• Published 21st Mar 2013
  • 2,074 Views, 388 Comments

Synthesis of the Atheist - BlackRoseRaven

Luna and Scrivener become the targets of a malicious, narcissistic psychopath. 8th story in the 99 Worlds Saga/Blooming Moon Chronicles.

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When Two Ponies Love Each Other Very Much...

Chapter Thirty Seven: When Two Ponies Love Each Other Very Much...

Late in the afternoon, after everyone had gotten some rest and recovered a little from the ordeal the night before, ponies began to go about the process of making repairs around the Crystal Kingdom and dealing with the mix of bureaucracy and diplomacy that needed tending to.

While most of the ponies tried to live up to their responsibilities, Luna Brynhild grabbed Scrivener and dragged him off towards a quieter section of the Crystal Kingdom, where Luna eventually found an empty, relatively out-of-the-way fenced in lot, the sapphire mare humming to herself as the charcoal stallion remarked dryly: “You know, this isn't quite what I had in mind to do today. And I don't think you should have taken Starlit Night so seriously, either.”

“Oh shut up, Scrivener Blooms, this will be good practice... and worse yet, I have been... I have been thinking.” Luna quieted, looking down for a moment and shifting a little, and Scrivener softened a little as he looked up at her, their eyes meeting, emotions and memories both trading back and forth before the mare murmured: “Thesis is a foe who is... almost beyond us. The way he moves, the way he fights... his skill puts all that we have fought before to shame. We must use every advantage we can find and make against him, Scrivy.”

“And that includes... my powers.” Scrivener looked moodily down at his bandage-wrapped, broken claw, and then he sighed tiredly as he flexed it slowly before murmuring: “It's not that I don't understand, Luna. It's just that... listening to Valthrudnir? And he hasn't said a word since we fought Thesis... I haven't even felt his presence for more than a moment or two. I hate to say it, but it makes me kind of uncomfortable... he only goes quiet like this when he's either thinking, or...”

Luna grunted moodily, and then she added with a bit of forced positivity: “Then... perhaps there is no better time than now to practice this, aye? Come, Scrivener Blooms, let us at least try. Let us try and make good come from these... these dark powers thou art blessed with. And damnation, it... 'tis a blessing, Scrivener Blooms. The powers thou art in possession of are dark and terrible but they can be and are a blessing, and I refuse to think of them any other way.”

“That's fine, I refuse to think of them as anything but a curse. The fact I heal so fast after getting cut or bludgeoned just gives you more reasons to hit me, after all.” Scrivener said dryly, and Luna huffed at him, but she gave the smallest of smiles all the same before the stallion shook his head and sighed, saying finally: “Alright, though. I guess we might as well try and... figure out if I can mimic Thesis' abilities at all. But I'm not launching myself into the air with a geyser of black mire or anything, I somehow feel that's a bad idea.”

Luna rolled her eyes, and then she softened a little as Scrivener carefully set himself, the stallion wincing slightly as he let his bandaged shattered hoof settle against the ground before he lowered his head. He concentrated, drawing on the mire, feeling it beginning to boil in his bloodstream as he pushed it slowly downwards, trying to concentrate it through his three uninjured limbs, and beneath him the ground rapidly darkened before the grasses and earth rotted into black, bog-like muck.

The ache in his broken hoof increased, but only slightly: it didn't hurt to push the mire through as much as he thought it would, as he breathed slowly and limped backwards off the dark blotch of mire he had created. It wasn't very large: maybe a few meters in diameter, almost a perfect circle, but he thought it would be enough. He looked up at Luna, and she nodded encouragingly before her horn began to glow, and he closed his eyes as he felt her energies feeding into him before the stallion hesitantly set himself at the edge of the circle. He only kept his unhurt front hoof on the mire, the stallion feeling somehow that this was important as he channeled his energy downwards.

He had no idea what he was doing, but he could feel hidden instincts rising up in him, like when he had first started writing. It had just... naturally been there, in spite of all the attempts of Bramblethorn to keep it from him. He had learned so fast, despite everything being against him, and it had felt more like he had been learning to unlock something that was already inside him than learning something new for the very first time.

He felt like that now, as he thought of what Thesis had done, remembered the words he had spoken... but forcing their way in, blurring together, he heard the words Luna had just said to him, about this being a blessing, and he heard all the promises they had made so many times before about using the corruption for good. And strangest of all, he thought of Sammy: his lost little friend, the pseudodragon pet he had once owned who had been more than just a loyal companion to him, he had been like his only family for so long.

And before the stallion even realized what he was doing, he whispered in the language of the Wyrms, as he pushed his hoof into the mire: “Death is the warmest womb: rise, new life, be born in the image of that which was lost...

Scrivener grimaced, then gasped quietly in shock as he felt his entire body go weak, as Luna stumbled and her eyes widened in amazement, almost falling forwards as she stared in surprise at Scrivener. It felt like something had greedily torn through her magic reserves and into her very life essence, and the mire pulsed and boiled before a large bubble began to push up from the center of the dark sludge, growing larger and heavier until it finally popped loudly, splattering goo in all directions.

Some dark, amorphous shape twisted back and forth from inside the torn sac left behind, slime gurgling and dripping around it as it shifted back and forth. It began to solidify, to become more distinct as Scrivener and Luna stared down at it stupidly: whatever it was, it was also far smaller than the horde of mire beasts Thesis had created. But as the black slime spilled off it, wings stretched and fluttered quickly outwards, and then the beast rose its head and shook slime off distinct black scales.

It chirped weakly after a moment, flapping its leathery wings once; as well as these, it possessed a tiny crown of horns around its head, and sapphire eyes that blinked lethargically. It chirped again, then yawned loudly, revealing a forked tongue and sapphire teeth as it swung its little spiked tail back and forth, arching its ridged back like a cat before it scampered forwards across the mire, and stared up at Scrivener Blooms as he stared back down at it.

He had created... he had no freaking idea. It looked like the lovechild of a pseudodragon and a Tyrant Wyrm. It chirped at him curiously, then stood up on its hind legs, tilting its head back and forth, and Scrivener laughed in disbelief: it was covered in smooth black scales over most of its body, but its underside was layered with rubbery-looking ivory hide. The stallion could only continue to stare before the pseudodragon suddenly leapt up and clung to his face, Scrivener yelping and leaning back in dumb surprise before he blinked a few times, then huffed as Luna laughed loudly and stood up with a wide grin of delight.

