• Published 13th May 2013
  • 13,853 Views, 57 Comments

Zig Zag Love - Akashic Brony

The mighty Griffin Kingdoms with their new War Wing airships have ventured forth to conquer their neighbors. A desperate plan is born to change the winds of war. Meanwhile a Griffin meets a Zebra.

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Chapter 11 The Vise of Virtue

Four months ago… A dimly lit bar was crowded by weary warriors. A stage performance was just completed. An Ibex mare bowed at the captivated crowd. Several customers whistled and clopped their hooves in applause. She turned back past the stage curtains.

A Zebra stallion leaned against a stack of beer barrels. “The Fighting Gale, eh? Interesting name for this pub. I think it suites you perfectly.”


Nokimbe following Isara was met by some envious stares by bar patrons. Taking a booth seat, the couple was still looked over. A burly buffalo bouncer walked and blocked the booth with his mass.

“Thank you, Bull.’ said Isara.

“Thanks big guy,” said Nokimbe.

The water buffalo nodded than turned away.

“So what brings you to the end of the world?”

Nokimbe smiled. “I wanted a drink at a certain water hole. I figure I might try here.”

A tiny gazelle stepped past Bull and set their cider drinks onto the table.

Isara laughed bitterly. “We don’t serve water here, only the finest alcoholic cider. Imported blood red apples turned into golden piss.”

“Blood to piss is that how you feel about what we did? Was Amadi’s life worth that?”

Isara retorted angrily. “I loved your brother. I shed my last tears for him.”

“I’m sorry, I guess I’m jealous. Would you shed a tear for me?”

Isara turned to her good side with her remaining eye. “I may have one last drop left. Why? Are you going to die?”

Nokimbe dodged the question by tipping his glass and finishing off his drink.

“The war is still on.”

Isara nursed her glass. “What can a former commander of the Ibex Empire do for you?”

“That’s a cover; I know you’re still very much active only in the underground, my territory. I was a smuggler remember?” Nokimbe raised a brow prompting Isara.

The Ibex mare surrendered. “Okay, so I happen to be the spy eye for Ibelin. The Ibex Empire is now neutral. My hooves are tied.”

“That neutrality was forced by the shadow of a gunship. Don’t you want to hit the devil birds back?”

“Like a blind drunk in a fight, I do.” Isara nodded then looked at her reflection in her glass. “Still I am beholden to bigger responsibilities.”

In present time an airship cruises through the desert behind them on the horizon is a wisp of smoke from the burning city left behind. The airship was packed with Zebra civilians. They crowded all throughout the ship even to the doorway of the ship’s bridge. An air of fear and uncertainty filled the cabins.

“Zericho has fallen, it’s all over.”

“Nothing will stop them now.”

The murmurs of the refugees only added to the somber mood. Zecora sat in a corner; her sister’s attempts to console her were met with only one or two upward glances. Reagle attempted to help but was only able to stand by. Amongst the down trodden, Isara commanded.

“Signal the two Zebra War Balloons, I want a moving transfer, we must get these civilians to safety. Maintain speed of thirty knots at our current heading.”

“Yes ma’am.” Cirta saluted.

The exhausted crew looked to their one eyed commander.

“Where to?” asked Javelin with his hooves on the steering column.

“We weren’t able to refuel entirely at Zericho, we will need to stop at the Zebeck.”

“That’s a colony of Prance,” said Nokimbe, “The Prench are the mortal enemy of United Griffin Kingdoms.”

Zaza looked thoughtfully. “Considering what they did Ibaristan, I think it may be the only sovereign soil our enemies might respect. However there’s a risk.”

Reagle raised a claw. “How do plan to gain entry? Naponean signed a non-aggression pact with Griffin Kingdoms. Even Lord Ironclaw wouldn’t risk war at this stage.”

Isara sighed. “I happen to be friends with the governor of that said colony.”

“Friends, yeah?” Nokimbe raised his brow. “The Prench happen to legendary at lechery.

