• Published 21st Mar 2013
  • 2,074 Views, 388 Comments

Synthesis of the Atheist - BlackRoseRaven

Luna and Scrivener become the targets of a malicious, narcissistic psychopath. 8th story in the 99 Worlds Saga/Blooming Moon Chronicles.

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Awkward Company

Chapter Twenty Four: Awkward Company

Subterra had been a comfortable little getaway, but all-in-all, Scrivener Blooms found himself much happier when he was at home. Here, in this little cabin in the wilderness, he could hide away from pretty much everything... including radio talk shows that now wanted him to respond to Ersatz Major's latest accusations about him, which included some rather nasty comments about his sex life.

He couldn't help but notice Ersatz kept playing that particular card, but he thought it was because it was what made people uncomfortable: his weird relationship was like a giant bull's eye after all, Scrivener wasn't dumb enough to think it wasn't. And with how happy ponies were to sit back and have misconceptions and gossip, he knew Ersatz's old tricks were all the same still good tricks, which was part of why he refused to further humiliate himself on live radio. The other part was that the thought of talking to someone with at least several thousand listeners scared the crap out of him.

She had sent another article to him as well, but Scrivener had only skimmed it after he realized with surprise this one was actually tamer in comparison to her last. He thought she might actually be feeling guilt, whatever else she was saying or doing, although Luna just grumbled that she would prefer making Ersatz feel a hoof up her rear.

Now the stallion was sitting upstairs in the office he shared with Twilight Sparkle, writing a few notes about their latest little adventure, but mostly just sitting in his office chair and spinning around every now and then as he hummed to himself quietly. Luna was downstairs drawing, and Twilight was reading somewhere. Antares had gone into Ponyville with Meadowlark, he thought, which was good: his son was finally starting to... move on a little, he thought.

Scrivener smiled a little to himself as he sat back in his chair, resting his front hooves in his lap and closing his eyes as he leaned slowly back... then winced and sat hurriedly up when the chair creaked and almost overbalanced. He grumbled a little under his breath, shifting his weight absently around before Twilight said softly from the doorway: “You know you're not going to fall over if you lean back, Scrivy.”

“I'd rather not take the chance.” Scrivener replied mildly, glancing over at the Lich as she smiled at him softly: she was wearing one of her turtleneck sweaters, and it covered her stitching completely, leaving her looking like a normal winged unicorn... because you know, there's ever been a normal one of those. “How're you doing?”

“Good.” Twilight replied with a smile, and then she strode forwards and leaned against the desk, turning her head towards him and asking gently: “Have you been thinking about what Burning Desire said at all?”

“On and off. You know I leave most of that to Luna.” Scrivener replied, shrugging a little before he softened a bit, asking quietly: “You're worried, huh?”

“Of course I'm worried. You're going without me.” Twilight smiled faintly, reaching up and gently touching under his chin. “It hurts to think that I'm not going to be there to help out at all, but... I understand that I need to heal more. Physically I'm restored, but my powers are still weaker than normal. And it might help Celestia feel a little better too.”

Scrivener smiled a little at this: Celestia hadn't taken the best to being left behind herself. The charcoal stallion shifted a little, and then he leaned towards the violet mare and said softly: “Don't worry about me and Luna, okay? We're good at taking down demons by now, even powerful ones. It won't be like Cheshire... Cheshire we had no idea what we were getting into.”

Twilight nodded hesitantly, and then the stallion winked at her, adding: “Besides, you get to have all the fun of keeping an eye on Ponyville. With Celestia still in Canterlot, someone has to be here to keep an eye on Sleipnir, and worse yet, Cowlick and Shiny, as she calls him. And there's Antares, too... I don't think he was too happy with being left behind.”

“He never is. He wants to prove himself to you two. He may have saved you both, but he still feels like... like it wasn't enough. And sometimes you two do treat our son like he's just a little colt.” Twilight said mildly, even as she slipped forwards, and Scrivener smiled slightly as the mare half-pulled herself up into the chair with him, her body pressing to his, turning around so he could wrap his forelimbs around her and curl her close in his lap.

“Our son. Luna and I both like it when you say that... when you remember that.” Scrivener said softly, and Twilight shrugged a little, smiling faintly before she closed her eyes and tilted her head to the side as he kissed the side of her neck softly just above her collar.

“Don't... change the subject...” Twilight mumbled, then she blushed a little as Scrivener's hooves slid along her body, but she reacted to her touch, eyes fluttering closed as Scrivener leaned over her, feeling his weight and his strength and his masculine body...

Luna twitched downstairs, dropping the pencil she was sketching idly with... then stared slowly up at the ceiling before her entire body sizzled with heat, and she stumbled up to her hooves with a curse under her breath, glaring and shouting: “Damnation! Filthy harlots, I... oh Horses of Heaven!”

She stumbled in mid-run through the kitchen, lurching and smacking face-first into the back door before staggering backwards, then shaking her head wildly before yanking it quickly open and charging outside for the stairs leading up to the second level, cursing the entire time as bright flares of pleasure lit up through her body, contrasting the pain of almost ramming into the guardrail before lunging up to the second floor door, saying almost desperately as she hammered it open: “I am here, I am here!”

Antares Mīrus traded uneasy looks with Meadowlark, Aphrodisia, Avalon and Tender Trust: they were standing in a beautiful little park that had a gorgeous, polished statue of Scrivener Blooms and Luna Brynhild standing in the center of it. It was a beautiful day, with clear skies and the sun happily shining down over them... and reflecting brightly off the metallic Clockwork Pony across from them, as Cowlick looked pointedly across at the five ponies from beside the mechanical stallion.

