• Published 21st Mar 2013
  • 2,070 Views, 388 Comments

Synthesis of the Atheist - BlackRoseRaven

Luna and Scrivener become the targets of a malicious, narcissistic psychopath. 8th story in the 99 Worlds Saga/Blooming Moon Chronicles.

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Little Follies

Chapter Eight: Little Follies

Scrivener Blooms walked out of Canterlot University with a sour look on his face, Barry on one side and Luna on the other. The literary agent was grinning despite a clear effort not to, and Luna had her own bright and cheerful expression on, her eyes gleaming with mischief. “Oh come now, Scrivy, 'twas an honest answer to the question!”

“Luna, the kid asked: 'what's it like with two mares?' He did not ask, I repeat, he did not ask: 'What's it like in bed with two mares.'” Scrivener said crankily as he halted, and Luna laughed before leaning in and dropping her head against him, and Scrivener mumbled as he reached up to yank his tie loose from around his neck and open one of the top buttons of the silk shirt beneath his rumpled suit jacket. “Let's please just walk back to Subterra, okay?”

“Hey, pal, come on! That was a magnificent sale in there!” Barry extolled, bouncing on his hooves and grinning widely. “And I gotta say, I just gotta say, lady, you really, really know how to rile a crowd up when you want to. But did those kids ever just eat it up!”

“Well, Barry, I like to think that I am very charismatic.” Luna said positively, straightening and grinning as she posed for a moment with a wink. “Besides, mares can be just as awful as stallions, one must need merely know what strings to play. And I do so adore playing mares like strings.”

She licked her lips slowly, and Barry stared at her for a few moments, mouthing wordlessly before Scrivener sighed and rolled his eyes, striding quickly onwards and muttering: “I don't like other ponies. I don't like Literature classes. They're perverted. Everything gets turned into a metaphor for vaginas, you write a poem about a flower blooming and no, it can't be because you happened to be sitting in the garden one day and the Royal Court was rushing you for a poem so you wrote a poem about one of the flowers. The poem's clearly really about a vagina. A big, blossoming vagina.”

Barry only stared at Scrivener as Luna giggled childishly, following along beside him before she cleared her throat several times when he glared over his shoulder at her, the three heading towards a path leading through a field before the mare asked seriously: “And what of the penises, Scrivener Blooms?”

“Standing lonely and desolate, jutting from the virgin soil, smelling of the sea that coats their prodigious girth.” Scrivener intoned ironically, and when Luna began to giggle madly again and Barry stared at him, the charcoal stallion looked moodily over his shoulder at the lanky earth pony and said dryly: “That's from a poem about those scary totems out facing towards the eastern sea. Writers are perverts.”

“Thou generalizes too much, Scrivener Blooms! And thou curses others too often for thy own sins.” Luna scolded, then she paused before grinning at him, licking her lips slowly. “Now tell me more of these mighty goliath pillars.”

“I hate you.” Scrivener muttered, and Luna laughed as Barry shook his head, but smiled all the same. Then the charcoal stallion sighed before he asked finally: “So now that I've been a good little colt and actually went and did that reading and question session for the university... does that mean we're done now?”

“Whoa, whoa, slow down champ.” Barry said pointedly, and he shifted awkwardly before saying delicately: “I know that you have a lot on your plate right now, sport, but- dammit, oh hell!”

Barry yelped and staggered backwards, and Scrivener and Luna both halted and turned towards him with surprise as the lanky earth pony rose a front hoof, then cursed and leapt backwards before stumbling to the side, looking fearfully down at several Silverbacks. The nasty little insects were standing tense, their poisonous stingers raised, and Scrivener grimaced a bit before Barry yelled in a strangled voice: “One of them bit me! One of the nasty little bastards bit me!”

“Did it bite you or did it sting you?” Scrivener asked quickly, making a face as he looked up at the pale, almost-hyperventilating literary agent, and Barry whined through his teeth before holding his hoof out, showing off an ugly bruise and a nasty little cut on his ankle that was actually bleeding. And the charcoal stallion blinked in surprise at this before Luna stepped around him and growled down at the insects... but then frowned when they trembled, but didn't flee as they often did when Luna approached. “Someone must have riled these guys up, they're-”

He didn't get a chance to finish, as the Silverbacks skittered around and two of them threw themselves at Luna's face. The sapphire mare cursed as she leapt backwards in shock, managing to swat one backwards, but the nasty little bugs immediately turned their attention towards Scrivener Blooms, and the charcoal stallion stomped at them and staggered backwards with a wince.

Then he yelled in surprise and disgust as one of the Silverbacks managed to leap up and snag into his body, its sharp little claws tearing against his skin as it skittered eagerly over him. Scrivener panicked a little as he grabbed at himself wildly, and Barry hurried forwards, meaning to be helpful... but then only screamed girlishly when a Silverback managed to leap up on him as well, the lanky earth pony dancing around in a circle before squealing when it suddenly bit deep into his side and stabbed its stinger fiercely down into him.

Barry flopped over, rolling back and forth with a howl of pain as he tried to dislodge it, and Luna cursed as she simply flicked her horn with a growl of frustration and incinerated the bug still doggedly charging at her in a blast of blue flames. She hurried towards Barry as Scrivener continued to panic... but when she felt a bolt of pain twist through her body, she immediately abandoned the agent for Scrivener Blooms, despite the fact Barry was howling like he was being murdered and Scrivener had barely let out a hiss when the Silverback clamped onto his shoulder.

Its jaws were buried through his flesh and its stringer had plunged deep, and Luna winced as she inspected the little silver insect quickly. It was clinging like a tick, body pulsing slowly as it tried to drink Scrivener's blood, while likely injecting its own toxin into the earth pony at the same time. She shifted back and forth on her hooves as she cursed, wondering what to do as Scrivener shivered at the surprising amount of pain pulsing through his body from the nasty little thing on his shoulder.

But a moment later, the Silverback suddenly convulsed, and its gleaming body seemed to lose some of its color as it shriveled up and toppled free, landing with a splatter on its back. And only a moment later, Barry's squealing died down to whimpers as the Silverback preying on him tore itself free from his body with a small burst of blood, before the fattened insect rushed off into the bushes on the side of the path they had been following.

Scrivener breathed quietly in and out, his eyes closed and head bowed, and Luna studied him silently before her eyes roved to the wound visible through his torn suit: a wound that was dripping not red blood, but black liquid corruption. And Scrivener's eyes slowly opened before he glanced towards this, and then sighed softly as poisonous blackness bubbled up through the wound... and before their very eyes, hardened into flesh.

