• Published 13th May 2013
  • 13,854 Views, 57 Comments

Zig Zag Love - Akashic Brony

The mighty Griffin Kingdoms with their new War Wing airships have ventured forth to conquer their neighbors. A desperate plan is born to change the winds of war. Meanwhile a Griffin meets a Zebra.

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Chapter 10 Advancing Nothingness

Reagle awoke to the pleasant aroma of cooking oil. He wiped the crusts from his eyes and saw a meal tray neatly prepared for him. A baked white meat was in the center plate with a fork and knife resting ready on the side. Zaza had seated herself at the end of their bed, looking expectantly at him.

“Fresh fish!” He cried as he began salivating. The spiced aroma was entrancing. He grabbed the eating utensils and began cutting the soft white flesh. “You woke up early to make this?”

She nodded with a smile. “Please eat, I’ve already eaten.”

“We are many miles from water. Where?” said Reagle gratefully taking a bite.

“The palace has a pond.”

He stopped himself. “I’m not eating someone’s pet am I?”

“The pond is a waste of water in the desert. The fish were put there as decorations. It makes me angry to see peasants beg in the streets for water.”

Chewing happily, he took extra time to savor the flavor. “Thank you. This is delicious. The seasoning is perfect. I don’t know restaurants in Aviania that could do better.”

Zaza sighed in relief. She brought forth a book. “I am glad; this instructional tome is rather out of date.”

Reagle pulled the book towards him. There was a Griffin with a moustache on the cover. He read the cover. “1000 Recipes for Baking from Dinner to Deserts by Gustave Le Grand.”

“I found it in the palace library: with a Griffin on the cover I do not think it would have survived in the public library.”

He set the book aside. “A memento of a more peaceful time between our people.” He used a claw to lift her chin. “Those times will come again.”

Zaza lowered her head. “I don’t know.”

The remainder of the meal was finished in silence.

Zecora stood at the balcony of the palace. She attended several potted plants with a watering can. The shadow of wyvern wings darkened the morning sun. Zecora continued tending to her herbs even as the dragon’s landing shook the balcony.

“Sanscara, it is a pleasure to see you this morning day. It is strange that you would go out of your way.”

A large droplet of crystal clear liquid fell upon the fern that Zecora was watering. She looked up to see tears flowing from the dragon’s eyes.

“Little one, forgive us. Please make your escape. This warning is all that we can give.”

She hugged the dragon and peering upwards, she looked into the giant reptile’s eyes. “What is going on? Will you not tell what is wrong?”

The dragon arched his head to meet hers. “My mate and I consider you to be our second child… I still owe you my life, to repay that I can ferry you and your husband out of the city.” Sanscara stepped back lowered his neck to allow Zecora to board.

Zecora pulled away. She shook her head. “More than me reside in this city. I will not flee.”

“Please come with me, the devil birds will soon claim Zericho.”

She pleaded to the dragon. “Please reconsider! Whatever the enemy has to offer, we can provide better!”

“I am sorry; our first child is being threatened. The Griffins have our egg…,” said Sanscara. The dragon became airborne in a gust.

Reagle carefully wiped his beak after and rinsed his mouth with the rest of the glass of water.

Zaza broke the silence. “I’m sorry I said those hurtful things to you.”

“Zecora said those potions can make your emotions go crazy. We got close too quickly. I should have known that it would have taken longer for you to be—”

She kissed him. “No, you’re one of the best things to happen to me. When I’m with you it is better than battle.”

“I thought you detested combat?”

She gave a dangerous smile. “To deny that I do like an aspect of battle is to refuse part of myself. I enjoy the clarity, not the killing. There is a rush in which the world comes into focus.”

He chuckled. “We should have a sparring match one of these days, friendly of course.”

“I’ll look forward to that.”

“No more of those purple potions, okay?”

Zaza murmured. “I need them for Zerker state.”

