• Published 12th Jul 2017
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Our new Friends, Our new Enemies - The Potato Guy

Equestria rots from within and Princess Luna falls prey to the corruption of an evil Pony. Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash finds herself in the strangest world, one where her loyalty will truly become tested.

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Chapter 37: Deceleration of war

Nothing could have stopped Solar from his campaign in that moment.

No words. No Guard, and certainly no Princess.

Princess Twilight Sparkle was not on the opposing end of his wishes right not, fortunately for her. She was merely tagging along at this point, wishing to seem proactive in some regard. Solar could not blame her, for it was still the case that Canterlot was ruled only by fear and chaos, even hours after the attack. If he was whipped into near fanatical action to spare Equestrian civilisation from descending any further, than he was sure that the book loving Twilight would also.

Together, the Commander of the elite order of the Shadows, and the Princess of friendship, somehow the repeated saviour of the country, were an unstoppable force. These unlikely allies of sorts cared only about doing the right thing, and nopony could stop them.

Not that there were any Ponies to even attempt such a thing.

There was, of course, the predictable amount of distraught citizens about, who wailed in their despair at friends killed and innocence lost. Twilight in particular seemed all too affected by this scene, as her freshly arrived eyes had yet to witness how the attack had broken Canterlot, and not just physically. Solar never allowed her to stop though, for her own sake, but this could do little to the sights she saw, and the sorrow she experienced.

Solar knew her thoughts. An event so violent, so evil that there was no chance that its orchestrators knew anything of the magic of friendship. It was nearly as much of an attack on Twilight’s very being as it was for the direct victims, such was the despair felt this moment. What kindness was there given, what laughter heard in these weeping streets when so much blood and been spilt, and tears formed in Twilights eyes? It was attack against decency and the civilisation of the bonds created by friendship, as much as it was an attack against Equestria itself. Few could be as barbaric as those who revelled in the success of their cruel actions today.

It all served as a painful, if necessary, reminder of what they were all facing, and what could potentially repeat itself, should Twilight not align her power and uses with the Night. She may have been Celestia’s pupil, but eventually the student should eclipse the master, and step out of their shadow.

And join another.

Solar wasn’t sure that introducing her to the Shadows themselves was wise. She was a young, innocent girl, content to have her nose almost permanently stuck in a book of some kind. Nevertheless, she was an official Princess of the realm, just as much as Luna was. When the Shadows, deep and passionate supporters of Luna and her Night, would meet her, what was stopping them from venting legitimate grievances and frustrations upon a Pony with such a powerful title? Not to mention the plight of the Thestrals, and the anger the Shadows of that noble race felt as their people were side-lined, and now, judging from the meeting with Celestia recently, refused equality. They would see Princess Twilight as failing to help their cause, as she chose against to speaking up for them, or at least to challenge Celestia’s misguided views on the matter.

It was dangerous, but they were professionals, surely, disciplined enough to hold back their more ravenous desires. Still, Solar was sure to keep Twilight close, as she was now his responsibility. She was young, pure and almost naively friendly. All Solar had to do was to show the Shadows this much loved figure would be useful to them.

The Shadows, however, were not the only concern felt right now. Matters of security did not end with the Night. On the contrary, the collusion and neglect of the Guards was a deeply concerning matter, made all the more pressing and dangerous as knowledge of their possible involvement behind the attack came to light. This ominous officer Pony, seen around Canterlot ensuring his Ponies were well away from the blast, was no ally. Any of his Guards, even the lowliest, had to be considered a threat.

Yet there were none. An added testament to their inability to help today, and their probably wish to ruin Equestria, but also a curiosity. This close to the castle, Solar had expected to meet resistance or at least questioning of some kind. After an attack, it should have defiantly been the case that security was on its highest alert, with the numbers of Guards increased tenfold. Granted, this path towards Luna’s tower was a quiet one, but Solar and Twilight were almost free to enter the castle grounds, to do as they please.

Golden clad forms could be seen in the distance. Their obnoxious plate reflecting the sun rather well. But they were congregating in more well-known routes, practically abandoning entrances such as these.

