• Published 12th Jul 2017
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Our new Friends, Our new Enemies - The Potato Guy

Equestria rots from within and Princess Luna falls prey to the corruption of an evil Pony. Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash finds herself in the strangest world, one where her loyalty will truly become tested.

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Chapter 42: Corruption

Solar looked down to the parchment, utterly horrified.

“Both of you?”

This was all sorts of wrong. Blank Canvas, firstly, had no business here, least of all without invitation or intent in knowing. Inviting the resident alien creature as some form of roommate also did not ensure too much of a consolatory addition either.

“That is what the words read, Solar.” Blank canvas replied, unexpectedly pacifying, content in this richly fabricated lie of his, or the far worse alternative.

It was true. The words did read as such. Disturbing, annoying words.

“Huh? What’s the bastard talking about, Sol?” Then came Neon, finally taking the bait after snarling at Blank for so long. So she came over, still wary about letting her prey get away or anything improbable, judging from the letter.

Letting the Thestral read, now it was Solar who fixated his gaze. A now fairly content Blank Canvas, sitting next to the tall standing form of Victus Vane, the Human ambassador that was, somehow, in Ponyville.

Together, these two figures opposite were happy enough to let Solar and Neon constantly study the letter, for they knew, whatever their reasons, no fault would be found nestled among the neatly adorned hoof writing. Victus in particular, seemed legitimately happy about it, despite the fact that his offensively expensive looking attire had become sullied with dust and debris from this decrepit shack. Why this individual of a still new and barely investigated species did appear so ecstatic, would have to wait. For now, there was the matter of the near heinous spit in the face of any respecting servant of the Night.

“Ew what?!” The came Neon’s eventually disgusted response, and how disgusted it thankfully sounded. Solar was not alone in his severe disagreement, and if anything, a rough form of a joint position had been established among the real Night supporters. “No way! Keep him away” She then shrieked accusingly, pointing an angered hoof towards Blank.

“I’m afraid not…” reputed that Pony, his words plain and uncompromising, adding some credence to all this being some form of truth. “…When Celestia inevitably falls, a fact I am sure of thanks to the Princess’s most graceful trusting nature, not only a new administration will need to be constructed, but in order to avoid this catastrophe ever occurring again, a reworking of the system.”

The way he put it, it almost sounded acceptable to Solar. Celestia, gone, followed up with a new leadership, and a decimation of the corrupt forces that be. Of course, this wasn’t the full story.

“Fine, but that can all happen perfectly without you involved!” Solar shot back defensively. “Never in a million years should a Pony like you be legitimised and pardoned via a permanent role in this dream!” For that was what the letter entailed. Blank Canvas, regardless of all his crimes, despite his constant opposition to anything right or good, forgiven just like that, in order for he to be written into a new constitution like it was his god given right. If this all occurred, Blank Canvas, the very meaning of a liar, would have control of sectors of state, and what a nightmare that would be for any decent Pony who believed in the greater good.

“Let’s be clear.” Intervened Victus, notably disproportionate in his share of the blame. “First we have to win.”

A true enough fact. Truths however, as they were here apparently, was not exactly a highly sought after thing. Still, the Humans interjection did raise some more queries in need of answering.

“And what the buck are you getting out of this, Victus?” Demanded Solar with no great gentleness. “You’re kidding yourself if you seriously believe Humanity can this quickly rule over this land.”

Yet this was an accusation simply too foreign in reality, at least for Victus. Pulling a chair to sit upon, he quickly began to play the part of the innocent that wasn’t.

“Of course not.” He simply stated. “Nor would I ever expect to be. After all, all we are searching for is good relations and perhaps even a strong alliance.”

Though to Solar, this simply was at odds with the letter.

“Then why does it say, in ink, that you would receive a permanent and high ranking role, like we would be a nation of both Pony and Humans?” Solar’s rage was becoming palpable. The more he dwelled on the issue, the more he honestly cursed Luna for, supposedly, issuing and authorising this command. Equestria’s successor, however it came by, was a state for all Pony races, but Ponies solely. Inviting strange new beings, just because they appeared to agree with you, was simply idiotic.

“I thought you had become far more progressive in your values, Solar?” came back Blank, demonstrating more of his all-knowing abilities.

“Yeah, when it comes to these guys!” Solar cried, pointing a hoof towards Neon, numb with equal disgust at the letter. “Anypony, or any…thing, who pledges service towards Luna should be commended, but in order to achieve stability and greatness, this new country, it must be pure. Free from corruption and the decadence…” Infrequently considered before, only now did Solar think of what came after. A land free of Celestia, yes, but what else? Such an oversight could not be ignored, not with a struggle like this. As he probably should have considered before Luna evidently had, whichever state the included that land he now stood on, had to be strong. It had to be refined. “…Free from anything evil…”

A brief, but noticeable silence then emerged. Utterly sincere in his words, and genuine in his intent, the room then became all too aware of the implication of this meaning. Not just a land free from Celestia, but also, whatever else its ruling party deemed going the same fate as that deposed Princess. The implications, undoubtedly, could be huge.

“Then I suppose it’s a good thing we are here, enshrined in Princess Luna’s trust. I hear you need all the help you can get anyway…” Blank, undeniably referring to the violent affair in Canterlot, just loved finally firing this secret weapon of his. A hardly concealed fact, perfect for slander and a mocking sense of commentary, against Solar. He in question, did not dare reply, offering only a scowl towards this old rival of his. For to dwell on that bloody bath, to settle his mind on that defeat, meant to undo what he had vowed to discard. His shortcomings, and an inefficient way of thinking against Celestia.

Ignoring Blank’s provocation, in this instance, could prove to be the saving grace of the Nights fortunes.

