• Published 21st Mar 2013
  • 2,070 Views, 388 Comments

Synthesis of the Atheist - BlackRoseRaven

Luna and Scrivener become the targets of a malicious, narcissistic psychopath. 8th story in the 99 Worlds Saga/Blooming Moon Chronicles.

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Burning Desire's Great Idea

Chapter Twenty Three: Burning Desire's Great Idea

Antares Mīrus smiled over at Meadowlark as they strode through the streets of Canterlot side-by-side, enjoying the morning together. They had plans to go to lunch at a little hole-in-the-wall restaurant, and then they would head back down to Subterra in the afternoon so they could attend a little get-together that Burning Desire was holding.

This wasn't his usual thing, but the glossy-black unicorn was glad that he and Meadowlark were doing this. Going on a little date during one of their last days here before heading back to Ponyville. After all, there was a lot to do around Canterlot, and a lot to see, and even if he wasn't the most social of ponies, he did like walking around and seeing all the sights... and much more than that, he liked seeing Meadowlark smiling and happy.

He gazed over at her softly, then tilted his head curiously as the mare gave him a warm look, then blushed a little and slipped up beside him, nudging him gently before she kissed his cheek and murmured: “Thank you for doing this.”

“Hey, it's my pleasure.” Antares said softly, giving another quiet laugh before he nuzzled her gently, then turned his gaze ahead and smiled, gesturing towards a small brick building ahead hidden among the other businesses that lined the street. “Here it is.”

“You sure?” Meadowlark asked awkwardly, looking over the dirty, windowless brick front, only an old wooden sign crookedly hammered into the wall beside the doorway marking it as some kind of restaurant. “How do you know about this place, anyway?”

“You might not believe me, but Rosewood.” Antares replied with a smile over his shoulder, and Meadowlark blinked in surprise as the glossy-black unicorn winked and nodded, striding forwards and pushing the door open before walking straight through the narrow foyer beyond, ignoring the 'Wait To Be Seated' sign resting crookedly against an abandoned-looking podium.

Meadowlark followed quickly as the heavy door swung closed behind her, pushing through a beaded curtain after Antares before the mare looked up in surprise: dark wood paneled everything, and the pleasant smell of woodsmoke lingered through the air. Dusty light shone down from several skylights in the ceiling, and as Antares strode leisurely across the mostly-empty room, a voice shouted: “Hey, unicorn! The hell are you doing here?”

Meadowlark flinched, but Antares only grinned, looking up and calling back towards the large, bulky earth pony tending bar: “Looking for a meal with my marefriend!”

“The hell did a guy like you get any mare to go out with him?” The bulky earth pony laughed and then simply hopped the counter, grinning as he strode towards them, his stained apron fluttering around him before he whistled loudly at the sight of Meadowlark as she looked shyly up at the new stallion: he had to be as tall as Antares but even wider, with a cerulean coat and a spiky, blood-red mane. “Well, how do you do, miss? This colt treating you right? Hey, Mir, this finally mean you dump that old hag?”

“Oh shut up, Bounty.” Antares laughed and shook his head as the earth pony grinned widely as as his dark red eyes gleamed with mischief. “Meadowlark, this is Wild Bounty. Bounty, this is Meadowlark. And Rosewood isn't that bad.”

“No, Scutum ain't that bad. Rosewood is a monster. She's like my mother, my in-laws, and my granny all mixed into one crazy bitch. But don't tell her I said that, she'll kick my ass.” Bounty said mildly, and Antares sighed but smiled as he shook his head, before the enormous earth pony gestured towards a table. “Anyway, go take a seat. What can I get you for drinks?”

“Just some cider to start, does that sound good?” Antares glanced across at Meadowlark, and she smiled and nodded, Bounty grunting and turning to head quickly back towards the bar, as the unicorn turned towards the table.

The seats were wood and didn't have cushions, but had been worn down over countless years and were comfortable to rest back in, as Meadowlark smiled over at Antares and asked: “So I guess you must come here pretty often, then?”

“Well, whenever I'm in Canterlot, yeah. Rosewood apparently comes here a lot though, and sometimes Scutum stops in, too.” Antares replied with a bit of a shrug, smiling a little, and Meadowlark gazed across at him softly. “It's really good food, and Bounty's a great guy.”

“Well, it ain't hard to be great when you're me.” Bounty said comfortably as he returned with a tray on his back, before he turned and easily shrugged this off into the center of the table without spilling a drop of cider from the full-to-the-brim glass steins. “Don't drink the unicorn's, miss, I spat in his. Anyway, what are you two hungry for, or do you want me to rattle off today's menu?”

“I'd recommend the grilled tomato sandwich, it's about the only thing he does a good job with.” Antares said mildly, and then he winced when Bounty punched him in the shoulder. “Hey, I'm your customer here.”

“Yeah, yeah, you shut up about my food. I wouldn't have snotty unicorns like Rosewood coming in here if I didn't have damn fine food, right?” Bounty smiled slightly, then winked over at Meadowlark. “How about I make it a meal? Grilled tomato with lettuce and I'll bring out a mixed side of fries and onion rings.”

Meadowlark only nodded with an awkward smile, and then her eyes roved awkwardly down before widening slightly at the tattoo on Bounty's foreleg of a horse's head with a pair of crossed swords behind it and a set of numbers beneath. Bounty tilted his head curiously, then he smiled, but before he could say anything Meadowlark asked curiously: “You were in the twelfth squadron?”

“Well, hell. She's pretty and she's got brains, how'd you get so lucky?” Bounty smiled amusedly over at Antares, who shrugged with a laugh before the earth pony nodded firmly as he turned his eyes back to Meadowlark, patting the tattoo absently. “That's right. I put in ten years with 'em, then was honorably discharged, and now I run this little restaurant. How'd you know?”

“My father was a Pegasus, air support in the fourteenth. Sort of.” Meadowlark replied with a small smile, and then she shook her head quickly. “Does that mean you fought alongside us during... Cancer's attacks?”

Bounty softened a little at this, studying her for a few moments before he turned his eyes to Antares as the stallion smiled a bit. “Well, hell, so this is that Pegasus you and Rosewood are always talking about, ain't she?” As Meadow blushed, he turned his eyes back to her and nodded firmly. “I was, yeah. Defended Canterlot, fought at the gorge. But we can catch up on old war stories later, lemme go fix you guys a meal.”

The glossy-black unicorn rose a hoof to Bounty as he turned and strode away, and Meadowlark caught sight of the grain cutie mark on the stallion's flank before she turned her eye to Antares, gazing across at him softly.

