• Published 13th May 2013
  • 13,852 Views, 57 Comments

Zig Zag Love - Akashic Brony

The mighty Griffin Kingdoms with their new War Wing airships have ventured forth to conquer their neighbors. A desperate plan is born to change the winds of war. Meanwhile a Griffin meets a Zebra.

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Chapter 6 Nightmares into Day

The under slung ship compartments of the Griffin War Balloons opened up their cannon ports to fill the air over Ibaristan with flying lead as the Ibex airship was assaulted. The cannonballs impacted the small ship, glancing off the sloped metal hull. Behind them, the Griffin War Wing was slowly turning and opening its own gun ports.

Isara took command of the captain’s chair as her mercenaries managed control consoles. They grabbed a series of pulleys and began making adjustments that caused various steam hissing noises.

“You’ve trained for this! Now is time!” Isara shouted. She shifted her head so that her single eye could watch over the entire bridge control room.

“How is this possible?” asked Nokimbe.

Cirta pulled back a lever with a hiss. “Imported Unicorn engineers helped build this ship, the Last Hope was built for a small crew.” said the tiny gazelle chiming in as she sat next to Bull pulling levers.

Bull laughed heartily. “Small meaning in number.” Despite the great size of the Water Buffalo he expertly manipulated the delicate levers.

“Hurry up with the engine preparations! If the enemy fires at the unarmored flanks we’re done for!” Isara shouted.

“How can we help?” asked Zaza.

“You and the devil bird have sharp eyes, sit in the gunner seats.” said Isara pointed a hoof near two consoles.

Reagle and Zaza sat at the console. There were two hoof shaped holes. As Zaza and Reagle placed their limbs in the slot the magical blue display lit up. The display’s cross-hairs followed their line of sight.

“Hmmm how does one fire-” Reagle’s will alone caused a cannon from the ship to erupt. The ball landed a distance away rupturing a side ballast tank of a Griffin War Balloon.

“Nice shot!” commented Javelin.

Zaza stared intently through the cross-hairs of her console. A cannon fired its payload, knocking off a stabilizer of one of the War Balloons. The Balloon began flying erratically unable to pursue them.

“Better shot!” commented Javelin.

Zaza grinned next to Reagle.

“Cheeky.” said Reagle peaking her on the cheek with a light kiss.

Zaza blushed as she saw Javelin take notice of the affectionate action.

“Engines at ready!” shouted Bull.

“Full speed ahead!” ordered Isara.

Aboard the advancing War Wing…

“War Balloon Three has lost flight control! They’re spiraling to land.” shouted a Griffin communication officer as he read the flashing glint signals outside their window to the bridge of the stricken War Balloon.

“Our cannons are having no affect.” said Ironbeak chewing his claws.

Dori spat. “The enemy ship appears to have frontal armor.”

“It’s too fast, it’s going to get away.” said a Griffin deckhand.

Dori cawed. “Have the foremost War Balloon block its route of escape. Surround and pound it to oblivion. Take it by the sides! Talon crossfire formation!”

“Relaying orders now.” nodded a Griffin officer manipulating the shutters of a signal light.

“You and your crew are well versed about Anti-Airship combat considering the Zebra have had no airships until just now.” remarked Ironbeak.

Dori smirked. “Of course, I’ve trained my crews for this. With all the noble Griffin Houses, it’s expected that one day we’d clash. There is more to fear from those close than afar.”

“Scary.” said Ironbeak.

“Bring our War Wing alongside that vessel and pummel it into scrap!” Dori directed.

Scythe held the steering column in his hooves. “A War Balloon is blocking our forward path! It keeps adjusting its altitude to match ours!” shouted the Ibex.

“Plow through!” said Isara.

“What?!” shouted Nokimbe.

“Do it!” said Isara smiling madly.

Reagle scratched the bottom of his beak. The epiphany came to him. “A ship bow designed to cut through armor. A design that allows for a skeleton crew. Last Hope was designed as a suicide vessel wasn’t it?”

Isara cackled. “Very smart, devil bird.”

Reagle looked fearfully.

“Wait!” cried Zaza.

Reagle sighed in relief at Zaza’s protest, hearing Nokimbe sigh as well.

“What is it? Do you object?” asked Isara.

“If mutual suicide is your intention, let us take out the enemy War Wing. It is the greater value for our lives.” said Zaza.

Reagle smacked his claws on his face.

Reagle saw Nokimbe in a similar gesture face hoof. “Lovely suggestion, Zaza.”

“We go through!” Isara kept her eye’s singular attention on the solitary War Balloon blocking their path.

Aboard the War Balloon in front of the Last Hope, its Griffin crew’s feathers were ruffled as the approaching ship grew in size outside the observation deck.

