• Published 21st Mar 2013
  • 2,070 Views, 388 Comments

Synthesis of the Atheist - BlackRoseRaven

Luna and Scrivener become the targets of a malicious, narcissistic psychopath. 8th story in the 99 Worlds Saga/Blooming Moon Chronicles.

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Politely Settling A Minor Dispute

Chapter Sixty Seven: Politely Settling A Minor Dispute

Celestia and Luna sat across from each other, as far away from where they had decided to make camp at Allonym's old home as Luna's link with Scrivener would allow her to be. The stallion himself was quietly poring over the books and trying not to peek at Luna's thoughts, while Twilight sat beside the stallion, more resting with Abaddon in her lap and just trying to find a little bit of peace than anything else. Not that anyone could blame her.

Discombobulation was taking a look around the area, and Morning Glory was... well, sulking wasn't far off, the Destroyer clearly furious with herself and twitching every now and then even as she tried to meditate and clear her mind. Celestia, meanwhile...

Luna looked awkwardly up at her older sister, and the larger ivory mare looked calmly, coldly down at her younger sibling. It had been quite a while since Luna had seen that look on Celestia's face, and she most certainly hadn't missed it being gone as she tried to look everywhere except for that amethyst glare, and yet again and again felt her eyes being drawn back to the mare's irises. “I uh... Celestia... that is to say...”

“Yes, Luna?” Celestia's voice was cordial as ever, but there was an edge hidden beneath it that made Luna shrink down before the ivory winged unicorn closed her eyes and sighed softly. “Yes, that's precisely what I thought. Do you remember a thousand years ago, when you thought it was such great fun to play with my scrying artifacts until you finally broke the crystal ball I'd retrieved from a witch we had dealt with in the south?”

“Thou means the witch thou dismembered and burned while Sleipnir and I watched like scared foals, aye, I believe I remember that very well.” Luna corrected before she could stop herself, and then she winced and tried to shrink her head back into her armor when Celestia slowly opened her eyes to glare at her again. “I. I remember thou wert provoked, though. So. 'Twas not at all an overreaction, nay, not even in the slightest.”

Celestia sighed tiredly again, shaking her head slowly before she leaned down and said softly: “You like to push, and push, and push, until you find the limits to something. Unlike Sleipnir, though, that doesn't satisfy you, and nor does occasionally crossing it. You then have to push as deep into that dangerous territory as you can go until someone finally snaps, or you've done something unspeakably stupid, Luna. And I tried to change that part of you sometimes, but I also recognized it's a large part of what makes you who you are. It's even a good quality, now and then. The way you frustrated me so much, in spite of how I could shrug off even the rudest Barons... it taught me a lot about myself.

“But Luna, you have to stop pushing now, and start dealing with your problems like a rational pony. You are a Valkyrie. I expect better from you than to drown yourself in drinking corruption and lashing out at your husband, provoking him and others into hurting you and hurting them back to deal with your issues.”

“That is not at all what happened!” Luna shouted, and Celestia only shook her head curtly, the sapphire mare gritting her teeth before she blurted: “And damnation, Celestia, look at me, at this piece of crystal jutting from mine own skull and the changes in my body and the changes I know, I know thou sees within my spirit! I am becoming something dark and terrible and I know not what, and resisting it only maddens and hurts me further!”

Celestia looked at her coldly, and Luna glared back, trembling a little. “Besides, what have I to lose? I cannot... I can no longer live like this. Needing needles every week and to schedule my lovemaking with my husband and to be chastised every time I kiss him. Fine, I shall be an addict. Or replace my blood with Scrivener's, which will cure me even if I will become... something else, too. But what shames the Valkyries more? One who is a monster, or one who is a junkie that must live by the laws set by others?”

Celestia slapped Luna hard with the back of one hoof, making her flinch before the ivory mare said sharply: “Don't talk like that again, Luna Brynhild. Don't say things like that. And you know this isn't what we're talking about... this is you, deflecting, because you don't want to talk about or deal with your mistakes. This is you being self-pitying, trying to get me to feel sorry for you so I'll indulge your habits and enable you like Scrivener and Twilight do.”

“Oh, what does thou know?” Luna snapped, glaring up at Celestia defiantly, and the ivory mare reared back slightly. “Perfect preening princess Celestia, always able to do the right thing and look so good and righteous in the eyes of everypony, so self-sacrificing when thou art anything but! Oh, aye, I have my problems but at least I offer solutions, not pointless platitudes and scolding!”

“Luna, get control of yourself.” Celestia replied in a quiet, cold voice, and he leaned slowly forwards as her amethyst eyes glowed. “I will not put up with you lashing out at me like a child, and you know that. This isn't the time or place for it.

“Now, listen to me. The schedule has been working fine, it's only the stress that triggered this... relapse. But I would like to monitor your next few doses myself, and space them out over a longer period. I would also like to find a more suitable replacement: I understand that this poison fuels your strength, but I'm beginning to think it might be causing other damages to you. We need to get you off this poison.” Celestia continued, looking at Luna as the sapphire mare stared in disbelief up at her sister. “I also want you minimizing your contact with Scrivener. Twilight doesn't seem to be affected by the corruption like you are, so I'm not going to say anything there, but if you want to have sex with him, then use a condom.”

Luna's mouth worked wordlessly for a few moments before she snarled in fury, her mane sparking and flaring up with blue fire before Celestia's own eyes glowed as she leaned down. Both mares, dressed in their battle-damaged armor, both with wounds still clear as day on their bodies, looked ready to leap into a duel with each other at any given moment... and like if they did, only one would come out alive. “How... how dare thou-”

“I'm saying it for your own good. Your own protection.” Celestia replied sharply, her eyes locking with Luna's. “Being nice hasn't helped you. Being patient has just led up to this: you may have beaten the Black Wolf, but I was still able to see enough of the fight while Discombobulation kept us outside of reality to see the way you were looking at it. Like you wanted to see what it was turning into. Like you were admiring it... and not just it, but what the corruption was doing to that monster. And I am not about to sit back and let you self-destruct.”

Luna trembled in fury, glaring up at the mare, still unable to think of any coherent response before Celestia continued quietly: “You are a good pony. You are my sister, and I love you. You are my trusted second, the Night Maiden. But you're also an addict and I realize now that I should have been harder on you. You and Scrivener almost beat each other to unconsciousness and hurt Twilight without even realizing it, then you gorged yourself on his blood. You're sick, and you need help, and to be watched over. I shouldn't've even let you come on this mission.”

