• Published 21st Mar 2013
  • 2,070 Views, 388 Comments

Synthesis of the Atheist - BlackRoseRaven

Luna and Scrivener become the targets of a malicious, narcissistic psychopath. 8th story in the 99 Worlds Saga/Blooming Moon Chronicles.

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Lanchester's Loophole

Chapter Twelve: Lanchester's Loophole

Princess Celestia was only interested in protecting Equestria, in keeping her country safe. She had fostered peace with other nations, gave second chances to everypony – whether they deserved it or not – and fostered unity and equality between unicorns, Pegasi, and earth ponies. There was only one thing she would not accept: forbidden, black magic that tampered with the laws of life and death, that was meant only for evil ends. She would not allow darkness to waltz into her country under the guise of a pony who said she only wanted to help, when she all-too-well understood its true nature.

These ponies told an interesting story, but none of it had been confirmed. All the same, she had sent scouts to Appleloosa, while calling the unit of Royal Guard into Ponyville she'd had waiting nearby just in case. Because Twilight Sparkle had been very clear from her letter these ponies didn't just look like them... they had been dressed like warriors.

And she hadn't missed any of the small details: the one who looked like Luna had sharp teeth and fangs and reeked of dark magic. Not just night magic, but a darkness that burned out of her so powerfully Princess Celestia had barely been able to hide her shivers. And the big stallion had his own carnivorous jaw and... something about him was strange. He emitted... a terrible sensation.

The one who looked like her had a sword on her back that looked like it could fell a hydra with a single slice. And there was a Pegasus there, with red eyes and a red mane and... who gave her spine a tingle, like there was something wrong with her. And how could she miss the fact that the younger stallion had those leather wings? Wings like the Night Pegasi, except his clearly weren't natural from the horn on his head...

But worst of all was the one who looked like Twilight Sparkle. Who was not Twilight Sparkle but a filthy, unhallowed, sin-filled Lich. She knew what they were: unicorns gone so mad with power they used their own magic to keep themselves alive forever with the cruelest of necromancy. Who took to preying and experimenting on the living, who were fueled by lust for power and greed and all the things Celestia hated and wanted purged from her country.

She didn't want to imagine the Equestria these monsters must have come from. She figured it must be an evil place, full of such darkness, and such hatred, if these reflections lived and ruled there. And she was scared of what their true purpose might be... why they must have come to her Equestria.

The Royal Guard was fighting them... but it was a desperate and losing battle, and Celestia knew she had to do something. But the Elements of Harmony were back in Canterlot, and... she thought some of Twilight's friends actually sympathized with these creatures...

And then Princess Celestia winced and ducked as a unicorn was slung at her, the armored stallion howling as he flew just over her head and Luna Brynhild shouted furiously: “Get in here and fight, wretched coward, before I lose my temper!”

Then Luna's eyes flicked to the side as a Pegasus Guard shot towards her, and she half-spun to kick both rear hooves out and smash them into the stallion's chest, knocking him flying through the air on a wide arc. Beaten and bludgeoned bodies lay on the ground all around the square, as Luna Brynhild and her family continued to fight savagely against the swarming soldiers.

Several ran towards Celestia Freya, but the golden-armored mare only glanced towards the group as her horn glowed before she flicked it firmly, and there was a bright flash of intense light before the leading guards were frozen in position with shocked looks on their faces, bodies left completely immobilized. Then she grimaced as a missile of magical energy hit her in the side and ricocheted off her armor, slowly turning a moody look on the now-gaping unicorn soldier that had gotten in the lucky blow before she snapped her horn upwards, and the soldier was launched into the air with a howl as the ground beneath him exploded, chunks of rock and earth flying in all directions with enough force to knock other golden-armored troops sprawling.

Twilight Sparkle winced as a Pegasus lunged at her before she snapped her horn forwards, blasting it backwards with a simple force spell. It launched it with enough power to send it smashing into several other armored soldiers, however, knocking them spilling like dominoes before she staggered with a wince when several unicorns pelted her with blasts of magic, her cloak bursting into flames before she hurriedly snapped her horn to tear it free as her wings spread automatically.

The ponies around her were were shocked at the sight of the broad, raven-edged wings, and from near the library, the Twilight Sparkle of this world gaped in amazement... before the Lich dropped her head forwards and stomped both front hooves back to the earth, and all around her, thick vines exploded upwards out of the ground, seizing and snaring around golden-armored troops and binding them in place or yanking them viciously down into the earth, sending a wave of panic through the crowd as the Lich shouted: “Just stop! We're not your enemy!”

Scrivener Blooms was fighting near Luna, and he winced as a vine tore past him to seize into a unicorn and yank him face-first into the ground. It was welcome, though, as the charcoal stallion quickly turned to face another soldier running at him. Scrivy leapt forwards and easily dodged a swipe from the pony before he swung a foreleg up, catching the soldier around the throat and lifting him into the air in with the clothesline before slamming him straight down onto his back, knocking all the fight of the trooper as he shouted: “Luna, they just keep coming!”

“There can't be many left!” Scarlet Sage called from where she and Apple Bloom were fighting beside Meadowlark: they were working hard to keep the young Pegasus safe, Apple Bloom's hooves striking like lightning and with surprising strength against any soldier that dared to approach her, while the silver mare was moving with more finesse, using her bladed bracer to leave painful defensive wounds over the faces of the ponies that tried to attack her, concentrating on stunning them and driving them off more than knocking them out.

Antares looked up quickly, gazing back and forth before he did a sudden smooth, acrobatic jump into the air, wings flapping powerfully once to launch himself in a short revolution over a stunned Royal Guard that tackled only the ground instead of the stallion before he squeaked when Antares landed firmly on his back. “There's only eleven left!”

“Twelve!” shouted an angry voice, and Antares looked up in surprise to see Shining Armor charging straight towards him, the unicorn's horn glowing before he tilted it forwards and sent a blast of light shooting at the glossy-black stallion's face.

Antares reacted on instinct, lashing his own horn down and deflecting the laser of light, and Shining Armor stared in surprise before Antares ran quickly forwards. The two unicorns leapt at one another, and Antares cursed as he took a solid punch to the face, knocked down on his side before quickly drawing his head away when Shining attempted to smash in his skull with a hoof.

