• Published 21st Mar 2013
  • 2,074 Views, 388 Comments

Synthesis of the Atheist - BlackRoseRaven

Luna and Scrivener become the targets of a malicious, narcissistic psychopath. 8th story in the 99 Worlds Saga/Blooming Moon Chronicles.

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Looking For The Lost

Chapter Twenty Five: Looking For The Lost

Luna strapped on the last of her armor, smiling slightly despite herself at the modifications Sleipnir had put on it as the stallion stepped forwards to help tighten the armor over her back, adjusting several belts that were there partly for ornamental purpose, and partly to help hold shaped metal plates in place... but mostly because each belt was inscribed with a prayer in runes, and Sleipnir firmly believed these would lend Luna strength in her times of greatest need. And if not in physical defense, than in the power that faith in the old ways would provide.

Sleipnir had added wing bracers to the design of her armor, and the lightweight metal fit perfectly: she could barely feel them as she flapped, furled, and twisted with the shifting of her wings, the stacked metal plates clicking quietly but shifting in perfect harmony with her movements. He had also fortified her body armor, and added a layer made from a variety of plant petals into the fabric insulation beneath her armor: it not only helped cushion her body, but Sleipnir had also used plants that were toxic to demons.

Luna rolled her head on her shoulders, her helm glinting as she smiled slightly: Sleipnir had also gone ahead and added a crown of thorns to this, making her look even more imposing as the stallion said kindly: “Now, remember, little sister. Armor is to protect the body. It is not to make thy body a living weapon with which to smash things.”

“Liar!” Luna replied cheerfully, and then she winked up at him before smiling over at Scrivener Blooms, who was carefully fitting on his vambraces on the other side of the library, the rest of his dark armor glinting over his body. “Besides, fear not. I always have my husband to pick up and smash things with.”

“Now, sister, in the old days those who abused their mares were shunned and often strung up to be beaten themselves.” Sleipnir chastised kindly, and Luna laughed as Scrivener sighed and rolled his eyes, before the enormous chestnut earth pony nodded firmly as he glanced over the stallion. “I am relieved to see thou wears thy armor so well, though, brother. With what I had to add to my sister's gear, I fear that I was not able to make the best of modifications to thine own equipment.”

“That's perfectly fine, Sleipnir. Honestly, it feels more comfortable now than it ever has in the past.” Scrivener replied with a slight smile, rolling his shoulders as he added mildly: “Besides, I can actually feel the inner padding now. Before Luna always used to tell that under-layers were for sissies.”

“Well, that is my little sister. Cutting corners and making those around her suffer a little more than 'tis strictly necessary.” Sleipnir winked, and Luna huffed and slapped a hoof at him before the stallion nodded firmly once and glanced fondly around at the shelves of books that lined the walls. “'Tis very nice here. And it smells of big sister, does it not?”

Luna snorted in amusement at this, saying dryly: “And congratulations, brother. Thou hast finally succeeded in making a more disturbing comment than the day thou licked a toad and declared: 'it tastes like thee, Luna!'”

The enormous earth pony only huffed in response as Scrivener slowly rubbed at his face, and then the stallion softened a little before asking gently: “If I may though, my family... what of Antares? How is he fairing these days?”

“He's been a little distant.” Scrivener admitted after a moment with a slow nod, and Luna sighed quietly as the charcoal stallion approached, continuing quietly: “I guess neither Luna or me can really blame him either, you know? We both know what it's like to be in that... gotta do something mode, even when there's nothing you can really do. We both know how that can overwhelm your own senses, and well... I guess...”

“We do treat him as a child sometimes. But 'tis hard, is it not? How does thou fare so well with Aphrodisia, Sleipnir, thou hast always been... always been so good with her!” Luna said almost desperately, looking up her big brother, and Sleipnir only smiled and shrugged slowly.

He looked thoughtfully up towards the ceiling, then returned his eyes to his younger sibling and reached up to touch her shoulder, saying honestly: “Sister, I am not the greatest father in the world. I am only blessed that my phoenix is there to right my wrongs, and aid sweet Aphrodisia in her path. That she also has role models in my beloved siblings and her most-loved cousin Antares, to her whom is no distant relative but a big brother, just like I am yours and Celestia is my big sister.” He paused, then added with a wink: “Although sometimes she is like my big brother too, aye.

“Besides, Aphrodisia has the patience of her mother and mine own childishness... and before thou goes and says that my phoenix is anything but the epitome of patience, think on this: she lives and works every day with me.” Sleipnir reached up and touched his own chest, looking serious. “And does thou not remember how often Celestia would threaten to throw me from high places?”

“I also remember how often she tossed thou through windows and walls and other solid objects to try and get a moment of peace from thee. Sometimes 'twas quite spectacular, such as when she threw thee into that grand fountain in front of the Baron's castle and thou destroyed the entire thing.” Luna remarked in a warmer voice, and Sleipnir nodded agreeably with a cheerful smile as Scrivener laughed and shook his head slowly. “Aye. I know... I know that 'tis different. And I know that Aphrodisia cherishes her childhood, while Antares... Antares both yearns to have his years back, but is also an accomplished adult. And in my selfishness, it is... hard to let go of time lost.”

Sleipnir only nodded slowly at this, then he said gently: “Aye, but if thou chases the past for too long, my little sister, thou shall fail to ever reach the future. And there are always more years and more accomplishments to be garnered in the future than to be celebrated in the past. Nostalgia is meant only to last for a lazy afternoon or whilst whittling away time with old comrades... 'tis not meant to replace the present and what is yet to be.”