“So anyway…” Continued Victus, carefully navigating this verbal and emotional minefield as one willing to survive would. “I think Princess Luna’s intention, really, is just to ensure we remain friends if everything gets…you know…fucked.” As time went on, and the more the Human spoke, Solar had discovered this creature to truly not be that jealous and petty brat he initially had presented himself as. Appearing loyal to his words and intentions, Victus had chosen the path of progression in this world. Early impressions had not defined him. Plot and murder within the Human ranks had not toppled him, and scandal over his desires had not stopped him. He was, in many ways, like Solar. A survivor, one enlightened in following a self-beneficial path. Never was it such a lonely road however, not when such a dynamic determination had enabled affixing their cause, for whatever reason, to another’s. Solar had shared his path with Luna, and while Victus, and his species as a whole, remained elusive, it was becoming ever more clear that his coordinates were at least well within the standpoint of the Night.

So unlike Blank, Solar relented in his attack on the Human, at least for now. The letter may have brought dark words, and they would surely and promptly need to be verified intently by Luna herself, but as it were, this pact of steel that had existed, for better or for worse, had evolved into quite something else. Not a development to ignore or scoff at, but one Solar had been obliged to accept, for the good of the cause.

“Just so you know…” Solar began, a conclusion being formed that whether Blank Canvas liked it, or even himself, mattered little. “Don’t get too comfortable into this little arrangement until its faced some proper scrutiny. “ It was with this decree, that Solar offered a hopeful look to Neon. She received it, not with great happiness as would a Pony happy with the situation was. Like Solar, this all seemed too unacceptable to her, but with her partners backing, and promise, she knew, as she had said, that family stuck together.

“That’s fair enough with me” then settled Blank, happy enough to let this case go higher. Too agreed Victus, who seemed all the more relieved that, at least for now, this issue would not complicate matters.

“Good.” Solar finished, emulating his Human guests opinion. A watershed moment it was however, for only now, after all this talk, outrage and internal demolition work, did the original ambition behind this travel, the intended objective, catch up to current conversation. “So, I suppose we what? Begin our masterplan?” With Victus’ and Blanks unexpected appearance, things had certainly been tossed up. How much should be divulged, outsourced even, to these apparent allies? Could they be used at this stage even? Truly, to have many allies was to have many burdens.

A mess it became quickly. A mindful of questions with no answers. No dawn to the possibility of realigning recent developments, and organising a planned response. Who was Solar if not the orchestrator behind this unplanned and unorganised symphony? Just a simple musician, there to play his part and hope for the best? Even with Neon sharing his responsibilities, it hadn’t been enough to get a grip of what had washed up to his hooves.

Unforeseen guests, who while accepted to a degree, now appeared extra weight, as if Solar was a reluctant hoarder, happy enough to collect even his newest of possessions, even if that items use was unknown.

Unpredictable enemies and allies, congregating where gravity had sucked them into. A pileup, even one from afar or not appearing dangerous to him, was still a mess, and that jumble of chaos would stay until dealt with.

Should such a random dice roll of events rule him, its effects varying in their fortuitousness, Solar would truly be nothing than a powerful bystander, barely even a part of that huge orchestra of life. A position content enough for some, but not the Pony who wanted the world, all so he could change it.

“Actually, you know what?!” He began to speak up, perking interest from all present. Curiously, all members of that party could have reacted in their own unique way, but all would have received the same answer, at least in Solar’s intention.

With an almost bored sigh, it was Blank Canvas who answered Solar’s rhetorical question. “What?” He asked, seemingly annoyed that Solar had forced the conversation back.

“I don’t think this knighthood like ascension of yours will go as smoothly as you think it will, if you try and ram it through like a politician crams in corrupted legislation.” Of these words, Solar did not fail to understand the underlying connation portrayed, especially in regards to the Pony in question.

This Pony, a frown now on his face as a sense of backtracking was now felt, could only retaliate in accordance to his understanding of fairness.

“Oh yes?” Blank practically spat back. “Clarify, or maybe Luna need know of this blatant bastardization of her very specific orders!” To betray an ally was a heinous and downright foolish tactic, yet as Blank began to possible portray a feeling of betrayal for the first time in his life, Solar couldn’t help but wonder if betraying somepony that might betray him, given Blank’s nature, could in any way be considered immoral, or even mistaken.

“Placing you in this hypothetically sensitive position, just like that…I’d rather spend my days beautifying this hell hole of a house and championing the local aesthetic until I die a lonely, insignificant death!” Provocative words to be sure, and indeed again, possibly even ill thought out, but under the threat of personal dormancy, with nought but a life of reaction, this was the only way Solar could ever go.

With such an apparent insult, and a supposed disregard of the letter, Blank Canvas, predictably, gave in to further disgust.

“Buck whatever fantasy you envision for this place, hellish or otherwise!” In all his time spent with Blank, Solar had never known his to be a Pony of such short temper. Ruthless and cruel, yes, but never so angry to the point of unrestrained rage. If anything, this told Solar an important fact. That Blank was not only aligned with the authenticity of the letter, but also reliant on it. He wanted this, and it showed. “I’ll personally ensure Luna learns that you actually fell in the battle last night, and any reports of your survival were mere rumour and overly hopeful conjunction! In fact, if this faithlessness can enable such a scam, maybe I should be the one getting on my knees behind the royal plot!”

Hatred of this Pony could not rise any further. Keeping his lips as tight as possible, so Blank may not see his opposite’s teeth grind to a pulp, Solar could only channel his anger into all the terrible and violent things he would inflict upon the speaking of such disgustingly insulting words. Omitting the title of “Princess” has been infuriating enough, but to suggest such filth, and to paint he and Luna as if the piece was meant to outrage, was simply too far. Once more, Solar committed himself, whenever not only needed, but even available, to crucify Blank as horrifically as soon he could. Neon too, relatively quiet until now, could not remain so still. Visibly shaking, and fangs glistening with their blood hungry sharpness, it was her that saved Solar’s hide.

“I’M GOING TO RIP YOUR ORAGNS OUT THROUGH EVERY HOLE IN YOUR BODY!” her rage distracted the room, and Solar could only be so thankful. For this apparent backtrack was but a rearrangement in the intentions of the letter. Blank would be allowed his promotion, but only under Solar’s own assistance. Losing his cool, and descending the room into anarchy would only entrench positions.

Biting his tongue, and putting aside the filth spread by Blank, Solar carried on his plan.