“I... thou... nay! Go fuck thyself, Celestia!” Luna suddenly shouted angrily, and the ivory mare leaned back in shock as the sapphire mare stomped forwards, snarling in fury even as tears ran down her cheeks. “So is that all I am now? Weak, pathetic, helpless, a junkie? To be watched over, coddled and disciplined as thou sees fit, incapable of my own decisions? Help? This is not help! I am a warrior, and Thesis is after myself and Scrivener, and if he has monsters like the Black Wolves at his disposal we must be strong! Thou wants me to give up the corruption, and with it, my horn and magic? Fine! But I shan't do it, I shan't stop... stop making love and fucking my husband when I please, I shan't be monitored, I shan't follow any of thy wretched, stupid schedules until after we have destroyed that bastard and his army!”

“Oh, so now it's all about Thesis, and all about what I want, is it? It has nothing to do with the fact you're out of control?” Celestia snapped back, her calm demeanor shattering completely as she snarled in fury. “How dare you speak to me like that? What in Helheim's name is wrong with you, listen to your own words-”

“Listen to thyself!” Luna retorted, leaning forwards aggressively, the sisters almost shoving their faces together as their manes and horns sparked. “I am a Valkyrie-”

“And that makes you my soldier!” Celestia reached up and shoved Luna by the head with one hoof, sending her stumbling. The sapphire mare looked shocked by this, as the ivory equine shouted: “And when I see one of my Valkyries misbehaving like a spoiled brat, she is removed from duty until such time she learns to behave herself, and she can get her emotions in check and under control!”

Luna twitched violently, breathing harshly in and out, eyes glowing with fury. They glared at each other, both refusing to break eye contact, bodies trembling and emotions rising before Celestia whispered in a deadly-serious voice: “Drop your eyes and show me some respect, or I'm going to put you in a world of hurt, Brynhild. I will not tolerate this behavior from you any longer. And I'll go back to the old ways if I have to.”

“Thou knows what they say. An old dog cannot learn a new trick, and thou art an ancient bitch, Freya.” Luna snarled in return, and Celestia's eyes blazed with fury as her features tensed and her teeth clenched so tightly they threatened to crack. “I am not thy soldier. I am thy sister and equal. And thou will be the one to drop thy gaze or I shall inflict upon thou a world of pain.”

Celestia and Luna continued to glare, challenging each other, feeling nothing but fury and emotion and ancient, warlike instinct... and then, at almost the same time, both ponies stepped forwards and swung a hoof out.

Celestia's crashed into Luna's, and for a moment they shoved against each other, evenly-matched... but then Luna's foreleg trembled, and Celestia began to bear forwards, Luna hissing and flexing, their eyes still locked-

Luna suddenly slipped to the side and leapt forwards, and she slammed her head into Celestia's own, knocking her staggering backwards with a cry of shock before Luna dropped and slashed her crystalline horn down. It tore a thin slice across the ivory mare's cheek even as she flung herself backwards and flapped her wings hard to launch herself across the field, and Celestia's amethyst eyes widened in disbelief as Luna bared her fangs and landed in a ready position. “I am not scared little Luna anymore! I do not idolize thee, I do not need to be like thee, I will not simply kowtow to thy wishes... and I am not thy serving wench!”

“Fine. I'll punish you the same way I punished the Valkyries in the old days when they grew too arrogant. By showing them why I am considered Queen.” Celestia said coldly, and without another word she charged forwards, her horn glowing as she snapped it outwards and sent three blasts of golden flame shooting towards Luna.

Luna snapped her horn forwards as she leapt backwards, a net of thick brambles exploding up out of the ground around the ivory mare, but Celestia only flicked her horn to the side in mid-run, sending out a blast of force that flattened the vines back to the earth. Luna, meanwhile, was twisting herself to the side to avoid the blades of flame... except a moment later, they transformed into blades of golden metal, Celestia's short swords stabbing swiftly in-

Luna kicked off the flat of one sword to knock it away, then revolved her body, deflecting another stab with her horn and kicking the hilt of the last to send it rocketing straight at Celestia, but without halting the ivory mare only tilted her head forwards, all three of her swords moving in a blur of light to defensive positions around her head.

The sapphire mare shot upwards into the air, and Celestia's horn flashed: overhead, the sun itself gave a sudden flare of light that blinded Luna, distracting her for a crucial moment even as her instincts screamed at her. She spun her body blindly as she began to flip, but then cried out in agony as something ripped through one of her wings, sending her plummeting towards the ground as her teary eyes opened.

One of Celestia's swords had torn halfway through her wing and was now lodged there, burning-hot: she had cauterized as she'd cut, both a blessing and a curse. Celestia was waiting below with both swords raised and her horn glowing, and Luna snarled as she poured her magic into her own horn, deciding that if Celestia wanted to play rough, she could do the same.

Two javelins shot backwards out of the quiver still hanging at her side, and Celestia parried both of these before Luna forcefully arched her back, gaining just enough lift to send her careening violently away from the ivory mare. Celestia tracked her with her eyes, and Luna snarled: the timing had to be perfect, as her crystalline horn glowed with magic power before Celestia snapped her own horn forwards to send a golden fireball at her.

Luna spun her body around, slashing her charged horn out, and it knocked the golden fireball flying into the base of a nearby tree with a tremendous boom. Celestia winced at this, and then Luna's own horn snapped downwards as she fell to the ground, yanking on the javelins she still had a blind telekinetic grip on.

One flew wild, but the other slammed into Celestia's side and ripped deep, making her howl in surprise and pain as she stumbled, faltering her swords. Luna hit the ground and bounced violently backwards several times before rolling to regain her hooves... and then she screamed as Celestia snarled and yanked the sword buried in her younger sibling's wing free with telekinesis, before slashing cruelly towards her face.

Luna dropped her head forwards, catching the sword against her horn, and Celestia grinned even as pain filled her eyes, her horn flashing brightly. And Luna shrieked in agony as the sword exploded in a blast of golden flame and concentrated force, cracks ripping through her soulstone horn as she staggered to the side with a gasp.

Celestia flung her remaining swords at Luna with telekinesis, and the sapphire mare cursed and flung herself out of the way of one, but the other caught her in the shoulder and knocked her off-balance before the vengeful ivory equine flicked her horn, and the sapphire mare was blasted into the air as the ground beneath her erupted upwards. Celestia grinned callously at this, her eyes blazing, aware of only her own anger and battlelust before she blinked in surprise at a loud, ponderous creaking.

The tree that Luna had earlier deflected a fireball was toppling slowly forwards, and Celestia's eyes widened as she realized she was standing right in the path of it. Immediately, she leapt backwards as she shoved outwards with telekinesis, sending it crashing down away from her, but it was a more than sufficient distraction for Luna to regain her senses and manage to get her hooves beneath her before he hit the ground.

