• Published 12th Jul 2017
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Our new Friends, Our new Enemies - The Potato Guy

Equestria rots from within and Princess Luna falls prey to the corruption of an evil Pony. Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash finds herself in the strangest world, one where her loyalty will truly become tested.

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Chapter 26: Bats!

Solar Virtue


A funny word. One Solar was not familiar with.

The word itself wasn’t all uncommon, especially in today’s world. In fact, in Solar’s humble opinion, the word had been overused to death, and its meaning was all but lost. In liberally slapping it on any Pony who had a shred of courage, the word ‘hero’ was left a barren husk of its former self.

That was what Solar thought of it today, as it became his turn for the word to find a new host in. No matter where he found himself in Canterlot now, it seemed ever Pony and their mothers duty to stop and personally congratulate him on his heroic recue of the Princess’s from their assassins, and to label him a hero, as if he was a god reborn. In fact, in a moment of bizarre surrealism, the once mundane act of walking through Canterlot’s cobbled streets suddenly became a practical procession, all in his name. Everywhere he went, Ponies would stare or cry out his name. The “Champion of the Princesses” was a common one, apart from hero. As was “the saviour of harmony”, which was particularly bewildering for the troubled Earth Pony, ever the challenger of friendship, and the individual all too happy to question the authority of Harmony, and the personified figures of it, chiefly the Princesses.

Yet here he was, whether he liked It or not, the legitimate rescuer of the Princesses, in a fashion at least. As much as he hated it, the mob wasn’t wrong when they said he had saved Luna and Celestia’s lives. It was this very fact, apart from the heavy annoyance and disdain from his new found fame, that now so concerned him. As stupid as they were, Solar almost wished he could be as simple and arrogant as the crowd. To them, the world was all fine and sunny, with not a care in the world for them. In their eyes, Solar had merely saved the Princesses from some bad ponies, and that was that. What they failed to see was the underlying politics of the situation, and just how worrying its severity was.

Right now, Solar, despite being surrounded by annoying fans, was more alone than he had ever been. He was surrounded by intrigue, and all the danger that came with it. As if he had enough problems before the assassination attempt, what with his quest for power, now he had to contend with daggers in the dark, rapidly deteriorating relations with the Griffins, Humans who still refused to be anything less that the clarity of mud, and perhaps worst of all, a mighty Princess who has suddenly taken to ruling with lies, deceit and plots. For it was Celestia that now worried Solar above all. For whatever reason, all signs from the assassination were pointing to her, despite an attempt at masking that fact by sending an assassin for herself.

Perhaps what she now felt was utter despair, more so than Solar even. Being a Princess, she was personally responsible, and heavily involved in Equestria’s destiny. Maybe it was the stress of politics that had so corrupted her. That she saw only darkness for the future, and possible war and carnage. With who, it mattered not. What mattered was perhaps Celestia now was of the opinion that friendship and harmony was weakened, and she had to defend it, no matter the cost. Were this the case, Solar could at least respect it. After all, he also would do the impossible, no matter the consequences if it meant him achieving his goal.

Sadly, this seemed far from the case. Solar would accept a bit more audacity easily, even ruthlessness. Perhaps then he would be happier to call this land his home. Yet trying to eliminate her own Sister, that was simply too deranged. Some would have questioned Celestia being a culprit here because of that, but it was clear the division between the Sisters was widening at an accelerated pace, and that as turmoil found its home in Equestria more and more, it wasn’t just Luna who was becoming accustomed with darkness.

Just as Luna had done all those years ago, and perhaps may do again, when the situation became severe enough, and the stresses of life and responsibility became too harsh, the Princesses raw power gave birth to something cruel. A mockery of themselves.

Yes, it was clear. With possible war on the horizon, intrigue everywhere and suspicion installed in all, Celestia wasn’t herself, and when one wasn’t themselves, when they weren’t rational, irrational decisions were made, and this assassination attempt was clearly one of them.

So yes, despite being in a position that gifted him power, and minions to exercise it, Solar was indeed lonelier than he had ever been.

Except of course, that he had Luna.

Solar was sure these past few days since the assassination attempt were the last chance he could have taken to call it quits, and get out of here. He wouldn’t even blame himself, not with the amount of crap he was currently going through. In fact, in calmer times, Solar was sure the current attention he was getting, annoying, uncomfortable attention could be reason enough to retreat. Yet he was neck deep in it all now. He had responsibility, he had actual power and was closer to his ultimate goals then he had ever been and perhaps, most foreign of all, he had Luna by his side.

Solar felt the wall that their backs were against. They were undoubtedly in this together now, and for better or for worse, it wasn’t only just his own selfish desires keeping here.