She didn't say anything, but she didn't need to as the stallion shifted a bit, then said softly: “Yeah, I think that's how Scutum found out about this place... you know he knows pretty much everything about everyone who's ever been in the military ever. But I really... he makes a good sandwich. He was a farmer before he was a soldier.”

“It's just... funny, Antares. You're younger than I am yet you kind of act like some old war vet. And yet you also say you don't want to be a soldier anymore, or a Starlit Knight. But you're a natural leader, you're smart, you have a lot of respect from ponies... and you kind of cling to these... particular places, you know?” Meadowlark smiled a little, and Antares shifted awkwardly as he looked up at the dirty skylights lamely. “It's nothing bad. I just think sometimes that... maybe you should consider... all the things that you do and think about what you really want in life.”

“I do. I do, I just... well, I guess I kind of have a job right now anyway.” Antares smiled back after a moment, sliding a hoof across the table, and Meadowlark reached out and took it as they gazed at each other softly. “Maybe not a paying one, but... we have these Replicants to worry about, right?”

“But that won't last forever.” Meadowlark said gently, and Antares shifted uneasily before the mare squeezed his hoof slowly. “I know your life is busy, and you're kind of... always doing odd jobs for Celestia or the barony or all around Ponyville, and whenever things get bad, you somehow always manage to get involved with putting a stop to it. But I want you to be able to figure out... who you want to be. Where you want to go in life.”

“I... I am figuring it out, it's just... slow.” Antares said finally, and he shifted a bit before smiling faintly as Meadowlark gazed at him softly. “It's not easy, no. But I am figuring it out little-by-little Meadow, I really am. I want to help ponies, I want to... be an adventurer, but I don't know if I want to be a real leader. It's lonely.”

The Pegasus nodded slowly, and there was quiet for a few moments before they both picked up their glasses almost at the same time, drinking slowly and studying one another silently. Then Antares put the glass down and hesitated, Meadowlark studying him curiously before the unicorn blushed a little as he glanced down and mumbled: “But sometimes... well... I think about just kind of... going off on an adventure. I mean, so much of this Equestria is unexplored, right? A lot of this world has yet to be mapped, we have to reestablish contact with far-off lands still, who only barely know about our existence... I... I'd love to be part of that. An explorer. But that's pretty stupid, isn't it?”

“I think it's wonderful.” Meadowlark said softly, and then she smiled a little as she added quietly: “But you know you'd have to leave Ponyville and everything behind, right?”

“Yeah, but... I was thinking about that.” Antares rubbed embarrassedly at his features, shifting back and forth before he said finally: “Mom and Dad still have a lot to teach me, but... I know they want me going off on my own, too, learning things... for myself. Even while they were gone, I never did that. I clung to Twilight and Celestia and... I mean, I learned a world, but never as much as when I was forced to do things on my own. I know that and acknowledge that. And it's not like I'd be out of contact... I think I could learn a spell to send letters and stuff.”

Meadowlark nodded slowly, and then she smiled a little. “You know that... I'd want to come with you, Antares, one way or another. I don't know about the others but... we're a couple. We do everything together.”

Antares met her eyes warmly, and he shifted a little before they both glanced up as Bounty returned with another tray on his back that had two plates loaded with large, grilled sandwiches and generous helpings of fries and onion rings. He shrugged it off onto the table with a grin at the two, winking and saying warmly: “Enjoy, kids. And today it's on the house, but you still better leave me a nice tip, colt.”

“Thanks, Bounty.” Antares said wryly, shaking his head with an amused smile, and the earth pony winked before he turned and strode away, as Meadowlark picked up her sandwich and bit into it, then looked surprised as she chewed slowly as Antares tossed one of the onion rings into his mouth with a smile. “See? He's a good cook.”

They ate in leisure together, and Meadowlark enjoyed the meal much more than she expected to. Their conversation was slow and easy, and the two had eyes only for each other even as a few other customers came and went, most of them regulars greeted loudly and warmly by Wild Bounty. And once finished, Bounty took their plates away and came back a moment later with a large plate of lopsided fudge, saying easily: “Baking really ain't my thing, but I keep some desserts handy all the same. Go on, eat up, it's gonna get thrown out otherwise.”

The fudge was delicious, and Antares left a hefty tip for Bounty afterwards before they made their way out, smiling and waving to the earth pony as they headed back outside. Meadowlark and Antares smiled at each other as they stood side-by-side for a few moments, and the stallion felt his heart thudding in his chest as he looked at her as they stood in the doorway together, and she gazed back up at him with those warm, compassionate eyes...

He kissed her, and she kissed him slowly, tenderly back before their mouths parted, and then they smiled again before both ponies turned and headed into the streets of Canterlot. They had no real goal except to wander, side-by-side, enjoying one-another's company until they found their way to one of the entrances to Subterra.

The two ponies made their way down into the city beneath the city, and Antares looked musingly upwards, estimating the time as they began to stride down the street together, Meadowlark looking at him curiously. “You know, I think we have enough time to go look at a few shops or something, if you wanted, before we have to-”

Then the stallion yelped and stumbled backwards as pain tore through his hoof, raising it hurriedly and looking down with surprise at a Silverback. The nasty little insect glared up at him almost challengingly, clicking loudly as its stinger swayed back and forth in the air above it before Antares narrowed his eyes and leaned down with a growl, and the insect shuddered before spinning around and skittering quickly away.

Antares cursed under his breath as he shook his hoof slowly, and then Meadowlark quickly reached over and gently took it, saying softly: “Here, let me look...”

“Meadow, I... I'm fine, really.” Antares said embarrassedly, and then he winced a bit as Meadowlark carefully probed the tender area, a bit of blood leaking out of a small hole just above his hoof. “Those stupid bugs are getting more and more aggressive...”

“I'll have to talk to Zecora about it. She might know something.” Meadowlark murmured softly as she studied the bruised skin around the ugly little hole, and then she sighed a little and said finally: “Okay. It doesn't look serious. I think you got lucky and it already used up most of its poison on something else.”

Antares nodded a little after a moment, and then he smiled awkwardly at Meadowlark when she glanced nervously in the direction the little nasty bug had gone, the stallion saying quietly: “Well, let's not worry about it too much, okay? I'll talk to Aunt Tia, promise, let her know they're getting mean even down here.”

Meadowlark nodded hesitantly, and then she shifted a little before finally sighing and smiling up at Antares. “Okay. Okay. But let's just head over to Burning Desire's, then... I'm sure everyone else is there by now, anyway.”