“Woah there Neon, Blank simply hadn’t heard the rest…” Neon, demonstrating further that she was to be trusted, backed down. Blank, possibly only because he believed that Solar had just saved his life, gave his ear. “…Elevating you that high, just like that, I don’t like it…. but I can accept it, under certain circumstances.”

This bait, all too irresistible in its promise, and thankfully tame in comparison to further discussion with Neon, became too tempting to Blank.

“Name them. We shall see if they match those offered already.” Blank Canvas, at heart, was a Pony of the deal. His life was trade in a morally deficient underworld. Still, as plentiful as scum was down there, it still relied on a good bargain.

“I propose, prior to this position, we ensure you a host of extra business opportunities for your ‘real’ self. You can go crazy with all the profits to be made too, in whichever commodity you currently do business in…” Tantalising to be sure. To save face, and hide his true dealings, Blank Canvas legally ran many a firm. Profitable on their own, but perhaps not enough to keep him away from whatever criminal activity he dabbled in. With this promise, Solar offered an easier rise to power.

“Go on.” Came the reply Solar had hoped.

“You get all the legitimate proceeds you want, while also appearing ever more powerful, economically speaking. This can enable you to build up your credentials, thus seeming the more appropriate choice for if and when you do get chosen, by Princess Luna’s grace, to move on to more advanced matters”.

Solar was offering a sweet deal, if longer route to potential power. Blank saw this, but for all the sugar coating, the matter of why this was on offer by Solar personally, after loudly decreeing his opposition to the letter in the first place, appeared all too curious.

“And why give me all this?” Blank asked with a sceptical yet tantalized eyebrow. “To smoothen out my rise, sure, but what is in it for you?”

What a question that was. Of course stability within the Night was important, but why did Blank’s comfort matter? The answer was simple, and was all a matter of control. Solar had none of this, should Blank be elevated by Luna had initially suggested. Such a powerful Pony, with a powerfully deceitful personality, in an equivalent position of power to him, was just too dangerous. Yet were Blank to find his destination via Solar’s own directions, the path created so to speak, then perhaps, given the route, accidents may happen. With control over the journey, who could say what could happen to Blank, along the way.

Were this Pony to act threateningly towards him and challenge him further, or should he dare to insult him like he had done countless times today, then Solar could all too easily dispose of him, and everything he had built. In the post Celestia age, and the new world built by the Night, what use were the businesses and corrupted roads of commerce from the old world?

Under instruction, and fuelled by the vigour and revolutionary fervour, the parasites that were the bourgeois and the degeneracy of commercialism, would not last long, Blank especially included. In such an obvious position of economic power, especially in comparison to him now, the target on his treacherous body would make all too delicious picking for the angry mob.

“Because if you don’t, and just elevate so quickly, there are many out there who would not stand for it.” Solar’s answer, he realised, was not all too different from the real truth. With a hidden smile, the irony, that was Blank’s dislodgment regardless of whichever route he went, was all too sweet.

“Who would try that?” Blank tested, wondering if this possibility were indeed true.

A potential trap for Solar, who alone might not have had a literal answer. Fortunately, he bore a taste of what was to come, in the reliable form of a blood thirsty Neon.

“We will be keeping an eye on you. Kekek!” Perhaps this was really why Neon had called for her Disciple kin. A bunch of violent and unforgiving savages, who couldn’t be controlled even if Solar tried. Given the animosity that Neon and shared with Blank, and given the fact that, unlike Solar, Neon and her people were more beast than Pony, the suggestion of a guarantor of Blank’s more progressive rise, now appeared uncomfortably true.

A roughly conjured plan indeed, and one whose necessity had not been called for, but regardless, as Blank Canvas narrowed his eyes at Solar, deep in thought, it was perhaps the best course of action. In the back of Solar’s mind, the matter of Luna’s own opinion on all this, providing the original plan was truly of her own making, did provoke some hesitation. Yet Solar was fighting this war now, and he was waging it on her behalf. Sure, she may question some of his methods, but what was good him, was surely good for the one he loved.

Blank Canvas, trapped in his ivory tower, meeting his timely demise, was definitely a good thing. If he stuck there and didn’t actually become a worse thorn in Solar’s side than he already was, then so be it. Perhaps then his shadowy talents may actually be harnessed, yet if the idea crept up, that he was somehow above the power of the Night, then no tears would be shed, as the new world order discarded the filth of the old.

Solar couldn’t help but smile at the thought, an action interpreted by Blank as a deal nearly done. A smugness, this time of Solar’s own, but one worthy of its misunderstood legitimacy.

“Fine, I’ll accept this amendment for now.” The agent of intelligence conceded cautiously. “But no funny business from you or your fanged friends! May I remind you that your collective strength was sapped because of last night, so enticing me to defend my honour isn’t in your best interests.”

Solar offered a momentary gaze to Neon. No words were shared, but both understood the implication. Blank, despite all his omnipresent vision, did not appear aware of the existence of the Disciples, at least of their presence nearby. If anything, this provided the true supporters of the Night with a plentiful supply of weapons of mass destruction, ready to use should the situation demand it.

Yet currently, the situation did not warrant bloodshed. It demanded answers, but thankfully of less consequence than the contents of any dramatic letter. Through a moment of reprieve, they allowed Solar to relax somewhat, and return to only mildly stressed about life.

“Victus” Solar said, picking up on the wisdom of the Human, that had graciously saved him from the battle that had just come to a close, despite really being an official participant. “Now I guess we are settled in, I have some questions, if you will.” Solar was careful to seem courteous, not least because he was tired from fighting, verbally or otherwise, for a while. The Human, somewhat surprised the attention now apparently focused on him, straightened up, ensuring an even taller form.

“Go right ahead.” He opened up, yet significantly, obviously not literal in his words, which pricked Solar’s curious interest.

Where should the inquiry start however? It wasn’t like their time apart had been uneventful. All this was indeed extra ordinary times, and the events of the previous night still haunted him, regardless of his internal residence. Additionally, and relegated to barely pressing matters, were questions about Humanity itself. The dawn of a civil war however, had overshadowed this still important investigation, and Solar wasn’t about to let the devastation of Equestria, and the collapse of society distract him from that. After all, if Humanity, or at least their sudden appearance, were a threat to the land, Solar, in all his protectiveness, had to know.

