• Published 21st Mar 2013
  • 2,074 Views, 388 Comments

Synthesis of the Atheist - BlackRoseRaven

Luna and Scrivener become the targets of a malicious, narcissistic psychopath. 8th story in the 99 Worlds Saga/Blooming Moon Chronicles.

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Mastering The New Self

Chapter Seventy Six: Mastering The New Self

Scrivener Blooms was back in the form of a stallion, absently rubbing a hoof through his own ivory mane every so often as if he was nervous that it hadn't all grown back in properly. His tail flicked a little behind him, a bit messier and rougher than he and Luna remembered it being: then again, all the hair had to grow back, and it was probably a little dumb for him to be complaining about the fact he came back with a messy mane and tail instead of being grateful he could transform at all.

Luna still didn't have any major visible changes, apart from the fact that, strangely, a few pale marks had appeared on her body. At first they hadn't thought it wasn't anything apart from bruising or discoloration, but Celestia had unsurprisingly been the first to realize these marks were forming in the same areas as Scrivener's scars.

It made both Luna and Scrivener a little nervous that Celestia seemed more interested in the fact that the sapphire mare's body was apparently somehow linking even further with the stallion's than the fact he had become a Tyrant Wyrm: they both wondered precisely what that meant, or if it was something they should be more concerned with themselves. But right now Luna, Scrivener, and apparently everypony apart from Celestia were all still concentrating on the fact that the charcoal stallion was now capable of transforming into a Tyrant Wyrm over the fact that Luna might end up mirroring a scar or two from Scrivener's body.

And admittedly, it was still making the stallion himself feel a little silly, too. He wasn't the largest Tyrant Wyrm around maybe, but Luna had made him run all the way back to the edge of the Chalice, and the stallion had been amazed at the ease and speed with which he'd moved. He was strong and fast and agile, and the mire seemed to respond to him even more naturally than it ever had before: with only a glance and a flick of his muzzle, with only a gesture or hell, a thought alone, he had been able to make the crystalline mire warp and bend and change to his will.

And now they were sitting on a raised, square platform of black stone that was large enough to accommodate everyone who had come with them, and had a strange, warm charge flowing through it that was negating some of the effects of the poisonous atmosphere. Pinkamena had already complained that it was 'more fuzzy, less toxic,' so Scrivener thought that meant he must have some kind of heightened control over the mire. More than he'd imagined possible...

He flexed a front hoof slowly, looking down as it tilted towards him, before it clicked apart and unfurled into a claw he stared at with equal amazement. And yet he looked the same as he had before, except... well...

“Are you okay, Dad?” asked Antares quietly for the hundredth time, and Scrivener smiled faintly despite himself, glancing over at his son and simply nodding once. Antares nodded back, but he still looked worried, those deep, soulful eyes of his studying his father before they roved towards his mother, who was letting Celestia check the marks forming over her body for the thousandth time. “And... those don't hurt at all, Mom?”

“Nay, they do not. And nor are we hearing voices, nor have seen either Nightmare Moon or Valthrudnir. All is well, I promise thee this... all is well.” Luna's voice became softer at the end, looking over at Antares and losing some of her exasperation as she smiled a little at him. “All is well, my son. And if 'twere not, I would not consent to all this poking and prodding from Celestia, would I?”

Antares smiled a little after a moment, then he nodded hesitantly as Prestige reached up and squeezed his shoulder gently. Then he glanced towards Discombobulation as the Draconequus commented mildly from the tall chair he was seated in: “Yes, the only time you can ever trust a drunk is when you're busy poking and prodding them like you don't trust them.”

“And the only time you can ever trust a Draconequus is when he's in the leather reins that belong to his marefriend.” Scrivener replied dryly, and Discombobulation gave the stallion a flat look as he cleared his throat and reached up to cover his muzzle. “Gosh, did I say that out loud? I blame being a monster. I'm a monster. Monsters aren't responsible for what they say, right, Luna?”

“Never.” Luna agreed, and then she huffed and winced when Celestia poked at her neck lightly and tried to move the collar aside, slapping crankily at the ivory mare. “Away from my collar! The Promise does not come off!”

“Alright, alright, Luna. I was just checking to see what scars in particular were being reflected... Scrivener's transformation may have caused your link to further tighten, is making more of your body's characteristics... mirror.” Celestia said softly, and then she sighed tiredly when Luna looked up at her thoughtfully. “No. It's not going to affect other parts of your body.”

“Oh, good. I was worried for a moment Scrivener would suddenly have my battering ram and I would end up with his pliant gates.” Luna said blandly, and Scrivener sighed tiredly as Antares stared with horror at his mother, Prestige blushed, and Sleipnir giggled like a filly before Luna looked seriously back and forth. “What? All of thee know that I am the stallion and Scrivener is the mare, do thee not? 'Tis why 'tis so natural for me to mount and ride him.”

Sleipnir threw his head back and laughed loudly as Pinkamena snorted in amusement and Antares groaned, covering his head with a wince and a slight blush. Scrivener only glowered at Luna, and then Discombobulation said flatly: “That mare ain't right.”

Luna simply shrugged agreeably, and there was a moment of silence before Celestia hesitantly asked: “I know this is a sensitive topic, but... what about your... thirst?”

“Nay. 'Tis as absent as Valthrudnir and Nightmare Moon... but strangely, unlike those two foul entities, I somehow feel as if... the urge shall stay gone. While I am honestly surprised neither myself nor Scrivener have heard from either of the parasites, who I no longer wish to speak of as it may summon them up.” Luna said with a glance up towards Celestia, and then she smiled slightly and gestured with her head towards the wagon filled with equipment, including her collapsed spear. “Besides, I have my soul back, Celestia. I feel complete... ill as hearing that word makes me feel.”

Scrivener grunted and nodded, then looked thoughtfully down at his claw again before he smiled a bit and turned his eyes upwards, saying quietly: “But we are complete, and Thesis believes he isn't. He's crazy and strong as hell and incredibly dangerous, but... Luna and I both feel like we've filled in those gaps we've had for all these years. That means this is all for the best, right?”

