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    Created by kirbuu
    - October, 2014
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A collection of short stories. A little bit of this, a little bit of that. All, hopefully, about what it means to be human.

Except, you know, with ponies.

I'm afraid of Changeling: Drone 42531 is insecure and decides he needs to see a professional, whether or not the professional wants to see him. [Comedy] [Random]

One thousand and one: A family keeps a long vigil, regardless of the cost. [Sad]

Uncoordinated: Twilight Sparkle and the Cutie Mark Crusaders conduct an experiment. Accidentally. [Comedy] [Random]

But the Greatest of These: Every pony has to grow up someday. Every dragon, too. [Slice of Life]

Wonder: Pinkie Pie's farm is grey. The sky is grey. Her sister is grey. The world is grey. Until, one day, it isn't. [Slice of Life]

The Apple of my Eye: Apple Bloom finally gets her cutie mark. It's not what she wanted. [Comedy] [Random]

Bookworm: Twilight Sparkle finds an odd message in her books. [Dark]

At the End of the Day: Just what does Pinkie Pie do in her free time? [Slice of Life]

The House at the End of the World: Some promises shouldn't be kept. [Adventure] [Dark]

Pantone Perfect: Rarity and Twilight Sparkle enjoy a refreshing argument at the spa. [Comedy] [Random]

Medium Rare: In which we learn the secret, scarring horror that was Fluttershy's first experience with a dragon. [Comedy] [Random]

One Thousand Flowers: How long do gifts take to grow? [Slice of Life]

Tempest: A pegasus teaches his son the nature of the rain. [Slice of Life]

No Natural Predators: The days have grown longer as the world winds down. [Adventure] [Dark]

Six More Weeks: The first day of Spring is a wonderful time to be a pony. Just make sure you get the date right. [Comedy]

Derecho: A daughter starts a long quest in a forgotten city.[Slice of Life]

O Death, where is thy sting? Human Flash Sentry travels across the multiverse. [Adventure]

The Lotus Eaters: Heaven is different things to different people. A Friendship is Optimal vignette.[Slice of Life]

Tour of Duty: Duty can be lighter than a feather, or heavier than a mountain. [Slice of Life]

Nickel-Iron-Cobalt: An explorer discovers a world without life. Perhaps. [Anthro][Adventure]

(Based on prompts from the Thirty Minute Pony Stories tumblr. All written in 30 minutes – give or take – unless otherwise noted.)

Chapters (48)

Raven of the Teen Titans has long been a closet pegasister. She was introduced to Friendship is Magic by Beast Boy and Starfire and - although she is loathe to admit it - she enjoyed it. She especially identified with the character of Twilight Sparkle. What with Twilight's enjoyment of reading, talent in magic, and unexpected but life changing friendships, it felt like Raven's own life mirrored and sugarcoated onto a world of pastel colored ponies. Even Twilight's friends reminded Raven of her own to a certain extent.
When she wakes up one morning in Twilight Sparkle's body with no idea how this happened or how to fix it, she begins to think she identified with her a little too well.
Now trapped in the plot of the series from the beginning, she has to find away to fix this, find out what happened to the real Twilight, and at the same time save all of Equestria. At least she has some friends to help, right?


Crossover idea inspired by the fact that these two characters share the same voice actor, Tara Strong. Originally, it was just an idea I played with for fun, but I have a serious - and frightening - plot for it. Dark for later chapters.

Chapters (26)

"Awkward, but worth it."
This is the phrase Twilight Sparkle used when Rainbow Dash first attempted to work up the courage to confess her love for Applejack. Rainbow quickly realized that she was right--it was awkward, but worth it. What she didn't realize was just how applicable that statement would be throughout all her life. That first conversation. That first kiss. That first night spent together. That time Apple Bloom walked in on them. That first apology after their first argument. The arrival of that acceptance letter. And on so many more occasions.
Throughout it all, Rainbow kept smiling.
It was awkward, yes. At times so much so that she wished she could sink into the ground and disappear forever.
But in the end, every time--every time--it was always so very, very worth it.

Dear Tchernobog: This is all your fault. I hate mildly disapprove of your guts. Sincerely, bt.

Chapters (29)

Twilight's friends are demanding that she explain her recent actions, but all she seems to want to do is give a lecture about an obscure type of magical artifact to her new pet rock.

Chapters (1)

• Having been elected a national hero for his antics in recovering the Crystal Heart, a modest Spike is now left wondering how it’s possible to accept all the sudden unflattering attention and fame he’s not completely convinced is so necessary – or terribly deserving, for that matter. WARNING: Contains copious amounts of material based upon Season Three's introductory episodes – previously edited by and dedicated to Martian, Bookplayer, theburningone94 & hunterz263, TheMyth, plus the kindly input of Not Worthy, Phazon and Bad Horse. Cover art created by author.

Chapters (8)

It's a simple agreement: Rarity will take Applejack to a proper gallery opening, and in turn, Applejack gets to take Rarity to something called a 'hootenanny.' What could possibly go wrong?