Zaza gave Reagle a passing glance. “More so than our Griffin friend here?”

“I’m not that bad,” said Reagle rubbing his face feathers.

Isara gave a haughty and hollow laugh. “Truly, this one is still chasing my tail. A few shakes I should be able to get us all that we need.”

“This is excellent, we can offload the refugees somewhere safe.” said Zaza.

“We cannot bring the refugees or the War Balloons. I will not be able to manage that in the negotiations. Also we will have go back to a skeleton crew.” said Isara.

Zecora stepped forward. “I must travel across the sea. On my way, I shall see them to safety.”

“Sister, you’re leaving?” asked Zaza.

“Do not fret… not just yet.” said Zecora, departing the bridge.

Isara took the steering column. “That is all, you have the rest of evening. I shall helm the bridge. We shall host a vigil for Spear’s death during the evening.”

The crew left for their cabins. Reagle and Zaza vacated following Zecora with concern. Nokimbe stayed.

The Zebra stallion trotted next to Isara. He scratched his mane. “Thanks for taking charge. The others needed that.”

“You get some rest, too. That’s an order.” said Isara.

“I recall I’m a free agent. I think I’ll hang about here. Yeah?”

“Do as you like,” said Isara.

Inside their ship’s prison hold, Reagle and Zaza interrogated the captured Griffin. They opened the cell and entered. Vikers eyed Zaza nervously.

Vikers pointed a shaking claw at Zaza. “Are you really Death Stripe? The infamous Zerker that wiped out a platoon at the battle of Zanbar?”

Zaza raised a brow, quizzically. “Death Stripe is that what you devil birds call me? I was not aware I inspired so much dread.”

Viker gave Zaza a nervous appraisal. “So are you?”

“Yes she is and you’ll have to contend with her if you don’t answer our questions.” Reagle nudged Zaza.

She took the cue and glared at the Griffin with her intense dark eyes. “You will open your beak and speak.”

The small brown Griffin gulped and nodded.

“Lieutenant Vikers, you say Lady Hawkmor sent you?”

“Yup, she did not believe them when they said you were dead.”

“How now?”

Vikers scratched his beak. “Well, burned beyond recognition was sorta suspicious. I was ordered to investigate.”

“There’s one tick in your story.” Reagle drew his sword. “Lady Hawkmor, my mom, is dead. It was a month ago before I left for my tour of military duty.”

Vikers answered. “I was ordered by a Lady Hawkmor. I swear it! Her name was Gilda.”

Reagle relaxed. “Gilda of house Gold Feather?”

“That’s the one!”

“Gilda?” asked Zaza.

“My bossy bird friend… only she would presume that our wedding engagement was locked in stone. I remember Gilda calling herself the future Lady Hawkmor to push lesser nobles around.” said Reagle.

“Aye, she was very bossy. I was but a simple bodyguard before she ordered me in this mad mission. I was freshly hired so she said I could be trusted. I snuck around with forged paper work. The Griffin Victory fleet was rather large but the rumors eventually got me here.”

“Victory fleet?”

Vikers bobbed his head. “Yup, four warships of House Hawkmor, four from Ironclaw, two from Gold-Feather, and two more from the lesser houses.”

“Twelve total, not including the ones led by Banshee that hunt us,” said Zaza.

“What is their mission?”

“Umm… continental conquest, a mission to avenge the death of the Prince.” said Vikers.

Reagle rubbed the bottom his beak thoughtfully. “Prince? I’m the Prince…. ah I see Ironbeak reported me dead by Zebras. House Ironclaw seeks to control the Griffin Kingdoms.”

The roar of dragons caused the glass panes of the ship bridge to vibrate in their sockets. The War Wings encircled and fired at the drakes. The screaming fire from the dragons only reddened the metal hulls of the warships.

Ironbeak’s neck was wrapped by a slave collar with a chain attached that was held by Banshee.