“Those eyes….” Solar found himself dreamingly say, only just out of ear of the onlookers. Still, it was an embarrassing betrayal of his feelings, in public no less. Luna however, increasingly had that effect on him, and on the surface, it was a sickly, confusing and overly emotional new side to him. On a deeper level however, it was the most he had ever felt for another, and the idea of that being taken away from him, either from his own doing, or the doing of Celestia or other enemies, that very thought both angered and disgusted him.

Luna needed to be protected in these dark times. A future of him, with all the power he could wish for, but also Luna, now seemed a dream he could chase for with a smile on his face.

“Halt!” came the voice that whose owner now blocked his path.

“Get those weapons out my face, Thick Plate!” retorted Solar with irritated hurry. Admittedly, he realised he may have spent one too many drinks in the Prancing Pony bar, down in lower Canterlot, all while he had a scheduled meeting with Luna and the Shadows. Perhaps the strong ale had damaged his vision, for the sun was already setting, and the meeting was uncomfortably close.

“Credentials” replied the Guard Thick Plate, together with his shift buddy, who too tried to maintain composed professionality, especially in the face of the Night Warden.

The demand however, was shocking. Firstly, Solar was the Night Warden. The only one. His position alone should warrant the exclusion of this exclusion into the palace. Still, and regardless of Thick Plate’s secret association with Solar, he was still there, his poleaxe crossing with his buddy’s, and refusing Solar entry.

“What?” spat back Solar, annoyed shock in his voice. “Is this a shitty joke or something?”

Clearly uncomfortable as he shifted in his armour, Thick Plate, perhaps foolishly, continued in his resolution.

“Orders Sir. For safety’s sake, you know?” Thick’s last words were almost a beg, and understandably so. He knew that Solar was no threat, at least as he seemed. Fame was surely cursed, but any pony now had no excuse of not knowing who Solar was.

“Safety’s sake…” repeated Solar, utterly bewildered that such a comment need to arise.

“I’m s-sorry Sir. You understand though, right?” Clearly Thick Plate was worried that Solar was about to have him demoted or something. He was blocking a high ranking individual after all. However, fortunately for Solar’s secret informant, such games were not on his mind today.

Yet were he blocked any longer, who knew what would come about.

“Why is this necessary for me?” cried out Solar, now truly annoyed that she was being treated like any other Pony. “I’m the Night Warden!”

In truth, Solar gained no pleasure in asserting his rank. He was not one of the pampered, big headed peacocks of the nobility. He gained nothing from berating his inferiors, even in such a warranted situation. He may want what they had, but Solar would never allow himself to lose touch of reality as those soft and spoiled brats had.

Nevertheless, his cries did not convey this message. Visibly recoiling, Thick Plate did not see Solar as a Pony of the people in that moment, but a booming superior, and one with a bone to pick.

“Ugh!” Solar moaned, rolling his eyes at this charade. “Why do you recoil, I am no thief or assassin!

In response, Thick Plate seemed all the more questioning of his orders. It was clear on his face that, however one sided it was, that the guard seemed to somewhat appreciate his connection with Solar, be it through either bragging rights of knowing such a high rank, or even in a friendly way. It was an unequal relationship that Solar was happy to maintain, if it meant a degree of loyalty to him, as was apparent now.

“I know Sir!” confidently stated Thick Plate, believing this to be true. “But we’re under strict orders, from both Princesses themselves to maintain diligence…”

Raising an eyebrow, Solar replaced his frustration with curiosity, and used Thick Plate for what good he was. “Both? As in a joint declaration?”

Shaking his head, Thick Plate seemed saddened at the answer he was about to give. “Nah, I don’t think so anyway. Our Captain got separate orders from them. Both basically the same overall, telling us to maintain a watchful eye and keep the place on lockdown. After that I heard our poor Captain was told to prove that we were taking it all seriously to both the Night guard and Celestia’s officials.”

This intrigued Solar. Usually, in times of heightened tension, joint orders from the Princesses wasn’t unusual, but in having such orders made separately, and then combined with the almost paranoid and jealous need for reassurance from Luna and Celestia’s minions, suggested that both sides were acting independently, and didn’t trust the other to do the job well enough.

Mistrust indeed.

“Hmm, fair enough.” Finalised Solar, confident know this obstacle wasn’t devoid of worth.

“Forgive though Sir, but you know, if …you’re…you know….shouldn’t you know?”

Solar’s head span rapidly towards Thick Plate. It was obvious he was referring to Solar’s apparent position in the Shadows, and was attempting horribly to try and ask about it in front of his friend, who wasn’t in the know. That guard in question seemed confused at the question, but Solar wasn’t about to let this go anywhere at all, less his position become compromised.

