• Published 12th Jul 2017
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Our new Friends, Our new Enemies - The Potato Guy

Equestria rots from within and Princess Luna falls prey to the corruption of an evil Pony. Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash finds herself in the strangest world, one where her loyalty will truly become tested.

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Chapter 31: Luna vs Celestia

“Guards! Arrest these conspirators!”

That call echoed not only throughout the hall, but in the hearts of all present. For this was a thing totally unheard of. In literal terms, not for a millennia had a Princess so powerfully and forcibly made such a demand. The very walls that made up this castle, peaceful up until now, now had the tragic misfortune of witnessing yet another deadly feud between the two Royal Sisters.

This was no simple outburst either. Luna’s eyes were fixated on the armed escort that made up this coup like attempt, and in those eyes, there lied only one thing.


Treachery did not breed good will either, and the very fact that Celestia had barged in, with so much anger and hostility, ensured the room to now, no matter one’s personal opinion, to be split in two.

“Luna! Say something!” Demanded Celestia as her eyes filled with salty tears. Yet no response came, not as this unfamiliar president now unveiled a trench of despair. “Please!”

Celestia’s emotional begging was not born of mercy however. In her desperation, there was not a single moment anypony believed her to be genuine in her offered olive branch. This was nothing but sentimental treason.

Yet Luna was not fooled so easily, not cowed by Celestia’s acting.

“You….dare!” was all Luna could manage. Practically bewitched with rage, all reason had abandoned her, and only the aftershock was felt.

“ME?! I DARE?!” shrieked back Celestia, her tears flying off her face from her ferocity. “You force yourself away from my care! And now, you conspire behind my back!”

The verbal joust was not pleasant to be in the company of. Two giants of power engaged in such war rarely ended up well for the rest of Equestria. Solar however, did not place himself in the moral high ground. His loyalties were clear now, and if Celestia thought she could just solve everything with abuse and threats against his freedom, than she was not a leader to be followed.

“Oh please!” spat Luna, that once regal and sharp tongue replaced by bitterness and animosity. “You would claim a charity to be committing treason, all because they look after the Ponies you cannot!”

Predatory nature suddenly consumed Luna, as Celestia continued playing the victim. Entertaining at one point in the past possibly, but today’s reality was a partisan one, and neither Solar nor the room could react positively, not while their Princess was accused of crimes, and a gang of thugs practically begged to take them all out.

“You…. think I’m uncaring...?” This was not some moment of realisation from Celestia however. On the contrary, instead of calming tensions and calling a truce with her Sister, she practically jumped into the widening chasm that so separated the two Princesses as of late. Feeling foolishly empowered, it was clear that only anger now controlled her, and as if she was possessed, she unleashed her inner bully and set her Guards upon the room.

If there was any coming back from this confrontation that time had now gone. As a true leader, Luna did not take anything to chance, and actually engaged to defend her Ponies. She knew the souls who followed her, and as the Ponies most directly responsible for her reign, Solar and Neon, she knew these two to have most tempered hearts right now. With an elegant yet commanding raising of the hoof, she contained the rage of her new Order, and perhaps saved the place from descending into civil war.


If anything, this at least seemed to deviate attention to Luna herself, sparing her followers from illegal justice. Sacrificing what little remained of her anonymity in the moment, Luna took all the attention she needed, just so she could protect the lives who were pledged to her.

“Admit your delusion of this day, and retreat from this unlawful attack! Perhaps then we may seek the help you require.”

Yet Celestia did not listen with a logical mind-set. Her ears instead fabricated lies of their own in some hysterical moment of emotion. To her, Luna did not mean well.

Retaliating in a reason known only to her demented mind, Celestia gritted her teeth as if to bear upon her prey, and reacted in even more hysteria.

“Why do you welcome your dark past with such ease, Luna?! Do you see me as your enemy? This new Order cannot be allowed!”

Solar could not intervene, or seem to be the one delivering poison into Luna’s ear, but listening to this, Celestia was not asking questions, nor was she seeking the truth. Her demands were completely rhetorical, and were clearly blind rage and madness disguised in a weak diplomatic tone.

Luna however, ever the loving one, tried admirably to defuse the situation. Maybe it was Celestia’s last chance from her Sister, or maybe it was foolish hope. Either way, Luna showed today the qualities of a true leader. Of a Queen.

“Celestia…” Luna began, almost softly. “Your claims hurt me. You are my Sister, and always will be!” finishing with passionate authority, there could be no doubt of whom the sane, collected one was here.

