• Published 12th Jul 2017
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Our new Friends, Our new Enemies - The Potato Guy

Equestria rots from within and Princess Luna falls prey to the corruption of an evil Pony. Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash finds herself in the strangest world, one where her loyalty will truly become tested.

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Chapter 14: Murder mystery


Once More Solar found himself begrudgingly with the Guard, Thick Plate.

Ever the imposing figure, even for a Guardspony, it was a great shame that within that great and strong body, no equivalent brain could be found.

Again the Guard drivelled on with useless small talk. Solar wished nothing more than to promptly shut him up, but found himself unable, what with his newly acquired position.

The last couple of days, while slow, had been fruitful. Following his ‘talk’ with Luna in the Throne Room, things had finally been moving forward, albeit not with too great a haste.

He had made an offer to Luna, one of increased and closer partnership essentially, so that his true goals may be a bit closer, and while such an offer had yet to be formally taken, formalities of another sort had been granted.

To a small yet significantly important group of ponies, all members of the Royal Court, Luna had proclaimed Solar to be an official and proper addition to the Court, thus solidifying his presence and relative authority here.

Yes, it stuck him to committing to a new life in Canterlot, but it had removed potential headaches that came with being in the castle, but not officially having any position. He was official as Shining Armor was, yet not with the same degree of authority.

The chefs, the gardeners, lowly Guards like Thick Plate here, they were all official, and all members of the castle were of varying rank. Solar, while understandingly not as high ranked as many members, like Shining Armor, did now enjoy some considerable power. The rank in question was an unusual one. A rare one. All because it had previously not existed. Just two days ago, and the last time Solar had met Luna, she proclaimed to all that Solar Virtue was now instated with the rank of Night Warden.

Once her words had been said, and once all ponies present heard of such a title, obvious confusion followed. No pony, Solar among them, knew of what a rank entitled. Initially, Solar presumed Luna had taken up his offer. Such hopes were dashed however when the Princess explained the duties of the newly created rank of Night Warden. He was not granted any powers in which he could work with Luna, side by side, no authorize, investigate and initiate any great acts of power, but for now, Solar was satisfied with what he had.

Along with all the standard privileges that came with being a Court member, such things like access, officiality and the like, he was granted with many investigatory powers, akin to any high ranking Guard. Additionally, he had greater access to Royal property, places many normal Guards for example could never go. Among such places was the Moon Garden, a useful place to be indeed considering its proximity to the Humans. Other useful powers included command of a small number of Guards, should Luna deem it necessary, access to off the record books and logs, use of various security tools including magical defenses, funds to contribute to whatever Solar deemed useful, use of Royal transport, use of weapons within the Castle and a fair few others.

Solar couldn’t help but have difficulty hiding his smile as he watched the faces of high born and high ranking members of the Court grow in shock and jealousy at this sudden distribution of power. Nothing satisfied him more than to see these arrogant and annoying ponies realise they weren’t special.

The greatest shock however, effected not just them, but Solar himself.

With her final words, Luna told all that Solar, unlike many other positions, only was required to answer to superiors that few ponies directly answered to.

This meant information Solar acquired, the list of ponies he was required to give it to was small. Unlike many of these Court Ponies, who had boss after boss, a hierarchical ladder that extended all the way of to the Princesses themselves, Solar was only required to answer to either the head of the Night Guard, or any member of the Shadows, Luna’s secret intelligence branch, and the group of Ponies Solar had made Thick Plate here mistakenly believed he was part of, something that he hoped this Guard had not told anyone of.

By now Solar was sure most ponies were aware of his title now, Thick Plate included. Solar chuckled internally at the confusion said Guard must be feeling. In the Guards head, Solar was a secret member of the Shadows, yet he was required to officially report to himself, thanks to his new rank. To Thick Plate, Luna had publicly deranked him, but secretively kept his Shadow rank, So Solar was in turn report to himself.

It confused Solar too honestly, such was the danger of this ruse. He was using his powers to create a web of lies that, should they be uncovered, be very dangerous to him. He had official powers now, yet was faking others to Thick Plate, a trick he decided to keep exclusive for now.

Yet ignoring the still talking Guard, and still tuning out from such white noise, he cast his mind back to his rank ‘ ceremony’ even if it was just a meeting essentially.

He enjoyed the further shock of the ponies upon learning who his superiors were, but the last proclamation was even more juicy, and shocking for all.

His last superior, was none other than Princess Luna herself.

This was practically unheard of.

