• Published 21st Mar 2013
  • 2,074 Views, 388 Comments

Synthesis of the Atheist - BlackRoseRaven

Luna and Scrivener become the targets of a malicious, narcissistic psychopath. 8th story in the 99 Worlds Saga/Blooming Moon Chronicles.

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Chapter Twenty Six: Monsters

Luna Brynhild led the way towards the cliffside cavern as the sun set slowly in the west, Burning Desire on one side and Scrivener Blooms on the other. It had been quiet for the last few hours, the only sign of life had been the occasional traveler along the road. They had rested, regained their strength, and Hevatica had promised to wait for them to either rejoin her at the camp or for them to call her, depending on how the battle fared.

The sapphire mare grimaced as they strode into the cavern, her eyes flicking back and forth: the moment she passed through the lip of the passage, she could smell sulfur, and feel demonic residue thrumming in the air. Burning Desire gritted his teeth and flinched as Scrivener licked his lips apprehensively, and there was silence for a few moments before the demonic unicorn muttered: “Well, that's probably an effective way to keep mortals out.”

“Aye. Most would feel that chill and bolt in terror.” Luna shook her head slowly, then she strode forwards, her starry tail sparking as her eyes looked sharply back and forth: the cavern split off into two tunnels, but the energies clearly grew more intense down the passage on the left, which twisted down into the earth. “Let us not keep Morning Glory waiting.”

Scrivener and Burning both nodded, the stallions falling into pace on either side of the mare as Scrivener felt his dark blood reacting to the energy, almost bubbling in his veins as Luna began to breathe a little harder, her muscles flexing, dark thoughts twisting through her mind. Not of fear, no... she could feel the demonic powers working eagerly into her, strengthening her, exciting her bloodlust... and she had to wonder what exactly could be generating this level of concentrated demonic energy and keeping it under such tight control that it couldn't be felt even a step outside the maw of the cave, but inside...

She shivered once, breathing harder as Burning Desire's mane and tail glowed bright, coat shifting as he grimaced... but surprisingly, he was the one made the most uncomfortable by the energies, as he whispered: “We have to be careful... this kind of energy...”

“Aye, 'tis a sly trick, and I am eager to see how she did this. She will be even more powerful in this atmosphere... while a normal foe would be brought to their knees by the intensity alone...” Luna licked her teeth slowly, then shivered and shook her head hurriedly, keeping herself under control as she muttered: “No, no...”

How quaint, but foolhardy. Valthrudnir's voice murmured in Scrivener's mind, and the charcoal stallion grimaced a bit before the dragon continued disdainfully: But ineffectual, except as a flytrap. A simple totem at the mouth of the cave would scare away most of you little crying ponies, while this demonic residue must work nicely to bait in gluttonous and greedy demons for her to fulfill her hungers, but more powerful foes will only be further strengthened by this aura. What is the point of boosting your own strength if you boost your enemy's, as well? It is a childish tactical error.

Scrivener blocked out the Jötnar as best he could, making a face before he frowned and looked over at Luna, but when Luna looked back, they traded emotions and images as sharply and crisply as ever. The demonic energies weren't interfering with their mental link, which meant it probably wasn't hiding any other auras or tricks... but considering the assumed nature of their opponent, perhaps Morning Glory wanted her opponents to be as strong as possible. If that was true...

They reached a fork in the twisting tunnel, but it wasn't hard to tell which way to go: a cave-in was visible at the end of one passage, and there were several broken pieces of... maybe a cart, like someone had dragged something through here without caring about how much damage they did to it. Luna studied these remains for a moment, then grunted and jerked her head to motion them onwards.

It was a simple path, and there was the distinct feeling of being led on by something... and of being watched, the deeper they went. As the walls around them became golden limestone, it became apparent that here and there tunnels had been enlarged, while others had been shorn up by timbers: more proof that Morning Glory still had her mind. A good sign for Burning Desire: a bad sign for the fight that they were about to get into.

Eventually, they strode out into an enormous, circular cavern. Torches burned on the walls, but the light they cast was feeble compared to the glowing radiance shining down from above, and Luna frowned as she strode over the stomped-smooth stone ground to try and peer into the light. Then her eyes widened in surprise as she realized the glow was being cast from enormous crystals that had been chained and hammered into the ceiling.

“Blood quartz...” Burning Desire whispered as he looked back and forth, and Luna and Scrivener realized there were smaller glowing stones laying around the edge of the circular cavern, their glow paler than the massive crystal formations above, but still outshining the torches on the wall. Burning Desire almost ran out of the tunnel to head towards a cluster of these, and then he skidded to a halt as Luna and Scrivener were knocked staggering by a blast of force from behind them.

They both spun around, snarling, before Luna's eyes locked on a line of runes that had appeared along the floor of the cave. They were glowing brightly, powering a thrumming barrier of force that barred their way back. It left only one way in and out of the cavern... but even as Burning Desire, Luna, and Scrivener all turned to face this remaining exit, they all already knew what was coming.

A tall unicorn mare strode calmly out of the narrow cut in the stone wall, her coat a pale pink shot through with streaks of black and ugly blue veins, her pale skin tight against her emaciated frame. Her mane was nothing but a few loose strings of golden hair, and her tail was just a flesh-colored whip, snapping back and forth as her eyes glowed with ivory, poisonous light, her long, bone-white horn surrounded by the same awful aura.

“Brother...” she whispered, and then she grinned slowly, her large, sharpened teeth glinting as hooves made of dark gray steel crunched loudly against the ground. “Brother... here I thought you were going to hide from me forever... and you brought me a gift, too, did you?”

“Morning Glory...” Burning Desire whispered, and then he trembled a little before hurriedly raising a hoof to Luna and Scrivener as they both dropped to ready positions. “Wait, let me talk to her!”

“Talk? Talk about what?” Morning Glory laughed harshly before she took another step forwards, breathing hard as she glared down at him furiously, and Burning Desire trembled: enormous or not, he cowered like a puppy under the wrathful gaze of the demon across from him, who was thin but terribly tall, terribly menacing. “How you let Cupidus puppet you? How you made mares slave to your will? How you made me, your own little sister, into a whore for your pleasure? Grovel all you like, Ardent, but I'm going to tear you limb-from-limb!”

