• Published 21st Mar 2013
  • 2,070 Views, 388 Comments

Synthesis of the Atheist - BlackRoseRaven

Luna and Scrivener become the targets of a malicious, narcissistic psychopath. 8th story in the 99 Worlds Saga/Blooming Moon Chronicles.

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Finding A Home For A Stray Cat

Chapter Fifty Nine: Finding A Home For A Stray Cat

Cheshire was a conundrum. After only a few hours passed, it was like he had forgotten completely about the fight they had gone through: no, more than that, if was like he forgot about Thesis, and that he had been the enemy of these ponies, and everything he had been sent here to do. Not even Celestia could tell precisely why, either: Cheshire seemed so damaged and animal that he lived by instinct and whatever was going on right at the present moment in time, but considering how much he had been torn apart and mutilated, it was very possible his brain no longer functioned like theirs. Or maybe... just maybe... beneath all the growling and whispering of old poems and everything else, there was still a spark of intelligence buried inside him.

Cheshire seemed harmless now, though: well, he clearly could put a pony in a world of hurt if he wanted to, but he acted almost meek around the ponies, and spent much of his time at the library pawing books out of the shelves so he could open them and stare down at them. It was hard to tell whether he was reading them or not: sometimes he turned the pages, other times he just seemed to gaze at the same random page the book flipped open to for the longest time.

Twilight didn't want Cheshire around, but also refused to leave herself. Cheshire, at least, didn't require much herding: he wandered around the library a little, walked into the corridor, but it seemed like he didn't even remember how to open any of the doors, and Scrivener sitting on the stairs was enough to deter him from trying to go up them. That, and the sounds that came every now and then from upstairs seemed to make him uneasy.

Luna also couldn't help but test how Cheshire reacted to noise by slamming her hooves against the ground while the behemoth had been absorbed in one of his books, and the creature had yelped and scuttled hurriedly around the room, while Scrivener had sighed tiredly and glared over at Luna. But the sapphire mare had only grinned, then sniffed disdainfully and said mildly: “I am very merciful, Scrivener Blooms. I have let this creature live, in spite of what it has done. That does not mean I am not going to be mean to it.”

Scrivener only gave her a sour look, while Cheshire poked his head out from behind the table uneasily, shivering a little. The charcoal stallion himself found he didn't have much anger left for the mutilated pony, though... not after what Thesis had said, not after seeing how broken and animal Cheshire was. He knew what it was like to be someone's slave, after all. And after what they had seen, it was clear that Cheshire had never wanted to hurt anyone: it had been Thesis' threats, torture, and orders that had driven the poor beast into attacking them.

When Celestia had returned, Cheshire had stared at her warily, until Sleipnir had stumbled his way in with the Pink Twins in tow. His booming voice, his big movements terrified Cheshire at first, and the Replicant knocked books from the shelves as he bounced off the walls, looking for someplace to hide as Celestia sighed tiredly and glared at her little brother, who looked confused and a little hurt.

Finally, Cheshire skittered past Luna and into the corridor before turning around and half-hiding behind her. Luna rolled her eyes, but then looked surprised when Celestia murmured: “I don't know if we can help this creature, Luna. Cheshire can't stay here, with so many ponies around, and you clearly can't let him roam the Everfree Forest or around your home. He can't be in public...”

“I... I have kind of an idea.” spoke up Pinkie Pie, raising a hoof, and all eyes turned to her. For a moment, Pinkie hesitated, biting her lip... but when Pinkamena nodded grudgingly to her, the earth pony mare brightened visibly before bouncing a little and saying firmly: “CIMH. Where I used to go... I bet they could take care of him!”

Celestia frowned at this, then she slowly looked over at Cheshire and said after a moment: “Well... it would be better than the dungeons, and maybe he could get treatment there that could... help him.” She studied Cheshire, watching as he slowly began to creep forwards past Luna, as the sapphire mare visibly fought to resist smacking the large pony almost crawling past her nervously to study the strangers. “He's much more damaged than I thought he would be.”

Scrivener nodded a little, and Sleipnir softened, murmuring: “Aye. This is not a malady the likes of which we are any good at healing... but perhaps the better of us can find a way to heal this poor, damaged creature. What of Zecora, the shaman, does thou think she knows any remedy of the earth that could aid this beast's mind?”

“I'll ask her. But I'll get in touch with CIMH first...” Celestia turned her eyes to Cheshire, studying the creature as its eyes were drawn to an open book, and it picked this up to assume that strange, possibly-reading, possibly-just-staring position. “His behavior suggests... there's still something in there, at least. Or there was once... I wonder... who he was before Valthrudnir and Thesis got to him. Scrivener Blooms, any clues at all?”

The stallion made a face as he looked up, then he hesitated before closing his eyes and taking a slow breath as he mentally searched for Valthrudnir... and was rewarded only moments later by the Jötnar's quiet laughter through his mind. You see? I've made you two powerful, plebeian, even if I... disagree with your choice in this matter. Your mercy will destroy you one day.

“Well, I'd rather die than be like you anyway, so just answer the question.” Scrivener muttered mentally, and Valthrudnir snorted in distaste in his mind, and the silence spiraled out for a few moments. The stallion was just about to give up on getting an answer before he twitched and gritted his teeth as he felt something strange tickle through his brain, followed by an image of Valthrudnir reaching into some kind of machine and a sound of sparks and-

Scrivener's eyes opened wide, but they didn't see the library... instead, he was staring off into some kind of archive, where two ponies who had sold their services for a handful of bits each were holding down a third with a shaggy violet mane and tail, his terrified purple eyes staring up at the dragon in the pristine white suit as he approached with a large syringe filled with black ooze. The earth pony trembled in terror, shaking his head wildly, his robes hanging loose around him as he whimpered: “P-Please... please... please don't... oh no, please don't... please let me live...”