She looked sharply up, and felt something seize into her mind before she gargled... then slowly grinned as pain turned to pleasure, lightning crackling along her body as Nightmare Moon whispered: Make me proud, sweet Luna.

The sapphire mare growled, wincing as the light of her horn sputtered faintly before Sting Mk. II drew free from the holster on her back, and Luna took aim at Celestia just as the ivory mare sent another golden fireball rocketing towards her.

Luna fired without hesitation, and the fireball exploded only a few feet away from Celestia when the bullet struck it, before several more rounds smashed into her chest and armor. The ivory mare was knocked staggering backwards, but then she only snarled in fury, shouting angrily: “And this is why I can barely consider you the same Valkyrie you once were, using pathetic little toys as well as glutting yourself on that sick poison!”

Luna snapped the gun open, then cursed and leapt to the side when Celestia snapped her horn down and several bolts of golden fire shot from the sky, peppering the area as the sapphire mare leapt back into the forest. She put her back to a tree, but heard Celestia quickly approaching, giving her only a moment to look back at the bullets still in the loops and cursing. They didn't seem to do much more than piss Celestia off, but... maybe...

The sapphire mare didn't have time to think, or even really plan. She just had time to rip a bullet free, shove it into the cylinder, then slam it closed and throw herself away from the tree when Celestia smashed into the other side of it and knocked it down, turning with a snarl to find Luna's gun pointed straight at her eye. For a moment, they were both frozen, the ivory mare with swords raised and at the ready and horn glowing, Luna with Sting held in one hoof and supported by the little telekinesis she could manage... and then she suddenly lowered the rifle and fired, sending the bullet ripping into flesh just above the mare's collarbone.

Celestia cried out in agony, staggering backwards before she slapped Luna hard across the face with the flat of her sword, snarling furiously and trembling with anger as she approached slowly. She stomped a hoof savagely down on the mare, glaring down at her and asking in a roughened, enraged voice: “And you would try to kill me. What have you become? Who are you, Brynhild?”

“Kill thee? Nay. If I wanted to kill thee I would have blasted thee through the skull, Freya.” Luna snarled in return, and then she grinned viciously as Celestia faltered, then clenched her eyes shut and moaned, her eyes blinking rapidly. “Thou knows the old wisdom, though. Do not judge another pony until thou hast walked a mile in their horseshoes.”

Celestia's swords fell from the air, clattering to the ground as she staggered backwards and cried out, grabbing at her neck and her face as her rainbow mane twisted violently and sparked, her eyes and horn both glowing in pulses. Black veins, ill and horrible, spread upwards through her neck and began to spiderweb across her features, and the mare cried out in agony again as Luna gritted her teeth and her horn lit up, even as it caused her agony... but Celestia screamed and fell forwards as the corruption spreading through her boiled violently. “W-What... are you...”

“This is what I go through every day, Celestia!” Luna screamed back, sitting up as tears and blood ran from her eyes, her soulstone horn cracking further as Celestia stared up in horror. “This is but a taste of my pain! Thou thinks thou had some understanding before? Well no, now thou can understand! That poison, spreading through thee, thou feels it crawling into thy mind, into thy very soul, does thou not? And thou feels the compulsion, and the hate, and the love, and... and the wanting!

Celestia gasped, then clenched her eyes shut, shivering hard as she shoved her hooves into the ground. Her breath hitched, and her body quaked as she felt Luna using that horn, powered by corruption, to channel her memories, her emotions, her simple raw pain, into her own body through the link created by the poison running through her veins. She felt the self-loathing and the desperation and the need, the need, the need that was so bad it was like she had forgotten how to breathe, the dry thirst and the...

She grabbed at her throat, panting and shivering, then she looked up as her lower lip trembled as she saw what she had done. She had just been scolding Luna for deflecting, for... for hurting Scrivener and Twilight and herself and... how had she ever thought this would be a good idea? Going back to the old way of doing things because she was frustrated and angry and unhappy and... “Luna... Brynhild, I... I... oh Mimir, oh what have I done...”

“Freya... Celestia...” Luna clenched her eyes shut, and then she cried out as her horn flashed brightly before the magic stuttered out from the broken soulstone, collapsing backwards with a gasp as Scrivener and Twilight ran quickly towards them, both limping and covered in fresh wounds from the battle, but looking more concerned for Luna than themselves.

Tears fell from Celestia's eyes as she gazed at them: she had done that, done that to all of them. Through hurting Luna she had very literally hurt her closest friends, as she tried desperately to crawl to her hooves, but they looked at her with... it was worse than anger. It was worse than fear and disappointment. It was resignation that here she was, an old bitch-wolf that couldn't change her ways from who she'd once been, who had given in to that anger and fury instead of being the better pony she had promised everyone she would be after... after failing so miserably to defend them from the Black Wolf, after failing to protect them from Thesis, after failure after failure after failure-

“We all have times when we cry, when the healing flows from our eyes; but after the pouring rain, the sun will shine again.” Discombobulation's voice said softly, and Celestia blinked slowly to look up and see the Draconequus standing beside her, a small smile on his face as he offered his hand to her. “Stiff upper lip, mum.”

Celestia smiled faintly in spite of everything at the Draconequus, and then she swallowed thickly and finally reached a hoof up. His fingers gently closed around this, helping slowly pull her up to her hooves as he steadied her with his metallic fingers, saying softly: “I do wish you'd find better ways to have a rational and calm discussion with your little sister, though.”

“So do I.” Scrivener muttered as he checked Luna over, and when Celestia flushed and looked embarrassedly away, the stallion sighed quietly and turned towards her before shaking his head slowly and looking up, shivering a little. His injuries mirrored Luna's, but all the same he seemed much calmer as he swallowed thickly before saying finally: “Here. I'll... help you.”

He stepped forwards, his hoof breaking apart into a claw, and before Celestia could say anything the stallion quickly grasped the side of her neck, then grimaced as he concentrated and pulled with his powers. And Celestia gasped in pain as black corruption vomited out of the wound near her collarbone and bled up and out of her pores, leaving ugly lines of bruising over her features, but thankfully almost immediately lessening the agony that had been channeled into her from Luna. The ivory winged unicorn dropped her head forwards with another gasp, Scrivener grimacing before he muttered: “Sorry. I... I probably could have made that less painful but... I'm... I'm a little angry at you right now.”

“You have... every right to be. I... I made a mistake again. I gave in to old instincts and... no, I'm not going to make excuses.” Celestia halted, then reached up and silently brushed the corruption away from her features, shivering and closing her eyes. “I'm sorry.”