Scrivener reached up and touched this spot absently: it felt a little sensitive, but even that was already fading quickly. And he guessed one of the other perks of having this dark stuff in his bloodstream was that it apparently was more than enough to keep him safe from these little monsters... before he looked up moodily as Barry asked in a whisper: “What... what the hell is...”

“Do you think I just made up all that stuff in the books, Barry?” Scrivener asked dryly, then he sighed a little and poked at his suit, mumbling: “I actually liked this jacket, too. I guess I'll have to see if Rarity can patch it for me.”

“Yes...” Luna murmured, her eyes staring for a few moments at Scrivener's shoulder, and the stallion blushed a little as he glanced up at her awkwardly before the sapphire mare flushed and shook her head hurriedly, clearing her throat and quickly turning her eyes to Barry. “Thou art an idiot. Come, get up, get up, cease thy whining and whimpering!”

“It really hurts! And... and it took me by surprise.” Barry complained, even as he carefully sat up... then groaned and shook his head out, looking back at his side and shivering at the sight of his discolored coat and the deep, ugly wound. “Oh, oh hell, champ, I... I think I gotta see a doctor...”

Luna only grunted, then looked apprehensively at Scrivener, but the stallion only shook his head before moodily kicking the corpse of the Silverback towards the bushes. “You better heal Barry or at least numb the wound, we might as well have someone in Subterra look at him. I've never seen these things so aggressive before, though...”

Luna nodded hesitantly, and Barry paled at this, looking up and rasping: “Wait, treatment in Subterra? Are you out of your mind? Those demons might eat me!”

“I shall mince thee up into tiny pieces and gobble thee down if thou does not shut up.” Luna snapped, and Barry quailed back before the sapphire mare blushed a little and glanced embarrassedly over her shoulder when Scrivener gave her a pointed look. “Oh... fine. Perhaps I am... short-tempered now, 'tis because of.. of the shock, that is all.”

She shook her head quickly, then reached down and hauled Barry to his hooves... before yelling loudly and leaping backwards with a curse of disgust when Barry's head wrenched forwards and he vomited loudly and painfully. He began to topple forwards as his eyes rolled up in his head, but Luna sighed and reached out to catch him by the face with one hoof and shoved him firmly to the side. He still fell heavily, coughing weakly, but at least didn't end up falling in his own bile as she mumbled: “Wondrous. Just absolutely wondrous.”

Luna's horn glowed as she moodily looked down at Barry, before the discolored wound visible through his ripped clothes burned with the same light, and then Barry yelped and spasmed, eyes snapping open as he was painfully returned to consciousness before Luna muttered: “Hold thyself still, little loudspeaker, or the pain will be much the worse... I can cleanse thy body of impurities but such things are not done without a little bit of cost.”

Barry gritted his teeth and whimpered loudly through them, and Scrivener winced a bit, trying to send soothing thoughts to Luna as he strode up behind her. He rose a hoof, then hesitated before finally stroking through her mane, and Luna shivered as she closed her eyes, bowing her head forwards... and even as her horn continued to glow and she concentrated her magic, for a moment, it was like they were the only two ponies for miles around, as they traded apologies and recriminations in silence.

Then Luna and Scrivener both glanced up in surprise as there was a third presence... and Luna smiled embarrassedly after a moment before she glanced at Scrivener, and he nodded as he closed his eyes and took a slow breath, focusing and sending out a soothing thought in return to Twilight Sparkle's worried mental question: We're okay. We just had... a little run in with some angry bugs, that's all.

There was silence for a moment, and then Twilight's voice said quietly in his mind: I... I can feel your emotions, and Luna's too. I can... almost see what happened, even...

Scrivener smiled a bit, then closed his eyes and concentrated on the recent memories, making them brighter in his mind, and he felt Twilight's presence caress over his thoughts before it withdrew quickly. There was a sense of embarrassment, of fear that she had reached in too far, and yet also a hunger for more and... something else.

The stallion shifted a bit: he couldn't make it out, and Twilight's presence had faded. Her link with them was a little different than his with Luna's, after all: he and Luna shared one mixed soul, while together, his and Luna's physical bodies acted as the containers for Twilight's spiritual essence. Living phylacteries, in other words... if they were hurt, Twilight felt their pain like it was her own. If they sent out a thought to her, she could hear them clearly. And if they ordered her to do something...

But neither of them would ever do that. And both of them always left their minds unguarded to Twilight Sparkle, had sworn to her they would never keep any thought, any emotion from her, even when they wanted to. They cherished the link with her, and adored her, even if they were both scared of... what Twilight might think of them at times.

It was stupid: Scrivener, Luna and Twilight had been... together... for something like twenty-seven, twenty-eight years, and that was when they didn't include the near-decade they had been gone for. She had known them inside and out long before she was a Lich, and long before her original phylactery had been destroyed and essence transferred to them. But... all the same, Scrivener and Luna feared it, because they were both well-aware that... they weren't the greatest candidates out there for either relationship or 'good pony' material.

Luna glanced towards Scrivener with a faint smile as the glow finally died out from around her horn, and Barry gasped weakly on the ground, his eyes closed, his body shivering. Scrivener gazed back at Luna for a few moments, trading emotions and thoughts with her silently: hopes, fears, dreams, whispers... and then finally, the stallion turned his eyes to Barry and asked quietly: “Can you stand? Or do you need a hoof?”

“The polite thing to do would be to offer me one anyway.” Barry mumbled, and when Scrivener sighed tiredly, the agent winced before he carefully wriggled his hooves beneath him, then rasped and forced himself slowly, tediously up to his hooves with a groan of pain. “Nope, nope, I... I got it...”

“Good. If you can stand on your own then it means the poison didn't paralyze your organs or muscles.” Scrivener remarked mildly, and Barry stared as his limbs trembled a little beneath him, his mouth working for a moment before the stallion gestured absently with his head towards the sapphire mare as she grinned a little. “Luna's magic can purify your bloodstream, but it can't do anything about the damages the poison causes on the way. But it looks like we healed you before it could really work in too deep.”

“Oh. Oh good.” Barry said weakly, and then he hesitated before looking lamely at Scrivener and saying finally: “So you... you're... you're really not... you're really a Clockwork Pony, aren't you?”

