• Published 12th Jul 2017
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Our new Friends, Our new Enemies - The Potato Guy

Equestria rots from within and Princess Luna falls prey to the corruption of an evil Pony. Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash finds herself in the strangest world, one where her loyalty will truly become tested.

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Chapter 35: The point of no return


Blood everywhere.

As a Guard, Solar had seen his fair share of violence. Never once had it fazed him.

As an outcast, condemned to the wastes of criminality, he had caused his fair share of violence. Not once did it bother him.

He had seen horrors plenty, and caused them enough, yet not once did he find himself as shaken as he was right now.

Entry into that thoroughfare was not something he wished to revisit in memory. But how could he not, when the sight that beheld him, debris and dust finally clearing, was straight from the pits of hell.

In came running, did he and Neon Edgy come. Alarmed and very much in fear of that explosion that could be heard a mile off. Neither was prepared for what they were to face.

A dystopian picture of turmoil and affliction. A chaotic concoction of suffering and malevolence.

No doubt could be made to argue that this wasn’t an explosion meant to cause harm. No accident, magical or otherwise, had the dreadful capacity to inflict so much damage to Pony and structure. For it was for the former victim that now caused Solar so much grief.

It was a horrific mess of death and agony. Ponies scrambled in adrenaline fuelled desperation as they fruitlessly attempted to save themselves from the horror they now played a part in. For they were the ones in true misery right now. The dead were dead, free of the problems of the world, and no longer treated so mercilessly by todays horror. And thanks to the maker for that. The survivors of this attack were now the ones abandoned to adversity and terror that was inflicted upon them. The lucky ones, as Solar was so dismayed to see, would not count themselves in such a group. Yet the horrible reality was that this was indeed so. For them, they may once count themselves blessed that their wounds weren’t as horrific or gory as their less fortunate counterparts. Ugly lacerations, skin burned to the near bone and shrapnel like debris wounds were as tame as they came today. Loss of limb seemed all too common, and the body of a Pony today proved to be quite fragile.

Solar had not spent time studying the appalling destruction he had rushed about in, trying desperately to alleviate somehow. The truth was, there simply was little he could do. The carnage was simply too great and too final.

What he did remember well though, regardless of if he intended to remember it or not, were the screams. The pure and primal desolation that a soul may be broken down to, when all in the world seemed to have been lost. Anguish was the word of the day, if he had to choose, and that was a fact he was lucky to only have applied to himself. For those left alive by the blast, there simply were too few words to explain their terror.

He now sat, alone and covered in blood and dirt, in whichever hospital was closest. In the panic and rapid developments, Solar had heard every hospital within the entire Canterlot area was now on full alert, and doing whatever they could to spare further pain to the survivors.

They needed it, the relief of suffering, Solar thought in utter depression. Spending his life around those with at least some discipline, or those who had experienced a degree of hardship, there had been few occasions in which he had witnessed Ponies be subjected to such foreign hatred, and be forced to play a part in this frenzied, warlike dread. Civilians could not be hated for not knowing how to act, while their friends and passer-by’s were annihilated right in front of their eyes. Nopony could be blamed as the scene in front of them, in a powerful instant, was simply ripped about, and their bodies equally so.

Solar had immediately ordered Neon to call for the NG, hopeful beyond desperation that they could assist the survivors, then crying in pain and horror. As it happens, apart from stopping bleeding out, Solar nor any other survivor far enough to now be subjected to the more mental effects of the blast, could stem a Ponies mind from descending into madness or collapsing under the weight of the monstrous scene they were now in. Screaming, panic and hopeless ruled, even now, at least an hour later.

To make matters infinitely worse, when the Guard did finally come, their first instincts seemed not born of any compassion whatsoever. This was clearly not the fault of the individual. In their eyes, Solar could see what he then felt. Shock and disgust at the violence caused today. Alas, they were just Guards, and Guards received orders. From Celestia or whoever heartless under her command, the Guards had come to merely contain the situation, as if it was a historical moment in need of preserving. But rapidly detreating injuries, combined with civilians suffering a traumatic stress that they should have never experienced as long as they should live, were not something to be ignored for a second longer than necessary. Solar had dealt with injury before, even to the point of saying he could patch that injury up somewhat, but he was no medic or doctor. In fact, even they, when they finally did come, proved to not be prepared for the pure scale of damage that was to be.

Solar had no doubt, between the panic, confusion and questionable response, that many more Ponies could hang on no longer. Perhaps they were lucky. Injuries of the scale seen today were more than permanent. In the years, decades even, to come, they would live a life completely changed. Things would never be the same again. Dying, even if it was in desperate, horrible cries for their loved ones, may have been a mercy. At least they were cured of their pain, and all the hardship this watershed moment would continue to inflict upon them in the future.

Known to the populace as, at least, the Night Warden, Solar was permitted to help the medical response in whatever way they could. Ambulance carriages, once thought to be sufficient for a city this size, were now proving to be too limited for the number of dead and dying. As such, Solar found himself forced to carry the injured by hoof, to the nearest hospital. Gratitude could not be given, not through the cries and screams.