There was only silence in response, as Scrivener and Twilight carefully hauled Luna to her hooves to begin helping her back towards the house, before Celestia gasped in pain as a sudden blast of agony tore through her side. Her knees buckled, but Discombobulation caught her as he tossed away the bloody javelin, muttering: “Sorry. Heard that was like getting a needle. Better if no one tells you before they stab it in. Or in this case, tear it out.”

Celestia smiled faintly after a moment at this, eve as she shivered weakly, and then she leaned silently against the Draconequus as he carefully began to lead her away from the battlefield and back towards the cabin. The woods around them were quiet, and she felt like nature itself was disapproving of what she had done as they slowly made their way back to camp.

Morning Glory was sitting outside the ruined cabin, the Destroyer looking with calm interest over Celestia before she asked curiously: “So who lost the argument? Luna Brynhild only swore at me, so I assumed that it was her... but you look the worse for the wear, Dawn Bringer. And beaten not in one way, but several.”

“I know she's a celebrity and all, but really, can you not play paparazzi right now?” Discombobulation asked dryly, and when Morning Glory gave him a foul look, the Draconequus sighed and rolled his eyes. “Fine, I'll swear at you too. And I know some very good swears, you c-”

“I have been, yes. And I defeated myself from the very beginning, by breaking a promise I made.” Celestia said quietly, before she paused and studied Morning Glory silently. “You don't seem surprised, though. By my admission, by the condition we were in... by the fact we fought, injured each other badly, and both returned alive.”

“You're sisters who love each other, and Valkyries... battlemaidens. I am a shieldmaiden with an... unpleasant past... from the old days, when we did not waste precious time or words on discussion but instead fought with strength and skill to defend our honor and earn respect. What's strange to me is the way ponies of this world handle their problems.” Morning Glory's features wrinkled in disgust. “Sitting down with their lessers and greaters as equals, talking their problems out, calling those who use skill and strength instead of lying and cheating to get their way 'brutes.'”

“Discussion has its merits. So does... the kind of discussion my sister and I engaged in. But it was not the correct time for it, especially with us both wounded and emotional, and I... I was trying to impose my view again. Breaking oaths. Not keeping my word.” Celestia closed her eyes and laughed faintly. “It's no wonder I was beaten. If a Valkyrie's strength comes from her honor, I may as well have broken my own legs the moment the fight began.”

Morning Glory shrugged moodily, looking calmly over Celestia before she looked over her shoulder and into the ruins of the cottage. “My brother is an emotional, stupid idiot. We argue often, and often I hurt him. Rarely do I hurt him badly but... my patience slips at times, and he seems to forget that I am a Wrath demon. We are not known for controlling our tempers.

“On the rare occasion I injure him seriously enough to feel that I have done him a disservice instead of helped improve his intellect, I have found that mending bridges is only difficult and awkward because of my absolute hatred of him and refusal to acknowledge his worth or value, because he has no worth or value.” Morning Glory continued, and Celestia and Discombobulation both stared at the Destroyer before she sighed tiredly and said moodily: “Rectifying my mistake of forgetting how fragile Ardent is only requires me to do one thing, no matter how much I hurt him. Go inside and give your little sister a hug.”

Celestia looked at Morning Glory for a few moments, and then she nodded and calmly pulled herself away from Discombobulation, the Draconequus gazing after her softly as the ivory mare carefully strode towards where Luna was sitting back against the wall, with Twilight and Scrivener on either side of her. All three ponies looked up at her distrustfully, but without hesitation, Celestia strode up to her sister and hugged her fiercely, closing her eyes and whispering: “I'm sorry.”

Luna trembled a little... then she closed her eyes and reached up to grasp her sister's shoulder, bowing her head against her and turning her eyes away as she mumbled: “I... I still hate thee, Celestia. But I will... I would not object to thy presence. Just do not speak much and... do not lecture me.”

“Thank you.” Celestia smiled faintly as she slipped back a bit, then she reached up and rubbed slowly at her features. The two siblings studied each other, both with their wounds fresh enough they were still bleeding through broken armor, both breathing roughly in and out and filled with pain... but there was a faint whisper of relief, too, and it wasn't like physical pain was a stranger to either of them. Nor was even this kind of violence... long, long as it had been since the two had done more than spar, and actually tried to bring each other down.

Luna closed her eyes and smiled faintly, and Celestia tilted her head before the sapphire mare murmured: “I won again, Celestia... I...”

She cursed, then gritted her teeth as her crystalline horn sparked faintly before her starry mane and tail both fizzled, then turned to soft blue hair. A few things fell out of Luna's mane as it lost its magic: pieces of metal, debris, what looked like a ring, and Celestia flushed in shame as she looked at the damage that had been done to the mare's soulstone horn, murmuring: “Here, let me-”

“I do not need thy help. Accursed Celestia.” Luna muttered, shoving at her when she leaned forwards, and Celestia winced a bit before the sapphire mare shook her head slowly. “Nay. The soulstone will... 'heal...' as my energy restores and... with a bit of help from Scrivener Blooms.”

Luna looked up almost challengingly at Celestia, as if daring her to say something, but the ivory mare only shook her head and smiled faintly, looking away and hesitating before she asked quietly: “Were you... were you serious about giving up your horn after we defeat Thesis?”

“If we have found no way to... fix me... aye, I am. I will give up my horn, and wean off the corruption. I promise it upon my honor. And upon Sleipnir's grave, although... 'tis meaningless to do so, since our brother is returned from the beyond. But thou knows all the same what I mean.” Luna smiled a little despite herself at Celestia, who nodded with a quiet laugh and glanced down silently.

“Okay.” Celestia said simply, and then she hesitated before looking over at Scrivener Blooms, who was gazing at her distrustfully... almost as distrustfully as Twilight Sparkle. And oh, how much that hurt, but... she couldn't blame either of them. Twilight especially: something like this, she imagined, brought back all the thoughts of Celestia the Radiant, and... the terrible way she had betrayed her once-student's trust.

There was silence for a few moments, and then Luna picked up the silver ring before firmly thrusting it towards Celestia, and the ivory mare blinked before she looked down at this and took it. She turned it over... then trembled a little at the symbol on the face of the silver object, as Luna mumbled: “I... I meant to give this to thee, but... then we had our misunderstanding. Here, 'tis thine, I-”

Celestia hugged Luna fiercely, squeezing her up into her body, and the sapphire mare gargled in surprise and agony as the ivory mare trembled hard, tears rolling down her cheeks. She had forgotten Frey again: if she had seen this ring before they had started arguing, she knew she would have remembered her lost twin, her good half. She would have remembered everything he taught her, and mixed so well with everything her little living brother, Sleipnir believed in, too: be good, be kind, be patient, and lead by example. Not by force.