“Oh, you'll live, Riordan. But I can think of a much more fitting job for you than hiding up in your tower all day with all these old records and poetry and plays... these are far too complex things for your race to truly understand or value.” Valthrudnir said softly, and then he smiled coldly as he lowered the needle, and the pony who would become Cheshire trembled as the Jötnar said softly: “You'll live. I have many uses for you in mind.”

The needle plunged into the pony's neck, and he gargled, before screaming as the blackness began to spread through his coat like rot... and a moment later, Scrivener clenched his eyes shut, and then he was back in reality, gasping for breath before looking up and shivering once while all eyes stared at him and Luna reached up to silently touch her own mouth, as Valthrudnir explained in a dangerous, self-satisfied voice: He was the first Replicant, taken back when I was running my experiments in one of these pathetic little mirror worlds... I spent many years there, gathering data, enjoying myself. And sometimes, I still miss that game I played... oh, yes, it was long, but so worthwhile. Your stupid Princess Celestia, did you know she thought I loved her? That I was some benevolent force from Heaven? And do you know how easy it was to make her submit by my words alone when the game was over, and the time to wipe out that world had arrived?

Scrivener didn't want to imagine it. He felt ill to his stomach, shaking his head slowly and forcing the thoughts away before he looked up, ignoring the looks from the others for a moment as he said quietly: “Riordan.”

Cheshire twitched at this, looking up curiously, the creature's eyes focusing on Scrivener Blooms. The stallion swallowed a little, then he repeated the name, slowly, carefully: “Riordan.”

Cheshire cocked its head, then rubbed at its... no, his own face, looking curious as he tried to understand what Scrivener was saying... maybe tried to understand why he couldn't help but react to that name. There was silence for a moment, and then Scrivener tried quietly: “Cheshire.”

The creature responded much more to this, half-turning warily towards Scrivener but bowing his head uneasily at the same time, as if he was scared of his own name. Scrivener sighed a little at this, bowing his head forwards before he murmured: “What does that tell you, Celestia? He was... a historian or literary expert or something once, something like a scribe. His name was Riordan, and... Valthrudnir injected him with the corruption. One of the first forms of it... and after that, he just...”

Scrivener was pretty sure he could figure out how the story went from there, shaking his head slowly as he rubbed at his features uneasily, and Celestia sighed a little as she turned her eyes towards the Replicant. She studied him for a few moments, then shook her own head before looking over her shoulder at Pinkie Pie, who was gazing with sympathy at the mutilated Replicant... and surprisingly, there was a hint of that same expression on her dark twin's face as well. “Do you honestly believe that CIMH has the capability to look after him?”

“Well, I mean... I don't think they could stop him if he went on a rampage and all, he's kind of huge and stuff, but they helped me a lot. And they can keep him somewhere quiet, where he can start getting used to ponies little-by-little. And the last time I was there, they still had good ponies on staff.” Pinkie Pie smiled after a moment, looking up at Celestia and nodding hesitantly once. “I think they could help him. I hope so. Look at him, he... deserves help. He looks like he hasn't smiled in years.”

Cheshire was pawing at a book, carefully turning the pages as he mumbled under his breath to himself, and Luna sighed softly before she glowered as Sleipnir slowly began to stride forwards. For all his size, he moved with surprising grace, tiptoeing carefully step-by-step towards Cheshire, and the creature didn't look up until Sleipnir was almost in front of him.

The Replicant gave one of his half-whimpers, half-growls, shrinking back, but Sleipnir only smiled benevolently down at the tortured pony before he carefully reached a hoof out and gently, childishly petted Cheshire's head. The tortured creature shifted uneasily at this, eyes flicking back and forth, and then Luna sighed softly and said dryly: “'Tis not something thou can just adopt, Sleipnir. 'Tis no pet and 'tis no child. 'Tis... well, it should not surprise me that 'tis another damnable poet.”

Scrivener gave Luna a flat look, and Sleipnir chuckled quietly before he smiled down at Cheshire, who continued to look uneasy even as Sleipnir said gently: “We are friends here. Friends. None of us shall harm thee, worry not, little friend.”

Celestia shook her head, but then turned her eyes towards Pinkamena, asking calmly: “Will you please go to Subterra, and ask Selene-”

“Nay, do not fetch Selene. Selene will do nothing but torment the poor soul further, and I do not want Cheshire in Subterra, anyway.” Luna said firmly, and Celestia looked up in surprise. “My servants are loyal and good, but what will be there for him but a cell, and a barrage of emotions, and demons that do not always remember sympathy? Nay, Pinkamena, instead.... instead, fetch Burning Desire, and perhaps thine own daughter. Let us give Cheshire the support of other freaks like ourselves, shall we?”

Pinkamena grunted, then shrugged a little and finally nodded before Celestia asked with a slight smile: “Then, at my sister's insistence, could you instead talk to Rosewood or Scutum? They can get in contact with CIMH, and have them send someone here to assess Cheshire as soon as possible.”

The demon nodded after a moment, before she scowled at Pinkie Pie as her twin poked her a few times. “Ask for Dr. Socrates, he's old but still working there, and you remember how good he was with us, right Lemon Drop? And you should definitely see if-”

“No.” Pinkamena said flatly, and Pinkie Pie huffed before Pinkamena added sourly: “And good, right. I remember just how good he was. He and those other pansies sure as hell didn't stop me from kicking everyone's flank on the way out to the palace. And by the way, Princess Sunshine, you still owe me a rematch sometime. I bet I could make you cry.”