Through the chaos, Solar had finally managed to get word to Luna, if she somehow had not, quite literally, heard of the explosion so far. He did not look behind as he rushed to get the afflicted to surgery, even as he glimpsed new members of the NG rushing to the scene to try and help.

“You! Get the Princess down here, NOW!” He demanded, unable to even acknowledge if the Pony had said yes or not. What he was sure of however, was just how unsure Canterlot was about the whole affair. Word would have travelled quickly. The screams, even quicker. By now, from the looks of it, the entire city was alive, and not in the same way in had been earlier, when the Humans had left their tower.

In the hospital he current was in, there wasn’t a single member of staff not in a hurried, desperate state. Solar had not counted, but that thoroughfare was known to be busy, what with its quaint cafes, boutique shops and tourist worthy photo opportunities. As the dust settled in a grim and literal way, the amount of bodies, still in a Pony like shape, were too many to count. This was simply why this just had to be calculated. A bomb or something of that nature planted at that place in particular, all to sow as much harm as possible.

Solar was now no longer so quick to point hooves. Celestia, it might have been, but even for one such as she, would she even have intentionally caused this horror upon her subjects? Solar was simply in no fit state to start answering these questions right now. His coat was dirty, blackened with dust and debris. That contrast with his coat contradicted with the deep red colour of mortal injury. His hooves were just so, as if he had been the murderer himself.

So he sat there, after doing his part in getting the injured to the proper professionals. As neither medic nor a guard, he could do nothing right now. His uses were behind the scenes, and defiantly more required later, once the clear up had begun.

For now, he could only think. Not only had how even he was shocked to the core today, but what came next. A collective disgust for sure. News sent far and wide at the loss of today. But then what? Questions had already mounted regarding the Human’s, Celestia and multiple assassination attempts and successes. With this attack, it was only more trouble for Solar, as head of the Shadows. More mysteries for him to uncover, and more danger threatening to rip Equestria apart.

A trial by fire, if there ever was one

For a moment, Solar had wondered if it was because of him, that all this had been happening as of late. Not literally that it was his fault, but more the luck he carried. Self-pity was a terrible thing, but he was confident in thinking that his predecessors, with all their faults, had it far easier than he ever did.

“Solar!” then came a voice. A light in the dark. A comfort in these distressing times.

“Luna!” Solar cried back, his voice coarse from dust and yelling of commands. “I’ve never been happier to see anypony!”

She had come escorted by members of the NG, clad in the new dark uniform both she and Solar had thought appropriate. A good thing too, for Solar was unsure if even the Night Guard could be trusted now.

“And I you!” came the loving response from the Princess. Still, the two, even as she entered to the ignorance of the staff, dare not embrace each other as they obviously wanted to. Clearly Luna was concerned for Solar’s very wellbeing, knowing he had been out here without her. His heart touched, nonetheless, romance had to come later. “Spirits save us… what has happened today?”

Solar studied Luna carefully here. He was tired and shocked, but considered it part of the job, however horrible it was. For Luna, this was a catastrophic loss of life. The lives of her very Ponies. Such a thing was not felt lightly, and soon enough, pained responsibility would hit her, if it had not already.

“I cannot say, but-“

A calm mind could do little against guilt now felt. It seemed that Luna, grateful at least that Solar was safe, was now left with the reaction Solar feared was coming.

“Monsters!” She shrieked, far more uncontrollably than Solar would have liked. “Heinous beasts of woe! How dare they spill this dire amount of innocent blood, in our home no less!”

It was truly fortunate that the place was so alive with activity and preoccupations, for Solar had no desire to show Luna seeming has unhinged as her sister.

“Princess, perhaps we should- “But no call for calm could be heard, not over frantic hospital activity, and the continued sobs and cried of pain of survivors, which seemed to ever flow in.

“This I swear! Those responsible shall know no rest, no peace from the justice that shall be enacted upon them! I shall personally see it that was wipe these demons from the face of the planet!”

Strong words. Probably music to the ears of her more fanatical supporters. Solar however, while her closest confidant and whose loyalty could never sway, knew better. He would not allow Luna to be seen any less than the perfect being he knew her to be. Anger and revenge would come, and it would be thorough, but to his shame, it would have to wait.

“Luna…” He said, gently and lovingly, a sure enough way to pull her back from corruption. “The people could really do with a beacon of hope right now. Perhaps it’s time to show them who the real Princess is…”

If anything, this call at least lessened Luna’s rage, if only for now. She considered Solar her rock in these times. A pony whom worked endlessly for her betterment, and knew just how to assist her. A partner or not however, her people had just been murdered in cold blood. Simply put, there was very little anypony could do for her today.

With a heavy, very much defeated sigh, Luna practically looked to force herself to witness the chaos unfolding her, in just one of many affected locations. This may have seen counterproductive to her psyche, but in fact, it grounded her. Made her aware of the responsibility she owed to her Ponies. It allowed her to remember who to fight for.

“Solar, with me, if you will…”

Of course he would follow her. He wasn’t about to just abandon her in this time of need. What he didn’t account for however, was the specifics of the word ‘with’.

“The Guardians shall remain here” Simply stated, her mind clearly elsewhere.