“Uh. You can't be serious.” Antares said finally, and then he winced a little and hurriedly held up his hooves when Cowlick glared at him angrily and clenched her teeth around her unlit cigarette. “No, no, I didn't mean it like that! I just... uh... well...”

“Dude, he's metal, and you're crazy.” Avalon declared, and Cowlick growled at her, the tiny Pegasus doing her best to hide her wince as she buzzed back and forth in midair over the other ponies. “Look, Auntie Cowlick, when you said 'hey guys, I got a new friend for you,' I already thought to myself: 'well that doesn't make me feel like a little foal again or anything' and was also thinking of how I could prank you without getting shot. But if this isn't some crazy stunt of your own, then you must think we're retarded or something.”

“I do think you're retarded, but that ain't the point.” Cowlick said mildly before she whistled loudly at the Clockwork Pony, who glanced at her... then sighed quietly when the engineer leaned towards him with the cigarette jutting pointedly out. He grumbled, but leaned over as his horn glowed, and there was a spark from his horn before the cigarette lit as Avalon fumbled for a response.

The tiny Pegasus was overridden by Cowlick as the mare said dryly: “Look, kids. And shut up, Ava, you'll always be kids to me, and if you wanna try to prove me wrong you can take a run at me and I'll spank you like the little filly you are.” Avalon glared, but then only crossed her forelegs with a grumble, and Cowlick grinned. “Good. As I was saying, kiddos. Shiny here needs some interaction with ponies apart from me and Ross, and we're also busy as hell today at the labs. So you're going to look after him. You're gonna treat him good, you got it?”

Antares looked almost desperately towards the Clockwork Pony, mouth working slowly: so-called Shiny was sulking visibly, pawing grumpily at the ground with one hoof. Ponies passing by the park were staring and a few gawkers had even gathered, but Cowlick was only looking at them as if she was asking them to hang out with... aw, hell... “I... Cowlick, I... if I say no, then I'm going to feel like a real bastard, but...”

“Good, then I'll take that as a yes.” Cowlick said comfortably, and then she reached up and slapped Shiny's shoulder, making the stallion wince a bit before the engineer explained clearly, like he was a foal and they were his babysitters: “Shiny is sitting at about fifty percent power right now, and he's got a very limited set of responses for the moment. He'll understand anything you say, though, don't worry about that. Don't let him use too much magic, I don't know how fast his power cells will drain or how long they take to recharge, and his power core's kind of unstable.”

She paused, then Aphrodisia held up a hoof and asked curiously: “Is he like your baby, Cowlick?”

“Yes, Pinkslap, he is. Real smart of you to figure out, shows all the brains you got from Sleipnir.” Cowlick replied dryly, but Aphrodisia only smiled brightly before the engineer blew a smoke ring through her nose, looking moodily towards Tender Trust and Meadowlark.

Both Pegasus and half-Phooka winced a bit, but Cowlick only studied them for a few moments before Antares said finally: “But what are we supposed to do? Cowlick... I... Meadowlark has a job, Tender Trust is supposed to be helping out her mother today, Apps is... Apps, and Ava-”

“I have a job too!” Avalon floated down, glaring at Cowlick before the tiny Pegasus leaned forwards even as she turned her glare to Shiny, adding sharply: “And I don't wanna foal-sit a big dumb metal pet of yours! Double because I'm not some kid you can order around, triple because he's some big dumb Clockwork Pony!”

Shiny winced a little, and Cowlick chuckled... then reached up with both front hooves and seized Ava by the front of her body, yanking the tiny Pegasus up to eye level with her and leaning forwards to almost press their faces together, blowing smoke through her nostrils as she growled: “His name is Shiny, and you're going to treat him nice and going to be his new best friend, ain't that right?”

“Yes Aunt Cowlick!” Avalon squeaked, looking terrified as she leaned away with a wince from the immolating glare of the mare, and then she swallowed thickly as she grabbed weakly at the engineer's hooves. “You... you've got a really strong grip.”

“Yeah, I've heard that before.” Cowlick said moodily, and then she shoved the tiny Pegasus backwards, Avalon hurriedly flitting up into the air and buzzing nervously a safe distance away as Cowlick dropped back to the ground and exhaled another plume of smoke. “Now that we're all settled and everypony's happy, I gotta get to work. Keep an eye on him until tonight, then drop him off at my home 'round dinner time. You kids remember where that is, right?”

“It's the only house in Ponyville with all the machine parts in the front lawn.” Avalon muttered, and then she quailed backwards and flew a little higher when Cowlick glared at her. “Just saying!”

“Yeah, yeah.” Cowlick grumbled, then she looked over at Shiny and said firmly: “Now listen, junior. Don't let 'em bully you even though you're the new kid in town, and don't listen to a word the tiny little punk up there says, she's all bark. Don't flirt with Aphrodisia, don't trust Antares' judgment, and for the love of god please don't throw a hissy fit if things start going bad. I'd much rather you go on a rampage than break down and start crying like a filly in the middle of Ponyville, okay?”

“Okay.” Shiny mumbled dejectedly, and then he winced when Cowlick ruffled his mane before the engineer turned and strode away, humming to herself as Shiny muttered: “Waned further than you.”

Then the mechanical stallion looked lamely up across at the group of five ponies, and Avalon grumbled before zipping down in front of the behemoth, eying him warily and grumbling: “Look at you. Big. Ugly. Tin-can opener. I know all about you guys. My Dad says when I was just a filly I beat the crap out of one of you guys, so you better watch yourself, pal.”

Antares sighed and dropped his head forwards at this dejectedly, as Meadowlark mumbled: “That's an even worse story than the ones I used to make up.”