“Thou art florid.” Luna grumbled, but she nodded all the same with a tired sigh. “I know though, I do... and I think that is part of what is most maddening about the whole accursed thing. I know better, and yet all the same, cannot strive to force myself to do better, does thou understand?”

“All too well, little sister. All too well.” Sleipnir said kindly, and then he smiled before adding softly: “'Tis good of thee to leave Twilight Sparkle here, though. I think 'twill be best for all concerned... it will help soften the pain for Antares, 'twill be easier on Burning Desire, and most of all it gives me a sweet mare to pursue and attempt to woo away from thee both, as my phoenix tells me I become unbearably clingy when my little sister is off fighting the fight without me.”

“Aye, I believe she is with Antares right now, as a matter of fact.” Luna smiled slightly, before glancing over at Scrivener Blooms and winking at the stallion. “But thou may attempt all thou likes, Sleipnir, but Twilight is wonderfully attached to us, and thinks thou art rather... stupid.”

“Oh, yes, but how many mares have thought such about me, and I have stolen them away from politicians and heroes and Barons?” Sleipnir grinned and winked back, and Luna laughed as he added cheerfully: “Why, think of all the running we had to do when I seduced the Baron's daughter! I would say he overreacted, but... I suppose as I had his wife on mine other side and we were in his marriage bed... the mess was a little of mine own making.”

Sleipnir paused, then giggled at this as Scrivener remarked wryly: “You know, it's funny, Sleipnir. I think you're just about the only stallion in the world who can actually get away with letting his lower brain run his entire life and live to brag about it.”

“'Tis because I am very pretty, Scrivener Blooms. Pretty things can get away with so much more than that which is not.” Sleipnir replied easily, and Scrivener sighed before the enormous stallion winked as Luna began to turn towards the doorway. “Wait now, wait. I have another gift for thee, little sister, to help speed thee on thy way.”

Luna and Scrivener both turned curiously as Sleipnir turned and hurried down the hall, and the two ponies traded a look before the jovial stallion returned a moment later with a wide grin. And Luna's eyes widened in delight as her big brother dropped a thick, black quiver filled with narrow wooden javelins... and strapped next to this quiver, narrow blade covered by a thin sheath, was a long metal spear. “What delights are these?”

“See for thyself.” Sleipnir grinned as he leaned down and suddenly yanked a javelin free from the sheath before slinging it easily at her, but Luna only laughed and flicked her horn sharply upwards, deflecting the short spear into the air. It spun high through the library before falling, and Luna caught it in a telekinetic grip as she marveled over the design. Simple and streamlined, perfectly balanced with a four-pronged, barbed tip of... “'Tis silver, but dipped and coated in mercury, which the marvelous engineer Cowlick procured for me in great supply. It should make even a Destroyer such as thou art going to face cringe in terror.”

“And if she fails to cower, then the bite of this weapon should be more than sufficient for the job. Thou hast my thanks, brother... but pray tell, the spear...”

“Only a simple weapon, little sister.” Sleipnir smiled as Luna approached, the stallion pulling the polearm carefully free and holding it up as Luna slipped the javelin back into the quiver, then took the long spear and whistled quietly at how the metal glowed brightly in reaction to her telekinetic hold alone. “'Tis no Andlitstingar, but 'twill do for now, I think. 'Tis a conductor spear, like Celestia had thee train with in the old days.”

“Perfect.” Luna grinned slowly, her eyes glinting: it was a weapon designed to focus her magic energy the same way she could focus it into her horn to increase its damage potential. Normally a weapon she focused too much energy into would quickly become brittle, break, or possibly explode... but a spear like this... “Thou hast been too generous, Sleipnir!”

Luna spun the spear once above her head, then slipped it quickly back into the half-sheath built into the javelin quiver, giving a warm smile to her older sibling. He only shrugged and smiled, and then the two siblings stepped forwards and shared a fierce embrace for a few moments as she murmured softly: “Thou hast my thanks. Thou hast all the thanks and love in the world I can give thee, Sleipnir.”

“Nay, little sister, this is merely what siblings do. I must outfit thee as best as I can, after all... I must always be there to help thee face the world. Even when I am not included in thy wretched plans and fun.” Sleipnir winked as they drew apart, then he nodded firmly before stepping towards Scrivener: the charcoal stallion wheezed loudly as he was picked up a tight hug, but managed to awkwardly pat Sleipnir on the back a few times before the enormous earth pony put him down with a benevolent smile. “Excellent... excellent, my friends, my family! Now, thou must both promise me one thing: thou shall take care of each other, and come back intact with both demons.”

Luna and Scrivener both only smiled amusedly up at the stallion, but when the chestnut giant looked at them both pointedly, Luna laughed and shook her head, asking mildly: “What, does thou expect us to abandon Burning Desire somewhere? Nay, he is a good friend, thou great oaf. How dare thee think so little of us!”

“I do not think that at all.” Sleipnir said gently, and then he smiled faintly and said softly: “Even if Burning Desire is wrong, and thou cannot win the loyalty of the Destroyer... do not kill her, Luna. Show her mercy, my sweet little sister, and bring the demon back to Ponyville. Promise me this, and that thou shan't kill her, no matter what.”

“I... I promise, Sleipnir. But thou must tell me why thou asks this curious request.” Luna cocked her head with interest and sharp attention, looking up as the earth pony reached up and gently touched her shoulder.