“Thank you, Rationalization Stallion. You have saved the village.” Discombobulation said mildly, and Celestia smiled slightly before the Draconequus turned his eyes thoughtfully towards Prestige. “But what does our resident little merciful messenger have to say about all this? Or do you just stick to doing the bidding of glorious quote-unquote 'god' and all his asthmatic bidding?”

“Kvasir actually rarely gives any of us orders... we're actually trained by former shieldmaidens and, surprisingly, demons conscripted from Helheim.” Prestige replied mildly, glancing up and then giving a small smile as Celestia tilted her head with interest. “It was... well, I only realized how strange it was afterwards. But I suppose my experiences in life helped me develop a more generous view than most on the subject, but... I did notice something about the other new Valkyries.”

She looked up, hesitating only a moment before smiling a little more when Celestia gestured her to go on with interest, and Luna, Scrivener, and Sleipnir all looked up with curiosity as well. Pinkamena only grumbled, but Scrivener thought her eyes were grudgingly studying the mare all the same. “They weren't simply exceptional warriors. All of them were from... from different places, even across different times and worlds. But what all of them had in common was empathy, and sympathy, and... I felt very strange amongst them at first with my own... flaws.”

“You mean the fact that you're the far north version of a deep south plantation owner's rich, courtly, insanely-angry racist daughter?” Discombobulation asked pointedly, and when Prestige gave him a dry look, the Draconequus suddenly gave a slight smile. “I've missed teasing you. I suppose that means it's nice to see you back here. If only because I like to annoy you.”

Prestige laughed and blushed a little at this, bowing her head forwards almost shyly, and Pinkamena snorted as she hammered a hoof moodily against the solid black stone beneath them. “That's all real nice and all, but can we get back to Scrivener being a Wyrm? I'd really rather watch you two kill things or corrupt Princess Sunshine instead of listening to the rest of you idiots prattling on about your feelings. By Hel, Scrivener, you're the worst Tyrant Wyrm ever.”

“I know, I know. And I'm short, as Luna already likes to point out.” Scrivener said dryly, and then he rubbed moodily at his chest, adding: “I don't get how I can be short and tall at the same time.”

“Well 'tis because they are very different areas of being, Scrivener Blooms. Thou art very short in one but very tall in the other.” Luna said seriously, gazing at Scrivener with a straight face, and the stallion slowly closed his eyes before her gaze turned thoughtful. “'Tis really rather impressive what a pretty mare like thee has tucked away. Not to mention what a pretty mare like thee can tuck away-”

“Mom!” Antares almost shouted, twitching visibly, and Luna huffed before she gave her son a pointed look.

“Oh come now, Antares, I am sure thou knows all about stallions and mares by now. Or at least mares, I do not know if thou hast ever been interested in stallions. But I am sure thou art familiar enough with thine own equipment.” Luna said mildly, gesturing over at him with a hoof, and the glossy-black unicorn twitched and mouthed wordlessly as he turned bright red, as Prestige stared and Sleipnir only nodded cheerfully.

Antares looked pleadingly back and forth, then turned his eyes to Celestia, almost as if asking for her help, but the ivory winged unicorn only shrugged and gave a slight smile. “There's no shame in it, Antares. I often regret that a side effect of the peacefulness I helped spread throughout Equestria is such fear and aversion of anything sexual. That's not at all the way I lived my life when I was a Valkyrie, or even while I traveled with my siblings.”

“Aye, truer words were never spoken.” Sleipnir grinned widely at this, then he winked over at the ivory mare. “And as I do recall, thou wert very forceful in taking thy pleasures on whatever thou set thine eyes upon even in the days of old. I more than once saw mighty stallions leaving thy room in tears, barely able to walk!”

“I know. I try to be gentler these days.” Celestia smiled slightly as she bit a front hoof lightly, turning her eyes towards Discombobulation, and he made a strangled noise and tugged at an invisible collar before the ivory mare winked over at her brother. “Although I don't think I'm very good at it. I can be very selfish.”

Sleipnir and Luna both nodded in agreement as Scrivener laughed and shook his head, and then Pinkamena rolled her eyes as Antares only covered his ears and Prestige awkwardly patted him on the back. But she was smiling a little all the same, and Scrivener wondered for a moment what other experiences she might have had in Heaven: she was around all kinds of cultures, all kinds of people, and probably had been exposed to more than just the violence of training... except he thought for some reason that Prestige likely hadn't had the same experiences as Antares for one reason or another.

“So okay, moving away from your nymphomania.” Pinkamena interrupted, and the eyes of the stallion and everyone else were drawn towards her. “We have something more important than how much than talking about how much you guys like to shove things up your holes, and why yes, I do include Scrivener and Bob and Sleipnir in that number. Antares I'm on the fence about still, although he's pretty close to gay himself.”

Antares looked flatly over at Pinkamena, who only grunted and shrugged moodily in response before she turned her eyes towards Celestia. “So how long do we gotta wait here on our flanks, Princess Sunshine? No offense, but I want to get back across the Bifrost, and then start preparing for the attack on Endworld. Because-”

“None of us can go with Luna and Scrivener.” Celestia said quietly, and both of the named ponies stared in dumb surprise over at Celestia as Sleipnir frowned and Antares looked up in shock. There was a long silence for a moment, and then the ivory mare smiled faintly and closed her eyes, lowering her head forwards. “I figured that out... a little while back now. And yes, I'm angry at you both for it, even though I know that... it's senseless to be angry about it, too. But I know that you're both going to insist on doing this alone and... none of us will be able to argue with you.”

“How long hast thou known and... and what does thou mean, thou 'figured it out?' Aye, Scrivener and I do not desire to place any of thee into danger, but 'tis not as if we had some nefarious scheme bubbling away, nor any idea of how we would convince any of thee to stay behind...” Luna hesitated and looked up, as Celestia only smiled faintly. “Thou... does not think...”

“Luna, I love you. And I meant it when I said I wanted to stay beside you. I do. I'm not sending you to die, or prove your honor and worth... I... I believe in both yourself and Scrivener Blooms wholeheartedly.” Celestia said quietly, lowering her head forwards. Then she sighed softly and shook her head, murmuring: “But even with you and Scrivener trying to protect us, I didn't expect Decretum to be so toxic. And by all accounts, the place you're heading into is going to be even more poisonous.”

