
After an unfortunate accident resulting in a mistimed prank, Fluttershy is left temporarily blinded, and Pinkie offers to take care of her. During an interview with a curious Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy reveals an incident with an ancient temple leading the Mane Six to a dark adventure deep in the Everfree Forest.

Cover art by: Teknibaal [Link]

You can find a fantastic comic version of "A Sight for Really Sore Eyes," the first chapter. It was on DA by SpeccySY, but it can still be found here: [link]

Chapters (16)

"Twilight Sparkle is at college age, with no life experience. Living in the castle in Canterlot for most her life, her only friends are her books and, in his mind, Queen Luna's student Harmony Spirit. Queen Celestia has decided that her young student needs to learn that there is more to life than books. So now she has to go to collage in a little town of Ponyville, but the education she will find there will be far more than she imagined she would ever learn."

Little things to remember:
- This is an anthro(Furry) story. Ponies evolved (with magick) and some races in this world are feral, but stand erect. Such as Gryphons, young Dragons, and so on.
- The story is set in a universe that is like a retelling of the FiM series. Once just an excuse to write an anthro(Furry) version of the show, because of Shon Howell's pictures of Twilight in collage, has grown into a series of stories that has a deep history, and characters mostly its own. Some events are mentioned from the show.
- I replace many words with more pony sounding words, just as the show, but I am pretty strict about it. Such as "Hoof(ves)" in place of hand(s) even if they have hands and fingers, they spent generations having only hooves.
- Celestia and Luna are Queens of their respective hours. Lauren had stated that she was going to have them as Queens, but Princess was more acceptable to little girls. (Darn Disney)
- It is a Queendom, a term I picked up from "The Looking Glass Wars" Since it is ruled by two Queens, with no grumpy males. hehe
- There are many countries around Equestria, with many races who also have made homes in the pony Queendom.
- Bay-B is the Bayland Beyond. A Multipurpose social device, like an iPhone or Android, with a laptop, and Nintendo DS mixed in. Pretty much the only thing in the market that does just about anything you can think. (Becomes pretty background after the first two chapters)
- Ponies are very open, so things like being naked, same sex couples, and sharing the land with all walks/trots/flights/etc. of life, is not a big deal. Though Unicorns are kinda stuck up about nudity in public. Silly shame.
- There are a few Original Characters in here, as well as some Background Ponies.

I have been pouring a lot into making a rich history, and develop the characters with the same passion as the show. It has made me grow as a writer. I am no New York Times Best Seller, so little things might be off, but hopefully will not ruin the experience.

Legal stuff taken out of the chapters, to make them smoother:

This story is based on characters from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic cartoon series. Characters which are under ownership of Hasbro and Lauren Faust. I claim no ownership of the original characters, nor is this a licensed work of either. This is a work of fan faction.

This is a furry(anthro) style story, so all characters are to be considered as such. It is set in its own universe, apart from the one the show is. It is a different spin on the series, set in a deep history devolved from inspiration from the original series. As such, some events are inspired by the original story, some lines and/or plots may have been used or modified for the purpose of humor, or connectivity to those events.

Story is created by Jimaza Dememder (c) 2011
My Little Pony is a property of Hasbro, originally created by Bonnie Zacherle (c) 1981
Friendship is Magic is created by Lauren Faust (c) 2010
Playful Paws, Dodgy Dice, Cloud Chaser, ZeroG Stormwing, Harmony Spirit, are owned by their respective players.

Chapters (22)

Applejack and Fluttershy start dating and at first their relationship is growing very well. They help one another and provide strength to one another. Fluttershy's past however, will not stay in the past, and in an attempt to save a dear friend, the mane six are forced to make decisions that they normally would not make.

Cover art is by Rainbowshy1241

Here is a great reading of a scene from Him Part 6: [Link]

This is a very long series with thirteen chapters so far and quite a more to come. I look forward to hearing what you think.

Chapters (29)

Sunshy is a timid buck, often mistaken for a filly. He's a pegasus with strong similarities to Fluttershy. Everyone seems to think he is her reincarnation, but it seems to be a good thing. Stranded in the Everfree Forest, he finds his special talent is helping animals and healing. He has a strong affinity with the unchanged Manticores. After being named a Dashite by his own people, followed by even more tragedies, he leaves Equestria and finds himself in the land of Zebras. How much will his life change in such a harsh wasteland after the cushy life he has lived?

Chapters (24)

Discord is once again loose, but after using his randomness to find some interesting information on some strange phenomenon in another world that has to do with an island and a bunch of humiliating events, the crazy spirit of disharmony and chaos comes up with a new, sick, twisted, disturbing plan that involves capturing 20 of the most popular ponies (and three non-ponies) and forcing them to play a new game while the rest of Equestria watches in horror (or most likely secret amusement and possibly envy of not being picked themselves).

What does the rotten host Discord have in mind for our 20 unfortunate selections? Well, looks like you'll have to wait and find out! Maybe, just maybe, if Discord is feeling generous, the winner of his new "game" will get a grand prize. Everyone pick a character to root for and let's get it on!

(Special thanks to shadow0knight for creating the cover image. To see the full-sized image, go here: http://shadow0knight.deviantart.com/art/Total-Magic-Pony-Island-Title-293752756)

Chapters (16)

Everyone's favorite musical pairing is back in another fanfic! Octavia and Vinyl are now room-mates, and are like any other couple...but how will they react when they discover there's another about to show up?

Chapters (69)

A seemingly average man in an dull life receives a Unicorn's horn, a magician's cape, and an ancient journal from his now-dead great grandfather after being lost in the postal service for more than 30 years. With only a few hints and a limited store of magic in a world that otherwise lacks magic completely he seeks to know the truth about his family's legends, and his heritage.
This fic was written back before the episode with Iron Will was aired, so expect a few things to be different from what is canon with the show.
This fic was also written back before the 5-character-icon-limit was put into effect, so there may be a few more 'main' characters other than what is listed here.
While the story itself is complete, as readers find errors and point them out to me I'll be going back occasionally to fix them. Thanks for all the comments and suggestions. The direct sequel is now in the works, as to the alternate continuation that lost the vote at the end if anyone cares to read it. I may or may not also work on that one from time to time depending on my mood.

Chapters (23)

Josh Schwartz is a normal human with a normal life. He has his computer, his TV, his pet cat, his love of sports, the works. Naturally, he doesn't approve or enjoy girly things that are obviously made for girls. However, when a mysterious and unexplainable series of events takes place, he finds himself in Equestria, a world with no humans and only ponies...well, mostly ponies. How will this sarcastic human boy adapt to this new world? And how will its residents take to their new visitor?

Chapters (35)

Hope is the faith of the young. Losing everything she holds dear, Puppysmiles embarks on the adventure of her life to find her mother, her hopes of meeting her again driving her through the horrors of a world not of her making. Too bad the Wastelands doesn't care about hope.

Chapters (21)

There is a flood on the horizon. Equestria's enemies have united, and the coming tide will not only change the course of history on one world, but two, and bring about a monumental meeting that will bring brothers and sisters from those two worlds together.

At long last, the downtrodden will rise.

The battle begins.

Chapters (41)