“Because like Burning Desire, I am a big brother. And thus I know he asks this favor of thee with the intent to save his sibling... and as a big brother, I know what he risks, and what he fears the end of the journey could hold, but I can only imagine the pain he would feel if he led two ponies he must clearly have such great respect for to his sister... only for them to kill her.” Sleipnir said gently, and Luna nodded slowly before the stallion smiled softly. “But I know now that thou shan't. And I know that even if the poor wretch has lost her mind, still we shall save her.”

“We shall.” Luna said firmly, stomping a hoof, and then she and Sleipnir both reached up quickly, seizing one another's hooves and squeezing firmly as they smiled into each other's eyes. “Again, brother, I must thank thee. Thou art always there to help guide me.”

Sleipnir only gave a shrug and a grin, then stepped out of the way as Luna's horn glowed and lifted the spear and javelin quiver. She slipped these carefully onto her side to latch against her armor, then nodded firmly as she shifted back and forth while Sleipnir automatically stepped forwards to double-check everything was as tight as possible.

Then the two stepped apart and bowed their heads to each other as Scrivener rolled his shoulders slowly, loosening himself up. But the three paused for a moment longer, only looking at the door before the charcoal stallion said hesitantly: “Try and... try and take care of Shiny while we're gone, okay? He's spending a lot of time with Twilight right now, but I think he might need... your kind of touch.”

“He likes stallions, not mares?” Sleipnir asked curiously, and Scrivener sighed tiredly before the enormous chestnut earth pony grinned widely. “Fear not little brother, I know just what must be done. I shall get him drunk.”

“Nay, that won't work.” Luna shook her head, and Sleipnir frowned curiously before the sapphire mare glanced over at Scrivener Blooms, gesturing at him a few times. “Explain it, poet, I do not know half the terms Cowlick used.”

Scrivener rolled his eyes, then he said after a moment: “Turns out that Shiny doesn't really have a stomach. He can eat and drink stuff but it just kind of... sits inside him. So Cowlick had to basically flush it all out of his system. I think that's a big part of why he's so miserable right now... I mean, imagine being... feeling like you're nothing more than a machine or a... a puppet.”

He stopped, looking down at his own hoof as he thought silently about how often he felt that way, but he still could do normal things. He could eat, and sleep and dream, and had all kinds of thoughts both good and bad and do... pretty much everything else a normal stallion could do. More, even. In a way... he was lucky, even now.

Luna was looking at him softly, as Sleipnir shook his head slowly and murmured: “Poor wretch. Then I shan't get him drunk, but I shall still endeavor to find something he and I can enjoy. Or perhaps I shall just make him angry. I am very good at fixing problems through anger, too.”

The winged unicorn only rolled her eyes with a look of mild amusement, then she turned towards the door leading out of the library and flicked her horn easily, knocking it open as she called over her shoulder: “Come, Scrivener, let us leave Sleipnir to muse upon all the ways he can make a problem worse.”

Sleipnir huffed as Scrivener only shrugged a little and followed quickly after the sapphire mare, the enormous earth pony striding along last. It was bright and warm in the square, and Luna looked thoughtfully up at the calm blue sky above as she remarked thoughtfully: “'Tis funny, Scrivy. In the past, demons did all their business during my gorgeous night. Now, we will be traveling with a demon in naked daylight.”

“Yeah, well, Ponyville is... special.” Scrivener said softly, and Luna nodded a few times in agreement before they both glanced to the side and smiled a little at the sight of Twilight, Shining Armor, Antares, and Burning Desire all approaching. “Looks like we have good timing.”

“Or they do, aye. One or the other.” Luna agreed, and the stallion gave her an amused look before they both turned towards the quartet, and the winged unicorn asked quietly: “So, art thou ready to go, Burning Desire? Does thou have everything necessary?”

Burning Desire smiled and nodded, answering awkwardly: “I think so, except maybe for my courage, of course. But that's always been in pretty short supply.”

He laughed lamely, then nodded quickly and cleared his throat as Twilight added: “We set up a room at the house with a summoning circle using that Curse Jar you gave Antares, and we're going to keep it stocked with everything you could need.”

Luna grunted and nodded, then she and Scrivener both looked at Antares as he cleared his throat before raising his head and saying awkwardly: “Good luck to... you know, all of you. I know... I mean, I know you're going to do... good.”

He halted, looking lame, then shook his head hurriedly and mumbled: “And I really am... sorry about everything. I'm not going to let my nerves or anything else get the better of me, okay?”

Luna smiled softly, and Scrivener nodded with a quiet laugh. “I know you'll do fine, Antares. Thanks for coming to see us off, we really appreciate it. You and Shiny better both make sure Twilight doesn't stress herself out too much too, and if Celestia gets back from Canterlot, tell her to send us a message.”

Antares nodded firmly as Shining Armor glanced up with a faint smile, the mechanical stallion nodding a little as well: his speech hadn't improved that much, but Cowlick said part of that was because he was no longer putting much time and effort into trying to improve. Not that anypony could blame the stallion for being in a slump, all things considered.

Scrivener and Luna studied the Clockwork Pony for a few moments: he had done a good job of earning their trust so far, and only Antares had ever seen him exert any of his powers, but Cowlick was being careful. He still had only half his power cells running, but no one thought it was because Cowlick was afraid of what he might do with more energy. At least, not what he might do to others, with the current mental state of the mechanical stallion.

Finally, Burning Desire cleared his throat loudly and stepped forwards, asking lamely: “Well, shall we get going, then? I already asked a friend to run ahead and mark a place for us to portal to. I'm not very good at long-range jumps, so we'll have to rest afterwards, but... I figure you two will want to get a lay of the land and all that, and we'll have to find the entrance to Morning Glory's lair and everything.”