“Of course, Princess” Solar acknowledged, before a small thought came to him. “You two. Stay here and do whatever you can to help. If anything good is to come out of today, it will because we cared!”

He was their Commander, and obediently, they obeyed. As they ventured off, hopefully to show the Ponies that the Night could be trusted, what was not seen however, was the endearing look Solar now received from Luna. For her, it was a blissful moment of reprieve from the aversion of today. In almost ignorant paradise, Luna forgot about her responsibility, and cut off the noise that surrounded her. She was witnessing a leader in action, a Pony who commanded strength and respect. Few others could be so loyal to everything she held dear, and at the same time, so pioneering in his spirit.

This was a Pony worthy of his responsibilities. This was a Pony worthy of her love.

Solar did not get wind of such moments of love fuelled realisation. His focus was on his own confusion, a state of mind born suddenly as he headed for the hospital exit, only for Luna to halt him in his tracks.

“To me, Solar” Luna instructed, having not yet moved a single step.

“But don’t you want to get ou- “His confusion was momentary, at least in its current form. Upon completion of falling back to the Princess, Solar’s entire being suddenly felt ripped from the world, a blinding light becoming well known in that moment. For just a split second, his body seemed to no longer exist in the physical world, a sense of great travel accompanying this almost nauseating feeling. Then, just as fast as it happened, light once more flooded his vision, only this time, it was natural light, straight from the sun.

“W-Wha-w-where…?” Solar could barely think straight. His head felt loose and disconnected from the rest of his body. His vision span to sickly extents, and deep down within him, he was sure his breakfast was about to show itself again.

“Ah, your first experience of teleportation.” Luna noted, witnessing a dizzy and bewildered Solar. “Apologies. The first time is always the roughest”.

Yeah, no shit.

The mere feeling of being in one place, just a few seconds ago, to suddenly being in another, all through the use of magic, was not a comfortable one. Call it Earth Pony ignorance, but his body really wasn’t liking this change in circumstances.

“Where…are we…now?” Managed Solar, tactically choosing his moment to speak through his ever increasing desire to throw up.

“Far from where we were.” Luna spoke bluntly. “Far from a place of pain…”

True enough, they certainly weren’t in Canterlot anymore. Yet that fact may have not been so complete as it may have seemed. His senses returning, and his stomach settling, Solar took a walk forward, before becoming, rather alarmingly, acquainted with a sheer drop.

“Shit!” he cried out, harking back to the fact that he again, as an Earth Pony, was no Pegasus, and certainly wasn’t so used to heights of this magnitude. “Is that…Canterlot?”

Solar could have been forgiven for his lack of clarity. The ivory towers and golden domes of the city were so far down, that their detail barely even registered. For this was the extent of his current height. An overhang, situated so high that even the great capital in the mountain could not be easily distinguished.

“Correct. We never built this high. I now claim this peak for myself to….to reflect…”

The view certainly was something. Rolling hills, colourful fields and even that quaint town of Ponyville could be seen from here, but none of this mattered, not while Luna was so evidently distressed.

“We’re safe, you know?” Solar said gently, turning back to reapproach his love. “You have a nice spot to get away from it all.” As much as the height had put him on edge, quite literally in fact, Solar had to admit, it was peaceful here. Nestled so high in the clouds, way above the bustling nature of the city, it created a very god like sensation, as if he could look down upon the citizens of the earth with impunity, far from its troubles.

Alas, such simple words could not fix the hurt Luna currently felt. What use were kind words, while down over that cliff, Ponies were dying in agony?

“Solar. Follow me “ Luna then said solemnly. She seemed in no mood to meet his hollow words. As punishment, Solar tailed the Princess in silence.

Through narrow rocky passages, away from the cliff edge they then travelled. Initially, it seemed the case to Solar that they were developing deep into the heart of the mountain, heading for some great chamber of hollow rock. It mattered little of the destination however, as long as Luna felt safe, and risk of falling off the mountain was gone. Yet when the two did finally stop their short walk, Solar suddenly understood that, in fact, the destination did indeed matter after all.

It was not some enclosed, carved out cave, dug deep into the mountain. The place was not some isolationists dream, as if it had been found to bury ones head in the sand. On the contrary, there were no overhanging rocks, no claustrophobic caverns ready to swallow them up. It was an open, if secluded patch of the mountain. Walls of rock surrounded this quaint valley like area, it’s shape more circular if anything. The sky graced the area with peaceful beauty, and in contrast to the chaos bellow, this was calming, almost therapeutic.

It should have done Luna at least some good. The tranquil nature of the place, with its hanging vines and patches of wild mountain flowers helping her relax somewhat. But some things were beyond simple relaxation, and today was certainly one of them.

Initially, the two had remained still and quiet. In Solar’s case, with him taking in the surroundings. For Luna, that luxury was not granted. Her face was plain and uncompromising, the irony of its appearance not lost on her Commander. Solar knew Luna to be stoic, capable of dealing with stresses. As Princess, her responsibility was to be Equestria’s stability personified. Through her many years of life, she had learned to remain strong, even when strength and hope seemed all but lost.

Trusting in that ancient system however, was a fool’s gambit today. Few times in history have been as chaotic, stressful and cruel to Luna as life was today. Hoping alone she would stay stable right now was not something that Solar could allow.