“The Night Warden!” he quickly interjected. “That’s what I am, idiot! And you know it!” Solar didn’t regret his tone that apparently hurt Thick Plate, if it meant him being safe. Stupidity deserved no kindness. “Now back to your jobs. As you were and all that…”

Like a good obedient servant, Thick Plate did not expand on his question, allowing Solar to quickly show him the necessary papers, and for the Night Warden to be on his way.

Luckily, despite the delay, Solar’s destination wasn’t too far. He was headed for a secret location, one forbidden to all but Luna’s closest advisors, friends and servants. Its location was well away from prying eyes, as any place situated deep into the mountain of which Canterlot was placed on usually was. To get there, one would have to venture into Luna’s tower first, an act not so liberally gifted to any Pony. In all, as Solar entered the tower and descended through various layers of rock and security, he was at least confident that eavesdropping spies wouldn’t be too common in this dark underworld.

This time however, despite noticing the obvious increase in security activity, with Night guards everywhere, magical security measures that probably were meant for anypony but an Earth Pony as he was, and various other details, Solar was not stopped as often, bar the usual procedures from entering heavy duty doors and the likes. Unlike Thick Plate and all the rest of Canterlot’s general security, here, Solar was part of it. Despite not being on duty, his closeness to Luna meant he was part of her security, albeit less on the physical, obvious side. As such, when he finally opened the door that was his destination, he found it to be a relatively smooth operation.

That quality, however, was to be the last in today’s simpleness.

Opening the door with an almighty and attention grabbing creak, Solar suddenly felt dozens of pairs of eyes descend upon him. In normal circumstances, this would hardly bother him, unless it was an annoying crowd of sheep like fan ponies. Right now however, even they would have been favourable to the crowd now looking at the room’s newest occupant.

For the first time, and quite unbelievably, in this darkened room, which reminded Solar very much of a cave like lecture theatre, what with its benches and central presentation area at the front, were each of Equestria’s Shadows, the very illusive and dangerous spy ring of Luna.

Solar didn’t know any the fifteen or so present, as was the point, but the Shadows they were, undeniably. The carried an eerily and mysterious feeling to them, one that immediately told Solar that them being here, clearly in obvious sight, was a curious and rare one. In fact, with their eyes planted firmly on Solar, who was clearly the odd one out here, was an unnerving one. Through his perilous journeys and notably, his fight against the law, there had been many a night in which sleep had been non-existent as he lay wide awake fearing that Equestria would finally have enough with his antics and send the Shadows. They were deadly, they were efficient and they were a rogue state or dangerous individual’s worst nightmare. These Ponies here could kill, acquire any information they like and if the rumours were to be believed, they were quite capable and destabilising an entire country.

The power that resided in this room now was jaw dropping.

And Solar wanted it all.

That was his goal. His ultimate conquest.

Yet until a few moments ago, his potential obstacles were quite literally, in the dark. Should he make an enemies of the Shadows somehow, then he would face the eyes that so easily made mincemeat out him now. He saw, in each and every Pony here, such potential and such strength that it was a miracle that Equestria still had enemies. These were the best of the best, and here he was, apparently their equal.

That was his immediate reaction. What struck him next was the actual Shadow’s themselves. They were of a variety to say the least. Unicorns, Earth Ponies and Pegasi. Male and Female. Strong and unassuming. The physical nature of them all was perfect for their jobs. To blend into Equestria, and be the hoof of Luna herself.

There was one notable inclusion in what Solar saw.

Pointy ears. Sharp teeth, and snake like eyes.

Or as the general populace called them…Bat Ponies.

Such a variant of Pony were, undeniably, rare nowadays. Solar knew that they were more common place back in the day before Luna was exiled, perhaps not as common as the other Pony kinds, but still common enough to not be a curiosity. It was said they were made by Luna herself, a race of Ponies created to serve her and live as her most extra loyal servants. Whether that was true or not, Solar could not say, but he gave little thought to the genuine idea that these ponies were somehow less natural than he was. Still, as a foal, even he, what with his life devoid of family and normal upbringing, still remembered the stories of what would happen if he was bad. That Bat Ponies would find him in the dead of night and suck his blood like a vampire. Thanks to their scarcity and colourful past, real or not, Bat Ponies in today’s world were an almost mythical being. They were often talked about as if they were no more, or non-existent in the first place. If it wasn’t a turn of phrase being said about them, it was deliberately silly and condescending descriptions and lies about them.

Solar wouldn’t call it racism, but if there ever was a racial divide in today’s society, it would be between the Bat Ponies, and the rest. So as he saw those slit like eyes bring themselves down upon him, he couldn’t help but feel a little nervous at the fact that these Ponies already held him in low regard, just for being an Earth Pony. Such a feeling wasn’t mirrored of course, he had worked with Bat Ponies in the past on a couple of occasions, and while he hadn’t spent a great deal of time with them, he couldn’t remember any moment that stuck out that suggested they were in any way different to him, only misunderstood.