Luna looked almost pleadingly over at Scrivener, and the earth pony looked at her sourly in response, saying dryly: “I'm not doing it. But... I am, yes. I'm glad you noticed that.” The charcoal stallion reached up and touched his shoulder absently, then shook his head quickly as he muttered: “Anyway, Barry, you can... go home or... come with us to Subterra if you really want to, I guess, we can get someone to give you something to help with your whole... not... goodness.”

Scrivener halted lamely, but Barry nodded awkwardly and reached up to nervously touch his side, wincing a bit before he said awkwardly: “Thank you, though, champ and uh... dame. Lady. Babe. Girl-champ?”

“Girl-champ.” Luna looked thoughtful for a few moments, then simply shrugged agreeably, and Scrivener sighed tiredly before she turned. “Well, I have been called worse. Come, though, both of thee. Let us make for Subterra, and perhaps Barry shall prove less annoying on the way. Although if thou must applaud me, in the future refer to me as 'Valkyrie.'”

“You got it, Valk.” Barry said positively, and Luna rolled her eyes but smiled slightly as Scrivener Blooms shook his head with amusement, the earth pony agent lagging a little behind them but thankfully not complaining too much.

As they were heading down the streets of Canterlot, however, while Luna and Scrivener were silently discussing what had happened mostly in thoughts and images traded between them, Barry suddenly unknowingly interrupted their mental conversation with the same question both soulbound ponies were asking each other: “So what the hell happened back there?” A pause, and then he asked almost hopefully: “Was that like. An adventure?”

“If that was an adventure, then I am loathe to think of what must seem 'boring' to thou, Barry.” Luna said wryly, looking meditatively over her shoulder at the lanky stallion. “No, that was merely a misstep in the course of a normal day. A good day, even: why, earlier Scrivener Blooms was speaking about genitals, was he not? That is always the mark of a good day.”

Scrivener sighed after a moment, rolling his eyes as Barry laughed a little despite himself, before the stallion added in a mutter: “I guess Luna's right, much as I hate to say those words. And to be entirely honest I'd much rather almost-die over deal with people.”

Barry glanced up at this, and then he straightened and added awkwardly: “Then uh, champ, not to ruin your mood, but... did I tell you about your interview or not before we got attacked by those nasty little bugs?”

Scrivener looked slowly over his shoulder, and Barry gave him a lame grin as the trio of ponies came to a halt on the sidewalk, ignoring the other ponies walking past and tossing them curious looks before Barry said finally: “Yeah, uh. Remember, you said yourself – and I stress this, that you asked me to set this up for you – that you wanted this interview with Ersatz Major and... I got it. It's gonna be in a few days.”

“Oh. Oh, just peachy.” Scrivener said flatly, then he groaned and dropped his head forwards, muttering under his breath: “Just wonderful, really. Luna, this is no longer a good day, and... why the hell do I have to do this now? We. We possibly have a world to save, I call shenanigans, let's go save a world from evil, stupid book interviews with stupid critics can stupid... wait.”

“Cease being a wimp, Scrivener Blooms. Besides, this is the perfect opportunity to smite the vile creature.” Luna grumbled, and Scrivener mumbled a little in agreement as Barry winced a bit. “Thou should just pummel her. I do not think anypony would complain. She is but a scavenger, a vulture of the good of others.”

The charcoal stallion almost felt like considering Luna's advice before Barry cut in hurriedly: “Now wait, wait, champ and Valk, this lady is a hotshot in a lot of social circles and we gotta concentrate on our objective here, right? We don't wanna piss off anyone, do we now? You wanna get published, ain't that right, we agreed to work together?”

Scrivener Blooms mumbled a little, shifting a bit as Luna sighed and turned down a side alley, and Scrivener let himself fall back a bit as they headed towards where it dead-ended at a brick wall. “Barry, look. There's... there's a lot on my plate now. I have this... small mental issue... and now there's something bad happening in another layer of reality, and Luna and I are trying to get everyone organized so we can go and find out what's going on. The timing is really bad, is what I'm saying.”

“Hey, champ, you're the one who wrote that you gotta deal with the cards as they're played, right?” Barry said pointedly, and Scrivener grumbled under his breath at this metaphor before he finally nodded grouchily to himself. “Exactly! So come on, pal, you know you gotta do this, and... well, think of the weight that'll be lifted off your shoulders once you go in there and get a few answers! But uh... well, since we're on the subject, the only thing is that Ersatz Major was very firm about one condition of her interview, and it's that she wants to deal with you alone. Neither of your uh... wives... can be present.”

Scrivener grunted as Luna halted at the dead end, and then her horn glowed as she snorted in amusement and glanced dryly over her shoulder, saying sourly: “Wives. Well, I suppose we have been called worse, although... I don't know, Scrivy, I think after all my time with thou I have come to dislike the term. Idiot poet.”

The charcoal stallion smiled despite himself as Barry looked awkwardly at Scrivener, but the larger earth pony only shook his head as Luna flicked her horn. A rumble emanated from the wall at the end of the alley before the bricks that made it up rapidly began to draw themselves apart, shifting and clicking themselves into new positions until they formed a large archway leading to a wide, twisting staircase, a bit of dust spilling down from between the bricks.

Luna strode forwards after smiling over her shoulder, Scrivener following as Barry toddled along after them, and there was silence for a few moments before the agent finally asked dubiously: “So then, okay, like... what are you three, in that case?”

“We just are.” Scrivener said after a moment, shrugging a bit before he shook his head and said softly: “Yeah, I mean... I guess when you stop and think about it-”

“Then Scrivener Blooms and Twilight Sparkle are most certainly my wives, as I am clearly the husband in the relationship.” Luna interrupted as they headed down the dimly-lit stairs, and Scrivener grumbled as Barry grinned a little despite himself. “But 'tis just not terms we use. It does not feel like enough to describe the bond between us.

“But I do not know if I can be apart from Scrivener for this.” Luna said simply, and Barry groaned, then opened his mouth... before frowning slowly as he looked awkwardly up and realized the ponies weren't joking around, they were serious.

There was silence until they reached the bottom of the staircase, heading through an open gate and into a long tunnel lit by blue torches, leading into the streets of Subterra beyond. Luna and Scrivener took a pause here, trading a look... and with it, thoughts, emotions, memories and hesitations. But neither knew what to say, or what to do, and both were aware of Barry standing and staring at them questioningly, so finally Luna mentally nudged Scrivener and the stallion sighed tiredly, before the sapphire mare said pointedly: “'Tis thy friend, not mine. Or at least thy... I do not know. I am tempted to say 'servant.'”