Baby steps. We will get there. We won’t fail Luna.

“How did you even get here? You surely can’t have walked. You would have been seen, and I wasn’t aware your people had permission to leave Canterlot proper yet.” This point had been upfront, up until barely a couple days ago. Up until the bombing, the unveiling of Humanity had been the talk of the town, including Solar’s own participation.

Victus, in response, instantly gave away that he had indeed not travelled by foot. He bore, not exactly an uncomfortable look, but surely an awkward one. However he got here, it was sure to be worth something.

“Well, that’s a whole other matter…” He began, increasingly restless. “You have to realise, Solar, that whatever happened last night…its really messed the place up…”

Naturally, Canterlot would now be instead focused on the battle that had taken place within its very streets. If anything, gossip, discussion and the questioning of intent worked to Solar’s and thus the Nights, favour. Word would soon spread about the brave resilience put up by the hastily formed NG, and how, even before they fought against violent foreign savages, how they made sure to care and appreciate those poor souls that had been injured in the blast.

“Yeah, I imagine” Solar replied, almost uncaringly. “Let them. Anything to undermine Celestia.”

Yet obviously, this was not Victus’ intended meaning.

“Not exactly.” He began. “Putting it diplomatically, as you know I have to Solar…” Searching for the words, Solar grew bored of this charade. Victus was looking for a longer tenure than his predecessor, this much was obvious. This however, did not mean pussyfooting around literally everything.

“Spit it out would you!” The Shadow commanded. “So Canterlot is up in arms about Celestia. It’s about time.” Solar didn’t truly believe this. If only revolution against that harlot were that easy.

“No. Not that at all.” A plain answer at least. Just not the one desired.

“What?” Solar nearly spat back, annoyed more at the fact that it seemed the fact that Victus was arguing with him.

“There is some sympathy for your cause, but its chaos that dominates the news, not hatred towards any of the Princesses. Whatever you did, it’s like the apocalypse has started, at least that’s what it seems to the people.”

Solar paused. There was disappointment at any lack of societal progress. Yet no shame was felt, no defeat seeming clear. Chaos, as Victus had stated it to be so, was a curious thing after all.

“Explain.” Solar inquired further.

“What do you want me to say?” defended a clearly uncomfortable Victus. “I’ve barely been in this world, but already I know fighting and war isn’t exactly your forte.”

Speak for yourself

“There’s a lot of confusion and fear. Tales of monsters from the south, and zealots from within.”

Solar nearly chuckled. Despite all the chaos and lack of clarity, some truth emerged at least, and it did Solar’s heart good that at least he was labelled as passionate.

“Panic seems rife, and I can remember, just hours ago, the horror the city faced as they discovered their streets, barely a day after the last culling, stained with blood and violence. They know this all isn’t right.”

It some regard, Solar did offer his condolences to those left behind. Seemingly out of nowhere, Equestria was faced with upheaval that few were prepared for. He lamented any loss of innocent life, especially after visiting the wounded in hospital, but on the other hoof, this was simply the reality, boiling to the surface. One way or another, change was coming to the land, and no longer did Solar fool himself in believing it would be easy, or in any way peaceful. The Ponies of the land, honestly, just had to hold their breath and take it.

“I don’t know what you were aiming for Solar, but this surely wasn’t- “Yet Solar had reached his limit, Enough of the Humans hyperbole. Cutting him off, Victus was rewarded, for his information, with such news in kind.

“Fine. Things aren’t pretty. I get it!” Solar snapped, much to Victus’ displeasure.

“Pretty doesn’t come close…”

Solar scowled. So what, in all honesty. That was the extent of his care. On the contrary in fact, for never let it be said that he was not resourceful, or otherwise unwilling to take advantage of a situation.

“I don’t give a shit! For this isn’t going to be a seamless transition to the new world you have, as shown here, signed up for!” Solar practically chastised, holding up the letter with Victus’ name on. “As long as Celestia hasn’t brainwashed the entirety of the population into turning against us, then this spot of chaos can at least serve to distract her! If she insists on sitting on a throne, then she will be the one picking up the pieces when they fall down below her!”

Solar could see that Victus had reservations about his words. Thankfully, and sticking to his new found contentness, no argument came back. Surely at this point, with all these discussions, the plots that had been hatched, and now support of a authority post Celestia, the Human had made his bed, now all he had to do, was lie in it.

For Solar however, this was just a chance to further let off some steam.

“We may have gotten a few bruises, but since we are all here…” He cried, looking too all present, bringing Neon and Blank back into the conversation. “…we now can encircle Celestia’s rotten home. The provinces, even towns like this, Ponyville, will escape from her grasp, and I suggest, to any fearful Ponies, that they chose a side, and not accept any of the lies of that white bitch!”

Spiteful, angry and increasingly severe in his hostility towards his enemies, Solar was sure to remind the room that it was now a simple choice. A binary decision between the hope of the new world, or the decadence of the old. Despite past agreements and promises on paper, it was this plain decision that should rule the minds and actions of the current supposed allies.

The Humans, distrusted and begrudgingly let barely free by Celestia, were very much part of this. Would they choose freedom, alliance and trust with those willing to return the same to them, or fear and containment by the powers that be.

“So let me ask you again…How did you get here?” The literal steps taken didn’t really matter to Solar. It was the intent. Had Celestia tricked them like a master did to his pet with a treat, training the animal in mind. Had Celestia specifically allowed Victus out for being such a good boy, as long as he continued to behave and serve? In painful self-admittance, who were these Humans?

“If it helps…” Victus began, remembering a fact somewhat humorous to him, much to Solar’s severe displeasure. “You weren’t alone with your nauseated reaction .The first time was equally rough for me.”