She glanced over at Sleipnir, who grimaced and rose a hoof as he muttered: “Which, aye, means that I cannot go. Nature here is still trying to cry out to me, begging me for a mercy I wish so direly I could give her, but... cannot. And so she clings to me, even rotted and hurt as she is...”

“Furthermore, Ponyville is vulnerable, there are reports of attacks all throughout Equestria by the forces that Thesis assembled and then simply disbanded, we have to be prepared for the worst-case scenario. There's also the limited capacity of a portal, since I assume you won't want to wait another week for the Bifrost after we open it...” Celestia paused, then glanced towards Pinkamena. “We can risk opening the Bifrost in about four days' time. Maybe a little less, to answer your other question.”

“Four more days spent in this. Talking about our feelings and not being able to do a goddamn thing to...” Pinkamena gritted her teeth, then glared balefully over at Scrivener Blooms, who winced a bit. “And I suppose that four more days of exposure is going to leave us all screwed up and only you two in good shape, right?”

“I can... well... I can try and keep things neutralized, at least.” Scrivener said finally, and then he sighed and rubbed at his face slowly, smiling faintly over at Pinkamena. “None of us... planned this, honestly. This is just... the way things worked out. I know it sucks, but...”

“Don't.” Celestia said quietly but firmly, and Scrivener Blooms lamely lowered his head, nodding a little as Luna blushed. The ivory mare bit her lip for a moment, then closed her eyes and murmured: “Even if you didn't know, this is still what you wanted to happen, all the same. I'm holding you responsible for that. I have to hold you responsible for that, and if you want me to be honest... I want to be a little angry at you two right now. And it's funny that it's not over what you've done here but... what you plan to do in the future.”

Scrivener smiled faintly as Luna glanced up and shrugged slowly, and then the sapphire mare said quietly: “We have no intention to die on this journey, Celestia, know this. And aye, I know that it seems we walk into an impossible task but... we did not know what we would find here in Decretum. And nor are we going to blindly move forwards, not understanding what has happened to us or what we are faced against.”

There was silence for a few moments, and then Antares looked up and said quietly: “You have to come back. Otherwise, Innocence is going to grow up without you guys in her life at all and... I know she needs you. I need you, too, still. I may be an adult but I'm still just a stupid kid at heart. And... I'm sorry for how many times I've forgotten that.”

Luna and Scrivener both smiled faintly at their son, then traded looks before Pinkamena leaned forwards and asked quietly: “I'm not hearing any reasons that I can't go with them. Or Morning Glory, or a few other heavy-hitters. And why the hell do we have to get moving so fast? By now, Thesis has probably added all those extra pieces to his own model kit. Made himself into some butt-ugly hybrid with a whole bunch of extra parts.”

“I don't think so. Much as I hate to fall back on this, Valthrudnir told us it would take Thesis a while to... do whatever the hell it is he's doing, and I believe him.” Scrivener said quietly, and then he hesitated and nervously rubbed at his platinum collar. “And I... I get this feeling that Thesis isn't going to just sit complacently back once he's done whatever it is he's doing. He really wanted Innocence... he really wanted not just pieces of us, but all of us. If he... I dunno, 'upgrades' himself and then feels like he's still missing something...”

“He'll come to harvest you all. Then perhaps...” Celestia looked at Scrivener and Luna, and when they both smiled faintly and shifted a little, the ivory mare sighed softly and lowered her head. “I just wish we could come with you... at least be there for you. Are you sure you have to do this? That it wouldn't be better to wait, try and draw him into an attack if and when he comes for you both again?”

There was silence for a few moments, and then Scrivener and Luna traded looks before the stallion felt a tickle run through his mind, then heard Valthrudnir's voice mutter, sounding strangely fatigued: He'll have to remove his exoskeleton. Not just to have it repaired, but to complete his... 'upgrades,' as you called them. What a ridiculous word for... a ridiculous experiment.

Scrivener tilted his head a little with surprise at the sound of the Jötnar, frowning a bit as he looked down before he cleared his throat and turned his eyes upwards when Pinkamena growled at him, glaring with visible frustration... and a little bit of hurt in her eyes, too. Hurt that admittedly did a far better job of drawing Scrivener away from any confusion over Valthrudnir than her irritation did. “I... sorry. Distracted.

“But we think he'll have to remove that machinery on his back. Both because it has to be repaired, and so he can complete whatever weird experiments he wants to run on himself. He'll be vulnerable, for maybe weeks. It's our only window.” Scrivener said quietly, and then he and Luna traded uneasy looks before the stallion turned his eyes to Celestia. “Our only worry is that... well, he was pretty clearly insane when he ripped pieces of our bodies off. He kept attacking because he wants us... in our entirety, so to speak. When the bastard isn't crazy, though, he's smart as hell... so...”

“So he might come back to his senses and stage another attack, or hold off from his experimentation.” Celestia said quietly, but Pinkamena only gave a dry chuckle, earning curious looks from the others.

“Hey, Scrivy. How'd it feel to be incomplete for all those years? To walk around, feeling like you're all hollow inside, like there's this big gaping emptiness in your guts that you just can't fill? To feel like, no matter how fast you run, there just ain't no reaching the finish line?” Pinkamena asked mildly, and Scrivener shifted uncomfortably before the demon nodded with a grunt. “Exactly. And what you went through wasn't nearly as bad as what I've been through, when I was a half-demon. Thesis ain't gonna wait. I don't give a crowbait's flank how smart he is. When you get a chance to put yourself back together after laying in pieces for so long, you take it.”

Pinkamena stopped, then she looked down and muttered: “And besides. This is the part that bugs me... what if Thesis really thought he could help you two idiots? He said he wanted to make you all complete... and no, I think that even if he wanted to help, he'd just screw things up. But I think there's a little hurt puppy in what he did. For some reason, he's latched on to you and Luna, Scrivy. I don't goddamn like it. You're here in the cell with me, not that son of a bitch.”

Scrivener smiled faintly despite himself, nodding a little and lowering his head before he murmured: “Yeah. Well, you don't have to worry about that, Pinkamena. I'm not about to go getting a transfer to whatever asylum he's in.”