Scrivener grumbled a little under his breath, and then he shook his head as Barry looked up lamely before Scrivener said finally: “Look. I never really talked about some of the negative repercussions of the soul link but... with everything that's happened to me and Luna, and all the years we've spent like this, we've... tightened, so to speak. It's hard to put into words, but it's like... a spring, I guess. At first it can pull back and forth with ease, but... now, it's gotten brittle with all the use and it can't stretch as far.

“Luna and I can't be apart anymore for more than an hour at most, before we both start to weaken. Nor can we go to great distances anymore without each other... it hurts us. It's like all our energy begins bleeding through our bodies, trying to get back together.” Scrivener traded a look with Luna, who smiled faintly as Barry looked at the two with surprise. “Either Luna's going to have to come to the interview with me or you're going to have to help us sneak her inside.”

“What?” Barry winced at this, looking startled before the agent shook his head fiercely. “Oh no no no! Champ, you're a stud, but I don't want to risk my entire career over this! Look, Ersatz Major is a nasty critic, but Rogues And Studs is a very important hot or not magazine, and I really don't want an article done on me thank you very much. Not unless it's saying 'Barry Barter is the greatest agent ever.'”

“You're a lame agent. You're the lamest agent ever if you don't do this for me. Do you want me to die and your paycheck to go out the window?” Scrivener asked dryly, and Barry looked dumbly across at him before Scrivener added sourly: “And after Ersatz is done molesting my corpse she'll probably sell pieces of me to the highest bidder or have me stuffed and mounted as a trophy. A trophy that will be a testament to your failure to protect your client.”

“Why are you such an asshole?” Barry almost moaned, and Scrivener shrugged as he and Luna turned, striding down the tunnel side-by-side. For a few moments, the literary agent only stood and watched them, then he finally threw his head back with a silent yell of frustration before doggedly hurrying after the two. “Okay, okay! You win, I'll find a way to help you sneak the lady-champ in.”

Luna grunted and nodded approvingly as Scrivener glanced over his shoulder, and then finally gave his own small nod of agreement, asking after a moment: “Then when's the interview, and where?”

“At the Rogues And Studs building itself, two days' time.” Barry replied with a quick nod, and then he hesitated and said carefully: “And maybe we should get you... prepared. You know, get you ready for the questions that are undoubtedly going to be asked and uh... less... angry.”

“I'm not angry. I'm rarely angry. I'm bitter and sarcastic and cynical and believe the world is out to get me.” Scrivener muttered, and then he traded a moody look with Luna. “Sorry, us. The worst part is that it's not paranoia because godawful stuff keeps happening to me. I mean us, yes, us.”

Barry opened his mouth to reply, then simply closed it when he looked lamely back and forth at the demons, the Nightmares, the other creatures of darkness all around him. Luna looked over her shoulder curiously, and then Barry sighed tiredly and mumbled: “I don't even know anymore. All I know, stud, is that for all your complaining you seem to be popular enough with the ladies and get to stay in a haunted house kinda palace, except all the ghosts and demons and crazy stuff normal ponies are scared of are your friends.”

Scrivener smiled a little despite himself as Luna shook her head, but the look she gave Barry was almost gentle even as a teasing expression played over her face. “And what, Barry, art thou jealous? 'Tis not so hard to befriend the darkness, I shall have thee know. It only requires... a little understanding, and a little courage.”

Barry winced a little at this, looking lamely up before Luna nodded and gazed ahead with a wider smile, saying easily: “I do not know why, but it warms my heart to see thee a little envious. I think perhaps because one can only envy what one desires... and if ponies have started to want friendship from my servants of the night, then I can only be glad for it. Perhaps it means that everything I still find myself desiring, of an Equestria where darkness protects the light... 'tis not entirely in vain.”

Scrivener nodded thoughtfully, and Barry shrugged lamely behind the sapphire mare before she traded a look with the charcoal stallion striding beside her, trading a smile and a few strange, blossoming hopes for the future.

Antares Mīrus strode through the halls of the Thorn Palace, hooves clicking quietly against the tiles as he smiled a little to himself. Meadowlark was off at the Royal Library to work with Celestia and Twilight Sparkle on digging up all the archived information about Clockwork World they could. He had volunteered to help as well, but Celestia had told him to relax, so... here he was, trying to relax. Besides, they were probably doing better without him: he and Meadowlark would likely distract each other and he'd always been awful when it came to researching things anyway.

He thought about going to look for his parents: it was moving on to late afternoon now, after all, and they were probably back from the engagement they'd had at Canterlot University. He always enjoyed spending time with them... even though Avalon sometimes made fun of him for it, and he knew he probably seemed a little... clingy. But it was still such a relief to think that... after everything he'd been through, his parents were back.

Antares smiled a little and shook his head, eyes lingering over a painting on the wall that seemed to move before he continued around a corner, just letting himself wander for now. He knew he had a lot to learn from his parents still, and a lot to inherit and live up to somehow. Luna and Scrivener were still his heroes, still the ponies he idolized and strove to be more like, and he still didn't feel entirely... grown up yet, whether or not he was twenty three years old.

He paused for a moment in the middle of the long, marble-tiled hall, hesitantly reaching up and touching his scarred chest as something whispered through his mind for a moment. Then he shook his head hurriedly out before clearing his throat and continuing onwards, murmuring: “Besides, I... I am moving forwards with life now at least, right? Meadow and I are getting used to each other and... it's not like I'm sitting back, letting them take responsibility for everything. I'm just working hard to be... a good son. And to learn everything they have to teach.”

He nodded to himself, then glanced curiously at an ajar door as he heard a familiar voice behind it before approaching and carefully pushing it open, revealing a spacious den beyond. The walls were lined with shelves filled with all assortment of trinkets and knickknacks, and there was a cheery fire burning in a fireplace in front of several plush furnishings and a large table.

Aphrodisia was sitting on one of the green, soft couches, gazing intently at something Antares couldn't see. He smiled a little, then knocked once on the door before striding inside, and the demon glanced over her shoulder with a bit of a blush but a happy smile all the same, turning her eyes quickly back down and saying quietly: “My big brother's here so I'm gonna go, okay? Thanks for helping me.”

There was a soft sound in response as Antares approached and leaned over the back of the couch, looking down with interest at the glassy-black orb Aphrodisia was holding between her hooves. A swirling mist whispered through it, and Antares smiled after a moment before he asked curiously: “Demon stuff?”