She breathed slowly in and out, trembling as she held Luna tightly up against her body, and the sapphire mare softened and dropped her head against her sibling as Scrivener finally sighed and lowered his head, and Twilight rubbed at her face before nodding silently once. But Celestia didn't see any of it: her eyes were tightly closed, and all she was focused on were the images from the far, far past, before she had picked up sword and steel and when all she had was her twin brother and the endless forests of Vanaheim... and that had been all she had needed.

After a few hours, everyone was doing markedly better. Celestia and Luna had been rough on each other, but most of the pain had come from the fact they had fought so bitterly after battling the Black Wolf. Now, as the sun began to lower towards the west, Luna and Celestia only looked like they had fought in a rough spar, not gotten into a vicious duel.

Luna's almost-halved wing had to be sewn shut and several healing spells applied to help it heal: it still wasn't working properly, but at least she wouldn't be crippled, and the scarring wouldn't be too noticeable... but it would indeed leave a scar. Celestia would probably have a few new scars of her own but... with her white coat and how well she tended to heal, it was doubtful it would be anything noticeable, and nothing a few cosmetic spells couldn't make fade away anyway.

The soulstone horn, on the other hoof, required a little more effort... but for now, it was patched simply using Scrivener's corruption, and Celestia graciously applied her own magical talents to help the horn 'heal.' The strange, magical stone was regenerating a little, but it needed to be treated with something a little more potent than they currently had in easy access to help the process along.

Twilight was edgy around Celestia, but once the sisters had made up a little bit and Luna was acting like it had been nothing bigger than a fight – well, it... was a fight... what word did Scrivener use? Right... nothing bigger than a 'debate...' – that she had quickly gotten over, the Lich felt herself loosening up a little whether she liked it or not, and understand that in a way... this was just part and parcel of the Valkyrie natures of the two. Sometimes past and present mixed together, and... brought out the worst in them, that was all.

She shook her head slowly, then sighed a little before turning her eyes quietly towards Scrivener Blooms. He kept blaming himself somehow, just like Luna... really was okay with Celestia despite the fact they had beaten each other so savagely, but the sapphire mare was still being... cruel to herself. They both had that habit, though: they got over the physical quickly, but the mental...

Twilight studied them for a moment, rubbing at her shoulder and smiling faintly: it wasn't like she couldn't understand, of course. She got over physical trauma pretty quickly herself and all... but even if right now she was missing both her wings and she had a few extra wounds sewn closed, she was a Lich. The physical for her was interchangeable, easily discarded and just as easily replaced.

Celestia was meditating calmly in the corner next to the pile of armor she'd promised to repair all of herself, Discombobulation propped up against her and reading one of the books from the shelves. Luna was sitting beside Twilight with her eyes closed and head on her shoulder, and Scrivener was sitting a little apart from them, studying one of his front hooves and thinking bad thoughts about himself. Morning Glory was sitting by the entrance, moodily looking outside, as Abaddon and Ratatoskr clambered all over the metal Destroyer like she was a jungle gym.

The violet mare envied her a little: so strong, so confident in herself, and she healed so quickly she was already nearly back at full health, if not even stronger now than she had been before her encounter with the Black Wolf. The Lich began to open her mouth to ask a question, but then Morning Glory cut her off and made her stare in surprise as the demon said distastefully: “If you're about to remark upon anything except the fact we are not alone, then you're a fool.”

“What?” Twilight asked dumbly, and Celestia sighed tiredly as Luna opened one eye with a frown. “What do you mean, we're not alone?”

“Wonderful. So you are a fool.” Morning Glory muttered, and then the demon shook her head grumpily before glancing out of the cabin with a look of disgust on her features. “I missed the first few, but the other patrols were much easier to spot. Soldiers have been flying through the air at high altitudes, spying on us. But now they come in force, escorting someone of importance.”

Twilight's head reared back in surprise, mouthing wordlessly a few times before Celestia said quietly: “If it wasn't because of the Black Wolf, then it's likely my fault. I used the sun itself as a weapon against my sister... made it flash and blind her, and likely half the ponies across Equestria. That... that was a very childish folly on my part.”

“Yes, but you know what they say. If it seems a childish thing to do, do it in remembrance that you are a child.” Discombobulation remarked as he turned another page, looking unperturbed. Celestia smiled a little as she turned her eyes to him, and then he glanced up and added mildly: “Personally I'm not all that worried. Do you know why I'm not all that worried? Because Spawn over there could probably take down half of Equestria with her chains tied behind her back. Or should I have gone with a T-1000 reference? Oh well, the time has passed, as it often likes to do. It drives in the fast lane, after all, and often is pulled over by and then belligerent to police officers. And then gets a cavity search.”

Celestia only shook her head slowly as Luna smiled wryly despite herself and Scrivener Blooms looked dryly over at Discombobulation, asking after a moment: “So do you practice in front of a mirror or take acting classes or something? Or is that poise all just you?”

“All me, baby. All natural.” Discombobulation paused, then rose his metal arm and waved it back and forth, adding mildly: “Except for this part, of course. But everything else is a hundred percent just little old me. We Draconequus might look like crap but we have Hugh Laurie's genetics. We can do whatever the hell we want and be good at it, in other words.”

Scrivener opened his mouth to reply, but Morning Glory grunted loudly and rose a hoof, interrupting: “They're here. I think I recognize the one being escorted towards us. It's the cocky blue Pegasus from Ponyville. Well, less cocky in this world, it looks like.”

Discombobulation coughed loudly at her joke as Luna sighed, then grimaced and stood up as Twilight rose her head in surprise. “Wondrous. Twilight Sparkle, thou... does not have to emerge immediately, I shall-”

“No, let Morning Glory and myself find out why Rainbow Dash is here. Although I didn't expect this contact... but it was my mistake, and I'll find out what's going on.” Celestia stood up, then cracked her back before shaking herself out, softening as she gazed across at Luna and not hiding the way her eyes roved worriedly over her light-blue, natural mane. “Your magic still seems weak after all, sister. I can handle a conversation.”

“And I can handle everything else.” Morning Glory said moodily before turning and striding out the hole, looking coldly over the small squadron of five ponies that had landed nearby: four Pegasi in Royal Guard armor, and the currently-gaping, rainbow-maned blue Pegasus that was clearly Rainbow Dash, who was wearing some kind of uniform the Destroyer didn't recognize. “What?”

“Hello, Rainbow Dash.” Celestia's gentle voice spoke as she emerged from the cabin, and Rainbow's gape became even larger as the ivory equine strode calmly forwards, keeping her head high, moving gracefully and without letting herself limp or show any sign of injury despite the bandaged wounds and bruising present all over her body. “It's nice to see you... but I'm surprised. You're wearing the badge and uniform of an ambassador. I thought you'd be working with the Wonderbolts.”