“I wish we could all find a little asylum.” Celestia said softly, looking down for a moment, and there were a few faint smiles as the ponies shifted back and forth, before the ivory mare glanced over at Scrivener Blooms, saying quietly: “We have four days here still. We should make the most of them if you and my sister are so determined to do this. We'll work with you physically, and Luna can work on her magic.”

Scrivener nodded a little as Luna smiled over at her sister gratefully, nodding once before Pinkamena picked herself up with a growl. “Good. No time like the present, either, so get off your goddamn ass, Scrivener Blooms. You and me.”

“And I!” Sleipnir called cheerfully, waving a hoof quickly, and Celestia shook her head with a quiet laugh, then turned her eyes towards Luna questioningly, and the sapphire mare nodded with a grunt and a smile.

Scrivener sighed a little, but then he nodded a little before trading a look with the sapphire mare, who nodded firmly back before slapping his shoulder lightly. The stallion winced a bit, then lightly shoved at her before he picked himself up and hopped off the raised, solid platform, saying dryly: “Great. Why not? Let me see if I even remember how to transform, first.”

Scrivener paused, then glanced over at Luna, concentrating on her and drawing on her magic before he grimaced and flexed, his eyes clenching shut as he felt scales rippling over his body and his frame expanding. Burning pain twisted through his system, punctuated by sharp, stabbing sensations as the bone pistons tore out of his back, but it thankfully wasn't nearly as bad as the agony that had almost knocked him flat when he'd first transformed.

In less than a minute, Scrivener Blooms had gone from stallion to Tyrant Wyrm, shaking his head out to rid himself a few last ivory locks before he straightened and turned around... then stumbled backwards, not even able to cry out, when Pinkamena's axe slammed into his chest, burying through his scales and into bone below with agony. His eyes bulged with pain, and he mouthed slowly as the demon glared up at him, grinning widely... but there was a faint tremble in her features, and that wasn't the usual sadistic pleasure in her eyes, but instead pain as she whispered: “Stupid asshole.”

Scrivener closed his eyes even as he felt black blood bubbling out of the wound, and Luna grimaced and shivered a bit as she reached up to touch her own chest: a large cut had formed over it, but it was shallower than expected. Probably because Scrivener's body was a little different as a Tyrant Wyrm than it was as a pony.

He reached up and quietly grasped the handle of Pinkamena's axe, and with it, her hoof: he squeezed gently, looking down at her softly, and she gazed back with the faintest tremble before gritting her teeth and grinding the weapon downwards, making Scrivener curse before she yanked her axe and hoof free. Her eyes roved to the black blood on the blade, and then she leaned forwards and licked slowly up along it before snorting and muttering: “Still one of the best things I've ever tasted, at least. I'm glad your stupidity hasn't screwed that up.”

She paused, then stepped forwards and suddenly chopped downwards with her weapon, but Scrivener grimaced and reached quickly up to seize the axe with one claw, wincing as the sharp blade scratched against his scales and Pinkamena growled, leaning into the handle with both forelegs and trying to grind it forwards. “I have this great idea. Let's not cut me into pieces.”

“Then fight back. You're already healing, what do you have to lose?” Pinkamena gestured with her head at the male's chest, and Scrivener glanced down with surprise to see that the wound, in spite of how deep it was, already was closing. He knew the mire was helping, but he wasn't even concentrating on trying to pull any energy from it, making him stare in surprise... then yelp when Pinkamena drew suddenly back and yanked her axe free before slamming it down into the ground beside her.

She growled and dropped her head forwards, her mane twisting and writhing before the vest she was wearing visibly stretched and tore as her body expanded, ashen wings ripping through the fabric as her eyes glowed like blue flame and oversized teeth bared in a grin, horns twisting upwards from her skull as she took on full demonic glory.

Scrivener stared, then groaned before the demon leapt forwards, sweeping up her axe and swinging viciously at him, and the stallion yelped as he flung himself backwards with a wince before sweeping a claw out on instinct, a wall of mire splashing up and hardening into a solid barrier between them. Pinkamena began to draw her axe back... and then the demon only stared stupidly as Sleipnir charged past her and rammed headlong into this, smashing through and dive-tackling Scrivener to knock the Tyrant Wyrm staggering as the enormous earth pony shouted cheerfully: “Wait, wait, I am playing too, remember! Do not hog all the fun, phoenix!”

Luna laughed even as she felt a faint pain jar her system when Sleipnir playfully punched Scrivener in the chest and sent him skidding backwards through the mire with a yelp, and Celestia sighed and shook her head slowly, watching for a moment before turning her eyes down to Luna. “While Scrivener spars, we should take the opportunity to test your concentration and see what you may have gained from this. Apart from these, of course.”

Celestia reached up and gently touched the faint marks on Luna's body, and the sapphire mare smiled a little despite herself, nodding after a moment. Antares was staring over at his father, but Prestige hesitantly turned her eyes towards the two winged unicorns, and Discombobulation looked mildly at the unicorn mare before he said pointedly: “You know, it doesn't say much about the Valkyries if what you've mainly learned there is how to quietly plead with your eyes. That's kind of like going to a Renaissance Fair and only spending your time following around the village idiot instead of getting front row seats at the arena to watch guys in armor beat on each other.”

Antares blinked and looked curiously over at Prestige, who blushed a little before she nodded once as she realized Luna and Celestia were now looking at her as well. “I'd... like to study with you, if I may. I've always respected your power, Celestia, and... your son has told me so much about you, Luna, that it would be an honor to be able to work beside you in any capacity.”

Luna nodded thoughtfully... then winced and twitched a bit when Sleipnir laughed and flung a yelling Scrivener Blooms into the air, before Pinkamena used her husband like a ramp and leapt upwards, smashing the Tyrant Wyrm with the flat of her axe and knocking him into an uncontrollable somersault as he arched almost lazily backwards before finally smashing down into the ground with a groan. Luna winced again at this, and then glared over at them, shouting: “Damnation, thou can do far better than that, Scrivy! Up on thy hooves, up up up! Use thy powers!”

“Shut up, Luna.” Scrivener mumbled as he slowly dragged himself to his claws, shaking his head out and making a face, and then he glowered at Pinkamena and Sleipnir as they set themselves side by side. He glared at them as Pinkamena growled and Sleipnir smiled cheerfully, and then the demon stepped sharply forwards and flung her axe with a snarl.