“Maybe. Apps is supposed to be there, too. She was really excited, said she had a date or something.” Antares remarked, and Meadowlark looked curiously over at the young stallion. “Hey, don't ask me. Mom and Dad wouldn't tell me anything about it, though, and Aunt Pinkamena just got really grouchy when I tried to talk to her about it.”

“Is that good or bad? Because she gets grouchy about pretty much everything, doesn't she?” Meadowlark cocked her head, and Antares laughed and shook his head with a smile. “Well, it's true, Mir. I think you're the only pony she's nice to on a regular basis. Even your Dad she kind of hits a lot. Heck, even her husband she kind of hits a lot.”

“Yeah, but you gotta look past all that. You gotta think of everything else she does, too.” Antares replied with a smile, looking down the street and nodding to a few demons that waved to him as he passed. “There might be only a few ponies meaner than her, but there's also only a few ponies more willing to go to any lengths for their friends, too.”

Meadowlark nodded, studying Antares thoughtfully as they walked slowly through the dark, crystal-lit city, until she finally asked when they turned down the road leading to Burning Desire's manse: “So you think it's better to be mean to ponies than nice, as long as you're willing to help them?”

“I... guess?” Antares said awkwardly, and he shrugged and said finally: “Well, you know, in a perfect world we'd all understand each other better and not need to be complete jerks, but... this world is far from perfect and all.”

Meadowlark laughed quietly after a moment at this, then she smiled softly and murmured: “I dunno about that, Mir. Sometimes I think things are just perfect the way they are.”

Antares smiled over his shoulder at her, then he laughed when she leaned quickly in and kissed his cheek firmly, before the two turned their attention ahead and continued in comfortable quiet until they reached the stairs leading up into the red stone palace. Both ponies smiled as they saw Hevatica was standing at the doors, and the Kelpie gazed affectionately at the two as she greeted: “Antares, Meadowlark, it's wonderful to see you both, and in such good spirits.”

“Hi, Hevatica. Are we too early?” Antares asked, and the Kelpie laughed quietly and shook her head. “Good. So does that mean other ponies have started arriving?”

“Why, yes. Pinkamena and Sleipnir are inside, and so are your parents. Aphrodisia and her date are also here... I must say, I feel sorry for the poor mortal. Scrivener Blooms can be such a cruel stallion at times... it's rather attractive, though.” Hevatica winked, and Antares gave her an entertained look in return before the Kelpie gestured easily to them. “Go ahead inside. I'll wait a few more minutes to ensure there's no last minute guests, then join you. They're gathered in the courtyard.”

Antares nodded, and he and Meadowlark made their way into the entrance hall, the Pegasus glancing back and forth and saying finally: “You know what bothers me most about these statues? It's that most of them really are really nice. Except for the... you know. The bits.”

Antares only kept his eyes ahead, saying wryly: “Please don't let Burning Desire hear you say that, or else he'll want to get you a statue too. Worse, he might want to model it off you as well.”

“What, don't you think I'd make a nice statue?” Meadowlark asked teasingly, and Antares groaned as they passed through the double doors at the end of the hall, the Pegasus laughing and shaking her head slowly. “I still find it amazing how... calm you are, Antares, considering Luna...”

“Oh let's not have this conversation, let's please not have this conversation, especially not here.” Antares mumbled as they followed the corridor, the stallion looking up with a wince at a tapestry depicting a harem of silk-draped mares in sultry, provocative positions: nothing was shown, but everything about it was so erotic that it was somehow even more powerful with things covered than...

Antares shook his head wildly as they continued down the hall, blushing furiously, and Meadowlark sighed but smiled amusedly at the stallion as they continued through Burning Desire's palatial manse. The stallion knew the route, at least: more than once Burning Desire had insisted on showing off his courtyard, although...

They passed through a set of open, gorgeous wood-and-glass doors to step out into a large, square garden, and Antares did his best to keep his eyes off the enormous statues that stood at each corner of the yard, detailed as exquisitely as the ones in the entrance hall: the only difference was that these were stallions, not mares. Thankfully, there was at least a bit of cover here, so if Antares positioned himself in the right place, some of the beautiful cherry blossom trees or tall, flowering bushes would hide their... parts... from sight.

And thankfully, most of his attention was drawn to the center of the area anyway, as Burning Desire called cheerfully from in front of the large, covered object that sat in the center of a pool of water: “Antares, Meadow! How wonderful, everypony's here and it's so early, oh, this is like getting an extra birthday!”

“Then let me go get my axe so I can give you birthday chops.” Pinkamena muttered, but beside her, Sleipnir only laughed and wrapped a foreleg around his wife with a smile, earning a glare from her. “Get off me.”

Sleipnir only smiled childishly at her, however, as Luna, Scrivener, and Twilight all gazed warmly over their shoulders at Antares as he and Meadow headed down the steps. This center square of the garden was surrounded by short garden walls, with tall, steel archways forming a wide entrance at either face of the square. Vines, tapers, and flowers grew over the framework, and Antares couldn't help but twitch a little in surprise when some of the ivy twisted out and stroked against his face as he passed, Burning Desire grinning widely. “Careful there, Antares, otherwise the flowers of this garden might try and make you pollinate them.”

An earth pony standing nearby gave a shrill little chuckle, and Antares did a double take as he realized it was Barry: he was dressed in a cheap black suit, looking almost terrified out of his mind as he stood with one foreleg raised, and to Antares' further shock Aphrodisia was clinging happily to him. The demon, like her date, had dressed up for the occasion: she had a flowing black dress on that glittered quietly in the light, and a beautiful string of pearls hung around her neck, which she rose her head to show proudly off when she saw her cousin looking at her.

Antares mouthed wordlessly, and Meadowlark awkwardly looked over at Pinkamena and Sleipnir: the Gluttony demon was glaring at Barry, while Sleipnir was only continuing to look benevolent as he followed Antares' eyes to the couple, then remarked positively: “Aye, 'tis very nice to see young ponies out and enjoying themselves. And Barry has promised to take very good care of my little filly, isn't that right, Barry?”

Barry looked with a whimper towards Sleipnir and Pinkamena, then paled as, behind the enormous stallion, Pinkamena slammed her front hooves together and bared her sharp teeth, and the lanky agent nodded violently as Aphrodisia giggled and said happily: “He's such a gentlecolt!”

“Yes, Barry is truly a fortunate stallion... but now that everypony is here and we only have to wait for Hevatica to arrive, I can say honestly that very soon a certain mare will be the envy of everypony here.” Burning Desire said warmly, gazing towards Twilight Sparkle, and the Lich slowly paled as Luna and Scrivener traded looks behind the purple mare, then both stared towards the covered statue as well.