However, these were the Shadows. There was a diverse mix of Pony here, Bat Ponies among them, and they were professionals.


Already he noticed a hint of tension in the air, that something wasn’t quite right. Perhaps coincidently, the room was divided into two groups that were currently conversing. The furthest group from Solar did have one or two bat Ponies among them, but it was almost exclusively one of the three main races. The other group, the one closest to the door and the one whose eyes were planted on Solar even more firmly, had about four Bat Ponies in it. Additionally, separate from the latter group, but still close enough, was a sole female Bat Pony, seemingly excluding herself by positioning herself by the nearby wall.

“You’re the new Night Warden?” boomed out a voice from the nearest group. Quickly discovering it was from a rather large Bat Pony, Solar immediately recognised him to be the cocky, annoying one. He was a grey coated, midnight blue maned, strong looking individual. He carried an overly sure, condescending attitude to him.

Suffice to say, Solar hated him immediately.

“That’s right.” Solar simply replied, watching both groups erupt into a fit of murmuring. Still, the staring ended there as the Shadows instead took to murmuring and talking among themselves, now knowing who this mysterious new Pony was.

However, this fact didn’t seem enough for the nearest group, and in particular, the big Bat Pony, who somehow took offence to this being so.

“Why the Princess elected to make you of all beings her Night Warden, I will never know.” Said the already hated big guy. “Which sewer did they find you in then?”

In between the already in intense staring contest, the room quickly became aware of the heightened tension between these two individuals. Unjustified hatred, especially this sort of snobbery, was not an attractive trait, and Solar instantly decided he wouldn’t find many happy times with this stuck up Shadow.

“Now, Midnight Dust, that’s no way to treat our new friend…” said a voice behind the fool now known as Midnight Dust. She too was a Bat Pony of a grey coat. In fact, most Bat Ponies seemed to have a coat ranging from grey to shades of black and blue. Appropriate for the night, Solar concluded. This female individual however, seemed worlds away from the idiot Midnight, in terms of personality at least. Her mane was a regal purple, and her yellow eyes and friendly smile, despite seeming somewhat unnatural to Solar, thanks to the fangs and snake eyes, emitted a friendly appearance, while not at all relinquishing on any strength.

That was what truly made a Pony strong. Sureness, but not in an arrogant way. A lesson apparently not learned by Midnight, despite rising to the ranks of the Shadows.

“I just think it hasty and unnecessary for our Princess to place this reckless low life into such an important vacancy that provides his with unregulated access to the one we have tirelessly served for generations!”

It was clear from this that Midnight Dust was not a fan of Solar, apparently so suddenly and honestly, unexpectedly, being promoted into a role that has stood empty for countless years. If Solar could hazard a guess, he would say there was now jealousy in the air.

“Oh so you’ve served Princess Luna for generations? Is that what you’re saying, Dust?” interjected a new voice, another male Bat Pony from the current group. He seemed a normal Pony, bar the bat like wings. His coat was still a steel like grey and his mane black as the void, but his pupils carried a more rounded quality to them, in contrast to the rest of his kin, and his teeth were far less vicious than others present.

“W-well not exactly!” tried to defend Midnight Dust. “But the Shadows as a whole have remained loyal to her for longer even! So why this scoundrel and criminal so quickly gets that sacred position, I will never know. The world has truly gone mad if dirt can associate with greatness…”

It was no great mistake that Midnight Dust so intently glared at Solar when he gave these insults. Curiously, though perhaps not surprisingly, they seemed very aware of his troubled past, which, while fair, gave them no reason to so openly insult and degrade him for it. In fact, rising from such a disadvantageous position should be a great honour, and not something to be looked down on, like this pompous and sorry excuse for a Shadow was doing.

Fortunately, at least for the time being, this ugly attitude wouldn’t be permitted from his comrades.

“Oh leave the poor boy for a moment!” chastised the female Bat Pony who had defended him previously. Solar noted, what with her voice and use of the word ‘boy’, that she was likely a bit older than him. “My apologies, Warden Solar Virtue. As you know, tensions are high, and Midnight here has let it get to him...” the female said with a deathly glare towards Midnight. Solar understood why. The Shadows were, undeniably to him at least, Equestria’s finest, and such a compromise was an embarrassment. That was the true insult to the generations of Shadows that had proceeded Midnight, not the success story that was Solar.

Confounded with the prospect of shame, Midnight Dust wisely chose to not further press the issue, choosing instead to return to his group, leaving only the female stood before Solar. With a fresh smile, she formally greeted him.

“I’m Dark Blossom. I take it this is your first time in the company of our kind?” she asked, making Solar feel the foal in the company of adults. The conversation was about to become a lot more awkward however.