“Captain! The enemy ship it’s on a collision course!” cried a Griffin deckhand.

“Commander Dori ordered that we hold! We’ll be executed if we fold.” said the Captain.

“The enemy ship’s not stopping!” cried a Griffin deckhand.

The Griffin Captain’s eyes grew wide and his pupils shrunk.

“Evacuate! Evacuate!” cried a deckhand scurrying for the exit.

“It’s too late.” The Captain then closed his eyes solemnly.

The groan and screeching of metal violated the air as the Last Hope’s blade like hull sliced through the top ballast of the War Balloon. The metal skeleton of the War Balloon collapsed inwards and the sparks of metal against metal caused the aircraft to explode, raining shrapnel and burning metal upon the ground. Cutting through the flames, the Last Hope outpaced all the other ships. Into the horizon they disappeared into the cloud curtain.

When the enemy War Wing and its War Balloon escorts weren’t even specks on the horizon everyone on-board exhaled.

“Positively death defying. At ease. Get some rest.” chuckled Isara leaving the captain’s chair.

“Aye!” saluted the mercenaries.

“Nokimbe to my quarters and my hind quarters! We have catching up to do!” said Isara, laughing.

“Aye aye!” smiled the Zebra as he eagerly galloped after Isara.

Reagle and Zaza were left alone on the bridge save for Scythe who attended the helm.

“Let us get some rest also while we can.” said Zaza.

“Yeah.” said Reagle.

Zaza and Reagle found an empty cabin at the back with a porthole that allowed them a nice view of the passing desert landscape. Setting their bags on the table, Reagle flapped his wings to float to the top bunk as Zaza set the contents of her own saddlebag on the table. Reagle noticed a grimace from Zaza as she looked at the purple potions before her, noting that there were only two left.

“Those potions, are you sure taking them is safe?” asked Reagle.

Zaza smiled unconvincingly. “Of course.”

“Let me try.” said Reagle reaching a claw for one.

“No!” said Zaza almost shouting. Zaza noticed her voice volume and calmed down. “They are necessary for the Zerker state. It will drive you to madness without proper training.”

“I see.” said Reagle recoiling.

“I will have to split these until I can brew more.” Zaza sighed. She pulled out empty bottles and began splitting the mixture into three bottles.

“Zaza, can you do without those potions?” asked Reagle.

“No.” said Zaza simply.

“Umm, I’m worried-” Reagle was interrupted by an aggressive kiss by the Zebra mare.

The question was dropped as pleasurable moans began emanating from inside the cabin.

Aboard the command bridge of the War Wing airship, Dori and Ironbeak were served drinks. The serving Griffins were careful not to look into Dori’s eyes.

Ironbeak took a glass from a tray. “Splendid, thank you.” said Ironbeak kindly.

Dori sipped from her wineglass.

The bridge door opened and an exhausted Griffin entered. The Griffin gulped before speaking. “Commander Dori.”

“Scout Master, report.” Dori tapped her wineglass impatiently. The red liquid swirled into a tiny tornado.

The Griffin Scout Master bowed fearfully. “I regret to inform you, our scouts have lost them.”

“You lost them?!” Dori threw the wine glass, causing it shatter throughout the bridge. “Well, get out there and find them again!” Dori shrieked.

The Scout Master shivered to the tip of his flight feathers. “May I request that our water rations be replenished first?”

“You do look thirsty.” Dori grabbed a wine bottle and shoved it into the beak of the Scout Master. “Here have a drink!”

The Griffin looked in horror as Dori plugged his nostrils with her claws, forcing him to tilt his head back as she laughed.

“Wait Dori! Don’t kill him!” said Ironbeak aghast.

“I wasn’t!” Dori sighed and released the choking Griffin.

The Scout Master coughed out the red wine onto the cabin floor.

“Your water rations shall be doubled. Continue your search.” said Ironbeak picking up the Scout Master.

“I will not fail you my lord. We’ll redouble our efforts! No we’ll triple them!” bowed the Scout Master appreciatively exiting.

Dori punched Ironbeak’s shoulder playfully. “You’re letting this self-confidence thing grow. How dare you countermand me? His incompetence should be punished. You’ll pay later in bed.” said Dori looking at Ironbeak wistfully.

“Very well, I accept.” said Ironbeak with a mixed smile.

“Commander Ironbeak.” addressed a Griffin communication officer.

Dori returned an irked look at the Griffin officer sidestepping her.

“The message is directed at Commander Ironbeak.” said the officer bowing.

“What is it?” asked Ironbeak.

“An envoy from Lord Ironclaw. He summons you directly to his side. I am simply to tell you ‘I know’.”

Ironbeak staggered back, falling limp in Dori’s claws as she caught the fainting Ironbeak.