“THEN WHY ACT AGAINST ME?! WHY ORCHESTRATE THESE PLOTS? DO YOU….do you feel lost again?” At this point, Celestia was practically talking to herself, a true testimony to her fractured mind. A debilitating show, but one not without its own dangers. Celestia could not be reasoned with, and using ‘reason’ of her own, her mind began to be corrupted with falseness and assumptions. “Is it that you are feeling alone again? Unloved?”

Hearing these words, Solar fought in vain to maintain his self-control. Accusations that Luna was alone now, or unloved by her Ponies, in all matters of the heart, sent his vision red. Perhaps it was suspicion of invalidation, as if Celestia was trying to prove his feelings wrong, and he in fact did not love Luna. Whatever it was, Solar could not sit by as his Princess was made out to be some outcast.

With great fortune though, Luna knew Solar and how hard his heart beat for her. With a quick use of discreet magic, Solar was held back from committing treason of his own, allowing Luna to fight this battle of hers.

“So you think I’m sad? Is that it?!” Self-discipline could only help so much. Saying it like this, Luna made it well known what a stupid thing this was for Celestia to say. None doubted their loyalty to the Night.

Only Celestia. Only she lacked the loyalty that she was required to show towards family.

“IM JUST SAYING Y-“taking a brief moment, the Princess of the Sun almost showed herself to be moderating her rage. In reality, this was nothing more than a pathetic act, and one made of her desire to prolong this abuse. “I know things have been tough for you, Sister. I know life hasn’t been kind as of late….”

Luna raised a disapproving eyebrow. Too intelligent to trick, she was not fooled by this change of tone, but out of the bond she shared, allowed it to continue, graciousness prevailing once more.

“…Its just things have been tough for me too, you are aware. Harmony is under constant barrage, and I really struggle to keep a hold of it.” The tears that had been ever present on Celestia’s face, now seemed all the more real. Laced in her words were perhaps genuine pieces of sincerity, and this fact was not lost on Luna. All Celestia needed to do now, was to maintain it. “I’ll have you know that I have just had the displeasure of conversing with the Griffon ambassador, and let me tell you Sister, that things are taking a turn for the worst! There’s only so much I can do!”

Even Solar allowed himself a shred of pity, although unlike Luna, he knew it not to be of regret that a strong family relationship had deteriorated to this. Solar looked at the Princess as one would look at a dying animal. At some point, perhaps it was time for the pain to finally end.

Nevertheless, this was an improvement in Celestia’s fortunes.

“Tia…” Luna then began informally, very purposely using that name in particular. “Believe me, my heart aches for your pain, and I am truly sorry life’s burdens have now infested within you. It is not fair, and I wish I could do so much more for you…”

She doesn’t deserve it, Luna, but the world is so much better that you are here.

Luna’s helpful tone defiantly surprised some, epically considering Celestia’s war like entry. Yet nopony, surprised or not, could fault or argue against the true Princesses intent. Her heart was in the right place, and it was showing signs of healing this tense situation.

Ever Celestia rose her red eyes to meet Luna’s caring gaze, finally the two Alicorns listening to each other. Unfortunately, listening as she may have been, this did not Celestia from her further points.

“I hear you, Luna…and I thank you. I was truly fearing a repeat of…last time…”

An appropriate reply, and one seemingly accepting Luna’s hoof that was offered to her Sister. Madness however, was more than skin deep.

“…Let us hope it is easier to deal with that last time…” Suddenly, those brutes of Guards reanimated, and continued their vicious encirclement of the table, focusing on Luna in particular.

No pony could understand. The feeling present seemed far calmer, and Luna’s helpfulness was showing signs of fixing things. When golden clad and armed guards were immediately positioned behind each Pony however, ready to strike, that sense of tranquillity seemed a long gone memory.

“W-what? Celestia, what are you doing?!” Luna cried out, her desperation clear as even she did not foresee this treachery.

Celestia unfortunately, was long gone. Her mind was moulded by her madness, and no words, no heartfelt sisterly love could reshape it. That last chance Luna had offered had been ripped up and spat on.

“Luna…” Celestia said, eerily calm. “Please. Your words mend my broken heart, but do not restore it with happiness, as you once did. You DO have the right to be adored by our Ponies. You DO have the right to retreat from the shadows, and feel appreciated and no longer ignored by those we rule…”

Solar could not tell any longer that this was a mind so shaped by cruel misfortune, that it had manipulated her into some devilish sinister form. All he knew was that Luna was appreciated, and that shadow she felt so secure in, no longer treated her as some god to be ideally worshiped.