“Morning, please... please, you're my little sister, and I love you. It doesn't have to be this way...” Burning Desire whispered, trembling a little as he straightened and looked across at her, before saying hurriedly as he gestured at Luna and Scrivener: “These are friends of mine, Luna Brynhild and Scrivener Blooms, and-”

Morning Glory threw her head back and laughed, and Burning Desire quailed backwards before the Destroyer hissed: “Isn't that just like you, Ardent? After everything you failed to learn with Cupidus, I should have known you'd throw yourself at the hooves of a new master eagerly... and how could you resist the so-called Mistress of the Night? But still, I almost want to thank you.”

The demon mare laughed quietly, turning her hungry gaze towards Scrivener and Luna as she whispered: “So you came to enslave me... and just like Cupidus, you use Ardent Desire as the bridge. But this time, things are different... I won't fall for treachery and I have no urge to waste time with talk. Luna Brynhild, I taste how eager you are to fight me... come and hurt me, if you can.”

“Oh I can, demon, I can do that and more.” Luna growled, and she and Scrivener both started forwards as Morning Glory laughed again, before the sapphire mare added coldly: “Fear not, Burning Desire. This is what we came here to do. We shall pummel her, but not to death. Only very close. Morning Glory, remember that this is the path of thine own choosing, and do not whine to me once I force thy prideful head to bow that I play too rough.”

“Morning Glory? That is who I used to be, weak with concepts like 'mercy' and 'love.' Now I am Hollow Star, and I know only power, and only revenge!” The demonic mare laughed loudly once more, then her eyes blazed white with energy as she dropped forwards, horn sparking as she dropped to a ready position. “Fight hard, or I'll kill you slowly!”

Luna roared in response, feeling the demonic energy in the air only increasing her fury before she charged forwards with Scrivener following close behind, Burning Desire trembling and stumbling hurriedly backwards as the Destroyer's eyes blazed. She eagerly stepped forwards when Luna leapt at her, the demonic mare lashing her own horn down when Luna slashed hers upwards, and the two spires clashed in a burst of energy before the winged unicorn spread her wings and propelled herself backwards when Hollow Star parried her attack.

The Destroyer lashed her horn outwards, the narrow slash just missing Luna as she withdrew before Scrivener flung himself at the demon, but Hollow Star swung a hoof up and knocked him backwards, her gangly body surprisingly strong before she viciously slapped her front hoof outwards and knocked Scrivener crashing and rolling backwards. The demon began to pursue, but then cursed when Luna dove in towards her face, the horns of the two unicorns smashing against one-another's before Luna snarled and twisted her whole body into a vicious upwards slash, smashing Hollow Star reeling as her horn was knocked violently backwards.

Luna flipped her body with the movement, horn glowing brightly as she seized as many of the javelins in the quiver at her side as she could with telekinesis. As her body rotated, she yanked them free, leaving them suspended in the air in a straight line until she landed on the ground in a half-crouch, then snarled and snapped her horn forwards, sending the row of four javelins shooting straight ahead into Hollow Star just as the Destroyer managed to get her balance back and look down at Luna with surprise.

Fleshy thunks filled the air in quick, sharp succession as the four javelins tore deep into her, sending up thick bursts of blood and bone matter as they rammed through her head, her neck, and two tore deep into her breast. The Destroyer gasped loudly, crimson fluid spilling in rivers as her skin charred visibly around the wounds from the blessed weapons tearing into her, and one of her eyes had been all-but-disintegrated by the short spear standing like a grisly second horn through her skull, while another had pierced in one side of her neck and out the other.

Hollow Star gurgled for a moment, head twitching as she looked back and forth as she gaped stupidly, and Burning Desire trembled in shock, his own mouth working slowly in disbelief. Luna breathed hard, looking up at the Destroyer and feeling a shiver at what she had done, knowing the demonic essence had excited her rage but this... this was all purely of her own doing, as Scrivener slowly picked himself up, staring at the pierced demon.

Hollow Star's mouth slowly closed... then twisted into a cruel grin as she stopped swaying, steadying herself as she turned her head so her remaining eye could stare down at Luna... and the winged unicorn staggered backwards in shock as the Destroyer hissed in not pain, but excitement: “After so many years of waiting... do I finally have a worthy adversary?”

The javelins glowed white, and Luna's eyes widened before she leapt backwards with a curse as Hollow Star snapped her head back and laughed even as the javelins tore free from her body, shooting violently in all directions in thick sprays of crimson blood. Luna gritted her teeth, then looked up with a snarl of disbelief as the injuries rapidly healed, the reforming eye already locked on Luna as Hollow Star leaned down and rasped: “Can you do better?”

Luna snapped her horn to the side, ripping her spear free from where it was attached and leveling it at the demon's face, and Hollow Star's grin stretched wider before she reared back with a guttural growl. And Luna could only stare in horror as the demon's flesh bubbled, thick silver liquid gushing up out of her skin before hardening rapidly as golden flames burst into life over the Destroyer's skull and around her whiplike tail.

And in moments, Luna was staring at a gargantuan unicorn made of silver, overlaid plates of steel, thick and yet impossibly-flexible metal shaped like muscle that bulged and rolled with every movement, making her limbs like tree trunks and a body like a titanic warship. The plates that covered her were raised and sharpened, her back protected by a tortoise-like shell with razor-like ridges and tall, conical spikes, and her mane and tail were both composed of raging, golden flames. Her eye burned out of sockets in a mask that protected her face completely, four tall J-shaped horns framing her skull-like features as she grinned savagely down at the sapphire mare.

Luna snarled, then stabbed her spear forwards as it glowed brightly... and the winged unicorn's eyes widened in shock as a metal chain snapped down, catching and constricting the upper half of the weapon before ripping it free from Luna's telekinetic grip and tossing it away. The winged unicorn staggered, then shivered and stared in shock as three more chains rose up, clinking and twisting like tentacles through the air around Hollow Star as the Destroyer said softly: “You'll have to try harder than that, little pony.”