“You heard what Zecora said. You drink anymore of those you could become emotionally dead. You’re still going to drink them after hearing about what happened to your brother?”

“I’m sorry I mentioned you and my brother… to Zecora. Your noble attributes just remind me so much of brother… or rather the ideal I had for him.”

“I think if anyone represents the fearless spirit of your people, it’s you. You can do that without the potions. Those potions are an emotional suppressant; what are you trying to bury?”

“I am not without fear. Reagle, this scares me.”

“What does?”

“You.” Zaza replied simply. She elaborated as she looked at the confused Griffin’s face. “Up until this point, I haven’t feared my death. But suddenly the thought of losing you fills me with dread.”

“Zaza, what are you getting at?”

“The dark leopard of doubt that daunts and haunts my dreams, it has become a hawk.”

“Explain, I’m not getting your metaphor.”

“If you follow me, if you love me, you will die.”

“You assume I’m helpless. We can see a way through this. I don’t intend to see the fall of your people. I have contacts within the Griffin Kingdoms. Once I speak to your father I’m sure we can arrange terms for peace. After I unveil the conspiracy against my house I may be in position to meet those terms.” Reagle lowered his beak. “Okay, that’s a lot to do. I’m still sure we can do this though… somehow.”

“Reagle, you don’t understand—”

The sound of trumpets interrupted them.

The Zebra citizens of Zericho had stopped their morning chores to hear the call. Workers carrying their clay pots dropped them when their eyes met the skies. Their wall fell with a raucous rumble, when the sand cleared they saw six War Wings lined up along the horizon. The airships opened their gun ports. Flying iron cannonballs filled the skies; four of the dozen Zebra War Balloons that patrolled the city skies were instantly punctured. Spiraling downwards, the craft crashed into streets and homes.

Onboard Banshee’s sleek black flagship, the battle is monitored. Griffin communications officers relay orders via signal lamps.

Ironbeak peered through a pair of mounted binoculars. “I thought there was no longer a Zebra airforce. A dozen War Balloons, that’s surprising,” said Ironbeak.

“Eight now,” said Dori. “If they concentrate fire, we may lose a War Wing or two.”

Banshee ordered calmly. “Signal our War Wings to advance into the city. Commence carpet bombing.”

A dark cloaked Griffin saluted. “Yes, Commander.”

“Have my Ravens readied for deployment.”

Zebra infantry wheeled carriage carts, frantically weaving through the city street. As civilians ran from the shadow of the War Wings, the warriors carried their carts toward the darkened patches of sand. The warriors were old and injured.

A Zebra officer shouted. “Have the armaments ready! Don’t deploy until they open bomb bay doors!”

A young Zebra held onto a lever crank attached to the carriage cart.

The officer turned to the young Zebra. The officer spoke with alarm. “Son, only old and injured Zebras are supposed to perform this duty. We will not escape the impact area. Go to the bomb shelters!”

The young one countered. “No way! I owe them devil birds! My family is dead because of them.”

“You better have said your prayers then.”

The shadow of a War Wing was now above them. The bomb hatches opened.


At the pull of the levers the carriage tops opened up, and balloons began inflating.

“Light fuses!”

The balloons began rising into the air pulling large black orbs with them. Long oil soaked wicks were attached to the bombs. Zebras with torches lit them before the bombs were carried upwards by the balloons.

Aboard the forward airship’s bomb bay, Griffin workers prepared barrels of explosives setting them on ramps. The hatch opened revealing the city below.

One of the Griffin workers pointed out to color balloons floating upwards. “What are those? Pretty.”

A balloon floated into the bay, as the Griffins saw what was attached to the strings they shrieked.

“Shoot those balloons down!” shouted a Griffin.

A Griffin jumped to a rack of crossbows. He grabbed a weapon but before he could pull back the crossbow string, the flame reached the end of the bomb’s wick. In a blinding blast, the explosion ignited a chain reaction.