“Well…Y-yeah. A few times actually” he shot back, trying desperately to keep his cool.

“Oh?” Dark Blossom said curiously. “Where would that have been then? And how did you know?”

Solar blinked in part confusion. Was this a test, he thought. Most likely, considering he was the newbie here, and it wasn’t like a professional to neglect a chance to vet somepony.

“A few years back, and um…it was pretty obvious actually…”

Dark Blossom seemed took back partly, clearly not expecting Solar’s answer. That only served to confuse Solar more however. Sure, Bat Ponies weren’t common and they often took to their own company, but was it really out the realms of possibility that he, the Pony they all knew to have gotten around, to meet one of their kind on his journeys?

“Ha! Our cover has been blown then!” sarcastically chirped in the Bat Pony who had done so before, who very much seemed a hybrid.

“I’m afraid I have to agree with Silver Sky here.” Spoke Dark Blossom. “Either our covertness has fallen short, or you have abilities we have not foreseen.”

Most of the group now seemed interested in what Solar’s response would be, with a particularly spiteful curiosity coming from the still bitter Midnight Dust. This could only pile the pressure of Solar, who felt so out of his depth.

Why are they so shocked that I’ve met a Bat pony?

“Well I don’t know about that, I’ve heard great things about you guys…” This compliment, almost made from a star struck teenage, fell of death ears, only causing Solar more painful awkwardness. Nevertheless, he persisted, foolishly even. “Though I guess the answer is that you guys aren’t exactly subtle you know? Easy to notice.”

A look of both surprise and concern erupted on Dark Blossoms face, forcing Solar to contain the fire he had just caused.

“I mean it’s not your fault. What with the leather wings, fangs and slit eyes. You can’t exactly hide that, unless you have magic.”

His response did not come verbally. It needn’t have been anyway. A single look appeared on the groups faces. It was one of disbelief, confusion, even shock. They said nothing, but Solar knew what he said hadn’t been received well. And that was an understatement.

“Unless you do have magic. Apologies if I didn’t know…”

This attempt at dousing the fires he caused served little as a rectification. In fact, it seemed to only make things worse, physically speaking. The group blinked and shook their heads in despair as Solar opened his mouth to speak.

It was Dark Blossom who battled through the disbelief to break the news however.

“Um…I was not referring to us being Thestrals, Solar…”

She too seemed to share in the pain Solar then received in a great tsunami. If there ever was a moment he wanted to crawl into a corner to die, this was it.

“Easy with the racism there pal!” cried out Silver Sky, probably in some desperate attempt to move on from the sheer painful awkwardness that Solar had just unleashed. Not only had he shamed himself, but he had presented himself as a dumb fool who can’t even answer a question right, just when he was meant to be acting like a proper representative of Luna.

End me…

Making matters worse, despite being above it, as the Shadows should be, Midnight Dust couldn’t help himself but allow a condescending smile as Solar’s pain became his bitter revenge for his own shame. If there was anything that could distract Solar from this mess up, it was that. There was nothing better than a rival to focus one’s mind.

“At least our cover remains.” Chuckled Dark Blossom as she returned to her group, thankfully putting forward a lighter side to this farce. Of course it could do little for Solar, who despite trying to channel his anger for Midnight Dust to distract him, was sure this scar would exist until the end of his life, and written in ‘Equestria’s cringiest moments’. Still, he was here now, part of this group, even if it was under unforeseen and unwanted circumstances.

“Anyway…” Dark Blossom continued. “As your introduction has been made…and thoroughly remembered…” she said with a wink, prompting Solar to consider death once more. “Allow the Shadows to come out the shadows, and introduce ourselves”.

This was more like it. Actual productivity and usefulness. Solar lent his ears intently, as he was literally about to know what few Ponies would ever know.

“As you know, I’m Dark Blossom, and while we have no such ranks in the Shadows, this sorry bunch has practically begged me to become the team leader…” then, looking upon Midnight Dust, she reconsidered her answer. “Well, maybe a Mother actually…”

Solar admitted to himself that he was quite taken back at the casualness of all their attitudes, especially considering they were the most dangerous elite operatives, and one would have thought them to have hearts dark as their name sake, and a personality to mach. Luckily, as he estimated, that all their covert operations and blending into the populations almost forced them to appear ‘normal’, for should they not, then they weren’t very good special agents.

“And you’ve had the pleasure of meeting Midnight Dust of course…” Dark continued, prompting Midnight to stand back up, almost to intimidate Solar, to little avail of course. “Don’t let his foalish attitude fool you, he’s a force to be reckoned with in combat, and despite all the times I’ve wished to clip his ear, there’s no Pony id want to have my back, when the situation gets hot…”

It was quite endearing to see a nod of mutual respect to be shared between the two Ponies in question. Solar could not deny it, this was a team, and it was little wonder they had to powerful reputation they had.