She wobbled a little on his hooves, but then exclaimed: “Scrivener, thou created... life! Thou gave birth to a new baby for us!”

“Luna I... never talk again. Ever. Ever.” Scrivener said flatly, the pseudodragon chirping as it continued to happily cling to his features, and the stallion sighed tiredly... but couldn't help but smile all the same. Sure, it was tiny, but it felt real, it even looked real. Then he laughed a little despite himself as the pseudodragon scurried quickly up over his face and turned around, clawing lightly at his mane as it made itself comfortable and settled down with another cheery chirp.

Both ponies looked at each other, and Luna gazed up, marveling slowly over the creature as she murmured: “Thou created a living thing, Scrivy. And 'tis not just... animated sludge like those beasts formed by Thesis. Thou created a pseudodragon... 'tis even a step above what our dearest Twilight can do. And while it... has drained us both immensely... it makes me wonder. What else can thy powers do? Is this what Thesis meant, saying that thou wert more complete, whilst he is not?”

Scrivener shifted uncomfortably at this, looking up at the little black pseudodragon as it chirped quietly, and then the stallion shook his head slowly and murmured: “Honestly, Luna, I don't know if I even want to find out. And it makes me... uneasy. You know that... we both have, but me especially, there's... a problem with power.”

Luna only nodded quietly in return, studying Scrivener silently before she said softly: “Aye, we both do. But Twilight encourages us and stills us when necessary... my beloved sister offers us wisdom and counsel and compassion... we have all our friends, and family, Ponyville and Equestria, to aid us in mastering ourselves and mastering our urges. There is no need for us to be ashamed, Scrivener Blooms, I believe that firmly. Just as there is no need for us to run from this... besides, if we do not master ourselves, Scrivy, then Thesis will master us. What wouldst thou prefer? Being destroyed and leaving him free to do as he pleases, or risking the abyss once more?”

“I think you just want me to try and make you a real dragon or something.” Scrivener muttered, looking up at the pseudodragon, and Luna looked thoughtful before the stallion hesitated, then asked finally: “So I guess we're... keeping him, then?”

“Well, we either keep him or we dissect him to see if all his parts are in working order, whether he is true life, sprite, or complex simulacrum.” Luna said blandly, and when the pseudodragon whimpered and lowered his head hurriedly, the winged unicorn added in a huff: “And now look, thou hast gone and upset the poor beast!”

“I... I have? What the hell are you talking about, you're the one who wants to cut him open!” Scrivener retorted, glaring at her, and Luna huffed before striding forwards and raising her horn. The stallion winced, waiting to be bopped... before he blinked when Luna halted as she strode into the mire, the mare shivering once before looking slowly down.

The stallion hesitated, and then Luna sat carefully back and smiled faintly at him, and after a moment he nodded and stepped forwards. They both sat in the spot of mire, the bit of darkness amidst the green and verdant fields, and they both felt it: the warmth and energy exuded, feeding upwards and helping them both heal, replenishing their strength. Not just Scrivener, Luna too... they really had both been changed by all these years of dealing with... corruption.

Silently, the two ponies embraced, lowering their heads together... and the sapphire mare couldn't help but smile despite everything as the pseudodragon scurried quietly off Scrivener's head and into her starry locks, chirping a few times as it poked its way through her flowing, ephemeral mane. There was quiet for a few moments, and then Luna finally buried her face against his neck and asked softly, as the small reptile attempted to curl up in her flowing locks: “So what art thou naming it?”

“I dunno. I thought of... Sammy, a lot, but I don't want to name it Samael II or anything like that. That wouldn't sit right with me.” Scrivener murmured, silently rubbing a hoof along Luna's back as he rested the broken one quietly against her side. “Maybe... Abaddon.”

“Scrivener, I have always loved the way thou tempts fate so greatly. If we ever were to own a kitten, I have no doubt that thou would name it Holler. Because it seems thou enjoys naming the cutest of creatures after the most gruesome and destructive of deities and demideities.” Luna remarked wryly, and then she sighed and looked moodily up, adding dryly: “Very well. 'Tis what I get for permitting thee to choose a name, in any event.”

“I don't think we'd do very well with kittens or puppies. We live in a living forest full of all kinds of nasty creatures and both you and I are pretty lazy a lot of the time. A cat would get lost in the woods and a dog we'd never take out for walks.” Scrivener said mildly, and Luna shrugged thoughtfully before nuzzling into his neck, nudging the platinum collar he wore and making him smile a little. “We're strange ponies.”

Luna only shrugged again, then nipped him lightly, making him wince a bit before he headbutted her gently. The two mumbled and pushed and prodded each other for a few moments, but then both ponies calmed and settled with matching sighs, relaxing a little together as Abaddon chirped quietly on Luna's head.

Then they both reared back in surprise as they felt something tingle at their senses, but as soon as it was there, it was snatched back. A cry of surprise from Twilight, and the two looked at each other uneasily for a moment: any worries they had were quickly soothed, however, as Twilight's voice murmured awkwardly through their minds: Sorry, I... I just got a bit of a surprise. You two should head back here when you have a moment.

Scrivener and Luna traded looks, then both shrugged before picking themselves up, and the stallion winced a little as he leaned too much on his shattered hoof, giving a quiet curse of pain. Luna gave him a soft look, but he shook his head with a small smile, murmuring: “Don't worry about it, I'm okay. Just a little sensitive and all.”

Luna looked at him meditatively for a moment, and then she sighed and nodded before the two ponies turned... and then yelled and staggered backwards, Luna flailing wildly and sending Abaddon flying with a squeak and Scrivener staggering, then flopping over and grabbing at his hoof when it gave a pulse of agony, the two staring dumbly up at the silver mask of Kismet.

The Great Reaper was standing calmly, a book held loosely in his silver gauntlet, his amber, glowing eyes seeming curious as he studied them with interest before Luna shouted furiously: “Oh damnable accursed death entity, I take back every nice thought I ever had about thee! How dare thee sneak in here! How dare thee sneak up on us! How dare thee... dare!”