Antares slashed his horn outwards, and Shining Armor cursed in pain and leapt backwards with a wince as a thin rip was torn through his foreleg. He stumbled once, then started to look up... and was knocked senseless when Antares' hoof smashed up under his jawline with shocking force, sending the unicorn sprawling on his back before the glossy-black stallion leapt backwards and snapped his horn down, the last of the fight knocked from the Captain of the Guard when a blast of pure force hammered into his stomach with enough strength to knock him skidding several feet through the dirt. “Eleven!”

Luna Brynhild grinned widely at this, eyes glowing with approval, a stunned Pegasus held up by the shoulders in her hooves... and then she glared back ahead as another guard began to run towards her, and she hefted the already-senseless guard in her front hooves high above her head before slamming him straight down into the soldier that tried to stop his charge too late, knocking them both flat. Then she looked sharply to the side as she saw the chance she'd been waiting for: Princess Celestia was unguarded, with only Princess Luna staring and gaping beside her furious-looking sibling. “And now for that bitch-slap!”

The sapphire mare shot towards her, and Celestia's eyes widened in shock before she flicked her horn upwards, creating a golden shield of light. Luna Brynhild was undeterred, however, smashing into this with her shoulder before she snarled and began to hammer viciously away at it with her hooves, cracks beginning to spread through the glowing barrier as Princess Celestia winced in surprise.

Then the Princess of the Sun gritted her teeth before suddenly snapping her horn upwards, back arching as her eyes blazed, and the golden barrier exploded in a blast of light and sound and force, knocking Luna flying backwards with a curse of surprise. Her body reacted on its own in midair, flipping smoothly before she landed on her hooves and skidded backwards, then her eyes widened as Princess Celestia leaned forwards and unleashed a concentrated beam of radiant energy.

Luna stepped forwards and slashed her horn into this beam, snarling and wincing at the blinding light shining out of it, her body flexing as Scrivener Blooms winced... then gritted his teeth, flexing and closing his eyes as in a moment, Twilight Sparkle was beside him, standing at the ready and giving him the time he needed to concentrate. He poured his strength and energy into Luna through their link, even as he felt something inside him stirring... but even if it was Valthrudnir, it only watched with acute interest, not interfering, perhaps even... taking pleasure in what was happening.

Luna Brynhild snarled as the remaining soldiers withdrew from the battle to watch as their Princess poured all her energy and strength into attacking the armored mare... and then Celestia's eyes widened in horror as the sapphire, armored winged unicorn took a slow step forwards, her horn glowing and cutting into the beam of energy. Motes and energy sparked around Luna's features as her expression twisted into a grin, feeling Scrivener giving her even more strength as she growled: “'Tis a fun game, Princess Celestia... but playtime is over!”

Her horn slashed forwards, releasing a concentrated blade of sapphire energy at the same time that tore straight through the center of Celestia's attack, tearing the beam of light into two halves before it struck squarely into the Princess of the Sun's horn and exploded. She cried out in agony as her magic was interrupted and she was knocked rearing back, lightning and blue flames searing her features as Luna Brynhild leapt into the air and snapped: “'Tis now time for hoof party in thy face's house!”

Princess Celestia had enough time to gape before Luna Brynhild shot down from the skies and smashed a vicious punch straight into her cheek, knocking her bouncing painfully backwards before she finally crashed down on her side, gasping for breath and her eyes staring blankly outwards in horror. Her tiara hit the ground behind her a moment later, clinking as it rolled over the stones as she lay helpless and defeated, the imprint of Luna's front hoof mashed clearly into her features.

Luna Brynhild strode slowly forwards as Princess Luna hurried to her big sister's side, then stared up in fear at this darker, far-stronger version of herself. But the armored sapphire mare had eyes only for Princess Celestia at the moment, who slowly, weakly forced herself to stare up at her conqueror, trembling weakly, not wanting to imagine what was going to happen now... to her beautiful Equestria, to peace and harmony, to everything she had tried to protect... much less what this monster was going to do to her.

Then Luna Brynhild slowly leaned down, baring her fangs in a wide grin before she said haughtily: “Consider thyself bitch-slapped. Now, as victor, I demand a cake. And prostitutes. And possibly sexual favors from thee, depending upon how pleasant the prostitutes are. But I fear that if thou art as lousy in bed as thou art at the art of combat, I will be much better off with just the prostitutes, even if they are ugly and short.”

“I thought you liked short.” Scrivener remarked mildly as he approached, and Luna Brynhild shrugged amiably before she turned away to smile at him, then prance happily over towards Celestia Freya, who looked torn between disapproval, exasperation, and pleasure at their triumph... and more so, achieving this without having to leave any severe injuries.

“Well, aye, I do sometimes. But it depends on the type of shortness, Scrivener Blooms. I do not like squat and I do not like stumpy.” Luna Brynhild replied seriously, and then she sighed tiredly at the look that her big sister gave her, as the other ponies of their group approached with their own looks of relief and even pride. “Oh, uh... Angry Celestia, aye, I think I shall call thou that. Angry, Bitch-Slapped Celestia, my big sister desires to take our leave as soon as possible for Appleloosa.”

“I... what?” the Princess of the Sun slowly forced herself up, shaking her head out and then wincing a bit as she reached up to touch her bruised features: but in spite of the pain throbbing through her head, it was her ego that had taken the worst of the damage. And Princess Luna was only staring, clearly not knowing what to make of things herself even as the Twilight of this layer hurried across the square with her friends in tow, tossing a terrified look at the ponies of the other world.

But Luna Brynhild was smiling again, looking... relaxed. Happy, even, like they had just played some game she had won instead of been involved in a violent, bloody battle. “I... I don't understand...”

“We mean you no harm.” Freya took up, and she sighed and took a moment to shush Brynhild when the mare opened her mouth, making her glower and grumble. “Princess Celestia... we aren't whatever you think we are. We are here to help... to try and put a stop to whatever evil was detected here, and hopefully before it can mature into a threat, if it hasn't already. I understand that... my little sister likes to defend herself very... vigorously... but don't forget that you threatened and attacked us.”

“I...” Princess Celestia shook her head out slowly, then looked silently up, seeing Twilight Sparkle in front of her... her best, most trusted, most loved student. And with her, all her friends... all of them looking at her, and even though in Twilight's eyes she saw adoration, respect, compassion, and only concern for her... in some of the eyes of these ponies, the Elements of Harmony, she saw anxiety, and maybe even...

The Princess of the Sun shook her head slowly, then looked at her little sister. Princess Luna was breathing unevenly, looking uneasily at the eight pony strangers... but was that shame, too? And the ivory mare closed her eyes as she reached up and touched the hoof-mark on her face, then sighed quietly and slowly stood up.