Avalon glared over her shoulder, and then she sailed quickly upwards before turning neatly and dropping down on the Clockwork Pony's back. Shiny winced and looked awkwardly over his shoulder at her as she glared down at him, then sat down and grumbled: “I'm staying up here so I can keep an eye on you. I don't trust you.”

“Okay.” Shiny said finally, and then he looked lamely out at the other ponies before shifting uncomfortably, and finally struggling out in a slow, careful voice: “My name is Shining Armor. What is yours?”

Antares hesitated, looking back and forth before he sighed when everyone looked at him, and he stepped forwards, replying: “I'm Antares Mīrus. This is Meadowlark, Aphrodisia, and Tender Trust. And that's Avalon on your back. She's... she's nicer than she acts, I promise, she's just really awful when it comes to first impressions.”

“Do you have boy-parts or are those missing?” Aphrodisia asked curiously, and Shiny stared at her in disbelief as Antares dropped his face in a hoof and Meadowlark and Tender Trust both stared over at the demon, who looked dumbly back. “What? What?”

“It is very nice to meet you, sir. You seem...” Tender Trust stepped forwards, hesitantly studying him, looking a little apprehensive. “You are flesh and metal. But I suppose... we have made friends with demons, we can make friends with you.”

“Demons have boy and girl parts.” Aphrodisia commented brightly, and Antares looked at her pleadingly before the demon huffed at him. “Oh, don't give me that look, big brother. If my powers don't work on him I'll have to be extra super nice to make him like me.”

“I ain't being nice at all.” Avalon grumbled, stomping a hoof against Shiny's back, and the Clockwork Pony winced before the Pegasus flopped down over the broad metal back of the mechanical stallion, muttering quietly: “He's not Rustproof.”

Antares softened at this, and Meadowlark dropped her own eyes as Aphrodisia smiled faintly. Tender Trust only looked on curiously as Shiny frowned, before the glossy-black unicorn suggested impulsively: “Why don't we go to Sugar Cube Corners?”

The others nodded, and Shiny only shrugged, looking lost. Antares smiled lamely and did his best to take the lead, turning around before he glanced at Meadowlark as she hurried up beside him and whispered worriedly: “Are you sure that he can even eat or anything like that, Mir?”

“I don't know, but it's the first thing that came to mind and I don't know what else to do!” Antares mumbled back, wincing a little as he looked over his shoulder awkwardly: Tender Trust and Aphrodisia had fallen back to either side of Shiny, pacing easily along with him as the half-Phooka studied him but the demon rambled happily away to the Clockwork Pony, who only nodded lamely every now and then. He was clearly trying his hardest to get along with the other ponies, at least.

They were quite a strange little parade walking through town, as Antares tried to wrap his mind around what was going on, before he said finally to Meadowlark: “Look, you can go if you need to get to work... I'll understand, I think even Cowlick won't hold it against you or anything...”

“No, I think... this kind of counts as news, and I've been assigned to the local interests column. I can do an article on your Dad and an article on... Shining Armor.” The Pegasus glanced over her shoulder at the metal stallion, who was shifting uncomfortably now as Aphrodisia continued to prattle happily on.

Antares nodded awkwardly, then he looked ahead before wincing a bit, not knowing if he felt horrified or relieved as he saw a familiar, enormous stallion striding quickly towards them with a curious look on his face. Aphrodisia glanced up, then brightened further, calling loudly: “Daddy, come meet Shiny!”

“Aye, I do not believe I have had the pleasure as of yet.” Sleipnir said cheerfully as he approached, the enormous, bulky earth pony striding up to the odd group, and Shiny slowly stared upwards: the behemoth that was Sleipnir made even the mechanical stallion look small in comparison, after all. “Well, what have we here?”

Shining Armor clearly didn't know what to say or do, only managing a lame smile before Antares said awkwardly: “We were uh... just on our way to Sugar Cube Corners with our new... friend.” The stallion looked uncomfortably over at Shiny, who was still staring up at Sleipnir as the vine-maned earth pony frowned curiously down at Antares. “We didn't really know. Where else to go.”

“Thou speaks as if this creature is unpleasant company, but he seems fine and pleasant enough to me.” Sleipnir said positively after a moment, then he reached out and slapped Shiny's shoulder, and the mechanical stallion yelped in surprise as he was knocked face-first into the ground, Sleipnir looking down at the Clockwork Pony with surprise as Avalon was launched into the air in an arc over Sleipnir's apparently-clueless head. “Oh, my apologies, friend! I thought thou wert sturdier on thy hooves, here, allow me to help thee up.”

Sleipnir reached down and easily yanked the mechanical stallion to his hooves by one of the metallic plates standing out of his back, making the Clockwork Pony wince a little. Then Sleipnir smiled benevolently as Antares slowly looked past the stallion, towards where Avalon was laying on her face in a dazed heap in the street. “There, all better, friend! Now, what does thou think so far of this little village? 'Tis beautiful, is it not, and full of the prettiest mares thou ever did lay thy eyes upon!”

The cheerful, huge male winked over at his daughter, and Aphrodisia giggled before Sleipnir said kindly: “Now, daughter, I expect thou and thy handsome cousin Antares shall both do thy very best to welcome this newcomer. Who he is, what he is, I care not: he is now ally with us, and neighbor and friend. The past is forgone and forgiven, our quarrel forgotten; we must instead do all we can to help him find his place here with us.”

