• Member Since 21st Nov, 2013

star swirl the wizard

Oc bio Name Cyehd Vmain Ta Mec / The leader of Third Street Saints

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A Soldier's Memoirs Saga
The Griffon War | Skyfall | Treason | Everfree | Overture

When Private Fleethoof recognized his dream and joined the Royal Guard, he never thought he would ever experience the might of Equestria's military firsthand. But when Equestria's safety is threatened by an old enemy, he'll find out just what sacrifices war and survival demand, what it truly means to serve for Princess and country, and just how important some friendships can be. See the war through the eye-witness account of a soldier on the front lines, all taken from one enduring journal.

Featured on FOB Equestria [08.23.13]
Reviewed and featured by Seattle's Angels [04.13.14]
Singularity Dream's Review [04.24.14]
Featured by The Royal Guard [11.28.14]
Lord Sylus of Night's Review [11.30.14]
A Reading of the Prologue by TheFirstPersonGamers

Chapters (14)

Shining Armor and Cadence's spell reveals something completely unexpected as it expels Chrysalis and her changelings out of Canterlot: A secret kept from everypony for several years...

Now with a TV Tropes page! Warning: Will Contain spoilers.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Dresden Fillies: Strange Friends

Almost a year has gone by for Harry Dresden since he left Equestria. He'd have written, but between saving his newly discovered brother and destroying a scourge of vampires he's been a little busy. Then out of the blue he receives a strange letter from Twilight asking him to return. With no cases at the moment he eagerly accepts, but his friends aren't the only ponies expecting him. There's been a lot of rumors since his last visit and some ponies aren't too keen on seeing him come back.

A sequel to The Dresden Fillies: Strange Friends.

Chapters (25)

An English knight married a kindly woman, touched in the head, who thought she was an alicorn. She was right.

Then one day Cecilia disappeared.

He knew that Cecilia vanished into the side of the statue, the same place she lamented the 'mirror closing' two and a half years ago. He threw a rock at it... and it vanished. It was true. He had to find her.

He didn't care about Cecilia's madness, about this 'Equestria' or her obsession with ponies. He loved her. He loved her enough to walk into Hell itself. He would bring her back, no matter what.

TV Tropes page

Non-canon chapters 8-12

Edited by: John Hood, OkemosBrony, Legion222 & Katherine Kerensky (Chapters 1-12)
Guest Editor: refferree

Chapters (20)

It had been one year since Twilight Sparkle vanished in the battle against the evil unicorn Xander, and her friends were still trying to overcome the grief of losing her. On the anniversary of her presumed death, her friends gather at her memorial. What was suppose to be a day of remembrance was shattered by a strange metal object that landed right beside them. Their anger quickly turns to shock as a familiar unicorn emerges... and boy does she have a story to tell.

Rated Teen for violence, language, and sexual content. Rating and tags may change in future chapters.

This is not a Halo fic. It IS however loosely inspired by Halo as well as Star Wars, Mass Effect and several other sci-fi movies, books, and games.

Edited by Jack-Pony, HuskSummers, Coldwall, and sadron

Cover art by Sonic Rain

Chapters (59)

This story is a sequel to Skyfall: Treason

A Soldier's Memoirs Saga
The Griffon War | Skyfall | Treason | Everfree | Overture

The Everfree Forest. The myths that surround that dreaded place are just that: myths. Tales of monsters, cursed creatures, and evil magic are just stories made to scare foals at night.

But every story comes from some truth, and some answers are better left in the dark.

Inspired by Story of the Blanks.

Special thanks to my pre-readers Jake The Army Guy, irobern2857, Treilacl, and USMCbrony0311.

Characters and locations belong to their original creators.

Chapters (14)

Twilight Sparkle gets into a conversation with Discord, which leads into Discord explaining the formation of the current universe, his own existence, as well as Twilight's new 'true' responsibilities. But some of these things she finds she didn't want to know.

*update* Twilight, finding herself the Spirit of Magic, decides to investigate and get to know the other Spirits, from Triumph, the weakened Spirit of Victory and War, to Harmony, the triplet Spirits of Friendship, to Windigo, the cold spirit of hatred. She also finds herself in a position where she knows more about the universe than Celestia or Luna, and has to decide whether or not to share Discord's knowledge with her mentor and her sister.
The wonderful image of Twilicorn and Discord is by Greivousfan on Deviantart. (not by me)

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to The Griffon War: A Soldier's Memoirs

A Soldier's Memoirs Saga
The Griffon War | Skyfall | Treason | Everfree | Overture

Some time has passed since the Griffon War ended and the Equestrian Army returned home. Peace and harmony has returned to the land. But war changes everything—even when that is war itself. From the ashes of the old military traditions, Skyfall Team is born. Luna's experimental group seems promising: tactical, advanced, intelligent, and powerful—and about to be put to the test, when the Royal Family is threatened from their own home. With little information to go on and short of time, Skyfall Team's trial by fire may leave the Royal Family in terrible danger that could cost them their lives.

Chapters (15)

The Medallion of Light and the Medallion of Shadow are some of the most powerful yet obscure artifacts of antiquity. Created by a now-vanished cult of assassins, the two devices together give their bearer the incredible power to walk the worlds with but a single step.

Nefarious forces are closing in on both artifacts, and very little stands in their way. Heinrich Himmler's agents covet the medallions for the greater glory of the Third Reich. Ahuizotl's simply want their master to get what's coming to him: the world, and everything in it.

With the fate of all good people and ponies in doubt, one thing's for certain: saving two worlds would be one hell of an adventure. And if adventure has a name, it must be Daring Do… or is that Indiana Jones?

Will our heroes win the day? Find out in... Daring Do and the Medallion of Shadow! Or, Indiana Jones and the Medallion of Light!

NOTE: there will be some violence in this story, but nothing more than you would expect to see in an Indiana Jones movie-- so I didn't check the "gore" content box.

Artwork by Tzelly-el.

Special thanks to SapphireStarlightPony & Rated Ponystar for helping with the brainstorming on this one.

Thanks to this stupid thing I've had the Indiana Jones theme song stuck in my head for like the past four days and I am about to claw my eyes out AAAAAAAHHHHH @_@

Chapters (12)

This story follows the events of Dysphoria, Arc 1: Introductions serving as both a sequel and an independent story.

With the mystery of her past revealed to the Mane 6, Evening Rose adjusts to living her life in Ponyville.

Struggles arise as she makes new friends and adjusts to the town under the weight of her secret.
Will they come to accept her? Will she accept herself?

This Arc is finished but the story continues!
Check out the rest in:

Dysphoria, Arc 3: Canterlot
Dysphoria, Arc 4: Summer Breeze

Chapters (9)