“WHAT?” exclaimed Luna. Even she was no longer on top of the situation, as many would have liked. She too was just another confused and bewildered individual, lamenting at the fallen figure before them. “What are you talking about Sister?! I am not that envious and jealous Pony from a millennia ago!” But words could only go so far, even to a sane character. Celestia didn’t even give them the curtesy of an acknowledgement.

Her own personal jury was out, and it spelt judgment of the most severe kind.

“No matter. While I hope us to reconcile soon, I cannot allow a force to be risen against me, and I cannot leave your isolation to chance. Not again. Not ever!” Celestia’s own passion was extraordinary. So convinced by her own lies and so content in her captivity by her own madness, the Princess truly saw herself as the hero here, no matter how severe her actions may be. “You may think today’s issues to weigh heavy, but I have ruled dutifully for a thousand years, and not once did I commit to such drastic actions as the ones so dishonestly practiced today, in this very room!”

Luna was in total disbelief. Like those statues in the gardens outside these walls, Luna was petrified with shock at the dissolution of her Sister’s mind. Sense was all but gone, and now, as the Guards closed in, Luna was left a solitary, broken figure.

Her eyes drifted over to Solar, harking back to his warnings. Remembering his reasons to mistrust Celestia.

Finally, she believed them.

“STAY BACK YOU TRAITOROUS FOOLS!” Luan shirked, her roaring voice travelling very well to each and every Guard. “CELESTIA! ENOUGH!” Thunderous shouts reverberated around the vastness of the chamber, but it did little to swell Celestia. Sense could not be knocked into her. “Please! See I am not who I was once! I am better now! Please believe me!”

Solar could only watch with mouth agape. Tears swelled liberally in Luna’s beautiful eyes. This was sight he pained to see, and one that filled his body with plentiful rage to protect her. Anger could not be dispelled as he listened to his Princess’s words, and felt sad pity for them. Luna spoke and looked to her sister as a little filly would, hopeful to escape yelling. In this desperation, Luna could be nothing but Celestia little younger Sister.

“This new Order suggests otherwise, Luna!” cruelly spat back Celestia, even her love now vanished. “A friend to Equestria does not act behind its back, nor does to attempt to wrestle rightful and truthful control from its grasps!”

The next few moments felt like an eternity, and that was only for Solar. For Luna, this was the end of her world, and now devoid of regality and any sense of self image, she was only left a tearful, broken mess of herself. The only difference between the two Sisters now was however, that one had the heart and conscious to realise that brokenness, and feel genuine anguish from it.

“Luna! Do not fight back! The moon will not be your prison again, but in your desperation and hate of all those around you, you require the safety and containment of somewhere private. Nightmare Moon will never again bring her plague to my lands! Never again will you bow to her whims!”

Then, nothing. Even the Guards stopped before their victims. They were misguided, but not without fear.

In the face of this cruelty, Celestia had won no support. Not as corruption was met with corruption. Solar watched this with baited breath, for he knew what was coming. He would not allow that dark and evil form that had threatened Luna too many times, just in his presence alone, to ruin her chances here. He would not prove that monster Celestia right.

“Luna…” he said, clearly and not for a moment, devoid of love. “We are here…”

Demonic eyes shot his way, but he did not flinch. Rage and grinding teeth was something familiar to him, especially as he saw the one Pony that mattered to him, suffer in so much torment.

Yet as lost as she might have seemed, Luna, unlike her Sister, had true supporters. Unlike the past, she had Ponies who loved and cherished her Night. Today was not the day that Nightmare Moon returned. On the contrary, it would be the day that Nightmare Moon, the abstract figure only in Celestia’s mind, would be fought against.

Luna could do little through her pain and desperate restrained to stop evil from returning, but she could manage a nod. A nod that pleaded, practically begged Solar to act, and act he did.

“SHADOWS! DEFEND YOUR QUEEN!” he yelled, his command, for just an Earth Pony, seemingly extending beyond the confines of the chamber. For this was a plea to defend Luna and all the good she stood for. It was a rallying call to defend her from her enemies.

The Shadow Commander was more than a rank, and this ancient position carried more than just power and influence. It carried something far greater.

Loyalty. Honour. Strength.

It gave enough time for the chambers great doors to barge open once again, but through them did not pour in the traitorous forces of the Day. In this blindness of golden falseness, the room now filled with the darkness that Luna required.

“We are here for our Princess!” screamed Dark Blossom, flanked by her own small force of the newly formed NG. “Worry not Princess, we have your back!”