Scrivener sidestepped, surprised by his own speed as he grinned slightly... before staring when Pinkamena simply hopped sideways, and Sleipnir caught her easily in one foreleg before flinging the demon with a grunt at Scrivener Blooms. And possibly because of his own dumb surprise, the only way Scrivener could think to react was by ramming his head forwards into Pinkamena and driving her to the ground with his own skull.

The demon yelped, squashed down onto her back, and Scrivener stood dumbly with his face awkwardly buried against the demon's stomach, keeping her pinned. She stared down at him, then slowly closed her eyes when Sleipnir began to giggle childishly before the demon drove her elbow into the Tyrant Wyrm's skull, making him flinch backwards and hurriedly draw his head away. “Will you two morons at least try to be serious? Just for this one goddamn time?”

“No.” Scrivener said sourly, and Pinkamena glowered at him before she rolled backwards to her hooves, flapping her wings firmly before launching herself directly at his face.

Luna winced a bit as she felt faint pain pricking over her features, but she and Prestige pointedly had their backs turned to the fight behind them. Discombobulation and Antares, meanwhile, had both moved to a better position to watch the spar, the glossy-black unicorn unable to stop from staring when Scrivener managed to fling Pinkamena high into the air... only for her to drop back down and slam a punch she clearly didn't pull at the last moment straight into the Tyrant Wyrm's features, making his head snap downwards with a gargle.

But Luna barely flinched, and Celestia nodded approvingly as her eyes roved up to Luna's soulstone horn, studying the glow emanating from it. “Good. You seem to be holding magic better... how does your magic feel?”

“Concentrated... but darker still, aye. My night magic has never felt stronger, but...” Luna shook her head slowly, biting her lip. “Let me try a simple light spell. There are few things more simple.”

Celestia nodded as Prestige watched intently, and Luna breathed slowly in and out before flicking her horn upwards... and she and Celestia both frowned as Prestige stared with shock as a strange orb of bluish, wispy essence formed in the air above. It swirled and contorted strangely on itself, emanating a blue-tinged light that could only be described as 'ghostly.'

“Damn.” Luna muttered, and then she visibly concentrated: if she noticed when Scrivener was slammed by a quick combo of Sleipnir's hooves, she didn't give any sign. But all the same, Celestia's sharp eyes picked up on the way Luna's own body twitched a little with the impacts against her soulbound soulmate. “What if...”

The orb in the air flickered, the glow increasing... then it simply whiffed out of existence, and Luna ground her teeth together in frustration. “Accursed everything. Nay, I could not purify it. Ridiculous! I cannot so much as perform a beginner level spell!”

“Let's try and focus on the positives, sister. Your horn seems to be working better, and it looks like magic is coming to you more naturally, and it's been easier for you to concentrate. Besides, you've never been much for magic, have you?” Celestia smiled slightly, and Luna nodded grudgingly before the ivory mare asked curiously: “Would you mind attempting a sleep spell over me?”

“Well... I suppose I may try. I do not know if it falls within the scope of my powers anymore, and more importantly thou hast always been ridiculously difficult to affect with any spell... but very well. I shall try.” Luna said meditatively, and then she nodded a few times before lowering her head forwards, breathing slowly as she concentrated.

Celestia studied her sibling curiously as her soulstone horn glowed brighter and brighter, then gave a soft pulse that only distorted the air slightly around it. Celestia frowned slightly, leaning forwards before a tickling sensation crawled up through her body, confusing her as she said slowly: “I said a sleep spell, Luna, what are you... what did you...”

The ivory mare blinked lethargically, her breathing softening, her heartrate slowing as her muscles relaxed and a soft warmth spread through her frame, smiling a little to herself as she lowered her head slowly. Her thoughts slowed as she felt her physiology... why do I have to always think such big, complicated words like that? I should just say 'body.' My body feels all funny. Yes, I feel...

“Oh.” Celestia said, almost sounding surprised, and then she smiled at Luna before her eyes drooped closed and she tipped onto her side, landing with a clunk against the solid rock. Luna stared down in disbelief at her older sibling, her mouth working slowly as Prestige's eyes widened in amazement, and then Luna began to giggle to herself as she stomped her hooves, looking utterly delighted as a wide grin spread over her features.

“I have done it! I have conquered Celestia upon her own field! I shall be crowned hero, and declared mightiest of all champions!” Luna declared, and then she grinned widely as she looked down at her big sister, ignoring the faint stings of pain through her body: much easier for her than Scrivener, who was charging around yelling in frustration as Pinkamena stubbornly hammered blows into his back and Sleipnir chased after the stallion, dodging and hopping easily over the blades of black crystal shooting up now and then in the Tyrant Wyrm's wake.

Luna strode forwards and stepped on Celestia, posing for a moment as she turned her grin towards Prestige... and then both mares winced and looked down in surprise as the ivory winged unicorn mumbled: “I'm still awake, Luna. I just... need to... to rest my eyes for a moment...”

Celestia yawned slowly, putting her hooves almost childishly over her face, and a moment later Discombobulation peered over his shoulder before slipping away from Antares, who was too busy watching the sparring to notice. The Draconequus sauntered his way over to them and leaned down, curiously studying the ponies before he carefully reached down and poked Celestia's cheek, and she only mumbled and wrinkled up her muzzle.

Bob nodded seriously at this all the same as if it was a response that told him everything he needed to know, however, turning his eyes towards Luna and studying her as she awkwardly stepped off her older sibling. He paused for a moment, then looked up and wondered aloud: “What's the best way that I can phrase this?”

A pause, and then he nodded seriously before reaching up and hurriedly rubbing his hands through his short mohawk of a mane, and a moment later there was a loud puff before his hair tangled itself up and fell around his face in a set of thick dreadlocks, the Draconequus leaning back and saying in a relaxed voice: “When you smoke the herb, it reveals you to yourself.”

Luna looked thoughtfully down at Celestia, poking her a few times, and the ivory mare mumbled: “I'm not high. Or... drunk. I'm not drunk.”