In that moment, Solar did not fed his growing opposition to anypony in Celestia’s command. His concern was more of an obvious one. One of concern for Canterlot, and a great frustration of failures of security. Ironically, this collapse in surveillance did benefit him today, as he and Twilight made great and unopposed haste into the Luna tower. Still, when the chaos of today had subsided, and the literal dust settled, it was now clearer than ever that the Guards, orders firmly under the mad grip of Celestia, were unfit for use. Theirs was no longer of organisation capable of keeping Equestria safe, either intentionally or not. It would be for the NG to restore order, ensuring that possibility of a more violent conflict to preserve the peace, seemed ever more likely.

“Solar, um, I hate to ask…” Twilight practically teased, refusing Solar the decency of a finished sentence.

“Ask what? Please hurry Princess, this is not the time.” Solar’s warning was not without legitimacy. The only safe place was now with the NG, buried deep under Luna’s tower. Canterlot was once said to be a refuge from war, capable of holding back any enemy. It had successfully held back a Changeling hive, and had in centuries long gone, survived countless war. Yet it was now a graveyard, its illusion of protection shattered as the first victim had left the world of the living.

“…Is Princess Luna ok…?” It was no coincidence that Twilight’s words sounded so concerned. Treading lightly around the subject however, which was bound to come up, was unrequired. Solar had the utmost confidence in the rightful ruler.

“A moot point, Princess. The Princess Luna is safe and well-guarded, I have ensured my best Guardians remain as her vigilant honour guard.”

“Guardians?” came the inquisitive response of Twilight Sparkle, reminding Solar, that in her ignorant seclusion in insignificant Ponyville, developments such as these had gone unheard to her.

“The reformed Lunar Guard.” Solar replied proudly. “Always need some muscle to trust, unlike the Guard themselves.”

Of course, with any recent addition into the know of secret matters of state, surprise would be rife. For a well-read Pony, almost to the point of unpleasant annoyance, Twilight understood the severity of this development better than most.

“The Lunar Guard?! Solar, are you serious?!” She shrieked, demonstrating quite the over reactive side to her, if Solar could ever say so.

“Why not?” He simply replied, conscious of time lost.

“Um, because they helped Nightmare Moon do all her terrible things?!” Freaking out like this was not befitting a Princess, but at least it was preferable to the lack of control Celestia had demonstrated. “Urgh, this is why I asked if Luna was ok. This is big, like really big, Solar!”

Patience now began to run thin as Solar realised the error he had so easily made when he had accepted Twilight with him. Her overreactions would only delay them, risking untold dangers, and creating the potential for some cocky Day Guard to “escort” her away from him. Still, annoying as she was, another Princess on his side was preferable to any alternative.

“To answer your question again, Princess Luna is safe, and nothing, not ever, will bring her harm. There will not be a circumstance that will hurt her, not while I live! Is this understood?” Only when he had finished did Solar play back his tone in his mind, and realise just how ardent he had sounded in his defence of Luna. In curious silence did Twilight then look upon him, her mind racing as conclusions most likely began to form in her mind. She never said anything, nor did she show to realise it, but as Solar compromised himself and looked away in fluster, there was no amount of stoic or indomitable aura about him that could plead against that anything that did not suggest he was in love with Luna. “Now, may we continue? Forgive me when I say Princess, but this meeting cannot wait.”

Twilight may have been teased with forbidden knowledge, but it at least served to keep her thoughts occupied. Such a treat could not forsaken by acting ungratefully, especially if that treat came from Solar, head of an ancient order that carried one too many fearful rumours about it. With a meek nod, Twilight submitted, and let Solar take the lead once more.

So into Luna’s tower they entered, it’s cool and soothing blue tone creating that ever great a contrast to the bombastic nature of the rest of Canterlot. In Solar’s point of view, it was a relaxing, calming look, one that, as soon as he entered it, put him at ease, and refused the entry of problems of the day, in all literal sense of the word. Twilight however, was not so lucky. Her head was hung a little low, a common sign of insecurity. Her eyes darted around her whereabouts as him she were paranoid of an incoming attack. Of course, she was more than safe here, even though many once said that safety was a trait shared by all of Canterlot. The city though was not packed full of Guardians, with their vigilant and near set of edge looks patrolling the towers many rooms.

Twilight looked upon them, even while armour was a rarity to them thanks to their unrecognised status by Celestia, with unease. She did not show distain that they were even here in the first place, despite her previous reservations. Her fear, Solar concluded was a good thing. It meant these new recruits were not of the soft variety, and were, above all, dangerous Ponies. Their loyalty must come as standard, that much was a deep requirement, but aside from that, Solar cared little for how violent and intimidating they seemed, preferring there were, then to were not.