Sleipnir nodded firmly, and Shiny looked up in surprise, then fumbled for a response before wincing when Sleipnir simply patted him firmly on the head a few times. “Fear not, friend, there is no need for thanks, 'tis only what is fair. Besides, I hear thou received quite a pummeling at the hooves of my sisters.” The chestnut stallion winked. “'Tis as always my duty to make merry and find peace where my pretty siblings have gone and started war.”

Shiny looked lamely up at the stallion, and then the bulky earth pony nodded once before turning his eyes to Antares and gesturing absently at the large bags hanging over his sides: they were both clearly larger and heavier that normal saddlebags, even though Sleipnir wore them with ease. “Upon that subject, thou should let Luna know when thou see her next I have done the work she requested upon her and her husband's armor. 'Twas not difficult work, but I will have to do the last of the fitting when she is next in Ponyville. Oh, how I envy her, Antares! Marching into battle to earn the loyalty of a Destroyer, what a mighty contest it will be!”

Antares shifted uncomfortably, and Sleipnir only chuckled, smiling warmly as he leaned down and said kindly: “Fear not, my nephew. Thy parents shall do their jobs well, and whilst they are gone, we shall take the time to train, shall we? And... perhaps our new friend here shall join us.”

Sleipnir paused, then looked thoughtfully over the mechanical stallion as he looked awkwardly up at the larger earth pony. “Perchance... aye, these repairs are Nibelung and of fine design, but thou hast lost thy symmetry of form and much of thy defense with the modifications. Poor wretch, thou looks like thou art wearing a stove, not armor, bah, and I cannot have this! Thou shall visit me, and I shall lend my hoof to thee and fix thee properly.”

Sleipnir nodded firmly a few times, and Shiny shifted awkwardly as he blushed a little... which Antares noted at least meant the stallion had enough blood to manage that, before the Clockwork Pony mumbled lamely: “Thank you.”

“Oh, 'tis my pleasure, friend. My pleasure, my honor, my duty to help a new friend.” Sleipnir smiled and winked. “Now, if thou shall excuse me, I must deliver my big sister's armor to the library. 'Twill be a nice surprise for her, after she is done being mad at me for stealing her armor and modifying it in the first place.”

Antares sighed and shook his head, but then he smiled as Aphrodisia waved a hoof quickly to her father, calling happily as the enormous stallion trotted off: “Bye, Daddy!”

Shiny looked awkwardly over his shoulder... then he winced when Avalon buzzed up in front of him, looking quickly back towards her as the Pegasus looked at him moodily before simply grumbling and once more dropping down onto his back, flopping down as she muttered: “Well, that was fun.”

“You're just jealous 'cause he didn't pay any attention to you.” Aphrodisia said teasingly, and Avalon growled grumpily as Tender Trust cocked her head and Antares sighed tiredly, turning and striding forwards as Meadowlark fell in step behind him, the two trading a tired look as the inevitable argument began: “It's all because you wish my Daddy was your Daddy, right?”

“Yeah, sure I do. Then I'd be a big fat earth pony, because we all totally know how much I love running around on the ground.” Avalon grumbled, but this only got a curious look from Aphrodisia.

“But you do love running around on the ground. We race on the ground all the time and stuff.” Aphrodisia said pointedly, and Avalon looked up stupidly at this before the demon giggled and ran up beside Shiny, smiling at him as the Clockwork Pony looked at her awkwardly. “Maybe we can race too. Do you like to race?”

Shiny blushed and shook his head awkwardly, and Aphrodisia pouted a little before Avalon grumbled: “Loser.”

“Oh come on, Aviator, be nice.” Antares said in an exasperated voice, but the tiny Pegasus only growled grumpily from the mechanical stallion's back, before the leather-winged unicorn threatened: “If you keep this up, I'll tell Pinkie Pie you need a song to get you out of your bad mood.”

“Oh screw you, Antares.” Avalon said grouchily, throwing herself into the air to buzz forwards and grumpily land on his back, and then the stallion yelped when Avalon leaned forwards and bit the back of his neck, his leathery wings flapping once before furling as he glared over his shoulder at her. But Avalon had already flopped down disconsolately, muttering: “Fine. I'll just pick on you and Ten then. And Meadowlark because she still smells.”

Meadowlark and Antares both sighed tiredly, and Tender Trust only tilted her head. But before anyone could start any further arguments, they found themselves on the approach to Sugar Cube Corners, and Shiny frowned up at this curiously, studying the outside of the candy store, looking almost as if he recognized it.

Antares halted, looking over his shoulder, but Shiny quickly shook his head before grunting quietly and gesturing a little, and the stallion nodded awkwardly, figuring it meant that Shiny was trying to say he was fine. So instead the glossy black unicorn only shrugged and lead his friends into the shop, which was fairly busy today with its usual assortment of customers: foals, adults shopping for some special occasion, and ponies who just had a sweet tooth that needed appeasing.

“Hey, guys! And I see you brought the new pony!” Pinkie Pie called happily from behind the counter, as Pinkamena grumbled beside her moodily. But in spite of her usual sourness, she was quickly throwing together orders for waiting ponies. And down at the other end of the counter, another pony was taking money and counting change near the dark-colored shelves that held all the treats clearly made by Pinkamena: not cupcakes and cookies and sweets, but candies and baked goods shaped like body parts, often with blood-colored icing and other grisly but delicious decorations.

Sugar Cube Corners had a slight schizophrenic quality to it, thanks to the opposing personalities of the twins that ran it: it was always a happy place, and the foals adored it, but it was happy in both a manic kind of way and a terrifying kind of way. And they always threw the very best Nightmare Night parties each and every year.