The winged unicorn dropped and spread her wings, eyes blazing before she rocketed forwards, slamming herself viciously into Hollow Star's breast... only to ricochet painfully off with a grunt of shock, her eyes bulging in surprise as the Destroyer didn't so much as flinch. Instead, the demon responded by stepping forwards into a savage punch that sent Luna rocketing through the air, denting in her armor and sending her crashing and rolling as Scrivener flinched and cursed as he felt Luna's surprise, pain, and disorientation.

The stallion shook his head awkwardly as Burning Desire gaped and Luna finally rolled to a halt, groaning weakly as Scrivener stared up at Hollow Star, then slowly tilted his head towards the winged unicorn, asking uneasily: “You okay there, Luna?”

“Know that in the future I shall not make fun of thee so often for this sort of thing, now that I understand what it feels like.” Luna muttered as she picked herself slowly up, breathing hard and cursing under her breath: she was only lucky her armor was so sturdy and she hadn't been braced against anything. Otherwise Hollow Star would have probably crushed her like a bug.

“What's wrong, little ponies?” Hollow Star mocked, striding slowly forwards, and Scrivener stumbled backwards, staring up at the Destroyer as he breathed harder. Then he winced as he heard Luna's mental order in his head, twisting slightly to the side and stumbling over the stone as Hollow Star strode after him: with her a true giantess that had to be at least twice his size, every slow, long stride she took let her quickly close in even with him scrabbling away in fear he didn't entirely have to feign. “Trying so hard... but you should know that your attempts...”

Hollow Star's eyes flicked over her shoulder, and one of the chain-like tendrils extending out of her metal body from just above the shell on her back snapped upwards, catching the javelin Luna had launched at the back of her head without a twitch. “Are pathetic.”

Scrivener could only gape... and then he howled in agony when Hollow Star snapped the javelin forwards and it buried into his breast, his eyes bulging as he staggered backwards. Luna cried out in agony, stumbling in mid run across the room before another of Hollow Star's steel tendrils snapped downwards, seizing the end of the javelin buried in Scrivener and tearing it free with a vicious twist to rip the wound wider, sending up a burst of dark mire before the speartip slapped cruelly across Scrivener's face, knocking him crashing down on his side.

The chain spun the javelin around and raised it in front of Hollow Star's mouth, and she licked the pronged spearhead slowly before rumbling in interest as her eyes locked on Scrivener, whispering: “Well, what do we have here?”

Her eyes watched with fascination as the wound in Scrivener's chest slowly filled with dark mire and closed, and then she snorted in derision as Luna shot another javelin at her back, not even looking this time as one of her chains caught the weapon and she began with disgust: “Are you really-”

Hollow Star's eyes widened as she realized too late something was different, looking back to see Luna grinning widely, a string of lightning connecting from her horn to the base of the javelin before she roared and snapped her head backwards, and Hollow Star howled in surprise and agony as as massive blast of electricity was channeled through the spear and straight down her metallic appendage, body jittering violently as her other chains snapped wildly around her. Scrivener winced and scrambled to his hooves, running quickly out of the way to rejoin Luna even as the winged unicorn was knocked backwards by a surge of magical recoil, the chain of electricity sparking out of existence as she glared challengingly at the now-smoldering Destroyer. “Thou art not the only one capable of fighting dirty!”

Hollow Star's roar of rage echoed through the cavern, making the gemstones along the wall and ceiling glow brighter for a moment as she flung the smoking, warped javelin away and spun to face them, eyes glowing like baleful white spotlights. “Don't insult me with magic tricks!”

Hollow Star charged at them, and Scrivener and Luna both set themselves as they traded a quick look, focusing on combining their strength and energy before they both leapt up to meet the colossal demon. The Destroyer was fast, stomping a hoof down and almost crushing Scrivener, but he managed to dodge to the side as Luna flung herself upwards, then swung both hooves out when Hollow Star's other foreleg tried to slap her away, seizing the front limb and instead twisting herself around to use it as an axle so the sapphire mare could slam a kick into the underside of the Destroyer's jaw.

Hollow Star staggered backwards with a snarl, and Scrivener lunged forwards and caught one of the demon's forelegs before he gritted his teeth and twisted hard to the side as Luna swung both front hooves in a vicious tomahawk against the side of Hollow Star's neck.

The combination of attacks knocked the Destroyer down onto her side, the entire cavern rattling with her fall before Luna crashed down on Hollow Star's face, beginning to slam blow after blow down into the metal features of the creature as Scrivener tackled the metal demon's underbelly, hammering his hooves hard into her and pushing through the pain as he dented and warped the thick metal armoring the mare.

But moments later, Hollow Star snapped her head upwards, swinging her skull up to block one of Luna's punches with the crown of her own steel skull, and the sapphire mare flinched in pain and surprise before two silver chains snapped viciously forwards and constricted her tightly, binding her forelegs to her sides and lifting her into the air as they began to crush her. Scrivener flinched, and then he was knocked flat by one of Hollow Star's hooves before she simply rolled on top of the stallion, crushing him beneath her heavy steel frame.

Her chains, meanwhile, snapped Luna cruelly down into the ground, smashing her face-first into the stone floor before lifting high and slamming her down again, then again, then again. The sapphire mare gargled as she was hauled into the air once more, blood running from her ears, her skull cracked, her mind a blur before Hollow Star began to lash her down towards the ground again, but the winged unicorn managed to spread her wings and flap them hard as she kicked her hind legs downwards, forcibly slowing her descent and managing to land on her hooves before she snapped her horn to the side.

A blue fireball smashed into Hollow Star's face, and the Destroyer cursed, body twitching enough that Scrivener managed to lever his limbs up beneath her and shove all four hooves up into the demon's stomach. Luna, meanwhile, felt the chains around her loosen enough that she was able to rip her forelegs free, then reach down and seize the steely appendages with both her hooves and telekinesis flapping her wings hard as she pushed off the ground with her rear hooves and put all her strength into hauling on the monster.