Celestia only smiled slightly at this, and then Sleipnir giggled childishly as his eyes gleamed. “Now what a sight that would be! My big sister and beloved phoenix locked in the fires of combat... but I must warn thee, my beloved, my beloved older sibling has a tendency to become excited during the fray, which I suppose does run in our strange family...”

Luna rolled her eyes as Celestia gave Sleipnir a flat look, before Pinkamena said mildly: “So you're saying she's probably a better lay than you as well as a better fighter?”

“Blasphemy!' Sleipnir shouted, and Cheshire squawked, leaping to his broken hooves before plainly defying physics as he leapt up onto the shelves, scrabbling over them all the way to the ceiling before simply vanishing from sight, leaving only his eyes and teeth visible as he hung upside-down from the roof somehow. Scrivener and Luna both gaped, as even Celestia looked up with surprise, while Pinkie Pie's eyes went round as plates. Sleipnir, meanwhile, had his back turned, and Pinkamena was only grinning at his cluelessness as he declared: “I have pleased more mares and stallions than my sisters combined, and 'twould far more than equal them in bed or battlefield! In fact, my might is so great that even with their forces combined, they could not hope to assail me, no matter where we warred!”

Luna and Celestia both glowered at Sleipnir, and Pinkamena grunted before picking up a nearby textbook. She weighed it absently in her hooves, then slung it easily upwards, and it whacked off the invisible Cheshire, the creature losing its grip on the ceiling and falling with a yelp as it became visible again. It smashed down on top of Sleipnir before flailing wildly and babbling as the earth pony shoved wildly at Cheshire in return. “Damnation! Cease! Thy claws are tangled in my mane, my pretty mane!”

Cheshire finally managed to fling himself backwards, and gemstones of all shape and size flew out of Sleipnir's mane as his head whiplashed and he rolled several times before banging loudly into a shelf and landing in an uncomfortable sprawl on his back. There was silence for a moment as he blinked a few times, then looked up dumbly before a pile of books spilled out over him, burying his features completely as his rear hooves kicked stupidly at the air.

Celestia paused to reach down and pick up a particularly-large garnet that had landed near her hooves, studying it thoughtfully. “We never did have to struggle very hard for money with Sleipnir around. Pruning a few of his vines in his tail or mane always gave a small windfall, and the gemstones always grew back quickly. It's funny, though... Sleipnir's never had any real use for money.”

“Except for whores and getting drunk.” Pinkamena muttered, and Celestia and Luna both shrugged as Pinkie Pie cleared her throat loudly before the demon rolled her eyes, tossing one last look at where Cheshire was once more half-hiding suspiciously in the corridor. “Anyway. Fun as that was, I'm gonna go do my job. Sissy, you come with me, you can tell me what shrinks I'm supposed to look for at CIMH.”

Pinkie Pie smiled and nodded, turning to follow her twin happily out, and the pile of books over Sleipnir shifted before he finally managed to shove his head up out of the mess of fallen tomes, looking dumbly around. And Luna frowned curiously over her shoulder as Cheshire muttered: “All that is was and all that was is and nothing ever will be again.”

“I wonder if his recitations have anything to do with his emotions... if they're random or if they're a way for him to express himself.” Celestia mused, and then she looked up with a small smile at the sight of Twilight Sparkle emerging from the top of the stairs uneasily, with Innocence hanging from the carrier at her side.

Cheshire glanced up at the Lich and the baby curiously, but he seemed to no more remember that he had been hunting them than Innocence seemed to remember she had been hunted, now settled down, but looking a little fussy. Scrivener softened and slipped to the side as Twilight strode down the steps, and then the violet mare murmured: “Here. She's a little unhappy... I just... I thought some time with her father and Luna-Mommy might help.”

“Aye, of course. We can go back upstairs if thou likes.” Luna invited, as Cheshire watched the group curiously, cocking his head. Twilight tossed an uneasy look at the Replicant, but after a moment she settled a bit, as Scrivener slipped the baby out of her carrier and Innocence burbled softly up at him, gazing into his eyes with her own big, beautiful amethysts.

Celestia and Sleipnir both quietly cleaned up the library, and the ivory mare hesitantly attempted to introduce herself to Cheshire, and moreover, offered him several books, to judge his reactions. The Replicant seemed to be able to tell the difference between the books he was offered, often taking fairy tale books or children's stories, then paging through them... but he seemed to be getting a little agitated now by all the attention being paid to him, and the unfamiliar area, and Celestia's gentle but insistent probing at his psyche.

Except then Celestia picked up one of the older fairy tale collections, and Cheshire just stared at it. His eyes followed it back and forth almost greedily when Celestia moved it through the air, and when she finally offered it to him, he almost snatched it away and cradled it up against his chest before turning and scurrying off with it to flop down on the bedding at the corner of the room. Twilight grumbled at this, but Scrivener and Luna both only smiled before the stallion laughed a little when Innocence began to flail at him. “Okay, okay. Putting you down, kiddo.”

Twilight looked uneasy at this, but she nodded hesitantly, muttering: “Just... keep an eye on her. I'll go find her toys.”

“We will.” Scrivener smiled up the stairs after her, as Luna huffed a bit and then hopped cheerfully beside Innocence, who giggled and scooted forwards a little. Luna smiled warmly at this, hopping again, and Innocence scooted next to her, while Celestia tried to neaten up the library with Sleipnir's less-than-helpful assistance.

Luna wasn't even paying attention to where they were going, and Cheshire winced as she landed almost right beside him, Innocence scooting firmly forwards before she stared at the giant, and the behemoth, mutilated pony stared back, head raised from the book he'd been poring over. Then Innocence frowned curiously, reaching out and pawing at the bedding, and Cheshire shifted a little, his eyes studying the filly as Luna winced, and glanced nervously over her shoulder at Scrivener Blooms.