If Solar was asked how awareness came so quickly to him, he wouldn’t have given an answer. Perfectly timed to the point of mental disarmament, the answer to Victus’ conundrum was given, whether anypony wanted it or not. Solar could do nothing at this forced entry, for neither entering brashfully like he had, or sneaking in like the other half of the room had, was attempted. Little could be done to halt the blinding flash of light, or resist against the flare that erupted atop the table in front of him.

“OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH!” Came the exclamation, fired far too fast for Solar to even comprehend. “SO I GOT THE BOOK YOU ASKED FOR BUT IM SO SORRY! I HAD TO GET MY NOTE SET, BECAUSE YOU KNOW, SO MUCH TO LEARN!”

Twilight Sparkle, excited and energised beyond all belief, stood proudly atop the table, her bright eyes darting excitedly between Victus and Blank, but mostly adorned towards the former. Her face was lit up with enough enthusiastic eagerness that it was almost infectious towards the cold, serious heart of Solar.


“PLEASE DON’T TAKE THIS THE WRONG WAY BUT UGH! I WAS HOPING TO JUST TAKE A FEW NOTES! WHILE WE ARE IN PRIV-“ Then, finally, her thrilled face, emotion as passionate as Solar could have ever asked for, turned towards him, shocked enough to subdue herself, but never enough to contain her spirited hysteria. “S-Solar? You’re…here?”

Still remained that stimulated possession, but upon looking at her named Pony, it wasn’t a sense of surprise that took over. She may have not expected him to be here, but it was caution that led her following emotions, and not of the type Solar required, especially with his plans for this Princess.

“This is my home. Why would I not be?” He said dryly, intrigued at why indeed Twilight suddenly became so lesser in her enthusiasm.

And lessen it did. Like Victus, Twilight seemed as if she had suddenly just remembered some horrible experience, except that it was of Solar’s own making. If he were of a softer persona, he might have took these reactions far more personally.

“Your home?” Twilight responded innocently, taken back by this simple and meagre fact. Her eyes briefly scanned the room, showing a little healthy apprehension at Neon’s presence. “Is this… a safe house?”

Solar blinked. A strangely specific speculation, and of a curious mind that needn’t have thought the place as such.

“I just never invested in an interior decorator…” Solar replied, somewhat peeved that Twilight really wasn’t far from the truth.

“So…you’re not…hiding?” Twilight, not fearful of Solar personally, but anxious about his answer, was connecting dots in her head, and only just stemming a simple denial in the last moment, Solar suddenly understood why.

Like many others, Twilight must have heard of the events that had transcribed last night. Not only had Solar made little attempt at discussing his presence there, as was the plan, but rumour and distant hearsay led only in the direction of a deformed, and very much different tale of events. Twilight, instantly distracted from her happiness, had seen Solar, and presumed the worst.

“What did you hear?” Solar asked keenly, interested to know if Twilight’s knowledge had any external influences within it, meaning had Celestia gotten to her first.

Whether she had or not, already her mind, pained and timid in confrontation, had been made up. If Solar ever hoped to get Celestia’s once prized pupil turn against her, it was up to him to unmake it.

“I mean, I don’t even know. Just that…more Ponies have…died.” The word was clearly hard to say for her, and little wonder. She was, despite being a Princess, no leader. As was her title, friendship and peace was more her thing. “And that…you were there, with more…Thestrals.” A quick confirmatory look was briefly given to Neon, knowing she would be the one to react far more erratically if offence had been taken. “Everypony is saying there was some kind a battle and that you…” Again another pause. Solar stared at her intently yet patiently, and this did Twilight few favours. As if he were the official authority here, the Princess seemed to wait upon him, almost expecting a cancelling of her near fear, or any form of discipline that put her at ease.

“Solar…they are saying you killed Ponies! Or at least I think…I never heard you name or anything- but I keep hearing that terrible things occurred, and dark Ponies caused them!”

Thankfully to Solar, Twilight did not want to believe. And she needn’t, because as was the intent at heart, and the only line that Equestria need hear, was that the Night had been fighting for the greater good. Thus he thought calmly on his answer, careful to not give away anything to sway Twilight in any one direction of belief. She need believe the situation to be a difficult one, but not one that she could panic about, and potentially disrupt.

“I was there.”

And so alarm consumed Twilight Sparkle.

“What?!” She exclaimed, horrified and near tears. “Oh sweet Celestia! Not more hurt!” In a way, Solar pitied the Princess. Her role, her aim in life even, was so simple, that a mere breeze in the face of her basic construction of a belief, caused all sort of horror. Her concern was for gentle peace, but as any soldier would tell you, peace is but a deceitful illusion.

“I was there…to guard, secure and, if necessary, move against actual dark forces. Corruption, treachery and agitation.” That was his official line, but Twilight, basic in her belief, required something more. “Princess, when I last saw you, I had established a force designed to protect Equestria, to defend it even if it cost them their lives.” To a degree, Solar cursed his very forward and passionate rallying of the troops, when he and Twilight had been among the Shadows. Totally necessary of course, but still a check against him, from the point of view of the Princess. “We had heard of beasts from the southern jungles moving against us, with naught but evil and chaos in their hearts. They wanted to pluck any brave fool that dared to question the coming storm.”

Twilight pondered, in no great peace, Solar’s answer.

“But the bloodshed…why? Why would you do that Solar?” Her eyes glistened again, but not with previously seen excitement. Filling with tears, she truly believed Solar to just be a trouble starter. A menace to society. Friend to nopony.

Nothing could be further from the truth. If Twilight understood how passionately he was fighting for his love of Luna, that alone would be vindication enough to spare him from false accusation. The full reality though, was that he was fighting so each Pony in this forsaken land would not only be safe, but safe enough to love one another, and for the bonds of friendship to continue. That age old tradition, proud and noble for the nation of Equestria, would not survive the increased rot that beheld its owner. Though Twilight could not be told, at least just yet, that this was Celestia’s fault, she had to learn that the danger was real, and very close to creating more of the horror she had heard about.