“Hello Valkyrie Brynhild, Scrivener Blooms. It's nice to see you both.” Kismet said politely, as if Luna hadn't spoken, and the mare snorted and grumbled moodily as she stomped her hooves up and down, glowering furiously up at the death entity as he only looked back down at her with the same calmness... and maybe the smallest hint of amusement, Scrivener noted sourly, as he sat carefully up.

Abaddon scrambled quickly up Scrivener's back and onto one of his shoulders, chirping distrustfully, but Kismet only tilted his head with interest before he said softly: “Interesting indeed. That's a very powerful simulacrum you've created... no gender, with the same mire that fuels you running through its veins, but for all intents and purposes a real, living thing that will live for perhaps as long as an actual pseudodragon would.”

Scrivener and Luna both stared at Kismet, dumbfounded, and the Great Reaper seemed to smile at them through his silver mask as he bowed his head courteously forwards. “I am a death entity. It does permit me a few advantages when it comes to seeing the truths of what is around me... Thesis will be envious. As it is, he is already very upset over what occurred.”

“So he is back from the moon, then, creature?” Luna asked curiously, and Kismet simply gave a slow, easy shrug. For a few moments, the sapphire mare studied him intently, and then a slow grin crested her features, saying in an entertained voice: “Wait... nay, thou knows he is there, knows he is upset... but have yet to return him to this world?”

“Oh, I do not believe Thesis will desire to return to this world at all. You stole a victory from him... he does not know how to handle defeat.” Kismet replied cordially, and then he gestured absently towards the distance with his book. “I was summoned to Thesis, yes. He spoke to me at length. He was extremely agitated and angry, and made me promise to tell you so. He also ordered me to have Cheshire and Protelea and his other minions move all operations off this world, to another base, and to bring him to the facility so he can finish moving his more sensitive materials. Considering his mood, I decided to take his instructions literally: I have passed on his orders, and am passing on his message to you, and after I have finished my work here I will retrieve him from the moon.”

Scrivener and Luna traded looks, and then the stallion said admiringly: “You can be kind of a jerk at times when you want to. I really like that. I mean, I really like that.”

Kismet only shook his head with a quiet chuckle, replying softly: “All I desire is to avoid more needless suffering, and to avoid seeing the cycle twisted any further. I do not like all this strife and violence and ruination. I do not like where Thesis is headed, and what his aims seem to be.”

He stopped, and the two traded looks before Luna asked quietly: “Is there no way we can free thee then, creature? Where is thy soul kept, can we not retrieve it for thee?”

“I wish that were possible, but it is in a place I am forbidden to speak of, in the black heart of what Thesis guardians and is guarded by.” the death entity replied softly, shaking his head slowly. “But come. Let us talk of other things. I do not desire to interrupt your travels, young Valkyrie.”

“Young. I have not been called young in many years... but then again, I suppose that thou hast lived for eons.” Luna replied wryly, and she stood before adding: “And we were only heading to see Twilight Sparkle, our companion. She sounded surprised... I thought thou were the source of it.”

“It is possible, certainly. Passing into this Crystal Kingdom was a little difficult even for me: the barrier of energy is both strong and supple.” Kismet answered, looking back and forth before he half-bowed to them. “Then let us not keep your companion waiting, shall we?”

The two ponies smiled and nodded as Abaddon chirped on Scrivener's shoulder, and then they strode leisurely out of the park and towards the street, with the death entity following in tow. Crystal ponies gaped in shock at the sight, but surrounded by the positive energy, Kismet seemed to take on the faintest, strangest glow, and it tempered the sense of inevitability that surrounded him, made it feel more like... serenity, in a word.

As they walked down the street, Scrivener wincing a bit as he stumbled a little now and then on his broken hoof, Kismet said quietly: “I must ask, my comrades: do you understand the dangers of what you are delving into? Even Thesis has good intentions... or so he thinks. Will you risk becoming monsters or worse, in order to conquer him?”

There was silence for a few moments, and then Luna answered quietly: “Kismet, we are already monsters. We have both shed countless gallons of blood, of foe... and aye, also of friend. Of each other, even. Not every victory we tasted was earned, but instead swindled, cheated, or simply a gift of fortune, be it fair for us or foul for the enemy. We steal, lie, and cheat: Scrivener Blooms coerces with words and I intimidate. And neither of us hesitate to inflict suffering beyond death, if it is necessary; worser still, both of us... enjoy it.

“Even when we fought Thesis, even as we lost... there was that enjoyment there, Kismet. The thrill, the dark lust, and pleasure in the pain. Oh, aye, we are both scared of what may happen... but I will not lie, I am excited, too. Excited to face so powerful a foe... honored, in a way, too. But most of all, determined to win by whatever means I must, because I will not allow Thesis to think himself superior to us. I will not allow him to hurt my handsome Scrivener, or my precious family and friends.” Luna finished, keeping her eyes ahead as Scrivener bowed his own head silently.

They were quiet for a time, and then Kismet said softly: “Then I only hope that you both are strong enough to endure. I would hate to become an enemy to you. Right now, I prefer to think of us not as foes, but only... unfortunate victims of circumstance.”

“Aye, that is what we are.” Luna agreed after a moment, and then she and Scrivener traded a look before the mare asked curiously: “If thou cannot tell us of Thesis or his plans... can thou tell us of wretched Cheshire at least? Celestia told us that she cut off the beast's head, and still he fought on... but at the end of it all, after being injured by Discombobulation, the creature fled sobbing and crying. What manner of beast is he?”

“Not a beast at all.” Kismet shook his head slowly and murmured: “What is there to tell? Cheshire is invulnerable, as long as the mire flows in his body. But his mind was destroyed long ago by... torture engines and things I do not desire to imagine. Thesis controls him by two methods: like me, he has the only objects in the world that matter to Cheshire... although they do not contain his soul, only his happiness. And the other method is much simpler: when Cheshire does not obey, Thesis tortures him. Because Cheshire was already broken, because he sees Cheshire as nothing more than a weapon to be used however he pleases, Thesis believes he's not doing anything wrong.”