To start, he carefully approached her, almost as if she were his prey. Luna in response barely even acknowledged him anymore. Her gaze seemed vacant, and her mind elsewhere, which given the events, it most likely was. So Solar kept on moving forward, hopeful he would find the words or actions to help her more.

“You know, you might not think this place so pleasant if you were aware of its history…” Solar suddenly halted as he listened to Luna’s words.

“What history would that be?” he asked in reply, wondering if just talking like this would be beneficial.

“One, like today, of pain and desperation…”

Maybe not then.

“… There are increasingly few signs now, for time takes it toll, but look closely and you will look upon the remnants of a long gone past. Or one we had hoped would remain so…”

True enough, when Solar did look around in more detail, he did come across multiple signs of an age long gone. Almost built into the rock were the decayed remains of a temple like building. Strong pillars, still standing tall to this day. Thick walls, made from the everlasting stone of the mountain itself.

“…We had places like this built as moments of last resort. Shelters to hide our people for when war came knocking. This refuge, in particular, was for if the surrounding countryside fell, and our people needed a more secretive place of retreat.”

It did certainly seemed safe. This high up, this far nestled within the mountain. Surely no enemy could even reach here.

“How could most Ponies even get here?” Solar inquired, legitimately interest in such a strategy of the state.

“Tunnels and stair ways existed once.” Luna said. “Secret passages from the foot of the mountain that led here.”

This little fact rather interested Solar, who considered it a potential tool should things get too rough. Or should the Shadow’s be in need for even more dark places of the world, as they ever were. Luna however, had already gotten wind of this curiosity.

“I’m afraid such ways are long gone. Either filled in with the ever expanding city, or collapsed from more natural causes. If any of these tunnels still exist, even I am not aware of them.”

This explained the use of teleportation at least. Solar could consider himself satisfied for now, at least until he demanded his people to investigate this newly uncovered fact. Luna, on the other hoof, could not be so lucky.

Finished with her history lesson, the events of the present came flooding back, and flooded back they did. That brief reprieve of information seemed to have never occurred. Her face dropped massively, as if she had just remembered an embarrassing moment of her past. Her wings and neck lowered in near defeat, failure to prevent the attack heavy on her mind. It was the picture of bleakness, and it was not a look befitting Luna in any regard.

She was beaten, mentally speaking. As little as it was her fault, no pony could tell her so. Her mind was made, and no pony could persuade her otherwise.

Solar now witnessed a broken Pony, and just that. This was not the immortal Princess of the Moon and stars. This was no godlike Alicorn, capable of obliterating all her enemies in the blink of an eye. This wasn’t even the strong and resilient soul Solar knew her to be. This was just a Pony defeated by the day, and another victim of the attack.

So Solar did what he believed he should. What came naturally.

Walking casually up to Luna, he glimpsed a momentary look from the Princess. A desperate, vulnerable look. Then, letting nothing stop him, he wrapped his front legs around the taller Pony, and brought Princess Luna in for a great and almighty hug.

No thought occurred. Just a total spur of the moment for the Pony he loved.

Solar didn’t even care for how such a movement may have looked. Luna, after all, was much taller than he was. But it mattered little. Solar had no great difficulty reaching up to the slumped Pony, who so desperately needed physical comfort.

“Hey…It’ll be ok. I promise.” Solar hadn’t really intended to say these words, not out loud in any case. They seemed borderline basic, and totally unfit for Luna as a Pony. Yet he had said them, and as Luna’s indomitable exterior collapsed, she embraced the hug, and became the Pony in need of support, that Solar judged not in these dark times.

“Help me Solar. Please.” Such a thing had most likely had never have been heard by any mere Pony before. Here Luna was, her normal façade in ruins just like this refuge, begging for help to a once career criminal. It was unheard of, but it was endearing. This was Luna opening up to show Solar that she accepted she wasn’t alone, and that she didn’t want to be anymore.

Unlike the embrace earlier, prior to the meeting with Victus, this was far more full one. Face to face as opposed to a glorified lean. This was something both parties wanted, and now so openly gave themselves to. Wings were brought over, only increasing the intensity of the embrace. Solar felt also Luna’s horn rest upon his shoulder as she buried her face into his neck, truly forgetting or disregarding her role in this world.

“Always.” He replied sincerely, his words full of meaning and love. “No matter what”.

These too may have been just words, but they were not alone in their intentions. The embrace surely helped, but it was the unrestricting of bond, of love, that now won the day. Two hearts came alive as they danced with each other, supporting their counterpart as necessary.

And necessary it was. Solar could feel greatly the desperation that Luna now felt, such fear and despair channelled into the physicality that he now felt. She practically clung onto him, as if she never wanted to let go. This may have seemed unfamiliar to some, especially if it were their Princess doing so, but for Solar, it was his honour to be able to have been the one to hold onto. His love for Luna meant he took pride in being her rock today, and if it meant she had to nearly choke him to death, if it meant that Luna would cry endlessly into his coat, then so be it.