“Because if we don’t stop these evil creatures, if we don’t stop them tricking and misleading the good folk of the land, and if we don’t stop them using the brave Ponies of the Guard, then I can tell you, in brutal yet certain terms…that Princess Celestia and Luna will split apart once more, and perhaps even cause both of fears and terrors that are capable of beholding them…to be unleashed upon the land…”

Twilight understood instantly. Her greatest fear, bar failing personally, was to see those she loved fall to darkness. Nightmare Moon had taught her the danger of a fractured society that spat upon its protectors. Having fought against such horror, a repeat of that grim chapter of Equestrian history, effecting Celestia even, was one thing too dangerous to even risk occurring.

“P-Princess Celestia? No. no! Why? How? How could such a horrible thing happen?” She had taken the bait. Of course, Celestia had already fallen, just into another miserable pit of despair and opposition to the light of her Sister, but Twilight would never believe such political and societal failings. Her concerns, as Solar knew, were far more emotional.

“Because beasts like we fought last night are, in ways we had only just begun to discover, are aiming to undermine her and cause some sort of split between her and Princess Luna. For reasons I can only say are villainous, then want to see them divided and very much at odds with each other. Through the splitting of friendship, and the qualities you and your friends represent, they think Celestia and Luna will give in to whatever dark desires stalk them…” A simple fear Solar had played on, and not one outside the realms of possibility. In a way, Solar now thanked the sudden arrival of those savage Children of the Solstice. If Celestia was any less paranoid about him, she would have never resorted to such dire interventions, and the chance for Solar to use their cruelty and barbarity against their leader.

“But why hurt innocent Guards Solar? Why act so antagonistic? I…know you haven’t had a good life, but looking for a fight is never a good idea.” Putting aside the seemingly persisting curse that was an apparent file of his past had been read like it was a best seller, Solar noted one point. That despite that bloody history of his, Twilight still believed him in, morally speaking. Unsurprising, given thought. Ever the lover of redemption, and admittedly a veteran at performing that saving grace upon dark figures, the Princess saw hope in Solar’s future.

Such nativity, and reluctance to accept the truth could, and now would, be used against her.

“I…I didn’t want to, Twilight!” Solar put on the act Twilight wanted to see. Even discarding her title, he now appeared the reluctant but pained Pony in need of help and friendship. “We were just too late to stop them before hoof, and being among such old defenders of Equestria such as the shadows I- we could not do anything else! We had to put ourselves in the firing line, because that was the only way!” Solar feigned watery eyes that mimicked Twilights own. He genuinely appeared the regretful tortured soul, who falsely believed his way was gospel. Whilst creatures of the cruel reality of world such as Neon and Blank would almost certainly not buy this charade, innocent and sincere souls such as the pristine Twilight Sparkle, saw this as a cry for help, and a Pony she could not give up on.

“Oh Solar…” She said softly, almost admirably putting aside her own fears and emotions, all so she could approach Solar with gentleness and loving kindness. It was still a foreign feeling, for another Pony to carefully and affectionately wrap their hooves around him, and as Solar was brought into a hug with the Princess of Friendship, he couldn’t help but wish this was with Luna, the one he was putting all this on for. “…Its ok. I know things are hard, and that you mean well, but before you charge back into battle, let me, and my friends even, try and help you. I really hope what you say about the Princesses isn’t true, but if I can show even you that adversity isn’t the path, then I know, together, we can defeat whichever force threatens Equestria this time!”

Solar granted her one thing. She was devotedly naïve. She wholeheartedly believed in the better nature of life, and candidly fought for it. If this were really a perfect world, Solar would be glad for his uselessness, but in this imperfect world, it was only he who could be its true defender.

Released from the hug, and staring into Twilights friendly purple eyes, Solar conceded her feigned chance. Because of the need to recoup here, and regain their strength, he and the Night could afford time to spend. As she had suggested, this now meant time with Twilight, who would only see the truth, as set out by the one whom she was seeking to help.

“Thank you Princess. I truly do regret those poor souls who have lost their lives, and while I’m not sure that even you can solve all this with your rainbow lasers, I’m not about to give up on Equestria just yet, nor object to a chance to meet some of its most famous heroes!”

Just what Twilight wanted to hear. A chance of redemption for this conflicted Pony born of war. A chance to share that quality with her, Solar knew.

Giggling, and managing to put her own pain temporarily aside, Twilight waved a hoof. A smile on her face, Solar had at least succeeded in distracting her from the fact that he had broken a few bones, and taken a few lives surely, just earlier.

“I’m sure they’ll love you. Maybe we can get a Pinkie to put a smile on that Guardspony like face of yours, and I’m sure Rain- “She then paused, another memory dawning on her.

Luckily, Solar knew of what these thoughts were. Rainbow Dash, the element of loyalty, still missing. Of course he did not shed tears for that overly argumentative Pony, but if it meant Twilight moving a little more over to the right side, he would plead undying loyalty to the cause of finding her. That and the alternative was to actually confront the pink abomination, and he had narrowly avoided that fate once too many times today.

“I’ll do what I can, Princess.” He said seriously, but with great surety. “We may be Ponies who get our hooves dirty a little too much, but we are also Ponies who don’t give up, and stay committed to our people.”

Again, music to Twilights ears, of which pricked up, and seemed saved from falling into a ditch of despair.

“Thank you Solar. You’re a good Pony, and seem to already have mastered the lessons of loyalty.” This time a smile, less radiant in its joy, but no less genuine. “Rainbow would be proud…as would Princess Luna. She has done you good, and I can’t be anything other than happy for you…”

Solar, instinctively, wanted to panic. Previously, Twilight had been teased of such bonds existing, and while perhaps this was but an educated guess, it still caused a defensiveness to build up within his heart. Yet Twilight of all Ponies, meant no harm, and despite reservations and hesitancy, she saw what she saw as a good thing. Something that may be frowned on, and even opposed, but one that evidently bore the fruit of friendship, and the rescuing of his soul.

Solar could only smile at the truth that Twilight had stated.

So while Solar relished in this temporary bliss, Twilight could finally return to her original purpose here, and to Solar, that was just to be excited as a filly in a candy store.