“Princess, this way if you please?” Solar offered, far more gently this time as if to show her that the Night was not here to harm her. He was sure she had been in the tower itself before, but now descending deep underground, the architecture changing to far a more dungeon like appearance, required a little care from him. After all, the Guardians themselves were today acting as literal guards, with specific instructions to remain stoic and uncompromising. The Shadows, free, independent and very self-sufficient, were under no such obligation. If they had something to say, or worryingly, even do, they would, without a hitch.

“Now, Princess, before we enter, I must inform you of a few things” Solar said carefully as the two now stood outside a closed door, with naught but blue flame torches illuminating the dark and stony hallways. “I’m not sure if you’ve ever met the Shadow’s, but let’s just say they aren’t the friendliest of bunches. Kindness isn’t really something they do”.

Solar would have normally forgone this warning to any other Pony, were it not required. Twilight, the Princess of friendship, because of her rank, had to be the exception. Solar couldn’t risk his Shadows offending or hurting her somehow, and then have her pleading that she was not warned. For safety’s sake, and to not upset her ‘friendship’ sensibilities, an unrealistic expectation could not be allowed to grow, and the dangers of this meeting must take its place.

“Sir Solar, I have to remind you that I have battled Changelings, a bunch of magical creatures, Tirek himself, and an assortment of other dangers. I think I can manage a few Thestrals.” Solar was not impressed. Her magical abilities were said to be profound, but boastful attitudes rarely got one far. All the magic in the world would not stop some foolish, sneaky Shadow with a hatred of any authority that wasn’t belonging to Luna, from sinking their fangs into Twilights jugular, being promptly ripping it out.

“Princess, your respective position is not one of strength.” Solar chose his words carefully, ever wishing to seem logical choice for Luna’s confidant. “The Shadows will most likely be angry of the attack, and whatever you’ve heard of them, I dare say much of that hearsay might end of repeating itself, if we are not careful”.

Perhaps it wasn’t surprising that arrogance was confident here, when born of ignorance to the true nature of the Shadows. It did at least mean that they had done their jobs well, if objective truth about their order remained as elusive as them.

Solar wasn’t sure if Twilight was enlightened with fact, but perhaps she needn’t be. Reminders of the attack reliably put the Princess into a solemn, sedated frame of mind, easily replacing any vestiges of cockiness or arrogance. For the kind of audience about to be granted, humbleness was the name of the game, and that game was ensuring the Princess of friendship didn’t get herself killed.

“I see…” She conceded, calling upon some form of regality that Solar had no idea existed in this once common Pony. “Can we enter then?”

Granted, Twilight still persisted in her mission to get involved. No warning nor threat seemed to halt her desire to join in the activities of the Night, as if she were a secret admirer of it. Solar could do little against such persistence, and with good reason.

Because such a quality was endearing, especially in regards to her ability to find herself useful by Solar. Expelling that tired old trope that the Night was something to be feared was something Twilight was attempting right now, and Solar dare not disrupt that.

“As you wish….Princess!” Solar finalised his comment loudly, for the room he had opened to at that point, needed pronouncing to, and alerting it occupants to their important guest.

“Princess Twilight, may I introduce to you, the ancient and noble order of the Shadows. Defenders of the realm!”

The room was, predictably, fairly dark, given its current occupants. Like much of the architecture down here, it was very vault like, preferring form over function. And the function of this chamber was planning, which explained the large horse shoe like table right in the middle of it, with varied races sat on and around it.

Those Ponies were the Shadows, and upon hearing Twilight’s triumphant entrance, all chatter ceased, and an eerily silence began to consume all.

Despite being a fairly varied crowd, in terms of racial makeup, all pairs of eyes that now set themselves upon Twilight all looked to be of the Thestral variety. They were intense, deep stares and ones full of emotion and above all, distress of their own. The Shadows, supremely, were servants to the country, and they trusted Luna in ensuring that country was safe. Their confidence had been shaken however, like countless others today. But unlike those masses, the Shadows were not left weeping, broken souls whose innocence was ripped away in the violence of the attack. This group was already violent, and had not misconceptions of what the reality of the world was like. They knew well of the chaos unleashed today, but when it had been so close to home, right in the heart of Equestria, only lust for vengeance remained.

They wanted to defend Equestria at any cost, and like Solar now, would go to any length to achieve it.