“Nervous?” Luna asked mildly, and Burning Desire gave her a flat look before the sapphire mare grinned wryly. “Fear not, demon. We shall find thy sister and save her, one way or another. And we shall do it without sacrificing thee unless completely necessary.”

“Well doesn't that just light my fire?” Burning Desire intoned wryly, and then he sighed and nodded before smiling faintly over at Twilight. The Lich gazed at him softly, and then the demon winked at her before tilting his cheek towards her and asking: “For luck?”

Twilight Sparkle sighed and rolled her eyes, then she leaned in and gently kissed his cheek with a small smile, looking amused despite herself. Burning Desire's mane and tail flared up as he leaned away and nodded firmly once, and Antares said quietly: “Hey, don't get yourself hurt or anything, okay? Apps will be mad as hell.”

“Don't worry about me. I plan to safely hide behind your mother and father this entire journey.” Burning Desire replied easily, and Sleipnir snorted in amusement as Antares and Twilight both only rolled their eyes. Then Burning Desire turned, his horn beginning to glow red as he closed his eyes and murmured: “But let's see...”

Luna and Scrivener both watched as the demon focused his magic, and even Shining Armor glanced up, pulling out of his despair for a moment as reality rippled around the Passion. His fiery mane and tail both burned higher as his coat shifted and pulsed, and then he gritted his teeth as he snapped his horn upwards, then sliced firmly downwards, creating a burst of flames that fanned out to either side before transforming into a large, oval rip in reality.

The ring was wreathed with red fire, but it was like gazing through a window that looked out onto grassy hills, and a beautiful blue sea... but there was no time to question or admire it as Burning Desire said sharply: “Go through! I can't hold it for very long!”

Without hesitation, both Luna and Scrivener broke into a sprint, leaping into the portal and feeling pulses of incredible heat tear through their bodies before they both crashed out the other side, staggering and gasping for breath in shock at what they had both felt. Parts of their armor glowed with heat, and the muscles of both ponies ached, felt like they had just run across Equestria and back. But before either pony could catch their breath, a blast of flames burst through the portal, and Burning Desire was flung more than leapt onto the tall grasses, landing on his face with a yelp and skidding violently through the field they had ended up in before he rolled over and crashed painfully down on his back.

And behind them, the portal consumed itself in a whirling crimson blaze that dissolved into ashes and smoke, wafting lazily into the air as Burning Desire twitched a few times on his back, and Scrivener finally fell to the ground with a groan as Luna dropped her head forwards, asking in a wheeze: “What treachery... is this...”

“Oh, by ruddy-faced Hel... I'm a lot more out of practice than I thought I was...” Burning Desire mumbled, shaking his head out slowly as his mane and tail burned low, his body graying slightly as he breathed slowly in and out through his mouth. Then he blinked owlishly as he gazed up at the sky, frowning a little as he asked uneasily: “Did I... did I create a time distortion?”

“No, idiot...” Luna grumbled, shaking herself briskly out as she straightened, then cracked her back loudly through her armor as she gazed over her shoulder... and smiled despite herself, mood lightening as she murmured: “'Tis about three hours later here than home, 'tis a different time zone, that is all. We are on the coast, Burning Desire, thy portal worked. Not magnificently, perhaps, but... satisfactorily enough.”

Burning Desire blinked, staring through the tall grasses around his face before he rolled up to his hooves, staggering with a groan that turned into a laugh when he stared out with amazement down the rough-hewn slope in the distance, past a well-traveled dirt road, a few small shacks, and an expansive, gorgeous beach at the... “The ocean! Oh darling ocean, there you are!”

Luna and Scrivener both stared at the demon as he laughed loudly again, running forwards... and promptly tripping over his own hooves to fall on his face and skid several feet down the narrow slope on his stomach. Both ponies traded dry looks, and then the charcoal stallion carefully crawled to his hooves even as Burning Desire simply smiled from where he was now laying, saying warmly: “Perhaps this will sound a little silly coming from a fire demon like me... but oh, I've always loved the ocean. Her beauty, her majesty, her unknown depths and uncharted waters and how her temper can change in a moment from calm and gentle to wild and furious... she reminds me of Morning Glory.”

“Thy sister is an ocean.” Luna said flatly, and Burning Desire nodded childishly a few times before he began to crawl to his hooves, but the sapphire mare quickly strode forwards and stomped down on his back, making him yelp and wince. “Wait a moment, demon, before thou goes lunging off like an idiot. Let me remind thou that the further from Canterlot and Ponyville we are, the less tolerant of demons ponies become. Especially in places the border on the uncivilized reaches, where wild and disloyal demons hide and prey upon Equestrians.”

“Okay, you have a point. I have just the solution.” Burning Desire said in a chipper voice, and Luna winced and drew back as the demon burst apart into flames beneath her hoof, the pillar of fire wreathing up and coalescing into the shape of a crimson firebird, which fluttered quickly down and landed neatly on her helm.

Burning Desire spread his wings, saying cheerfully: “Ta-da! Or, oh, wait, no, this is a little more suiting...” He cleared his throat, then trilled a series of notes from his beak as Luna only glared moodily through the tailfeathers covering her face, and Scrivener cleared his throat loudly, covering his muzzle with one hoof to hide a grin.

“Idiot.” Luna muttered finally, and then she grimaced when Burning Desire scuttled quickly around on her head so he could lean down and peer invertedly into her eyes, as the sapphire mare scowled back at him. “'Tis a cute enough polymorph, but thou shall still be easily detected like this.”