He was all too happy to be the one for Luna, and it was no shame to him anymore that love and emotion leaked out of his person in a waterfall like fashion. Affection and devotion to this vast degree was seldom unseen, least of all by a Princess. Not for one moment did she waste any time in the embrace, in the protection she felt from this smaller mortal, and when her heart was so full of received love, only then did she withdraw from the hug, taking her time doing so as she lamented breaking the contact.

This was, however, now uncharted territory for Solar. Circumstances dictated the present moment to be totally unlike the embrace from earlier, so when the two Ponies finally separated with heavy hearts, and look upon each other with considerate eyes, he suddenly felt unsure. Not at how he felt, but how he should proceed. Romance was, after all, proving to be a process of learning for him each and every day. New feelings and thoughts were discovered in abundance, so when he was now forced down a path untrodden, he was left quite the idle fool.

Then it finally came.

Not something he had expected or wondered about. In fact, thought on the matter barely seemed to occur at all, a repeat of the premise behind the embrace.

The two Ponies once again reapprouched each other, not a single word shared. But no second embrace came. In fact, the only movement really came from the neck and head, as Solar’s face approached Luna’s own.

The Princess did not object nor decline. She did not hesitate or show apprehension. As Solar’s lips met Luna’s own, there seemed no hesitation from either soul. No reconsideration or worry. No thoughts at all, for the warm and passionate feeling now shared could not be overcome by any force.

So there stood two Ponies. A near Goddess in Alicorn form, and an Earth Pony with a troubled past, engaging in the most benevolent activity the two had ever shared.

It was no simple kiss. No spur of the moment that either would regret. It lasted for what seemed like an eternity, and only produced the most ardent form of devotion towards each other. Solar felt the velvety soft lips of Luna dance around with his own, truly going for this act of romance with a loving ferocity that even made him forget just how few times he had actually kissed anypony. Experience, or the lack of it, mattered little, for this was not some demonstration of caring power. It was just what came so naturally now, and even if Luna thought Solar to lack finesse in this department, the love shared was all that mattered.

A day of firsts, for when Solar could finally speak his mind on what exactly had just happened, he did not stutter like a star struck fan. No embarrassment came, because no embarrassment was needed. All which was needed was what had just been shared. Love, and respect for his love’s needs.

“We will get through this, Luna” Solar gave as fact, confident in his support for the one whom he adored. “Your Night is not lesser in its light, compared to the Day….and I will be your side for eternity.”

Gone now was that surreal sensation that emerged every time Solar considered the fact that he was sharing this forbidden romance with Luna. No longer did it feel strange or new to him, nor did it instil that giddy sensation within him. Things now just seemed to be, as if they were always meant to. Little wonder then, for when Solar found himself leaning in once more, mimicking Luna’s own movements, no questions were asked. Engaging in a passionate kiss for a second time, the burden of worry was lifted, the barrier of rank demolished, and these two Ponies were free to be themselves, and love each other as much as they knew they deserved.

“To think, I was in firm belief that I would have to leave you jail bound, when you came back to me” Luna then practically whispered, refusing to remove her pressed forehead against Solar’s own. Only her act of speaking was a variation here, as she stopped the kiss but lovingly remained close to Solar, her eyes shut in contentness, trusting her opposite enough to do her no harm.

“You and me both” replied Solar with a smile, revelling in the comfortable and peaceful position the two were near embraced in. “I’m glad you didn’t though. Would have been a shame to miss out on all this…”

His eyes open, Solar saw Luna’s lips curl into a humoured smile, a welcome change if there was any.

“Indeed, though I confess, few have perused my heart, least of all with the…unconventional approach you took.”

Solar slowly withdrew from the heart filled moment. With curious eyes, he looked upon Luna, and took the bait.

“Unconventional?” He asked.

“Of course!” Luna exclaimed, a smile on her face. “You didn’t surely believe you were unaccompanied in belief that you, initially, stood by my side out of the kindness of your own heart?”

Wait? What?!

“Luna…I…” claiming ignorance on the matter was, predictably, foolish.

“Oh hush now Solar.” Luna shot back, placing a hoof to his lips. “I am not one so easily blinded by love’s arrow. You have always been a Pony willing to adapt, and make the most of a given situation, which is why I have grown to appreciate you so.”

Had he been discovered? Had his desire for power been so easily on show? More importantly, why wasn’t he already half way down off the mountain by now?

“Solar…”Luna then said tenderly, taking a hoof of his in her own. “I did not accept you back into my service without some level of suspicion. You may have had more questionable intentions then, but time has proven my concerns false. It has taught me the lesson that I should not have so easily judged.”

Solar could not concentrate on a given thing. As his eyes wandered, his mind was deep in evaluation. Were his intentions so visible back then, and had only got here through some miraculous benefit of the doubt? If so, what was Luna even thinking? It wasn’t too long ago that he would been quite happy to see her position vacant.

His deliberation, too, was clearly visible, for Luna now began to show strands of concern for him. Holding his hoof even tighter, and bringing it to her chest, Solar was now in the company of a Princess who was worrying for another, even to the point of increasing her own stress.

