketh it well known, to figures close to us that we art progressing. We simply cannot grant external parties any small ability even to jeopardise new advancements between our two most honourable species.”

Victus looked to be embarrassed, as his eyes quickly descended downwards. “You mean my Father right? Then I agree, I will do what and everything I can to ensure he knows just what brilliant progress we are making”.

A useful, if somewhat basic addition between Luna and Victus, so naturally, Solar couldn’t help himself but to sucked in to his thoughts, and leave the final pleasantries to those present.

“Alas, I fear I must calleth upon mine Night Warden to escort me to mine own other duties, noble Vane. Forgive me”.

This woke Solar up, knowing he had a job to do again, and seeing Victus respectfully bow his head ensured he was ready to do just what his Princess required.

“Please, Victus is fine your Majesty. “smiled the Human, as he and Luna shared a friendly small bow. Next he looked back at Solar, the Pony he had directed his hate to so liberally before. Any sign of this though seemed vanquished, and his words only confirmed such a thing.

“It was a pleasure meeting you, Solar Virtue. I sense we will achieve great things together, judging from our productive progress today!” With this change in heart, he moved from behind his desk and stood before Solar, and offered a hand.

Solar took no disrespect, presuming correctly it was to shake, yet feeling the strange appendages from the Human’s hand wrap around his hoof nearly made him shiver.

It reminded him of what odd creatures Humans were.

“And you, Victus Vane. “ Solar replied politely.

Either through mockery, having to do so because of Luna’s presence, or because he was willing to change, Solar was regardless thankful for the civility. Whether Victus had truly let the past stay in the past remained to be seen, and would have to be determined only by future endeavours.

Still, it seemed to impress Luna, who must have too been surprised at the change of demeanours between the once at odds pair.

And with that, the Ponies left the tower. The Human Zoldak was not seen on the way down thankfully, allowing a clean exit from the Sovereign Tower, Solar noting the Humans weren’t too big on honest and full respect, judging from their idle gazes and statue like stillness.

Then it went quiet. Solar said nothing as Luna led him back into the gardens, away from any Human or Pony even. Then she stopped, and so did Solar.

“I must confess, I had not hoped that your meeting would go as well as it seemingly has.” She began, humbling Solar somewhat.

“Thank you Princess. Me too honestly! But we agreed favourable discussions may be taken. Favourable indeed to our new direction of leadership.”

Solar seemed practically joyful. The realisation of his victory becoming clear now.

Then a thought entered his mind.

“Princess, if I may? Why did you come visit? Was it because you were worried I might fail or something?”

Victory now seemed hollow. While Luna was of course sincere in her concern for the future of Equestria, as she had told Victus, that was obviously not the primary reason she was there. Luna now saw no sense in hiding this fact from Solar.

“An astute observation, my dear Warden, and correct too, but not entirely.”

Solar was left confused. Visibly so, and immediately picked up by Luna who was determined not to let her Night Warden feel so defeated.

“Worry not, Solar Virtue, for while I had allowed myself a more conservative anticipation on the results, I did not doubt your ability, nor you resolve...”

That was comforting to Solar. The two were now clearly aware of their determination to serve Equestria, and Equestria directly. Luna knew Solar would do anything it took.

“… on the lingering speculation of my visit however…well…”

This was the first time Solar had truly witnessed Luna being somewhat lost for words. Naturally she didn’t seem flustered or otherwise compromised in her appearance, but thought was now being placed on what to say next, and thought that probably was proving difficult.

Solar gave her time, as any Pony deserving of her attention would. However, most Ponies would not at all be deserving of the look that she now gave him.

It was a look of genuine feeling.

Solar had learned to appreciate the subtlety of Luna. She was not an expressive nor outgoing Pony. Many may call her introverted, but Solar mostly put it down to circumstance. Position of Royalty, age and past experience had hardened her somewhat. Emotionally, it made her tough and uncompromising. It was rare for Luna to seem anything more than a lifeless Monarch, but Solar knew her to be more than that, and this was one of those examples to contradict such an opinion.

Still, it was nothing short of extraordinary that this was happening now, to him. It would be a snapshot in his history were it not for same old to come back, with a vengeance.