The sky was peppered with explosions. From the bridge of Banshee’s flagship the crew gasped as the forward War Wing exploded from its lower levels.

“Enemy anti-airship weapons?” said a stunned crew member.

Banshee shoved the helms-Griffin aside and veered the ship violently. “Signal our ships to steer clear of the city. Have three of them pursue and destroy the enemy War Balloons. Order the ground invasion, there will be no softening bombardment.”

“We’ll sustain heavy casualties,” said Ironbeak.

Banshee grabbed Ironbeak by the collar and shrieked in his face. “Move out!”

Reagle ran with Zaza through the palace hallways.

“Odin’s odors! How’d they get pass your dragon friends?” Reagle asked.

“I do not know but you and I have to make our escape. Buck all else.”

“What about your sister?”

“…She’s not a military asset.” Zaza stopped a moment then continued running. “You’re more important.”

“Okay, hold on!” said Reagle. “I’m a military asset then?”

Zaza froze. “I... ughhh.”

“Listen, don’t let me hold you back. I care about you and who you care about. We’ll save your sister.”

She stopped and looked out of windows. “If the balloon traps work, we may have time.” Tiny balloons were launched as the first War Wing flew over the city.

“Balloon traps?” Reagle looked at the bright balls in the skyline.

The airship exploded in a brilliant shower of fire and crashed into the streets below. The airships broke formation to avoid the balloons floating from the city streets.

“Bloody brilliant, your people are full of surprises.”

Zaza nodded. “Okay, we have time.”

Isara trotted past them. The Ibex mare had a spear affixed to her saddle. “Don’t just stand there! We have enemy flyers inbound!”

A platoon of Raven troopers landed in the palace square. Several Zebra guards were instantaneously slain by lances. Banshee folded her wings and rode her sword to the ground using a Zebra guard to cushion her impact.

Banshee shrieked her orders. “Fan out, kill all those who oppose us! Our target is all that matters!” The dark feathered Griffins followed her charge.

Dori gripped Ironbeak’s foreleg. “Hold on, we hang back.”

Nokimbe ran through crowds of fleeing Zebras. He stopped in front several squads of Zebra warriors.

He shouted. “You there, with me!”

A warrior replied. “We’ve received no orders from the palace. We must defend our posts.”

“No time, you follow my orders yeah?”

“On whose’s authority?”

Nokimbe produced a shiny gold plate with intricate symbols etched into it. The Zebra warriors immediately nodded.

A path of bloody carnage had been carved. Zebra warriors in an indeterminable number lay dismembered. A small white Griffin with her bloodied claymore sword walked through the hallway.

Reagle’s feathers stood on end as he recognized the approaching Griffin. “This opponent is beyond us all. We face the Dragon Slayer.”

“Piss on that! We don’t give in to fear,” said Isara.

He replied to Isara without turning his gaze away from Banshee. “Sometimes fear is the appropriate, when facing monsters.”

Zaza whispered. “Run back and find others or another way around and flank her.”

“I am a commander of the Ibex Empire, you don’t give orders to me,” said Isara.

“You’re blind on your right side, there’s only so much skill can make up for. In this battle we can afford no weakness,” said Reagle.

The one eyed Ibex opened her mouth to counter. Reagle and Zaza stared her down.

Isara scoffed. “Don’t die before I return.” She bolted back.

Banshee smiled. “Zebra, surrender now or six War Wings on my command will reduce this city to ash.”

Zaza lowered her spear slightly.

“Don’t listen, she’d do that regardless!” Reagle shouted. “Believe me! She is without compassion.”

“Prince Reagle, it’s been a while since that tourney, we were so close too,” said Banshee, smiling.

Zaza spat at Reagle. “Have you had every girl in the Griffin Kingdoms?”

“She’s referring to our match in a tournament. She and I have never dated. I don’t do crazy. Dori is fluffy compared to her.”

Banshee tilted her head and frowned. “I’m hurt. I have feelings.”