“I... I understand your point.” Princess Celestia said softly, and she bowed her head as she murmured: “I apologize. I am sure... we can help you find appropriate lodgings in Ponyville for the night, and I'll ensure that tomorrow you're able to board the train to Appleloosa. If the scouts I have sent to the town find out anything, I will... I will share that information with you as well.”

She stopped, then looked up as Luna Brynhild nodded firmly, and bit her lip before her eyes roved silently to the Lich. And this Twilight Sparkle from the other layer refused to meet her eyes, only turning her head away, and Princess Celestia's heart clenched as she wondered silently what it would be like if her own Twilight one day did that. One day refused to even look at her. “Twilight Sparkle... I apologize for...”

“It's alright.” the Lich said softly, shaking her head once before she reached up and silently touched her breast. “I just want you to believe that... we're not monsters, and we're not here to start a war. We really want to help. I... want to help.”

There was silence, and then Princess Celestia looked quietly, almost embarrassedly down at Twilight Sparkle in front of her, saying finally: “Please. Help our... our new friends find a place to stay. And Shining Armor... where is Shining Armor?”

“Here... ma'am...” wheezed the white unicorn, stumbling forwards before he came to a halt and shook his head out, rubbing slowly at his chest and tossing a glower towards Antares. “How can I be of service?”

“Please attend to the injured and get everyone on the march back to Canterlot, or at least those who can make the journey.” Celestia said quietly, and then she glanced down as her little sister nudged her gently, looking at her curiously.

Princess Luna shifted, then leaned up and murmured something, and Luna Brynhild couldn't help but cock her head with interest: this Luna was so different from her, and from the Lunas they had encountered in other layers. She was quiet, almost meek, reserved... hadn't shown much of a temper, and hadn't done anything but stare the whole time they had fought. But Luna Brynhild couldn't decide if it was because of cowardice and being too scared to react, or if it was because of wisdom and knowing it had been a quarrel between Luna Brynhild and Princess Celestia, not a war between good and evil?

Whatever her request was, Princess Celestia looked surprised by it, and then she nodded slowly and looked towards Twilight Sparkle, who was staring up at her worriedly. “My little sister will be staying here for the night, to help keep an eye on things. Will you be okay with her staying with you in the library?”

“I... yes, I suppose...” Twilight said nervously, the purple unicorn shifting back and forth on her hooves as she tossed worried little looks over her shoulder at the group of eight strange, warrior ponies. “I... are you sure about this, Princess Celestia? I mean, you look... I... they...”

“Think of this as part of your studies on the magic of friendship, Twilight Sparkle. Treat it as... an assignment.” Princess Celestia said after a moment, giving a small smile... and she did her best to ignore the way that Luna Brynhild giggled to herself. What helped a surprising amount was looking up to see the other Twilight Sparkle was smiling faintly, as if in nostalgia... and Princess Celestia turned her eyes slowly back down to her student, saying softly: “This is important.”

“Alright, of course, Princess.” Twilight Sparkle nodded firmly, taking a few calming breaths, and then Princess Celestia looked up and gave a small smile before she closed her eyes and turned away, silently striding off down the street... and Freya's eyes followed her counterpart's journey with a faint smile, remembering all the times she had felt like that... alone.

Shining Armor grimaced a little, and then he sighed quietly and gave his sister a worried look, but before he could even say anything, Rainbow Dash was beside Twilight, throwing a foreleg around her shoulders and giving a grin as she said firmly: “Don't you worry, we'll hang with Twilight and help her out, keep an eye on things.”

“And so shall I.” Princess Luna added, smiling courteously to Shining Armor before she bowed her head. “Excuse me. I wish to speak to our... friends. Twilight Sparkle, do you mind if I bring them into the library?”

“No, no, go ahead. I need to... figure things out, anyway.” the violet mare mumbled, rubbing nervously at her forehead before she asked in a quieter, hurried voice: “Are... are you sure you want to go talk to them alone, Princess? Or at all? I mean... I understand this must be very important but-”

“I'll go with her, Twilight, don't you worry none, okay? I'm sure it was all just a misunderstanding.” Applejack said reassuringly, smiling, and Twilight nodded hesitantly before the Princess and the earth pony turned away, striding quickly towards the group. And almost the moment they reached grinning, cheerful-looking Luna Brynhild, Applejack's face fell as she asked almost pleadingly: “So that was just a misunderstanding, right? Right?”

Luna Brynhild shrugged, looked thoughtful, then said positively: “Nay, I very much meant to bitch-slap Celestia. 'Twas delightful. And I would do it again. That was not a misunderstanding.”

“She means before that, dearest.” Scrivener Blooms said dryly, and he smiled awkwardly as he turned his eyes back to the two ponies of this layer. “Yes, it was. None of us want to hurt anyone.”

“That is a foul lie. There are many, many ponies I want to hurt. Thy agent, Barry, for one. And Sleipnir, I love my big brother but I must always hurt him at some point during the day or 'tis like... 'tis like a night without the stars, it just does not bode well with me.” Luna interjected, and then she looked moodily over her shoulder at Celestia. “I want to hurt thou sometimes, Freya. Thou art fat. And stuffy. And a fun-killer. Thou kills fun. Thou kills it with thy stuffy fat buttocks by sitting upon it. Stuffy fat fun-killing Celestia Freya.”

Ponies were only staring at Luna as Scrivener slowly dropped his face in one hoof, and Celestia closed her eyes with a long, exasperated sigh. Then, to the surprise of all present, Princess Luna gave a small, quiet giggle... and slowly, it began to grow in volume as Luna Brynhild grinned like a foal that had just been brought to the candy store for the first time, her eyes gleaming before she joined in as Princess outright laughed.

Scrivener and Twilight were both staring in something like horror, while Scarlet Sage closed her eyes and rubbed at her temples as Antares said sourly: “Still happy you came?”

“What is wrong with our family?” Scarlet Sage asked almost pleadingly, and then she paused before looking at Antares as he shrugged. “Then again, I'm the adopted one. You're the one who's going to be like... that... one day.”

Antares winced and stared at his mother as both Lunas continued to laugh, and then he shook his head wildly before saying hurriedly: “No way, I might end up like Dad!”

Apple Bloom only snorted in amusement at this thought as Meadowlark said gently: “Antares, I hate to tell you this, but... you already kind of act like your Mom as it is. It's okay, though, it really is. She's a great pony to be around. She's just a little... funny.”