“Sick bastard...” Scrivener muttered, and then he smiled wryly, looking down and feeling a shiver: he could almost understand. And sure, he... he had a sadomasochistic streak, to put it lightly... but he would never torture some poor lunatic just to... just to make him kidnap innocent ponies and fight for him...

There was silence as Kismet seemed almost to agree, shifting a little, and they strode onwards for a few moments before Luna asked quietly: “Could thou end the wretch's suffering?”

“Not even my powers would suffice. The mire gives him almost unlimited energy, and constantly regenerates and replenishes itself. Draining his life force would be like attempting to drain an ocean.” Kismet said quietly, shaking his head slowly. “And the soul is contained within that energy. A thousand Reapers working for a thousand days couldn't simply remove it.”

“Wonderful. 'Tis like Fafnir, but pitiable instead of malicious. At least if Antares was able to wound Protelea, they are not all indestructible.” Luna grumbled, but the look she and Scrivener traded was uneasy: neither of them had any idea how the hell they would take down Cheshire now, after all. “And I suppose that no matter where we banish the beast to, thou will be ordered by Thesis to go and retrieve him.”

Kismet only nodded as they approached the base of the spire, striding into the square beneath it, and the Great Reaper leaned forwards with interest after a moment before he remarked curiously: “Is this the Crystal Heart that Thesis spoke of? And more than that... Valkyrie Freya. It is an honor to make your acquaintance under more pleasant circumstances than we last met.”

Celestia Freya looked up with a wry smile from where she was standing, Princess Celestia and Starlit Night both gazing with shock at the death entity as it calmly approached. Cadence, Shining Armor, and the Twilight of this layer all had the same expressions on their faces, but after a moment, the pink mare shook her head hurriedly and seemed to calm the quickest, bowing deeply... but Kismet only chuckled softly and rose his hand. “No, no. Not necessary at all.”

“You'll excuse my forwardness, but I have to ask whether you're here on hostile or more pleasant circumstances.” Freya said carefully, and when Luna huffed loudly at her, the ivory mare sighed a little and began: “Brynhild, I was just...”

And then her eyes roved to the pseudodragon on Scrivener's shoulder, and she blinked in surprise before leaning forwards, studying it intently. She seemed to rapidly put together what was going on as Scrivener shifted awkwardly, but thankfully was spared from having to say anything as Kismet slipped forwards and leaned down to look at the Crystal Heart with interest, murmuring: “I have no hostile intent... only interest in this fascinating artifact. I see why Thesis desired it... it saddens me to think that he has gotten so lost in his own scheming he attempted to steal this from you. If he would only see reason past his own wounded ego, he would understand that everything he's doing...”

Kismet quieted and shook his head slowly, and then he drew his eyes over the other ponies, studying them curiously and with that same sense of gentility. “You don't have to be afraid of me. Your time is far from over... really, it is only just beginning. And you'll be pleased to hear that we are leaving this place, moving on to a different world.”

“Can I trust you?” Princess Celestia asked after a moment, looking up silently, and when Kismet nodded, the ivory mare closed her eyes tightly... then finally nodded with a quiet sigh, looking down and murmuring: “Then very well. That is a relief to hear, and... I will try to believe you. I've been learning lately a lot about... believing in others.”

She gave her sibling a small smile, and Starlit Night gazed at her warmly before Kismet bowed his head and looked down at his book for a moment. Then he nodded once and said softly: “Well, excuse me. I have done my duties here, and must return to the others and ensure they do not attempt anything foolish.”

He paused as he began to turn away, then turned his eyes to Twilight Morgan, studying her for a moment before he bowed his head to her politely. It seemed to carry a deeper meaning than just a farewell, and the Lich blushed deeply before smiling warmly up at him, and a moment later the death entity vanished from sight. Both Luna and Scrivener looked confused for a moment, but when the sapphire mare turned her gaze moodily towards the Lich, she felt her mental link hurriedly blocked.

Luna glowered, but the violet winged unicorn only shifted awkwardly before gesturing a few times with her head, and the sapphire mare held up a hoof as Freya began to open her mouth. “Nay, sibling, we were called here by our beloved Twilight, even if we picked up a guest on the way. And besides, thou should discuss these developments with the others, while Morgan speaks to us. Fair?”

“Fair, yes, Luna. I just wish you would try and avoid being so bossy.” Freya remarked mildly, and Luna Brynhild shrugged amiably before she winked at Starlit Night as she giggled a little behind a hoof, earning a mild look from her own ivory sibling. But the Lich was already hurrying away, so Scrivener and Luna traded looks before shrugging and following quickly after her.

Twilight Morgan hurried around one of the support pillars, then dropped back against it with a wheeze and a blush, looking up as Scrivener and Luna joined her after a few moments. They studied each other, and the Lich grumbled and grabbed at her head when Luna attempted to pry into the Lich's mind again, the mare muttering: “I'm not going to tell you at all if you keep this up.”

“Oh fine, fine. Do not blame me, though, every instinct tells me to poke and prod others when they attempt to keep secrets from me, especially thee.” Luna muttered, and then she strode around to Twilight Sparkle so she and Scrivener could sit on either side of the Lich, their backs to the enormous pillar, resting quietly together before Twilight laughed when the pseudodragon hopped off Scrivener's head and into the lap of the violet mare.

She smiled softly as it looked up at her and chirped, and she tenderly stroked down the back of its neck as she felt their memories, their experiences, seeping into her mind. And then she gazed quietly over at Scrivener as he said softly: “We decided to name him Abaddon. Kismet said it's a simulacrum... really close to the real thing, but not all the way there.”

“Great liar, thou wert the one who named him that. And now cease this wretched stalling, wretched ponies, I desire to know what is so important. Thou sounded... a little scared, I venture. I do not like it when thou art scared, and I am not the cause.” Luna said softly, leaning over and nuzzling Twilight gently for a moment, and the violet mare closed her eyes with a faint smile.

She hesitated for a few moments longer, licking her lips slowly, shifting between the two before finally clearing her throat as she looked down at Abaddon, stroking slowly down the pseudodragon's neck before she whispered: “I'm pregnant.”