The only Ponies who were required to directly answer to her were the top of the top. The true top brass. Heads of the Guards, the leader of the Shadows for example. For a freshly promoted pony, once who had only just acquired officilality here, then to learn his boss was Luna herself, such a thing hadn’t been heard of. He had practically bypassed all sorts of ranks and positions to have what he had now.

Initially shocked and amazed, Solar then caught on to the reasoning behind this. Having been exposed to this even more unheard of act of Luna exposing her emotional side, elements of herself on show like no pony had never seen before, and various other knowledge, like her suspicion of Celestia, Solar was in the incredible unique position of being perhaps the sole pony aside from Celestia herself that knew this side of Luna. Obviously wanting to keep this knowledge secret and close to her, Solar guessed that Luna was left with no choice than to have him answer to her. A pony with the knowledge that Solar had now, the emotional, raw and honest encounter the two had shared in the Throne Room, that pony should not be cast away to answer to dozens of other ponies who had power over him.

No, with the now unique, and Solar used the word lightly, relationship the two shared, Solar was now a tool of Luna herself, or the few ponies she most likely trusted. Not to mention the sudden arrival of the Humans probably required an unusual and untactful method of investigation that most ponies didn’t have, apart from Solar.

It wasn’t everything he wanted here, but it was a darn good start.

He was happy.

In his heart and mind was the eternal battle of which pony he truly was and could develop into. A Pony heading for reformation and a bright life ahead of him here, or his usual self, ever determined to hoard whatever power and influence he could gather here. Yet for now, a stalemate could happily exist between each side. Where he was now, he didn’t need to decide just yet. He kicked that decision down the road for another time, all the while be able to focus on his job and his current influence now.

Time would tell what such a position would make of him, all he knew is that as her got closer to Luna, she herself would be a great deciding factor, and Solar wasn’t sure how to feel about that.

“So that’s when I heard a Human mention stuff about flying machines, and that’s when I thought that maybe was how they go-“

Cruelly ripped from his train of thought, Solar returned such a favour in kindness.

“You dumb idiot! What in the name of Tartarus do you think you’re doing, huh?!”

The truth was that Solar was only angry because he didn’t really wish to talk, and having his day dream ended sent him into a petty and irritated mood.

Never the less, it had its uses. Despite his size and positon as a as a Guard, no such advantage offered his a reprieve from the intimidation Thick Plate now felt. Most likely fearing any action against him from the supposed Shadow member, the Guard straightened in anticipation and obedience, Solar putting the fear of a Drill Sargent into him, and he promptly shut up in doing so.

“Thank you” finished off Solar, sarcasm very present in his words.

Such an influence, even over just a single guard was a high for Solar. It was a taste of what was to come in his life, provided he played his cards correctly with Luna and didn’t mess up. It was surprising to him however, despite currently playing a part here, his new rank of Night Warden was one he still felt shock at.

In his encounter with Luna in the Throne room, she had clearly stated he was not yet welcome into the ranks of the Night. Yet here he now stood, having been placed directly into such a rank.

He had just concluded Luna had yet to take him up on his offer, and for now his rank was all he was getting, but still, Luna had said even this wasn’t to be.

Had she reconsidered and reneged her words?

Was Solar being an idiot and thinking this rank was more official than it was, and that he wasn’t really in Luna’s circle just yet?

Whatever the answer was, it mattered very little. He had what he currently needed and expected, and he wasn’t about to over think and delay any further ambitions on the definition of his rank.

“Whatever, tell me what you’ve seen Celestia doing?” Solar eventually asked, no joy in his words still.

Thick Plate blinked in surprise, noticing the lack of any mention of ‘Princess’ in Solar’s mention of Celestia. Such a thing was highly disrespectful, doubly so among Palace officials, but the guard never brought the matter to the surface, again probably fearing the consequences of questioning a Shadow.

“Well…um…I guess all I saw her doing recently was the usual…”

That’s all you have for me?

Solar’s eyes narrowing, Thick Plate correctly and wisely took this as a sign his answer was unsatisfactory and the short panic that followed desperately attempted to rectify that issue.

“U-Um….I…..” Thick Plate stuttered, searching his memory for a better answer.

Solar was about to further chastise him further, were it not for the sudden gasp.

“OH!” cried out Thick Plate. “I did see her talk to a couple of Human Captains yesterday. “


Solar didn’t know why she would be doing this, especially if any ranking Humans had been very recluse recently, and Solar didn’t take these Humans for small talkers. He had not even heard of any official business conducted between both species, so in his mind, only one theory emerged triumphant.