The young stallion slumped a bit, then looked up as both Lunas slowly got themselves under control before the Princess smiled almost admiringly, hesitating before blushing slightly as she murmured: “I have to admit... I wish that I had the courage to speak to my big sister the way you speak to yours. But it always seems that when I don't agree with her, she just... continues to push her ideas anyway, and eventually I have no choice but to submit.”

“Then that is a great difference between us. For never will I submit to my Celestia... but do not think, either, that I do not love and adore her, perhaps as much as thou clearly must thine own.” Luna Brynhild said softly, smiling up at her sibling, and the ivory mare gazed back down at her softly. “I suppose... 'tis simply in my nature to push things. It has always been. I am a troublemaker.”

“She's a rebel.” whispered a voice loudly, and when all eyes turned to Scrivener, he stared blankly back before slowly looking over at one of his satchels, which rustled awkwardly before there was a curse... and then a loud sneeze.

Luna Brynhild's eyes narrowed dangerously at the satchel bag before she poked at it a few times with her horn, and a throat cleared itself from inside the bag before a voice announced loudly: “Pay no attention to the Draconequus behind the curtain. Or. Within the saddlebag, as so he may be in this instance. Nothing to see here, move along, move along.”

There was awkward silence, and then Luna flicked the saddlebag's top up, revealing a tiny Discombobulation sitting calmly on the top of their packed equipment. He stayed almost perfectly still, slowly turning his eyes to peer towards the stunned Princess Luna and Applejack before he whispered loudly: “She can't see us if we don't move.”

Brynhild glowered at this, then stepped forwards and bopped the Draconequus quickly with her horn, making him yelp before she flicked the spire firmly to the side to launch the chimerical creature out of the bag. He flew out, then neatly rolled in midair before puffing up to normal size, landing on his mismatched feet and calmly pirouetting in a circle, saying dryly: “Just because I like ballet doesn't mean I'm a poof, you know.”

“Thou banged Celestia, that means thou art a poof.” Luna Brynhild retorted, and Discombobulation turned beet red and grabbed at his face in vexation, as Celestia cleared her throat pointedly and glared down at her little sister, who only huffed in response. “Well, 'tis true! Look at thou! Thou art built like a stallion!”

“So how long have you been hiding in there?” Scrivener asked mildly, but Discombobulation was still glaring daggers at the Luna of this layer, so the charcoal stallion only sighed before turning his eyes towards the ponies of this world... then wincing a little when he saw Twilight and her friends were gaping, too, although at least Shining Armor was too busy tending to his soldiers to see the Draconequus. “Uh... this is Discombobulation, he's a friend. Bob, maybe you want to hide again.”

At this, the Draconequus nodded seriously, straightening and crossing his arms. “Yes, Luna, that's some very good advice. Advice that I should probably take.” He paused for a moment, then suddenly threw his head back and his arms towards the sky, screaming as loudly as he could and drawing the word out as long as possible: “Khan!”

All eyes immediately turned to stare at the Draconequus as he breathed hard in and out, looking up into the sky for a few moments as Scrivener gaped, Twilight closed her eyes, and Luna grinned despite herself. Then, slowly, the Draconequus lowered his arms and said calmly: “And how we deal with death is at least as important as how we deal with life, wouldn't you say?”

“Oh, you're going to die, alright. But you're going to get pummeled first.” Scrivener said dryly, and then he looked awkwardly at Princess Luna, who was nervously drawing her eyes over the Draconequus, her gaze lingering on his prosthetic, metallic limb.

Discombobulation looked at her moodily, reaching up to absently touch his metallic arm before he said dryly: “Please stop staring at me like that. I'm not Will Smith and this is not an adaptation of a book about androids that may have dreams of electric sheep.”

Princess Luna looked dumbfounded, and then Luna Brynhild punched Discombobulation firmly in the giraffe leg, making him whine and rub at this slowly as she explained in a dour voice: “The creature speaks in things stolen from other worlds, do not mind anything he says. He enjoys the confusion of others. And simply being a buttocks.”

The Princess of the Night nodded apprehensively, and then Discombobulation looked up meditatively as Shining Armor strode quickly towards them, his eyes narrowed at the Draconequus. But just as he began to open his mouth, Discombobulation hurriedly threw his arms up and declared: “I'm warning you, I am a lethal killing machine. It was a secret government experiment. They did stuff to me. Spooky stuff. Anal stuff. It turned me into a dangerous telekinetic. As the ancient Tibetan philosophy states: 'don't start none, won't be none!'”

Shining Armor only stared, and then Discombobulation slowly rose his thumbs and pointed both index fingers, lowering his limbs until he was miming aiming guns with both hands at Shining Armor. For a moment, the Captain of the Guard stared, and then he shook his head and scoffed, staring forwards: “Oh this is absolutely ridiculous, and I have h-”

There was a tremendous bang, and Shining Armor was launched backwards with a yelp into the soldiers behind him, knocking them sprawling as Discombobulation flicked his hands out, then posed for a moment before vanishing. Luna Brynhild laughed again, and Celestia sighed and shook her head... but she had the smallest of smiles on her face all the same as she turned towards Shining Armor, the white unicorn looking more stunned than hurt as she offered: “Would you like me to heal you? Or perhaps I can at least help you with your soldiers.”

Shining Armor blinked a few times, and then he hurriedly sat up and shook himself out, glaring back and forth before slumping and giving a tired sigh. He muttered to himself for a moment, then glanced up at Celestia, looking nervously at her before Princess Luna caught his eye and gave him a pointed look... and a moment later, the ivory stallion nodded, dropping his head and clearing his throat as he said finally: “It would... be appreciated, Celestia Freya. And I... on behalf of the Royal Guard and Equestria I... want to apologize.”

“No, don't. You were only doing your job, and the Princesses have been more than accommodating now that we've sorted things out. It's to be applauded that you and your soldiers continued to fight us in spite of the situation.” Celestia replied kindly, and Luna Brynhild grunted and tilted her head back and forth. Then the ivory mare smiled over her shoulder, suggesting: “Meadowlark, Scarlet Sage, perhaps you could assist, too, and I'm sure Princess Luna has plans for the rest of you.”

There were a few hesitant nods, and Princess Luna smiled a little before looking over her shoulder at Twilight Sparkle... but the violet mare was still rambling away with her friends and clearly trying to make sense of the whole situation. “I agree, this sounds very good, Freya. You... remind me very much of my sister, I hope you don't mind me saying.”