Luna roared, and Scrivener echoed her fury as he shoved upwards with all his might, launching Hollow Star high enough that the shocked Destroyer was dragged up into the air and yanked around in a narrow, low spin, hooves sparking as they dragged limply along the ground. At the same time, Scrivener rolled to his hooves before he leapt upwards as Hollow Star's orbit carried her back towards him, and she had a moment of shock before Scrivener seized her by the horns and slammed her face-first straight down into the ground as Luna whiplashed the chains at the same time, sending the Destroyer's head burying into the cave floor and snapping one of the chains off the demon's body.

But a moment later, Hollow Star tore her head free with a snarl of rage, slamming her head into Scrivener and knocking him flying before her metal tendril snapped cruelly upwards, ripping out of Luna's forehooves and tearing a gash across her face before it sprung forwards and seized around the sapphire mare's throat. Luna gargled, her eyes bulging in shock and pain before her horn glowed as she gathered all the energy she could and unleashed it in a blast of blue and white light.

Hollow Star growled as she was blinded for a moment and her grip loosened, but even as the winged unicorn lurched backwards and free of the chain, she was shocked to see that otherwise the purification hadn't so much as singed her outer armor. And before Luna could even think of what to do next, Hollow Star lashed her horn forwards and blasted Luna backwards with a thunderous explosion of white energy, pure-ivory flames raging for a moment over the mare's body and causing unbelievable agony before she hit the ground on her back with a gasp.

Scrivener arched his own back, falling flat as his muscles gave out from the shock of pain that had ripped through Luna. Hollow Star was focused solely on the sapphire mare, however, her horn beginning to glow again as she yanked herself to her hooves... but then a blast of red flames struck her square in the face, and the aura vanished with her concentration as she looked sharply towards Burning Desire.

“Stop it! Little sister, please, we can-” Burning began, and Hollow Star roared at him before charging forwards, and the stallion gritted his teeth desperately before he yelled back, voice raw and wordless as he leapt forwards and transformed in a blast of flame into a massive, half-serpent demon, a massive, coiling body tail propelling him into a lunge as enormous forelimbs ending in claws both swept down towards Hollow Star.

The Destroyer gasped in shock as he seized her around the throat, both demons colossal and for a moment, looking evenly matched as Burning Desire glared down at his sibling, his features the same but for the fangs now in his maw, and Hollow Star looked back up... before growling in fury as her chains snapped around the Passion's wrists, binding him and twisting hard to yank his claws away from her throat before reared back and slammed three bone-crunching blows into his chest, Burning Desire coughing and gagging blood before Hollow Star's horn glowed and she snapped it forwards.

Burning Desire was launched backwards in a blast of white flames before he screamed in agony as his body turned to smoke and fire, and a moment later, the stallion's normal unicorn shape fell through the cloud of ash and smog, hitting the ground and rolling backwards with a gurgle, the fire of his mane and tail burning weak and low as he gasped for breath. Slowly, he began to push himself to his hooves... and was tackled backwards by Hollow Star, who pinned him down with the lower half of a foreleg his throat, before her other hoof smashed into his handsome features once, twice, thrice; wounding, marring, crushing.

She began to raise her hoof again... and then snarled as Luna's spear tore against her back, sending up sparks as it left a long rip through the spiked shell protecting her spine before Hollow Star spun around, yanking Burning Desire into the air and flinging him viciously at where the winged unicorn was hovering. Luna cursed in pain as the stallion's heavy body smacked into her, and then she forced herself to half-spin and fling him to the side as Hollow Star charged forwards, even as at the same time the sapphire mare quickly drew her spear back with telekinesis.

It stabbed forwards, but Hollow Star slapped it aside like a toy before dropping her head forwards, and Luna arched her back, grit her teeth... but refused to cry out even as the horn tore through her chest and out the other side of her body, leaving her impaled and hanging off the spire of the colossus. She rasped hard for breath, her spear sizzling weakly as she slowly rose it, then uselessly stabbed downwards... but she couldn't find the strength to do more than scratch the outer armor of the Destroyer, even as she clung to her skull and stared weakly down at the demon until finally, her spear simply fell from the air and clattered to the stone floor.

Hollow Star looked almost disappointed before she tilted her head slightly upwards... and now Luna screamed as the horn buried through her burst into white flames, the sapphire mare's eyes bulging as she convulsed wildly, clutching and clawing at the skull of the creature as the blood was literally boiled out of her body. And Scrivener howled with her even as he desperately tried to drag himself across the floor towards the mare, gasping and gargling, but the pain pinning him down as the Destroyer said in a disappointed voice: “And I thought this would be fun.”

Hollow Star glanced towards where Scrivener was shaking and convulsing on the ground, then smiled coldly before the glow died out around her horn, and she snapped her head to the side, flinging Luna into the charcoal stallion. She crashed limply into his face, knocking him sprawling and senseless as the sapphire mare fell to her side and whimpered weakly once, smoldering faintly, her mane and tail slowly becoming nothing but blue hair.

“Pathetic. This is what you bring to fight me, little brother? These are the ponies who terrify Helheim?” The Destroyer spat to the side, looking disgusted as her gold-fire mane and tail burned and twisted around her, turning her eyes towards Burning Desire. “They're almost as weak as you.”

“Morning Glory...” Burning Desire whispered... and then he screamed when the Destroyer leapt forwards and swung her hoof down between his hind legs, his body convulsing as he clawed at her uselessly before her hoof twisted slowly, and he shrieked louder as red tears began to spill down his cheeks. “S-Stop! Sister! Morning Glory, p-p-please!”

“I am not Morning Glory. I am Hollow Star.” the demon said quietly, and then she slowly rose her hoof, flicking blood and gore to the side with a look of cold disdain down at the stallion. “Look at you. Weak. Whimpering. Broken. I'm going to take my time now... in fact, I'm going to take my time with all of you. I want to drain every last drop of blood and strength out of each of you... little as there is to harvest. But Burning Desire, first... let me give you an introduction to what you have to look forwards to in the future.”

Hollow Star cracked her neck, and then her horn began to glow, and Burning Desire howled in misery as white dots of fire burst into life over his body, twitching and rolling back and forth to try and escape... but it was useless, as the tiny motes began to burrow through his flesh, Hollow Star snarling: “Do you remember how afraid of me you were when I was only a shieldmaiden? Well that's nothing compared to what I've learned to do now! I am a demon with a talent for controlling holy energy! I am indestructible and unstoppable!”