There could not be a greater demonstration of gratefulness, not as Luna continued in her shock as she witnessed over a dozen loyal supports rally to the sides of those who needed it most.

It was actually quite an extraordinary sight to see. Recruits and veterans alike, flocking to aid the Night that was so under assault. Solar could clearly see Dark Blossom leading the call, but was very much surprised to see Shadows of varying personal opinions and characters. Midnight Dust even, not long ago shown to boarder on hate for Solar, was too here, placing his loyalty for the cause in no doubt. With a trustful nod, both Ponies put aside their rivalries aside for a moment, and fought cohesively, all for their Princess.

Such a show a force clearly touched Luna, and despite the numerical advantage still belonging to Celestia, she had something the Princess of the Sun didn’t.

A cause. A bond of comradery and belief, and nothing, no golden glad thug, was going to beat that.

In outraged and fearful trauma, Celestia saw her mortal disadvantage, and witnessing the cowardliness of her Guards, retreating from the reinforcements, her sanity was thrown over the cliff, and forever lost.

“Double crossing…IDIOTS!” she howled, cracking her voice with her uncontrollable rage. “Why do you hate us? We are doing this for Equestria!”

Armed with the most loyal Ponies Luna could ever ask for, Solar acknowledged fealty of the likes Equestria had never had the fortune of witnessing, and remained silent no more. Just as each member of the NG had come to Luna’s aid, so must he, and no longer would he sit it silent fear of Celestia the tyrant.

“We ARE doing this for Equestria!” Solar cried out, charging head first into battle, regardless of all the riled and hateful attention he now gained from Celestia and her lackeys. “If you fail to see this, I advise you to stay out of our way, and stand aside for the Ponies true guardians!”

Such an act was not necessary, and judging from the reactions from the Ponies on his side of the room, it probably wasn’t even wise, but love wasn’t something reserved for a particular moment. It was a powerful, everlasting feeling, and one Solar wasn’t afraid of showing anymore.

“Solar Virtue! Why are you doing this? You were never meant to further my pain!” Celestia truly looked upon Solar with real betrayal. Little wonder, as not too long ago, Celestia had personally talked to him about helping Luna. The thing she failed to remember however, was that she specifically instructed to stay by Luna’s side, never leave it, and support her, no matter what. He had held up his end of the bargain, and found a reason to live. If only she had learned the same lessons as he had.

“I serve my Princess!” Solar shouted back, maybe a first for Celestia to experience, other than Luna herself. “Our cause is righteous and for the greater good! Thanks to Princess Luna, I have found a purpose, a cause to fight for, A….” Solar then paused as if the glares he now gained weren’t from a Goddess who could move the actual Sun. He couldn’t care even if she had wanted him dead however, for as his own gaze drifted over to Luna, the only Princess who matted, her gratitude for his support was met with gratitude for his own.”….A home…”

As Celestia watched in seething envy, there were no words that could be called upon as she witnessed her little Sister and a once mere criminal form not only a united front, but a shared feeling of affection and devotion, something she very much lacked right now. Her numbers mattered little, not against the skill of Luna’s Night, and the integrity of their motivation.

There could be no mistake, that should Celestia’s madness spill over to impulsive, irrational decisions, or rather, more irrational than they already had been, there would be no victory for her. Only a vengeful Night.

Solar too made it sure that Celestia understood this fact. Intrusive with his defiant gaze, the Earth Pony did not stand down before the immortal Alicorn. As much of a stalemate that it was, it was not Celestia’s cause that brimmed with confidence, and momentum surely was only with that powerful cause.

In an almost immature attempt at changing the subject from her own pressures, Celestia now unfairly concentrated her illogicality at the more neutral characters in the room. Victus, who had clearly been apprehensive during this incident, had remained as still as possible, that overly designed and elegant sword not presently on his hip to help reassure him. Still, he was no threat to Celestia, and despite being here, was of no consequence to her.

An insane mind was a dangerous mind however, and clearly, No creature, neutral or not, was safe from her destruction.

“AMBASSADOR!” She challenged, causing quite the fright for the young Human. “Do I have to presume you to be in on my Sister’s plots too? That really isn’t the role of a diplomat, may I remind you!” Possibly thinking herself to have a shred of power over the lone Human, despite having scarified what little she had to her senseless insanity, Celestia spoke as if to warn Victus, who clearly didn’t wish to be here, caught in the middle.

“Well of course not, but if I can just say-“Poor Victus clearly meant no ill will to any Princess right now, but impassiveness was not a sort after skill in these dark days, and indecisiveness to any cause would only leave you the rubble created when two giants clashed.