Shiny looked back and forth, looking surprised at the interior: he had clearly expected something different, as Antares ushered him carefully towards a booth. A few ponies looked nervously at the Clockwork Pony, but thankfully no one said anything as Tender Trust, Avalon, and Meadowlark all squeezed into the bench opposite, and Antares groaned mentally as he awkwardly sat beside Shiny... then yelped when Aphrodisia leapt in beside him, firmly checking him and squishing him into the Clockwork Pony, Shiny wincing before thankfully sliding a bit closer to the wall and giving Antares room to breathe as he glared at his cousin, who only giggled happily.

And a moment later, Pinkie Pie almost appeared out of thin air beside them, smiling warmly over at the Clockwork Pony even as Pinkamena shouted at her in frustration from the counter. “I really wanted to throw a 'Welcome to Ponyville' party for you, after I heard that you were really a nice pony and everything, but Cowlick told me to wait a few days. So I'm gonna make it the biggest and the best party that I can, honestly, and I really hope that you come to like it here in Ponyville, 'cause it's really the best place ever!”

“Shut up, sissy, and get your flank back to work!” Pinkamena shouted, even as she shoved a box of cookies to a foal, who stared up at her with big eyes before the demon looked moodily down at the colt, then suddenly bared her fangs. And immediately, the group of foals at the counter all ran away screaming, but by the time they reached the door, they had dissolved into excited giggles as Pinkamena rolled her eyes and muttered: “I hate my life.”

“Oh come on, you don't really mean that big twin sister!” Pinkie Pie said brightly as she bounced back over to the counter, and then she called easily: “Apps, come and help me and your Mom out, and then you can get some stuff for your friends!”

“Okay, Pinkie Pie!” Aphrodisia said warmly, the demon scrabbling her way out of her seat before she skidded around in a circle almost like a puppy, half-jumping onto the table to lean over it and grin at Shiny, who winced away as she questioned: “What's your favorite food ever?”

Shiny looked hurriedly back and forth, before his eyes locked on a poster on the wall displaying a large, heaping plate of fudge, and he pointed at this almost violently before Aphrodisia brightened. “That's one of my favorites too! Okay, be right back!”

Aphrodisia turned and pranced off, and Shiny slumped a little with a wheeze as the other ponies looked at him, before Ava said sourly: “Fudge is gay. You're gay.”

Shiny dropped his face against the table with a loud bang as Antares and Meadowlark glared at Avalon, who huffed and crossed her forelegs grumpily. Tender Trust only tilted her head with interest, however, asking curiously: “Why is happy food a bad thing?”

“It's like you're trying to get me to hit you or something.” Avalon said grouchily, and then the tiny Pegasus shifted before flopping back in her seat sulkily, which almost made her vanish behind the table with how small she was. “This is stupid.”

“Do you want me to go get you a booster seat?” Antares asked sourly, and Avalon blew a raspberry at him before the glossy black unicorn looked awkwardly over at Shiny. “So uh... sorry about... you know. Everything.”

Shiny only looked at Antares blankly, and the leather-winged stallion shifted uncomfortably before sighing and simply dropping the subject. Instead, he asked: “So is there anything... you want to do? Anywhere you want to go? I mean... I guess we sort of have all day together, after all...”

Shining Armor shifted uncomfortably at this, and Antares winced as he rose his front hooves hurriedly. “No, no, no, I didn't mean that I don't want to spend the time with you or anything, uh... it's just that... my friends have some work to do, but... hey, I'm free all day, and I just want you to, you know, enjoy yourself. With me. Yeah.”

“You're gay too.” Avalon said mildly, and Antares glared at her as the tiny Pegasus groaned and looked moodily over at Meadowlark. “I think Antares wants some alone time with his new coltfriend.”

Antares grumbled under his breath, and Shiny glowered as well before Meadowlark sighed and said quietly: “You know, no one's forcing you to be here.”

“Cowlick is. If she finds out I'm not here to help foal-sit she'll kick my flank. I definitely do not want that to happen.” Avalon replied grumpily, and there was an awkward silence for a few moments before the Pegasus added moodily: “Anyway, I guess it could be worse. Shiny's not that talkative but it beats him rambling constantly, too.”

Shiny shifted uncomfortably, and then there was silence until Aphrodisia bounced happily back with an enormous platter of fudge on her back, which she easily bucked over her head onto the table. It clattered down loudly, and the mechanical stallion tilted his head before rearing back in surprise as Pinkie Pie popped up beside Aphrodisia, doing the same motion... but tossing not simply a tray, but instead six different drinks onto the table, which landed loudly but without a single one tipping over.

Antares stared at this, but Pinkie Pie only smiled brightly before winking. “Enjoy, guys! Thanks again for helping out, Aphrodisia. Your Mom and I really appreciate it.”

“I'm glad to, Pinkie Pie. You're my favoritest aunt.” Apps replied warmly, and Pinkie blushed a little before nodding firmly once and bouncing back to the counter when Pinkamena shouted for her. But it looked like the crowds were slowing, and Antares smiled a little as he glanced down at the cup of cola in front of him before glancing over at Shiny, and seeing the mechanical stallion poking a little at a chocolate milkshake that had landed in front of him.

He didn't look exactly enthused, but Avalon was already greedily helping herself to the fudge, and Tender Trust was sipping quietly at her blueberry smoothie. Aphrodisia was looking around the table, making sure everypony was happy before she frowned a little at the mechanical stallion... and that was when it hit Antares, even as Apps asked curiously: “Don't you want to eat?”

“Yes...” Shiny mumbled after a moment, and then he sighed before beginning to lean down, but stopped with a glance towards Antares when the stallion quickly reached up and caught his shoulder.