Twilight had recovered almost completely: she still had some discoloration here and there, but her wings and horn had grown back into place, and there was only a minimal amount of stitching over her body. Her collar and earrings were both polished and secured back in place, and the violet mare looked nervously at Burning Desire before she said slowly: “This... you didn't... you do understand that if you take that off, and that statue is... no. You...”

“It will be the crown jewel of my collection, violet! But have some faith in me, you know I would never do anything to harm you or shame you.” Burning Desire smiled kindly at her, then he winked before adding positively: “Besides, we're all good friends here, yes?”

Twilight Sparkle gritted her teeth, twitching a bit even as Luna and Scrivener traded another look... and then Luna's mouth quirked as she began to tremble, reaching a hoof up to hurriedly cover her muzzle, trying her hardest to restrain her laughter. Scrivener, meanwhile, cleared his throat and looked down at the ground, pawing awkwardly at it with a hoof as he tried his absolute hardest not to laugh as well before the Lich glared over her shoulder at them.

Antares only sighed and dropped his head as he and Meadowlark joined them, and then Burning Desire happily bounced over to the young couple and gazed down at them kindly. “Thank you both for coming to join us. It's wonderful to see you both here, I cannot express how glad I am for it. I know that young love... it tends to want to go its own way, after all.”

He glanced over at Barry and Aphrodisia, winking at them, and Barry flinched as Aphrodisia giggled and gazed brightly up at the earth pony before turning her eyes back towards Antares, asking happily: “What do you think, big brother? Do we make a cute couple?”

“B-Brother? C-C-Couple?” Barry stared down in disbelief, and then he whimpered a little, shaking his head hurriedly before staring desperately over at Scrivener Blooms, but the charcoal stallion was still trying his hardest to look serious as Twilight lectured both him and Luna.

Then Hevatica strolled calmly through one of the archways and bowed to them politely, and Burning Desire laughed as he spun around and hurried over to the edge of the pool, all eyes turning towards him when he flicked his horn upwards. Fireworks of red flame banged through the air, making ponies stare in surprise before the fiery unicorn sat back with a warm smile, gazing up at the covered statue as he said warmly: “First of all my friends... let me say just how much it means that you can all be here for this. Oh yes, it's just a silly little thing... but still, it means a world to me, and I cannot begin to express my delight that all of you will be among the first to see this. This, my...”

He stopped, then closed his eyes and smiled softly as he looked over his shoulder, saying quietly: “This is my way to keep someone special with me... while celebrating at the same time... everything she's found with two very, very lucky ponies.”

With that, Burning Desire stepped backwards while swaying his head to the side, horn glowing brightly, and the thick purple cloth was yanked off the statue and tossed to the side as Twilight Sparkle stared in surprise at what was unveiled. It was a beautiful, perfectly-sculpted statue of her, accurate to every detail... but it wasn't coy, or sultry or provocative. It was her, head proudly raised, wearing the same collar and earrings she had on now carved in exquisitely-detailed black stone set into the gleaming marble. It was her, complete with stitching formed by thick green vines that were growing out of holes in the statue and formed a natural crisscross across her breast, as well as here and there over her frame. It was her, with a horn of crystal that glowed as bright as a beacon the moment it was unveiled, casting a warmth through the garden that made the plants shudder and lean eagerly in towards this masterful centerpiece.

Twilight flushed deeply as Burning Desire gazed up at the statue with a bright smile on his face, and then he turned to face the violet mare as other ponies only stared at the beautiful construct, as the demonic stallion said softly: “You're still my beacon, violet... you're still my friend. This is very selfish of me, I know, but... allow me a little selfishness, won't you? Even though I know full well no demon could ever truly hope to capture your beauty, it's still a reminder that... you are there for me, as I hope you will always remember that I am there for you, and Scrivener and Luna.”

There was silence for a moment, and then Burning Desire grinned as he looked forwards and added warmly: “I know it's a little less sultry than you likely expected, but I think this captures the best parts of you nicely. Not, of course, that those other parts of you are anything less than perfection themselves, but-”

Twilight ran forwards and hugged the demon tightly, and as she buried her face against the side of his neck, she murmured: “Shut up... and... thank you.”

Burning Desire closed his eyes with a quiet laugh as his mane and tail of fire both flared up for a moment, then settled as he looked at her softly, saying quietly: “There's no need to thank me for such selfishness as this, violet. I should be the one thanking you... the pony who helped me see that everything I'd striven for all my life... it's been worthwhile. Who rewarded me for all my hard work and... still does, every day.”

He paused, then smiled and turned towards her, hugging her fiercely back, and they held onto each other for a few moments before parting as the fiery stallion winked at her, saying easily: “Besides, look all around! Friends, and in friends my family! How could I be anything but happy, want to do anything but celebrate this?”

“Does that mean thou shall be making more statues of us in the future? I certainly would not mind, Burning Desire. I would even gladly pose for it.” Luna said positively, smiling warmly up at the monument as Scrivener gave her a flat look, before the mare huffed a bit and said mildly as she sensed Scrivener's glare: “Oh, thou art just jealous.”

“Not really. Besides, we have a statue, remember?” Scrivener said pointedly, and Luna huffed at this before the stallion sighed a little, then returned his gaze to the centerpiece in the fountain as he added softly: “But well. It's amazing how even knowing there's naked posing stallion statues at each corner of the garden, this somehow isn't that creepy.”

“Yeah, it doesn't say 'stalker' at all.” Pinkamena muttered, and when Burning Desire huffed at her as Twilight smiled amusedly and stepped backwards, the gray-pink demon mare sniffed disdainfully and said dryly: “You better never make a statue of me or my daughter.”

“Oh, come now, phoenix, I think 'tis a fine gesture, and what artistry, what craft to have made such a beautiful work of admiration!” Sleipnir declared warmly, nodding firmly to Burning Desire before he strode suddenly forwards, and the demon and Lich both stared before Sleipnir swept them both up in a firm embrace, squeezing them both fiercely and making Twilight gargle and Burning wheeze as his eyes bulged. “Wondrous friends! Let us celebrate this friendship, this unity, this love!”

“Hippy.” Pinkamena muttered, even as Aphrodisia cheered and bounced forwards to join in on the hug and Luna laughed loudly before running forwards as well and jumping in on the embrace. Antares and Meadowlark both only smiled, as Scrivener sat back before letting his eyes rove to the statue with a soft look: it really was a wonderful gesture on Burning Desire's part, after all.