“Uh... I... uh...” Rainbow's mouth worked stupidly a few times, then she cleared her throat and shook her head hurriedly before straightening and studying Celestia intently. “Who are you? A Changeling? No, that doesn't make any sense... we aren't even at war with the Changelings anymore, and there's no way you'd think even I would be dumb enough to fall for that and... I don't even know what that thing beside you is...”

“I'm a Destroyer, little filly. Want to find out why they call me that?” Morning Glory asked distastefully, leaning forwards, and then she grumbled when Celestia reached up and gently squeezed her shoulder. “Not a threat. Only an offer. I thought mortals referred to that as 'being polite.'”

Celestia only gave the demon an amused look before she turned her eyes back to Rainbow Dash, gesturing to her politely. Dash only stared for a moment, then she cleared her throat before straightening and asking in a more-serious, calmer voice: “Princess Twilight Sparkle has been detecting strange, unnatural magic recently near this location. She was unable to track down the source precisely, but we started running patrols in this area. She recently reported that there was a spike of another kind of magic, a day or so before the magic... the... the first magic, I mean, it faded out. I mean, uh...”

Rainbow stumbled a little in her speech, but Celestia only smiled encouragingly before the Pegasus sighed and dropped whatever speech she was clearly trying to remember, asking finally: “Were you fighting someone out here? And did you make the sun flash?”

“I had a disagreement with my little sister, and I did, yes.” Celestia nodded, and Rainbow Dash looked surprised by this response before Celestia smiled a little again, leaning forwards and asking softly: “How many years has Twilight been a princess for? Does she rule, or just advise? Is she on her way here?” A pause, a quiet laugh. “Oh, I'm sorry, Rainbow Dash. I... forget myself. It's just... it's a very exciting thought. That was what I once planned on, too, a long time ago...”

Celestia looked away, and Rainbow Dash looked back at the ivory mare before the Pegasus asked quietly: “How do you know my name? Just... who and what are you?”

“My name is Freya, and I am a Valkyrie.” Celestia answered calmly, bowing her head politely to the Pegasus. “But I am also Celestia, in a sense... although no longer a princess, perhaps no longer even a ruler. This is Morning Glory, a demon. She won't hurt you unless you give her a reason to.”

“Their presence is reason enough. I can smell the reek of their emotions, I can taste how scared they are...” Morning Glory leaned forwards, eyes narrowing slightly as she grinned coldly at the Pegasus, who gritted her teeth but couldn't quite stop herself from quailing a little in fear of the massive, metallic behemoth. “Even their weakness tastes weak. Let me squeeze them just a little, show them what my kind is capable of. Then they'll start to understand what it's like to be truly afraid.”

“Enough, Morning Glory. Would you please go and see how the others are feeling? Perhaps Rainbow Dash would like to meet them. Although we're all a little tired from our ordeal.” Celestia smiled a little, turning her eyes back to the Pegasus ambassador. “So you're doing this for Twilight?”

Rainbow nodded awkwardly, clearing her throat and saluting. “Yep. I can't really turn down a pony who's both a good friend and a princess and all. This is turning out to be a lot harder and a lot... weirder than I thought it would be, though. Uh. No offense.”

Celestia only smiled slightly and shrugged a little, gazing thoughtfully over the mare... middle-aged, she thought. “And she's been princess since...”

“Since she accidentally switched everypony's cutie marks around.” Rainbow Dash grinned a little, and Celestia couldn't help but smile a little wider at this. “She had to fix it and then... Celestia said she... she was a princess. But you know, everypony in Ponyville always knew she was special and everything... and even though she had to eventually leave, she was always good about looking out for us, you know? She never forgot any of us.”

“I'm glad.” Celestia nodded a little, laughing quietly as she was reminded of all the reasons why she'd always felt so much for Twilight, saw her as the ideal candidate to replace her one day... had seen so much more in her, too, and often still did. Then she glanced over her shoulder as Morning Glory strode back out of the cabin.

The demon simply grunted and nodded, and Celestia turned her eyes towards Rainbow Dash, inviting courteously: “If you would like to come inside and meet the others, you're more than welcome to. We're a strange group though, I should warn you... and although you may recognize some of our faces, well...”

Rainbow Dash hesitated, then shook her head quickly when one of the guards started to step forwards, holding up a hoof. “No, I got this. Okay, just... no funny stuff. Besides, I think I'm supposed to talk to all of you or something anyway, so... this is cool.”

“I'll keep your friends company.” Morning Glory turned her measuring eyes towards the soldiers, sizing them up with distaste before she snorted and pawed a steel hoof slowly at the ground, leaning towards the soldiers intimidatingly: and whether this world was a world of war or peace, Celestia couldn't blame the reaction of the soldiers as they all leaned away. It was one thing to be faced with an enemy your own size: it was another entirely to be faced with a demon that seemed like it was made out of malice and metal.

Rainbow Dash flitted to the air, staying just above the ground as she looked apprehensively at Morning Glory, and the Pegasus didn't look up until she was inside the cabin... before staring in shock as her eyes settled on Luna Brynhild, who was sitting back with a wide grin on her face and her eyes gleaming. “Excellent, another Dash who is a mare. Our Rainbow Dash shall be most displeased.”

“P-Princess Luna? But... I... what...” Rainbow mouthed wordlessly, and then her eyes widened in shock as they roved around the room, noting first the Draconequus, and then... “T-T-Twilight?”

Twilight flushed quietly, glancing quickly away, trying to hide the stitching over her features as Rainbow almost leapt towards her and stared with disbelief. Then her head reared back and her breath caught in her throat, falling to the ground and whispering: “I mean... I-I... I'm sorry. I thought...”

“I am.” Twilight murmured quietly, slowly turning her face back towards the Pegasus and giving a faint, small smile, but she kept her eyes down, hating that look: the look of fear that crossed so many pony's faces when they looked at her, of disbelief, of not knowing what to say or do or even feel. “But I'm a little different from... the Twilight Sparkle that you might be used to, I'm afraid.”

“If it helps, we have come to call her Morgan when visiting with those of other layers. As I am no preening princess, but my name is instead Brynhild. Luna is fine, but Brynhild is my... true name.” Luna said kindly, and then she gestured towards the charcoal stallion, who smiled awkwardly as he rose a hoof. “This is Scrivener Blooms, and the Draconequus is Discombobulation. His name is ridiculous so we simply call him 'Bob.'”

The Draconequus shrugged agreeably, only calmly turning the page of the book he was still reading as he remarked: “Well, my name means ridiculous, so it should be ridiculous. Well, it means something like ridiculous so being ridiculous-like to say is still fine and all, yes?”