“Banshee, it’s been many years. I knew you as a hatchling. We were… friends.”

“Friends are liabilities.”

“I know of my father’s cruelty. Tell me what he did to you.”

“Firstly, you will address him as Lord Ironclaw,” said Banshee, swinging her sword but a feather away from Ironbeak’s neck. “Secondly, I will not suffer insults to his majesty.”

“Right,” said Ironbeak, nodding nervously.

Banshee withdrew her blade from Ironbeak’s neck. She explained with a declarative and factual tone. “Lord Ironclaw is perfection. There is not a single feather of weakness.”

“He isn’t perfect. If he was he would be king already,” said Ironbeak.

“Oh he will be king. I will make sure of that.”


“I am as he is. We are the same. We share a common goal.”

“That’s not true, you spared me and Dori… he would never do the same. The best course of action would be to kill us both and blame the Zebras.”

“You live because of a whim and that your bird-friend is slightly useful to me.”

Ironbeak opened his maw to counter but his spirit waned.

Banshee took out a purple potion and tipped it bottom drinking its contents. She breathed a sigh of relief. “You were kind, when I kill the world, you will be last.”

“Kill the world?”

Outside their window a dragon had latched itself onto a War Wing, it blasted fire into a gun port. The ship’s explosion however took with it the dragon. The remained wounded wyvern screeched a mournful cry before flying towards the opening created by the destroyed ship.

“Shall we pursue the dragon?” asked an officer.

Banshee fired off orders nonchalantly. “No, we have better prey. Divvy up our fuel reserves. One ship will remain behind for occupation until reinforcements arrive from our main forces. Three War Wings will pursue the enemy.”

“We just lost another War Wing don’t you care?” Ironbeak asked.

“No, it is an acceptable cost.” said Banshee as she tugged at his chain.

Reagle and Zaza moved aside supply crates in the hanger. They created a clearing and a space for them to maneuver.

“You seem insistent that we spar.”

“You said fighting clears your mind. I share that trait.” said Reagle.

Zaza nodded as she broke the end of a mop to and affixed the wooden shaft to her war saddle. “Griffin politics reminds me of all the different tribes of the Zebra Confederation. We once were pitted in petty battles with each other. If anything good can be said of this conflict is that we were able to unite.”

Reagle took a wooden plank and began tying cloth towards the end to make a crude handle. “Yeah, it’s jolly well complicated. I was to wed Gilda of House Gold-Feather. Without a majority support, it may be difficult for me to end the war.”

“Perhaps it may be best that you focus on what is immediately in front of you.” Zaza ran towards Reagle. She surprised him by rebounding off a wall.

Reagle parried with the wooden plank. “In front? Yet you go for a side attack.”

“On your guard!” She pivoted her body delivered a hind kick.

He jumped back from back kick. “Your arse, my weakness.”

Zaza stopped and blushed. “Save that for the bedroom, you perverted parrot!”

“I have you now!” Reagle rushed her.

He was surprised when she bowled him over with her brute strength.

Zaza pinned Reagle onto the metal floor. She grinned. “Tell me of your past bird friends, Dori, Gilda, and whoever else.”

Reagle smiled meekly under her interrogation. “Shall we confine the list to last year?”

“Arggh,” Zaza pushed Reagle down while standing upwards, pressing more of her weight on him.

“I’m joking, it’s only ever been two then you… umm, there was that one night stand with a Pegasus…” said Reagle.

Zaza’s derision temoparily gave way to curiosity. “A Pegasus?”

“Yes, she was after my royal jewels.”

“Argh!” Zaza swiped at Reagle.

Reagle dodged her blow and realized his double entendre. “Not that way okay! She was some archaeologist, I was wearing a cape clasp that happened to have been a relic. She left me after she got what she wanted.”

Zaza took a deep breath to calm herself. She gave him a scanning look. “Shall there be more after me?”