Finally, Sleipnir dropped the Lich and the fiery unicorn, both of them stumbling to their hooves as Aphrodisia and Luna both sat back with warm smiles up at the enormous stallion. Sleipnir gazed fondly up over the statue, then he laughed quietly before turning warm eyes to Burning Desire, saying softly: “This type of vine is associated with honoring a promise, is it not?”

Burning Desire smiled slightly, looking up with surprise before he nodded once, saying easily: “Also fidelity, but you're right. Yes, it's a reminder of what I had then, what I have now, and what I've bound myself to, Sleipnir.”

Twilight looked curiously towards the statue, studying the thick vines that laced back and forth across the surface of the stone structure, and then Burning Desire smiled again over at her, saying quietly: “Of course, my violet, this is all for me more than it is for you... and that's part of why I appreciate so much that you're all here, to see this.”

There was silence for a few moments, and then Luna gazed up and said softly: “Burning Desire... thou art the most noble of demons that I have ever met. Nay, the most noble of... all creatures. Even if thou art obsessive and perverted, too, but those are both qualities I happen to admire, as they remind me greatly of my big brother.”

“Oh, sister, thou art too kind! Why, between us, surely thou art the greater pervert, and I must add that by far, Celestia clearly outstripes us in obsessiveness.” Sleipnir said cheerfully, and then he paused thoughtfully before looking over his shoulder as Scrivener Blooms approached with an amused smile, Antares and Meadowlark following with amazed looks on their faces. “But we are all a little perverted and obsessive all around, are we not?”

Luna nodded firmly a few times, and Burning Desire laughed before Hevatica said kindly, as she walked up beside Sleipnir and winked to him: “But whoever said those were bad qualities, darling? I know I certainly wouldn't want you any other way.”

Sleipnir smiled brightly down at Hevatica as Pinkamena growled moodily at the Kelpie's back. Hevatica only gave a teasing smile over her shoulder, however, before Barry held up a hoof and asked awkwardly: “So uh... how much did that thing cost?”

“Oh, I believe... two million, in your mortal currency?” Burning Desire said absently, and Barry gaped in shock as Twilight blushed deeply, gazing with surprise up over the statue as the stallion smiled warmly. “And of course a favor or two. But I would have paid ten times that amount, and gladly... this... this is my beacon made real, my promise to Twilight Sparkle made physical. This is a little bit of obsession and a little bit of... of letting go.”

He looked fondly over at the mare, and Twilight blushed quietly, studying Burning Desire quietly. Conversation ebbed and flowed as the small group mingled, until Pinkamena finally dragged Sleipnir away after threatening Barry's life, and soon after, Antares and Meadowlark left as well after the young stallion mentioned being stung by a Silverback. Hevatica eventually took her own leave after giving both Burning Desire and Twilight Sparkle a gentle kiss on the cheek, and that left only a small group behind... which became smaller when a giggling Aphrodisia grabbed Barry and dragged him off to a private corner of the garden by his tie.

Scrivener, Luna, Twilight, and Burning Desire sat in front of his statue, the stallion resting with his back to it and a smile lingering on his features, his eyes closed and seeming almost like he was meditating. Meanwhile, the three ponies only gazed between him and the gorgeous decoration that served not just as a centerpiece to this garden, but perhaps the entire palace... before the demonic stallion finally looked up and said softly: “I have a story to tell you, about my life. A story I never even told the full truth of to you, violet... and it's hard, and painful, but... it's very, very important.”

Twilight shifted uneasily, then rose her head and said quietly: “Burning, you don't have to if you don't want to... I really appreciate the statue, and I know you... mean well by it, and-”

“No, shush, shush.” Burning said huffily, flailing a hoof at the air. “This is no attempt to win you back, and this is... this is my way of letting go a little more. Remembering... what we must be.” Burning Desire gazed over his shoulder at the statue, softening at the sight of it. “It captures all your beauty, Twilight, and makes me feel safe... but it also stands like a guardian over me, in a place that I cannot reach. It's here to help me, and protect me, and it cares for me... but just like you, I love it but know I can't spend my whole life basking in its glow. Now listen to me, and the story I have to tell.”

Luna and Scrivener both nodded as Twilight settled, and the demon hesitated before he lowered his head and said softly: “First of all, as you know... I made a deal with a devil of Greed, and that was in large part why I ended up in Helheim. Friends of mine have told me he is long, long dead... which is good, because I'm sure if he wasn't, I would be. Second of all, I told you I was killed by an ex-lover, which... I was, but not in the assumed sense. My ex-lover was... my baby sister. She was beloved but I never physically loved her, if you understand my meaning.”

Burning Desire smiled wryly, and Twilight gave him a flat look as Luna commented thoughtfully: “Clever. Demons cannot lie, but they can tangle up the literal and the metaphorical to suit themselves nicely. He does a better job of it than thou does, Scrivener Blooms.”

Scrivener rolled his eyes at this as Burning Desire smiled slightly, winking over at Luna. “Well, I am half-Greed demon, after all. But now the story, I fear, gets a little embarrassing, and I can't say that I was entirely manipulated into doing this, which... makes it more embarrassing... because you see, I was indeed murdered because she caught me with another mare. But this mare who I was sleeping with... she was my other little sister. Her name was Morning Glory, and... we were victims of demonic manipulations, but... I... well, I was an idiot, and when you make a contract with a demon to make every mare love and adore you, you should remember that your three little sisters are all mares as well, no matter how easy it is to forget.”

Twilight winced and leaned back as Scrivener and Luna traded looks, then the sapphire mare grinned widely and opened her mouth: Scrivener hurriedly leaned over the Lich and covered the starry-maned winged unicorn's muzzle, though, making her grumble as the stallion said awkwardly to the demon: “We respect that this was a long time ago and uh... yeah.”

“Oh, go ahead, I heard every name under the sun during my brief stay in Helheim.” Burning Desire waved a hoof absently, even as he blushed just enough to show through his shifting, magmatic coat. “Besides, it... it was my fault, and something I take responsibility for. But it wasn't Morning Glory's... she was poisoned by a demon, and manipulated by Cupidus, the devil that I made my contract with. And of course, by me... stupid, weakling me...”

He closed his eyes, taking a slow breath before looking up and saying softly: “But the reason I tell you this is because I was not what was desired by Cupidus. It was Morning Glory... our mother, you see, had a pact with a demon lord. She was his adopted daughter, and I have spent... so many years, gathering every last bit of information I could upon Duke Magister. He was... is... my idol, who I strive to be like, who I have shaped myself after. An eudaemon.”