Burning Desire screamed and shrieked in misery, but it wasn't that which brought Luna and Scrivener back to consciousness... it was a far off voice in their minds, crying out to them, begging them to get up, pleading with them to survive. Luna gasped quietly as the sense returned to her, and she found herself laying half-sprawled over Scrivener, felt one of his forelegs weakly half-wrapped around her, like had been trying to embrace her.

She leaned down and buried her face against his neck, smearing his black blood against her features, staring shellshocked but sightlessly. Her body quaked as she breathed unevenly in and out: no, they hadn't been prepared for this. Morning Glory... Hollow Star... wasn't just powerful: she controlled light energy and purification on perhaps the same level as Antares could. She was a Wrath demon with holy, divine powers coursing through her veins. She was exactly what she said she was... unstoppable.

Scrivener coughed weakly as his senses slowly returned, and then he looked up as Luna drew back, trembling hard, knowing that they had only one option, as she shifted weakly and looked desperately down at the stallion.

Scrivener gazed back up at her silently as black tears spilled down from one eye, sliding silently along his cheek... and then he swallowed thickly, knowing no other choice. He heard the pleas in his mind, and Burning Desire's screams of agony echoed throughout the cavern all around them, and he knew that once Hollow Star was done with him, she would come for them... and she wouldn't be as 'gentle' as she was being with the Passion.

The stallion cursed weakly, then reached one of his hooves up, sliding it along Luna's armor until he touched the point in her breast where her equipment had been shattered and flayed open. He pushed forwards, feeling the pain in his own body at the same time, cursing under his breath weakly as the sapphire mare flinched and dropped her head forwards... then gurgled, eyes bulging as Scrivener gritting his teeth and pushed.

Not with his hoof, but instead he felt something flowing through his hoof, felt that dark mire surging down into Luna as his body flexed and trembled... and he could feel agony warring with strange heat and... no, that wasn't excitement, was it? And at the same time, he pulled her down against his body, as Luna moaned and gargled, but then began to tremble violently as her mane and tail lifted into the air, sparked, and became first ethereal... then burst into blue, unnatural flame.

Luna's breathing roughened, became panting, then animal, vicious growls as her eyes clenched shut, her teeth bared... and then bit suddenly forwards, sinking into Scrivener's neck as the stallion flinched, but his own teeth were grit in a twisted grin, his own eyes closed as pain was overridden by growing, sick pleasure, as Luna greedily drank down his mire. He could feel her body changing, warping, distorting as she pushed down against him, hot and heavy and powerful, and all the energy in the air was only adding to the excitement and the power growing through them...

Hollow Star frowned as something tickled her senses, and she halted in her torture of Burning Desire, leaving him laying limply on the ground as the Destroyer turned around... then grinned callously at the sight of Luna's body covering the stallion's, and the raging blue flames that now made up her mane and tail. It only made the demon laugh, however, her eyes gleaming with interest and maybe even excitement as she asked: “Oh, what's this? Are you getting a second wind? Maybe this time you'll put up a-”

She was cut off as Luna rose her head and gave an echoing, unnatural laugh, and the Destroyer's eyes widened as the creature in front of her slowly stood up on not hooves, but gnarled, enormous claws. The monster rasped breath in and out as it turned slowly around, features skull-like and her jaw enlarged and filled with oversized fangs, plates of broken armor and torn fabric falling from a body that had grown too large for her armor to contain it.

Black veins pumped corruption through her body as the monster grinned widely, shaking itself out as enormous, black-leather wings unfurled and flapped once and the four sets of piston-like bones on either side of her spine pumped, and then the beast rasped: “Now we are done warming up, Hollow Star. Now we shall devour thee... but fear not. We need thee alive, so we shall only eat... half of thee.”

“You do not frighten me with illusions and games!” Hollow Star snarled, and the Destroyer charged forwards, raising a hoof, but one of the monster's claws lashed up frighteningly-fast and seized Hollow Star by one horn, slamming her face down into the ground before yanking her up to eye-level with the beast.

“I am no illusion. I am Luna Brynhild... but thou art correct. This is just a game... one that thou has already lost.” the creature snarled, and Hollow Star stared in disbelief before a moment before Luna wrenched viciously to the side, ripping the horn from her head and sending the Destroyer staggering backwards with a cry of shock before Luna raked a vicious slash across her face, tearing through the metal protecting her body like it was putty.

Hollow Star lurched to the side, scrabbling for balance before the monstrous Luna leapt forwards with a grin, beginning to rip her claws cruelly back and forth down over Hollow Star's features and breast, keeping her off-balance as the Destroyer attempted to back out of the hail of blows before finally snarling as a chain whipped forwards. But Luna laughed as she reached up and caught this almost with ease in one claw, yanking Hollow Star off-balance before her other claw slammed into her throat.

The Destroyer gurgled, and then screamed when Luna ripped the chain appendage off her back... and from where he was laying with an insane grin on his face, Scrivener gurgled a broken laugh. Black trails of tears spilled down both his cheeks, and his neck was slathered with mire, one of his front hooves shattered into pieces and still dribbling more of the black ooze... but all he felt was pleasure. All he felt was vicious, sadistic glee as Hollow Star and corruption-infused Luna flung themselves at one another.

Hollow Star reared back with a roar, smashing her hooves viciously back and forth across Luna's features, knocking her staggering before the demon slammed the winged unicorn's head cruelly down into the stone floor before beginning to stomp savagely down on her skull again and again, sending up splatters of black blood as her eyes blazed-

A shockwave of explosive force knocked her staggering, and a moment later Luna leapt up and seized the demon by the throat with one claw before crushing savagely inwards, her grin made all the more terrifying by the streams of black blood running from her cracked skull as he mocked: “Is that the best you can do, Destroyer? You are nothing!”

Hollow Star staggered backwards, gagging and cursing as her eyes bulged, unable to rasp out a response as she realized that Luna had crushed the armor plating around her own neck into her throat. She shook her head wildly back and forth before she finally managed to shove the warped armor plate loose, taking a gasp of breath before a claw smashed up under her jawline.