“You have changed, Solar!” Luna wasted little time in putting great effort into her campaign here. This was the mark of somepony in true belief of their actions, and Solar’s smile was of no coincidence. He really wasn’t alone anymore. “You see me now and have your own opinion of me no doubt, but do not forget that it was but only a few years ago when I was under the cruel control of a monster…” Talk of Nightmare Moon never served to raise Luna’s spirits, but demonstrating the strong Pony she was, she persisted. “Many of us walk through dark valleys of corruption, but only the strongest of them make it to the other side, having learned from the experience. We are those Ponies, Solar, and I know that to be the reason I stand here today, pleading with you to see sense, something I have seldom found myself doing…”

This was a lot to consider.

Had he changed? Truly?

He defiantly had found somepony to care for, and by extending consequence, a soul and cause to fight for. He had even taken in upon himself to further Luna’s own cause of ruling. By that measurement, he had changed. He was no longer so self-centred.

But was he so cleansed of corruption as Luna said he was? Every time he thought about it, having this amount of power was intoxicating, and he never wanted to be free of it. Luna saw in him, as was his namesake, a virtuous Pony, one who had had learned from his mistakes and was marching into the future with renewed belief and a head held high.

The truth, in its constant ambiguity, was perhaps not so black and white, and that surely meant Luna wasn’t, at least completely, right on the matter.

Still, she had his heart, and he had changed to love her. A monumental development.

“You have changed for the better, Solar, and have made me all the more thankful for it. You think I would just let any Pony court me?”

The mention of such an action was a funny one, serving too to deviate inner monologues of who exactly he was.

“I honestly have no idea, Luna. “ Solar laughed. “I can’t say I followed the history of royal matchmaking too much.”

Luna too laughed at this, a paradise of audible form, in a sea of despair.

“Believe it, that sort of thing was more of an activity reserved by Celestia. I was always considered to have a degree of, I suppose, wildness about me. Or so said Father.”

This perked Solar’s interest. Who exactly were Luna’s parents even? The previous rulers most likely, but it did seem curious that, however unread into the matter he was, he had literally zero idea who came before Luna and Celestia.

“Speaking of…” Solar interjected. But Luna knew where the direction of travel for this conversation was headed. Unwilling to share her reasons, she immediately halted this topic.

“Yes, Celestia took up her duties at a young ago. Even beyond my more unruly years, courtship was not something I took any pleasure in. Of course, many tried, but I was under no requirement to meet their expectations or desires.”

This was not good for Solar’s ego. From the sounds of it, Luna was suggesting that he was luckier than the luckiest, that he had got what most could never have.

“I mean, I wouldn’t blame them. Have you looked in a mirror?” A terrible attempt at a compliment, even by Solar’s own standards. Still, it was true, however poorly put it was, and either through amusement at its quality, or the meaning itself, Luna laughed humbly.

“Why, I thank you!” She giggled. “But looks alone do not win the day, nor do they produce a long lasting relationship.”

Solar was quick on the reprieve. “So does that mean I have both the looks and the personality?”

Once, Solar had not put Luna down to enjoying such a breed of jokes, or any at all really. She ever seemed so serious and reclusive, barely happy enough in her own company, let alone in a crowd. The truth however, shone a charming light on Luna’s humour and personality.

“You have all that, and so much more…” This was an opportunity taken to approach Solar as closely as possible once more, He could not complain of course, for even the sensation of Luna’s body approaching his was enticing. “You have shown more dedication and loyalty to me than all the potential suitors I have ever known! None have matched your tenacity to contribute, a quality you have shown beautifully, back in Canterlot for starters…”

Canterlot. It wasn’t too brave a guess that down there, right this moment, Ponies were still suffering by the dozen. From either physical injuries, or trauma from simply being there, the horror remained still, a persistent and burning area of effect for all Ponies present.

Solar felt truly grateful for Luna’s words. As was the case with his success with her, this gratitude was found in little abundance in anypony else. Few if any had ever had such confidence in his being, whether or not they were right in doing so. Luna may see what she had hoped to see, but she saw it nonetheless, which was more than any other Pony in his life could say.

In a way, Solar was now in Luna’s debt. He may not have changed as much as she had liked, and deep down, he knew his desires to be, while more aligned with Luna’s own, to be far less harmonious.

Gratitude, nonetheless, was needed. Unfortunately, given the circumstances, such thanks could not take the form of another kiss or embrace. Solar had little to offer now, but his service.

“Luna…” Solar began, unsuccessful in escaping the solemn nature of it all. “Your words honour me to unspeakable extents, but I have failed you. The attack…” Was all he managed. Self-guilt was certainly there, but not to the extents he was insinuating it to be. This tactic was indeed servitude to Luna, if only designed to delay her own despair.

“What?!” She exclaimed, shocked to hear such a thing. “No! Solar, have not these thoughts, I beg you!” It was remarkable to see Luna so open like this, progression to be sure, but dangerous it remained. Passions on her side remained high, and even if they were now for Solar exclusively, a heated soul was just a step from a fiery one. Should that fire become out of control, then only destruction would be realised.

“It has happened, Luna. I do not say it was my direct actions responsible for so many deaths, but I am your Shadow Commander. I should have had knowledge of an impending attack at least!”.