Twilight tilted her head curiously, and Luna translated quietly: “In simple, a demon of good, that serves to aid and better the situations of others. As a cacodaemon seeks only to destroy and harm. Most demons do not deserve either title, like very few ponies deserve to be called hero or villain.”

Burning Desire smiled warmly, nodding slowly before he touched his own chest gently. “It's part of why I'm a Passion, I believe. A powerful demon, in spite of being such a meager little mortal in life.” He chuckled quietly to himself, then shook his head slowly and said softly: “I was exiled from Helheim. I think you know that, Luna, don't you? That, among other reasons, was why I was so delighted to join your cause, so willing to sign myself on board with your lot.

“But my sister fell to Helheim too, because of... what we did together, and how... destroyed she was by Cupidus. Because she killed our baby sister in rage, and... well, her violent life as a shieldmaiden, bashing anything that argued with her in the face, that probably didn't help much either.” Burning Desire remarked mildly, and then he shook his head slowly before saying quietly: “She became a Destroyer. I assume you know what that is, Luna?”

“Pure Wrath. An unstoppable killing machine.” It was Scrivener who answered, frowning uncertainly over at Burning Desire. “And they very, very rarely maintain their minds. All they care about is the fight...”

“Yes, often Destroyers are locked away in Helheim's guts, used as Hel's guard dogs or thrown into gladiator pits or the infinite abyss.” Burning Desire nodded, then he licked his lips anxiously before leaning forwards and saying quietly: “But Morning Glory is different. Cupidus made her his General, you see, because he needed her to access some... treasure vault or something of the Duke's that I've never been able to track down. Even now no one knows where it is... only that Cupidus and Morning Glory walked in, and only Morning Glory came back out.”

“So she killed her master... that sounds like the actions of a Destroyer lost to bloodlust.” Luna said pointedly... but when Burning Desire only looked at her and slowly rose his eyebrows, she sighed tiredly and rolled her eyes, muttering: “No, no. That is mad, what thou art suggesting...”

“I know my little sister. Her mind was sharp, her will was powerful... I have no doubt that she was only waiting for Cupidus to be vulnerable, and then she turned on him and killed him for what he did to us.” Burning Desire said firmly, nodding quickly once. “Furthermore, she escaped Helheim, and I think I know where she may be hiding out... and considering there haven't been any mass killings and none of you have detected her presence...”

“A wild demon?” Luna looked pessimistic, frowning moodily: she didn't bother to ask why Morning Glory hadn't come forwards when Luna had made her offer to all citizens of the night of peace in exchange for loyalty, that seemed to have already answered itself. But one thing did bother her... “If thou knows where she is, why hast thou not gone to her?”

Burning Desire cleared his throat, raising a hoof as he opened his mouth, and then Twilight Sparkle said quietly but firmly: “The whole truth. No sidesteps.”

The fiery unicorn closed his mouth, then he cleared his throat again and looked awkwardly between the three ponies in front of him before admitting lamely: “From what I can gather, she's rather intent on killing me. The whole. You know. Sleeping with her thing.”

“Oh, wonderful.” Luna said disgustedly, and then she dropped her head forwards before pausing and looking moodily up at him. “Wert thou really that untalented a lover in the past? Twilight Sparkle always hinted that thou wert excellent in bed.”

Twilight turned beet red as she creakily turned towards Luna, as Scrivener Blooms cleared his throat loudly and Burning Desire looked absurdly touched by this remark, smiling warmly. Then he winced when Twilight turned her embarrassed glare on the demon, before he hurriedly held up his hooves and exclaimed: “Wait, wait! But it can help us both! If you can find her, you can convince her to not kill me and better yet, to fight alongside you!”

Luna opened her mouth, about to retort that all a Destroyer would care about was fighting... before the sapphire mare blinked and then frowned thoughtfully at this. She felt Nightmare Moon look up with interest inside of her, but Luna ignored the feeling before she looked meditatively across at Burning Desire. “'Tis an interesting thought, I will give it that.”

“Yeah, uh, one thing. How do we reason with a Wrath demon? Especially this kind of Wrath demon: it sounds like your sister is going to pack more of a punch than a Pride demon and will seriously be wanting you dead.” Scrivener said mildly, and then Luna grinned slowly at this before Scrivener stared over at her, and a moment later, Twilight gaped as well and turned a disbelieving look on the sapphire mare at the very simple solution that she felt Luna project into her mind.

Burning Desire smiled lamely, rubbing at the back of his head before he said awkwardly: “Well, I'm guessing that you just figured out one solution to that little problem. I'd say we could talk to her, too, but... admittedly, that's quite a long shot, even if she wasn't a demon. Morning Glory was always a little... uh... angry. And more than that, well... you know, nine hundred and fifty years or so of being a killing machine, her morals may be just uh... slightly-skewed. Not at all like me.”

“No, truly, there is no demon more in control of his desires than thou art.” Luna said ironically, and Burning Desire huffed before Luna shrugged as she saw Twilight and Scrivener were still staring at her. “Well... I fear that I am compelled to agree. If we can tame the Destroyer, she will undoubtedly make a mighty ally. Furthermore, we cannot leave such a dangerous and powerful demon alone, even in hermitage: 'tis like a bomb, only waiting for the fuse to run down before she eventually goes mad and begins to kill everything around her. And lastly... Burning Desire is a friend, whom we owe much to. Thou knows this better than us, Twilight Sparkle. We cannot leave him in danger.”

Burning Desire blushed as Twilight sighed quietly, then she smiled faintly and looked slowly over at the fiery unicorn, murmuring: “I... I know you're right. But you're saying the only way to do that, to get her loyalty... it's to beat her up, isn't it?”

“Well, I'd say 'beat her down,' technically. It implies more broken bones and not being able to get up.” Scrivener remarked mildly, and Luna grinned wryly over at the stallion as Twilight closed her eyes slowly and Burning Desire gazed with both embarrassment and gratitude over the three. “But I have to ask... I mean, is she going to be able to hold her own against something like Cheshire?”

“That is what we will find out when we find her, Scrivy.” Luna said positively, and then she nodded slowly and murmured: “'Twould be very wise not to underestimate this foe, though... we will have to prepare thoroughly. And I dearly hope, Burning Desire, that thou art not coming forwards with this information because thou hast discovered thy little sister is now coming for thy head.”

“No, not at all, I promise. I... I promised to help out however I could, though, and the best way I can do that is to tell you where Morning Glory is, and help you convince her to join us.” Burning Desire smiled after a moment, looking away. “Not that there's no positives for me, of course. But... honestly. She was always a brilliant fighter, even in life.”