Luna and Scrivener both twitched, then slowly stared at the Lich as she turned bright red, trembling a little but smiling as she looked first up at Luna, then over at Scrivener. When his eyes locked with the Lich's, her mind blossomed before him life a flower, spilling out her recent memories and her emotions in a flood that threatened to drown him. He saw Cadence telling her, he felt her burst of shock, tasted her excitement and happiness and... fear that...

“No, no, do not ever think that!” Luna almost shouted, grasping Twilight and turning her firmly to face her, and the Lich blushed deep red as she was almost pinned by Luna, the winged unicorn leaning in and saying firmly: “Thou art an equal. An equal to us, and I would never, ever, ever demand that thou... I would never be angry at thou, or...”

Luna trembled a little, but when she smiled, it was a wide, honest smile, as she whispered: “Oh aye, I am jealous... I am jealous because Scrivener and I were only thinking recently of having another foal, and look, thou hast beaten me to it! Aye, it scares me too, but my fears are for thee, and the baby-to-be... Twilight, thou... thou deserves this, if thou wants it. If... I... it is our child, as Antares is our child. We are both mothers, and Scrivener is the father... he... he is the father, aye?”

Twilight glared at her, and Luna cleared her throat, then gave a high-pitched, awkward giggle before Twilight Sparkle turned her warm eyes to Scrivener, still squeezing Abaddon against her. The stallion simply stared though, looking stunned, and Twilight trembled a little before the earth pony whispered: “I... we're having a baby? We're really having a baby?”

Twilight nodded hesitantly... and Scrivener swallowed thickly, then hurriedly reached up and rubbed at his throat before looking away embarrassedly when Twilight Sparkle leaned towards him, saying embarrassedly: “It's... it's nothing, okay? It's nothing, I'm just... just got something in my... oh Horses of Heaven. Oh Horses of Heaven, we're having a foal? You and me, we're... we're going to give Antares a baby brother or sister? We're going to... I...”

The violet mare breathed hard as Luna glared horribly past the Lich, but Scrivener only still looked dazed before he swallowed once, then said finally: “I don't deserve you. Horses of Heaven, is the kid ever lucky you're going to be the mother.”

The Lich smiled radiantly, then almost threw Abaddon aside as she leaned up and hugged him fiercely, and Scrivener embraced her tightly in return, leaning over her and pulling her close against his body as Abaddon squawked at them from where he had landed. Then the stallion looked up, giving a faint laugh as he stared past at Luna, but the sapphire mare only smiled a little in return, blushing deeply as she shifted uncomfortably... but she was happy. She was honestly, truly happy, and to her, nothing made her feel as complete, as warm, as simply good, as when she felt Scrivener and Twilight both filled with joy like this.

But yes, she was selfish, and greedy, and she couldn't help but feel a little jealous, and a little bitter. Of Twilight, for getting to carry the child... and of Scrivener, because he was the one who planted the seed, something Luna couldn't exactly do with her parts. And what added to that curdled feeling was honest concern... Twilight was a Lich, after all. The thought of a Lich being with child, and a child of a Clockwork Pony, at that... she didn't want to imagine what could happen. She didn't want to think about how many things could go wrong, how fragile Twilight might become... if the child would even be a child at all when it was born.

Luna wasn't afraid of what might come: she was terrified of what it might do to Twilight and Scrivener, how badly it would hurt them. And she hated herself for being so... envious of these ponies whom she loved and adored. Of a mare who was so goddamn good, who was so loving and compassionate and absurdly-loyal, that she had never once been jealous of Luna's pregnancy. She had loved and cared for Antares like a son she had borne herself, and here she was, just hearing that Twilight Sparkle had by some miracle conceived a child, and what was she doing? Worrying. Being bitter and stupid and jealous. Acting like a hypocrite, after how she had always striven so hard to ensure that Twilight always knew, always always knew and felt as an equal to herself and Scrivener Blooms... because dammit, she was. Because they loved her. Because she completed their weird little family, and... that was simply that.

The sapphire mare almost leapt onto Twilight and hugged her fiercely from behind, making the Lich wheeze as she was almost crushed back into Luna's chest, as she said in a voice that was firm for all its trembles: “Twilight Sparkle, thy child shall be magnificent and beloved by us all, for 'tis our child, and thou deserves this. I love thee. I love thee both with all my heart, and will celebrate this moment with thee, my wonderful, gorgeous, beloved mare!”

“I... love you too, Luna but... you're... you're kind of squishing me...” Twilight wheezed a little, and Luna cleared her throat and loosened her grip after a moment, Twilight blinking a few times before she turned... and Luna simply kissed her firmly, the Lich's eyes widening before fluttering closed as Scrivener smiled dazedly and slowly rubbed his hoof down to quietly touch the mare's stomach.

His child. It amazed him to think about, and at the same time, he felt... embarrassed and awkward. Filled with joy and anxiety, definitely, and proud. So goddamn proud, and of Twilight Sparkle far more than himself. He loved her... he loved them both, and knew the fact that he didn't have to choose between them... well, it was a miracle, really. Maybe a bit of a dark miracle, all things considered... but he was okay with that, too. He was okay with everything being weird, and nothing making real sense, and... all the other eccentricities and oddities and flaws and glories of their life.

The stallion closed his eyes and bowed his head forwards, smiling wider now, and in relief: he could feel Luna's raging emotions, twisting out of self-deprecation and into love and adoration and pride, and it settled him. He never wanted to hurt either of them, after all, and he knew things like this... it was difficult, and it was sensitive. He breathed slowly in and out as he shook his head quietly, unable to express his joy. His warmth. His absolute happiness. And how goddamn terrified he was of screwing everything up.

He laughed a little, then opened his eyes as Twilight's kiss with Luna broke, before the Lich leaned up: without even thinking, he reached up with his hoof as she leaned forwards, and it clicked apart into a claw that he stroked over her face and into her mane with as they met in a kiss. He pulled her closer against his body as the kiss drew out before finally parting, and Twilight pushed her face into his claw as her eyes glowed with happiness... and he noted how natural it was. How natural it felt with her, even though she sat between life and death and he was some Clockwork abomination and Luna was there, half-grinning, half-leering at them...