“Oh, don't worry about me, Luna, I'll be fine. Besides, we're not going to be heading into any mortal settlements or anything, yes?” Burning Desire cocked his head with a wink, and Luna grunted and nodded after a moment before beginning to study their surroundings, even as the firebird mused out loud: “Now... I think our first order of business should be to find my demon friend around here, and let her know that we've arrived intact. Second of all, we should set up camp somewhere and rest for a few hours. Third, we find my sister and convince her one way or another to help us. Fourth, we trade stories and anecdotes until we're all the best of friends, and come the morning, fifth, we head back to Ponyville, victorious!”

“Thanks for laying out a plan that absolutely isn't going to happen, Burning Desire.” Scrivener remarked, and the firebird huffed at the charcoal stallion as Luna grinned slightly to herself. The earth pony approached the sapphire mare's side curiously, tilting his head towards her as she looked meditatively back and forth, and then he asked quietly: “What is it?”

“Nothing serious so far.” Luna replied after a moment, shaking her head slowly as her eyes roved back and forth: the shacks below were ramshackle and abandoned: to their left and down the straight stretch of road, she thought she could see the walls of a port city, while to the right the road curved and twisted, following the coastline, and the sloped hills they stood on eventually became towering and impassible cliffs instead of a steep but climbable grade like they stood near. “But there is a sense of demonic reside in the air, aye. Although thy friend appears to be long gone.”

“She'll catch up to us. I know she will.” Burning Desire shook his head, and then the firebird fluttered his wings once before he glanced over at Scrivener, then quickly fluttered from Luna's helmet to the dragon-horned helm covering the stallion's head, even as he apologized: “Sorry, yours looks better for my little bird feet. And I want to be away from all the sharp objects.”

“You know I ram into things with my head, right?” Scrivener asked mildly, but Burning Desire only spread his wings pointedly, and Scrivener sighed dryly, muttering: “Some mighty first tier demon you are, really.”

“I am a mighty first tier demon!” Burning Desire argued, as Luna started down the slope and Scrivener followed, before the firebird smoothed down his feathers and mumbled: “I'm as nasty as any Wrath demon, you better believe it, when my emotions are properly riled. I become a tiger, fierce, raging, grr.” He growled to accent this, raising his wings threateningly before letting them drop as he finished lamely: “But all tigers start life as kittens, that's all.”

“And some of them never stop being kittens.” Scrivener said mildly, and then he sighed and added finally: “But then again, if I could trade powers with you, I probably would. Being able to actually run away from battle instead of having to run headlong into it? Not getting regularly kicked, bludgeoned, beaten, clawed, pummeled-”

“Oh shut up, thou art both giant foals. Idiot stallions.” Luna grumbled, and Scrivener and Burning Desire both shrugged lamely as they reached the road, before Luna frowned and turned towards a stained patch of grasses, striding slowly towards this and leaning down to study it as she murmured: “Perhaps we are closer than I expected. Blood was shed here. Much blood.”

Burning Desire winced as Scrivener looked at her quietly, and Luna glanced up, the two trading thoughts and images back and forth between themselves, feeling out each other's emotions and tossing possibilities back and forth before they settled on what was unfortunately the most likely cause: something large had been torn apart and consumed or drained of blood.

The two ponies shifted as they looked back and forth, searching for any other signs of violence, before Luna glanced up at Burning Desire and murmured: “Take to the air, demon, and scan the coast. Scrivener Blooms and I shall begin heading down the road, to see what is to be seen. This is... messy, though, and that is not a good sign.”

“Maybe it wasn't Morning Glory. She was never sloppy...” Burning Desire said apprehensively, and then the firebird shook himself out hurriedly before sighing and nodding one, leaping upwards and flying into the sky as Luna smiled faintly up after the demon, and Scrivener Blooms glanced nervously back at the bloodstained grasses.

For a few moments, the two only stood in silence, and then Luna shook her head before gesturing at Scrivener and turning down the road, striding in the opposite direction of the port city they had glimpsed. The stallion fell in pace beside her, both glancing back and forth, but feeling out the area around them with their other senses as much as their minds, looking for any clues to what was going on in this territory as they shared the occasional nervous thought with one another.

After ten minutes of walking down the road, Burning Desire swooped down and rejoined them, landing on Scrivener's horned helm and taking a moment to settle himself before he muttered: “No signs of anyone around at all... when I used to live out here, this was a busy, thriving little place. Constantly ponies on the road.”

“Well, it has been a thousand years, and these are different ponies than thou knew. That does not entirely surprise me, nor point to malice... but aye, 'tis suspicious all the same.” Luna muttered, looking apprehensively back and forth. “Did thou see the Destroyer's lair?”

“I can't see or sense my sister anywhere.” Burning Desire replied after a moment, putting a bit of extra emphasis on the word 'sister.' Then he looked nervously back and forth, adding awkwardly: “But if she's been up here for a while... well, she'll undoubtedly know the terrain much better than I do. After all, even when I lived here, I never really knew the area that well... most of my time was spent wandering the city or cooped up in my mansion with my harem of mares.”

“Thy harem of mares. Wonderful.” Luna muttered, but she sounded more amused and perhaps a tiny bit more jealous than exasperated, as Scrivener glanced mildly up at the firebird sitting on one horn of his helm. “So 'tis true then. Thou traded thy soul away for cheap floozies?”

“Hey, my sister was one of those floozies!” Burning Desire said grumpily, and then he paused and winced a little, rubbing awkwardly at his face with a wing. “Well, perhaps that came out a little... more perverted than intended. But honestly, please, Lady Luna. Morning Glory is my little sister. I failed to save Radiant Beacon and I know that I'll never see my other sister again either, but I can... I have to at least do everything in my power to try and save her. Morning Glory to me was like your family to you... everything and all that I have.”