Solar, and evidently Luna herself, judging from the emotional encounter the other day, suspected Celestia of something. Whatever it was, it was something she wished to keep a secret, even from her own Sister. The Princess of the Sun had been acting very secretively in regards to these Humans, and this only served to fuel this suspicion.

Regardless, Solar was no tin foil conspiracy theorist. He had importance now, and every measure had to be taken to ensure information was fully vetted.

“How do you know these Humans were Captains? What sign of high rank did they show?” Solar asked.

“Their Armour. It’s the detail and shape in them.” Thick Plate replied surely.

Solar wasn’t aware of this. Probably some dumb guess work the lesser Guards had been making to seem important.

“What are you on about?” Solar asked, annoyed.

“Didn’t you know? High ranking Humans, they have far more detailed armour, but the armour itself is far more angular, like pointed almost. As if they were shards of ice, but metal, you know? The other Humans have more curved metal Armor. You’ve seen them right? Its metal but looks more like sports body armour”

Solar wasn’t aware of this fact, and it was testament to a small failure on his part. His job was to figure out these Humans, and he had been beaten by a thick headed Guard.

Buck, how embarrassing.

“Yes of course I’ve seen them! Are you that foalish?” Solar retaliated, avoiding his any question of Human knowledge. “Have the Humans themselves made this official knowledge?” Solar asked, dangerously close to seeming totally ignorant.

“I don’t think so” replied the guard, letting Solar breath an internal sigh of relief. However Thick Plate knew this, it wasn’t common knowledge yet, most likely a, albeit correct, rumour that had spread.

“I heard one of the Shadows found it out…which... shouldn’t you know then?”

Oh buck!

Solar’s lungs almost popped with over capacity at these words. A great deep inhale silently occurred at mention of the Shadows.

The answer was yes, Solar would defiantly meant to know that, if it were so. Not being a Shadow however, he wouldn’t be told by the one who had discovered this fact, and now Solar had dug himself a rather deep looking hole.

He needed an escape from it, fast.

No answer came, and Solar was left to rely on what had previously worked.


Solar said nothing in response. He didn’t need to. He simply gave a look of real consequence, one that really said to Thick Plate ‘did you seriously just ask me that?’

It was a fall back that hopefully would ensure Thick Plate would do all the work, and convince himself of a good enough answer.

Baited breath followed, and Solar tensed in hope and anticipation this would work.

“Ah, is this another test? Or something the Shadows do, I’ve heard all sorts of rumours”

Who knew if such rumours were true, Solar knew this one wasn’t, but his idea had worked, and he was once more allowed some comfort.

Again to the question he said nothing, and Thick Plate took this as a sign he would get no answer, so resignation from the issue was all he had.

“Anyway um…Yeah, they were Captains Celestia was talking to”

“Did you hear what was said?” then immediately asked Solar, back on track.

Unlike Solar’s emmition of Celestia’s proper title, this was something Thick Plate audibly reacted to.

“Eavesdrop on the Princess? Are you nuts? Couldn’t you just ask her yourself? You know, use your awesome Shadow abilities to get close to her? I’m sure she will tell you guys”

Solar wanted to wince at this answer. It was a sign he didn’t yet have enough influence, not nearly enough to fully gain the ear and trust of either Princess.

Inside, he felt a certain side of him making a push.

‘You’re not yet good enough’, it said.

‘More power, more everything.’

It was a very seductive persuasion. Totally correct also. He already told himself he wasn’t stopping here, and now one future seemed far more enticing than the other.

Solar almost wanted to just leave now, be alone from any pony.

He felt the pull of his conscience and desires wage bloody battle within his body. A true stalemate ensuring life was extra difficult for him, and indecision was a very real a close risk.

That would be catastrophic for him, utterly paralyzing. He wasn’t a pony to settle with such a handicap. To live his life comfortable in the fact that he was stuck. Yet as one side and one desire brought forth momentum, that exact fear and danger was closer. He needed a standoff here, if only to delay the inevitable.

The fact that this standstill was on the brink, it’s honestly worried him.

He could have feared this for hours, were it not for the sudden and rather confusing amount of commotion that was quickly occurring close to the pair.

“What’s going on?” cried out Solar to the rushing Guards.

“The Human Commander!” One Guard said, stopping as many of his comrade hurryingly made haste to someplace.

“What about him?” asked Solar, wondering what the matter with Commander Starvation was?