They sat together in silence for a few moments, and then finally, Scrivener realized his claw was out and he hurriedly drew it back, closing it tightly back into a hoof. Twilight only laughed quietly, however, and Luna smiled warmly before the violet mare finally looked up and asked in almost a whisper, her eyes roving back and forth almost as if afraid that they were going to suddenly change their minds: “So you... you're both okay with this? Because... I... I...”

Twilight swallowed after a moment, and both ponies looked at her softly: in spite of everything, Twilight sometimes did seem to still find it so hard to speak her mind to them, to tell them what she honestly wanted, as she visibly steadied herself before looking up and saying finally, touching her stomach silently with both hooves: “I want this foal. Because... it's all of ours, I believe that. I know there's all kinds of dangers, and I know it's going to be weird. I know we'll have to talk to Antares and Scarlet, and I know well have to work a lot of things out, but... I... I want this foal. It's our foal. I always felt Antares was the greatest thing that ever happened to me, that we shared together... I... I want to bear this foal and experience that again with you. Because it's... all of ours.”

She fell silent, blushing, and Luna and Scrivener both nodded without hesitation, both reaching forwards in the same moment to touch her stomach. For a few moments, there was silence between them, and then Luna smiled faintly and closed her eyes, murmuring: “Thou shall have to be tough with me, Twilight Sparkle. For thou art the rightful mother... but I know that all the same I will want to steal that position from thee often. But know this, and I promise this now: what thou decides is right for the foal, I shall bow my head to. And I shall try not to undermine thee too often by going to Scrivy and making him do my bidding.”

Twilight laughed, and the two mares shared a smile before Scrivener bowed his head forwards and murmured: “And I'll be there for you the whole time. I don't know how good a dad I am still... I tried hard with Antares, but... I always had you two to fall back on. I'm going to do my best though. And I'm going to listen to you, too, because... you're the reason Antares turned out so good. He gets all his bad qualities from me and Luna, after all.”

“Well, there are a few mediocre qualities that come from us as well, not simply bad.” Luna murmured in reply, smiling slightly, and Scrivener laughed and shook his head slowly before the three silently looked at each other. They studied one-another's reactions, breathing quietly in and out, before the sapphire mare finally kissed Twilight's neck quietly, just above her collar. “But we have time, do we not? We can figure things out.”

“We can.” Twilight agreed softly, and she shifted a little before smiling when Abaddon climbed his way back onto her, looking at her warily but settling comfortably after a moment against her, and she quietly began to stroke the pseudodragon as she said softly: “I guess that's why I've been feeling so funny lately. It must have happened when... well... a couple weeks back, in the office.”

She blushed a little, and Luna nodded wryly, saying dryly: “Aye, when thee started without me. Damnable traitors.”

Scrivener only cleared his throat loudly, and Twilight blushed deeply before the Lich continued awkwardly as Luna huffed: “I... well, anyway, Cadence... Cadence told me, and I mean... I definitely need to tell Celestia too, I mean our Celestia, clearly, not... well, er.” She blushed deeper and halted for a moment as both ponies looked at her amusedly. “Sorry. Back to the point, Cadence showed me, and it seems to be... developing a little faster. But he's definitely growing...”

“Another son! 'Tis another son!” Luna crowed gleefully, and then she glowered when Twilight shook her head hurriedly. “What? Oh come now, thou did not check?”

“Luna, it's not even developed that far yet!” Twilight said in a strangled voice, and when Luna only looked dumb, the violet mare stared at her before mumbling: “I am not telling you how babies are made and what happens inside a womb.”

“Oh, I know very well what happens. I know very well indeed.” Luna grinned widely, winking over at Scrivener Blooms, and the charcoal stallion slowly and pointedly looked away from her as Twilight only sighed tiredly, mumbling and shifting to put her back to the sapphire mare as Luna grumbled at them. “Oh, thou art both idiots. But very well, so... 'tis not yet a son? But thou feels that it will be with thy mare's instincts?”

“No, I guess... 'he' just kind of popped out. It sounds so mean to call the baby an 'it,' after all.” Twilight said quietly, rubbing slowly at her stomach. “And I don't know if I want to know right away, either. I know... I know we'll definitely have to monitor him – or her, or her, Luna! – but I don't really know if... well...”

She stopped and shook her head, blushing a little, and the sapphire mare grumbled after a moment before finally nodding, mumbling: “Oh very well. I suppose that I can understand this well enough. I never checked Antares' gender, after all... but of course, I knew from the beginning that 'twould be a colt.”

Luna halted, then hesitated before softening, asking quietly: “I am loathe to do this but... should we finally... empty Scarlet Sage's room? Make it over for our baby? No, no, we must ask her first, mustn't we? And before anything else we must tell our family and friends. We must announce it to the world and be proud... but also gentle. Antares is an adult: to have a newly-born baby brother... oh, very well, brother or sister...” Luna rolled her eyes at the insistent look Twilight gave her. “'Twill be tough on him. Especially since...”

“The timing's bad.” Twilight murmured, shifting uncomfortably... and then she winced when Luna bopped her firmly with her horn, blushing slightly and looking surprised as the mare glared at her.

“No, do not even think of blaming thyself or speak again as if anything about this is 'bad.' This is wonderful. Wonderful.” Luna said firmly, then she huffed and glowered over at Scrivener. “And if thou must blame somepony, then blame Scrivy. For 'tis all his fault, he planted his black seed in thee.”

Scrivener cleared his throat awkwardly as Twilight blushed and fidgeted, before Luna paused and added with a grin: “Although I did help, as I recall.”

The stallion and the Lich both groaned and hurried up to their hooves, Scrivener wincing a little but ignoring the pain as he started to hobble away with Twilight, Abaddon chirping and scampering along after them as Luna glared after them, then scrambled to her own hooves and called loudly: “I shan't be ignored nor go without my due reward, cretins! I deserve at least some thanks, do I not? Damn thee both, without me, thy relationship would not even exist!”

Twilight and Scrivener looked at each other thoughtfully at this, pausing and glancing over their shoulders at Luna, and the sapphire mare grinned brightly before they both finally nodded, and Twilight murmured softly: “Thanks Luna... for helping me find happiness. And for being so good to me, in spite of... me springing it on you so unfairly, and that I understand it's... it's not easy, is it?”