Twilight was understanding that extreme ambition right now, as she looked upon a dozen faces of vengefulness, who now told her of what violence would be paid back in kind.

“Princess Twilight…” Approached Midnight Blossom, ever the dutiful Shadow. “Let me be the first to welcome you here, and let it be assured that we will protect you as fiercely and without mercy as we would to Princess Luna.” Despite the quite disarmed feeling that Midnight made her Commander well known of, having being forced to greet Twilight with no warning, Solar remained impressed with her professionality. She did not let wrath consume her to the point of failing to act in accordance to tradition, but neither did she forgo it to seem weak or unmoved by the attack. Twilight may have been shocked at the forwardness of Midnight in her desire for revenge, but it at least told her what the Shadows were all about, and what honesty that could demonstrate.

“Um, thank you...” Twilight managed to reply, clearly at unease with the intimidating appearance of her audience. “I hope I can do you all proud.” Solar knew the Princess to have no prejudice in her heart. On the contrary, she was inclusive and accepting to a fault, focusing on friendship so much that they gave her a royal title for it. Still, her lack of experience in forms of diplomacy was evident, and did little to warm the Shadows to her.

So Solar decided to step in, finding himself lacking any fear of his still relatively new role.

“The Princess wants to help us, and despite my best efforts, could not be dissuaded in her willingness to support the cause of the Night, so I won’t have any of you pissing yourselves in a foul like sulk. You’ll treat her as you do Princess Luna, understand?!” Solar had been sure to sound commanding. He couldn’t very well be responsible for the death of Twilight after all.

For the most part, he knew many Shadows to be merely surprised by her presence, a shock made only worse on the surface by the anger of the attack. Twilight would recover from their temporary distain.

On the other hoof however, there were many among the group who find compromise an art form too complicated for them, and Solar needn’t have been telepathic to understand who would be the first among that undesirable lot to speak up first.

“So she’s desired to set aside her former teacher then?” Came the ever brash voice of Midnight Dust, his arrogance never seeming to fall anywhere below painfully obvious. “Because it’d be great if most ponies said ‘screw off’ to a traitor!”

Solar winced. Hard. Not only was this cocky fool teaching Twilight why he was such a thing, which was an embarrassment enough for the order, but he was, with clearly little thought, so loudly suggesting to Twilight of Celestia’s probable crimes. Yes, Celestia had blood on her hooves, but Solar did not have any need of one of his Ponies shouting it out loud, to Twilight of all Ponies. That was counterproductive to the intentions of showing Twilight that the Night would be accommodating to her.

“Midnight Dust!” Solar called out loudly, his voice reverberating around the chamber. “What is your cranial malfunction? This is a Princess you are talking to, may I fucking remind you?!”

Midnight Dust talking at all was problem enough. Clearly not the brightest bat in the room, his failings in tactfulness was a shame to the order of the Shadows on a good day. In any other time, his initial instincts were a liability, and in the current case, a danger to the cause.

“I’m just saying! Why is it that while the bodies are still cold, that we suddenly start trusting some geeky Dayling to help us? What a way to spit on everything we’ve fought for!” This had been Solar’s worry, that nopony would jump on board with the plan. That overcoming their long held beliefs, that anyone not Luna could not be trusted, would be the right path.


“Hey now Midnight, lets relax a little, shall we?” Interjected Silver Sky, his voice of reason not amiss in the mind of Midnight Dust and quite a few more.

“Oh of course it would be you to defend a non Thestral, Silver.” Shot back Midnight with genuine anger. “You basically look like them anyway. Having second thoughts of where your loyalties lie?”

The situation, already, was turning into something dirty. This was infighting at its finest, and it was all because of Solar.

“You seriously asking that, Dust?” And it was a good question. Solar did not doubt the severity of any pony’s loyalty in this room, else they wouldn’t be here, desperate to know how to advance in the face of this threat. If one’s loyalty was somehow shattered by this attack, then they would have found it wise to use their head start to escape, for as had been the case with Solar’s predecessor, vengeance was never far behind when it was offered by the Night.

“I’m just thinking that maybe you’ve given up on us, and wish it was our people lying dead in the streets!”

Solar cringed for the state of the room, the state of the Shadows. Midnight Dust was but a vocal mouthpiece for a feelings found common in many souls here. A symptom, not the cause.

“You really are an idiot if you think I do care about my own race!” Personal attacks rarely met with the successful accuracy that its originator hoped. Silver Sky, Solar knew, was not lax in the same desire all here made a home in. But gone now was the time for discretion apparently, and civil discussion seemed a thing of a long gone past.