“Hess dead. Murdered” replied the Guard, who had continued his run.

“Dead?” idly asked Solar, unaware Thick Plate was equally confused and perhaps worst of all, still there.

“Like, assassinated? Who would do that?” the Guard asked in shock.

“I don’t know, but I’m going to find out” Solar concluded, no goodbyes allowed for Thick Plate. Simply walking off, he went in search for answers.

This was a real development.

And it was exciting.

Solar had found no Humans as of yet, only hurried Guards and other Castle officials.

He had inquired to those who were willing to stop and talk about what was going on. No answer had proved too useful, only reports of the Commanders death. Most annoyingly of all, but perhaps understandable, contradicting rumours had already begun to spread.

From lesser rumours such as varied ways the Commander had died, to rumours the Princesses had waged war against the Humans.

Ridiculous of course. Not even Celestia was that stupid to attack a species she knew little about, but if any of Solar’s suspicion was well founded, then perhaps this wasn’t the case. Regardless, Solar knew Celestia to be no murderer. Whoever had killed Starvation, it wasn’t any Princess.

Right now however, Solar thought more on the death itself.

The last and most recent time Solar had met the Commander had been just before his meeting with Luna in the Throne room. It hadn’t been a long conversation, Victus had seen to that, but in that short conversation, Solar felt that a feeling of mutual respect had be gained. Solar saw the Human as, however undiplomatic, a very admirable individual. The two shared very similar outlooks on life, both stating that neither of them would be stopped by life’s obstacles. The desire to do anything, whatever it took, as long it meant longevity and life itself, was a quality worthy of infinite respect from Solar, so even in their short time together, Solar had grown to admire the Human.

But he was dead now. How? Solar didn’t know, but all he knew was he actually felt something because of it.

Not sadness, no, Solar hardly knew the Human.

It was more a sense of disappointment. Solar was sure he could have benefited greatly from a being of similar quality. Now that opportunity was gone.

He regretted the tragic death of the Commander, but as the late Human, and solar himself knew, a simple death, however great a shame, would not get in their way.

Solar needed to understand the mystery behind this murder, because that was his purpose here, to gather knowledge, not in some desperate act of vengeance.

So thus he wandered the Castle, eyes peeled for any sight of a Human or a Pony who even had a shred of a clue into what was now happening.

Then the idea to actually use some initiative came to him.

It was an opportunity to flex the muscles of his new powers, to use some real responsibility that he now found himself with.

The idea itself was relatively simply. Using his new freedom and access of even the restricted parts of the Castle, Solar could easily visit the Moon garden, just adjacent to the Sovereign Tower, the very place nearly all the Humans currently were. There, and using some useful tricks and skills he had acquired along the way, on the long unforgiving road that was his life, his questions may be answered, and this developing plot may be uncovered.

In truth, Solar did not yet fully realise the gravity of the situation he found himself it. Plot, schemes and murders were not unfamiliar to him, but much was left to be learned of these Humans, and this sudden development came at a time when tensions were high throughout the Kingdom. It was true Equestria was peaceful, free of evil and tyrants, but beyond its borders Equestria was not viewed as such a beacon of hope and friendship.

Practically every other Kingdom, minus the Crystal Empire, was on no great terms with Equestria. Conflict, although unlikely to most ponies, was seen to be becoming a real possibility, at least to those who aware of such matters.

Now, with these Humans, an unusual and unknown race, the stakes had been raised higher. Acting quite ignorantly, Solar was acting rash. If bad should turn to worse, and relations with the Humans were to collapse, for whatever reason, Equestria could have yet another enemy, and another reason to watch over its shoulder.

Yet Solar decided not to even consider such dangers. His mind was elsewhere, on his plan, and his wider picture.

Even then, his attention as ready to be deviated, such was the pace of development.

Rushing around a corner, his tracks were suddenly and physically stopped at Solar walked face first into the body of an armoured figure, a Human figure in that.

And unfortunately for Solar, not just any Human.

Rubbing his snout from its collusion of hard metallic armour, Solar looked up at this obstacle, gazing upon none other than Victus who also never expected such a halt to his progress.

“What the fuck?” he cried out, clearly surprised. “Ugh- not you!”

“Ditto” simply replied Solar, the least annoyed one he thought.

Victus had looked to be hyper focused, perhaps not surprising given the fact his leader had been killed. However, in total contrast to everypony else who were aware of what had happened, Victus did not seemed panicked, confused or stressed. On the contrary, he seemed to have been fully composed, ready to concentrate on something Solar could not say what, perhaps damage control in this sudden and unexpected development.