“Oh right!” Twilight realised awkwardly, looking upon the politely quiet, yet surely judgmental eyes of Victus and Blank Canvas. Of these, it was the former who Twilight seemed most concerned in. “Sorry I took so long.” She stuttered, her attention and emotions existing as if the whole interaction with Solar had never occurred. “So many pre-existing notes to find…you know, to study!” Then, and what Solar could only described as a snort, erupted from her snout, her hoof pointing at the unusually large pile of paper on the table, words written upon them as if it were the ramblings of a mad Pony.

Victus then took the futile action of looking to Solae as if to plead for help. With a shrug, the Human quickly discovered that this Pony was never going to assist him, if only for some spiteful reason such as curiosity into Twilight’s behaviour.

“Um, not to worry, I suppose.” Attempted Victus, struggling just like Twilight to find words in this odd situation. “But I really should be going, Princess.” He then stated with easily forced disappointment.

Where disappointment did truly reign however, and where it was found in great abundance, was in the face and heart of the resident Alicorn. Her ears and wings sloped, Solar now began to understand the cause of this uncomfortable encounter.

Twilight, the Pony of books and lore that she always had been, was simply yet enormously fascinated by Victus, and Humanity in general. Little wonder, given the inquisitive mind atop those purple shoulders of the Princess, not the mention the rarity of a mysterious and advanced race announcing itself.

Thinking about it, perhaps this sight, a pitiful display of a sulking Princess starved for knowledge, was but Solar in another life. Even now, Twilight wasn’t the only Pony interested in the specifics of Victus’ people, particularly of their culture, society, strength and just about everything else that had been barely even drip fed to him. With phrases said by Victus such as “my world”, perhaps note taking, even in fear, was not such a terrible idea. Perhaps, given Twilight’s increased enthusiasm and pushiness on the topic, and the face that she infinitely more approachable than the clandestine and dangerous form that he was.

Who’d have known that a Princess of friendship could be so useful?

“Already?” Twilight tried to bargain. “We could go back to my castle if you like? Far more private and comfortable.” Realising this could have been interpreted in any way except her intended version, the Princess blushed, and rubbed her front leg nervously.

Feeling this fluff to be damaging to his psyche, Solar stepped forward, and inquired with his own interest.

“How come, Victus? Somewhere you need to be?” Solar was only half serious, and Victus understood that. But unlike the innocent Twilight, the Human understood the backing to this subtle song. To not dare try anything even remotely resembling a betrayal.

“Yes I actually, I do!” Defended the Human, knowing his reason to be just enough for Solar’s liking. “Like I said, Canterlot isn’t in a good shape. Paranoia is infectious now, and my men aren’t daring to venture from their tower, in fear of mob reprisal. There are many who are blaming us, not just for the blast, but your stunt last night!”

Victus’ outrage was valid. Panic and despair did not make for a calculating and clear mind. Many Ponies, whipped by their own fears or the ones instilled by Celestia, would seek something to blame for this new trend in turmoil. And here Humanity was, mysterious and illusive, ushering in all sorts of trouble, plot and death as soon as they became known. Even Solar, while not paranoid himself at all, knew something relating to the arrival of Humanity playing behind the scenes, even if those acts weren’t directly connected to them. The Humans could be just another symptom of all this chaos, or they could be a cause. Whichever it was, the simple Pony could not comprehend such matters, and would thus flow in the more naturally fearful and accusatory direction.

“Has Princess Celestia confined you again, removed your venturing privileges at all?” Solar asked, careful to not forget his enemies title in front of Twilight.

Victus shook his head, but did not seem relieved about it. “Not officially, but in reality…let’s just say that we are already seeing some form of an army of yours, given the sheer amount of Guards surrounding our holdings, and the obsessive surveillance we are becoming subject to. I fear, if any idiot wants a drink, like the one you brawled with, that they won’t make it back alive, be it from some lynching or more ulterior, higher up motive.”

On one hoof, it was good to know the Victus had reason enough to throw in his lot with the Night. Predictably, Celestia had tightened her jealous grip on the freedoms of Humanity, just like she had done before, when she had hoarded their knowledge to herself. On the other, all this did point in a far tenser condition that inflicted the soldiers of this war. Getting back to Canterlot, and thus Luna, would prove difficult.

“Then you should go.” backed Solar. “If whoever cares enough to ensure you take the blame, will surely notice if you have been gone for this long.” In this case, and most cases recently, Celestia was this ominous whoever. Humanity had been restricted from venturing too far before all this mess, so leaving to conspire and help corrupt her most precious Pony, Celestia would not take too kindly to this betrayal. If Victus was to remain on side, his betrayal would have to remain latent.

Victus agreed. Twilight did not.

“Ugh, this is all my fault. This is why contingency plans exist!” Self-chastisement had been liberally rumoured, an understatement if there ever was one, to be a weakness of the Princess, uncontrollable dismay usually occupying from whichever failure had inflicted another wave of this disservice. Fear of this kind was a decline in self-image for Twilight it seemed, who’s obsessively standardized methods were as fixed as an old traditionalist was in an increasingly progressive world. Solar need not change this however, but use that fear to drive her into the Nights caring hooves.

Dutiful as she was however, Twilight approached Victus, ready to teleport him directly back to where Celestia expected he to be. Before that flash of light came though, the Human left with some parting words.

“Next we meet, Solar, perhaps we should start officialising some form of…” He paused, but gave a brief look to his magical ride in Pony form. Twilight looked into the Humans blue eyes with wonder and intrigue, and crucially, was gifted with a kind smile. “…friendship between our two peoples. We are a race subjugated by pain and past misery, but we are masters of our fate still, and will do what we can to ensure your destiny is your own. Together, we shall defend against the forces that which to deprive us of the future we chose.”

A well-spoken speech that Twilight, as a figurehead of the land, could ever wish for. Solar too raised his eyebrows in faint eagerness. Alas, Victus was but one Human, however high up his authority was. The real mystery was if the rest of his people, and notably his powerful and influential father would too be on board. If push came to shove with Celestia, a couple divisions of armed Human mercenaries wouldn’t go amiss.