Reagle narrowed his eyes. “You’re incapable of feeling. Like a parrot, you’re only capable of mimicry.”

Banshee broke out in laughter. “I will feel joy when I deliver your head to Lord Ironclaw.” She walked slowly towards them.

Zaza glared at their enemy. “Reagle, I’m beginning to understand your apprehension. I sense something familiar. We fight her together.”

“The Whirlwind Prince and Death Stripe, both famous names, if you disappoint me I will feed your corpses to the rats!” Banshee swung her claymore sword.

Zaza was thrown against a wall when she tried to block the blade. She landed on her feet and pounced back. “I see your death!”

She was surprised when the massive blade came swinging back as quickly as it had come. Blocking it, she was flung back again.

Reagle rolled to the side of Banshee and attempted a sword swipe. He too was forced to parry and was flung back. “Bloody Helhiem!”

Banshee turned her attention towards Reagle. She swiped at him. He was able to dodge the first swing but Banshee had stepped into range. She smirked, readying her second swing.

“Fight me!” Zaza lunged again forcing Banshee to use her second swing to counter.

Zecora was backed up against a wall as a couple of black cloaked Griffin soldiers pointed their lances at her. She readied herself to spring, but the Griffins’ attention was drawn by the noise of hooves against the tile flooring and a distinctive wooden clop.

“Come at me! You devil birds!”

The Zebra warrior smashed his wooden foreleg into the face of a Raven soldier. He used his back legs to buck the other soldier unconscious against the wall.

“Zephyr, I am glad you’re here. You have saved my life; I am glad to be your wife,” said Zecora, sighing. She smiled at Zephyr’s confident stance. “I was most concerned. I’m glad that you’ve returned.”

“I’ve been moping too long. Even if it is hopeless, I’ll give them a fight they won’t soon forget.” Zephyr mounted a spear onto his war saddle. “My only regret is that I must fight them on the ground. The sky is my true battlefield. Let us get to the hangers!”

“I know you’re eager; but first we must find my sister.”

Both Reagle and Zaza were panting from their exertions. Banshee had not a bead of sweat on her feathers.

“She’s gotten a lot better. I don’t think we can beat her,” said Reagle.

Zaza spat. “Her claymore sword is like a Zanbatō, its weakness should be its cumbersomeness. How is she able to wield that weapon with such grace?”

“Blood reveals the weapon’s secret,” said Reagle. Banshee’s bloody sword glowed with tiny almost imperceptible lines. “Rune magic, combined by her training she is the perfect murder machine.”

“Yet she’s still holding back. I sense it.”

Reagle’s feathery brow ridge shot up. “What?!”

“Quite perceptive for a savage,” said Banshee, “However I owe your people a certain thanks for this.” She tilted her head back.

“Bloody Helhiem, she’s a Zerker!” Reagle’s maw hung open.

“There is a way; I can at least match her.” Zaza had pulled out a potion from her saddle bag.

Reagle slapped the potion away with his claws. “I’m not losing you!”

Cirta and the Bull rounded the corner led by Isara. The Water Buffalo lowered as Cirta cocked her automatic crossbow. Isara’s three Ibex soldiers ran after them.

“Fire!” Isara commanded.

“Roger!” The tiny Gazelle cheerfully began pulling the crossbow’s crank.

Banshee drew a short sword from under her wings. She began swatting away the bolts while advancing slowly towards them.

“Whaaaa?” said Cirta pulling the crank to her automatic crossbow.

“She’s deflecting our bolts?” said Bull.

Reagle and Zaza leapt back. The three Ibexes under Isara’s command moved up.

“Eat this!” Javelin whirled around and flung a spear.

Banshee clutched her short sword in her beak and grabbed the thrown weapon returning it it. The pole skewered one of the Ibexes in the neck. The Ibex fell to the ground and twitched a moment.

“Brother!” cried Scythe checking his fallen friend.

“Don’t attack.” Zaza stopped Javelin from flinging another spear.