“Well, sister or not, you remember we're going to have to beat her up, right?” Scrivener asked mildly, and Burning Desire favored the charcoal stallion with a dry look, making him clear his throat and shrug a bit as he glanced back up at the firebird as best he could. “Well, you know. It's true.”

“Yes, I'm well aware, Scrivener Blooms. I'm trying to think of this as doing Morning Glory a favor, though... she always did like to fight, after all, and I do want to do whatever it takes to save her.” Burning Desire stopped, then he sighed a little, the bird looking up and continuing wryly: “I never did understand you fighting types, though. Taking such enjoyment out of beating each other. Why, the only beating I've ever enjoyed is beat-”

“Let's not finish that sentence.” Scrivener muttered, even as Luna grinned widely and looked amusedly up at the firebird, before the charcoal stallion added awkwardly: “And... I mean... I dunno, it's hard to describe. It's not like I go out looking for fights or... you know...”

Luna leaned over and gently nudged her husband as he fell into awkward mumbling, and then the sapphire mare said kindly: “Enough, Scrivy, the demon is not casting derision towards either of us. And thou does not need be ashamed of... thy urges, any more than I do. All thou hast done is... made the very best thou can of what thou hast been given, after all.”

Scrivener nodded awkwardly a few times, and then Burning Desire glanced up and murmured quietly: “Wait, stop up ahead, by that signpost.”

Both ponies frowned curiously before turning their eyes ahead to an old wooden post jutting from the ground, speckled and worn down by the briny winds. They approached it, and Burning Desire hopped carefully over Scrivener's helm before he flapped his wings firmly once, and in the gust of hot wind that followed, runes glowed into life over the wood, the firebird clicking his tongue with a laugh. “Excellent! See? I knew she wouldn't let us down!”

Luna and Scrivener both leaned forwards with surprise, and while the stallion couldn't read the runes, the sapphire mare was able to quickly decipher them: they were simple directions, pointing the way forwards. The real trick, though... “How did thou hide them from our senses?”

“Oh come now, Luna, you aren't so arrogant to think you know all the tricks of us demons, are you?” Burning Desire asked comfortably, and then he winked over at the mare when she glowered up at him. “Now darling, there's no need to mar your face with anger, even if it does give you a radiance of a different sort. You might be able to detect demonic residue, but our senses work a little differently than yours... for example, I can smell the purifiers your armor's been insulated with, it's a very sweet smell to me. Just like I can see shapes drawn by moon coral like neon lights, while you can't.”

“Wonderful.” Luna said wryly, and then she huffed a bit, narrowing her eyes at the glowing rune and noting the faint white scratches now that she knew what she was looking for. “Aye, now I see. 'Tis like a chalk, is it? Funny, that I have never heard of moon coral before.”

“It's a rare coral that lights up at night, favored by the sea demons. Hevatica would know all about it.” Burning Desire replied easily, and when Luna and Scrivener both looked up with interest, the firebird smiled and nodded a few times, furling his wings. “Well yes, of course that's my friend, the one helping me out. I only have a few friends, you know.”

“Aye, but I hope we are all good ones.” Luna said softly, before she turned to begin down the road again as Burning Desire gazed at her warmly. Scrivener followed the sapphire mare after a moment, as Luna added thoughtfully: “I could simply skip this whole charade and call Hevatica to us... but as she has always been loyal and eager to please, I fear something must have happened if she is keeping at a distance. So let us tread carefully.”

“Morning Glory seems to hunt and kill demons that get her attention... I don't really blame Hevatica for not leaping out to find us.” Burning Desire said quietly, glancing back and forth with a small smile. “The good news is that even if Morning Glory has mastered suppressing her presence, I should still be able to sense her when she's close... not just because she's family, but because like me, she has a piece of Magister's power.”

“Magister... a demon lord. Tell me about him.” Luna invited gently, and Burning Desire looked surprised... but then the firebird nodded almost eagerly before beginning to talk.

He started a little awkwardly, but once he got going, he didn't slow or stop: it was like he'd been waiting for all the time he'd been alive for somepony to ask this question, and now he was pouring out his heart and soul. But the emotion he put into talking about what was clearly his life's work made the subject all the more fascinating, and what he talked about was plenty interesting to begin with.

Duke Magister had been one of the few remaining Lords of Helheim from the Beginning Days, when Helheim had existed only as a terrible, icy abyss at the center of Niflheim, which Hel had ruled over from her frozen throne. These days, Helheim was much more than that: its aggressive expansion had completely taken over the rest of Niflheim, and moreover, the endless icy reaches had been divided up into countless 'slices,' which were all linked to different layers of Midgard above and kept separated by nearly-impenetrable barriers of magic.

All of it was still administrated by Hel, who was hidden away in a pocket dimension deep beneath original Helheim, which was only accessible from certain slices of the icy wastes. Magister had apparently sat somewhere high up on Hel's council in the oldest days, serving as an adviser and in charge of dealing with rogue demons.

Magister had always believed that demons could overcome their nature, even live in harmony with mortals, and serve the purpose of punishing the wicked without resorting to endless torture and pointless destruction. Of course, the only reason that demons had listened to him and respected him in the slice of Helheim he had moved into after the forming of the Ninety-Nine Worlds, was because he was more than strong enough to crush any demons that attempted to do harm to him.