“You don't have to if you don't... I mean... you know.” Antares said awkwardly, and the mechanical stallion smiled a little, then nodded before hesitantly looking back at his milkshake, and he took a tentative, uneasy sip.

Meadowlark was watching as tensely as Antares, and Tender Trust's own glowing eyes seemed to be focused on the mechanical stallion, as if she realized something was going on. But after a moment, all three relaxed as Shiny smiled a little, then finally nodded hesitantly and said quietly: “Thank you.”

Aphrodisia only smiled warmly, and the rest of their snack passed in quiet. Shiny drank about half his milkshake and nibbled at some of the fudge, while the others ate moderately... except Avalon, who ate gluttonously. Then, as the other ponies began to settle back, Antares looked thoughtfully over at the mechanical stallion and said finally: “I'm going to take Shiny out to see Mom and Dad, I think. And I think he'll enjoy the walk through the Everfree Forest. The leaves are starting to change after all, and everything looks nice and... well, you know. It might be peaceful. Would you like that?”

Shiny shrugged awkwardly, then nodded a little, and Meadowlark smiled a bit before Avalon grumbled: “Well, I guess I'm gonna come with you, anyway. I don't want to give Cowlick any reason to chase after me, she's scarier than Pinkamena.”

“Don't tempt me to show you how scary I am, kid.” Pinkamena muttered as she strode up to their table, and Avalon winced a bit before the demon mare turned her eyes towards her daughter, who smiled up at her warmly. “Go find your Daddy. If he's not at the library, he's probably taking a break at the tavern. Tell him I need him to run over to Sweet Apple Acres and pick up a load of fresh apples, and then he needs to run over to the animal care center and get us some eggs.”

“I'll let my mother know he's coming.” Tender Trust said softly, and Pinkamena grunted and nodded before the half-Phooka turned her eyes calmly towards Shiny. “It was very nice to meet you, and I enjoyed spending some time getting to understand you better. You don't seem like a bad person.”

The mechanical stallion smiled a little, and Meadowlark nodded in agreement as she added: “Ponyville's a good place to... to start over, Shiny. You'll see. I'll make sure everyone knows that you're a good pony, too. But... I guess that's our cue to go, then.”

“Yeah. Thanks, Pinkamena.” Antares smiled over at the dull-pink mare, but Pinkamena only grunted at him in response as she turned, before the leather-winged unicorn nodded firmly to his friends as they all looked at him.

They left Sugar Cube Corners as a group, but went their separate ways with little fanfare, Meadowlark giving the glossy-black unicorn a quick kiss and Aphrodisia leaping up and hugging the mechanical stallion, surprising him, before she bounced happily along on her way. Tender Trust only took smoothly to the air and quickly vanished from sight, and it left Antares, Avalon, and Shiny standing awkwardly together before the tiny Pegasus sighed and flew in a short circle before dropping on the glossy-black unicorn's back and curling up in a ball with a grumble.

She kept her eyes open though, glowering at Shiny as the mechanical stallion sighed tiredly, then grumbled: “I negative why you wound me.”

“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” Avalon asked sourly, and Antares shook his head slowly before the stallion glanced over his shoulder at the mechanical stallion, studying him for a moment and reading into his emotions, his body language, the frustration in his eyes...

“He doesn't know why you hate him so much.” Antares said almost absently, looking back ahead, and then he winced over his shoulder when he heard a clunking sound before smiling awkwardly at Shiny, who was picking himself up from stumbling over in surprise. “Sorry. It's kind of my thing.”

“I bet you want to touch your thing and his thing together.” Avalon grumbled, and Antares sighed tiredly as the tiny Pegasus shifted grouchily back and forth. “Hey, don't even try to argue. You're way too nice to him and it's creepy, even if Cowlick is making us do this.”

“Just go to sleep so you'll stop being so cranky.” Antares said tiredly, and Avalon grumbled but wiggled a little to get a bit more comfortable, before the glossy-black unicorn added to Shiny: “Anyway, come on, let's walk this way. It's a bit of a walk but... well, I guess you probably don't mind after being cooped up for the last few days, right?”

Shiny only nodded hesitantly, and Antares smiled a little and nodded firmly in response before he began to lead the stallion onwards at an easy pace, glancing at him every now and then to make sure he was doing alright.

But the mechanical stallion kept up well... moreover, as they passed out of Ponyville, he seemed fascinated with the world around them: first the animal care center in the distance, but especially the Everfree Forest. It was like he had forgotten what trees and wildlife were like... of course, that was assuming the stallion had ever known in the first place, or could remember the days before he'd become... well, what he was now.

Antares had all kinds of questions, but he knew that most of them Shiny probably couldn't answer, and even if he could, they were all a mix of personal and what could likely be considered flat-out rude. So instead, he stayed quiet, letting himself enjoy the sound of wildlife all around them: the birds in the trees, the sound of the wind in the leaves and branches, the murmur of the earth beneath their hooves...

Antares' ears pricked up, and he came to a halt, tilting his head curiously as he heard a crunching sound ahead. Shiny came to a halt as well, and Avalon poked her own head up before her eyes widened slightly and Shiny stumbled backwards as a large manticore staggered into the path.

The lion-headed beast rumbled as its heavy claws scraped against the ground, shaking its rough, dirty mane out as behind it, a segmented scorpion tail snapped slowly back and forth. Saliva dripped from its jaws as it panted roughly in and out, and then the creature looked up with a growl, powerful body flexing as Antares frowned uneasily. It had bruises over its body, and as far as he remembered, they were deep enough in the Everfree that they should be past most manticore territory, even as he said quietly: “No, don't worry, they're not usually that aggressive unless provoked...”