Luna only pointedly ignored him, turning her eyes back to Rainbow Dash as she said warmly: “And thou, thou art Rainbow Dash, and in the garb of an ambassador! So I take it Twilight Sparkle enjoys cleaning up diplomatic messes, does she?”

“Hey, I'm a great ambassador!” Rainbow argued, huffing at this and patting her own chest, before she blinked, leaned forwards to study Luna, and then laughed despite herself. “Wow. Princess Luna isn't exactly like uh... you...” Rainbow's eyes roved awkwardly up to the prosthetic horn of soulstone. “But she kind of is, too.”

Luna smiled a little at this, glancing over at Celestia and remarking mildly: “That is the most reassuring thing I have ever heard said in any of the varied layers I have been to. Now tell me, what art thou doing here? Assessing whether or not we are a threat, I suspect?”

“Oh, yeah, right!” Rainbow Dash straightened quickly, clearing her throat loudly as she stepped backwards and looked calmly through the room. “Princesses Twilight Sparkle and Celestia wish to cordially invite you to Canterlot Castle for a discussion of magic, if you are not hostile.”

“Uh. I hate to point this out, but I don't think you were supposed to say the last part of that little invitation.” Scrivener said mildly, holding up a hoof, and Rainbow blushed slightly even as she gave him a flat look, but the charcoal stallion only waved amiably at her. “Hi. I'm an ass.”

Rainbow laughed a little despite herself, before Luna commented mildly: “Aye, we are not hostile. And 'tis a good thing for thou, I may add: thou hast walked right into what could easily be an ambush, after all. Then again, I suppose 'twas clear from the start that should she so desire, Morning Glory could gobble thee and all thy lot up like scared foals.”

The Pegasus blinked slowly, then looked back and forth and only then seemed to register she was in a small room, filled with ponies she knew nothing about. The mare cleared her throat awkwardly, glancing around at them all again before her eyes once more came back to Twilight, lingering on her as she said finally: “I guess... I just... felt you guys were trustworthy. And... hey, we've totally seen some stuff, you know.”

“I've seen some stuff. And I did some things!” Discombobulation remarked seriously, looking solemnly up over the book he was reading, before he cleared his throat and quickly hid his face again when Luna gave him a grouchy look. “Pay no attention to the Draconequus behind the curtain.”

Rainbow Dash looked for a few moments at the chimerical creature, and then the Pegasus mare turned her eyes back towards Celestia as the ivory mare said gently: “We'll be glad to come back with you to Canterlot Castle, if that's what you desire. We only have... five, six days, however, before we have to return home by using that same magic... Princess Twilight likely sensed us entering your world by. But I'm sure she'll be very interested in hearing all about that.”

The ivory mare couldn't help but smile again, liking the sound of that. Somehow, she thought that 'Princess' fit Twilight Sparkle more than it did her, as she gazed quietly over at the Lich, and the violet mare shifted awkwardly at the almost-intense gaze of the ivory winged unicorn before Celestia quickly drew her eyes back to Rainbow Dash. “We would like some time to rest, however-”

Luna cleared her throat loudly several times, the mare raising her head and looking pointedly at her older sibling, and Celestia sighed a little before bowing her head politely towards the sapphire mare in deference. All the same, though, she felt strangely... relieved by the mare's behavior, and Luna nodded firmly before turning her eyes towards Rainbow Dash, who looked at her awkwardly, clearly not knowing who was in charge. “We shall require tonight to rest. On the morrow we shall return to Canterlot... how long is the journey from here? Three, four days hard march?”

“Well... uh... maybe by train it's four days.” Rainbow Dash said finally, gesturing vaguely behind her. “You that that's the ocean behind us, right, not just a really big lake?”

Luna scowled at the mare, and Discombobulation snorted in amusement as he slowly turned another page, half-singing in a wry voice: “I'm sailing away, set an open course for the virgin sea, 'cause I've got to be free... free to face the life that's ahead of me...”

“That means yes.” Luna said kindly to Rainbow Dash, and then she reached up and rubbed slowly at her soulstone horn, wincing a little bit as it vibrated quietly before the mare asked impulsively: “Tell me about thy world, and about thy friends, Rainbow Dash. Fear not for thy soldiers: Morning Glory shall entertain them, and if this world is like the Equestria my sister ruled before it fell into darkness, then I am sure they shall be glad for the rest, not bored with having little to do.”

“Hey, we can take care of ourselves.” Rainbow Dash said firmly, and Luna smiled slightly at this: she was direct, and she had that same energy and confidence that their Rainbow Dash did, but it was more focused. And it made it clear why she might be a good choice for a diplomatic position after all, apart from her ability to fly quickly anywhere she wanted in Equestria. “We're a strong nation, a strong people, you know: I don't know what you guys have seen, but... we've survived a lot. And my friends, we've been there through it all, working beside Princess Twilight Sparkle.”

Rainbow Dash halted for a moment, then she smiled a little, gazing around at them embarrassedly. “But I really don't want to talk too much about me, guys I... it's weird, because... it seems like you already know a lot about us. And to be honest I'd really like to hear a little about you guys. Your world and your... everything. I'm pretty sure I'm supposed to figure that stuff out.”

Luna studied Rainbow thoughtfully for a few moments, and then realized another reason this Pegasus was actually quite a good choice for a diplomat, as she studied her and recognized her experience, and how that goofy, natural demeanor of the mare... “Thou art not quite as foolish as thou appears, are thou?”

Rainbow only shrugged at this, giving a smile in return to Luna and blushing only slightly as she replied easily: “I dunno if I'd say that, but... I guess you could say that I've learned one or two tricks over the time I've been doing this. This ain't the first time I've done ambassadoring, after all.”

Luna smiled slightly, looking with entertainment at the Pegasus mare as Twilight laughed a little and shook her head slowly. Rainbow looked curiously between them, and then Scrivener Blooms said mildly: “They're just entertained because you might have a knack for this after all. It's not that our Rainbow Dash isn't a smart guy or anything... he's learned a lot over the years. I just still probably wouldn't think of him first for a diplomatic mission.”

“Wait, wait, wait... he? Him?” Rainbow asked dubiously, and he frowned a little around at them and asked slowly: “And all this stuff about worlds, versions, and how much you all look like ponies I know... what are you guys getting at, seriously?”

Luna turned a pointed look towards Scrivener Blooms, and the stallion winced before he looked lamely over at Twilight Sparkle. The Lich sighed tiredly at this, but then she nodded after a moment and turned her eyes to Rainbow Dash, saying softly: “It's a pretty crazy explanation, and it requires a little bit of backstory. You should probably sit down.”