As sleep came, Reagle found himself in another dream. He was beneath the overturned cart and water was slowly filling up the pitch black space around him. He dug with claws already caked in mud, trying to escape as the water rose to his shoulders. He took a deep breath and sank beneath the water, frantically trying to fit through the hole he had created. He rose to the surface to breathe again, settling before diving down to dig at the earth once more. Finally making the hole large enough, Reagle squeezed first his head, then his body through the hole, desperate for air.

He emerged from the depths of the watery mud, gasping for air as he stood. The dark blue sky colored the scene as the rain washed away the blood and the earth from his feathery coat. Blinking the mud from his eyes, Reagle’s surroundings came into focus and he found his commander, Lord Helmsford. The muscled Griffin was still standing amidst the battlefield.

“Lord Helmsford!” Reagle cried cheerfully as he made his way towards the Griffin.

As he hugged his commander, Reagle found he could not feel any warmth in the Griffin’s feathers. A wooden stub poked him and he stumbled backwards to see that Lord Helmsford stood only because of a spear that nailed him to the cart. The dead Griffin’s mouth was ajar his eyes bloated outwards.

He turned his head and body, looking about to see the bodies of his friends where they lay in death, impaled by spears. Some of them had been speared so many times that they looked like pin cushions. Zebra corpses littered the land as well as severed wings, limbs and even heads separated from their bodies. Reagle fell to the ground with a muddy splat, sobbing uncontrollably as the world around him disappeared into darkness.

Reagle looked up to see crazed eyes of the deepest black staring intently at him as their owner came slowly into view. It was Zaza, in her Zerker state that frightened him so. A spear, dripping with blood, was affixed to her side and she dribbled saliva from her mouth, foaming like a rabid animal.

“Zaza!?” Reagle cawed out.

The spear pierced his body.

“Ah!” Reagle shot upwards in awareness as he fell from the bed.

Zaza groaned as she awoke.

Reagle reached for his sword on the cabin table. He grabbed Zaza by the throat with his claws, readying to plunge his sword into her.

Zaza choked. “Reagle! Stop!” called out Zaza, looking into the Griffin’s crazed eyes. “It was a nightmare!”

Reagle’s sanity came back to him and he dropped his sword, letting it clang against the metal floor. He sat back, releasing Zaza to hear her cough and drag in her breath.

“Zaza, I’m so sorry.” said Reagle looking at his claws shamefully.

“You were about to kill me, bird brain!” said Zaza coughing as she felt her throat to find claw marks.

“I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” Reagle repeated until tears came to his eyes.

“You do this with all your lovers?” asked Zaza angrily.

“No… I…” Reagle stammered.

Zaza returned a sad but understanding look. Her eyes were soft and her brow curled in concern. “Your terrors in the night, I have known many warriors in my tribe to suffer the same. They are usually those who have fought too long in the thick.”

“I didn’t fight in the thick as you say.” said Reagle ashamedly.

Zaza hugged him. “Whatever it may be it is over.”

“Are you okay?” Reagle looking at the claw marks upon Zaza’s neck.

“Small scratches will heal, but scars of the mind will take longer.” Zaza said placing a gentle hoof on Reagle’s shoulders. “Let us get you some food.”

Four black painted War Wings bore the symbol of a silver claw and the grandest of the four ships had docked with a smaller silvery War Wing.

“I have never met your father. This figure of fear, I doubt he is as they say.” said Dori.

“Whatever happens, don’t defend me. It will only make things worse.” said Ironbeak as he placed his claws on Dori’s shoulders and held her firmly.

“Bah, I use fear as a weapon and tool. I think I’ve mastered it.” Dori smiled.

“If you are a master… then my father is a god.” Ironbeak replied.

Ironbeak walked with Dori into the grandly decorated bridge that could accommodate a whole platoon of Griffins.

Dori looked to the side. She grew pale. “Wait, are those?” Dori noticed the guide rail posts were adorned by skulls, Griffin skulls.

“His enemies. Former lords of lesser houses.” said Ironbeak swiftly.

The bridge was deserted save for a single Griffin that sat center.

Steps led to the single chair in the room. A gray colored Griffin swiveled his command chair to greet Ironbeak. The giant Griffin wore metal gauntlets over his claws.

“Father.” said Ironbeak bowing.

“That’s Lord Ironclaw!” said the gray Griffin fiercely. “You haven’t earned the right to call yourself my son.”

Ironbeak nodded.

“Of all my soldiers, you are the worst. The size of your egg was so great birthing you ruined your mother so that she could not walk. I expected a giant to emerge from that egg. Instead you, a lowly whelp hatched from that shell.” said Ironbeak.

Ironbeak bit his beak. “Yes, Lord Ironclaw.”