(apologies to René Magritte for the shameless appropriation of his work for a cover image)

Chapters (3)

Shining Armor and Princess Cadance's wedding didn't exactly go off without a hitch - in more ways than one. But with the day's excitement over, the pair head to the honeymoon suite in Canterlot Castle for a different kind of excitement. However, Princess Cadance has something she needs to tell her husband...

A/N: Started "one-shot" fic, written after reading "Adventures of a Teenage Foalsitter" and realizing there was a decided lack of romantic and knowing/consenting Shining Armor x Queen Chrysalis. The first chapter can be read as a standalone story, but, well I suppose it's obvious, the story does go on.

Chapters (13)

Selected miscellaneous works by TheLastBrunnenG from Thirty Minute Pony Stories, all clop-free.

Apple Tart Surprise - Applejack is frustrated and feelin' frisky. Is that ever a good combination? {AJ x OCs. Saucy!}

Deep Into That Darkness Peering - Only one thing could possibly make Fluttershy brave the Everfree at night. {ZecoraShy adventure.}

Sigh and Smile - Fluttershy hopes and prays for just one more good day. {FlutterDash / DashFire. Rejected Flight Suit chapter.}

I Think That I Shall Never See - Some places can feel alive, but only if we're there to give them life. {Epilogue to Flight Suit, Luna's Librarian, and Rustic.}

Familiar Demons - On the Appleoosan Plains, four ponies shudder as they recall the Headless Horse. {Western suspense.}

Try Honesty as a Last Resort - Celestia's unicorn lover isn't who anyone expected, and nopony's happy about it. {Rarity x Celestia}

Elements of Bureaucracy - Town under attack by a 50-foot monster? Call the Elements! But leave a security deposit first. {comedy}

Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking - Appointing Luna to preside over Sentencing Court may not have been the best idea. {comedy}

The Blossoming of Annuals - Fluttershy keeps this Pinkie Promise every year, even when nopony expects her to. {sad FlutterPie}

Sundown on a Winding Road - Granny Smith and Granny Pie work to get their granddaughters together. {ApplePie, plus... GrannyGranny?!?}

The Kind Wife - Fluttershy and Luna are happily married! That's what Shy keeps telling herself. She has to. {sad LunaShy}

Forest Elder - You can bet on strange encounters anytime you take a trip through the Everfree on Nightmare Night. {Dragon Age crossover]

These stories are one-shots which do not fit into other story collections such as If the Flight Suit Fits, Luna's Librarian, The Rustic & The Romantic, or Egghead and Featherbrain.

All chapters originally written as separate entries for flash-fic blog Thirty Minute Pony Stories (TMP). I highly recommend a visit to TMP if you're looking for some of the best 1000-word gems in pony fiction. Many thanks to TMP for inspiring me to write!

Yes, the collection's title is a LEXX reference. That might be as close as I come to penning a Lexx / MLP crossover.

Chapters (12)

Welcome to my drabble bin. Some authors have trouble getting ideas and others have too many. I'm in the second category. A lot of these started out as short fic ideas that expanded. Some might be long and others short, but they'll always coming. So come on in and take a look around!

*Wait, this isn't FallOut: Equestria
LittlePip and Homage find themselves in canon Equestria and as it turns out, they're not alone.

*Just a little chaos...
There's a fragment of Discord's power drifting around and causing trouble. Of course, the Mane 6 have to get rid of it and complications insue...

*Twilight "Indiana" Sparkle and Rainbow "Daring" Dash
When Twilight was still a young student, she had come across a old hat and whip laying away in a storage room in Canterlot much to Celestia's surprise as she recognized it as something her sister had worn and claimed was an artifact of great power. After several attempts of putting it away, Celestia gave up as it always found it's way to it's chosen owner, Twilight. Years later, Rainbow inherited a pith helmet that belonged to her great-grandmother, Daring Doo!. Now, both objects, the "Helm of Indy" and Daring's "Lucky Pith Helmet" are in their hooves as they find adventure drawn to them...

*Old Mare Harrison: Okay, Twilight has had it with Celestia's GMing! And she's finally snapped! The madness begins...

*Pinkie and Twilie are a little Loony: Pinkie went to what university? And... wait, what was that Twilight!?

*Twilight... Phantom?: When Twilight was very young, she stumbled across this strange portal and turned it on...

Chapters (8)

Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there was a young Empire by the name of Crytsallus. Legend tells of a horrible beast that threatened the residents. It also tells of the pony that risked it all to protect them. Controlling the very fabric of existence, this pony stood up against a demon many times its size and banished the darkness. This crystal pony's valiant act ushered in an era of tranquility. The villagers' hearts swelled with respect and adoration of the pony.

It has been a hundred years, and the shadow has returned.


-This story throws away basically all of the pony you know, timeline-wise. This also features many untagged characters for very short periods of time.
-The title is 'winged unicorn', or 'alicorn', in phonetic Japanese.

** This story was written when I was 15, and the quality and content reflect that. Please be aware that my position on topics contained within may have changed in the time between publishing and now, and I apologize for any offensive material that I may have condoned in my younger years. **

Chapters (2)