“No one accused you of being drunk, Tia. But when you go and start denying things that no one's accused you of, you can't help but start to worry and wonder a little.” Discombobulation said mildly, nodding seriously as Luna continued to poke a little at Celestia, and the ivory mare grumbled and tiredly swung a hoof at the sapphire mare.

“Oh... stop it, just... need a moment. You...” Celestia yawned slowly, then half-turned her head and mumbled: “I expected you to... magic my head but... you... made my body all tired instead... worked... different than expected...”

Luna frowned curiously at this, cocking her head and not understanding, but Prestige rose her own head and seemed to catch on as she asked with surprise: “So it simulated the mental effect through physical manifestation, instead of the other way around?”

The sapphire mare looked blankly at Prestige as Celestia mumbled something in response, and the unicorn mare blushed and lowered her head towards the sapphire mare, explaining quietly: “What I mean is that most magic meant to induce some kind of mental change works directly on the mind. You become tired because your mind tells you that you're tired... instead, it seems more like you made Celestia tired by actually making her entire body... tired.”

She finished a little lamely, but Luna only nodded slowly, then turned a curious look towards Celestia, who nodded with a loud yawn and mumbled: “I'll explain all the reasons that's surprising after I have a little nap, Luna. My head feels... I feel... fuzzy.”

“I wonder...” Luna peered down at the mare, then she winced and twitched at a particularly-painful thud before her eyes were drawn over her shoulder in spite of herself when she heard Scrivener roar, a strange thrill running through her body as she turned just in time to watch as the Tyrant Wyrm blasted Pinkamena with waves of sound and sapphire smog.

The demon was driven back by the concentrated waves of sound as the blue mist burned against her body like fire, snarling and flinging herself backwards before Scrivener winced as his head snapped back, his throat feeling like it was on fire and his own head ringing with his roar. He was bruised and battered, and all three of them had gone from playing to taking the sparring session seriously: proved double-true when Sleipnir tore up a spike of crystallized mire, then flung it with full strength at Scrivener's shoulder.

The Tyrant Wyrm slipped agilely to the side, grimacing a bit: even in this form, he wasn't as strong as Sleipnir – which frankly he thought was a tad bit scary – but he was faster, and his reflexes sharper. He felt like his body had absorbed more of Luna's muscle memory and knowledge, like he had taken more after her athleticism and mixed it with his own rawer brawling style.

Scrivener slammed a claw down into the mire, a storm of spikes exploding upwards from the ground and spreading like a wave towards the enormous earth pony, but Sleipnir only grinned widely before he leapt forwards as the crystalline blades tore out of the ground beneath him, then neatly landed atop several of the larger spikes of mire, Scrivener gaping in shock at the ease with which Sleipnir balanced himself without even needing to check that his hooves were on safe footing. “Thou art putting on quite a show, Scrivener Blooms! Aye, I see it, thy blood is pumping hot and thy instincts roar... roar proudly, my brother! Roar with all thy heart and soul and hold nothing back!”

Sleipnir gracefully leapt forwards, throwing himself across the frozen waves of spikes and crystalline blades, and the Tyrant Wyrm could only stare before the earth pony dove towards him. Scrivener winced and leapt backwards, wildly sweeping a claw out, but with ease Sleipnir flung himself forwards, gracefully sliding on his stomach beneath the attack.

Then the enormous earth pony rolled forwards onto his back and kicked both rear hooves fiercely up into the Tyrant Wyrm's chest, and Scrivener was launched rearing back on his hind claws, pinwheeling his front limbs to try and drag himself back down to the earth before Pinkamena slammed full on into his breast, and the male was knocked flopping backwards, crashing down with enough force to shake the world around them as he groaned in pain. Luna flinched at this in mid-spell, losing her concentration and wincing as recoil blasted down her soulstone horn.

Scrivener felt the tickle of recoil in his own mind, and he heard a grumbling that he thought at first was Luna, but realized after a moment was too masculine. Another moment passed before he realized it was Valthrudnir, and the Jötnar said in an acerbic voice: I can't help but marvel over the fact you can somehow completely forget about my presence in your mind, Nihete. Yes, amazingly, I am still here. But believe me, when the opportunity presents itself, I do look forwards to moving out of this renovated hovel and into a place far more fitting for my dignity. Or what little I will have left after this long and grueling experience is over.

Scrivener grunted... then winced when Pinkamena jumped on top of him and began to hammer firm blows down into his softer underbelly, shouting: “Stop whimpering on the ground, you turtle, and get up and fight! We're not nearly done yet!”

“I'm talking to the voices in my head!” Scrivener retorted in a strangled voice, flailing at her before he squeaked when Pinkamena savagely bit into one of his claws and twisted to the side, and he shook his foreleg wildly before finally yanking it away from her with a curse.

“Nopony ever gives a damn when I have to deal with sissy, why the hell should I give you any time to talk to you own imaginary nightmares?” Pinkamena retorted, and then she swung a cloven hoof firmly down into his stomach, making him wheeze loudly. “Come on, loser, you can do better than this. And you're going to do better than this, or I'm going to go and get my axe, then come back here and start actually trying to hurt you instead of taking it easy on you like I have been, got it?”

I do not like demons. Especially this one. Valthrudnir said moodily, and Scrivener had a strange image of the Jötnar sitting slumped in a large, ornate throne, looking exhausted as he rested with his face in one hand. Very well. Let's give both of these annoying little more-and-lessers a surprise.

Scrivener felt hesitant to agree to any plan of Valthrudnir's, but then Pinkamena leapt forwards and slammed her head into his nose and knocked his skull back against the mire, and he glowered up at the demon before suddenly slamming both his foreclaws down into the mire on either side of his body. The dark sludge around him gushed upwards in a thick blast, and Pinkamena's eyes widened before she launched herself backwards almost too late, wincing as the typhoon caught the edge of her hooves before washing over the Tyrant Wyrm.

It formed a pulsing dome over Scrivener's entire body, and he felt his breath catch, claustrophobia tearing at his senses as the mire clutched against him, but Valthrudnir muttered in his mind: Oh please, Nihete. I helped augment your design specifically to maximize your control over the Clay of Prometheus... in part to protect you from Thesis' own ability to control the corruption, and in part to further enhance your offensive and defensive potential. Let us see the result.