Twilight Sparkle told the story as best she could, with a little help from Celestia and Scrivener at a few points, while Luna only sat back and studied Rainbow Dash. She looked older, wiser, seemed a little less impulsive... but she was still brazen and bold and clearly the pony she had always been. She just seemed like she was older, and had been forced to mature a little more on this world than the Dash back home had been... which was funny, considering the things they had seen in Looking Glass World, and that Dash had raised a wonderful family.

By the end of the story, Rainbow was only staring, the Pegasus studying Twilight Sparkle intently before she rose a hoof and said slowly: “So... you're telling me... there's all kinds of worlds out there. Like, ninety-nine or so. And they're all around this core world that holds all of reality together. And... there's... different versions of us on pretty much every world.”

Twilight nodded, and Rainbow slowly rubbed at her face before asking finally: “And I'm a dude in your world. And you're a Lich. And the princesses are... Valkyries.”

The violet mare nodded again, and Rainbow Dash opened her mouth, then closed it slowly before opening it again... and finally managing to almost blurt: “This is crazy. I'm sorry, but... this is crazy. How can all our worlds exist? How can your world be so different from this world I live in? It just all kind of sounds a little... a little bit crazy.”

There was silence for a few moments, and then Scrivener Blooms and Luna traded looks and shrugged easily, as Celestia only smiled, Discombobulation seemed to nod agreeably, and only Twilight Sparkle hurried to explain: “Well, if you stop and think about it, it really does make sense... the theory behind it all is fascinating, it has to do with the effects of variation and the way our worlds 'mirror' each other, and how events can ripple throughout time and space and become clearly defined in multiple worlds but also on different strata and by more than one identifier...”

Rainbow Dash stared blankly at Twilight Sparkle, and Scrivener Blooms cleared his throat, saying mildly: “None of us here have any idea what the hell you just said, Twilight.”

Twilight blushed at this, and Celestia said gently: “What Twilight Sparkle is trying to say is that the worlds reflect and refract each other, but sometimes even a very small event can cause a ripple that turns into a much larger effect, like an avalanche. For example... in another world, my nephew met a Twilight Sparkle who, like yours, was supposed to become a winged unicorn. But she told him that she couldn't control all that power, and it had to be repressed by the Princess Celestia of that world after another magical accident. Think about all the differences that one simple change could make.”

“She wouldn't be a princess, then, and I guess she'd still be kind of Celestia's student, and she wouldn't be in Canterlot so often...” Rainbow Dash mumbled thoughtfully, looking down, and then she hesitantly glanced up and nodded slowly. “Okay, okay. Maybe... small stuff like that, but...”

Her eyes slid towards Luna, and the sapphire mare sighed and said grumpily: “If thou wants to ask about the damn chunk of crystal sticking out of my head, then ask, Rainbow Dash. 'Tis more annoying when thou and others stare at me, as if expecting me to just vomit out my clearly-wonderful history for their listening pleasure like a... a... musical box.”

“Jukebox.” Scrivener corrected, and Luna glowered at him before struggling to get up, then huffing when she couldn't quite manage it with her sore muscles. She beckoned to him firmly several times, and Scrivener Blooms sighed before he stood grumpily up and walked over to her, calmly standing only a foot or so away so she could lean pointedly over, then firmly bop him with her horn.

“So I'm guessing you guys must be married.” Rainbow said at this display, and Luna grinned widely before she looked pointedly over at Twilight Sparkle, who blushed a little, sighed, then nodded grumpily, turning her eyes towards Rainbow Dash.

“Actually, Scrivener, Luna, and myself are... together. No, that's not exactly normal even in our world, and yes, I guess we're kind of... all married to each other. Weird as that is to say.” Twilight said finally, rubbing awkwardly at her features, and Rainbow Dash only stared before the Lich hurriedly went on: “And Luna actually did have a horn before, but lost it in a battle. Her new horn is-”

“Oh, wretched cheater.” Luna grumbled, giving a flat look over at Twilight Sparkle, and then she shook her head and complained: “Why must I always be used as some accursed smokescreen to hide behind? I am not ashamed of our relationship. Thou should not be ashamed of our relationship.”

“I'm not.” Twilight blushed a little, shaking her own head hurriedly, and then she glanced awkwardly over at Rainbow Dash, adding finally: “We've just had some... uh... awkward reactions in the past, that's all.”

Rainbow was still looking at them lamely, clearly at a loss for what to say before Celestia stepped in gently: “I'm sure your superiors are eager for a report by now, Rainbow Dash, and if you don't mind, we could use some rest ourselves. Evening is starting to settle in, after all.”

The Pegasus blinked and looked up dumbly, but then got the hint after a moment, clearing her throat and nodding a few times. “Oh uh, yeah, right. Yeah, that's understandable, definitely. Besides, the guys have been waiting out there for a while now too, I should really... get going. Report back to base, so they know that nothing bad's happened.”

“Yes, it's been so easy to miss the constant patrols flying by above.” Morning Glory's voice called irritably through the hole, and Rainbow Dash blushed a bit before the demon added in a somehow-even-grouchier voice: “And get this stupid little colt away from me. He's annoying.”

Luna cocked her head curiously at this, then flailed her way up to her hooves with a little help from Twilight and Scrivener before she half-staggered to the hole in the wall. She looked curiously out to watch as Morning Glory disdainfully kicked away a soldier that tried to approach her, knocking him flat on his back as the other Guard only stared in disbelief at their compatriot.

Abaddon cheerfully chirped from the Destroyer's shoulder, while Ratatoskr chittered almost encouragingly from somewhere above. Morning Glory, meanwhile, was glaring down at the soldier as he looked dumbly back at her through his dark bangs, then blushed a little and turned his eyes towards Rainbow Dash when she stepped outside and glared down at the hazel Pegasus. “Uh. Ambassador, maybe I should stay here. Ensure the... safety of the... diplomats. Or that they don't leave. Yes, that's a good reason, right ma'am?”

“Yeah, great reason, Court.” Rainbow said dryly, but she nodded hesitantly all the same as the soldier awkwardly hurried up to his hooves, quickly straightening his helmet on his head and saluting her even as she looked over her shoulder. “Do you guys mind if Courtly Love stays here?”

“His presence would be welcome.” Celestia said tactfully, and Luna grumbled but nodded. Rainbow Dash smiled, and Court turned almost dreamy eyes to Morning Glory, who grimaced and leaned away as if repulsed, if anything.

“Wonderful. Making nice with the little ponies who it would be far easier just to destroy. The next time you all want to go to another world, count me out.” Morning Glory muttered, and Luna couldn't help but smile despite herself at the way the Destroyer looked grouchily away, but her eyes flicked towards these new ponies and possible new allies with grudging curiosity all the same.

Author's Note:

Vs. Celestia: Blind Guardian - Valkyries

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