And what a sight it must have been for Twilight.

Her first venture into this secret world of service, and what did she find? Nothing but ill-discipline, infighting and personal attacks, as if they were back in the school yard. If another Princess were present, and Luna saw what had become her ancient and sacred order, then Solar would not blame her if she suddenly decided to abolish the entire thing, then and there.

“Dark Blossom?” Solar inquired, his voice going unnoticed to all but its target, under the copious amount of shouting and verbal death match.

“Commander?” She replied diligently approaching Solar and a subdued Twilight, clearly not at all impressed also at the show unveiling.

“Where is Neon? I haven’t seen her since the blast?”

Dark pondered for a moment. That Pony was an elusive one by nature, but as she and Solar had fixated themselves on the very immediate aftermath of the attack, they had naturally parted ways, and despite this meeting having been called, she was nowhere to be even heard of.

“Last I heard, she was with some of our Guardians. Need I remind you she is quite the fiery type?”

Another worrying fact to add to the pile. What was Neon Edgy doing with a group that could so easily cause trouble of the bloody variety? Surely Neon was not so impulsive that she would seek retribution alone? Unhinged and unwieldy as the loose cannon that she ever seemed.

Solar prayed not, but it was not the most pressing issue. The survival of the Shadow’s trumped any other concern.

“Princess, do not let this shit show weigh you down. They are just…frustrated.” Choice words if there ever were any, and a rather tame description that still managed to anger Midnight Dust, who somehow now had a super sense to pick up anything that tried to drag his name through the dirt, as if it could be dragged any deeper.

“Shit show?!” He cried, switching his target as if he was a hungry predator. “You’re one to talk, ‘Commander Solar’. What have you done to stop all this? Do we need to get rid of you as we did Steel Onyx?”

Honestly, that was Solar’s most feared prospect. To end up out of a job and cast out, with possible force, was bad enough. It was a painful humiliation, but it was a mercy that Steel Onyx only had that to deal with. To betray Luna with incompetence and failure was a punishment too far, a suffering Solar could barely bring himself to think about. To know Luna’s heart had been broken, and her desires shattered, Solar had no words to comfort himself with. He only hoped the sole way he would fail Luna was with his mortality, and a death a long time from now.

In these depressing thoughts, Solar had not immediately replied, leaving a gap for anypony to fill. Surprisingly, it was Twilight who filled it.

“Sir, please! The Commander is trying his very hardest! Look, he’s even suffered from the accident himself!” Solar wasn’t too pleased in having his personal battles fought for him, especially by one who’s presence here and caused this whole mess. Additionally, what ‘suffering’ she was referring to was from the fight with the Human’s, and not the explosion. Still, if just to spite Midnight Dust, Solar did not correct her mistake.

“You…You’re the one who defeated Nightmare Moon…” Until now, Midnight Dust had, albeit far more aggressively, stayed apathetic towards Twilight, using her more as an arguing point than a Pony to even acknowledge. Now though, despite Solar’s initial concerns that Midnight would unleash such fury upon her and make an enemy of a powerful pony, no further aggression came. No onslaught built up by years of mistrust and oppression. No, the path Midnight chose was far worse.

Many Shadows, Dark Blossom and Neon Edgy included, saw Luna as more than just a Princess. It was an infectious attitude that had spread to Solar, who was now allowed to see Luna as his everything. It was no secret in these ranks that they all wished to see Luna escaping the restraints of the current diarchy, of which was still was skewed against her. A queen Luna was a strong word, but not so extreme among her chosen supporters. To the extreme they might have to go, as Solar was discovering, but a Luna treated fairly was not such dirty thing.

That seemingly ever present stain, that one thing that the Shadows could never escape, harkening back to the days themselves, was.

“W-What? Yeah! Of course I did! Me and my friends couldn’t exactly just let her win, you know?” It was to no ponies benefit that Twilight now acted so simply now, playing straight into Midnight’s hoof. For his following reaction, one of severe disapproval and profound regret, was preciously of the kind Solar had no hoped to deal with, let alone handle with Twilight present.

“And look where that has gotten us!” Midnight bitterly fired back, his entire form almost ready to attack. “Threats almost annually! The country ready to implode! War on the horizon and now intent to harm our Queen! Thanks a lot for your help, Princess!”


