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After a intense magical accident, some of the Everfree's most feared creatures finally declare an attack on the changeling queen. The results are disastrous and are meet by banishing 23 hatch lings. Now will this rag tag group of changelings be able to tough out the worst of the Everfree and finally find a place called home?

NOTE: This is written in the real time flow, but the journal will capture his history, while his is also moving real time.
These are unedited for the most part, so I will try to edit them within a few days, while writing more.

Chapters (8)

During the war, back on earth, Avengers decided to help the war. The war was mainly about Americans and Russians. Tony thought that he does not need to stay in the Avengers. Avengers who were supposed to protect the planet was destroying the planet. So, Tony decided to go to the other universes and help them out from rising evils. And it has been more than 14 years of doing so. He helped out Asguard but it was too late. But instead, he got a blessed gift from Odin. He gave him their ancestor's Artifact that was never been revealed, and passed away. He grew more powerful every time, and started to travel almost every multi-verse he can reach. But after he take down so many enemies, he wanted to stop. No... retire. He grew old. He went back home to have vacations. But... Something has gone wrong....

Some of the categories has been changed.

Chapters (19)

If you were a god, what would you represent? In Connors case, he would like nothing more than to be the god of insanity. A "mad god" if you will.

But after discovering an ancient, sealed passageway to Equestria in a nearby park, Connor get's his wish to become Equestrias god of insanity, Mad Mind.

But after days of living in Equestria, he soon learns that being a god-prince is not exactly all fun and games.

Even if you are a mad god-prince.

(This is my first fic: any and all criticism welcome)

Chapters (15)

The Lone Wanderer has been known as the man who shouldered the nightmares of every man, woman and child in the wasteland, so that they may live. But when the Wanderer was once again abducted by aliens, he found himself falling, quite literally, into a whole new wonderous world, untouched by the horrors of nuclear devastation.

He has been facing other people's nightmares constantly for almost a decade, it was high time he was allowed to wake up.

Meanwhile, the ponies of Equestria are baffled by a strange object that fell from the sky.

Fallout/FIM crossover. HiE. T for violence and some language.

Now with a TVTropes page!

Chapters (11)

My name is James. I'm your typical student: I sleep. I do my homework, all that jazz.

But, I mostly love to game. Gaming is my passion.
I have played a wide variety of video games throughout my lifetime. Some, I hate. Some I love. Some I haven't even played yet.

So, when I'm offered to have a chance to become a person in some foreign world, wielding the power of every video game I've ever played, I jumped at the chance.

...What the hell did I get myself into?

(My first, true HiE fic! All criticism welcome!)

Chapters (2)

This is the sequel to My Little Chryssie.

Edited by Shadow Blades, iakovl, FlutterSky1979, and operaticphantom to whom I am grateful! Other editors will show on the chapters in which they lent their time and efforts.

Cover art by spier17. Go check out his stuff!

Michael Spriggs is invited to Equestria so he may visit his daughter, the budding changeling Chrysalis in the midst of her teen years. He's missed her terribly in the month since she left, but Luna visited him and offered him the opportunity to traverse worlds and see his little pumpkin.

He is shocked to discover the ponies have been watching Earth for a long time and are preparing to make first contact with Earth. However, his concerns lay fully on the purpose of his visit to this strange world. Fully intending to return home, Michael will follow his daughter in her choice to go out and seek other changeling hives to learn about herself.

Join them, a sorceress, an overweight changeling, and the Sun and the Moon as they venture deep into the greatest lair of the changelings and meet the mysterious Empress of the Changelings. There are secrets, personal quests, discoveries, and the simple desire to survive the odd things this world has in store for a simple human.

Not all is as it seems as changeling eyes are upon father and daughter; watching, waiting...

Rated T for language, violence, sensuality and gore.
MLP:FiM is owned by Hasbro.
MLP:FiM was created by Lauren Faust.
OCs are mine unless specified.

This will be updated as changes occur.

Featured 7/6/2014, 9/12/14. You guys are awesome. Thank you!

Chapters (26)

I wasn't supposed to be where I was now. Or at least that's what the light in my dream said to me. I was supposed to be a "creator of worlds" it said. I was to create fate or something like that, and manage the lives of millions. But what can I do in a world that doesn't need saving? What can I build with the tool gun to change my fate? But more importantly, why was I chosen to wield such power over said gun?

(Thank you myhe01 for cover art!)

(Special thanks to my EPIC Editor ultra1437)

Chapters (13)

This story is a predecessor to Operation Homecoming

[S.T.A.L.K.E.R. crossover.]
Now with TVTropes page!

We are S.T.A.L.K.E.R.s: Scavengers Trespassers Adventurers Loners Killers Explorers Robbers. The Chernobyl Exclusion Zone, the most dangerous place on Earth, is our home. Radiation, killer mutants and deadly anomalies are just another day at the office -just another day in the Zone, as we say. We get by, day after day, by scavenging gear, trespassing and exploring in forbidden areas, seeking for new adventures, all on our own; we kill for money, loot or survival and sometimes rob each other. Well, not everyone does the robbing part, that would be the Bandits' job.

I named myself Strider. I am a free stalker and I do not even know what I am doing here, not that I care anyway.
My name is Vano. I'm a free stalker and one of Strider's rare friends. It's a peculiar predicament, trust me.
My name is Celestia. I'm a free stalker and just want to get back home. Well, I wanted. Maybe I still do.

This is our story.

First time writing a story ever. Constructive criticism and comments are appreciated and encouraged, just don't kill me in the process. Romance is a sub-plot thrown in there for exercise and because it's popular, apparently. I made the cover art. I was bored and felt like drawing something.

Chapters (19)

What happens when Gilligan meets ponies? Complete havoc breaks out, that's what.

Disclaimer; I do not own Gilligan's Island or it's franchise, nor that of MLP;FIM.

Chapters (4)

One morning, Fluttershy finds a zergling in her yard. Fluttershy helps the creature and they bond.

In the process, everypony learns a little bit more about the mysterious Zerg.

Cover art by me, because apparently even the internet doesn't have a picture of Fluttershy and a zergling cuddling. Rating is teen because of mild gore in chapter three.

Chapters (3)