“Not at all.” the golden-armored, enormous mare said softly, and then she smiled again before glancing over at Shining Armor, gesturing towards him kindly as Meadowlark and Scarlet Sage stepped out of the group. “Please. Lead the way.”

The Captain of the Guard nodded, seeming a little more trusting now, and as he led the three away, Princess Luna gestured to the other ponies and headed towards the library door. Applejack automatically fell in step with them as well, striding beside Apple Bloom and studying her almost nervously, until the orange-eyed earth pony smiled over at her. “It's strange, huh?”

“Yeah. I mean, my little sister Apple Bloom... she ain't no filly anymore, but she's not quite as big as you, either.” Applejack said finally, smiling awkwardly in return before she shook her head and added: “I don't mean to keep staring. It just feels kinda like looking at the future, although I don't think she's uh...” She stopped, coughed, then asked quickly: “So is that a real rifle on your back?”

“Yeah, it is. I call her Chimera, 'cause she can use atypical calibers I make myself with her adjustable mag.” Apple Bloom said with a smile, and when Applejack only looked at her blankly, the engineer pony blushed and cleared her throat. “Sorry. I'm so used to Cowlick being the only one who asks about my guns that I forget to talk about 'em normal-like. And she always gets pissed off at me whether I use technical terms or not.”

“Who?” Applejack asked curiously, before she shook her head and asked a second, more-incredulous question: “Wait, you're saying you built that thing yourself?”

“Yup.” Apple Bloom smiled as she let the mare who looked exactly like a younger version of her big sister stride into the library first, and then the red-maned earth pony grinned a little at the look on the farmpony's feature. “Hey, believe me. I'm the most normal one here apart from Meadowlark out there, even if I am some lesbian engineer who can make her own guns and ammo.”

“And there's nothin' wrong with that.” Applejack said hurriedly and awkwardly, and then she smiled lamely when Apple Bloom laughed and shook her head, giving her an amused look. “I... sorry. It's just... I don't mean no offense or nothing, but it's just a little strange.”

“What, they don't have lesbians here?” Apple Bloom asked mildly, and this earned a loud giggle from Luna Brynhild as Applejack blushed awkwardly. “Well, that's what it sounds like. But don't you worry none, I don't plan on gaying the whole place up.”

“Thou should though, thou should because 'tis boring otherwise. If there are no pretty mares to make out with, then just what has life come to?” Luna complained, and Scrivener Blooms sighed tiredly as Twilight looked almost pleadingly at the sapphire mare, as the Princess of the Night gave another amused smile before blushing slightly when Brynhild turned a grin on her. “Would thou like to kiss me? 'Tis not often thou art given the chance to taste thyself. Unless thou art very good at-”

Scrivener reached up and flicked the armored sapphire mare's horn firmly, and Luna winced and shrank her head back as Princess Luna stared and blushed deeper. Then Applejack cleared her throat awkwardly before Apple Bloom smiled over at her, adding: “Besides, being a filly-fooler ain't nothing compared to those three over there.”

The charcoal stallion gave her a flat look, but the engineer mare only winked at him as Applejack looked up awkwardly, then hurriedly shook her head out before saying lamely: “Maybe we should just focus on the task at hoof. So are y'all serious about... going out west? Seeing what's happening out there?”

“Yes, I would like to know more about what this 'dark force' you spoke of might be, as well.” Princess Luna added after a moment, glancing up and nodding slowly. “From what you have demonstrated, you are more than capable warriors... so it makes me all the more worried from what you've hinted about... what did you call it?”

“Clockwork World, or Decretum. It's... it's a dark, evil place we should all do our best to avoid.” Scrivener said softly after a moment, looking down and reaching up to rub at his forehead. Whatever had risen up for a moment inside him was gone... but what worried him was that he didn't think it had been Valthrudnir. He thought now that it might have just been... some locked-away, dark part of himself. “I... well...”

He stopped, looking back and forth at Twilight and Luna Brynhild, and when they both nodded slowly, Scrivener closed his eyes and bowed his head forwards, clearing his throat. When he opened them, he saw Princess Luna looking at him intently, and Applejack was frowning in concern; Apple Bloom, beside her, was only smiling faintly, however, and Antares was gazing at his father with a softness in his eyes, a compassion that helped Scrivener to look up and say quietly: “I'm a Clockwork Pony myself, to tell the truth. But I'm different than the others, and I don't mean just because... I'm fighting for my Equestria, Looking Glass World. That was where I grew up – well, sort of – and where I found... all the reasons I have to live and fight.”

He smiled a little as he glanced towards Antares again, then returned his eyes to the Princess of the Night, continuing quietly: “Clockwork Ponies are mechanical, designed for... specific purposes but almost all of them that we've seen seem like they can be adapted for warfare. I'm more of a... a cuckoo, a... Replicant. I'm telling you this because I want to show you something and I don't want you to freak out too much, but I think it'll help get across why we're here. Why we're so eager to... stop Clockwork World, and what they're capable of.”

Scrivener glanced towards Twilight and Luna Brynhild, and the Lich smiled faintly as she glanced over at the sapphire mare, saying quietly: “I'll do it. I know you must still be tired from fighting Celestia.”

“Nay, she was not nearly as wicked as our world's Celestia.” Luna said pompously, but she smiled all the same as Princess Luna sighed, but looked almost admiring for a moment as Applejack just looked at the sapphire mare awkwardly.

But then all eyes were drawn to Twilight Sparkle as she calmly rose her head, her eyes closed as she took a slow breath and her horn glowed. Bright motes of the same aura began to float away from the spire, sinking down through the air to begin coalescing into a shape as Princess Luna's eyes widened, watching as the shape took form and the light began to solidify until there was a strange, tiny little sprite that was vaguely pony-shaped sitting on the earth, looking back and forth curiously.

“Old magic. Powerful magic.” Princess Luna whispered, and Twilight Sparkle smiled tiredly, stepping backwards and shaking her head out as the glow died out from around her horn. “You... created life...”

Twilight only shrugged a bit, the Lich breathing slowly and too exhausted to explain right now what she had done. She half-closed her eyes as Luna Brynhild rubbed a hoof over her back soothingly, relaxing but keeping a sharp eye on the sprite as Scrivener stepped forwards, then reached down and pressed his hoof against it.