Luna blushed slightly, and her nose wrinkled up as she retorted: “There... there is nothing easier in the world! Oh do not make this such a dramatic conversation. I only required a small and sweet 'thanks' for my services but... well, if thou insists, I suppose thou art welcome for that.” Luna stopped, then softened and murmured: “Besides, thou art equal... and this is what equality means and is. As long as thou art happy, Twilight Sparkle... that is all I care about.”

Twilight Sparkle smiled softly, and Scrivener nodded slowly, gazing warmly at Luna before the mare huffed a little at them both, then said firmly: “Now come, to Celestia. We must inform her of this event, and then tonight... we celebrate as best we can in this layer, until we return home and can rub all our friends' faces in this!”

With that, Luna turned to stride back into the center of the square beneath the tower, and Twilight sighed tiredly as Scrivener dropped his head forwards, before the two traded lame looks as Abaddon chirped happily and shot after Luna. Then the stallion hesitated, tilted his head back and forth indecisively, and finally quickly slipped in and kissed Twilight's cheek. “Love you.”

“You too, Scrivy.” Twilight replied softly, and then she stepped quickly up beside him and dropped her head against him with a happy smile, closing her eyes and blushing slightly... but trusting in the ponies she had chosen to spend the rest of her unnatural life with more now than she ever had even in their long and well-traveled past.

That night, Scrivener Blooms, Twilight Sparkle, and Luna Brynhild sat with Celestia, Spike, and Discombobulation at a cozy little tablet they had set up on one of the larger balconies. The stars glimmered peacefully above, and Twilight blushed as she looked up and saw the message of congratulations that Starry Night had woven into the velvet ceiling of darkness for her. It made her feel warm, and accepted, and... not special, but normal. And considering her life, that feeling was one of the emotions she cherished the very most.

Discombobulation only had a patch over his shoulder: there was no possible way his prosthetic arm could be repaired, although they'd be bringing what pieces they could salvage across the Bifrost, just in case Cowlick could do anything with them. Spike had a few bandages around his arms, but otherwise looked none the worse for wear, smiling warmly as he rose a glass of whiskey to them in a toast. “I know you're gonna hear this a lot, Twilight, but... congratulations. Makes me jealous, as a matter of fact... the chance of me and Rarity managing to have kids is... well...”

He laughed and shrugged, while Celestia only shook her head, then gave Twilight her own warm, honest smile as she added softly: “It's incredible. I never imagined this could happen, Twilight Sparkle... but if anyone deserves a miracle, it's you. Although I think Scrivener has had more than his share of luck, to be honest.”

“I'll say.” Scrivener laughed despite himself, nodding and smiling embarrassedly back before he shrugged a little. “But if anything ,it helps me believe that... no matter how bad things get, there'll always be something to balance things out. I'm just worried that I'm getting all this luck in this life because of the hell I'll be going to when I die.”

“Oh, wonderful thought Scrivy. Such a wonderful thought.” Luna said wryly, as Twilight smiled and shook her head with an entertained look at the stallion. Then the sapphire mare winked over at Celestia, adding playfully: “And I think thou art simply jealous. I look at thee and think to myself all too often, 'why, with the way Celestia stares at us so, I think she desires to act out that wretched story and be First Concubine after all!'”

“Hey, hey, stop stealing my story. I plagiarized it off the Norns first.” Discombobulation said mildly, looking pointedly at the two, and Scrivener snorted in amusement before the Draconequus reached up and let his hand rest on Celestia's shoulder, and she smiled softly as she looked over at him. “But yes. Twilight Sparkle... congratulations on continuing to be a deviant. I want you to know that when they come to take your foal into foster care, it certainly won't be me who made the call. I rather enjoy all the confusion and madness and moral indignation your little relationship causes.”

“Nothing about my relationship is 'little,' Bob.” Luna replied pompously, and Discombobulation gave her a mild look before the sapphire mare grinned widely and added easily: “And let them rage and cry and bemoan howsoever they please, it matters not to me! I think of it as this: I will soon get to experience being a proud mother again, and all without the messy, unpleasant, accursed experience of childbirth!”

She paused, then grumbled and looked moodily over at Twilight Sparkle, who blushed a little. “But then again, I suppose thou shall be fine in any event, accursed creature. After all, 'tis not like thou will mind feeling as if a great, fat dragon is attempting to squeeze itself out of the confines of thy treasure cave.”

Scrivener dropped his head on the table with a thunk as Twilight blushed red and Spike covered his earfins with a groan. Discombobulation only continued to smile pleasantly even as Celestia shook her head slowly, as he remarked: “It's funny. I can tell by everyone else's reaction that you went and said something naughty, Scrivener Blooms, but I happened to have installed this handy little V-chip in my brain. Now I can't hear any bad words, bad metaphors, or bad political candidates at all. As long as it doesn't malfunction, and I don't start talking like an angsty ten year old with a vocabulary of mostly poo-jokes, it should make life much easier to bear.”

Luna huffed at this, then Celestia asked quickly: “So, when would you like to return home, Luna? Personally, I'd prefer to stay here a few more days, just to ensure that Kismet was telling the full truth... but since you seem to trust him, and so far, things have been so peaceful...”

Luna shifted back and forth, then softened as she looked over at Twilight Sparkle, smiling a little at her as she reached up and touched her shoulder gently. “I suppose that depends, Celestia. Should we summon the Bifrost, or send up the signal to ask for a portal?”

Celestia hesitated, then she looked up and murmured softly: “Well, if we wait a few more days for the Bifrost to regenerate, we can use that time to ensure Thesis has definitely left this plane. We can also try and find his base of operations, see if he's left anything behind we can perhaps use to understand what exactly he's working on... what requires all the... the energy he's been using up.”

“Thou means the lives he is continuing to sacrifice.” Luna muttered darkly, and she shivered a bit before looking moodily down. “Aye, but that is worrisome. If he is making ponies into living batteries that last for so short a time he must constantly kidnap ponies... no, creating that concentrated corruption cannot be it, or at least not alone. And the machinery we saw in his fortress outside Appleloosa... 'twas vast. It would have been a terrible and beautiful dream to Cowlick... or perhaps just beautiful, I know not machines.”