This self-harm was totally false. Even as a Shadow, there had been no intelligence to warn him of an attack. This may seem bad on the surface, but quite morbidly, this current ignorance was a useful tool in uncovering the true conspirators. After all, why would there be intelligence from external sources, if it was Celestia and her Ponies from within, that so cruelly caused this mess.

“How many?” Resigning to the reality, Luna took leadership, just as Solar had hoped.

“At this point? Unknown. More than 50 dead last I heard. The number will increase.” Solar’s warning was grim, for that information was acquired quite the time ago now. If 50 was the amount known then, during the chaos, then the final tally would not be a pleasant one, especially when a thorough conclusion had been made.

Luna could only react predictably. Eyes shut in pain and regret, and a restless sigh escaping her lips. Dignity and restraint was paramount here, if she hoped to stay in check of her emotions.

“And the Human’s? Any indication of their involvement?” It was clear, despite the self-control, that Luna was begging for answers. Anything at all. That was the situation the Night now found itself in. Grasping for anything that stuck.

“Well, I know a few were injured in the blast. Seems the case that their presence in the square helped contribute to the great number of Ponies present. They can count themselves lucky that they kept their armour on, for I was told it was a certainty that they would be among the dead, had they not wore it.”

Desperation was slowly turning to rage. Luna had now been subjugated to the shock of it all, the despair that came after and now, steadily, the aftermath. It would be Solar’s job to make sure that rage wouldn’t be uncontrollable. It would be his job to use it.

“So Humanity and their fame is to blame?” Luna almost demanded, trusting in Solar for her answers. He was sure the Human’s weren’t behind the attack though. Victus certainly didn’t seem the type and the number of them here in Equestria was limited to start with. Should even just a few of them die, then their presence would be diminished.

“I don’t think so, Luna. “ Solar replied, remembering his interactions from the Inn. “I met with a group of them earlier. Typical Human’s it seemed, but not the type to engage in such cowardly actions.”

This did not temper Luna’s lust for revenge. How could it?

“I have seen their respect for strength, but explain to me why I now hear that they have retreated to their tower?”

It was fortunate that Solar had the answers today, for any mistrust between races, in times like these, could all so easily tip over into something far worse.

“The injured among the Human’s did attend our hospitals, but our doctors obviously know little of their physiology, so they returned to their own medics in the Sovereign Tower.”

Luna knew these responses to be logical, and not worthy of further anger. Yet such a thing remained, all too understandably as well. The Humans had escaped her wrath, if only because it was now reserved for somepony else.

“And Celestia? What is her response?”

That was the million bit question, and the one Solar had hoped Luna would eventually approach. The full truth was still elusive, but with Celestia’s recent antics, her resistance against the rightful and prosperous rule of the Night, and more importantly, her probably mastermind of the assignation attempts, who else could the attack have been from?

The Griffons? Like the Humans it seemed, they preferred more direct methods. Solar didn’t put it past them to slaughter an occupied village, but bombing a bunch of civilians from the shadows, without even taking credit, was totally unlike them. No, this attack had to come from within, such was Celestia’s ever increasing madness.

“Her ‘response’ was keeping her Day Guards well and truly back. I saw them, pretending with little effort to help by only gracing us with their presence, but I didn’t see them rushing to help the injured, nor seeking other support. They stuck back, less than half-heartedly, and spat on their duty to protect the people.” At this point, Solar didn’t care if his slander was considered overzealous. The Guards had done little to help, probably because it was their ilk who had orchestrated it.

The objective now, so Luna would have a target apart from herself, was to ensure she supported Solar’s own suspicions.

Yet trying to believe that her very Sister had somehow caused the death of her Ponies was extreme to say the least.

“Celestia…” She struggled, her mind wracked with disbelief. “Why? She has demonstrated her lack of legitimacy enough, but to somehow be behind this barbaric slaughter…I just…can’t…”

Solar understood. It was not that Luna was against the idea, instead she was clinging to her last bastion that had inhabited the status quo. This was her last attempt at the normality of days gone by. Admirable, but a relic of a bygone past. What Equestria now needed to see was a strong Princess, who had its best interests at heart, and fought all its enemies.

Externally. And internally.

“It doesn’t matter, Luna!” This strong response, devoid of tact, easily got Luna’s attention. She rose her gaze to meet Solar’s with surprised eyes. A look that showed just how taxing this betrayal of Celestia’s was. “Whether Celestia herself was behind it, or some supporter of hers, this attack on our country dictates action!” Now Solar once more approached his love, this time, with a more personal show of support. “Equestria needs a leader, Luna. It needs you…”

He knew it, and so did she. Now, all tears vanished. Inaction disappeared, and strength returned.

Luna, just as Solar knew her to be, was becoming the ruler she was destined.

“Celestia…my…’Sister’ will answer for her crimes, should she have any involvement. Our country is a great and fair one, so to show her of her deceit to herself and her Ponies, I shall not have her arrested as she probably deserves. We can and will be better!”

Solar approved, while disagreeing on some finer points. Celestia should go as soon as possible, but Luna was right to show the population who was in fact, best Princess.