The manticore snapped towards the sound of his voice, and Antares' eyes widened as the beast drunkenly staggered around in a half-circle, growling fiercely even as it swayed and stumbled. But it wasn't the threat of aggression that surprised him, even as the manticore spread its wings wide and it bared its fangs at him: it was the sight of several Silverbacks that had attached themselves over the beast's body, jaws biting deep and tails dug fiercely into the animal.

Then the beast roared before lurching forwards, and Antares cursed as Avalon yelped... but Shiny stepped forwards immediately, gritting his teeth as his horn glowed and he dropped his head low. A dome of blue light crackled into being around the ponies, and the manticore smacked painfully into this before it howled as electricity sparked violently over the energy shield, the manticore throwing itself backwards as several Silverbacks fell loose from the creature's body.

Two of them hit the ground and scurried off as the manticore spun around and bolted, but the last only spasmed even as the shield vanished, slightly-squished and bleeding its black innards over the earth. Antares sighed in relief, but then blinked as Shiny stepped forwards, shouting gibberish as he stomped a hoof violently several times and gestured wildly at the Silverback.

“Wait, what? You've seen those... slow down, slow down!” Antares said quickly, gesturing a few times at the mechanical stallion, and Shiny gritted his teeth as he calmed and nodded a few times. But the look of fear on his face... “Now just tell me, nice and slow, what do you know about the Silverbacks?”

“I... machine growl hive make nest!” Shiny blurted, and not even Antares could make sense of it as Avalon flitted quickly off the pony's back to land nervously beside the bug, wincing and poking at it to make sure it was dead as Shiny cursed, then shook his head violently as he stepped forwards hurriedly and shoved Avalon away, then stomped violently on the corpse several times, mashing it to pieces. “Retreat! Retreat! Negative contact!”

Avalon winced in disgust, flying up into the air with a curse as she muttered: “Holy crap, you really hate those things... ugh, that black stuff, too, it reeks...”

“I... black stuff...” Antares stepped forwards and grabbed Shiny's shoulder, and the Clockwork Pony halted before the glossy-black unicorn's horn glowed, gently guiding the mechanical stallion's foreleg up to stare at the dark goo leaking slowly around a steel hoof. It did stink, but Antares had seen that consistency before, and even from here, he could feel the warmth coming off it... “Mire?”

“Mire... mire! Mire! Mire... hive! Mire hive!” Shiny nodded violently, then stomped his hoof several times as he gritted his teeth, Antares paling and staring with disbelief as the mechanical stallion said desperately: “Mire... ponies! Mire ponies, mire pony hive... makes them!”

Avalon looked confused, but Antares staggered backwards, breathing hard before he whispered: “No... no, you're not saying that... that the Silverbacks, they're made by the Replicants? By Protelea?”

Shiny nodded violently, and Antares shivered before looking over at Avalon as she frowned worriedly before the glossy-black unicorn said quickly: “Go get Cowlick and Fluttershy! Tell them they need to trap some Silverbacks, that it has to do with the Replicants.”

“Are you serious?” Avalon winced, looking disbelievingly down, and Shiny only nodded again as Antares looked imploringly up at her, before the tiny Pegasus asked uneasily: “What about you, what are you gonna do?”

“I'm going to go tell my Mom and Dad. They can send a letter to Celestia... if these Silverbacks have been spying on us or something, it's no wonder that the Replicants knew about us, and it's no wonder they've been getting more and more aggressive. Go Ava, hurry!” Antares said sharply, and the tiny Pegasus nodded quickly before shooting up into the air, quickly twisting her way through the canopy above towards the sky before Antares asked quickly: “Shiny, how fast can you run?”

“Slow.” Shiny admitted, but Antares only smiled before starting quickly down the path, and Shiny winced, metallic body clanking as he followed as fast as he could, the hatch on his side clicking every now and then as he questioned worriedly: “Mire ponies... conflict... late?”

“I don't know what you're saying exactly, but look. These Silverbacks have been here for a while, and... it was pretty clear when we fought the Replicants they knew a lot about us.” Antares replied quickly, shaking his head as they hurried down the path: he estimated at this pace, they had maybe twenty or thirty minutes before they reached home. “I don't think it means the Replicants are going to attack... but it means that the Silverbacks are a much bigger problem than we thought in the first place. And maybe if we can figure out where they're coming from, we can trace them back to wherever the Replicants have a base and mount a counterattack.”

“Concerned.” Shiny muttered, and Antares smiled wryly: it was close enough, and Shiny was right, this was concerning as hell. “Mire pony... bad.”

Antares laughed a little at this, and when Shiny looked up, the young stallion muttered: “Believe me, I already knew that. My parents fought Cheshire, and I got ambushed by Protelea. I barely managed to drive her off.”

Shiny stumbled to a halt, staring in disbelief, and Antares winced as he skidded to a halt and looked over his shoulder before the mechanical stallion blurted: “You hammered mire pony hive?”

“Not quite. I think she was closer to killing me than I was to killing her.” Antares muttered, and then he shook his head quickly. “Come on. Let's keep moving, Mom and Dad are really going to want to know about this.”

Shiny nodded awkwardly, then followed Antares as fast as he could with his slow, lagging gait as Antares fought not to bolt ahead, despite every instinct telling him to. But finally, they reached the house, and the young stallion ran straight for the door before plowing into it, shouting: “Mom, Dad! I found something out!”

He hurried down the corridor into the den room, and almost plowed right into Luna, who winced backwards before she asked incredulously: “By Mimir's head, Antares, hast thou been possessed by thy cousin again?”

“No, I...” Antares stumbled back and forth, then he looked up and said anxiously: “The Silverbacks! They're from the Replicants!”