Scrivener only nodded a little, as Twilight sipped slowly at her own glass of cola before the stallion said softly: “I think Luna and I are going to lean towards the Bifrost then... you know, assuming they'll put up with our company for a little longer here.”

“I think they will. They seem like good ponies... protective, definitely, but it sounds like this Crystal Kingdom has gone through a lot.” Spike said softly, and then he picked up the bottle of whiskey, refilling his glass before smiling and refilling Celestia's as well when she tapped the table beside the cup.

She smiled back to the dragon, thanking him before turning her eyes to Luna and Scrivener. “Then if we're going to stay, I think I'll also talk to Princess Celestia and Princess Night about the Crystal Heart. If they or Princess Cadence can tell me anything more about it, Spike and I might be able to put something together that can generate a similar effect, after all.”

“Oh, I don't know about that. I'm no Greece or Cowlick.” Spike laughed, but he looked warmly over at the mare and nodded all the same, adding softly: “But I'll definitely do my very best, Celestia.”

“You'll always be the Number One Assistant, Spike. Mine and every other pony's who needs your help.” Twilight said softly, and Spike blushed a little as he rubbed lamely at his face, but he was smiling despite himself before the Lich sat back and rubbed her stomach slowly, gazing down at herself softly. “But it's amazing how much things change, and how fast. We live in an entirely different world... and it's been... how many years?”

“Thirty, forty... maybe more, Twilight. I don't know if that's all that fast at all... even if we did, you know, move to a different world and everything.” Scrivener remarked, and Twilight gave him a quietly-amused look before the stallion sipped at his own cup of cola, then he glanced over his shoulder curiously as Celestia looked up with interest.

Princess Celestia and Starlit Night smiled as they both stepped into the open doorway, trading a look before the golden-caped mare nodded, and the dark-coated winged unicorn stepped forwards and asked kindly: “May we join you? Don't worry, we brought our own table. But my sister and I and a few others would... like to spend some time with you, and celebrate a little.”

The six from another layer traded looks, then Luna Brynhild nodded firmly, smiling over her shoulder. “Most definitely. And the more the merrier, let it be known! I have never been one to deny good company, after all, even if Freya was always a little stuffy.”

She winked over at her older sibling, who only laughed and shook her head before Discord popped into being nearby, winking and saying cheerfully: “Good, because you know what they say. For every one pony you see there's fifty more of your icky kind crawling all over the place.”

He snapped his fingers, and two more round tables appeared on either side of the ponies with matching chairs, and the Draconequus immediately spun one of these around and dropped down in it, leaning over the back towards Discombobulation and remarking mildly: “You're pretty good, puppy, I gotta give you that. But you know, since everything you ever learned came from me, every girl you get, every victory you savor, every time you get that nice little feeling of happiness when you wake up in the morning properly rested... yeah, that's all my doing. Which means I get ninety percent of the credit for it, and you can have... nine percent. Because that last one percent is always complete random luck.”

“Wow, Discord, you're such a philosopher.” Discombobulation said dryly, and then he glanced up as Princess Celestia and Starlit Night both strode out onto the balcony, with Cadence, Shining Armor, and Twilight and her five friends in tow. “Then again, they do say to always forgive your enemies. Nothing else annoys them so much.”

Discord grunted at this, then he added mildly: “Plus no one tries to hold you responsible or turn you to stone when they end up dead. That's also a bonus. Not that I'm speaking from experience here or anything, of course, all just very thoughtful and rhetorical.”

Discombobulation smiled wryly despite himself as the Twilight Sparkle of this layer and her five friends sat at one table, while the Princesses and Shining Armor sat at the other with Discord, smiling. Luna, Scrivener, and Twilight looked back and forth in interest as Freya only smiled and Spike awkwardly sipped at his whiskey, before all eyes turned to the table that the younger – or at least younger-seeming – ponies sat at when a throat cleared loudly.

Rainbow Dash straightened, her head wrapped in bandages and padding as she tapped a hoof against the tabletop a few times, before she looked lamely up with her magenta eyes and said finally: “So I'm uh... sorry for kind of being a jerk and everything. You guys... you guys are cool. Thanks for... well... saving us.”

Scrivener only smiled, but Luna slammed a hoof against the table in front of her with a wide grin, nodding firmly. “Precisely, we did! And we did so with grace, and dignity, and honor! We conquered and smote the enemy, we-”

“Princess Starlit Night did most of the work, really. You should thank her. We're only glad we were able to help hold off the attack.” Celestia Freya said courteously, and Luna huffed and sulked, glowering over at the ivory mare. “And you were all brave.”

There were a few murmurs from the ponies, before Pinkie Pie suddenly glanced up and smiled as she held up a hoof, saying firmly: “Well, we're all supposed to be celebrating winning, right? So I think we should just remember that everyone helped, and everyone should be happy about that! Plus there's a baby on the way, and what's more exciting and happier than a new friend?”

There were a few smiles at this, and Rainbow Dash perked up a little, but Rarity looked at the Pegasus pointedly as she opened her mouth, and instead the blue mare only huffed as the unicorn Twilight asked awkwardly: “I mean... are you... I never really saw myself as a mother and well... from the little I've studied so far about your... condition...”

“This... well, in a sense, this won't be the first foal I've had the honor of taking care of, being a mother to.” Twilight replied softly, smiling over at the other mare: this version of her that looked so much younger, and gentler, and simply seemed... purer. “But of course I'm scared, for a lot of reasons, except... how happy I am, how excited I am, it all really outweighs my worries and my anxieties. At least right now.”

“Then let us help reassure our friend Morgan, and celebrate this new beginning.” Starlit Night said firmly, raising a hoof, and Luna smiled warmly at the way everyone turned to look at her... and there was no fear, no anxiety, no worries any longer, no matter what the Princess looked like, as she smiled warmly across at Luna. “And with it, let us celebrate our own triumphs, and how we have all come together and learned to better trust in one another. To victory, and new friends!”

It was a shout that was echoed by the others, and Luna laughed and shook her head with a warm smile: she already knew that the toast would be repeated many times before the end of the night, and it would never grow any less wonderful to her ears.

Author's Note:

Chapter Theme:
The Gaslight Anthem - We Came To Dance

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