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This story is a sequel to Thrown Abroad

After the events of Thrown Abroad, Suncloak the changeling is happily living in Ponyville. Well, sort of. He needs the love of friendship to stay alive! Luckily, there's plenty of ponies who would want to be friends with him. But let's not forget about other changelings here...

You know, this would be a lot easier if the whole concept of friendship wasn't so needlessly difficult.


Amazing cover art by Wolfeh! Find her Tumblr here!
To be found on Equestria Daily here!

Chapters (11)

The Elements of Harmony are missing, and Raindrop needs them to quell the rising curse of her ancestry that threatens to consume her. Paired with a Royal Guard, and with a strong mutual loathing, Together, they will have to try to reunite the elements and find their new bearers...If they don't kill eachother first.

Cover art by infernowyvern!

Chapters (61)

A communication scholar from Canterlot, a mailmare from Fillydelphia, and a zebra diplomat in training, brought together by a hunger for knowledge, embark on a journey of discovery to the mysterious homeland of the dragons.

Chapters (18)

Unseen horrors lurk just beyond the horizon, but the future is not immutable.

A strange new pony arrives in Canterlot bearing knowledge that could help avoid the dark times ahead. What begins as a straightforward mission soon develops into an adventure that will carry all involved to the borders of Equestria and beyond.

5-star Featured on Equestria Daily... for some reason. I've been meaning to add this disclaimer for a while, and so here it is: this was a first fic of a first-time author, and it really shows. Know that whatever well-founded critique you have to level at it, I will almost certainly agree with. It has problems, of that there is no doubt, and significant enough ones that I'll always be bothered that the story is up. Taking it down feels like bad form, however, and bringing the writing in line with my current standards would require a full rewrite, which would be dishonest to the readers who have been through it already. I leave it up as a badge for having completed something, but just be aware that if you start in on it, you will almost certainly finish bewildered and dissatisfied.

Chapters (17)

Twilight Sparkle is accepted into Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns and gets a little more than what she bargained for.

Illustrated by me.

(If you object to swearing, please skip chapter 6. That's the one chapter that bumps this story straight up to a Teen rating.)

Chapters (10)

For Fluttershy it was suppose to be a normal day: meet up with Rarity for their weekly get together, get some apples from the market, then go home and tend to her animal friends. Then a dragon attacks the town and her life is changed forever.

She walks away from the attack, but not unchanged. She now has the ability to walk through fire without getting hurt, her hearing and eyesight have greatly improved, and she could speak a language that nopony, not even Princess Celestia, knows.

Dertermined to find out what happened to her, Fluttershy, along with her friends, head north to find a pony who could give her the answers she needs. Will she find what she was looking for? and if so, would she want them in the end?

Rated teen for some violence, some strong but not gory detail.

Constructive Criticism is greatly appreciated please.

Warning: Avoid comments because of spoilers.

Cover image is by spontaneouspotato on Deviant Art

Now reviewed by Not Worthy

A Spanish version of this story now exists thanks to the efforts of Spaniard Kiwi, which you can check out here https://www.deviantart.com/spaniard-kiwi/art/Last-of-the-Dragonlords-Spanish-1-23-845359064

Chapters (25)

The storm is breaking on the Horizon.

It's been two months since the battle against Nightmare Moon. Luna is recovering, Celestia is busy turning the government back into a diarchy, and the Mane Six have returned to their lives. All seems well, but when Celestia discovers that half of the power of the Elements of Harmony have been transferred to each of the Bearers, she decides to send thirteen mysterious members of the Royal Guard to monitor them as they manifest and develop their new abilities.

The sins of a forgotten war still linger, and an ancient evil lurks in the shadows, just waiting for the right time to strike. The Mane Six suddenly find themselves once again at the heart of a conspiracy to bring about Eternal Night, and only by awakening their powers and realizing their full potential can they do anything to stop it. Friends both old and new will help them along the way, and an unseen force will guide them as it seeks to right a wrong made thousands of years ago. The Bearer's journeys will take them outside the borders of Equestria and into the world beyond, and when they return, they'll have the power and experience necessary to save the world and bring about balance in all things.

The Powers of Harmony TV Tropes Page (SPOILERS)
The Powers of Harmony Art

Thanks to Wildy71090 for the cover pic.

Chapters (31)

Waking up in an alternate universe in which you are a supervillain can be hard.

Finding out your friends are rebels trying to kill or overthrow you isn't very easy to deal with either.

But trying to solve the situation? That's a real horn cracker.

Chapters (7)

A science fiction story about how a fantasy world came to be. An alicorn foal awakens alone in a world that sentient life has long since left behind. This story follows Luna through her foalhood in the strange world, her quest for knowledge about who and what she is, and what happens when she finally finds her answers and makes the trip to the beautiful new world that her sister now rules.

Cover image: Luna in the Sky with Diamonds by Noctudelic

Author's note: This was my first story, and even though it's complete now, feedback is still very much appreciated. My biggest goal here is to continuously improve, so every two cents helps.

Chapters (16)


It's great, right? Gets your hooves movin', your heart pumpin', really makes you feel alive. I'd always heard, felt, lived, breathed music every day, every second of my life, and I'd never even thought about it.

At least, not until I agreed to save another dimension while blackout drunk, traveled there with my best friends, almost died (many times), fought horrible monsters, met an actual living god...

And, well, there's more than that, but I'm getting ahead of myself already. For now, perk your ears, listen up, and you'll hear a story that I'll never forget. The story of the Eternal Song.

Featured on EQD.

Cover art by the amazing Turbosolid.

Chapters (10)