“Zaza, you were the first that I loved. That time when you were ready to kill me, I confessed as much. I did so because I didn’t care so long as you knew. My honor as a knight, I swear here forth my faith and fealty to only you.” Reagle knelt down.

The Zebra rubbed her hoof nervously. “Why?”

He wrapped his wings around her pulling her close. “That lonely silhouette against the dying sun, I fell in love with that vision. I had lost hope before but your perseverance against all odds makes me want to try harder.”

“You made me question the face of my enemy. I do not think anyone else could have done that. We are kindred in spirit. I know I shall not find another like you.”

“Do you love me?”

Her expression shifted to fear and confusion at the same time her face reddened.

“As I feel the beating of your heart against mine, I have your answer,” said Reagle hugged her.

Zaza again gently pushed him away. She spoke stoically. “Let us resume out match.”

Reagle frowned. “Indeed, we should.”

The subjugated city of Zericho is policed by a single silver airship. Aboard Dori paced about the bridge to her War Wing. She slammed her talons against a glass pane causing cracks in the glass.

She shrieked in rage. “She’s more cunning! She more skilled! She’s stronger! She’s better than me!”

Members of her crew shrunk into their seats as their commander outbursts and cries.

A junior officer voiced. “Commander for the record, we would rather have you instead of Banshee. We’ve heard she outright kills her subordinates to discipline.”

Dori smashed the officer to the ground and drew her saber. “So you prefer me more because of my weakness?! How about I correct that right now!”

The officer choked as Dori’s talons held his throat. Her saber’s tip was a hair away from his retina. She glared fiercely at the junior officer. The weak gaze of green eyes cause Ironbeak’s image to flash in Dori’s mind. She released the Griffin beneath her and pulled him gently back onto his feet.

The sudden calm caused the crew to shudder for fear of the coming storm. Her deep breathe only deepened their trepidation.

“I have behaved monstrously. I have mistreated you, my soldiers. For that I am sorry.”

Her demure state confused her stunned subordinates. Several murmured to each other. The silence provoked even the Griffin she had choked to speak.

“Shucks, at least you didn’t kill me,” said the junior officer.

Dori stroked the bottom of her beak. “Banshee is holding Ironbeak as a hostage; I will need something worthy of trade. I’m going to capture Prince Reagle myself.”

“Banshee has set forth ahead of us… we’ll never catch up.” A Griffin navigator looked at the pieces on the map.

“Wrong, I inspected the enemy loading docks. There were still coal carts in waiting. I saw about half of them empty. Banshee is chasing our prey in the wrong direction. Our quarry will not make it to Zebra heartland.” She stabbed her saber into a blue section of the map. “This is the only destination their fuel reserves could possibly take them.”

“A colony of Prance? That’s a risky venture. The Prench have airships if not in quality, then quantity.”

“Beg your pardon, Banshee’s orders override yours; we’d be hanged as traitors if this fails.”

Dori spoke, softly. “I’m not ordering you to follow me. Please I’m asking for volunteers.”

Looks of hesitation were exchange amongst the crew. Several saluted however others did not rise. Even those who rose began to waver.

She produced a change purse and pulled from it a sterling jewel. “My House, Bloodtalon, owns diamond mines. Only House Goldfeather can boast greater wealth. I will pay your yearly wages ten times over for this.”

“Huzzah!” the crew roared.

She chuckled to herself amidst the cheering. “Ironbeak, what do you know? Your kindness works… with diamonds.” She shook her clenched claw angrily. “Banshee, I’ll beat you yet!”

The sparring had been intense. Griffin and Zebra leaned against one another, sweating and panting.

“I sense an urgency in this training.” said Zaza.

“Quite right, we must be ready… I wasn’t so much worried when Ironbeak was chasing us, Dori ruffled my feathers, but Banshee is a whole other breed.”

“Who… What was that Banshee Griffin?”

“Dragon Slayer, of the many blowhard nicknames Griffins have for themselves, she actually earned hers. I fought her at the Tournament at Avaris; our battle was among the most intense I’ve ever had. It was a perfect draw.”