He had believed in atonement and redemption, however, and rarely killed: he had been a Pride demon, but what he had thought was the truest mark of strength was honor. Luna was surprised by it in spite of herself: she had never imagined that even among the old demon lords there had been people like Magister. Who, even outnumbered by demons who believed they couldn't fight their natures and really had no interest in even trying to, still continued to push against their instincts and believed in peace, harmony... that darkness had a purpose other than pain and destruction.

“It doesn't matter who we are born into being... we can be anyone. That's what Magister taught me, and... I never even met him. But I knew my mother, if only... briefly.” Burning Desire smiled faintly, shaking his head as the ponies strode through the soft, warm sand of the beach, occasionally stepping around larger pieces of driftwood that had washed up along this dirty shore. “I like to think that he helped form who I am, though... that I can carry on his legacy, even if we never met. And how proud I think he'd be of where we've arrived, Luna! Look at Subterra... one day, I hope there's a thousand cities like it all across our world, and that creatures like us, beings of darkness who desire to balance, not destroy the day, outnumber all the monster and boogeyponies in the shadows.”

Luna laughed quietly despite herself at this as they approached a small rowboat that had been overturned and propped up with two driftwood logs to form a rough lean-to sitting just about in the middle of the beach, and then the winged unicorn smiled warmly as a familiar Kelpie poked her head out from beneath it. “Mistress Luna, Lord Scrivener, and dear Burning Desire... I'm glad you found me so quickly.”

“Hevatica, 'tis a pleasure to see thee here.” Luna replied warmly, bowing her head towards the demon mare, who bowed politely back before the winged unicorn glanced back and forth and then asked in a quieter voice: “So I take it thou hast located the Destroyer?”

“I have, yes...” Hevatica hesitated, then looked from Scrivener to Luna before turning her eyes back towards Burning Desire with a faint smile. “Are you sure about this? Most demons forget their bonds... forget their families, and everything about their mortal lives. For you it's been different, for... for me it has been different. We are demons of longing, but your sister is a demon whose sole purpose is only to destroy...”

“But I believe even a Destroyer can find her place with us, Hevatica.” Burning Desire replied quietly, smiling faintly as he closed his eyes. “She can become a protector. She can help us, put her Wrath to use in a way that will benefit the world, not harm it. And I know she hasn't forgotten me... if only because she wants to kill me, of course.”

The Kelpie sighed and shook her head as Burning Desire shrugged with a wink, and then she returned her eyes to Luna, bowing her head politely. “Please be careful, Mistress Luna. It isn't my place to question you, but all the same... the Destroyer is a powerful and terrible foe, and it pains me that all I can offer is to wait here for you, and be here to help tend to your wounds when the battle is over.”

Luna only smiled wryly and shrugged as Scrivener laughed a little, the charcoal stallion responding quietly: “It's fine, that's more than we're used to having anyway. Where is she? We probably won't go and challenge her yet, but...just so we have an idea of how far we have to travel.”

“Not far.” Hevatica stepped past them and pointed off in the distance, and Luna and Scrivener turned with surprise to look at a cavern that gaped out of the cliffs at the edge of the beach. The curving road was above these, meaning ponies likely regularly passed right above the Destroyer's lair... probably even stopped now and then near the cavern entrance. “It leads to a labyrinth of limestone caverns.”

Scrivener and Luna both nodded slowly, studying the rocky maw before the sapphire mare said quietly: “Then let us rest and recuperate here, and when evening comes on, we shall make our attack. 'Tis good news for thee, though, Burning Desire... if thy sister lives with a road above her and does not make her victims pay a toll of life, then it means she still has her mind, or at least enough to know not to sour the hunt by killing outside her home.”

Burning Desire smiled faintly, then he flitted off Scrivener's head before transforming back into a fiery stallion, shaking himself out briskly. There was silence for a moment, and then Hevatica smiled over at the demonic unicorn, saying quietly: “Let's make ourselves useful to our benefactors. Gather some firewood, Burning Desire, and I'll retrieve some fish for a meal.”

Luna smiled a little at this, nodding gratefully as Burning shrugged a bit, then turned and headed down the beach as the Kelpie gave one last smile to the two ponies before striding towards the ocean. Scrivener and Luna, meanwhile, simply sat back and gazed off at the looming cliffs, studying the layout: the cavern, the road above, the tall peaks of stone past this, and the way the rocky, twisting and curling walls seemed to continue on almost forever, like the debris-littered beach.

There was silence for a few moments, and then Scrivener glanced over at the sapphire mare and asked quietly: “So what are you thinking?”

“That 'twill be difficult.” Luna remarked after a moment, sighing and nodding slowly. “From what Burning Desire has told us, Morning Glory was a shieldmaiden in life, and a talented one at that. If she retains her mind, she will also likely retain the training she received, both as a mortal and as a demon. We will not be fighting a stupid, wild beast, but a tactician in her own territory. We will have to end the fight as quickly as possible.”

Scrivener nodded slowly, and he and Luna shifted before the mare sighed a little and lowered her head moodily, studying the cavern entrance before she glanced at the javelin quiver at her side. “On the bright side, 'twill at least be difficult to kill her no matter how many of these thorns I stick into the wretched creature. So there is little need to hold back.”

The stallion grunted, then he reached up and apprehensively rubbed at his helm, wondering silently if they were really prepared for this after all. They both remained silent even as they traded conversation between their minds, until Burning Desire returned with a load of driftwood that he set alight with a flick of his horn, and Hevatica joined them from the ocean a few minutes later with a rod of coral in her mouth, and four large fish hanging from this.