“Demon stuff.” Aphrodisia agreed, and then she carefully put the orb into a silver, bowl-shaped holder on the table in front of her before her bright green eyes turned to Antares, and she gave an almost shy smile. “It's... you know. About my... stuff.”

“It's so funny to see you get all... cute.” Antares said after a moment, and Aphrodisia huffed a bit and shoved at him gently, the stallion smiling before he jackknifed the couch and landed beside her, and then laughed when she dropped against him and rested her head on his shoulder with a warm look. “You know, only a few years ago you were all excited about all this demon stuff...”

“And I still am, it's just... it's just that I'm growing up emotionally as much as physically. I know I still act really silly sometimes but... I feel like... I'm processing stuff a lot more.” Aphrodisia said quietly, looking off towards the crackling fireplace before she closed her eyes, snuggling herself shamelessly a little closer against him. “And I... I guess after the accidents I've had now and then, I know... I need to learn to control myself more. Mommy and Burning Desire have been working really hard to help me with that.”

Antares nodded slowly, looking at his cousin softly and taking one of her hooves to squeeze it reassuringly. Aphrodisia was a young but powerful demon, a mix of desire and fury known as a Dominia: but all too often, youth and strength didn't mix in the best of ways, and it had led to the demon having a few unfortunate outbursts over the years with her inability to rein in both her powers and her emotions.

These last few years had been particularly difficult for her: since she had aged twice as fast as a normal pony, by the age of nine she'd already become an adult mare physically despite being six years younger than Antares. And once she'd reached physical maturity, then her demonic heritage had truly begun to set in as her mind and emotions struggled at the same time to catch up to her body.

She no longer aged physically, but that didn't mean she wasn't still growing and changing, in ways that were perhaps much more important than her outer appearance. And even though she still acted like the same old childish Apps with her friends, her personality with strangers could vary wildly, depending on her mood. She could become sultry and coy, sharp and dominating, or feign teasing innocence. It all depended on her mood and what she wanted from the pony in question.

She shifted a bit against him, then snuggled a little closer, and Antares gazed at her softly. He didn't want to imagine how hard it was for her at times, to always feel the compulsions she did, to need to master her particular hungers. She was a mix of Lust and Wrath, to use the terms demons tended to describe themselves as. Not because it was true, that all demons were simply sin incarnate, but because they were easy labels, and demons tended to enjoy playing to certain roles, keeping their true faces hidden from all but those they trusted in private.

Aphrodisia's eyes flicked up to his, and Antares met her gaze before she sighed a little, stroking a hoof over his chest as she murmured: “I think Mommy's going to send me to live with Burning Desire soon, Antares. I'm pretty good about keeping my temper these days, after all, but... I mean, I almost started flirting with Daddy the other day. That other side of me... I can't get it under control. And Mommy can't help me as much with it because she's Wrath and Gluttony.”

Antares nodded slowly, smiling a little at her. “Yeah, but... you do really, really well, Apps. I mean, you can already do a lot of stuff demons who grow up in Helheim take decades to learn, and it's been... it's been a long time since anything really bad happened. And you're still the same silly little sister to me that you've always been.”

The demon smiled warmly at this, then she snuggled a little closer to him before her expression toned down a little, glancing down as she added quietly: “Yeah, but... I get scared of disappointing Mommy and Daddy. And I don't want to hurt you or my other friends, either. I don't really want to hurt anyone, I think... even if... sometimes part of me kind of does.”

She fell quiet, then blushed a bit and glanced up and nodded a little. “But I know I'm lucky, too. Mommy and Daddy understand me, and Uncle Scrivy understands me, and so does Aunt Brynhild. Sometimes I can even talk to Aunt Tia about things and... I was really, really surprised about how much she... she understands too. I think our whole family must really be demons or something.”

Antares rolled his eyes at this, but he was smiling all the same as he sat back quietly, and the two simply rested together for a little while before the mare finally asked softly: “So you and Meadowlark are finally seeing each other, huh?”

“Yeah.” Antares said softly, looking into the fire as he hesitated, then shook his head a little. “It feels... it almost feels like a dream right now still, though. I mean, I always kind of had that crush on her, and I know that... I have to move forwards with life and... I dunno.”

“Don't try and explain it, dummy, just... you know. Be happy for once.” Aphrodisia said mildly, sitting up a little so she could knock on his skull with a cloven hoof, and Antares huffed at her before the demon mare smiled. “I'm glad, though. You two better sleep together quick.”

“Yeah, Apps, that's really at the top of my to-do list.” Antares said dryly, and then he shook his head and added finally: “I just want to take things slow and-”

“You never really learn, do you?” Aphrodisia interrupted mildly, and the young stallion gave her a grumpy look before she poked him a few times. “You need to take what you can get while it's there. You kept her waiting for years, Nova, I think if you take things any slower you'll become... I dunno. A dinosaur.”

“What?” Antares only looked at her blankly for a moment, and the demon nodded rapidly before the glossy-black unicorn sighed and rolled his eyes. Then they fell quiet again, and he hesitated for a moment as they both looked off into the flames burning in the fireplace before he asked: “Do you... do you want me to ask Mom if you can come with us when we go and check on what's happening in that other layer?”

Aphrodisia was quiet for a moment, then she looked up and asked curiously: “Did you ask Meadowlark, Nova?”

The stallion looked at her dumbly, and then he shrugged and said finally: “Well... no, not yet or anything, but I mean, you're the demon and my cousin and-”

“And I'm not your marefriend, kinky as that would be.” Aphrodisia said almost crossly, and Antares blushed a bit and leaned back as she pushed a hoof under his chin and met his eyes with her own both amused and exasperated look. “Nova, come on. If you want anypony to go with you it should be her right now, right?”

Antares looked lamely at the demon, then he nodded a little and rubbed at his head, before Aphrodisia glanced away and added: “And I don't think I should, anyway... at least, not this time. I have some demon stuff to take care of and all and... I think I'm a little mad at you.”

The stallion tilted his head, and his cousin turned herself around before curling up and settling with her back against him comfortably, reaching back and forcibly pulling his foreleg around her. He squeezed her a little closer, and she nodded thoughtfully as she continued: “Yeah, yes, I am mad at you, Antares Mīrus. 'Cause we're best friends but we haven't been spending lots of time together lately, and I'm really happy about you and Meadowlark but actually kind of upset about it too.”