He took a slow breath, then winced a bit as he concentrated, feeling vessels opening up, feeling heat and pain before the sprite squealed as Applejack and Princess Luna both watched with shock, then Scrivener quickly stepped back as the tiny creature fell to the ground and began to writhe uncontrollably. Part of the bright purple little beast had now turned black, and its eyes rolled madly in its head before Princess Luna automatically began to step forwards, but her counterpart reached a hoof up and said sharply: “Thou does not want to do that.”

Princess Luna began to open her mouth... then stared in horror as the sprite howled, its jaws stretching wide as poisonous, thorny vines ripped out of its flesh, twisting back and forth through the air. Flesh and muscle humped up, became thicker as the form of the creature enlarged, claws becoming gnarled hooks, eyes turning dead black as the sprite slowly stood up, then looked back and forth, drooling hungrily. Slowly, the now-monster's eyes turned to Applejack, who staggered backwards in horror... but before it could do anything else, Twilight sharply flicked her horn, and the sprite collapsed in a splatter of black ooze as the life force that made up the rest of the creature evaporated out of its warped body.

“What... what happened... that... I do not understand...” Princess Luna looked up with horror, and Scrivener smiled faintly as he glanced down, studying the dark corruption still dripping slowly around his hoof.

“And the worst part is probably that I'm not even the worst of what Clockwork World has to offer.” Scrivener murmured, and then he looked awkwardly across at Luna Brynhild when she gazed at him softly. “I mean... we just want you to understand that these things... they're... dangerous.”

“Can all Clockwork Ponies do that?” Princess Luna whispered, and when Scrivener shook his head slowly, she took a slow breath and composed herself, even as Applejack continued to stare with horror at the puddle of black ooze on the floor. “Then... tell me more about these... abominations. Not that... not that I think...”

“I am an abomination.” Scrivener said quietly before he could stop himself, and then he blushed a bit when Antares looked at him silently, almost pleadingly, and Luna Brynhild turned a sharp glare on him. “I mean... sorry. Just... showing what I am makes me...”

“I think I can understand, to... some degree.” Princess Luna said after a moment, then she looked down at her own hoof for a moment before clearing her throat, drawing her eyes back upwards and adding quietly: “I do not wish to press either of you, but... I will have to learn as much as you can teach me about these forces you seem convinced are here, in my sister's Equestria.”

“'My sister's Equestria.' I would never call it that.” Brynhild paused reflectively. “Well, I suppose 'tis not her Equestria any longer either in any event, no matter how many ponies still worship her. But that is only a technicality.”

Princess Luna only smiled faintly, but then Applejack looked up worriedly, saying anxiously: “Wait, Scrivener, what you did to that thing... are... are you implyin' that those ponies that've gone missing out west, they might... those Clockwork things might...”

Scrivener didn't know what to say, only glancing awkwardly away, and then Apple Bloom reached up and squeezed her not-sister's shoulder slowly, saying soothingly: “Look, these ponies you see here? They're more than a little scary, but they're the best damn ponies you can hope to have on your side, too. We're gonna stop whatever's going on out in Appleloosa.”

Applejack nodded hesitantly, looking uneasily at Apple Bloom for a moment before she bit her lip... then suddenly looked ahead, exclaiming: “Princess, we can't let these ponies go out there alone, without giving them... some kind of help! We may not be much, but this is our Equestria and... and even if they want to do this alone, they shouldn't have to and we should be there with 'em, because that's my family out there, and your ponies!”

The Princess of the Night shifted uneasily, but was spared needing to respond for a moment as a sudden darkness filled the room, as the sun lowered itself beyond the horizon. It left them in near-total blackness, the only light coming from the glowing manes of the two different Lunas before the Princess murmured: “Excuse me. I need to raise the moon.”

“Just please do ensure that when thou returns inside, it is not with another ambush. Or at least bring dragons this time, dragons would be nice.” Luna Brynhild called loudly as the Princess left, and then she smiled slightly as she looked back and forth through the darkness. “Well, 'tis true. Not... nice in the sense of niceness, clearly, but they are nice to pummel. Large, arrogant targets who are not as tough as they imagine themselves to be.”

“That doesn't sound like anyone we know.” Scrivener muttered as he turned away with Twilight Sparkle, and Luna huffed at him. But an almost-uncomfortable quiet fell as the stallion and the Lich strode around the library, turning on lamps and filling the building with light.

When they returned to the unconscious circle the group of ponies had formed, Applejack was looking quietly at Luna Brynhild, who was studying her almost intently in return. And then, finally, the goldenrod mare murmured: “Princess...”

“I am not any 'princess.'” Luna said firmly, stomping a hoof, and Applejack winced a bit before the sapphire mare sighed a little, shaking her head and continuing quietly: “And while I respect and applaud thy courage, fair Applejack... I must warn thee against wanting to follow us as well. If this is truly Clockwork World at work in the west, then thou and thy friends... there is precious little thou and thine could do to help.”

“I don't... I mean...” Applejack looked back and forth almost desperately, and then she met Luna's eyes, saying quietly: “It's my family. I gotta go, and help out if I can. Even if I can't help, I can still be there to support you and them. I can still do... I dunno, something. I gotta do something.”

Scrivener Blooms and Twilight Sparkle both looked over at Luna Brynhild, who hesitated for a few long moments before finally nodding slowly and grumbling, but she was smiling a little all the same as she looked across at Applejack. “Oh, very well. But thou must promise to listen to me, Applejack. And I do not know what aid thou shalt be able to offer, and Horses of Heaven know that I shan't be bringing thee and thy friends traipsing into the enemy base. But perhaps thee and thine can at least help to keep watch on the town and assist with other endeavors.”

Applejack smiled at this, nodding firmly as she visibly brightened, and then Luna Brynhild glanced up and smiled as well when Princess Luna returned; with her came the other ponies who had still been outside, both of their own world and not, including Shining Armor. But the white unicorn stayed for only a moment, trading a quick hug with his little sister before sharply saluting Celestia Freya, who bowed her head respectfully before the Captain of the Guard let himself back out.

“Why does thou get all the respect? 'Twas I who kicked the ass of the Celestia of this world!” the armored Luna complained loudly, and Rainbow Dash coughed violently as she covered her mouth as Twilight Sparkle of this layer twitched violently and visibly fought not to glare at Brynhild. “Scrivy, 'tis not fair!”

“Nothing in life is dearest. Nothing in life is.” Scrivener said wryly, and then he looked back and forth through the crowded library, at so many familiar faces... and yet half the ponies here were strangers all the same, and it was an almost surreal feeling.