Her teeth slammed together, feeling at least one of them cracking as she stumbled with a gurgle, and then her eyes blazed as she dove forwards, chains snapping downwards, but Luna grinned and ducked quickly to the side, avoiding them both as one narrowly scraped through the corrupted pony's mane before Luna leapt forwards and swept a claw into Hollow Star's front leg as she passed. The demon was sent sprawling face-first on the ground with a curse, and before she could shove herself back up to her hooves, Luna seized either side of the ridged tortoise shell over her back before laughing as she flexed and hauled the massive, metallic mare high into the air.

Hollow Star's eyes widened, her jaw opening in disbelief before the corrupted pony slammed the demon belly-down into the ground, knocking all the sense from her before Luna half-spun and flung the Destroyer face-first into a nearby wall. Hollow Star crashed into the stone with enough force to send a spiderweb of cracks flaring through the limestone, the demon's mind reeling before Luna pounced on top of her back, then she grinned viciously as she seized either side of the shell again, rasping: “Is this not fun, Hollow Star? Are we not having fun?”

Hollow Star snarled... but now the expression was almost desperate, before the demon screamed as Luna twisted savagely. Her chains snapped around her, but even when they smashed against Luna's face and forelimbs, they left only thin gashes and seemed to do nothing but excite the corrupted mare further as she roared and yanked slowly, viciously upwards, and Hollow Star's screams reached new levels of agony as there was a sick gushing, a horrible rending, and a shattering of steel as Luna ripped the shell completely free from the demon's back, exposing raw, torn flesh.

The demon gargled, then weakly threw herself forwards, trying to drag herself away as her eyes rolled in her head, but she was too slow and it was too late as Luna flipped the spiked shell around, ignoring the blood running down her own claws from the edges of the shell cutting into her claws before she smashed it savagely down. And Hollow Star shrieked in agony as she was bludgeoned and crushed by her own spiked carapace, helpless to do anything as it rose and fell, rose and fell...

Luna growled like an animal as she tossed the dented, broken shell away, once Hollow Star lay crushed and broken beneath her. The corrupt mare rumbled eagerly, unaware of the wounds on her own body before she looked quickly towards where Scrivener was sitting and watching her, and then the mare grinned widely, her eyes glowing with passion and hunger before she reached down with one claw and seized Hollow Star by one horn. The mutilated demon didn't so much as twitch as Luna lumbered hurriedly through the limestone cavern, rasping breath in and out as Hollow Star's body scraped over the stone floor, sending up sparks with her passage before the sapphire mare flung the broken body down in front of Scrivener Blooms.

The stallion nodded to her, his eyes glowing faint sapphire as he licked his lips slowly, before turning his gaze calmly down to the fallen demon, and Luna grinned widely and growled before she reached down and seized Hollow Star's metal face. She twisted back and forth, and the Destroyer gurgled weakly as there was a sickening squelch, before the metal bent and cracked, and Luna switched her grip to work her claws into the edge of the plating before simply ripping forwards, and Hollow Star screamed as her faceplate was torn off, revealing raw, bloody and bruised flesh below.

Scrivener grinned slightly as he leaned in, studying her almost eagerly as Luna rasped slowly for breath, both animal, primal, and vicious before the stallion slowly rose his cracked, shattered hoof. It flexed like a claw as black poison dripped from it, and Hollow Star stared weakly at this as it lowered towards her naked, exposed face- “What... what are you doing?”

Luna growled in her throat as Scrivener frowned towards Burning Desire, before the charcoal stallion bared his teeth and replied in an icy voice: “Making her loyal. Now shut up.”

“No, wait.” Burning Desire whispered, shaking his head weakly: his mane and tail had been completely extinguished, he looked mangled and maimed, but all the same he continued to drag himself forwards as he rasped: “This... isn't what we agreed... she's my sister.”

Luna stepped forwards, baring her fangs as she snarled, her body flexing and eyes blazing as her horn began to glow. Burning Desire almost fell over, gasping in shock as he stumbled backwards and halted, and Scrivener's eyes glowed brighter as he whispered: “Maybe you're right, Luna... we should make sure Burning Desire understands loyalty first... and he's hurt, isn't he? Get... get him...”

Scrivener flinched, then grabbed at his skull with his broken hoof, and Luna rumbled uncertainly as she turned her eyes towards him before the stallion groaned as the sapphire aura was replaced by amber malice, and Valthrudnir snapped in disgust from Scrivener's mouth: “What are you doing, Nihete? Oh you pathetic, worthless, undisciplined wretch! This is precisely why Tyrant Wyrms are not programmed with pleasure receptors, you filthy little animals can't just-”

Luna roared in fury, snarling as her eyes turned towards Scrivener, and Valthrudnir only just seemed to realize that he'd taken over Scrivener's body before a claw savagely backhanded the stallion across the face. It knocked Scrivener sprawling with a wince, and Luna flinched violently as well before she gurgled and staggered backwards as sense warred with vicious passion for a moment, grasping at her own features as she rasped: “No, I... I am better than this... I am not a monster...”

Hollow Star looked up, and then the Destroyer snarled before she suddenly stabbed her horn upwards, lunging into the blow, and Luna shrieked as the demon's horn ripped into her body before it glowed bright white. And both Luna and Scrivener howled in agony before the winged unicorn was blasted backwards in a flash of purification, as Hollow Star was sent crashing down onto her own back with a scream... but a moment later, Luna, in her natural body, fell brokenly from the air to the limestone floor of the cavern.

Hollow Star twitched and spasmed, hooves pawing weakly at the air, remaining tentacles of chain flailing weakly at the air before she slowly rolled over, then looked back and forth with a snarl. All four of them were badly injured: Scrivener was trembling and disoriented, Luna was bleeding from a large wound in her breast, but slowly trying to pick herself up, and Burning Desire was gasping in terror, looking almost hysterical as Hollow Star's gaze locked him.