Scrivener felt the shell around him beginning to dissolve, but something still clinging to his body, and the Tyrant Wyrm gritted his teeth as he rolled quickly up to his claws and spun around, tearing through the dissolving black sludge that had encased his body before he straightened... and Luna's eyes widened as she looked over her shoulder, then she reached down to attempt to violently shake Celestia into wakefulness as a giddy feeling ran through her body.

The ivory mare grumbled, then rose her head tiredly... and stared in surprise that helped wake her up a little. Her whole body pounded with tiredness that had crept into her brain and made it hard to think or process, but the sight of this started those well-oiled gears moving again as she whispered: “I didn't expect to see anything like this, but... why does it seem so familiar, all the same...”

Luna was only grinning widely as Scrivener rose a head now covered in a black mask of crystal, most of the Tyrant Wyrm's body armored with heavy plates of the same material that had fused and locked themselves into his scales over his limbs and along his body, the crystal formed into ridges and thorn-like spikes that made him look all the more intimidating and dangerous.

Sleipnir grinned widely, then shot suddenly forwards before leaping towards the Tyrant Wyrm and slamming a hoof straight into Scrivener's breast. It knocked Scrivener skidding backwards with a wince, hissing blue mist through his grit teeth as fractures spread through the heavy breastplate protecting his body, and he trembled for a moment on his limbs... then looked up with a sudden grin as the armor rippled and healed itself.

“Roar, brother!” Sleipnir shouted, and Scrivener responded to this by leaning forwards and roaring fiercely, and Sleipnir roared back even as he grinned widely before charging straight at the stallion. Pinkamena followed her husband's charge with a wide grin, the demon's eyes glowing with pride as the Tyrant Wyrm leapt to meet them with his own excitement burning in his eyes.

Luna grinned widely, her head raised high, and Prestige stared as the three collided, murmuring: “That fierceness... only a few of my... my sisters, as I've been taught to call them, fight with such...”

“And I hope thou does as well, Prestige Luster... for to give any less than thy best, to hold back, is to insult thy battle-sister.” Luna said softly, smiling slightly before her eyes flicked to Antares, who was gaping in disbelief. “Although some of us have difficulty processing that particular concept.”

Celestia smiled despite herself as well at this, then she glanced to the side as Discombobulation calmly offered her a mug of black coffee, saying mildly: “Think of it as Costa Rican sober juice. Not that you were drunk or anything. If you were, I'd be in tears right now.”

The mare took the offered mug with a quiet chuckle, then she sipped at it and shook her head quickly before turning her eyes towards Scrivener Blooms, saying softly after a moment as she watched the armored Tyrant Wyrm deflected an attack with one of his vambraces: “I think I understand a little better now. He hasn't just developed at random: these changes, these transformations, they're adaptations modeled off of others.”

Luna looked up with surprise, then she frowned a bit before turning her eyes towards Scrivener and nodding after a moment as she studied the armor, murmuring softly: “Morning Glory. And I felt Scrivener's thoughts... he feels that he models himself more off myself, but 'tis not just myself. The way he moves, the build of his form... 'tis more similar to thee, actually.”

Celestia smiled slightly at this, nodding after a moment, and Luna looked meditative before she said thoughtfully: “'Tis not really surprising. If ever there was a Tyrant Wyrm, 'tis thee.”

Celestia didn't answer, and Luna frowned slowly as she almost worriedly looked up at her sister's eyes, but the ivory mare only sipped calmly at the coffee held between her hooves before gesturing towards the Tyrant Wyrm. “There's similarities to Pinkamena as well. I think Valthrudnir and perhaps Nightmare Moon both made augmentations taking the characteristics of those around them that stood out the most... or maybe Scrivener subconsciously wanted to manifest those abilities in his own way. Felt because of the way he's always imitated you, little sister, the best way he could get stronger was to imitate those around him, even as he became something entirely new.”

She paused, then looked down at her coffee before sipping it slowly again and smiling slightly. “This really is helping, Bob, thank you. The little bit of chaos energy adds a pleasant zing.”

Discombobulation cleared his throat loudly at this, then he leaned over and whispered loudly into her ear: “You weren't supposed to mention that. I mean, I don't want anyone to know I may actually care about your well-being or anything. That would destroy the balance of our entire dysfunctional relationship, where I am merely the sheep and you are the Scotsman.”

Celestia only gave an amused smile at this, shaking her head slowly before she turned her eyes towards Luna as the mare leaned forwards and began to concentrate. “Good, you're right. We should continue practicing instead of-”

A crackling arc of electricity zapped from Luna's horn into Celestia, the ivory mare's eyes bulging as she twitched violently and dropped the mug of coffee, both her wings flaring backwards before the stream of lightning ended abruptly, and Luna stared at the ivory mare as her older sibling stared back, before the younger sister gave a wide, dumb grin. “That was not what I meant to do. 'Twas supposed to be much more subtle that that.”

A few sparks sizzled through Celestia's mane, and then she sighed tiredly and shook herself out moodily, replying after a moment: “That's... perfectly alright Luna. I think it helped wake me up, anyway... and it does help show that your mastery over the darker realm of magic has improved, if anything. But could you do something for me?”

Luna cocked her head curiously as she looked up at the mare, and Celestia glanced meditatively over at Sleipnir, watching as Scrivener batted him into the air, but then winced when the stallion seized him by the face and slammed him firmly down into the mire with a laugh. “Maybe I'm just feeling cranky still, but you described your link with Scrivener feeling a little different. That it feels like he draws on your knowledge to transform, but not specifically your magic...”'

“Aye, I think because of the mire running through Scrivener's body. He makes contact with my mind, but the change seems to be propelled by he himself alone... 'tis... difficult to describe properly. 'Tis like just trying to access my powers opens the floodgates and gives him whatever he needs. 'Tis like our simple link has broadened into something... even more.” Luna murmured softly, touching her own chest and nodding slowly, looking curiously over at Celestia before she winced and glared over at the sparring match as Pinkamena slammed into Scrivener's face. “Oh damnation! To hold back may be insult, but to maim and harry is not friendship!”