Zaza raised a brow. “More intense than ours?”

He gave an exasperated sigh. “Look, I didn’t date her… I might have if she didn’t show her true colors during our bout. She won the match by flinging a dagger.”

Zaza gave Reagle a quizzically look as she contemplated for a moment. “The dagger wasn’t aimed at you, was it?”

“Aye, a wee little hatchling had snuck under the elevated bleachers. Only she and I saw the child. I had to block the blade with my body, if I hadn’t the kid would have be hit between eyes. I had to spend a month in the hospital because of her. Her skills have progressed even further since then, I have no doubts she’s still alive and hunting us.”

“I understand, this Banshee character is to be respected. I cannot believe there is a Griffin that has mastered the Zerker state. With potions alone it takes years.” said Zaza.

Reagle reached to hug Zaza and as he did, reached into her saddle bags. He pulled out a purple potion. “Speaking of which, I don’t want you carrying the temptation with you.”

Zaza raised a hoof in objection. “I need those, who knows if…when we’ll face Banshee again. Even as a last resort, I should have that option.”

“No.” Reagle said sternly. “You need to stop.”

She intoned angrily. “Reagle, give me that. I need it for the Zerker state.”

Zecora entered the hanger. “Sister, that is not true. You only think you need the brew.”

“The Zerker state cannot be achieved without it.” said Zaza, flatly.

“Is that so? Do you know?” Zecora smiled.

Zaza tilted her head questioningly.

“Before the potion, channeling fire of the soul was achieved by the first by Zebra kind. This warrior did so with a clear mind.”

“Buffalo dung,” spat Zaza.

Reagle and Zaza looked on as Zecora affixed a wooden practice pole to her saddle. She threw a glass bottle into the air.

“No noise, no sound, no din, no fuss, must interfere with your focus.” Zecora tilted her head back. When she snapped back predatory eyes she sent Reagle and Zaza several steps back in awe. Her mane seemed for a moment animated by a phantom wind. The Zebra mare swung her practice pole. Catching the glass bottle she balanced along the same pole. With the pole she threw the glass bottle up several more times each time catching it with the tip. The fragile glass bottle pinged with each gentle hit. At the end of the demonstration Zecora gently set the intact bottle onto the floor. Exhaling and blinking, she returned to previously state.

“Most incredible,” Reagle remarked.

Zaza’s eyes were wide open. “That’s impossible, yet you did it!”

Zecora placed a hoof on Zaza’s shoulder. “It is not so far as you believe. With focus there is little that you cannot achieve.”

“You can join us. We can fight together! With your skill we can defeat even Banshee.” said Zaza, cheerfully.

She shook her sadly. “Only for Zephyr, my love, I have broken a sacred vow. My heart can stand no more killing, I must go into exile.”

“Please don’t leave. There’s so much good you can do! You’re equal to a legion of warriors!”

Reagle touched Zaza on the nape of her neck. He pointed with a claw at the droplets of water on the floor. Zaza stopped herself as she saw the tear filled eyes of her sister.

Zaza dipped her head low. “I am sorry for asking. I understand the gravity of what you did. A healer’s vow is sacred. I will honor your convictions. I wish you well, sister.”

The two Zebra mares embraced in a tight hug.

“Lead the refugees to safety.” said Zaza.

Her sister nodded. “I am more worried about yours; I love you sister.”

Zaza stared off into the distance even as the docking bridge retracted and the Zebra War balloons became specs on the horizon.

“That didn’t rhyme,” Zaza laughed with tearfully.

Evening had set in and by lantern light, a funeral service was held. Aboard the ship’s hanger, there was silence. A long empty crate was placed in the center and draped with a white cloth. The eulogy was delivered by Isara.

“Spear, was a comrade to us all. When we were fighting on the front, we tried not to remember the faces of the new recruits because we knew that the very next day we would have to bury them… if we could even afford the dignity of dirt.”