Twilight’s steady realisation was a step too far for Solar. He would not stand by and let some Nightmare Moon apologist ruin everything just because things got tough. The Shadow’s, at least some of them, had not forgotten their servitude to the dark mistress, and it appeared that as soon as the insecurity born of tension claimed individual Ponies , some form of secret admiration rose to the surface. A dirty thing indeed, and a memory of a time long gone, no longer capable of helping those in the present.

“Midnight! That’s enough!” Solar intervened, entering the fray, directly between Twilight and the Shadow.

“Or what?” Midnight spat back. In his yearning for a time he believed required today, only a dark path to oblivion awaited him. As evident as it was now, such misplaced nostalgia betrayed his very being, forcing him to fight against the cause he swore to, and the those who followed that cause. Solar was that cause personified right now, but knowing Midnight, something more personal influenced his actions. “Maybe you only joined us to steer Luna away from her destiny, so you can get Celestia to strike her down yet again, and bring in everlasting day!”

What?! Ridiculous!

A distrusting mind was a deluded mind. Midnight, in his anger, lost all sight of fellowship and goal. His was now, despite shared sympathies of Nightmare Moon with many of his colleagues, a solitary, lonely cause, one without aim or bond. Nightmare Moon did not need to return to spur Equestria into action, and Luna need not turn dictator to restore order, a feat only possible through collaboration and the Night fighting as one.

“Are you mad?!” Shouted Solar, wishing to instil some order back into the room. “You dare to say I prefer Celestia over our Princess?!” The more he dwelled upon it, the more personal it became for Solar. Celestia could simply never be the one he would follow, even if she was even a fraction less despotic. He did not need reminding of why he was fighting now, and why Luna deserved everything he could offer her.

“Pfff! Or maybe you just wanted to bring her down to your lonesome level! You wanted somepony to share in your miserable existence of living like a parasite to the world!” Midnight Dust was now practically nose to nose with Solar, as he clearly was betting his provoking to slip into a more violent stage. That was a concession Solar could not afford, for fearing of conceding Midnight the benefit of the doubt in his words.

“Enough, Midnight.” It was with eerie foreboding that Solar now spoke to Midnight, calmly and with cold insertion.

“Nah!” came the response that literally spat on Solar’s face. “Bet you’re glad you’ve tricked her into joining your sad life! Makes sense for scum like you to feed off another sad existence so that you can live in the shit world we give you!”

Solar’s heart beat raised. Dramatically. Such falsehood only succeeded in aggravating him with a mockery of the truth. Simply how dare Midnight claim Solar to be without cause, that he used those Ponies who tried, so that he could profit from disaster. This was simply not acceptable, and as his blood boiled, there, in that single moment, Solar did realise what one thing could push him over the edge,

Dishonesty against his love for Luna, was a strike to the face. By attacking Solar like this, Midnight insulted his ruler. Luna was being relentlessly smeared by one of her own Shadow’s , who committed near treason against her while he spouted lies that she was weak, and in need of Solar to lead her.

“Thanks, Commander! Thanks for pissing on us all and making Luna a laughing stock! If she was seen by who she was in the past, I’m sure you’d be hanging high within the hour!”

No. Stop.

“You’re a leech, Solar Virtue! Sucking the life out of Luna so you can feel a little less shit when you look upon the equally broken form that she is! But I guess that’s all ok for you! Cos’ finally you’ll be all ok that you’ve finally done it and messed everything up so much that you can say you aren’t the only parasite in the world!”

Solar began to seriously fear for his composure, his chance of being Commander. Should he break here, as some bitter victim would, then he was no Pony to follow, no vanguard trustworthy enough to lead the Night into a better future.

But was Midnight right? Was he correct when he said that Solar had done all this just because?

Looking back, regardless of a hunger for power, that rapid rise to the top he had been so lucky to achieve was not admirable. It was a selfish feed off others, all to benefit himself and, like Midnight stated, to bring the world down to his level.

The past was unchangeable, and it defined each Pony.

So what Midnight saw, a jealous and disrupting force, a parasite, was true….

Solar wanted to just leave. To run away and never return. He could do it. He would live as he had always done. As an outcast. No past nor future capable of defining him.

He would be a nopony, as he always had been. A nopony, with no cause.