Luna sighed a little and nodded slowly, and then Burning Desire continued hesitantly: “I think... the only reason she never hunted me down before, was because I was always on the move. While this world was empty, and I was exiled here, to keep sane I went from place-to-place, studied as much that this world had to offer as I could... and of course, once you arrived, and I heard that you were looking for demons to make an alliance with, I had to join you. And powerful or not, Morning Glory would never be so foolish as to enter an entire city of allied demons in order to hunt me down.”

The sapphire mare grunted, nodding moodily as the fiery demon shifted a little. There was silence for a moment, and then he said almost abruptly: “I heard she took up residence near the sea. A powerful demon like she is... it attracts other wild demons, after all, who want to ally themselves under her. But I hear she kills most of the demons who go to see her. I think she's near... near where we lived, for that short two months of life I had after my contract.”

“Saltwater Barony?” Twilight asked quietly, and Burning Desire looked surprised... then smiled faintly and nodded with a blush as Twilight laughed and almost chastised: “I... always listened to your stories, you know. I just... you never pressured me about what happened to make me a Lich, so... I never wanted to pressure you.”

“If I may give some advice, Twilight Sparkle...” Burning Desire gazed up at her softly, smiling a little more. “You should have pressured me. Sometimes, you should put a little pressure on the people you care about. Because as much as it hurts... talking about this with you all, it's been very cathartic. I wish that I had done it sooner.”

The other ponies nodded slowly, and then Burning Desire sighed before he glanced over his shoulder at the beautiful statue of Twilight Sparkle behind him. The mare it was modeled after looked up with a blush, and for a little while there was only silence between the four, as they thought of these new developments, and what the future might hold.

But before any of them could pick up the conversation, there was a yelp, and then Barry came hurrying around the other side of the statue, staggering to a halt and blushing furiously, his collar yanked up and tie loose. His clothes were almost as rumpled as his mane, as he said hurriedly: “C-Champ, time to go champ, time to go time to go time to walk me home!”

“I'll walk you home, handsome. I'll walk you anywhere you want.” purred Aphrodisia as she pranced up beside the stallion, licking her lips slowly, and Barry squeaked before he bolted over to hide behind Luna and Scrivener as the sapphire mare cackled and Scrivener sighed. Aphrodisia only huffed and pouted, then complained: “Oh come on! I'm an adult, really really!”

“Babe, sweetie, honey, you look great, don't get me wrong, you look great, but uh... me... me and Mr. Big Time Writer here have to go and uh... talk about publishing stuff! Right? Right?” Barry said desperately, and Aphrodisia glowered at them before her eyes glowed suddenly when the terrified-looking stallion met her gaze for a moment.

His jaw fell open, a bit of drool falling from his maw as Aphrodisia grinned and licked her lips, her eyes still glowing... before Burning Desire cleared his throat loudly, and the younger demon blushed as the emerald aura immediately faded from her irises, and the fiery stallion said delicately: “Now, dearest, you know better than that. This is a non-victim household.”

“Yes, Burning Desire.” Aphrodisia mumbled, and then she sighed before puffing her cheeks out, then blowing a stream of orange smoke out of her nostrils before she said in a frustrated voice: “But what's the point of being able to do all this stuff if I'm not allowed to use it on other ponies?”

“Now, darling, come here, come here. You know better.” Burning Desire soothed, stepping up to his hooves and smiling at her quietly, and the demonic mare trembled once before running over to him and hugging him fiercely, and the Passion smiled softly down at the Dominia, gently stroking through her raven black mane as he said gently: “Believe me, the time will come when you have to use your powers, for good and for ill. Now I know, why don't you stay here tonight? We can do some practice tonight, would you like that?”

Aphrodisia nodded grudgingly, then she sat back and looked up at him as she mumbled: “I'm not a little filly anymore, though. I'm really not.”

“I know. We all do, don't we?” Burning Desire glanced over his shoulder with a smile, and Luna nodded fervently as Scrivener smiled a little and Twilight blushed and shifted a bit. Aphrodisia mumbled, but she seemed a little reassured by things as she straightened a little before the fiery stallion reached up and touched her cheek gently. “Being an adult is no fun though, my sweet. It means you have to go and apologize to Barry for one thing, for blasting his poor mind like you just did.”

“I guess I can be kind of a filly, then.” Aphrodisia grumbled, and Burning Desire gave her an amused look before she huffed and nodded a few times. “Okay, okay. Should I go tell Mommy?”

“Why don't you walk with your aunt and uncle, then?” Burning Desire glanced over his shoulder, then cleared his throat and gestured with his head at Barry, who was still standing slackly. Luna glanced absently over her shoulder, then she huffed and snapped her horn towards him, blasting him off his hooves with telekinesis and making him yelp as he flailed wildly at the air on his back. Aphrodisia giggled at this, and Burning Desire sighed, saying dryly: “I'm trying to be a good influence here. It's already hard enough as it is.”

“You are a good influence. Aphrodisia's lucky to have you as a mentor.” Twilight said softly, and Burning Desire visibly warmed at this, straightening as Aphrodisia nodded firmly a few times in agreement. Then the Lich hesitated before saying finally: “We're all heading back to Ponyville... tomorrow, I think. But I'll keep in touch, and let you know when we should all be ready to find Morning Glory.”

Aphrodisia looked up curiously, and Burning Desire only smiled over at the younger demon, reaching up and flicking her nose gently to make her giggle and grasp at her muzzle as she looked up at him affectionately. “Don't worry your pretty little head now, Aphrodisia. Just something from my past that I have to do my very best to fix... but hopefully, you'll never have to fear something like this yourself. That's why your mother and I work so hard with you, darling. Because both of us hope you can be a better person than we were or are.”

The young mare only blushed and lowered her head a little, looking bashful before Burning Desire smiled over his shoulder at the other four ponies, as Barry scrambled to his hooves and Luna, Scrivener and Twilight stood. “I promise to be ready when it's time to go, my friends. But... I would like to request that only we four go... in fact, Twilight Sparkle, I would please, please like you to consider staying behind as well.”

Twilight frowned in surprise at this, and Luna and Scrivener both glanced at the Lich softly: Burning Desire was looking at her with tender concern, even as the violet mare argued: “No, I'm fine, I really am... and I'm not going to think less of you or anything, Burning, even if she is your sister and you... well...”