“Then we have Silver Sky…” Dark Blossom then proceeded, allowing said Pony to give a mock salute to Solar. “He doesn’t know when to be serious, and while that can get irritating, I can’t think of a Pony who can infiltrate a hostile administration and bring it down better than he can.”

Solar almost smiled at the fact that this was not only a possibility, but a full on truth. If these Shadow’s continued on this impressive trajectory, then Solar would have no objections to working with them.

“Moving on, and now thankfully for you Solar, we have a non-Thestral!” Dark motioned towards the only non-Bat Pony present in the group. A dirty almost yellow coated individual, who until now, had simply and happily taken to remaining on his bench, content enough to watch the action beholding him. However, now attention turned to him, and without saying a word, he sat up to attention, his eyes fixated upon Solar. “Yes, this is Moonshadow Trust. You have worked with Unicorns, haven’t you Solar?”

Solar did his best to avoid the joke at his expense, despite the group clearly taking amusement at what would probably becoming his defining moment. All except Moonshadow Trust, who seemed too much invested in Solar to join in on the jest.

Or he just found it unfunny. If so, Solar already liked him best.

“So yes, this is our merry group. A party that you may never see together for as long as you may live. After all, our effectiveness is great either alone, or together.” Dark Blossom, understandably, demonstrated plenty of pride for her organisation. Solar couldn’t fight this point, but a point he did wish to fight for, perhaps to feed his sinister needs with factual knowledge, was why this room seemed so lax. The room was as comprehensive as any room down in Canterlot proper, and for the Shadows, a group, despite their appearances under cover, so detached from everyday life, it all contradicted Solar’s expectations.

“Is this…it?” Solar asked gingerly, mindful that his statement would probably appear distasteful at best no matter who he put it.

“It?” question Dark Blossom, true to Solar’s fear that offence had been taken.

“Meaning to offence, but I had always imagined the Shadow’s to be this omnipresent force. Always out there, making everypony ignorant to their presence. It just seems…I don’t know…strange you’re all just here, chatting…” Solar only just managed to hold his tongue before he emitted an awkward laugh in some pitiful attempt to defend himself with.

Fortunately, for his very life, neither Dark Blossom nor her group took this offence to extreme heights and thankfully he did not find himself grounded by these most dangerous of Ponies.

“He thinks we are too ordinary” infiltrated Silver Sky with a comment that could do little but make Solar regretful that he ever said anything in the first place.

“What?! No! Not at all!” Solar said, who could be nothing be immediate in his defence of his misunderstood point. “Perhaps it’s just me then. With all the stories about you guys, it’s just hard to get a realistic conception of you.”

Solar didn’t find himself removed from the room for his ignorance, nor chastised further. On the contrary, however mistaken he may have been, his almost childlike belief of the rumours, stories and whispers of the Shadows seemed to not only entertain them, but swell them with pride, and like before, it was Dark Blossom who took leadership in dealing with the newbie.

“Hm, I suppose that is the point, Solar. While it is true that we seem a small force, be in mind that our work is just far too crucial to give up and attend a meeting, however important said meeting may be. Make no mistake, there are many of us out there right now, keeping Equestria safe, and as you said, in the meantime, the stories help our true image remain clouded. Our enemies are best to believe a lie, you understand?”

Solar did. Perhaps he was just gullible for believing what he had heard. After all, these were masters of the hidden world, so why in Equestria would the world be full of their secrets?

Deciding this point was in no need of expanding, Solar nodded in acceptance, and re-accustomed himself with where he was, and why. It didn’t take him much to be reminded that he was here, obviously as Night Warden, but also saviour of Luna, which in turn, was obviously the reason everypony was here in the first place.

In a way, this meeting was as much his as it was Luna’s, especially should he get a firmer grasp on the Princess.

Yet it was only then, upon looking around the room, he saw a remaining individual, part of the very group he was now part of.

She was a Bat Pony of somewhat small stature, at least compared to Dark Blossom. Weak by no means, this was the Shadows after all, but as she stood alone away from the group, as if she was the shy one, Solar did not immediately get the impression of a dangerous member of the world’s deadliest elites.

Spotting Solar’s interest, Dark Blossom reproached him once more, and quite discreetly this time, gave him his explanation.

“That’s Neon Edgy” she said, curious too, but only in Solar’s reaction. “What do you think of her?”

That hardly seemed a worthwhile question. She was not spectacular by any means. Like many of her kin, she bore a grey coat, which, while useful on night raids, didn’t inspire much beauty. As she momentarily lifted her head, Solar did however see two glowing amber eyes, whose colour did radiate a strange degree of warmth. Her mane too didn’t seem too intimidating. Almost casually styled, two shades of blue weaved through its strands, reminding Solar of some pop culture phase that the young Ponies seemed to like a few years back.