“Y’know, I’m kinda glad the attack happened. Sure, a lot of Ponies died, but at least it’s exposed all the rot that is among even us!” Midnight looked upon Solar with total distain, and not great lack of disgust. Other Shadow’s just stood there, unable or unsure how to act. “My only regret is that the tally wasn’t higher. Maybe then you could all see how pathetic the Commander has made Luna! They say Nightmare Moon is the corrupt form, but we’ve been dealing with such a broken piece of gloom, that I don’t even know anymore! I guess when your only cause is to defile another Pony, then this is what you get! A Princess made common by some mud! The Night has whored itself out!”

The room froze. A complete state as if time had literally stopped. It may well have, for Solar at least. He could deal with insults, slander and even war upon him. Concerns of losing his job were legitimate, but now, gone. Nothing he felt was for himself anymore. No fear, no frustration of others.

What was he fighting for?

He had developed a cause of his own, by his own doing. His rise to the top was dishonest, even parasitical, but alas, it was already so. In response, Solar knew he needed something new, a more righteous, honourable aim.

Luna was that cause. Her reign and betterment of others was its design. Nightmare Moon was not Luna, not anymore anyway. All that mattered was the Luna who had embraced him and become one with his cold heart. Just that. No more. No less.

Her enemies had struck many a time, and now Solar knew that should the cause he shared, with the only one who mattered, succeed, that they must be defeated. Midnight Dust, a sad and unreliable sympathiser from an age no longer relevant, had now proven himself among them.

He had revolted against his Commander. Disrespected a Princess. Undermined any sort of order or coherency that had existed. He was a disrupter to the cause, and that was before he had even spoke of Luna.

His Princess, the very one whom he owed his very position, and the one who he had sworn an undying oath to, now no longer seemed even an ally to him. Midnight had framed her as some escort to indecency and a division of the hated form that Solar once was. He had spoken of her in the worst possible way, more than any Pony whose life was important to them, deserved.

Proudly stating that he wished for another leader, even a form of Luna, was no less than treason. Solar knew, from the invigorated cause he had developed earlier, how to deal with those Ponies. Loudly degrading Luna worse than even the most morally bankrupt tabloids could even dream of, was no less than making a personal enemy of his Commander.

Solar had little experience with such hatred and dealing with it, but he had an idea. And he could only hope Luna would forgive him.

“Please!” begged Twilight, her light of harmony somehow never relenting. “Stop!”

“I don’t think so, Princess! The Commander is going to discipline me! Don’t worry though, he won’t dare upset his precious Luna!”

No, I wouldn’t…But her Night shall last forever…no matter the cost…

It all happened within a few violent seconds. Learning from his earlier fight with a larger competent, Solar instantly navigated around the well-developed form of Midnight Dust, and just with the Human, brought him down.

Thestrals were very akin to a Pegasus, internally at least. Their bodies were more adapt to flying, and thus, were evolved to be light and nimble. Unfortunately for Midnight, he was neither nimble nor strong enough to withstand to what he described with racist intent, as a ‘Mud’ Pony. Solar slammed down upon Midnight’s forelegs, snapping them as easily one would a twig they had grown bored of fidgeting with. The giant Bat Pony fell crashing to the ground, screaming as his legs literally hung on by skin alone.

Solar did not let the sight of such horribly bent legs distract him. Spinning around and delivering a harsh buck to what was obviously a spine, Midnight was done, there and then. Completing his full circle spin, Solar finished his treasonous opponent off with a foreleg descending upon skull. And just like that, Midnight was out cold, his fate, be it life or death, no longer one Solar concerned himself for.

Solar need not have justified his actions, at least to the Shadow’s. They stood there though, completely bewildered, but more importantly, subdued. What they just witnessed was what would happen should they cross Solar, or betray the Night. A warning they would never forget. Twilight, of course, seemed to have sunken into the darkness as she probably just saw more proper violence than she had ever before seen.

Solar cared not. He had just delivered a message and made an example of a traitor. Now all that mattered, was the call. Walking up to the table and standing atop of it, he solidified his role as the Commander, perhaps permanently.

“I don’t need to tell you what you already know!” He boomed, his voice reaching each and every Shadow. “Equestria has come under attack, and now, we are betrayed! You see here what those traitors deserve!” Looking at those under his command, there was submissiveness, even wariness. Concerning, but not defeating, for behind that initial shock, was something far more precious. Hope.

“We have waited too long to act! I called you all here today in response to the cowardly attack in this fair city, but it seems that we will be given no reprieve, no time to look back. Our ancient and noble order now shows signs of the failures that grip this country. No longer I say!”