She reached a hoof out, snarling, beginning to drag herself forwards painful inch-by-inch, foot-by-foot, with terrible, horrible slowness. But her rear legs refused to work at all, and she knew the only reason she was even still alive was because of all the demonic essence in the room... but none of it mattered. Nothing mattered, except revenge... except killing her pathetic, stupid, weakling... big brother...

Burning Desire stumbled backwards, and Hollow Star hissed in frustration, trembling, before the demonic stallion tripped over a loose rock. And Hollow Star grinned widely, her eyes glowing before the Passion picked up the stone and drew it back.

Hollow Star winced... then frowned as Burning Desire only trembled with the rock raised high in his hoof before he bit his lip as tears ran down his cheeks, and then he swung it down and smashed it uselessly against the ground beside him. He dropped his head forwards, shutting his eyes tightly, and Hollow Star only stared at him, not understanding, before the Passion looked up and said weakly: “I won't hurt you, Morning Glory. No matter how much you want to hurt me. I'm... I'm sorry. Don't you understand? I'm sorry, and I love you... and I won't hurt you.”

The Destroyer frowned across at Burning Desire, mouthing the words slowly as if trying to help herself understand, half-reaching up almost testingly... and then simply settling to the ground as she stared at him with disbelief, whispering: “Why won't you fight...”

“I told you... I won't hurt you.” Burning Desire answered quietly, and then he laughed faintly and shook his head slowly, clenching his eyes shut. “Do you really think that I'm selfish enough to believe I don't deserve what you want to do to me? That I don't deserve every ounce of pain you want to cause me? I... I know I do. But I'm here to try and save you even if... everything's gone so horribly wrong and... if I can't save you... then I don't want to save myself, either.”

Burning Desire looked at her silently, and the Destroyer looked down, confused, not knowing what to think or do... and then she froze up as she felt the tip of a spear settle into place against her exposed skull, and she slowly opened her eyes to look up and see Luna was rasping hard, but back on her hooves, clutching the spear in her front limbs. She was trembling weakly, looking like the wind was enough to knock her down at this point... but Hollow Star could barely breathe, and even if Luna fell over, it would probably still drive the spear in deep enough to kill her. “I demand... thy loyalty, demon... I demand that thee surrender to me, and pledge fealty immediately. I invoke... the honor and the laws thou art bound by... shieldmaiden and demon.”

Hollow Star snarled, but as Luna's eyes fluttered and the sapphire mare began to list forwards, she felt the spear digging into her forehead, and the demon hissed in pain and frustration as she rasped: “I don't know what you are, Luna Brynhild... but this is a dangerous game you play.”

“If thou does not submit within the next few moments, thou will be dead, and it will be no fault of mine.” Luna said tiredly, as her eyes fluttered again as she reeled a little on her hooves, and Hollow Star hissed in pain as the speartip tore another thin gash against her head before settling back into place when the winged unicorn cursed and managed to steady herself.

The Destroyer opened her mouth... then winced in pain when the spear shoved painfully into her again as Luna began to tip forwards, and Hollow Star finally cursed and said in a disgusted whisper: “I surrender, and submit myself to your desires. I shall be loyal... Luna Brynhild.”

“Good. Do not kill anyone while I... I...” Luna shivered, then she dropped her spear before tipping backwards, landing with a thud on her back as Scrivener gave a weak moan from where he was still laying, all his energy drained from both the corruption he'd poured into Luna and the damage she had taken.

Slowly, Hollow Star shoved the spear out of her way before she dragged herself forwards with a grunt towards the sapphire mare, and Burning Desire trembled as the Destroyer managed to crawl her way almost on top of the winged unicorn. The stallion began to force himself to his hooves as the demonic mare stretched a hoof out towards Luna's features, but then she only cursed and stomped down past the mare, carefully hauling herself over Luna's body and finally managing to stagger up to her hooves.

The Destroyer dragged herself towards the Passion, snarling and twitching with every step as agony ran through her body, and Burning Desire swallowed thickly as he stared at his approaching sibling: his little sister, now a far more powerful, terrifying demon. She stopped in front of him, and the two studied each other silently before she slowly sat down and whispered: “Your masters are strange, Burning Desire. They act like warriors, and they act like savage monsters.”

“They're not my masters... they're my friends.” Burning Desire replied quietly, and then he looked uneasily past her before shivering once and closing his eyes, adding roughly: “They weren't going to kill you... t-they promised they wouldn't, and they weren't. Don't forget that, Morning Glory.”

“I think they were prepared to do worse, Ardent Desire. Or are you so stupid that you think... everything would have been okay at the last second? Don't think... I don't know what's going on here.” Hollow Star rasped, glaring down at him furiously. “Now you're safe from me... that's what this is all about, isn't it? Getting me under your hoof, making me-”

“It's not!” Burning Desire tried to shout, but it came out as more of a whimper as he stared up at her, trembling. “I know what Cupidus did to you... he... he did it to us both! And I know what I did to you and I'll never forgive myself for it... but I wanted to save you! And... and this is just the beginning of that, I know. But it's a start.”

“Just the beginning?” Hollow Star grinned callously, looking down at him icily as she leaned dangerously forwards “What other plans does my 'wonderful' big brother have to save his needy little sister? Why did you come out here at all, Ardent, when you could have just hidden away forever like the crybaby you've always been... every time you try and help, after all, you just make everything worse.”

“Yes, well, that's not going to stop me from continuing to try, at least, Morning Glory. I've got to try. I've got to.” Burning Desire said quietly, looking up and shaking his head slowly before he closed his eyes and murmured: “I'm sorry.”

“Stop apologizing. And stop calling me Morning Glory. Those days are long passed, Ardent.” Hollow Star hissed, but this time the fiery stallion only gave a faint laugh in response, as the flickering flames of his mane and tail slowly began to spread back into existence. “Don't laugh at me.”

“I'm not, it's...” Burning Desire looked away, saying quietly: “It's funny, though, little sister. You tell me those days are long gone, that you're Hollow Star now... and yet I can't help but notice that you still use my old name. The name I had while I was mortal.”

Hollow Star shifted at this, then she slowly leaned down, looking with disgust into Burning Desire's eyes as she whispered: “And what, you think you were such a gift from paradise above that I must secretly long for those old days again? That I must want to have the delightful experience of living through your sick and twisted perversions all over again?”