The stallion made a face and pointed several times at the room at the top of the stairs, where Twilight was grumbling away, and Luna nodded hurriedly a few times before the mare turned her eyes back forwards... and saw with something like horror that Innocence had pulled herself up onto the bedding and was pawing at Cheshire. Cheshire was frozen, eyes locked on Innocence, tilting his head back and forth as if he was trying to remember something, think about something... and then Innocence yawned loudly, burbled quietly, and flopped over on the bedding, curling up beside the Replicant and closing her eyes to quietly go to sleep.

Cheshire looked down at this... and then slowly, he shifted a little, settling carefully down and laying his head across one foreleg, curled up around the baby almost protectively. Celestia and Sleipnir were both staring, and Scrivener quietly approached as Luna trembled a little and smiled faintly, then swallowed back her emotions with a curse and muttered: “Damnation. Damn these motherly instincts. They have made a mockery of me.”

Scrivener only laughed quietly, reaching up and silently rubbing her back before Twilight came down the stairs, and both ponies stared slowly over their shoulder at her as the Lich stared back, then glared at them horribly before storming forwards, one of her eyes twitching. They both shrank at her fury, and Twilight opened her mouth... then looked down and saw Innocence, safely curled up with the same creature that had pursued them only hours ago, and now was curled around her like protector and guardian with one broken hoof resting on a book of fairy tales, the other folded back and Innocence seeming to reach up towards this, all animosity between them forgotten.

There was silence for a few moments... and then Twilight cursed under her breath herself even as she smiled faintly and sighed quietly, looking down at Cheshire's purple eyes. Eyes full of so much emotion, she thought, in spite of the madness and the mutilation... eyes the same color as hers, and her daughter's. And his stitching, and staples, and... those scars...

The Lich reached up and silently touched her own breast, and then she sighed quietly before offering a faint smile to Cheshire. And in response, Cheshire seemed to settle and closed his eyes, Innocence curling a bit closer to the Replicant silently protecting her.

Cheshire was assessed by a gentle, elderly mare from CIMH with the help of Celestia. She wasn't a full-fledged psychiatrist but a counselor who often handled patient evaluations like these, and who had come as quickly as she could once Rosewood had explained the situation to her, wanting to offer all the help she could. Not just to impress the Baroness, but also because of the psychosis that had been described.

If Cheshire really had suffered through such extensive periods of torture, then she thought he might have no sense of self or mind left. Except there was one thing that did give her hope: the same thing that had terrified Luna and Scrivener so much, how Cheshire recited poetry and fairy tales. And the fact he had actually responded so positively when Scrivener had spoken a poem to him, meant that there was probably still something in there. Some spark, which was trying to protect itself with something the Replicant connected to his former life.

He would require a lot of special care, and more than that, social contact. And she didn't want to just walk him to the facility with the state he was in... she recommended going by private carriage tomorrow, and added that it was important that he go with ponies he trusted. That he was reassured the entire time, and that after that, they set up a visiting schedule. If what they had told her was true, then establishing trust with Cheshire would be the most important step of the entire process.

Luna and Scrivener had looked at each other awkwardly, but Twilight had nodded after only a moment, giving a small smile. A few things had to be worked out, but... the two knew they had to do this. Sure, there were selfish reasons: Cheshire would be a powerful ally, and they didn't want him to return to Thesis. But more than that, Scrivener found himself sympathizing with the creature: a Clockwork Pony, like him. A slave, like him. Someone who had spent his whole life getting beaten around by someone who thought he was doing 'what was best' for him... like Scrivener's childhood had been. Except Thesis might have actually let Cheshire free one day, while Bramblethorn probably would have eventually had Scrivener sent to the prison caves for the crime of being born without a horn.

The night passed in quiet: Innocence was fed and slept upstairs, and thankfully spent most of the night asleep. Cheshire simply curled up on the bedding, staring at Scrivener and Luna as they talked on and off and kept an eye on the strange creature. Every now and then, Cheshire would turn invisible, but he rarely went anywhere: he'd just continue to stare at them quietly, like he was trying to understand them. Like he was trying to remember that this was how ponies behaved, and not however he'd been treated by Thesis.

The next day, they got a surprise: Pinkie Pie wanted to come with them. Twilight, Luna, and Scrivener were glad for the company, even if it would be a cramped ride: the back of the carriage was quite large, but Cheshire was a behemoth of a pony himself, and had to sit between the two long benches on either side of the carriage.

He looked miserable, maybe even scared, and by now even Twilight couldn't hold onto any of her anger at this creature any longer. Although that was partly because anger was drowning in anxieties of her own, since this would be the first time she left Innocence somewhere without her. And Innocence had cried quite a bit when her parents had left, even being held safely by Scarlet Sage and with Apple Bloom and Celestia already trying to help keep the foal happy as well.

But the Lich did her best to focus on the matters at hoof, and eventually, the fact Cheshire started to whimper a bit actually helped. In a strange way, her maternal instincts kicked in, and she found herself trying to soothe the Replicant as he looked fearfully around at them. At the same time, she noted the reaction, and she thought the others did as well: it was like Cheshire was having some flashback, or associated this kind of travel with something unpleasant... or who knew, maybe he just hated closed-in spaces. It was impossible to know right now what he was reacting to.