Lord Ironclaw stood up in his full intimidating height. Walking down the step to Ironbeak’s level did nothing to diminish the elder’s presence. Ironclaw gripped his juniors throat by his metal gauntlets. “You told me you had killed Reagle personally. My spies tell me different. They tell me you hunt for him still.” Ironclaw with his other claw punched the lesser Griffin to the ground.

Ironbeak skidded back. “… I…” Ironbeak curled up as he writhed in pain.

Dori glared angrily at Ironclaw however even she was cowed by giant Griffin’s unflinching gaze.

Ironclaw loomed over his son. “If this conspiracy were to be revealed to my brother Hawkmor, I wouldn’t care if you lost your head.” Lord Ironclaw took a skull from a post. He gripped it in one claw and crushed the bone into fine pieces. “However house Ironclaw would lose its lands and titles. That I cannot abide.”

“I’ll do anything.” said Ironbeak rasping.

“I am to lead an assault. It will be an offensive to scorch the last Zebra cities to ashes. Under the cloak of this smoke, you are to make sure of Reagle’s death.” said Ironclaw.

“Yes Lord Ironclaw.” said Ironbeak.

“Take with you my elite guard, the Ravens. They are Griffins after my own. If you fail with their assistance, then being beaten to death my claws will be a mercy compared to what will happen to you.” said Ironclaw.

Zaza led Reagle to a small kitchen area of the ship. Reagle sat down by the dining table still shivering. Zaza had grabbed some tins from her pouch.

“Griffin rations.” said Reagle looking at the tins.

“Yes, I saved some for you.” said Zaza opposite of Reagle.

“Thank you.” Reagle pulled open a tin. They were kippers and he swallowed them heartily.

Zaza pulled back from the fish odor. “You better wash your mouth before kissing me after eating those.” said Zaza.

Reagle smirked and pecked her affectionately. "What are you going to do?"

“I’ll hit you.” said Zaza, giving a playful threat. She relaxed with a smile, becoming uncharacteristically timid. “Prince Reagle… how do I compare to the others you’ve had…”

Reagle chirped. “Hey now! A gentle-Griffin never tells. Plus you’ve have others as well.”

“No, I haven’t.” said Zaza feeling her forelegs.

“Don’t lie. A male knows.” said Reagle pointing a claw.

Zaza lowered her head in shame. “I lost my maidenhood to the dull end of my spear. I went too far once while… relieving myself… I lost my virginity to war.”

Reagle’s eyes lit up. He lifted her chin with a claw. “Zaza, you don’t compare to the others. I’m not lying. Every other I’ve had only cared about my status. I knew it and they knew it. With you it feels real.”

“That Dori Griffin, I dream of killing her every night. She said she killed my brother. You knew her?” asked Zaza bitterly.

“Did you consider that she could have been lying?” asked Reagle.

“That’s not possible.” said Zaza confidently.

“Dori wasn’t at the battle with Lord Helmsford, there was no way she could have killed your brother.” said Reagle.

Zaza looked pained as she explained. “She said my brother had a blue frill on his helmet… The helmet was a gift I gave him. Four years ago in that battle was the first time he wore it. He said it was the most wonderful gift and I hugged him for the last time…”

“… I just know okay… Dori has dated soldiers, she must have picked up a thing or two.” said Reagle evasively.

“Which soldier could have told her the details of the battle? In that blood soaked field, there were no Griffin survivors. We killed them to the last. In near equal parts devastation so were the Zebra ranks.” said Zaza.

“You’re wrong…” said Reagle.

Zaza’s eyes narrowed. “You fought in that battle!?” cried Zaza.

Reagle chewed his words slowly. “….I was the one who killed your brother.”

Zaza’s brows flew up in shock. There was a pregnant paused between them.

Zaza breathed deeply. “What did you just say?!”

“I killed Zulu Zakar.” Reagle reiterated slowly.

Zaza stood up. “…. How could you pursue me, knowing that you killed my brother?! Your cruelty knows no bounds! Am I another conquest for your Griffin Kingdoms?!” Zaza cried out angrily. She smacked her hoof heavily against his face, leaving a crack to run up the side of Reagle’s beak.

Reagle got up from his chair ignoring the pain and blood. “I wasn’t thinking that I swear. I wasn’t thinking. I was feeling.” said Reagle pleading.

“Get away from me! You devil bird! You monster! I should have killed you!” said Zaza, smacking Reagle again with a powerful blow and sending him onto the metal floor.

“Zaza!” cried Reagle.

Zaza ran through the hallway of the airship. Zaza even crashed into a wall as she tried to round a corner. She quickly got up and ran further. On the metal flooring there was a trail of small water drops that were her tears.