It hadn’t been long since the tower before his odd feelings returned. Luna was showing him, intentionally mist likely, a true part of her thoughts and feelings.

Was he lucky? Did he like this?

Solar couldn’t say. Still he couldn’t say, and that pained him.

“…be not alarmed, dear Night Warden, but I must concede this, that my responsibility for you has provoked me into a state of…concern for you, Solar Virtue.”

Now he understood.

Her relative solemn voice, compared to her usual, practically confirmed it. Not only was she worried about the outcome of the meeting, she was worried about him actually representing her.

“Oh…you mean considering all the crap that I’ve done in the past and stuff…”

Solar couldn’t say he was surprised. Still Luna was watchful of him, and understandingly so. She may have given him reign of diplomatic power, but it didn’t mean he was yet fully free. Ultimately, Luna still had access to the kill switch for Solar’s actions and freedom, and with her visit, she had very clearly shown that control still.

“Well in a fashion. As is my honourable cause, I must never lose sight of my duty to all my Ponies. A duty of care and yes, concern.” Now Luna seemed far more technical, sober in her feelings.

All causes to the slow descent of Solar’s head. That feeling of victory all but gone now.

Perhaps if he hadn’t done so, perhaps if he had kept his head up and his analysis uncompromising, he may have seen the faint apologetic look of remorse for Solar begin to take hold on Luna. She did not panic, and certainly did not beg for forgiveness, but never did Solar get his chance to see something very interesting happen from Luna.


Solar did not see how she took his interpretation of his understanding, but he did hear her next comments.

“Perhaps it is best to leave such a topic forgotten. Tis of no great consequence to our mission.”

Solar did rise his gaze to meet Luna’s enchanting eyes, and noticed that they did momentarily deviate away from his, implicating her of something at least. This conversation had not gone entirely as she would have liked, and Solar could only wonder why.

Thoughts for another time evidently, as Luna restarted the walk through the peaceful gardens, leaving Solar with little other option to follow her, and her lead in talk.

“I trust you to file a full report to me, but if I may, are we to see any immediate fruition in regards to our ventures?”

Now it was back to business, and Solar was left forced to regain that quality of composure. His thoughts had to be his own, and not thoughts of open questions.

“I believe so Princess. Victus has agreed to meet us, away from the prying eyes of Celestia…”

All information he would write in his report, leading him to the deduction that this was practically small talk, and in such a situation, he would soon find himself a fool.

Any attempt at deviating to matters of immediate concern were made, and fortunately, thanks to Luna’s own words on the topic, Solar found one.

“…One thing though. You brought up Victus’ Father…”

Luna nodded her head in response. “Ah yes, Virtus Vane. Quite the character from what I have learned. Rich and powerful, and shrewd in the art of politics. The fortune of his family was carved out from his actions”.

Solar rose an eyebrow.

“How do you know about that, Princess?”

Luna maintained her face forwards, but the accompanying half smile told Solar enough.

“Never mind.” Solar conceded. “Privileges of being a Princess I guess…”

Solar was left wondering of how many spies Luna had in her company, but did not let it burden him, choosing instead to remain on the topic at hoof.

Until Luna literally giggled.

“W-what?” babbled at Solar in almost amused confusion, where it not for the giggles being at his expense.

“Oh nothing that you need dwell on, dear Warden. Perhaps someday you shall benefit as I do.”

Solar could only exhale in bemusement, a small performance Luna apparently enjoyed.

“Anyway, about this…Virtus Vane.” Solar said, returning to his original point. “It seems while you know more about him personally, I happened to come across the little fact, for reasons unknown at this point, that Victus’s relationship with his Father seems a strained one of professional neglect. Victus is worried what his Father may think, and it seems his Father has more to play in this sudden arrival of the Humans than we know.”

Walking at a gentle pace, Luna considered his findings, comparing it to her own knowledge of Virtus Vane’s power and influence, and how Victus may be seen to appease such a potentially dangerous figure.