“You’re here, aren’t you?!” cut relentlessly in Celestia, ironically treating the guest to the country with hardly any respect he was due. “Conspiring in secret with Luna? Do I need to ask you to explain yourself also?”

Solar tried to gage the Human’s reaction and response thereafter by more than what just appeared on the surface. Victus was no fool, however much he acted as one. Impulsive yes, but not stupid. In addition, from what he had said, Victus was from a very politically apt family, and not one that sat on the outlines, letting the power available be clawed by everyone else. Celestia may be playing the intimidating character right now, but Solar knew, Victus was considering the implication of his words extremely well.

“I’m here by invitation, Princess. Exclusively by simple invitation, and I would say it pretty weird if I was here, having not had one.”

Said courteously, Victus’ sharp tongue wasn’t lost on Solar at least. Perhaps Celestia was too far broken to realise it, but the Human, and by extension, perhaps even his entire people, actually allowed a defence of Luna and her ideals.

“Well maybe you shouldn’t be! And why are you even accepting invitations? Your nation’s diplomacy goes through me only!” Solar was convinced Celestia was too mad to notice the finely crafted slander sent her way by Victus. After all, he was permitted by law to be here, discussing diplomacy. Celestia was certainly not, and invading the place with a small army surely wasn’t in align with protocol.

“Actually Sister, we have concluded you to be too busy with your parties to be otherwise occupied with the tedious art of diplomacy”.


Celestia certainly understood the meaning of that one. Her head shot back to Luna, pure fury in her eyes. It was a low blow for sure. Celestia was not spending all her time socialising. She was also messing up the country with erratic and stupid decisions.

“You have no right, Luna!” immediately shot back Celestia, her character compromised too far to even feel insulted.

Yet Luna was prepared and a mirror image of her shameful Sister. Where Celestia gave emotion as an argument, Luna gave facts.

“I have every right! If you feel that unfair, perhaps you shouldn’t have restored equal rule with me, after I returned from banishment!”

Solar had expected these words to silent the room with tense instability. Unhinged characters did never react well to being made a fool of, after all.

Shockingly, Solar was actually proved wrong, and Celestia took a very interesting path to follow. An absurd one at that.

“Ambassador!” She yelled, surely making no friend out of Victus. “Since my Sister wishes to be so petty, and act like a filly who see’s anything of my responsibility to be hers, the choice is yours. Diplomats can’t sit on the fence, you know?!”

Were Solar’s words made to be audible, and in fact, were any Pony but Celestia’s words voiced, they would have easily said that not only were Diplomats, by virtue of their role, actually supposed to tread lightly for the good of their respective two parties, but also that the irony in Celestia’s choice of insults was frighteningly high. At this point, was there any sense in even listening to her?

But some sense was made however. The divide was too wide now, and each side was as distinctive as they ever could be. Equestria’s governance was broken now, clearly, but there was no reason crying over spilt milk. Victus needed to commit to a Princess properly now, and in clear view.

An arduous decision for sure, and one Solar was glad he had already made in loving Luna. But now, all eyes were on the Human, and for once, the entire room was well aware of the meaning of such decision. Victus represented not only himself, but his people. His direction would to be theirs, and this may prove to be the beginnings of where, or rather who, Humanity chose to align with, complete and backed up with the might of an entire country, and the danger of a new species.

“Indeed Victus.” Luna confirmed, placing for pressure on the poor Human. “We cannot avoid this painful moment any longer, for my Sister lessens herself with this frivolous need of hers to feel all powerful”.

The room was quickly descending into a hostile game of who could say the worst thing to each other. For the sake of stability, or what remained of it, Solar just hoped Victus would say something soon at least.

This agonising impatience would have been infinitely preferable to the following. A whisper into the ear of Victus, offered so kindly by Blank Canvas. Remarkably, this moment seemed to go rather unnoticed by each Princess, who failed to realise to severity of this even happening.

Solar tried in vain to get the attention of Victus, but Blank Canvas had him first. No good would come out of this, even if it ended the awkwardness. Feeding poisonous political bile was of benefit to no Pony, bar Blank Canvas himself.

This was even more excruciating to be in the company of than the actual decision itself. Powerless to stop it however, Solar only hoped Blank Canvas’ interested at least aligned closely to his own, however unlikely that might have seemed. It was the best he could hope for right now.

Yet Victus returned from these whispers empowered, and maybe not from what information he may have received. In fact, there may have been no plots exchanged at all. Shaking his head as if to dismiss the Pony, Victus returned to from Blank where most Ponies were too frightened to go. Straightening his back and standing tall, Victus entered the great halls of independence.