“She seems….quiet, I suppose?” Solar had no more of an opinion on her than that, choosing instead to wonder why in fact she seemed so timid.

“Then I suppose you are right” replied Dark Blossom. “Neon Edgy is the most secluded of us, truly sticking to our name sake. Please don’t fall for the mistake those who now rot in the ground make though. Always remembers, any pony in this room is dangerous and trained to perfection. Neon here just prefers her own company and appreciates the old custom of Thestrals sticking to their own. Talk to her is you wish, but take no offence if she does not reply, Earth Pony.”

Solar honestly couldn’t tell if that finale was meant as a jest, or not. Frankly, he didn’t care. He felt no offence, and her point was made well. Whenever he had interacted with Bat Ponies, they had always been the ones who had spent plenty of time among other races of Ponies. For all intents and purposes, they weren’t the individuals of the ‘true’ Bat Pony culture. Those individuals were rare and preferred to remain unseen, probably like this Neon Edgy.

Still, perhaps in an attempt to only gather knowledge, Solar took his chance, and approached this lone figure.


A universally understood and accepted motion, even if the language itself wasn’t comprehended. Walking up to a stranger and greeting them simply with a nod wasn’t capable of being misunderstood.

Or so Solar thought.

The Bat Pony Neon Edgy literally didn’t even acknowledge he was even there. In fact, as she hung her head down, there was no indication that she had even heard him.

Solar didn’t bother entertaining the idea that she was deaf. There was no way she would be alive to this day if that were the case. Furthermore, Bat Ponies took pride in their improved ability to use those pointed ears of theirs, so it would be quite the tragedy if this Bat Pony had squandered that gift.

“Neon Edgy, yes?” Solar once more tried, albeit with extra volume and clarity, just to be sure.

Still, nothing. Not even a twitch.

Solar then took to moving around in his spot, desperate in some attempt to be noticed or gain her attention.

He wasn’t even surprised when nothing happened.

Solar didn’t want to be rude. He could have been, what with his increasing irritation of this exclusion of notice. It was simply as if he didn’t exist. This wouldn’t have gone down well were he not to have any official standards now. Cooperation, even a basic degree of socialness required at least noticing the other individual, but this Bat Pony, this Shadow could not even manage that. As she stared down at nothing, her body pressed to the wall as if she was trying to escape the room, Solar practically begged himself to simply label this Pony as an outcast, one incapable of interaction and social norms, but as Dark Blossom had warned, every individual here was capable of things Solar could only dream on, Neon Edgy included. Dismissing her as some sheepish and inept invertebrate was as dangerous as mocking her right now as his annoyance grew.

Being the changed Pony as he had been recently however, Solar did not retaliate with past instincts. For whatever reason, this Neo Edgy had her reasons for seemingly not being part of this world, so Solar simply concluded it best to turn around, and get back to networking with his new work buddies.

And so he did, dismissing this missed opportunity as water under the bridge.

“Chose your friends carefully, Solar Virtue” came a voice originating behind him now. It wasn’t timid by any means. Soft definitely, even gentle to a fault, but not scared. This was the voice of Neon Edgy, and as Solar turned around in surprise, he was greeted by those intense amber eyes, whose reptile like pupils could only force their vibrancy deeper into Solar’s consciousness.

“Implying I have any.” Settled Solar, almost reiterating this point to himself, as that front had been developing rapidly of late.

Neon Edgy didn’t give the usual eye rolling reaction that most gave Solar when he replied in such a fashion. On the contrary, she remained as she had been. Emotionless, reserved and disconnected, only this time, her gaze was pin point on Solar.

“Any Pony here could betray her at any time. That is the nature of free will” she continued, as if Solar hadn’t even replied. Yet such a comment seemed ridiculous. These were the Shadows. If loyalty wasn’t existent here, then it wasn’t existent anywhere.

“So you’re saying traitors are among us or something? Guess I shouldn’t trust you then, just to be sure” Solar replied with a condescending smile, quite sure now this Pony was possibly a little messed up mentally, and probably not worth the introductory conversation.

“Possibly.” Replied Neon Edgy, either not picking up on such a point, or not caring. “What will you do if that is so?”

Solar was bewildered. This both seemed like a horrible mix of small talk and paranoid madness, with just a dash of riddle. Maybe Neon was better out there, in the field, serving Luna, but right now, she was a confusing liability.

“Can’t be traitors is there are none” was Solar’s chosen reply, designed mostly of an attempt to exit this talk, and dismiss this questioning.