An Ibex arose. “I did not know Spear beyond the battles we shared, if I have failed in any capacity of brotherhood, then I am sorry.”

Javelin touched his brother on the shoulder with a hoof. “Scythe, it is not you to blame… it was my weapon returned that killed Spear.”

Everyone recalled Banshee had caught Javelin’s thrown weapon and used it to kill Spear.

Isara snapped at their side conversation. “Silence, do not shame his passing with your petty guilt! You assume you have autonomy. I am your commander, master of your destiny, I accepted this mission. It was my responsibility.”

Javelin nodded.

“Isara,” Nokimbe moved to offer his hoof support.

Isara slid away from his grasp. She whispered. “Loyalty to me killed him.”

Their mourning had passed and the sun rose to a new morning. Into their view came an urban city with gothic styled stone work alongside more native wood, and grass constructions. Several airships and a half dozen War Balloons with a blue coloration dotted the skyline. The appropriate signal light flashes were exchange and they received clearance to dock.

In the hanger, a pudgy pony greeted them. A blue formal officer’s uniform was unable to fit him and instead was worn like a tiny cape. “Isara, my mercenary queen! You grow lovelier each time!” He jovially kissed the Ibex’s hoof.

She grinned ear to ear. “Éclair, I dare say you grown… um…”

His words were flat. “Fat, right?” His brow lowered. A tension filled the air before it was broken by the same pony. “Hahaha, more of me to love, right?!” The earth pony was heavy set however his girth came with mirth.

Isara kissed Éclair on the cheek and the rotund pony blush beat red.

He clucked his tongue signaling his soldiers. “Have their ship fully provisioned, these are my guests!”

Isara turned to everyone else. “Éclair and I have some business. You may explore the city to your heart’s content but be back at the palace by dinner.”

“Come, I will show you all the decadence this corner of Prance has to offer! Before dinner’s done, you shall all be as fat as I am! Hahahaha!”

Zaza stopped Isara before she left with Éclair. “Thank you Isara, you’ve gone beyond the conditions of our contract with this.”

Isara nodded. “Enjoy the rest of the day. I believe it is Carnival.” She pointed a hoof at the streamers and decorations in the street.

Ponies walked throughout the streets, defined by upturned noses and condescending glares at everyone, including themselves.

“Argh, the Prench.” said Reagle.

“I do not see your disdain for them. They have amenable trade agreements.” Zaza pointed at a stall where Zebras sold bone manticore pelts and jewelry.

“The Prench, culturally are envied throughout the world but you don’t see the dirty underbelly. You should see the prices those humble goods are resold for. I heard higher in Equestria.”

“Their brand of imperialism, I know to be only outwardly kind.” said Zaza. “However I still feel it is a shade better. I hear their leader Naponean was a humble soldier.”

“Naponean recently reinstated slavery after declaring himself Emperor of Prance.” Reagle pointed to some Zebras and ponies being led by chain.

“This I did not know, corruption works fast.” said Zaza, grimacing.

“They had a revolution, replaced one tyrant with another.”

“Is that the way of things?”

“Anyway, let’s enjoy Carnival while we can.”

“Oh what the hay,” Zaza sighed, “Let us go.”

The fairgrounds of the city were swamped with ponies and others. There was a unicorn that juggled swords, test of strength contests, and cotton confectioneries. They strolled to the test of strength contest first. With a single buck Zaza cracked the metal platform of the high striker to the stunned ponies in line. Conversely she struggled when a piece of cotton candy was stuck on her nose. Reagle helped by licking off the fuzzy treat. There was a shooting gallery with mini crossbows that caught Reagle’s eye. A large stuffed Pegasus toy was the grand prize.

“Zaza, I’ll win you a plush!” He bounded to the one of the crossbows.

The unicorn game manager smiled. “Two bits please!”

Reagle placed the coins on the counter and attended the crossbow. Aiming down the sights he depressed the trigger. To his surprise the crossbow bolt missed the bull’s-eye.