Cirta shouted as she checked the automatic crossbow ammo feed box. “I’m running outta ammo here!”

“Stand back!” Reagle lit several grenades with his claw flints. “Bomb voyage!” He gritted his beak as he chucked the black orbs at Banshee. She smiled confidently, prepared to swat the balls back but looked to see that Reagle had thrown them at the support columns of the corridor instead. The explosions to her side caused the ceiling to cave.

The female Griffin shrieked furiously as she jumped back. The corridor collapsed leaving Banshee’s fate unknown.

“Is she dead?” asked Cirta.

“Let us hope.” said Reagle.

Several squads of Griffins lay dead. Zecora stood in the center. A bloody spear stood beside her. She wept, in her hooves was her husband Zephyr.

Zaza stammered. “Zecora.”

Zecora caressed the mane of her fallen husband. “Too many, brave to last he fought them. I killed them, who kill him. Twelve lives I took. Look!” She gestured to the dead Griffins around her.

“Sister, you never had combat training. You’re a healer not a—” said Zaza.

“I studied the martial arts, thinking only to understand. What a fool I was to think I could be a pacifist while war blankets this land!”

“Zecora, it will be alright. You’ve always been strong for me, I understand.” said Zaza wrapping her sister in a hug.

“The air fleet. It burns.” said Bull. The giant Water Buffalo looked outside the windows.

Zebra War Balloons exchanged cannon fire with Griffin War Wings. Three more of the balloons exploded.

“What are they doing getting into range?” asked Reagle.

“They’re dying.” said Cirta.

“They’re defending the airship dock; our means of escape! They’re dying for us.” Zaza cried. “Hurry!”

Tucked under the ceiling of the hanger dry dock, Zebra soldiers mounted a desperate defense. Several squads of Griffins with crossbows fired at Zebras hidden behind a stack of crates. Confined by the ceiling, the Griffins were forced to fight on the ground. They pushed forward crates as shields to get closer. Zebras popped up and fired blow guns at the Griffins. The poisoned tipped darts downed a couple of Griffins. A crossbow volley from the Griffins caused the Zebras to duck back but not without losing two of their own.

“We can’t hold this position! Let’s take off with the ship already!” said a Zebra officer grabbing Nokimbe with his hooves.

Nokimbe popped out and hit a Griffin with a dart. “They’ll be here!” cried Nokimbe over the splintering of crossbow bolts against their cover.

“We got civilians in the cargo bay and more waiting to board. There are many waiting! What’s so special about yours?” said the officer angrily pointing to ship and groups of Zebras huddled behind them.

Nokimbe pulled out a small gold plate. “I have here Zebra king’s seal, our mission is all. You will hold. Yeah?”

The Zebra officer nodded with a sense of grim resignation. “You flashed same piece of gold to signal operators and ordered our War Balloons to their deaths. I hope it’s worth it.”

Enemy Griffins pushing the crates had gotten close.

“They’re in grenade range!” screamed a Zebra soldier.

A couple of Griffins lit grenades and prepared to lob them just as Reagle and Zaza appeared from behind them. Isara and her mercenaries followed as well.

“Take out the grenadiers!” Zaza shouted.

Bull shifted his body allowing Cirta to fire her automatic crossbow, Javelin flung a spear. The two grenadier Griffins were shot down. Their grenades exploded in their claws killing adjacent soldiers.

Zaza jumped unto a virtual stairway formed from crates, she surprised two Griffins on the other side, landing atop one, she smacked down the other with her spear.

Isara impaled a Griffin with her spear.

Scythe cut down a Griffin with her spear.

Reagle smashed another Griffin in the face he turned to slash a cowering ball of feathers.

A small brown Griffin hid behind his wings. “I surrender!” chirped the small Griffin.

“You’re too young to be a Raven,” Reagle remarked as he looked.

“Prince Reagle! I’m Private Vikers.”

“Soldier, I do not know you.” said Reagle.