Burning Desire only smiled faintly as his horn began to glow, and Hollow Star snarled at him before frowning when he tilted his head back, and it only emitted a faint pulse. “No, little sister. I was never any gift to anyone. And sadly, I make a better demon than I ever did a mortal... but I guess I've had many more years to learn how to be a demon than I ever had to learn how to be a stallion.”

He fell silent, looking down, then sighed and gazed quietly past her at where Luna was laying, murmuring quietly: “I'm sorry they hurt you so badly. But I am still a coward, you know. And I could never have stopped you myself.”

Hollow Star only looked moodily over her shoulder, before she muttered distastefully: “I'll fight them again one day, now that I know about their filthy little trick. And next time I'll remember to attack the stallion... he is by far the weaker of the pair, and I underestimated the power of... Luna Brynhild.”

“So did I.” Burning Desire smiled faintly, closing his eyes. “To be honest, they scared me more than a little. I was afraid for you... what they were going to do to you, and-”

“You should not have stopped him. I would prefer to be dead. Even being made a mindless thrall would be preferable to this... now my dignity is as broken as my body, but only the latter will heal. Now I am forced to bend my head and kowtow to two upstart little ponies, one who bleeds darkness and the other who is rude and speaks in ancient tongue.” Hollow Star looked away, adding coldly: “And if that dark goo has that much effect on the surprisingly-weak Luna Brynhild... I can only imagine what it would have done to me. Strength and power and revenge are the only things that matter in this universe, Ardent. You need to learn that.”

“No, honor, and love, and family matter.” Burning Desire smiled faintly, looking up at Hollow Star silently. “Those things are the key to immortality. Yours only bring destruction.”

“And I am a Destroyer.” Hollow Star snarled, but her voice was bitter before she reached up and slapped Burning Desire hard, knocking him sprawling with a curse of pain. “But now you've just turned me back into a serving whore, a bad imitation of mommy dearest.”

“You are nothing like mother.” Burning Desire muttered from the ground, and Hollow Star twitched before glaring down at him furiously, but she only trembled on her hooves, like she had already used all her strength up in hitting him, as the fiery demon simply laid on the ground and turned his gaze silently up to her.

But before things could worsen any further, a voice interrupted gently: “There will be time for this later, won't there? And perhaps we all need to simply cool down and adjust to our roles and alliances. There are many benefits for us all here, after all.”

Slowly, Hollow Star looked to the side with a dark frown, glaring furiously at Hevatica as Burning Desire smiled faintly, and the Kelpie bowed her head politely. “I am also a servant of Luna and Scrivener... and a friend as well. Our situations, of course, are very different... they have never forced my hoof. But perhaps it will soothe you to know that they are good and strong ponies, even for all their... particular flaws.”

“Thank you for coming, Hevatica. I would make introductions but I suppose you know who this is and I don't think my little sister really cares.” Burning Desire said moodily, and then he winced a little when Hollow Star snorted in disgust, glaring down at him.

“Always cutting corners, big brother. Always taking the easy way out.” Hollow Star muttered, and then she shook her head slowly and continued icily: “That is why you were manipulated in the first place so easily. That is why you have always been the weak link.”

Burning Desire looked away silently, but then glanced up in surprise when Hevatica stepped over to him and reached down, gently pulling him to his hooves as the Kelpie said quietly over her shoulder: “Weakness comes in as many forms as strength does. What is weaker, Destroyer? Someone who attempts to aid others and conquer his own nature, or someone who hides behind the excuse that it's 'in my nature,' insults those trying to help her, and uses her strength and power not just as a weapon but a crutch and shield to hide behind with the cowardly threat that she will do harm to anyone who speaks ill of her?”

“Shut up, Kelpie. I promised not to kill my masters or this doggerel, but I can still turn my anger on you if I please, little mouse.” Hollow Star snarled, but Hevatica only smiled calmly as she stepped away from Burning Desire... and to the stallion's shock, the Kelpie reached up and calmly shoved the Destroyer hard, sending the mighty first-tier demon staggering in dumb surprise before she tripped over her own unsteady hooves and crashed down on her side with a cry of pain.

“No, right now, you are too weak. And you have spent so long strong that you've forgotten how to be humble, and that sometimes you should simply shut your mouth” Hevatica smiled kindly, but her eyes were glowing coldly as she leaned slowly down over the Destroyer, who stared wordlessly up before the Kelpie said quietly: “I may be a little mouse, but what can a dying elephant do to stop me from ripping out one of her eyes and nibbling into her brain?”

Hollow Star looked up silently, and then the Kelpie straightened and said quietly: “But that is not how we have been taught to do things by Luna and Scrivener. We have been taught compassion, and mercy, even for those like you. Come, Burning Desire, I'll lend you what strength I can so you can draw a summoning circle, and then I'll heal Mistress Luna. And last, Destroyer, I'll heal you.”

The Kelpie and the Destroyer looked at each other silently for a few moments, and then Hollow Star grunted and turned away with a mutter as Burning Desire smiled faintly over at Hevatica. The water demon only gave him a gentle look in return, however, as she strode towards him and reached up to pace a hoof against his forehead, saying softly: “We are compatible as Lust demons, and you are my friend. Besides, there's much energy in the air being emitted from those crystals... it's no wonder the demonic essence here is so strong, so tightly controlled.”

“I need to be stronger, and I need powerful foes... I hope that your enemies prove worthier than your masters.” Hollow Star muttered, but Hevatica ignored her, and before Burning Desire could respond, he winced as the Kelpie began to push her energies into him, his mane and tail flaring up a bit higher as his strength slowly returned.

Hollow Star watched silently, unable to fully understand what was going on... but even as Hevatica slipped away to heal Luna, and Burning Desire began to trace a summoning circle on the cavern floor, her eyes lingered on her big brother as old memories struggled to rise to the surface. And all she could do was tell herself that turning in her gut was nothing but hatred, because she was only a Destroyer... and Destroyers couldn't have broken hearts.

Author's Note:

Vs. Hollow Star: Iron Maiden - Iron Maiden

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