The stallion laughed a little, squeezing her gently before he nodded and gazed into the fire, saying softly: “I'm sorry, Apps. Tell you what, then... let's take some time tomorrow or something and... we can walk around Subterra, or just hang out together. Does that sound good?”

“Yeah.” Aphrodisia smiled, then she looked over her shoulder at him, opening her mouth... but a moment later her eyes flicked curiously over the back of the couch, and she brightened a bit, raising her free hoof as the glossy-black unicorn turned with a curious look. “Hey, T!”

“I hope I'm not interrupting. But I was a little lonely, and heard your voices...” Tender Trust said softly as she approached around the couch, gazing at them with her gentle, green-light eyes. “It's nice to see you both.”

“It's good to see you too.” Antares smiled after a moment, blushing a little as he tried to shift away from his cousin, but she growled and immediately hugged his limb, pushing herself back against his body insistently and making him sigh. Tender Trust only looked at them with a smile, however, and the stallion settled a little after a moment with a grumble, saying finally: “Sorry. Apps is in one of her moods.”

Aphrodisia blew a loud raspberry at this, but Tender Trust only nodded calmly as the half-Phooka glanced curiously towards the fireplace and smiled. “That's okay. This is the perfect place to be ourselves, after all... oka likes it here. She says she was afraid at first, but now... she's found great comfort here. And the spirits of this place always treat her with much affection.”

Antares nodded, smiling a bit: Fluttershy really was treated kindly here, and with much respect. The Phooka that lived in Subterra were almost as fond of her as the Phooka that lived around Ponyville. Then he tilted his head curiously as Tender Trust hesitated, before asking curiously: “If it is not too much to ask, Antares... do you think you could find the time to exercise with me a little? And your help would be appreciated as well, Aphrodisia. I would ask Avalon, but I have no idea where she is...”

“She'll be jealous.” Antares smiled wider, nodding firmly as he glanced at Aphrodisia, and the demon shrugged amiably. “Sure, I guess we can do that. Do you wanna go now, T?”

“I don't mind waiting. Take your time, I don't want to interrupt anything.” Tender Trust replied softly, and Antares smiled over at her before the half-Phooka continued softly: “I am very honored and gladdened, though, my friends. It means a lot to me that you'll help me with this.”

The stallion only smiled and shrugged in response, replying quietly: “No, Tender Trust, believe me. It's all my pleasure, and the honor's mine... I mean, Avalon is always bragging about how strong a competitor you are already. And I know that Fluttershy is very proud of you, too.”

Oka is a wonderful teacher.” Tender Trust replied softly, and Antares nodded with a quiet laugh: even though he'd never been instructed himself by Fluttershy, he knew it had to be true: after all, she had been the one to teach Avalon not just about combat, but about discipline and mastering her temper. And for Avalon to have actually learned something instead of insistently doing her own thing, it really showed the capabilities that the shy Pegasus had for teaching.

They sat in quiet for a few moments, until Aphrodisia finally grunted and nodded several times, glancing up with a smile, and she let Antares' foreleg go so he could slip away and climb to his hooves. Then Tender Trust gazed up as the young stallion asked curiously: “Do you want to go out to the top of the pyramid, or somewhere more private?”

“I would prefer to use one of the training rooms, if you don't mind.” Tender Trust said softly, and Antares nodded after a moment as Aphrodisia bounced a bit on her hooves, smiling brightly. “Oka always says that humility is one of the most important parts of respect and honor, after all. And that more important than physical strength and victory, is to always maintain one's honor. She says she learned this all the more from your parents, Antares.”

The stallion gazed warmly across at the half-Phooka at this, nodding once before Tender Trust turned, and the demon and leather-winged unicorn followed her out into the halls of the Thorn Palace before Aphrodisia remarked happily: “We're a funny bunch of misfits, aren't we?”

Antares laughed despite himself, and then Tender Trust gave a soft smile as she nodded slowly and murmured: “Yes. I suppose we are, but that is good, is it not? Oka and otha both believe that it is by finding the similarities in our differences that we are best able to create unity.”

The young stallion nodded thoughtfully at this, looking agreeably over at Tender Trust even as Aphrodisia commented: “That's a silly kind of way of looking at things. But I grew up with a whole lot of silly ponies and no pony ever seems happier than Auntie Pinkie or Daddy. So silly must be good, I think, yep.”

Antares chuckled a bit at this, thinking of how true it was as they headed down the corridor, letting Tender Trust lead the way. She was young and hadn't been here as often as he was, but all the same the half-Phooka had a near-photographic memory and probably knew the layout of the palace almost as well as the young stallion.

She led them to the far western wing of the palace, pushing open an old oaken door and entering into a training room filled with exercise equipment. Tender Trust smiled as they entered, looking back and forth past the weights and training devices as she murmured: “Good. No one is here.”

The half-Phooka moved towards the corner of the room with a smile, where several mats were formed an area for wrestling and sparring. She paused outside of the twenty foot wide square, looking back and forth before bowing her head and gently touching the edge of the soft blue mats with one hoof, her glowing eyes closing as she bowed her head forwards and murmured: “Meyinan, muskawisewin mena ayinesewin.”

Then the half-Phooka rose her head and gave a soft smile, glancing over her shoulder as she stepped onto the mats. “Who would like to begin, my friends?”

“Rock paper scissors?” asked Aphrodisia curiously, and Antares gave her a dry look as he held up a hoof pointedly. “Oh come on, I play it all the time with demons and Spike and Daddy! You just gotta be careful how you hold your hoof.”

“Why don't you just go and take first swing, Pinkslap?” Antares asked mildly, and Aphrodisia brightened and nodded quickly a few times, gazing at him affectionately. The stallion smiled despite himself in response, shaking his head slowly as the demon pranced into the ring as Tender Trust strode slowly around in a circle, looking across at the demon with a soft smile.

Then Aphrodisia suddenly cleared her throat and straightened, bowing her head respectfully and saying firmly: “Honor to us both.”

Kiteyihtâkwan.” Tender Trust agreed kindly, and both mares looked at each other for a few moments before the demon suddenly threw her head back and howled gleefully like a wolf, then charged straight at the half-Phooka with a wide grin.

Tender Trust only smiled calmly, her green eyes focusing in on Aphrodisia before she nimbly leapt backwards, landing with her rear hooves at the very edge of the ring and avoiding a wild headbutt from the demon before she reached both front hooves up and firmly grasped the back of Aphrodisia's skull, slamming her face-first down into the training mat and making her squeak.