Then the unicorn Twilight looked up and cleared her throat awkwardly, saying finally: “My friends and I uh... well. Some of you can stay here for the night, and... well. None of us really have any room anywhere else.”

“Oh heck, Twilight, don't you worry about that. Uh... Apple Bloom, Scarlet Sage, I can put you two up in the guest room and uh... I got room for at least two more.” Applejack said with a smile, and Twilight Sparkle looked surprised at this as the goldenrod earth pony turned her eyes curiously towards Antares and Meadowlark. “How about it?”

“I'd... really appreciate that, Applejack, thank you.” Antares said with a smile, glancing quickly at his parents for confirmation, but Luna only smiled back as Scrivener shrugged and gave his son an amused look at his almost-childishness.

Applejack only nodded, and then she hesitated for a only a moment before glancing to the side, adding in a quieter voice: “And just so we get this out in the open now... when these ponies leave for Appleloosa, I'm gonna go with 'em. I'm gonna talk it over with Big Mac and Granny Smith tonight.”

“You can't go alone!” Twilight said with surprise, and Princess Luna only looked thoughtfully at Applejack. Celestia, meanwhile, turned her eyes with interest to her own little sister, who gave the slightest of nods to the enormous ivory mare. “Now, let's talk about this rationally-”

“Ain't time for being rational, Twilight, my family might be in danger, and even if they ain't, Appleloosa is... you didn't see it but...” Applejack shook her head and shivered, looking at the smears of corruption still visible on the floor, and Twilight frowned a little as her eyes were drawn towards this. “Look, I gotta do this. I gotta.”

“Well Twilight's right, you're not going alone.” Rainbow Dash said mildly, the blue Pegasus crossing her forelimbs as she hovered in the air. “Like hell I'm gonna miss out on an adventure like this, especially if there's ponies in danger.”

“Then I'm gonna go too!” Pinkie Pie said firmly, bouncing once on her hooves and looking up with a warm smile. “Friends gotta stick together, no matter how old or new, right?”

Rainbow Dash smiled warmly, and the unicorn Twilight Sparkle spluttered in disbelief while the Lich Twilight only gazed affectionately out at these versions of her own friends who were so much alike the ponies she had by her own side. And then she glanced up in surprise as this layer's Twilight Sparkle said pleadingly: “You can't, this... I know you all want to help, but... maybe we should stay out of this, and... if the Princess wanted us to go, she would have told us!”

“I think I'm going to go as well.” Princess Luna said quietly, and all possible arguments and conversation were cut off as all eyes turned towards the Princess of the Night, who nodded slowly and then smiled after a moment. “Yes. As you said, Applejack, they are my ponies. My sister and I are supposed to rule equally, and as I am beginning to see... perhaps the long night can offer the same protection that the bright day does.”

Luna Brynhild grunted and nodded firmly in approval, then she grinned slowly as her eyes locked on Princess Luna. “Then I shall do what I can to prepare thee for what lies ahead. And Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack... thy aid is most appreciated.”

“I... I just...” The Twilight of this layer looked back and forth in disbelief, then over her shoulder at Rarity and Fluttershy. But both ponies remained silent, blushing and turning their eyes away, trying to hide from the conversation before the purple unicorn looked up almost desperately... and then flinched when the larger Lich Twilight touched her shoulder gently.

She stared up at her, trembling, then she shook her head suddenly and shoved herself violently away from the Looking Glass version of herself, the violet winged unicorn wincing as the unicorn shot towards the back stairs and sprinted up to her room. A door slammed, and then there was silence for a few moments before Spike awkwardly suggested from where he had been almost forgotten, hidden behind Princess Luna: “I... uh... she's just stressed. She doesn't do well with stress.”

“I never did when I was young, either.” Twilight Sparkle murmured softly, and then she smiled faintly and glanced towards Scrivener Blooms. “Someone here used to take advantage of that. And helped me through it.”

Scrivener only shrugged a bit, smiling back at her, and there was only silence for a few moments before Rarity said awkwardly: “Please... excuse myself and Fluttershy, would you? We... we both have... early mornings.”

“Flutters...” Rainbow Dash said softly, but the golden Pegasus only hid behind her mane and tried to shrink herself down as the ivory unicorn jumped to her hooves and quickly strode towards the door. Fluttershy hurried along behind her, and Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie all watched the two leave in silence, before the blue Pegasus sighed and muttered as the door slammed: “Great show, guys.”

“It's alright. I know... this can't be the easiest thing in the world.” Twilight said softly, and then she shook her head slowly before glancing up and adding quietly: “I think I speak for everyone when I say... we all... really appreciate this.”

“So are you guys ever going to take off your armor?” Rainbow Dash asked after a moment, and then she added awkwardly: “And listen, I really am sorry I can't... you know, offer you a better place to stay, but I live in a cloud house and somehow don't think uh... the big guy there would be able to get up inside...”

“And I live with the Cakes. They're really nice ponies and all, but they have twin foals, too, and I don't think they'd want uh... giant, armored, sword-wielding ponies around, even if they're really nice giant, armored, sword-wielding ponies.” Pinkie added, nodding a few times seriously.

“No, no, we definitely have enough room in the library, uh... I know, I'll go get some of the stuff out of storage, help you guys get comfortable.” Spike said hurriedly, and then he turned to run off, and Scrivener couldn't help but smile over his shoulder: the little dragon was probably a little scared of them, but he wasn't being awkward because of that. He thought it was because Spike seemed to desperately want to make a good impression on them.

There was quiet, and the Celestia finally shook her head before smiling a little, glancing over the ponies of this layer and saying softly: “We all... truly appreciate your help and generosity. You don't have to stay any longer if you don't want to, though: if we're all going to be taking the train tomorrow, we'll have plenty of time to talk on the way.”

“If you don't mind, I'd like to talk a little now... and I reckon I kind of want to get a bit more used to all you, too.” Applejack replied softly, and Luna Brynhild smiled and nodded.

“And I don't need to return to Canterlot quite yet... for now, this is a better use of my time.” Princess Luna added, then she said softly: “I am sure that my big sister will be... more trusting if I am able to return and tell her more about you all, as well.”

Luna Brynhild grunted, then she glanced down at herself before saying mildly: “Very well. But I suppose Rainbow Dash is right, too. Let us toss off our gear for now, and rest in greater comfort. All of us... tomorrow, we can all meet here before heading for the train station, or wherever it is we shall have to go. This library makes a natural enough point of preparation, in any event.”