“No, no, it's not about that. Well... not just about that.” Burning Desire smiled a little, shaking his head slowly before he said quietly: “Destroyers can rip the spirit and soul apart. I would absolutely hate to see you... hurt in a way you couldn't recover from, my darling. And as it is, you're only just recovering from your ordeal with the Replicants. I know you won't be back at full strength even in another week.”

The Lich shifted uneasily, blushing a bit, and then Luna smiled over her shoulder supportively and said gently: “We have time to speak on it and decide, Twilight Sparkle. Besides ,'tis not as if thou shall not be there with us in spirit, anyway... thou art always with us, as we are with thee. And I'm sure thou shall feel the pummeling we receive no matter what the distance, when it comes to that.”

Twilight laughed a little as Aphrodisia looked up curiously and Barry frowned a bit, then he leaned towards Scrivener and asked in a whisper: “Is this about another adventure thingamajig? Because you still haven't told me the whole story about what happened last time, and you kind of promised something about a new book...”

“I did not.” Scrivener said grumpily, reaching up and shoving Barry's head backwards, and the lanky agent winced a bit before the charcoal stallion added dryly: “Also, I thought you were trying to work on this whole... 'being more likeable' thing.”

“I like him lots!” Aphrodisia said positively, and Barry quailed a bit before the demon mare licked her lips and grinned at him. “Do you like me, Barry?”

“I'm gonna go wait out front!” Barry said in a strangled voice, and then he bolted for the exit from the garden, but Aphrodisia only giggled and immediately ran after him, even as she stumbled and tripped over her own dress with a laugh.

Luna looked with relish over her shoulder, and Scrivener sighed tiredly before he said finally: “Well, I guess if you'll excuse us, Burning Desire, we have to go and save my agent from being molested. Even if I kind of don't want to.”

“Oh stop it. They are playing, let them play, Aphrodisia is gentle enough.” Luna said crossly, and Twilight shook her head slowly before the Lich hesitated, then strode quickly over to Burning Desire and shared a tight hug with him. Luna huffed at this as the two parted, and Twilight blushed before the sapphire mare strode quickly over and firmly hugged the demon as well, the fiery stallion looking surprised, but then smiling and firmly returning the embrace as Luna grinned over at the Lich. “Demons like me more.”

Twilight scowled at Luna, and Scrivener coughed and awkwardly turned away from the two, rubbing absently at his face before the sapphire mare slipped away with a pleased smile, and Burning Desire cheerfully waved a hoof as he called: “Scrivener Blooms, would you like a hug as well? I don't usually rub my handsome masculine body against another stallion's, but I'll gladly make an exception for such a dear friend.”

“Uh. No. No. I'm fine, thanks.” Scrivener said awkwardly, wincing away a bit from the fiery unicorn, then he made a face as Luna leered at him and licked her lips slowly before groaning and grabbing at his head at the image the sapphire mare sent to him. “Oh Horses of Heaven, no!”

“Coward.” Luna grumbled, as Scrivener hurried around in a circle and stumbled quickly off, and then the sapphire mare hesitated, glancing over at Burning Desire before simply smiling slightly and following her husband quickly, leaving Twilight alone with the demonic stallion.

The two traded a look, and the Lich shifted quietly before she finally gazed over at the statue again, then said softly: “It really is beautiful, Burning Desire. I... I appreciate it. Even if you keep saying that it's selfish and all... even if it really is selfish, I still... I still really like it.”

“Good, violet, then... that makes it all even more worthwhile.” Burning Desire smiled softly at her, then he laughed quietly before saying gently: “Don't let me keep you though. Scrivener and Luna... I know they're probably waiting for you. And they... they maybe don't deserve you, violet, with how happy they make each other already; but then again, I don't think any of us silly ponies deserve you.”

“No, Burning, no... I don't deserve them. And I don't deserve you as a friend, either.” Twilight replied softly, smiling faintly across at the stallion before she closed her eyes and lowered her head. “But I never want things to change all the same. Selfish... as that might be.”

“Well, we're all entitled to a little selfishness now and then, I think.” Burning Desire said kindly, and then he hesitated for a moment before smiling faintly and reaching out to gently sweep up her front hoof, kissing it quietly before looking up into her eyes and saying softly: “I've never once looked at you and seen a Lich, Twilight Sparkle. Who you are outshines by far what you are... and you've always given me hope that my own quest to become a good person, and not just a good demon, hasn't been in vain.”

Twilight smiled faintly, and there was silence between the two for a few moments before Burning Desire finally closed his eyes, then said softly: “Goodbye, my undying violet. Thank you for all the time... we spent together, all the things we shared. I'll look forwards to when we next meet, and being at your side, as your friend. An admirer, too, always... but mostly a friend.”

“Goodbye, Burning Desire. Thank you, for everything, and...” Twilight Sparkle hesitated, then she smiled faintly and leaned in, kissing his cheek softly. “I'll see you soon. Thank you for... for everything you did for me. And I promise that I'm going to try my hardest to live up to everything you think of me, even though I don't think I can.”

Burning Desire only chuckled quietly, and the Lich and the Passion looked at each other for a few moments before the fiery unicorn nodded almost encouragingly, and Twilight smiled faintly as she turned away. She made her way silently through the halls of Burning Desire's palace until she reached the front steps, and there she stood for a moment, gazing quietly down at the street.

Luna and Scrivener were sitting and waiting for her, both smiling up at her, and she could feel the warmth, the affection, that radiated from them. They invited her down with their eyes, and their body language left a clear space for her to join them: a place where she would always belong, always fit in, always have protection. A place that was a sanctuary, no matter what else was going on in life. A place where the world made sense, even if otherwise it never really did.

She hurried down the steps to them, and they both caught her in a tight hug, Twilight returning the embrace fiercely as she buried her face between them. Her eyes closed as she breathed slowly in and out, faint trembles running through her body as they kept her close, comfortable, safe... but when she looked up, it was with a smile as she nodded slowly once and said quietly: “I'm ready. I think... we all are.”

Scrivener and Luna both smiled a little in return at this as they drew back, and then Twilight bowed her head towards them with a faint blush as the stallion laughed a little and Luna rose her head, saying softly: “Aye, I believe so as well. Come then, Twilight Sparkle. Back to the Thorn Palace, and soon enough home. There is still much to be done, but we know where we are going. We know what to do. And we know where we belong.”

“Yeah.” Twilight agreed quietly, as Scrivener and Luna turned, and the Lich only looked back once at Burning Desire's red stone manse, giving a small smile before turning her eyes ahead and falling into step between the two ponies she loved more than anything else in the entire world, feeling somehow like everything was going to be okay.

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