Antares did his best to repress a snicker before Aphrodisia suddenly leapt upwards, seizing Tender Trust around the upper body as she flew into the air before half-spinning and slinging the half-Phooka viciously face-first into the training mat. Antares winced a bit at the impact and the way Tender Trust bounced, but in mid-flop the half-Phooka suddenly recovered, landing gracefully on her hooves before her wings spread and she flung herself through the air, moving as effortlessly through the air as a feather on the breeze.

She smiled as she dropped to the ring in a ready position facing Aphrodisia, unharmed despite the fact the show of strength would have probably killed a normal pony. But with her Phooka heritage, physical blows were meaningless to Tender Trust: only magic and a few rare poisons and metals could hurt her. And while most Phooka were in turn too ethereal to do any real physical damage to others themselves, Tender Trust had the same physical consistency and strength as any pony thanks to her mother being a Pegasus.

Aphrodisia began to charge, and Tender Trust's eyes flashed as she put the other talent of the Phooka to use: hypnosis and mental illusions. The demon winced and staggered stupidly as she was caught off-guard, shaking her head briskly, and Tender Trust immediately shot forwards and landed a short series of blows into the face of the demon mare, knocking her backwards with a curse. The demon gritted her teeth as she staggered, then stepped forwards and swung a hoof out in an overpowered punch with a roar.

Tender Trust took the full brunt of the blow to the face, flying backwards and rolling violently several times towards the wall... and Antares stared in envy at the way the half-Phooka suddenly flung herself backwards and upwards, all four hooves kicking outwards as her wings spread wide and she landed on the wall. She breathed slowly and regularly, her head lowered and her green eyes glowing, standing in complete defiance of gravity for a moment as her smoky mane wafted slowly around her features before she gently pushed herself off the surface and neatly somersaulted, landing back on the ground with a smile.

“Showoff.” Aphrodisia grumbled, but then she shook herself out before leaning forwards and complaining: “And I'm not using any of my demon powers, you shouldn't cheat and use your Phooka powers either!”

Tender Trust only smiled and shrugged slowly, and Aphrodisia gave her a sour look before she added sourly: “You know, I can actually hurt you and stuff, T. Don't forget that I'm half-Wrath, I could beat you up real good.”

Tender Trust only continued to smile, and Aphrodisia huffed, looking ruffled by the lack of reaction before both mares set themselves, and Antares sat back, gazing fondly across at Aphrodisia. He knew she was speaking the truth, after all... but that she would never actually try to hurt Tender Trust, or any of her other friends either. And he knew that as it was, she was taking it easy on the half-Phooka: even if Tender Trust had been trained since birth by her mother, who was passing down to her daughter modified teachings she had learned from her own mother, Sol Seraph, she was still only a little less than four years old, and most of what she had learned so far were acrobatics and defensive techniques.

Not to say that Tender Trust was to be underestimated: again, the fact she couldn't be physically injured was an enormous boon, and she had also taken on her mother's natural grace and agility, as she had just demonstrated. She was fast, and she was stronger than your average pony, and could perform acrobatics on the same level as Antares, and was quickly learning how to perform all manner of aerial maneuvers as well.

Aphrodisia rushed forwards again, and Antares watched as once more, Tender Trust tried the same quick counter: but this time, instead of letting her head be grabbed, the demon flung herself backwards with a grin and landed on her back, kicking both rear hooves hard into the half-Phooka's stomach and knocking her flying through the air again to smack loudly into the wall. She fell forwards, looking stunned, but Aphrodisia only rolled backwards to her hooves, bouncing back and forth and growling playfully. “Come on, come on, come on!”

“One more try.” Tender Trust agreed, as she shook herself out and straightened, stepping back onto the training mats and smiling embarrassedly: another of her vulnerabilities was the fact she was so light, heavier attacks tended to send her flying into the air unless she anchored herself.

The two mares looked at one another for a few moments, Tender Trust calm and Apps grinning, and then the demon barked a few times like a dog before charging gleefully forwards. Once more, Tender Trust began to reach up in the counter position she had been trained into, and Aphrodisia sidestepped and instead threw a fast, hooking punch.

But Tender Trust was ready, swinging a hoof down and catching Aphrodisia's front limb in her own before twisting hard, and the demon yelped as she was slung down onto her side. She hurriedly rolled onto her stomach, dodging a stomp before a second firm punch slammed up under her chin as she began to haul herself to her hooves, and the demon stumbled backwards with a wince, hurrying out of range.

Aphrodisia glared in frustration at the half-Phooka, then leapt forwards with a roar, and Tender Trust gave a squeak as she was picked up by the shoulders before the demon flung the half-Phooka down into the ground, then pounced on top of her and pinned her. And while she couldn't be harmed by physical blows, she was still solid enough that she could be held easily in place as the demon sat on her with a huff and mischief in her eyes, sniffing and raising her head proudly. “I win.”

“Yes, I suppose.” Tender Trust said from the ground, a bit of exasperation seeping into the half-Phooka's normally-ever-gentle voice, and Antares laughed and shook his head before the demon finally stepped off the smoky mare, then reached down and hauled her to her hooves with a smile.

Tender Trust smiled back after a moment, blushing a little before she bowed her head and said quietly: “Miigwetch. I appreciate you treating me so well, Aphrodisia.”

The demon only shrugged, then looked over at Antares and winked at him, saying easily: “Get in there and hit a girl, Nova. Make sure you hit her hard, too, you wouldn't want to lose after I won, right big brother?”

The stallion only sighed and shook his head at this, but as the demon sauntered off the mat, Antares strode forwards into the ring and bowed his head politely to Tender Trust, saying kindly: “I won't use magic or horn foiling, okay?”

“Then I shall refrain from hypnosis and illusions.” Tender Trust bowed her head politely in return, and the two straightened before trading smiles, and then Antares took a quick breath before running sharply forwards.

He leapt upwards, flapping his leather wings hard to keep himself in the air as he swung both rear hooves out in a vicious kick, but Tender Trust moved like liquid, shooting up over the arc of the blow and slamming one of her front hooves out in a firm strike into Antares' breast, making him wince and knocking him backwards. His kick turned into a flail for balance, and several more hard blows slammed in a short tattoo against his breast before Tender Trust shot upwards and swung both rear legs up to try and lock them around her neck.