Solar had the attention he desired. Dark Blossom too, probably the most traditionalist among the group, allowed him this time, as if she were giving him permission to follow this path. It was though, alas, was a sign of dire times, and the lengths Ponies would go to fight it.

“Our Princess has ordered me to restore order, but it seems that to do so, we must start closer to home! The Night Guard has already shown us their true colours, but treachery does not end there! We shall unearth this corruption, root and stem! We shall march out there, a new force of the day, and quell whatever authority wishes harm to this nation!” The room was steadily growing more supportive. Heads began to nod as they realised that passiveness was no longer the way to go, and positive muttering echoed through the group, as Solar’s words rang true. “As Luna commands, we shall no longer skulk around in the darkness! We shall show Ponies that they can sleep well at night while we purge their land of those who wish them harm, and burn that away which causes incident like this to occur!” Solar said bitterly, looking down at the broken form of Midnight. “Princess Luna has been, for too long, subjugated and neglected by those of once had the gall to call themselves our ‘friends’! “ All except Twilight now cursed such harm to Luna, as they saw harmony for what it was, a prison, containing the true forces of good, even while the world outside burned.

“So let’s show traitors like these that they are no longer safe! No longer capable of humiliating Equestria! Let’s show them what the NG can do, when they wish to serve their country!”

Resounding cries of celebration and cheering circled Solar, as he witnessed the Shadow’s whipped into the force he needed them to be. All now stood tall and strong, ready to truly do what was necessary.

“Go! Advance into Equestria, with nothing but glory of the Night, and show those renegades, turncoats and villains what Equestria truly is! Strong! Proud! And victorious! Go and restore order! Go and remove those who do us wrong! Go and defeat those who wish to hurt our people and our Princess!”

Another chorus of undying support and cheering. The Shadow’s, those who did not stand up against Solar, were already steadfast and loyal to Luna. But complacency had consumed them all, creating a series of situations that led to the horrors of today. Now though, that reflection that once caused such weakness, was shattered as it always should have been.

“For the safety of us all, and the glory of Luna, I ask you all now to fight! Fight for us all, and allow stability to return! Then, with the grace of our rightful ruler, the Night will no longer be ignored!”

A smile creeped up on Solar’s face, the stomps of support and invigoration feeding into every ponies heart. Solar was doing this for Luna yes, but until now, true success had been elusive. If he was to serve her, and serve her truly, he must go above and beyond the call of duty. To commit to the restoring of order as she commanded, but to purge fully those who would dare oppose her. These were her wishes, but it was to be him to decide how they were implemented. He would rid this entire country of any conspirators or agents of terror, with the most intentional lack of tolerance.

The Night will last forever and for the greater good, its empire of benevolence needed, or rather was forced, to accept a sacrifice of blood.

“We shall destroy all those who have wronged us, and I promise you, when the fight is done….” And Solar thought. This was surely it. The declaration of war. He only hoped that Luna would stand far back, away from this all, if not for her safety, then for her glory. Solar would not allow any harm come to her, and if necessary, would take any and all steps, however it took, to protect her.

“…When our enemies our gone…we shall, eternally, have…peace…”

Solar, in his grandest moment, among the hoof stomping and chanting, hardly recognised the face of terrified awe that befell Twilight. Right now, she was witnessing everything she fought for to come up in flames. The peaceful land she had known for all her life, about to erupt in violence and division. She was a young Pony, but she was tied to a rotten, out of date ideology. For the sake of peace, she would support the Night, or know her world become all the more worse for it.

Author's Note:

So yeah, basically, Solar has cracked.

You see from the chapter, how Solar starts off ready and pumped, but cautious. From hoping Twilight doesn't cause trouble, to making the best out of bad situation with the Shadows by hoping twilight doesn't fight against them, to just saying screw it all! Its hypocritical of him, but its signs of how far he will now go to serve the Night, especially as Midnight Dust has now shown him just how much he doesn't want to return to how he was.

In a way, Solar has kinda gone full dictator. he thinks he now knows whats best for Equestria and for Luna. He's interpreting everything to be against him, and thinks only one solution will sort it all out

So Solar has in a way, finished his main arc. His rise to power and overcoming of who he was, or rather, all the stuff he never had. Now its just the fight!

Hope you enjoyed the chapter, and everything up to this point :twilightsmile:

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