Cheshire had been... afraid of the Canterlot Institute of Mental Health. There wasn't any other way to describe it. When they had unloaded inside the wrought-iron gates, he had cowered and whimpered at the sight of the old stone building, staring over the windows and shrinking away, shoving himself backwards and accidentally trampling Scrivener in the process. Luna had smacked the Replicant's muzzle, and Cheshire had dropped flat – Scrivener unfortunately getting crushed further by this, and Luna torn between stupid giggles and frustration – but eventually they had managed to get Cheshire to come ahead, and brought him inside, where an escort of security guards in white uniforms was already waiting for them.

Cheshire had been uneasy as they walked through the sterile halls, following a clearly-devised route that took them past as few patients as possible, until they reached the Blue Wing foyer: a place for patients with more severe mental illnesses. Cheshire had whimpered at the banging and crashing that had sounded from down one of the halls, followed by raucous yells, but Luna and Scrivener had both awkwardly tried to soothe him, and soon after a psychiatrist had emerged from behind a barred door. He smiled and traded nods with Pinkie Pie before she hugged him tightly, and he laughed despite himself and patted her on the back.

After she pulled away, he turned his eyes to Cheshire and introduced gently: “Hello, Cheshire. I'm Dr. Socrates. I'm going to help take care of you, but we have a few... precautions we're going to need to take for your initial stay with us. Especially with the condition that you're in.”

Cheshire clearly didn't understand, and he whimpered when an attendant approached with a large, white jacket of some kind, and Luna stepped forwards and said mildly: “Thou had best let us handle this. And if thou spits procedure or rules at me, then may I ask what is the procedure when a large, angry dragon smashes its way through thy halls? Because that would be far less devastating than thou driving this beast into a rampage.”

“Go ahead, let Lady Luna deal with this.” Dr. Socrates said calmly, and when Luna looked curiously at the slender, aging unicorn, he chuckled quietly. “It's alright. I don't expect you to remember me that well, Miss and Mister Poet. It was a long time ago, and I've had the handicap of getting to refresh my memory after Miss Pie sent me a copy of your book. I was very pleased to see the way you handled the stories of your friends and family with such candor.”

“But that does bring it back.” Scrivener smiled after a moment as Luna nodded and laughed quietly, both gazing at the psychiatrist with surprise before the earth pony nodded hesitantly, feeling a little more confident now about bringing Cheshire here, and understanding more about why Pinkie had thought it was such a good idea.

Getting Cheshire into the jacket was a little tough: he didn't entirely understand the instructions, and seemed to think the jacket was going to hurt him, so he cowered away or tried to scramble in a circle. Thankfully, he didn't try to trample any of the guards, and they didn't flinch: it was an awkward stalemate, since if Cheshire realized he could just plow these ponies down he might be tempted to try and make a run for it.

Then Twilight made a strange suggestion, and Luna and Scrivener had shrugged and decided it was worth trying. So, after ensuring that Cheshire was watching, Scrivener sat up and held his forelegs out, and let Luna slip the jacket onto him, keeping his expression calm and neutral. Cheshire studied this, watching them, before Luna carefully pulled the jacket back off, and then said quietly: “And now it is thy turn, Cheshire. Up, up, come now.”

“And the foals ate greedily, not knowing... the gingerbread walls were... poisoned... poisoned, poisoned, and then they... they slept...” Cheshire mumbled uncertainly, and Dr. Socrates frowned slightly at this behind his glasses before he levitated a clipboard and pen out of the carrier on his side and quickly began to make a few notes.

Cheshire watched the psychiatrist curiously, cocking his head for a moment before growling and grabbing at his skull, shivering once, and the guards tensed as Dr. Socrates looked up. He held up a hoof when one of the guards nervously began to reach for a baton, then murmured: “No, no... it seems as if something triggered a memory...”

After a few moments, Cheshire finally settled, complacently lowering his head a little and seeming to nod before he sat back a bit, then winced at the jacket floated in front of him. But this time, he hesitantly rose one foreleg, and Luna sighed in relief before she began the long process of wrestling it onto the enormous pony.

It was a little too small, but she made the snug jacket fit all the same, and tightened the belts and straps around the limbs as much as possible. It wasn't a straightjacket, though, like she had thought: it could clearly be used to bind his forelegs together if necessary, but it was soft and padded and the main point of the jacket seemed to be the large mitts that fit over his broken hooves, although Cheshire whimpered a little and chewed at these like an animal until Luna gently smacked him on the head.

He clearly didn't like the safety jacket, but Dr. Socrates explained quietly: “The other doctors and I feel it's important we take a few safety measures. Not just for our sakes, but for his. And while I hesitate to make this comparison because it's been a long time since we last talked, Miss Sparkle, I believe you might understand when I say it's important not to underestimate the damage done by the physical scars on his being, either.”

“No. I understand that very well.” Twilight said softly, glancing down at her thick sweater before she smiled faintly, raising her head and blushing a little: the flesh and skin had grown back into place over her face, but it hadn't yet healed completely, standing out like a burn or blotch. “So you're hoping that... this will help get other ponies to communicate with him without... judging him as much.”

“And we hope it'll make him more comfortable as well, but... I don't think we have to worry about his physical appearance affecting his self-esteem and mental issues quite yet. I didn't know what to think when I first received the evaluation, but I'm willing to work with him. I want to work with him, as a matter of fact.” Dr. Socrates said after a moment, smiling kindly towards Cheshire, who rubbed lightly at his jacket-covered body. “Please, this way. We've set up a nice little room for him.”

Luna and Scrivener didn't know what to expect, as they were led through a double set of barred gates, Cheshire following uneasily behind them and glancing nervously at the escort of guards in tow. They passed both heavy, closed doors with large plate windows and what looked almost like jail cells, in which sat patients who glared and grinned and sometimes just sat with their backs to them, whispering and giggling to themselves.