“However, dangerous elements have shown themselves to be in action today. I…” She then paused, as she reminded herself of just, exactly, what had happened. “…I will never allow my little Ponies to suffer like this, for as long as I may live. Those who were behind this heinous attack will be brought to justice. Those who go further, and pride themselves as Equestria’s enemies will be crushed before they can take a single other life!”

This was exactly what Solar was hoping for. A determined, strong and importantly, focused Luna. A Princess who did not cling on to what was no more, nor was paralyzed by what is. Either she fall into delusion and hysteria, like Celestia had, or she stepped up to the mark, and became radical, just as her population now so regrettably needed.

Solar was now seeing the latter come to life.

“Thank you, my dear Solar.” Luna then said, passionate and full of life, as she looked intensely upon her Commander. “Thank you for being there for me, and carrying my distraught soul to where it needs to go. You have enabled me, through weeks of effort, through a host of problems caused by my Sister, to finally pull myself from Celestia’s long and polluting shadow. We, you and me, our entire Night, will protect Equestria. Alone.”

This was it. The watershed moment of Equestrian history. Solar and the Night would march down into Canterlot, facing their enemies head on. They would be branded as renegades by Celestia most likely, but they would emerge victorious as the heroes who did what needed to be done, and did not bog themselves down with false illusions of harmony.

“Those who so awfully lost their lives today, ensure they are not forgotten, Solar.” It was because of this, the more tempered, caring side of Luna, combined with her will of steel, that Solar was now so willing to charge into the city and fight in her name. Few leaders could be said to be so resolved yet so considerate of those who followed her.

“Their names will echo throughout the ages, Luna. They shall be the martyrs that taught Equestria to finally stand up.” Gone was the time for tenderness around the reality. Sensitivity could not be allowed to thrive, and Solar did not regret his fervent tone one bit. “I dare say the NG won’t be short of volunteers from here on out. Call it lateness, but sometimes it does take a tragedy to force somepony into action.”

Luna didn’t disagree. Her responsibility was to be the new beacon of stability in this unstable world. She was the public face of the Night, and would act as fanatical or benevolent as her supporters yearned for. Solar was under no such restrictions though. He was a Shadow, but more importantly, he was the Pony who could ensure Luna’s victory.

“We shall use them well!” proclaimed Luna’s in a sense of hopefulness. “As soon as we are ready, do this for me Solar…strike! Strike our enemies from the shadows and remove their infection from Equestria’s society!”

Solar smiled an understanding smile. This was real action.

“They won’t know what him them…” Solar agreed.

“You came to me as a lost Pony, dear Solar. A stained past and lack of future was what was so evident to me…But you overcame that, and I can say this with utmost surety, I am proud of what you have become!”

Solar froze. There it was again. That belief in him. Nothing could come close to how warm his heart felt now. If he had any lack of resolve before, then now he was sure he would never again experience such a deficit in it again.

“I…Thank you Luna…” New instincts once more drove him, and before he realised, he was safely nestled in Luna’s chest, her warm, comforting wings wrapped around him in a physical show of confidence.

“It is I who should thank you, Solar. “ Luna replied with noble affection, as she withdrew from the hug. “You fight in my name, for me, and not some deluded belief of fake greatness, as many a cult as done before. You see me as me, and not the cruel illusion of Nightmare Moon. That ghost of mine was an evil parody of me…but do not fear when I ask this of you Solar….” At first, Luna seemed apprehensive of Solar’s reaction, as if she was doubting her own ideas. But self-doubt was too much a detriment now, so with beautiful resolve, Luna simply cast it out. “…I want you to remember how you were, before you met me, and be the Nightmare I need right now…”

Little wonder Luna seemed nervous about such a request, for it was no sense describing it as any less than extreme. However, she was right. Prior to joining her service once more, Solar was lost, but he was also far more brutal. Perhaps he would have done well worshipping Nightmare Moon like so many crazies had done, for he certainly had the deadly skills and brutal will to do so.

Fortunately, his body and soul was firmly Luna’s now. Still, that didn’t mean she could use this gift for far more severe uses.

“You don’t need to worry, Luna.” Solar reassured, determined to let her know he would not lose himself to barbarity. “Our enemies deserve no less than what they will receive.”

Fear left Luna, who now was not lessened by worry of losing the one who loved and supported her so intensely. She then smiled, in full knowledge that she had the dedication and unbreakable loyalty of Solar and the rest of the Night, but also the unconditional love of the former. This left her with only one more request.

“Then it is time…” She almost whispered, aware that this was the final point of no return.

“Purge our land, Solar. Ensure ours is not the lesser light!” A call to arms, if there ever was one, and Solar was prepared to heed that call. He was ready. “And if Celestia vilifies us as traitors, then so be it! Treachery against villainy is not something to be ashamed of! So yes, we march down as traitors, but we will come home as heroes!”

Author's Note:

Little later than expected. I beg for your almighty and gracious forgiveness

As the chapter name suggests, this it it. The boiling point. Luna hasn't cracked as she once did per se, but has become so desperate and overwhelmed in a way, that now she confines and only trusts in Solar and her direct supporters. Not so bad on the surface, but its a very narrow minded point of view, and can easily create tension with outsiders. So essentially, Solar has got his original wish, and has the full might of Luna behind him.

Uh oh

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