“I don't know about that. I'd love to be a Harry. I could be a prince, a wizard – and that comes with your choice of savior or illusionist – or the protagonist of a psychological horror game. Two, technically. Well, probably more than two, I'm sure there's more than one Harry out there fighting monsters. Just don't get the sad ending. That's a kick in the crotch.” Discombobulation said seriously, nodding a few times.

Celestia only looked at the Draconequus for a few moments, then she reached up and calmly flicked the key hanging from her ear, and Discombobulation blushed ever-so-slightly before the ivory mare turned her eyes back towards Luna. “Why don't you try channeling your magic into Scrivener, and we'll see what happens from there?”

Luna grinned widely at this, her soulstone horn already lighting up, and Scrivener felt the burst of power almost immediately even as he staggered backwards from another hard punch from Sleipnir. But then the Tyrant Wyrm's back arched as his bony pistons pumped and sparked with electricity, and he roared towards the sky as his muscles bulged and threatened to tear his hide of scales and the mire around him rippled violently.

Enormous vines covered in thick thorns ripped out of the earth, and Sleipnir cursed and backpedaled as these lashed out in all directions, black roses blooming all along the lengths of the mire-dripping tendrils of organic life. Luna grinned widely at this, a strange sensation of power filling her body as the platform of crystallized mire thrummed beneath her, her soulstone horn glowing brighter as she whispered: “And 'tis only the beginning of what we can do!”

“And more than sufficient for now.” Celestia murmured softly, even as her eyes continued to gaze on with something like amazement as organic life continued to spread through the dark mire, watching as the vines crawled up a metal girder laying half-sunken in the mire before constricting it, crushing and dragging it down deeper into the sludge.

Luna frowned over at Celestia, but then nodded hesitantly before she whistled loudly to Scrivener Blooms, who halted and shook his head out, glancing towards her. Sleipnir and Pinkamena both stopped as well as the living vines settled, as if they too understood what was going on... or more likely, Celestia thought the organic life responded to Scrivener and Luna's emotions: roiling when their emotions grew high or tense, settling as they calmed themselves.

But they did calm, and Antares finally leaned back from where he had been staring dumbly the entire time before he laughed dumbly, saying finally: “I'm... I'm never going to be able to keep up with any of you. To live up to any of... that.”

“Believe me, hero... you're already well on your way there. I'm the one who has to try and be a tenth as strong as the Valkyries of old... and I still have no idea how I'm going to manage that.” Prestige said softly, smiling over at the stallion before she blushed a little as her eyes roved to Luna and Celestia, gazing between them warmly. “Thank you both. Just from listening to you and observing you, I feel that I'm already learning a lot.”

“I do not know what precisely thou could have learned from us, but... I am glad to hear it, all the same.” Luna said softly, smiling a little down at Prestige, and the unicorn mare bowed her head respectfully, making the sapphire pony chuckle before she reached up and gently bopped a hoof against the fellow mare's helmet. “Now cease that. Thou must treat us as thou would treat thy older sisters, not with only respect and deference but honesty and a little undermining and rudeness now and then. To show us too much respect is to insult us.”

“Aye, 'tis very true. 'Tis also something that began to change many years ago, after the Barons fortified their powers and while I believe our dearest big sister was working to unite Equestria. Only then were all those pitiable and silly rules of etiquette and conduct all established, and we were all expected to begin using big fancy words and follow all these other silly rules of order.” Sleipnir declared as he drew close, grinning widely as he winked over at Celestia as she favored him with an amused look, then he turned a playful glare to Luna. “And thou! How despairing I was to find, after my passing, that my little sister began to take on Celestia's wicked ways...”

“Oh shut up! 'Twas only momentary!” Luna laughed and shoved at Sleipnir as he strode over to her, wrapping a foreleg around her and squeezing her firmly against his battered body with a smile. “Besides, it all worked out, did it not? I transformed into a terrible monster and Celestia sent me to the moon. Then I returned, tried for a little while to be serious and polite, and then pummeled Celestia and triumphantly strode off into exile.”

Sleipnir nodded a few times at this, smiling amusedly down at the mare before his eyes roved up to Celestia. The ivory mare gazed at the two of them, and then her eyes roved upwards with amusement as Scrivener Blooms approached, still in Tyrant Wyrm shape and with Pinkamena now lounging in a sprawl over the back of his head, her own shape already returned to normal. “Yes, little brother. I live with reminders of my mistakes every day, there's no need to go shouting all about them. As happy as I know that makes you and Luna.”

“It does not make me happy, Celestia. But seeing thou and my little sister smile brings me great joy, and watching thee actually push past thy mistakes instead of suffocating thyself with them also warms my heart.” Sleipnir said kindly, before he gazed affectionately over his shoulder and gestured easily up at Scrivener Blooms. “And look at brother! He held up fantastically, did he not? Aye, Thesis shan't be able to match the strength of our siblings, Celestia, and it gives me joy to think of even as I also still feel frustrated that... we shall not be permitted to aid them in this journey.”

Sleipnir quieted, and Luna smiled a little and glanced down as Scrivener shifted uncomfortably, then glanced up and softened behind his mask as he felt Pinkamena silently stroke behind one of his horns, feeling her gazing down and demanding a quiet promise from him. He nodded after a moment, just a little bit, but more than enough for her to see and feel, and she nodded back before digging her hoof painfully into his scales just beneath the lip of his mask, murmuring: “I'll hold you to that, you big, stupid bastard. You and her better come back alive. And hey, Slippers, even if we can't go, we're still gonna do everything we can to push these two hard, right?”

Sleipnir nodded firmly at this, grinning slightly as he stomped a hoof against the mire and agreed: “Aye phoenix, and Celestia shall help, shan't she? For she is both wonderful and terrible a creature, and I can think of precious few others whom I would desire the aid of.”

Celestia nodded slowly, then smiled as Discombobulation rested a hand on her shoulder, reaching up to touch this silently. Antares approached, not even seeming to notice how he automatically positioned himself next to Prestige, and the ivory mare softened as she looked through the group before giving them all a silent promise: she was going to do everything in her power to help every one of them... and no matter what happened, she was going to make sure that Scrivener and Luna were ready, would be able to stop Thesis... and would come back alive.

Author's Note:

Chapter Theme:
Pink Floyd - On The Turning Away

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