“Agreed. You may not understand me Solar Virtue, the ambitious one, but come find me when decisive actions need to be taken…”

Ambitious? Hang on…

Before Solar could inquire into what she had actually meant, Neon Edgy had returned to her secluded appearance, her head down and her body trying to sink into the shadow. That alone, what with previous failed attempts at answers, was nearly reason enough he didn’t ask more. Yet too was there the risk of this suspicion snowballing into something uncontrollable. Solar didn’t know if she had meant something more with this comment, namely that she was somewhat aware of his plots. It may have just been notice of his rising position, but this was neither the time nor the place to get reassurance, for should this all be his paranoia, and others become even slightly aware of his antics…then he was in for a hard time at the very least.

Still, as again Moonshadow Trust, the Unicorn Shadow had had seemingly enjoyed staring at Solar before, had once more reiterated his gaze towards him as he chatted quietly with his group, Solar couldn’t help but remember himself that he wasn’t playing a game anymore, and however friendly they may seem, all in this room did need to be treated with deadly caution.

A dangerous yet settled feeling then washed over Solar as he came to terms with the severity of his position, but also its benefits. Few could say they had Luna’s ear, and could stand behind her most deadly servants. Sure, he would have to be wary, but constantly checking his back wasn’t something new, and for better or for worse, rest was something he could stay unfamiliar with.

“ATTENTION!” cried out a voice suddenly, coming from behind the entrance door. The room seemed to understand the meaning of it, as they cut off all their conversations and stood ready for the door to swing open.

Solar initially could only wonder why this was the case, but as old hatches squeaked, it became all too clear.

Another grey coated Pony, a Pegasus, emerged. Clad in full ceremonial armour, it’s dark detailing signalling this was the attire of the Night Guard, the older Pegasus immediately commanded respect, for upon finally seeing the owner of the booming voice, Solar instantly knew this assertive figure to be the Lord Commander of the order of the Guard of the Night, or as he was more commonly known, the Captain of the Night Guard, the position who’s counterpart was Shining Armour, when he was Captain of the Day Guard.

Yet as the Shadows had no power wielded over them be any Captain, only Luna, this was not some visit of inspection. In fact ironically, despite his high position, the silver maned veteran was back to a task that was normally reserved for the lowly Guards themselves.

Paving the way in his escort, the Night Captain gave way to Luna herself, who advanced into the room with determined relentlessness.

If they went emitting respect before, the Shadows now collectively bowed down, their respect showing clearly for the Pony who was practically their Goddess.

Seeing he was the sole Pony not doing so now, Solar was left with little option other than to join in, or seem quite the disobedient fool.

“At you were, my dear Shadows…” authorised the Princess as she seemed happy enough that everypony present was as she expected. “…and my thanks to you, dear Night Warden for so hastily attending”. Luna gave Solar a genuinely thankful look as she singled him out, one who’s sincerity could only cause a rumble in Solar’s emotions, and one of which many Shadows, Midnight Dust included , looked upon him with appearances ranging from suspicion, to outright envy.

“I have gathered you all hear today for a crucial purpose” then began Luna, a tone to her voice that Solar felt quite unfamiliar with. This, after all, was not the one to one meetings he had become accustomed to, neither was it discussion with Ponies who, until recently, had little connection to her. Meetings like this must have been occurring for centuries now, given Luna’s age, and the ever consistent occurrence that was Luna’s trust and usage of the Shadows.

“As you know, developments have morphed into a beast we have failed to keep up with. We have let out guard down, and in doing so, we have let Equestria down. This cannot happen. Ever.” Solar made no mistake, and in hoof in hoof with the Shadows, no Pony could day Luna wasn’t unhappy. The only thing stopping her bringing down the room, most likely, was the fact this was a safe place for her, with Ponies she trusted. That trust allowed one to read between the lines, and to see that destructive and angered form that was Luna as of late.

“Those who have paid attention can now see this perilous situation teetering out of our control. I reiterate, this cannot and will not be permitted!”

Luna’s eyes, sharp as daggers, penetrated the hardened shall of each tough warrior here. None, Solar included, were safe from her disapproval of recent events.

“…and for this reason, in the face of our defeat, we must naturally change our strategy….which leads me to my next point…”

This was truly a defeat. Equestria situation was becoming ever worsened, war seemed a night away, and as soon as the most important figures felt the loss biting at their actual lives, new solutions were required, and Solar was about to witness that change first hoof, starting with the next figure entering the room.

Author's Note:

Welcome back!

Excited for what 2019 holds for this story, and I hope you all enjoy what comes out!

Not much to say today except the usual. Would love to hear all your opinions on the story thus far, for I know the general conscientious on the story is a little decisive, but id still like to know those opinions in detail. I love to know what you both like and dont. Seriously

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