“Princesses, I must say, I had hoped to leave the turmoil’s of politics back home, but while I will say my luck hasn’t been great, I will not run from it. As Father always said, ‘legacy is king’ and I’m inclined to believe him. I won’t allow a legacy of broken promises to my people, so for them, and the betterment of our international relations, Humanity will fly its flag high with whoever will provide us with the furthest advances”…

A powerful, self-reliant speech, and one that placed his interests firmly in the Human’s camp, not any Princess. Understandable to have his loyalties to his species, but damning to the side who would be said to not be worthy of them.

“…In my judgment, I believe Princess Luna to be capable of that for now…” Nonpartisan to a point, Victus was clear to emphasises his allegiance was not made permeant, or unsusceptible to changes. It was a decision born of logic, and Luna could respect that.

Celestia though, couldn’t if she tried.

“Excuse me?!” She cried out, somehow surprised, given her current attitude. But as per usual now it seemed, Victus got off lightly. For to her, the Human seemed but the messenger, delivering spite and contempt from Luna. “So this is how you treat me, your Sister? The Pony who actually gave you a chance when clearly, you were only hoping for the moment to pounce on me!”

Luna scoffed, as viciously as she could. “Oh please! Ever you wish to seem the gracious and all powerful figure to the Ponies! From what I hear, your concern lies instead with how much you can possibly smile at some overly extravagant dinner party! But I’m sure we can all be thankful for how your little acting lessons have taught you to appear competent. Theatre has allowed you to pretend to care!”

This attack did not go unfelt by Celestia. Increasingly the two Royal Sister’s seemed as close to civil war as possible. Regrettably, Celestia could only take the bait, each and every time.

“You would not say that if you actually had to experience what I do! If you actually left your room for once, and stopped acting like a sulking filly, maybe you’d realise the world doesn’t revolve around how sad you constantly are!” Brutally narrow minded insults did not go down well with Solar, but it was Luna who felt the painful sting of this barbarity. For a millennia old immortal Goddess, Celestia truly did act the brute.

“You…will…cease these accus-“But Celestia cared little for the feelings of her Sister anymore.

“Oh boo hoo! I don’t get to lament at not being noticed!” Sarcasm was an understatement, and now, the room, and Luna herself, seemed about to unleash every part of fury available. “I apologise for not getting the chance to flirt with deplorables, but I actually try and maintain the mantle of a proper leader! You may not know if that proves taxing, but even so, I still make an effort to smile!”

Luna breathed deep, heavy breaths, her dark rage hanging by a thread. Solar had to intervene, for the physical good of all present.

“Don’t pay her any notice, Princess…” Solar whispered caringly, gaining quite the chastising look of hatred from Luna, who no doubt thought of Solar how he thought of Blank Canvas. “…She wants you to crack. That way, she gets to expose the Night for the horror she thinks it is…”

His words helped, at least somewhat. Uncontrollable rage was replaced with precise personal disgust for her Sister. A bomb replaced with a bolt, so to speak.

“So that’s what exhausts you, is it? Maintaining a pretty face?” Luna spat through gritted teeth, “The imminent war with the Griffonian Empire doesn’t concern you enough to actually care for our Military? If constant appeasement is your go to strategy, I advise you to promptly quit your drama classes, for in regards to you acting, they have failed you, as you have failed every single one of us!”

This was a volley of insults and provocations. War with the Griffon’s seemed the fight of least concern now, what with two potential super weapons primed to destroy, right here. Wishful as he was to maintain the onslaught upon Celestia, Solar now however paused before awaiting Luna’s next attack. Apart from the delicate nature of the room right now, watching the fight like it was a playground scrap was a foolish endeavour. He wished to see Luan triumph over her Sister, but it could not be right now, in a flurry of insults and possible magical destruction. The only way for Luna to win here, was to show the populace, and Celestia’s own, that the Night was more powerful, that only it could ensure stable rule.

It would have to be the forces of the Night, versus of the forces of the Day, and a battle with a clear, convincible victor. Only that way could power be maintained.

Fortunately, what with Celestia’s little coup like attempt here, Solar had all the cause in the world for the Night, and the NG, to gain supporters. Perhaps though, one last push remained. One last mistake for Celestia to make.

“If I may!” Solar interjected, bringing relief to many ears present, who were undoubtedly being overwhelmed with the booming voices of the Princesses. “Perhaps we can put an end to the duels of today, and proceed positively, with a great and momentous legal change in Equestria’s social constitution.”