But to their relief, Cheshire's cell was at the far end of the wing, past several empty cells and far enough away even a wild scream from down the hall only made him wince. The cell door was already open, and Dr. Socrates stepped up beside this, gesturing inside calmly as he said softly: “Go ahead and acquaint yourself. Based on what we've been told about you, we've decided to give you a few additional luxuries we hope will help with your healing process.”

Cheshire nervously stuck his head into the room, and Luna followed inquisitively. She poked at Cheshire a bit, and he shifted uneasily even as the Doctor gave her a pointed look and Twilight sighed, but Luna only huffed and said sourly: “Well, I am curious. 'Tis good to be curious. Sleipnir was always curious and 'twas very rare that it nearly cost Celestia and I our lives, although... aye, at times, his curiosity almost got the better of us all.”

The Replicant looked uneasily over his shoulder at Luna's speech, almost like she was just making him more nervous, before he looked back into the padded, but spacious cell. Then his eyes alit on something in the corner, and Cheshire bounded inside before suddenly half-turning and stiffening up, as if he expected the door to be slammed shut... but when Luna only poked her head inside, the Replicant seemed to settle a little.

The sapphire mare glanced around with a whistle: the walls were quite high: higher than even Cheshire could reach with ease, she thought. They were padded by bulging pillowing and the light shining down from above was protected by a thick plate of safety glass. Even the floor felt a little... rubbery, she thought. Flexible. But what had drawn Cheshire's attention was clear.

One corner of the room was filled with books: softcover poetry books, foal's books, coloring books and crayons, and blank journals. Cheshire was already pawing through this pile, before he seized on one of the books and lifted it in his hooves, whispering: “Fairy tales.”

Luna looked sharply up: that wasn't a quote, that was him identifying something. And the mare hesitated as Cheshire stared at the book, before the sapphire winged unicorn suddenly strode forwards and gave a small smile, asking quietly: “Wouldst thou like to hear one of these stories, Cheshire? I know that 'tis sometimes nothing more relaxing than to hear a story be read to thee.”

Cheshire looked like he was honestly trying his hardest to understand, and after a moment Luna smiled before she called clearly: “Scrivy, come now. Do what thou does so well, poet, and share with us a story. 'Twill be good for myself and our dear new friend.”

Scrivener sighed at this, but when he looked at Dr. Socrates, the unicorn only nodded absently, writing rapidly away. And when the stallion looked ahead into the room, he blinked dumbly as he saw Pinkie Pie had somehow slipped past and was already seated beside Luna, who grinned despite herself as the bright-pink mare patted the spot beside her and said cheerfully: “Come on, Twilight! This'll be real good, I just know it!”

Twilight gave Scrivener an awkward but encouraging look as she strode in to sit beside Pinkie, but Scrivener only smiled wryly and shrugged in return, saying finally: “What the hell. I guess I might as well try.”

The stallion strode forwards, and looked lamely at the book in Cheshire's broken hooves, not quite daring to try and take it from the Replicant that was looking uncomfortably at the ponies sitting inside its cell. Luna huffed at this, then she reached out towards the book, and when Cheshire gave one of his half-whimper, half-growls at her, she growled back at him, making him quail a little. “Give me the book, Cheshire, I shall give it back to thee afterwards.”

Cheshire shifted uneasily, then he finally slowly handed the book over, lowering his head and looking chastened and unhappy, like he expected to be punished. Luna took it, then studied the fairy tale book for a few moments before she smiled a little and passed it to Scrivener Blooms, while Dr. Socrates watched quietly but closely from the doorway. Scrivener could feel him watching, but it didn't bother him: there was a sense of respect, and a hint of distance, too: not detachment so much as giving them their space, and that he was well aware if something did happen and Cheshire did suddenly get violent, there wasn't exactly a whole lot any of them could do. Celestia had some plans to have some needles of White Matter provided to CIMH as soon as possible, but even then they'd still have to get it into the Replicant, and Scrivener remembered all too well the Replicant had still been plenty hardy even with the poison in his veins. Not to mention that the poison had worn off pretty damn fast.

But Scrivener had faith that wasn't going to happen, as he slowly opened the book and glanced down over the contents. He had recognized more than a few of the stories that Cheshire had recited bits and pieces of, and thought some of the poems were familiar too, while others like the one Discombobulation had provided were completely alien to him. Yet Cheshire seemed to know... except who knew what kind of stories Cheshire had once seen? He had apparently been locked away in some desolate, abandoned place of Valthrudnir's for countless years, until Thesis had stirred him...

“Here's one.” the charcoal stallion said softly, and he paged carefully through the book, smiling slightly before he began to speak in a voice that was soft but powerful, and Cheshire sat back attentively, staring at Scrivener as if hypnotized as he began: “Once upon a time there lived a young filly, whom everypony called Little Red Riding Hood after the cloak she wore. It had been knitted for her by her grandmother, who lived deep in the forest, and was loved very much by the young filly, who regularly took baskets of treats and fruits to the elderly mare.

“One day, however, she caught the eye of a wicked and sly Timberwolf that prowled these woods...” Scrivener continued to read, smiling a little and taking his time with the fairy tale, drawing it out and letting himself perform the story a little. Cheshire watched him the whole time like an enthralled child, while Twilight and Pinkie Pie both smiled warmly, and Luna leaned forwards with sparkling eyes and a happy grin. And Scrivener enjoyed it: the warmth, the happiness, the feeling that he had value... the feeling that he could do something with himself apart from just act as a living hammer on ponies that pissed him off.

When he finished the story, he closed the book and gazed down at it, then held it back out to Cheshire. And Cheshire looked surprised at being offered it, hesitating for a few long moments before he took it and squeezed it slowly in his mitten-covered hooves. Scrivener smiled at the Replicant, then he hesitantly touched one of his covered claws with his own, saying quietly: “Funny how much... you and I are alike, Chess.”