“I was on the mark!” said Reagle angrily.

The game manager smirked. “Awww, a miss sir. Care to try again.”

“Let’s try something else,” suggested Zaza.

“I’m going to win you something,” said Reagle.

After several more rounds Reagle began to suspect foul play. There was a tiny magical glint on the manager’s horn. His hawk’s eyes sharpened as he glared at the game manager.

A gray stallion with a fedora came from behind him. “Shall I try?” He was followed by a gray mare with similar green eyes. Their ages were similar to that of a father and daughter.

Reagle stepped aside from the crossbow. When the stallion fired the crossbow the bolt hit dead center. The game manager nursed his head which seem to ache.

“I’ll take the grand prize please.” said the gray stallion.

The game manager fearfully handed the giant Pegasus plush to the stallion. The stallion with the fedora in turn gave it to a surprised the mare behind him.

“Master?” questioned the mare.

“Larvi, a gift. It is your birthday.” declared the stallion.

“Thank you.” whispered the mare as she followed the stallion.

Reagle watched as they walked off.

Zaza smiled reassuringly. “I wouldn’t have room in my saddle pouch anyway.”

“I still wanted to impress you.”

After walking further through the fairgrounds they stopped to rest. The Griffin and Zebra couple were met with stares as they found seats together at the quiet café.

“Racism, wherever we go.” Zaza nearly growled.

“Classism, they’re offended by our grooming.” Reagle ran a claw through Zaza’s unkempt and wild mane. He flicked his red battle scarred cloak at the same time.

As Zaza and Reagle sat at the Café they were approached by the gray stallion with a fedora.

“Greetings,” said the stallion.

“Top of the morning.” said Reagle.

The stallion set a bag bit coins onto the table. He called to a waiter. “Your finest on me for these fine fellows!”

Zaza eyed the stallion skeptically. “What prompts such charity?”

“You tried so valiantly to win your lady a prize, I felt I robbed you of that. It is my way to compensate. The game manager was an obvious cheat.”

Reagle concurred with a nod. “I noticed telltale signs of magic.”

“I am curious how such enemies have found love. A Griffin and Zebra together is most unusual.”

Zaza flatly spoke. “That is none your business.”

Reagle raised a brow. His tone however was much more curious than hostile. “How do you know we’re in love?”

The stallion tipped his fedora upwards revealing a unicorn horn. “My kind, we have a sense for these things. Deny it if you wish but yours is strong. I can smell it, such beautiful and delicious love.” He raised a hoof. “However, there is a hint of reservation that sours taste.” He gave Zaza a passing glance.

The Zebra mare recoiled. “Who…who are you?”

“May I offer some advice,” his statement was rhetorical as he spoke onwards. “True love involves the ultimate trust and loyalty… no secrets should come between that.”

She glared back angrily. “What do you know?”

“A predator knows another.”

Zaza’s face twisted in a medley of emotions; anger, fear, and confusion.

Reagle saw her pain and his own smile waned. He spoke out in her defense. “Sir, I think it time you leave us be.”

The stallion nodded. “Thanks for the meal. I’m quite full, now.” The stallion stood up and pushed his chair back.

Reagle’s head tilted in confusion. “But you paid and you did not take a bite.” He held the stallion’s bag of bits. “What about the change?”

“I am change itself.”

A grey mysterious mare with the same green eyes walked up to stallion. She still had the giant plush doll on her back. She bowed lightly. “Master, we’ve secured transport.”

“Excellent work, Larvi.” He turned for a moment to Zaza and Reagle. He politely tipped his hat. “I beg your pardon, but we have a party scheduled in Equestria. I fear we may already be late.”

The stallion and his stewardess walked away.

“What an odd fellow.” said Reagle.

“Oh Reagle!” Zaza’s eyes watered as she pushed herself against him.

He wrapped his wings and claw around her. “Whatever it is, it’ll sort itself out.”