His words drew interest. Much of this, of course, was just happiness that something else other than near war now filled the void. Other interests, Luna included, trusted in Solar, and allowed him this chance to speak. Predictably however, Celestia was far from being generous and courteous with allowing Solar to speak. With a clear roll of the eyes, and quite rude moment of muttering, she too eventually allowed Solar to proceed.

This was his chance. Thanks to earlier talks with other Shadow’s, the Bat Ponies in particular, this move wasn’t out of the blue. In fact, thanks to the blank scrolls and papers currently in front of him, he quickly put pen to paper, and drafted a rough, but serious idea of law.

“Divisions may be healed, and Equestria’s love and friendship may be shared if we allow ourselves to agree to a, sadly, radical idea. It is a simple enough decision, and one that would go far to make our society better and more inclusive. What I speak of…is ensuring the Thestrals known also as Bat Ponies, to enjoy official recognition as our great nations fourth race of Ponies!”

From a chamber of pitiful yelling, to one of shocked silence, it seemed at least that Solar’s idea, if anything, had at least delayed the Princess from killing each other.

Deathly award as it might be, Solar could not ignore the unmistakable gratitude that plastered the face of all those surrounding him. The audacity of demanding such laws, in the presence of both Princesses, was nothing short of perfect for them. From Dark Blossom to Midnight Dust, from the freshly recruited members of the NG, to Luna herself, all now looked to Solar as he himself were leading them. For he may of well have been. Asking the chamber to agree to this, after so many centuries of ignoring it, was a brave move worthy of total admiration, regardless of previous opinions towards him.

Without even whispering or mouthing it, Solar could hear clearly the words that his side wished to say. The thing they had been wanting to say for so long, after countless many past issues.

Thank you.

“Out of the question!” rejected Celestia. “You clearly have no idea how to govern, Solar Virtue! Spend more time among us first, if you can. Then return with actual helpful ideas”. Mad as she may have been, this was, ironically, her first clear and cohesive set of words said today. This is the response she would have given on any other day. For the Bat Ponies had been marginalised for this long, all because Celestia believed enough that this would be a bad idea.

Maybe though, today was different. Opposition now would not be meek, not when divisions and passions were higher than they ever would be. The Night would not lie down passively, not as their Princess had come under such intense fire today.

“Why?” simply stated Luna. “Why is it out of the question? I confess, it is my great shame I have not campaigned for the distribution of fairness that the Thestrals have long deserved. My dear Solar though, is right! I will be willing to set aside our differences for now, but only if Equestria and its lawmakers gift the Thestrals as equal rights and securities as the rest of the nation receives”.

Alas, a happy end was never in reach, for Celestia entrenched mind could not be changed. As merciful and welcoming as she desired to be, this was apparently one step too far for her. There was no mistake in it, Celestia was voting for an entire race of Ponies to remain discriminated and hated against.

“My answer is final!” confirmed Celestia with unmatched aggression, anger taken personally by the Thestrals. “If you have actually serious about making all this up, then return with something sensible!”

Solar then began to hear whispers. Sputtering and groans about the legitimacy of Celestia very rule. As a wave approached the shore, ever larger, so did the noise in the room. Every Thestral and near every Pony supporting Luna now cared little for their disapprovals being heard. This was a revolt in the making, and with hateful language now so liberally being thrown her way, the writing was increasingly on the wall for Celestia. Her eyes then suddenly seemed to have been let go from their rueful madness, and now looked upon a hostile room demanding blood. Maybe she wasn’t open to changing her mind, but her arrogance was appearing to clear up, revealing to her heated tension, and a horde of angry Night supporters.

“Celestia, you see now…should you continue to oppose this natural progression of equality, should you deny my Ponies their very basic rights, I fear I will not be able to restrain them from their nature, to live as any other Pony does.”

This was a warning. A very clear one. Celestia was not debating some mundane government policy, nor was she arguing with her Sister for the future of Equestria. She was making any enemy out of the very country, and revolutions rarely ended up well for the leader.

She was scared. Her eyes flickered, and her seething persona swiftly collapsed, revealing an unsure, exposed soul. This was the point of no return. The edge of the knife. From suggesting the matter to bridge the gap, Solar now saw the cliff edge in which society was about to tumble over. For Celestia was but a scared, frightened animal now, and a fearful creature was a dangerous creature, one born of naught but survival instincts, and the desire to fight.