“Aye, 'tis. But... if he is anything at all like us, Scrivy, then he will be strong enough to recover from this ordeal as well. I have faith in that.” Luna said quietly but firmly, and Twilight nodded hesitantly before Pinkie Pie smiled and bounced forwards suddenly, hugging Cheshire fiercely around the neck.

The Replicant stiffened and reared back, freezing up for a few moments before Pinkie drew back with a blush and gazed up at him, saying awkwardly: “I... sorry. I know some ponies don't like that but... well, I'm friends with every pony in Ponyville, you know! But there's always room for new friends, and... you remind me a lot of how my big twin sister used to be, kinda... hurt... here.” Pinkie touched her own breast gently. “But she healed up. They helped here a lot a lot, and my friends helped, and... well, we're gonna help you now, okay? We're friends now. And that's what friends do.”

Cheshire studied her as if he didn't understand, and yet it was more like he didn't understand the idea, not the words. Pinkie Pie only continued to smile, though, until finally Dr. Socrates said calmly from the doorway: “I hate to interrupt, but I'm afraid that we should allow the patient some time to get used to his new surroundings. Rest assured, we'll do everything in our power to make him comfortable while you're gone. Perhaps we can arrange some visiting hours now, so that Cheshire has something to look forwards to.”

Luna and Scrivener both looked towards Cheshire, but he had only gone back to staring down at his book, and Luna finally shrugged before saying moodily: “Not to cast dispersions upon this creature, but I do not believe he has enough grasp of reality to understand our words, let alone the change and flow of time.”

Dr. Socrates chuckled at this, then replied gently: “That may be true, but all the same, Cheshire may begin to understand and comprehend it in time. Shall we say... three days from now, and weekly visits after that? I understand you have a pressing schedule...”

“No, no. I think we can manage... I... I bring my daughter for regular checkups at Subterra, anyway, and Scrivener has a few social events and meetings and stuff. I'm sure we can work it out.” Twilight spoke up, and then she blushed a little, adding awkwardly: “If... if that's okay.”

But Luna and Scrivener were only smiling at her for taking the initiative, and moreover appreciating her desire to try and be there for Cheshire. Pinkie Pie gave her own warm look to the ponies, then she glanced over at Cheshire and added: “And... I think I'd like to visit too, if I could and all. I think it'd be good for me, Dr. Socrates, and I think it'd be good for Cheshire, too!”

“I... suppose I can't see the harm in it. But I do need someone to take on the responsibility of being trustee for Cheshire, and help manage his treatment. Legally, since he came in under your care, that means one of you, even if Baroness Celestia is providing payment for our special care services.” Dr. Socrates said kindly, and then he gestured gently at them. “But let's talk about this in my office, shall we? I have a few forms for you to fill out to the best of your ability, and I would be very interested in hearing the full story about how you came to be the guardians of this particular pony.”

“Guardians... aye, I suppose we are. Well, Scrivener Blooms, it looks as if we have a new child.” Luna said ironically, and the stallion only gave her a dry look in return as Twilight sighed a little, but Pinkie Pie giggled. “Well, I am glad that at least one of thou is happy for me, proud mother that I am. At least this one should be a little easier to take care of.”

The mare paused, then shook her head before the ponies climbed to their hooves. Cheshire stared after them, then silently held up his fairy-tale book, and Scrivener Blooms smiled faintly after a moment before he shook his head as Luna sighed and said in surprisingly-soft voice: “Nay. We must leave, and thou shall stay here. But we will return Cheshire, thou... thou hast my word on that, alright?”

Cheshire tilted his head quietly, not seeming to understand as he turned to hold the book towards her, and Luna finally reached up a hoof and gently pushed it back towards the Replicant's chest, saying gently: “Nay. But thou should read it thyself.”

The Replicant didn't entirely seem to understand, but he almost seemed to smile all the same and nodded slowly before turning his eyes down towards the book in his mittened claws and opened it. He stared down into its pages, and the ponies studied him for a moment longer before Pinkie Pie turned, hurrying out and followed a few moments later by Scrivener and Luna.

Twilight was the last to leave, lingering and studying Cheshire for a few moments as she reached up touch the stitching that had been applied over her own features, before finally turning and leaving. Behind her, Dr. Socrates closed the door... and Twilight, Luna, and Scrivener all couldn't help but look back, gazing through the plate-glass window at Cheshire as he dropped the book and took a few steps towards the sealed door, his eyes mournful, whispering words they couldn't hear on the other side of the glass before he turned around and slunk slowly towards his bedding.

Luna hated how much that hurt her heart to see, and Scrivener shifted almost guiltily, and both were more glad than either wanted to express when Dr. Socrates said softly: “You have my word he'll get the best of care while here. Now please, come right this way and let's get the bureaucracy out of the way, shall we?”

Luna and Scrivener nodded, then glanced over at Twilight Sparkle, and she gave a small smile before turning her eyes towards Pinkie Pie. “Let's go wait for Scrivy and Luna downstairs, maybe stop in at the game room, huh?”

“I'd like that, Twilight. Just like old times.” Pinkie Pie smiled after a moment and nodded, then gazed over at Dr. Socrates and nodded with a blush. “Thank you, for everything, Doc. I know that you're gonna take the best care of Cheshire that you can.”

“You have my word, Miss Pie. It was good to see you and Miss Sparkle again.” Dr. Socrates said kindly, and then he turned his eyes back towards Scrivener and Luna, gesturing down a corridor. “This way, if you would.”