The ponies chatted a little with the demons as Hevatica roasted the fish over open flame with the natural ease of long practice, and she just as naturally passed the cooked, well-baked fish out to each of the ponies in turn. Scrivener held his own cooked fish between his hooves, looking slowly around at the others as they ate: both demons had a strange politeness about them, but no reserves about simply biting into the cooked fish, while Luna was munching loudly as her horn glowed now and then to yank small bones out of the meat and toss them aside.

Ponies... they were ponies, and yet they were not. They cooked the fish, but then simply ate it without any further preparation, no plates or knives or social etiquette... and that was without getting into the fact that ponies shouldn't have a taste for meat at all. Then again, he guessed that they all had their excuses: two of them were demons, Luna was Luna, and he was... him.

Scrivener brought the fish up to his muzzle and bit into it, savoring the taste even if he knew how strange, almost wrong this was. The meal was delicious, and both Luna and Scrivener were direly tempted by Hevatica's offer to get them seconds, but the sapphire mare sighed and refused gently, mumbling: “A small meal is good, but continue to feed me and I shall wobble into battle all bloated and slothy. And I do not wish to have that delicious meal forced out of me by a blow to my belly.”

Luna poked absently at her own stomach, and Hevatica laughed quietly before the Kelpie smiled kindly between them, her eyes lingering towards Scrivener as she asked: “Then how about a massage, or any of the other pleasures I would be more than glad and willing to provide...”

“Now calm down, Hevatica. I have this awful feeling that if we get caught with our saddles off and playing stud, we'll all look up too late to see my sister and then two of us will be gelded and the other two will get Luna's javelins... well, bad things will happen to you mares, too.” Burning Desire paused, then he smiled and winked over at the Kelpie. “Besides, those are all my usual lines.”

Hevatica gave another gentle laugh, and Luna grunted as she looked towards the cavern before saying softly: “Aye. We should keep alert even while we rest... tell me, Hevatica, does thou know of any other entrances or exits, besides this one?”

“There are likely quite a few... tunnels that lead into the sea, tunnels that stretch out through the mountains, maybe even hidden passages with entrances just beneath the sand of the beach.” The Kelpie shook her head before saying softly: “But I don't think she'll try to ambush or escape, Mistress Luna. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if she already knew we were here.”

Luna nodded slowly, looking down at the beach as Scrivener glanced over at the Kelpie, and she smiled at him warmly. He smiled awkwardly back after a moment, then asked finally: “You know, I've always been curious, about... why you've always been so good to us. I know that Kelpies are compassionate by nature... but...”

“Yes, we are. We are a wild demon that lives among forest and nature... but we still come from... certain beginnings, and possess certain desires, born naturally in the wild or not.” Hevatica closed her eyes, laughing quietly as she reached up and touched her own chest gently. “I'm a young maiden by Kelpie standards, but... once, I had a suitor. We loved each other dearly, and we were very happy together, and I bore him a child. But... I lost my foal, and my husband and I couldn't look at one another without thinking of our failure to protect my poor, sweet Nephiros, and... so we went our separate ways.”

Luna softened, gazing quietly over at the Kelpie as Scrivener shifted a bit, then finally said softly: “I'm sorry, Hevatica. I didn't mean to... bring that up or anything.”

“No, it's fine. It's a bittersweet sorrow now, it was centuries ago.” Hevatica closed her eyes and smiled faintly. “I was young and foolhardy, and thought I was safe with my sisters and brothers. But Nephiros, a young demon foal... it attracted nasty demons. Powerful demons. My siblings didn't stay to protect us when the monsters attacked, they fled in every direction, and my husband and I tried to run and... I dropped my baby. And before I could even turn around, he was swept up by the greedy demons, and...”

She broke off, then shook her head and said softly: “My husband dragged me away. It's funny, how the one thing I still haven't forgiven him for... it's that he didn't let me die with my baby. But I'm thankful too, you know. Because I survived, I have been able to live vicariously through many other mothers. Yourself, Fluttershy, others... I have felt their joys and their pains, both. And of course, I have friends, and new family now, and live to serve you and Scrivener. I have purpose. It will never replace sweet Nephiros, but it... gives me reason to continue. And hope that one day, my heart will mend.”

She closed her eyes, bowing her head forwards, seaweed mane half-hiding her features before she smiled softly and gazed up tenderly as Luna and Scrivener looked across at her with compassion. “You are like no master I have ever served, no rulers I ever imagined. I question sometimes if you understand that you, Mistress Luna, are master, and we are all forsworn servants, whether you have released the initial bonds of loyalty over us or not... you listen to us. You take care of us. You feel for us. And perhaps because we are all creatures of emotion... your compassion, and tenderness, and how you hurt for us when we hurt... it gives us more strength than fear and pain and uncaring masters could ever provide for any of us.”

Hevatica looked down, then gazed kindly over at Burning Desire, reaching up to touch his shoulder gently. “And you are like them, handsome Passion. It's why I think that in spite of how insane the idea of curing a Destroyer is... you'll manage it all the same. I'm only honored to be a part of this journey, even if my role is as minor as healer and scout. Please let me know if I can assist in any further way, though... I shall not hesitate to.”

Both ponies nodded slowly as Burning Desire chuckled quietly, then reached back up and squeezed Hevatica's own shoulder, saying softly: “You're here with us, and my friend. We stand together, and that's more than I've ever been able to ask of anyone from my past, Hevatica.”

Luna nodded with a grunt as Scrivener Blooms smiled a little, both ponies looking across the crackling fire towards the demons and feeling renewed confidence in themselves and their allies, their friends. Dark beginnings or not, no matter who or what they were, they were also unified and here to support one another... and standing together, they could take down any opponent that stood alone.

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