Luna blinked slowly as Twilight and Scrivener both awkwardly stuck their heads out of the kitchen, before the sapphire mare said slowly: “And thou hast come to this conclusion because...”

Antares gritted his teeth in frustration, then gestured hurriedly over his shoulder towards Shiny as the Clockwork Pony awkwardly approached, Luna looking up grouchily as the glossy-black unicorn said hurriedly: “We were attacked by a manticore, and it had a bunch of those Silverbacks on it, and Shiny said that they were from the mire ponies and they had mire inside them and-”

“Slow down, Antares, slow down, 'tis alright. Now, art thou hurt? Thou said a manticore attacked thee.” Luna said worriedly, leaning down as Scrivener frowned in surprise, striding out of the kitchen before the sapphire mare looked quickly back and forth over her son. “And Silverbacks, did one sting thee, art thou-”

“I'm fine!” Antares shouted, and Luna reared back in shock as Scrivener blinked in surprise, his mouth falling open slightly as the glossy-black unicorn said sharply: “Look, I sent Avalon back to town to get Fluttershy and Cowlick to capture some of the bugs, and maybe by examining them we can figure out where they came from and if they really are producing mire, like I saw, and-”

“Calm down.” Luna said quietly, and Antares looked at her disbelievingly, fidgeting on the spot before the sapphire mare said slowly: “Now wait, let us please... start from the beginning. First, the manticore: was it badly injured? And what of thou and Shiny and... Avalon, was she with thee?”

Antares shifted and gritted his teeth, and then he stomped a hoof suddenly and said in a frustrated voice: “Mom, I'm not a colt, okay? I'm fine, can we please focus on the Silverbacks, we need to get ready to-”

Luna sighed as Scrivener Blooms held up a hoof, interrupting quietly: “Antares, calm down, okay? Yes, this is important, and it's good that you found out. But Celestia has had Silverbacks dissected before, with no mire or anything found in their system. We'll look into it, though, and if Shiny can tell us more, we can figure this out together. It's good that you took the initiative but there's not much more we can do right now, is there? Don't rush.”

The unicorn gritted his teeth as his eyes traced over his parents, seeing... almost pity for him, and worry, and... “I'm not a foal! I... I'm going to go help catch the goddamn bugs and prove it!”

“Antares!” Luna shouted, but the young stallion had already spun around and shoved his way past the mechanical pony, Shiny wincing and looking over his shoulder as the stallion charged out the door. Then he slowly looked back towards Scrivener and Luna as the sapphire mare cursed under her breath and the charcoal stallion sighed quietly, but the mare muttered: “Nay, 'tis... 'tis fine, Scrivener. Antares knows with his head that there's nothing further for us to do, but I understand the heart's desire to take action all the same.”

There was silence for a few moments, and then the mare glared at the Clockwork Pony, and Shiny winced backwards a bit as Luna said moodily: “But this is thy fault. What was my son talking about, that 'twas filled with mire? That thou told him the insects were slaves of the Replicants?”

“Mire pony hive make them.” Shiny said awkwardly, and Luna and Scrivener both stared at Shiny before he smiled weakly and reached up to rub slowly at his throat, trying to explain: “Word scramble runaround not inferred.”

“Remember, Cowlick said it would take time for his vocabulary to get back to normal.” Twilight Sparkle said softly as she emerged from the kitchen, carrying a tray loaded with four coffees, and the violet mare smiled over at Shiny as his eyes focused on her immediately, slowly tilting his head. “I... I poured a cup for Antares, but since he took off you can have it, Shining Armor.”

“Twilight!” Shiny leapt forwards, shoving past Luna, and Twilight winced and barely managed to put the tray aside as the mechanical stallion grabbed her shoulders, then laughed in disbelief before he shook her wildly, a bright smile spreading across his face. “Twili! Twili!”

She blushed quietly, tilting her face away, but the mechanical stallion reached up and grasped her cheeks gently, turning her back towards him as he smiled happily... but then it slowly faded as the Lich only looked up at him silently, and he asked quietly, almost pleadingly: “Twilight Sparkle?”

“Yes, I am... but I'm not your Twilight, Shining Armor. I'm not your little sister...” Twilight hesitated... and then she smiled faintly before carefully reaching up and stripping off her thick turtleneck sweater, revealing the stitching that covered her body as well as her collar, as her wings flapped slowly once.

Shining Armor stumbled backwards, and then he shook his head weakly before nervously, almost fearfully reaching up to touch the stitching over her breast. Twilight only smiled faintly, closing her eyes and bowing her head forwards as she said softly: “I'm sorry. I never had a big brother in my life... you never existed on this world, any more than Cadence did.”

“Cadence... love...” Shiny whispered, and then the mechanical stallion dropped his head and hoof, trembling once before he said weakly, as the Lich flushed and realized she'd said too much, too late: “Big brother best friend... forever...”

Twilight only looked at him silently, then she stepped forwards and silently embraced the mechanical stallion, and he stiffened a bit against her before a tremor ran through his steel frame. Then he reached up and squeezed her tightly against his body, dropping his head forwards and shuddering violently as tears spilled down his cheeks. He rasped breath in and out, Clockwork Pony clinging to Lich as she gazed silently past him and Scrivener Blooms and Luna Brynhild, who could both only stand and give them time.

And yet even all the time in the world wouldn't be long enough for Shining Armor, as he sobbed quietly once as the memories flooded back through the mechanical stallion's mind, and all he could do was cling to the Twilight who wasn't his sister for some faint comfort, amidst an ocean of pain he found himself shipwrecked in, in a stale steel body, in a world not his own.

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