Apple Bloom nodded with a grunt, and the ponies took their equipment off with varying degrees of speed and ease, as the three ponies of this layer watched with something like fascination. Scrivener also dug the bedrolls out of the pack, and smiled when Spike returned with an inflatable mattress and some blankets and pillows: they had more than enough to be as comfortable as possible for the night.

Twilight was the only one who didn't remove her armor, only tugging a little at her vest before Princess Luna asked gently: “Is something wrong, Twilight Sparkle?”

“I... no.” Twilight said finally, and then she sighed a little, glancing away embarrassedly as Scrivener looked over at her softly and Luna Brynhild reached up to rub a hoof soothingly over her back. There was silence for a few moments, as Celestia carefully put the last of her own armor aside and gazed tenderly over at the Lich, before she murmured: “Okay.”

The violet mare slowly removed her vest, and the ponies of this layer all stared in shock at the stitching that covered her body and looked as if it was holding her together. Some of the stitches had torn and were hanging loose, while others were slowly writhing of their own, like they were alive... and the Lich carefully kept her gaze away from the other ponies as she asked quietly: “Do you know where my kit is, Scrivy?”

“Yeah, I'll get it for you, Twilight, and help patch you up.” Scrivener said softly, and then he turned towards the equipment bag as Luna Brynhild leaned in and kissed the Lich's cheek gently, making her smile a little before the sapphire mare turned a pointed glare over the ponies of this realm.

Most of them quickly turned their eyes away, but Rainbow Dash couldn't stop herself from asking uneasily: “What... what happened to you, Twilight? You look... are you okay?”

“I... I'm fine, thank you. I don't... precisely feel it.” Twilight said softly, and then she winced a bit when Luna Brynhild demonstrated by leaning down and stabbing her horn into the Lich's side, making the four ponies of this layer flinch backwards and stare in shock, but Twilight only sighed tiredly and gave the smallest of smiles. “Thank you for demonstrating, Luna.”

“Brynhild, whilst we are in this layer at least. But aye, 'tis my pleasure.” Luna Brynhild withdrew her horn, and then it glowed for a moment, the dark blood over it turning to steam as the hole in Twilight's side dribbled a little bit of the dark ichors, then began to seal closed, as the sapphire mare rubbed absently at her ivy collar and turned her eyes to the still-staring ponies. “My beloved mare does not suffer from the physical as others do, but... that does not mean she does not hurt. So I would ask thee to treat her gently, for she... deserves better than she often gets.”

Twilight blushed and shifted, looking away... and seeing Spike staring up at her with disbelief, and something like horror. It made the Lich wince and turn away, closing her eyes... but a moment later, a small claw touched her foreleg gingerly, and she returned her eyes towards the dragon with surprise as he looked up at her and whispered: “Twilight... what... what happened to you?”

“Many things. Too many things...” Twilight Sparkle said quietly, and then she smiled faintly as Scrivener returned with a small black box. He set this down, then opened it and picked up a needle, carefully beginning to string it as the Lich said awkwardly: “I can do it...”

“Yeah, but you're always messy when you do it yourself. Besides, Luna always calls me the wife and all.” Scrivener replied softly, and then he gave a pointed look over at the other ponies before turning his eyes back to Twilight, as he began to carefully stitch a fresh tear that had opened on Twilight's side closed.

Pinkie Pie looked a little ill at this sight, almost fainting as she quickly looked away, but Rainbow Dash only continued to stare as Applejack awkwardly dropped her eyes. Princess Luna watched the process for a moment, then shook her head slowly and closed her eyes, murmuring: “Perhaps it is meaningless, but... I am sorry, Twilight Sparkle. All the sorrier now, I do not believe that if... my sister understood how you suffer... she would have ever attacked your friends and family.”

“I'm okay. I really am. I'm lucky, even, and I mean that.” Twilight laughed a little, looking down with a blush before her eyes slid to Scrivener, lingering over him as she murmured: “Besides. We're all a little strange, where I come from.”

“Yeah.” Scarlet Sage glanced up with a small smile from where she was comfortably resting beside Apple Bloom, her head dropped on her partner's shoulder. Applejack glanced at them awkwardly again, but she gave a small smile at the sight before Scarlet Sage's eyes turned to Princess Luna, adding softly: “I think sometimes... it's because we're all... a little strange, that's the only reason we've survived with what we fight. And Mom and Dad and... my little brother there all seem to believe firmly that the whole reason we exist is to make sure that good, normal ponies get to live good normal lives, while we get to deal with all the garbage in the universe.”

Antares laughed at this as Luna huffed and Scrivener smiled a little despite himself, and Princess Luna shook her head with a small smile of her own. “You know, I'm not sure if that's generous or selfish.”

“It's a little bit of both.” Celestia said softly, and she smiled as she glanced towards a satchel, her horn glowing and lifting a rag-wrapped object free. It floated over to land in front of her, and the ivory mare calmly unwrapped the little box of polish even as her horn continued to glow, and this time lifted Tyrfing from where she had placed it aside, the enormous weapon floating in front of her.

As she began to polish the weapon, Rainbow Dash whistled a little, and then she said finally: “So the place where you guys come from... is it... scary?”

“A little.” Scrivener glanced up as he finished stitching the wound on Twilight's side shut, putting the needle aside to pick up a set of scissors from the box. He clipped off the knotted string, then began to snip other torn and frayed strings free so he could redo the stitching where it had ripped, as he explained without looking up: “Our... our first home was attacked and destroyed, by the... the monster behind Clockwork World. His name was Valthrudnir, and he was always... ten steps ahead. We stopped him... we... yeah, we stopped him.”

He shivered, not wanting to explain past that, and thankfully, Celestia glanced up and took up the story, drawing attention to her as she began quietly: “Our original world was destroyed, but the efforts of my sister and brother helped create a new home for us... but this world had been without ponies for many, many years. It had grown wild, and free, and is filled with things that I have never seen before, because they had been allowed to grow in both daylight and darkness without any interference from ponies or any other sentient race...

“It didn't help, of course, that we ponies... had no idea what was going on when we first arrived... but I should start a little before this, and tell you a little about our first home.” Celestia smiled after a moment, then she closed her eyes even as she continued to slowly, easily polish her sword, beginning softly: “It was an Equestria... I think at first must have been very much like your own home, but that all changed when the darkness began to rise... when demons and old enemies started to rise up out of the tunnels beneath our country...”

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