Had was the key word here, having crashed into Solar, then proceeding to see which Pony he had crashed into, all focus had been literally knocked out of him, and his current reaction was more than understandable.

“Of all the Ponies in this infernal place, you had to be the one I bump into.”

His voice was bitter, almost too much so, even if he concentration had just been stopped. Granted, Solar already knew Victus hated him, for purely xenophobic reasons most likely, but even with this added reason, Solar still couldn’t understand the level of hatred and bitterness residing in his voice.

“Nice to meet you to, buddy” Solar smiled back.

“Stupid animal, get out of my way” Victus spat back, not appreciating Solar’s feigned kindness, as he barged pass Solar, ensuring his armoured hip collided once more into Solar’s face.

Usually in a situation like this, Solar would pay no heed to subtlety or respect. As he had just gave a hint of, seriousness would not be experienced right now, and he would almost immediately retort with an antagonising or tease like comment. That trend ended here though, as a curious thought entered Solar’s head.

Commander Starvation had been murdered, this much seemed certain as of now.

The Princesses were out of the question, Solar knowing that even them on a pissed off day wouldn’t resort to something like this.

On that note, Solar also ruled out any Pony official within the city and maybe even Kingdom. No pony loyal the Princesses would dare risk the wrath with such a provocative and dangerous action. That and most Ponies weren’t even aware of Humans, thanks to Celestia’s secrecy.

So in Solar’s mind that left with even less possible suspects. Equestria’s enemies could do something like this, but why would they? So they could try and frame Equestria in the murder? Possible, but it seemed rather soon to attempt this sabotage.

In all honesty, murder was a rare enough thing in Equestria that there were very few suspects Solar could think of. Solar knew of Ponies who had committed murder he, shamefully, was one of them. But each of those ponies were not interested in politics, so, to him at least, this left him with a very strange possibility.

That it was the Humans themselves who did this.

Of course he knew so little of them, bar the fact that such an act may be quite common in their land, but there had not been enough information gathered to explain why they would do this to their own Commander.

That was until Victus had crashed into him.

This Human had shown himself to be far from pleasant. He was rude, disrespectful to any sort of command, be it Human or Pony, he was hateful of Ponykind, very much so in fact and he had clearly demonstrated he was uncomfortable with Commander Starvation’s orders.

Solar knew he did not share the same, restrained, albeit casual yet blunt, attitude to this mission that Starvation had administrated. The Commander was a military figure. Under his command, the diplomatic mission followed its orders, just with a little rougher soldier like personality.

Victus however, from what the Commander had told Solar, was no warrior. He may wear the armour of one, but he was a member of the ruling Human class, leading Solar to believe his ambitions were far more political, and far more deceiving.

What’s more, and most importantly, was the fact that Victus was second in command, meaning should something happen to Starvation, he would assume the mantle of leadership.

Now the Commander was dead, meaning that, as long as rules were similar to as they were in Equestria, Victus would now assume command.

Now what better way for this process be fast tracked by the sudden removal of Commander Starvation’s life.

This led Solar to suspect one thing above all. That Victus had murdered his Commander.

Now Victus was making his way away from Solar, but Solar could not make any move yet. He had no evidence apart from his suspicions which, as he had learned painfully in the past, was never enough to gain belief. He needed something else, perhaps first some sort of verbal clue that Victus did in fact murder.

“Is something wrong Victus buddy? Folk seem a little rushed today”

Victus took the bait.

Twitching in response to the pony’s words, Victus stormed back in anger towards Solar.

“Don’t play coy with me, Pony! I’ve heard of your little, ‘promotion’ by your Princess” Victus practically hissed, ensuring Solar knew not one word associated with him was meant kindly.

“So I’m well aware of the fact that you hear the whispers of this dreadful place.”

Solar snored loudly in response, much to Victus’s displeasure. Though as Victus probably presumed this was due simply to Solar’s uncaring and antagonising attitude, Solar knew the humour in his response was actually to the fact that Victus had overestimated him.

Solar had not heard about all of this of his own investigation. It had been a lowly guard who had given this information, yet of course he wouldn’t ever be telling Victus that.

“It is true our beloved Commander had tragically died today. Our mission now is to find and punish the perpetrator, eliminate them and ensure Humanity’s continued presence here remains strong”

Now Solar really wanted to scoff.

The Human’s words seemed off as if they were off a script. They were forced, obviously fake and insulting to Solar’s intelligence. There was no way Victus seriously expected anypony to believe them.