But Antares managed to swing both his own front legs up, catching her legs before they could scissor closed around his neck before he seized her waist and half-spun with a grunt, whirling Tender Trust through the air to fling her straight down to the ground. She smashed face-first into the soft mat, bouncing once before landing on her back outside the ring, and Antares winced a little as he dropped down to land on his hooves, saying awkwardly: “Uh... sorry. I keep forgetting how light you are.”

“Don't worry, Antares, I barely feel it.” Tender Trust picked herself up with a smile, gazing across at him softly as her wings flapped once before furling at her sides, and she calmly stepped back inside the ring before pouncing forwards.

Antares caught her in mid-leap and half-spun, throwing her over his head, but Tender Trust only flapped her wings firmly and gracefully flipped herself around in midair, landing on her hooves and skidding around in a circle to leap immediately at his back.

Antares kicked both rear legs quickly outwards, catching the half-Phooka around the throat before he twisted firmly and landed on his side, pinning her easily in the leglock as she grasped and wriggled uselessly. He was careful not to apply too much pressure in spite of the fact she couldn't be hurt, but it was enough to keep her from prying herself free before she reached out a hoof and patted the mat three times, and Antares released his grip on her, the two climbing to their hooves with shared smiles.

“You're getting faster. A little quicker and I wouldn't've been able to stop you.” Antares said almost admiringly, gazing at the half-Phooka warmly. “You really do learn faster than anyone I've ever met, with both mind and body.”

Tender Trust only laughed quietly and shrugged, replying softly: “Yes, Antares, but do not forget the lifestyle of my tribe... you grow up and grow strong quickly, or you risk not growing at all.” She paused, then added gently: “One more round?”

“Of course.” Antares nodded to her with a smile, and Tender Trust nodded back, the two setting themselves before the half-Phooka lunged towards him. He readied himself, then swung a hoof sharply outwards, and the blow hammered directly into the half-Phooka's features and knocked her stumbling backwards before he leapt forwards and swung a punishing smash down into her skull, fighting his natural instinct to pull the punch.

She was knocked flat by the blow, but her wings quickly spread and flapped with enough force to push her up and off the mat, before her front hooves seized into his shoulders and both her rear hooves kicked upwards in a powerful arc, smashing into Antares' breast and knocking him crashing onto his own back, shocked and rattled from the blow. A moment later, and the mare tackled him, the stallion skidding backwards as she leaned forwards to pin him, and only practice and instinct saved him as he grabbed her and threw himself backwards and used her momentum to send them both into a half-roll.

They landed with him barely managing to force his way to the top position, pinning her firmly down into the ground as Tender Trust grunted quietly, and then looked up at him with surprise. Antares looked back down with a wheeze of relief, and then the half-Phooka slid a hoof to his scarred chest, saying softly: “You truly never fail to impress, Antares Mīrus.”

“That's the first time a mare's ever said that to him.” Aphrodisia chimed in, and Antares groaned and glared at her as Tender Trust gave a slight smile beneath him, before the demon added informatively: “It really looks like you're about to cheat on Meadowlark right now, by the way. Which is gross because she's three years old. Come over here and cheat on Meadowlark with me instead, Antares, that'd be much better.”

“Except for the fact you call me big brother.” Antares said dryly, and Aphrodisia shrugged and smiled brightly before the unicorn rolled his eyes and stepped off Tender Trust, then reached down and gently pulled her to her hooves. “You're learning fast, T, but you gotta remember, don't charge straight at your enemy. For you it's less because you might get hurt, and more because you're so lightweight that every time you get hit, it knocks you staggering. Still, you did really good.”

Miigwetch, Mir. I really appreciate it.” Tender Trust said softly, nodding slowly before she smiled and glanced past them, then bowed her head silently.

Antares cocked his head curiously at this, then he turned around before jumping slightly and staring at the sight of Fluttershy, who was smiling softly, her sons Virtue and Temperance on either side of her and looking almost jealously at their sister. Aphrodisia frowned curiously at the look on Antares' face before she looked behind her... and then the demon squeaked and leapt backwards, whining: “Fluttershy!”

“Oh, I'm sorry, Aphrodisia, I didn't mean to startle you. Virtue just said Tender Trust was looking to train with somepony, and I thought I'd come and find my daughter, but... I see that you and your cousin have already been helping her out.” Fluttershy said softly, and then she smiled a little, glancing back and forth at the larger, bulkier but wingless half-Phooka stallions to either side of her. “My colts want to learn, too, but for now they're being tutored by their father and the tribe in the traditions of the Phooka, and we think it's best not to overload them.”

Fluttershy looked forwards, and Tender Trust smiled before Temperance stuck his tongue out at her childishly, but the winged half-Phooka didn't react to her brother's baiting, instead saying softly: “I'm only glad to learn, oka. And to have such good friends to help me.”

“Yes. They are.” Fluttershy said softly, and Virtue gave Tender Trust a grumpy look before both half-Phooka stallions winced when the mare added without looking at either of them: “Now, boys, there's no need to be jealous. One day I'll teach you too... now that I know that even the awful things my mother taught me can be used for good... as long as we remember what, Tender Trust?”

“Honor, love, kindness, and that we do not use these skills to hurt other ponies, not even when they hurt us. We use these skills to defend and protect ourselves and others from monsters... and we never, ever kill.” Tender Trust replied softly but quickly, smiling at her mother affectionately, and Fluttershy nodded with a warm look.

“That's right. And that's why this can be okay. Why this can be good.” Fluttershy closed her eyes, then shook her head before looking up and smiling warmer. “Antares, Aphrodisia, would you both like to stay and help my daughter and I a little with a few exercises? Virtue and Temperance, I'd appreciate your help, too, if you two promise not to make too much mischief.”

The two nodded and rumbled agreements in the sibilant tongue of the Phooka, as Antares traded a look with Aphrodisia before the stallion smiled to the one-winged Pegasus. “Of course. I'll be really glad to. I'm... I'm really glad that even with my parents back, I still have so many people to turn to and work with. I know that... even if I'm supposed to be an adult now, I still got a lot of learning to do.”

Fluttershy only smiled softly in return at this, closing her eyes and bowing her head for a moment, and the young stallion blushed a little as he saw how much it meant to her as well, to be able to teach him like this. Then she looked up and smiled, and Antares nodded firmly as Aphrodisia grinned at her cousin and the half-Phooka triplets looked reverently towards their mother, all different peoples, but all people all the same.

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