“I will not be held ransom by you, Sister.” Celestia then slowly said, her voice quiet in comparison, and riddled with genuine regret. “I fear you too have let the pressures of the world consume you, and now, you think the only way to obtain change is to force it like you were leading an army into war. But as ruler of Equestria, I won’t allow some upstart group of ominous meddlers to set our world aflame…” This final point was clearly meant for the NG, and Solar in particular. His rise had been swift, and his influence equally so. Little doubt Celestia now looked upon him in such a way. Understandable on its own, but what she failed to mention was that the world was already aflame, and it was her sparks that had caused it.

Curiously then, from a room of strained unity, cries of betrayal and shouts of oppression, then came a silent, almost peaceful aura. This was but the eye of the storm, and the lightening was about to strike.

“So, you will, in clear conscience, subjugate my kind and loyal Thestrals to a state not even befitting our enemies?” Luna asked, peaceful as if her mind was now at ease, knowing the stresses of compromise were no longer required. “As you wish. I will ensure the necessary responses to ensure a stable and comprehensive nation for all. If you so care for your subjects, then heed my words. Stay out of our way!”

This was more than a clear, dire warning. It was a guarantee, that should Celestia continue to frustrate the Night’s progress, and should she have the nerve to act the dictator any longer, than Luna would not hesitate to intervene. The Princess of the Sun understood this, but could not back down. This, to her, was practically a challenge now.

“Fine! Do not be surprised should you and your…associates….meet the force of my will to protect. If you insist on clawing power once more, then watch your back, Luna!”

There it was. The climax of the old world. As Celestia chose words like “Me” and “My”, it was Luna and her Night her felt the momentum of victory. No autocratic despot would rule the fate of their race, of their cause, or of their very lives. Eyes from across the room clashed with each other, as Guards and Shadows alike now saw enemies and frustrators. This was but a simple taste of what was to become. Civil war had been avoided today, but could this miracle extend to the next day? Or the day after? Or any other day in any other week? Brother would soon be against brother, and all peaceful, diplomatic sides of either Princess were now things of the past.

“Leave now, Celestia. For your own good….” An eerie, sinister caution from Luna’s pursed lips. It was the only thing separating her from blasting her Sister into the wall.

“Oh I’m leaving, and I’ll actually being trying to rule, unlike you!” A spiteful way to end this entire conflict. Looking at each character in the room with equal distain, Celestia did in fact allow Solar the lion’s share of her hatred. Effectively, he may have very well caused the two Sister to irreconcilably split. He did not lament however. There was little to regret, not when Luna and his very fortunes now had the freedom to topple the existing rot. Rot set so deep, that Celestia even then threatened General Cast Hoofstrong, another impartial individual, with extreme disciplinary action for just being there.

Nonetheless, Luna made it no secret as she carefully watched her Sister and her armed Guards leave the room, returning it to its pre interruption state. Closing her eyes, and sighing deeply, perhaps out of mere relief, all now could at least rest knowing they would not have to spill any blood for today, and that the cause had not gone down in flames, as they were thrown into some dark cell awaiting immoral justice.

Relaxing as they were, everypony present still awaited some further instruction from their Princess. This was uncharted territory, and knowing that they may very well come under assault from Luna’s forces, as soon as they stepped out of the chamber, was a concerning fact. They had cause, now, they needed a plan.

“Solar. Neon. Ensure the NG is fully prepared. I fear our might will be required sooner rather than later…”

A rather plain way of being told to get ready for a fight. Regardless, Solar was.

“With pleasure, Princess…” seethed Solar, considering just how far Luna had been forced to act by her very Sister.

“Captain Thunder Mist.” Luna then said, addressing the Night Guardspony. “In cooperation with Neon Edgy, find as many sympathetic Ponies within the Night Guard who will join our cause. We need every last one of them.”

This seemed to practically delight Neon, whose idea was finally taken on board. Thunder Mist nodded respectfully, fully aware that his long time on this planet had not finished in surprising him yet.

“And the rest of you…” Luna proceeded to command, confidently yet caringly as any powerful leader would. “Be ready for the greatest test of your life. Support my new Order, and do what you can to ensure it and you never again have to fear what lies beyond!” A rousing cheer, and a collective inhale of confidence. Only time would tell how this new course would treat them, but Solar at least, finally had what he had dreamed of. Power of the future.

“The Night shall last forever!”

Author's Note:

Enjoyed writing this, hope you enjoyed reading it too.

See if you can piece another part of the puzzle, that being the other reasons behind Celestia's personality. Its going to make for even more chaos for our characters.

If you have any questions, theories, or plain feedback, drop a comment. Always a pleasure to interact with you guys :scootangel:

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