“Lady Hawkmor sent me!” chirped Vikers.

“Bloody Helhiem!? My mom?!” cried Reagle.

“Come on, we’ve got to go.” said Zaza.

Dots in the sky flew closer to the hanger.

“Enemy reinforcements, we’ve got to launch!” shouted Isara.

Dori and Ironbeak found Banshee lying in a pile of rubble. A fallen building beam trapped the Griffin. Blood stained the Griffin’s white feathers.

“This is perfect,” said Dori, smiling as she drew her sword.

“What are you doing?” asked Ironbeak.

“Killing her here, we can lead the coalition. The Zebras can be blamed.”

Banshee glowered at the tan Griffin. “You think you can accomplish your mission without me? My Raven soldiers only take orders from me and Lord Ironclaw.”

“Yeah, they’ll fall in line after you fall.” Dori raised her sword.

“Tis an insult to be killed by such amateur.”

“Guess what, you’re going to be saved by an amateur.” Ironbeak set aside his crossbow. He put his weight into pushing the beam off of Banshee. The beam only wiggled slightly.

“You’re insane,” said Dori, “she’s going kill us the moment she’s free. We kill her now.” She grabbed Ironbeak’s loaded crossbow.

“No.” said Ironbeak standing in front of Dori.

“You’re taking this self-confidence thing too far. Listen to me, this is for the best.” Dori chided.

“It doesn’t sit right by me,” Ironbeak looked away.

The sound of shifting rubble alerted them. “She was right. You should have killed me when you had any hope to.”

Ironbeak could not turn his head before Banshee pounced from behind bring him to the floor. He cringed as a dagger was held to his throat. “Discharge the bolt and drop the crossbow.”

Dori looked through the weapon’s wooden sights. The gray Griffin choked in Banshee’s clutches. Sighing she fired the weapon into a wall and threw it aside.

“That weakness is what makes you an amateur.” Banshee smiled kicking Ironbeak away.

Raven soldiers swiftly joined them. “Commander Banshee, the palace is taken. We have not located our targets.”

Banshee leered. “How goes the air battle?”

“No further War Wings were lost. The enemy air fleet has been reduced to four balloons. The enemy airship from Ibaristan escaped not a short while ago with the remains of their fleet.”

“Incompetent fools,” Banshee said, “Never mind. Order a city sweep with grenadiers. Bomb all unnecessary structures.”

“Yes, we shall relay the orders immediately.” Several Raven troopers smashed a window and ripped off the blinds. They readied a signal lamp and immediately began adjusting the shutters to flash orders.

Dori moved to help Ironbeak up.

Banshee blocked Dori with her claymore. She moved closer to Ironbeak. “No, I think I shall keep your pet to ensure your continued cooperation.”

“Wait.” Ironbeak was grabbed by the neck collar.

“Danger excites you; does it not?” Banshee said, grinning. “You’re mine now.” She kissed him locking their beaks.

“What?” Ironbeak gasped for breath.

“Ha, a simple motion flusters you so much.” she said, laughing.

Dori shook furiously. “You’ll regret that,” She said, scowling.

“You’ll obey me or I’ll break your toy.” Banshee smirked then turned to her Raven soldiers. “Come, we have a city to subjugate, and dragons to slay. They’ve served their purpose.”

Ironbeak commented. “Is nothing sacred?”

Banshee set her forelegs and leaned against the shattered window to see the city in flames. A few Zebra balloon bombs flew defiantly in the face of the War Wing push. Griffin Hawkers cleared the streets with airdropped grenades. War Wings began bombing.

She popped open a pouch and pulled a purple potion out. “Not this continent nor nations that presume to control it. Not the blood that flows in your veins. Not your feeble feelings. Cheers to nothingness.” She raised the bottle and drank.

Author's Note:

If you've favorited Zig Zag Love please show your support and like also. Thanks for you support everyone. I hope to bring new chapters soon.