Gifted to a party of three, a silence was left. Knowing Twilight would not take long to return, striking up conversation with Blank was not high on Solar’s priorities. Yet never let it be said that he often got what he wanted.

“A dangerous game you’re playing with the Princess, Solar.” Noted Blank with the most minimal of all expressions on his face.

“Which one?” Half-jokingly replied Solar, knowing his influences and relationships with both Twilight and Luna were truly a high stake, high reward gamble. “Not to mention making the Princess of the bucking sun hating me personally!”

Blank did not share in his lax concern however.

“If you really want to get Twilight to honestly bite the hoof that has always generously fed her, then I do wonder how exactly you hope to accomplish that.”

True, the task was difficult. But if he of all Ponies could love the moon, and it fall for him, then Solar would not hear of the varying realms of possibilities regarding his actions.

“I’m not the same Pony that once did your dirty work, Blank. I’ve changed, and Equestria seems to have changed with me.” A smug way at looking at it all, but Solar challenged anypony to point out where exactly he had misspoken. If he knew any better, than he would have said he was truly a Pony of the times, and evolved in accordance with the challenges of the era.

Blank, surprisingly, was not the one to comment on his accuracy either. No more a smile on his face then the old weathered statues of Canterlot’s gardens, , this well informed Pony made his mind up, just what on, Solar did wonder.

“No. No you’re not Solar…” he said quietly. “But you always did have a certain way of breaking down barriers that few before could breach. You always did find a path that most would not wish to follow… or even see”

Blank Canvas was a controlling, dangerous Pony. But he was jealous to the bone, a fact that ensured himself to find a position of power that created puppets of most. Solar was no puppet, so he could easily say that this Pony had finally given up trying to dictate his life, an analogy echoed well by Victus’ speech. All these quaint observations of Blank’s, was mere melancholy of a lost time when he might have controlled Solar. This disarming of desire probably explained why he now wanted a laughably high position in the new world, if only to compensate for his loss.

Nothing more was said until Twilight returned in another flash, determined for action and work, if too to compensate for her own loss, which in this case, was a thorough study of Victus.

“Ok Mr Victus is safe and sound back in Canterlot.”

“Any trouble?” Asked Solar, more out of habit then anything.

“Nope! But I was wondering if you would accompany me back to my castle…” raising an eyebrow again at the Princesses undetailed request, the sudden urge to clarify rushed to fill Twilights words. “-As in to discuss everything that’s happened!”

Solar looked to Neon. With a shrug, the Thestral did not argue. After all, now they were here, neither had expected some super plan to hatch just like that. Indeed, Twilight was a project in need of working on, so who was Solar to decline.

“Sure.” He accepted unconditionally.

This too was que for Blank to make his exit. Fortunately, few words need be exchanged with this Pony, but walking past Neon apprehensively, a pair of slit pupils tracking him like he was a soon to be fresh kill, Solar was offered an intriguing parting gift.

“I too have a house here in Ponyville.” Blank said, because of course he did. “Find me when you have time. It will be worth every second. Trust me.” And with that, out he went, leaving Solar with an unwanted and unexpected sense of curious dread. Blank, of all Ponies, would be a Pony with some secrets to share. Perhaps this would be a stress test of trust, he wondered.

“Right then!” Solar said eventually, hearing the creaky door shut. “I guess we should be off too, Princess, and don’t worry, your place isn’t hard to miss.”

Regrettably so.

“Neon, you ok to stick around here?” It was a rhetorical question really, for this kind of decrepit mess was just up the Thestrals alley, and her returning look was but a simple ‘you serious?’ message.

“The sun is too high for me. I sleep Sol.” Truly, a combination of the fight, excessive travelling including the gathering of the Disciples, and persisting this late into the day, had taken its toll on the Bat Pony. With lazy eyelids, Solar was at least thankful that she wasn’t about to feed on any sleeping Pony, or whatever Thestrals did. “Have fun playing at the Princesses house!”

A tease honestly enjoyed by Solar, if only because it was Neon herself saying it. Twilight, listening in, obviously was interested in this dynamic, but wisely kept her inquisitive mouth shut, probably knowing from some book, that a tired Thestral, nay, a Shadow, was not a friendly one. At least to anypony else than those she trusted.

“I’ll look after him!” Twilight said, approaching Solar, ushering just enough bravery to reply to Neon. “Besides, you need some medical care from the looks of it!” Solar had honestly forgotten of his varied and numerous scars, inflicted just hours before. Nothing too serious of course, but the number of large bruises and cuts must have surely unnerved some townsfolk.

“No need.” He fought back, almost laughing in the face of Twilight, who legitimately though these little scratches were anything less than what they evidently had been. Nothing. “I think I can take-…Wait, what are you doing?”

Solar had presumed, given the distance, that walking to the castle was a no brainer. Magical types however, privileged in their unnatural abilities, could never be truly predicted.

Buck! Not again!

Solar’s second teleportation experience was about as fun as the first, and pretty much just as nauseating. A flash of light it may have been, but how such a quick and seemingly effortless motion could cause so much offence to his stomach, was simply amazing. If Twilight’s comment about his physical state had been wrong a moment ago, now her position had been well and truly vindicated.

Feeling as if he had just been thrown through the entirety of time and space, which wasn’t too far from reality he realised, Solar then found himself on a cold hard floor, his eyes rolling like an orbit around a planet and his head pounding as if he had suddenly fallen to the earth from that height.

“Oops, sorry!” winced Twilight, her words completely ineffectual in their ability to cause any comfort.

I hate magic…” Solar only just managed to sputter out, before decorating the Princess of Friendships castle floor with his earlier dinner.

Author's Note:

A nice juicy chapter for you all!
Also, the first I upload in an era where Friendship is Magic had officially ended...
I have written a short blog post here, detailing a few of my thoughts on all this, but as I've said there, I'm not going to stop writing or updating. The show might have ended, but that's ok. This is just the next chapter of the fandom, of which i'm still going to be a part of. So a bittersweet moment, but as far as this story in concerned, pretty insignificant. It will still be continued as if the show never ended.
So keep your head high, and as always, hope you enjoy the chapter

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