Nokimbe trotted up to them. “There you are. Don’t spoil dinner. We get to eat at the palace.”

Everyone’s smiles turned as they entered the dining hall. Immediately Prench soldiers blocked their exit with lowered halberds. Nonchalantly sipping from a wine glass in her claws was Dori sitting with her hind paws on the table. Isara sat opposite alongside Éclair, her disposition was equally scornful.

“Dori!” said Reagle reaching for the sword under his wings.

“Isara, what’s going on?” asked Nokimbe.

Isara sat opposite alongside Éclair, her disposition was equally scornful.

“Are we betrayed?” Zaza growled as she pointed her spear towards Éclair.

“No you are not,” said Éclair, “I’m still deciding. Commander Dori of the Griffin Kingdom tells me you happen to harbor their crown prince.” He shot a glance at Reagle. “She has offered a hill of diamonds.” He looked to red, white, and blue flag of Prance. “On the other hoof, I am also certain to attain great glory and promotion if I bring Naponean this prize in the name of Prance.”

“So you’re asking for our price?” Zaza snarled, “How about your life?” she extended her spear and pointed it at the fat earth pony.

Immediately the Prench guards directed their halberds at Zaza.

Éclair casually raised a hoof. “We’re still talking.”

“Are we?” Reagle produced a grenade and sparked his claw flints.

“A corpse has equal value to me, they need only confirm your death.” said Dori, drawing her bodkin and sword.

Isara stamped her hoof cracking the table in half. “Stop this, no one is fighting!” She turned to Éclair. “You know my price.”

“Isara, ma chérie, I have mistresses a plenty.” Éclair laughed.

“None that know you as I have when we bled together in those battles. Éclair, I know you are virtuous and honorable, that is why I went to you. You’ve already made your decision. I am just a bonus to that price.” Isara glared.

“Oui, this is true and your intellect is one of reason I love you.” Éclair said, fondly.

Prench soldiers turned their halberds at Dori.

“Curses, I’m offering you immeasurable wealth! It’s a whole lot better than token titles and vain glory!” Dori shrieked as she was led away.

The earth pony chuckled. “I can still measure a hill of diamonds. Even my corruption has a line. Adieu mademoiselle.”

There was a collective sigh of relief as Dori was taken away.

Nokimbe walked towards Isara. “I’m glad we have that settled.”

Isara drew her spear from beneath the table. “I’m sorry, Nokimbe.”

“Reagle, prepare to run.” Zaza whispered.

More Prench guards flooded into the dining hall.

“Wh-Why?” Nokimbe stammered.

“Ma chérie, she’s a patriot, as am I,” said Éclair nuzzling Isara’s neck, “The crown prince of the Griffin Kingdoms would be a great political victory for Prance.”

Isara lowered her head. “I’ve been in contact with Ibelin, the Griffin Kingdoms have declared war against my people. This deal cements the alliance between Prance and the Ibex Empire. It will save my homeland.”

“You trade the shadow of one master for another!” said Zaza.

Nokimbe interjected. “What about my brother’s sacrifice? What about me? Do we mean nothing?!”

She bit back. “Who are you to judge me?! If you could stop the sun setting for your people, wouldn’t you? Isn’t that your mission also?”

Zaza fell back in silence.

“I have forsaken many things. Loyalty to country, that is my last virtue,” said Isara.

“What a world we live in that our virtues damn our friends.” Reagle remarked.

Éclair spoke apologetically. “Monsieur Hawkmor, madam Zakar, Prance is not so bad. We are not monsters. You will be treated well.”

“You keep slaves,” Zaza snarled, “I do not know how you measure well.”

Éclair roared. “Enough, detain them. Make ready my fleet; we shall set course for Prance daybreak come! Vive L'Empereur!”

Author's Note:

The Mysterious stallion featured in this chapter comes from Hole Hearted! Visit if you're looking for something of a 'change'.
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