“A worthy point of information, solid and sound in its authenticity. The powerful often puppet those willing, or susceptible to control. If what you say is true, and Victus is led not by this….Lord Vanquisher, but his Father, we may have uncovered cracks in the seams of the Human’s mission.”

This was Solar’s understanding. While the interpretations were fresh as of now, it wasn’t outside the realm of possibility that there might be more than meets the eye in regard to the Humans, behind the scenes. Officially, and stated loudly now, Lord Vanquisher was the Human ultimately responsible for the Human’s arrival, but if Victus’ loyalties, or even fears, were given more towards his Father, that would spell for an interesting future. Even potentially dangerous, should one puppeteer decide for a different, more contentious course of action.

Dangerous yes, but also potentially useful, to those at ease in the shadows.

“Indeed Princess, which is why I believe we can use this information to our advantage.”

Solar’s meaning was clear, or so Luna would think. Truthfully, she would believe it information used not only in control of the situation, for remaining ignorant simply wasn’t an option at this level, but also used more offensively, should the situation warrant it.

Standard responses for any hidden operatives.

What Luna didn’t know however was the even older thoughts that lingered within Solar. The plans he had made. The ambitions he had grown.

He could use this information as Luna would, but for a far more sinister purpose. However he could, whenever he would, this was information useful in his climb up the ladder of power.

It was shared with Luna, but it would serve Solar. His unstoppable hunger would find this new ammunition precious. This was a war he had fought ever since he left the Guards after all.

Luna still remained blissfully unaware of this ever corrupting, ravenous lust. She would stay so in fact, yet it was taking Solar down a path Luna could not follow.

Solar respected her for her role. It was tough and demanding, but it wasn’t his. Should Luna join him in such longing and relentless hunt, she would not find herself fit for rule.

Solar knew this. Everypony knew this. She had tried it before.

The results were dark. They punished Luna and took away everything that made her, and transformed her into a hateful mockery of her.

No. Solar wouldn’t willingly invite the return of Nightmare Moon, he would maintain his desires in secret.

During this time of thought and preparation, Luna too had been deep in thought also. She was most likely considering using the information at all, given the risk of diplomatic consequence between Humans and Equestria. Ultimately as ruler, that would be on her head, not Solar’s. Hence the deep thought.

“An ominous return to old methods, dear Warden, but a necessary one, I do believe. Such a dire return to the dangers of espionage must be justified today. The wars are cold across the world, and Equestria finds itself in danger from those obvious to threat, and those not. I concur with you, my dear…dear Night Warden. We will tread this path together”.


Solar never tried so hard to remain composed. The fact she literally said out loud the very fearful phrase that Solar had thought was concerning. He had already concluded that his ambitions were taking him down a path Luna could not follow, and now here she was, stating very clearly she would.

Solar hoped it was coincidence, just a turn of phrase, that she wasn’t literally taking the same choices as he had. Thankfully, she wasn’t aware of his true nature , so chances that it was just a fluke were pretty high, allowing Solar to relax somewhat.

He looked up at his Princess, and for the first time in his life, however accidental, however truthfully misaligned and however secretly, Solar saw not just a Pony, not just a superior, but a partner.

A partner in the wars to come. A partner to properly rely on.

Princess Luna had been difficult, a misfortune mirrored by all current situations, but that was life. In Solar’s very unique life, and through all the difficulty, all the strange interactions he had with Luna, he had prospered from it, and felt the Midas touch of a life he would soon be very happy to have.

It would be odd to most, and it certainly didn’t fit it with the definition of most of Equestria’s inhabitants, but Solar now felt something new when looking at Luna. He felt richer with one thing.

A friend.

Author's Note:

its back!

I liked this chapter cos it allows for a few interesting things.

Its when Luna, from her time in thought, has actively seeked out Solar specifically, as , progressively, she's seeing him less of that rebellious disgraced guard.
In regards to the Humans, its a sign that somethings going down, and this friendly facade cant be maintained for long.
And lastly, for Solar, its confirmation he not only is willing to ally with Luna, but almost unintentionally wants to use her in his plans.

Basically, things are happening.

I really hope youve enjoyed the story thus far. Comments, upvotes etc are always appreciated

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