“Oh I know you loved him soooo much” Solar replied, ensuring his sarcasm was clear, ensuring Victus’s face became even more scowled and mad. “But I congratulate on your very own promotion anyway”

Victus’s face then lost some anger, not all of it of course, but a decent amount that told Solar not all was as it seemed.

“You really don’t know anything of us, do you Pony? As if we are so primitive that the structure of commands instantly falls upon me, but for you ponies, I wouldn’t be surprised if you followed such simply and stupid rules”

That’s all you got Human? Calling me stupid?

“We are not animals, we will have an election to judge who will lead this mission”

This peaked Solar’s interest, but it also became a thorn into his suspicions.

Unless Victus was sure of his election chances, would he seriously kill the Commander? Solar then began to entertain the idea Victus simply murdered out of hatred for the Commanders methods here, them being not quite anti-Pony enough. Solar didn’t put this theory above Victus, for the Human seemed the type to perform such a murderous tantrum.

“Then I wish you the best of luck in the election! I’m sure we could all benefit from your great leadership and experience”. Solar then shot, back to the usual antagonising.

This is turn reverted Victus to his usual self. So much so in fact, Solar easily saw that the Human began to clench his fists, unable to grasp a weapon, not currently having his sword with him.

His anger grew to such a degree that the Human’s skin began to go red, and his very body began to shake in frustration. Solar laughed in his head, never knowing the skin of the Humans could change shades like this. It was a very humorous sight to say the least.

Victus then stepped forward, attempting to use his height as a tool of intimidation, with his target being Solar.

Try it, I want to see what Humans are like in a fight. Show your strength kid, I dare you.

Is there a problem?” Solar asked ignorantly, purposely attempting to sound confused and as dumb as possible, if only to piss of Victus even more which, of course, worked.

Solar wanted Victus to show his hand, to crack and lose his calm. An unstable opponent was a weaker opponent, and Solar would use this instability to his advantage.

Sadly however, Victus kept his nerve, if only just.

“Not yet, but give it a few hours, and there might be” The Human replied, insinuating that he would be in command then and thus, have some real power.

“One of our people, a great and respected hero of war, was horrifically killed today, and in our world, we don’t let such an insult go unpunished. We will not forget what has happened today, I advise you Ponies don’t either, we Humans don’t appreciate bad welcomes”.

Victus bled cockiness in that moment. He was so sure of himself, so passive aggressive about the whole thing, and such ugly qualities weren’t lost on Solar, who began to seriously want to bin this trash from his sight.

Solar then gasped, not taking any care to how genuine his sounded, for it was obvious he wasn’t being serious.

“Oh Celestia, what are you saying? You can’t seriously be suggesting we Ponies would do such a horrible thing? We are a species of peace and friendship, and he offer our caring hoof to you in this dark moment”

Even though this was an act only to push the Humans buttons, Solar almost gagged on such cute and fluffy things. It was true Equestria was like this mostly, and it made Solar feel quite ill.

If he felt sick at this, he couldn’t imagine how Victus must have felt, He suspected ponies in killing the Commander, and Solar suspected him. So without proof, it was the word of a criminal, albeit an official now, against a diplomat. Solar didn’t like his chances, at least at this time in which he didn’t yet fully know all of Victus’s weaknesses, so for now, he would follow his original plan, and make his way to the Sovereign tower.

A silence then existed between the Pony and Human, then tension so high that just another word felt like the justification of war between the two races, and Solar wasn’t so wanting of pissing Victus off he would risk that, although it was fun annoying him.

“Whatever, I have to go to my people. I have to deal with matters that are more important than you could ever dream of taking a part, and our mission comes before conversing with such a low life like you!”

Solar knew Victus wasn’t worth it, and neither was a response, so with the silence continuing, Victus made good on his way, his feet stomping away from Solar.

He was too probably headed for the tower, and Solar thought it best if he took a separate path, one which war of awkward silence be literally called between Humans and Ponies.

Oh you’ll see, soon I too will receive more power, and then we will see if your matters are important enough for me.

Author's Note:

Merry Christmas everyone!
Was planning on uploading yesterday but im sure you were all a bit busy, so consider this a belated Christmas gift!
Next chapter also wont be anywhere near as a long as wait as the last two, maybe just a few days away so in the mean time, comment how you think everything is going so far, its no lie that a author can never have too much feedback.
Until then, i hope you all have a good Christmas break and a happy new year!

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