Filling out the forms wasn't too difficult: Scrivener dealt with that while Luna talked, explained Cheshire's strength and regeneration, but also the way his ability to grasp the world around him faded in and out. She was also careful to note that Cheshire could turn almost completely invisible at will and could latch onto any surface, apparently without feeling the effects of gravity.

Dr. Socrates was less interested in Cheshire's strange abilities and more interested in what else they knew about him, though. His possible origins, and what he'd been through, and what Thesis had done to him. He also wanted to know if Cheshire had been kept in extended confinement, but neither Luna nor Scrivener knew the answer to this, even if the stallion could tell a little about what he knew of Cheshire's past as Riordan.

The psychologist took a lot of interest in this, and Scrivener did his best to expand on it as much as possible. They spent maybe forty minutes talking about Cheshire and filling out forms, and then Dr. Socrates finally checked the little clock on his office wall and said: “I'm afraid I have to leave for my rounds now, so we'll have to speak again later. Let's see... your next visit... shall we say ten in the morning? We can speak more at length and I can discuss my observations with you and how Cheshire is settling it before we go to see him. But if I may make one suggestion... bring a book, preferably something he hasn't read before. Something long, with a continuous story: you can read a chapter each visit, and it will help him build up the understanding that you are coming back, and the story will continue. And he seems to simply enjoy being read to.”

Scrivener and Luna traded a look, then smiled a little and nodded to each other before they both returned their eyes to the psychologist. “Thank you. It means a lot to us.”

“I'm glad to help. This is a very interesting case, and I don't think that Cheshire is beyond help. He's very damaged and deep inside that shell, but I believe that we can at least bring him towards being able to take basic care of himself.” Dr. Socrates said softly, and then he took the sheaf of papers and smiled, glancing quickly though the forms as he added: “I can have an attendant escort you back downstairs, if you like.”

“Nay, we shall find our way.” Luna nodded courteously, then she paused for a moment before remarking: “Thou art much nicer than most of thy profession I have met. I enjoy this. Fare thee well, good doctor. Take care of my apparent child.”

Scrivener sighed a bit, but only smiled lamely to Dr. Socrates before he turned to hurry quickly out after Luna as the psychologist chuckled a little. The two glowered at each other as they strode down the hall, trading awkward headbutts before the stallion mumbled: “Well, I guess that could have been worse, anyway. I just wish that you'd stop poking ponies.”

“Thou pokes ponies.” Luna grumbled and poked at him with her horn, making Scrivener wince a little as they made their way along the unfamiliar route towards the stairs. But both ponies were able to retrace their steps without too much difficulty, partly thanks to the signs on the wall and Twilight's memory of having walked these administrative halls with Pinkie Pie many times before in the past... and it was amazing how similar the building of today was compared to the building of the far past.

It pleased Luna, though: the Nibelung really had done an incredible job rebuilding Equestria, and while the dwarves often made incompetent thugs, they still possessed a world of skill when it came to building and designing. In a decade, the Nibelung had rebuilt entire cities from the ground-up, after all: thousands of them, working constantly, and Luna had maybe never really appreciated at the time how much effort they had put into everything, but... she did now.

Twilight met them with Pinkie Pie in the front lobby of the facility, and they left, but didn't head back right away. The Lich was anxious to see her daughter, but Pinkie Pie wanted to stop for lunch and Luna and Scrivener both agreed it was a nice idea. That, and once she was sitting down and absorbed in conversation again, Twilight relaxed a little more, and also reminded herself that while she and Scrivener and Luna were a little... not normal... Pinkie Pie was just an earth pony. An earth pony who was... Horses of Heaven, has it really been... thirty seven, thirty eight years since I moved to Ponyville?

And even with ten of those years subtracted, and the extra boost of vitality that they had all gotten from being revived... Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy... they were starting to get older. Pinkie was bouncy and happy, but for the first time, Twilight noticed the marks of age beginning to show on her features, the way she just didn't seem to have as much bounce as she once did.

It scared her a little, but then again, nothing was scarier to the undead... to things like she had become... than age and mortality. She'd always told herself she wouldn't be afraid of dying, but it was only now that she was beginning to understand how it was going to be her worst fear and her worst enemy, too: one day, all her friends would die, and she would still be alive. Well... alive... as she was.

Twilight rubbed a hoof slowly over her breast, gazing softly at Pinkie Pie. She was determined to make sure that she made the most of this time with her friends, but sometimes... just sometimes... she felt her stitches twist, and wondered silently if there was any way they could be together forever. And that part of herself... it scared her. It scared her, because sometimes it made sense.

She felt Scrivener and Luna both gently touch her, from either side, and she settled with a small smile as she picked up the tea off the table in front of her, sipping at it slowly and feeling them help sift those thoughts away. There was no need to get worked up about it, right? Who knew how long they'd live, how much time they still had together, too.

Twilight shook herself out, then she looked up with a small smile as Pinkie Pie cocked her head, the brightly-colored mare asking curiously: “You okay there, Twilight? You look a little down in the dumps and stuff.”

“No, Pinkie. I'm fine. I'm just fine, honestly.” Twilight replied softly, giving a small smile before she shook her head and straightened, gazing quietly over at the pink mare. “Hey, why don't we stop in and see Applejack and Rainbow Dash on the way back, maybe see if Rarity and Fluttershy are around too? See if the want to do something, like old times. Well, after I check on Innocence, but... she'll be safe with her other parents.”

Pinkie Pie brightened at this, and Luna and Scrivener smiled warmly at Twilight, nodding to her and both reaching up to squeeze her shoulders slowly. Twilight Sparkle only smiled and blushed, shrugging a little as she looked across at her friend, promising herself that she wasn't going to focus on the negative... she was going to be there beside them, and stay positive until the very end.

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