• Published 13th May 2013
  • 13,852 Views, 57 Comments

Zig Zag Love - Akashic Brony

The mighty Griffin Kingdoms with their new War Wing airships have ventured forth to conquer their neighbors. A desperate plan is born to change the winds of war. Meanwhile a Griffin meets a Zebra.

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Chapter 15 Beyond Hate Into Love

A small fledgling gray Griffin collapsed crying on the stack of books held by his claws. On top of the stack was a thick piece of paper stained with tears. Sensing his weakness several other fledgling Griffins chuckled as they approached.

The female of the group sneered, looking down upon the little one. “Look at the little dweeb!”

The middle thin Griffin swept pushed the pile of books scattering them onto the ground. “Ironclaw sucks! Your clan is evil!”

The burly Griffin clasped his claws in a punching motion. “Your father may have our houses under his feet but here you’re nothing!”

The thin Griffin smiled. “I’ll hold Ironbeak, you punch!”

The gray Griffin raised a book to shield himself from the bullies’ blows. They never came.

A shrill caw came as another Griffin shot from the sky. He pinned the big bully with his weight. “We won’t be having that.”

“Bloody Reagle Hawkmor!” cried the pinned bully, flailing impotently.

The younger Reagle smiled. “Don’t you forget it!”

The other two bullies recoiled with Reagle’s swift take down of their larger leader. The thin Griffin snarled. He drew a dagger from his scabbard.

“Fletcher! You can’t draw real steel in the academy!”

Fletcher growled back. “Ironclaw destroyed my clan! This is blood vengeance! My parent will be avenged!”

Reagle drew a cadet wooden sword and inserted himself between Fletcher and Ironbeak. “Ironclaw destroyed your clan but not Ironbeak.”

“As if there’s a damn difference!” Fletcher lunged with his dagger.

Reagle sidestepped the attacker and knocked the dagger out of his claws with a blow from his wooden weapon. Fletcher then was smacked unconscious by the follow up strike.

Reagle turned to the last bully. “Go home, Gilda.”

“Okay,” Gilda squeaked.

Banishing the vultures, Reagle turned to the crying Ironbeak. He helped pick up his friend. “Ironbeak what’s wrong?”

Ironbeak stifled his tears to speak. “Reagle, every student here hates me and thinks I’m a monster.”

Reagle scratched his head. “They just don’t know you.”

“My mother, father, and instructors think I’m worthless.”

The fledgling Reagle patted Ironbeak on the back. He looked at the wet with tears report slip. “Your grades, huh?”

Ironbeak nodded.

“No way, a big of an egg head as you can’t possibly to be failing.” Reagle pulled the slip from the top of Ironbeak’s book stack. He read on. “You’re doing great on every class except the physical ones.”

“We’re in a military academy… I’ve failed every class that matter, Fencing, Archery, and Leadership.”

“Ironbeak,” Reagle pulled a slip from his cloak pocket. He scratched his head feathers sheepishly as he showed his friend. “I’m only average on the paper work classes; you aced those with flying colors.”

“B-but you aced all the physical classes…”

“We can help each other.” Reagle extended his claws and helped pick half of Ironbeak’s books up. “Shakespony? This isn’t on the curriculum.”

“A little light reading…”

Reagle hushed his voice. “I like Shakespony too.”

Ironbeak smiled. “Thanks Reagle, my dad said he’d beat me extra hard next time if I didn’t raise my next report…”

Reagle arched his head with concern towards Ironbeak. “Your dad hits you? Ironbeak, you’re kidding right?”

Ironbeak laughed, nervously. “Yeah, it was a joke!”

Reagle’s laughter followed. “Come Cousin, I think you make an awesome archer or maybe even a great grenadier!”

Following Reagle’s laughter soon the falsetto tone of Ironbeak’s own laugh ran true.

The ghostly echoes in their minds of childish games and laughter were drowned out by the cries of a foal ignored amidst the shuffling bodies in combat. Griffin and Zebra attacked another with full killing intent.

“Cousin!” Reagle raced after the gray Griffin.

“Reagle!” Ironbeak fired off his cross bow.

Reagle deflected the bolt and lunged.

“Sweet dreams, Prince!” Dori charged in with a sweep of her sword.

Zaza lunged at Dori with her spear. “Not on your life!”

Banshee swung her massive claymore. “Die!”

Zecora sprung from the side kicking Banshee’s blade from its mark. “You shall not touch my sister! Fall forever!”

“Reagle, we got this! Get Ironbeak!” Zaza shouted as she traded attacks with Dori.

“Right!” Reagle responded.

“Protect your Commander!” Dori shouted to some Griffins.

“Eyes on me!” Zaza motioned to spear Dori.

“Fight on penalty of death!” Banshee shrieked at the Griffin soldiers on the verge of flying off.

“Fly or die!” Zecora leapt from one Griffin to another sending them to the ground.

The Griffins on the edge saw and flew off with caws of fear.

A couple more looked at Ironbeak for orders.

“Fight! If not for me then for your brothers in arms! Fight for the light past this haze! Fight!” Ironbeak shouted, standing firmly.

Ironbeak’s stern oration had some effect upon the ranks. The couple of Griffins nodded and gave shrill cries before swooping down upon Reagle. He dodged the first’s lance then deflected the second into stabbing his wing mate. He dispatched the second with a sweep of his sword.

Reagle’s attention was refocused as Ironbeak had reloaded his crossbow and aimed. Reagle rolled onto the ground and used the body of a slain Griffin to take the bolt. He took a throwing knife from a slain Griffin’s bandoleer and flung it. It hit Ironbeak’s right wing and the gray Griffin squawked fearfully as he staggered back.

“Coward!” Reagle ran after Ironbeak into the maze of burning tents.

Reagle narrowed his eyes to peer through the choking blaze as the tent city burned.

“Cousin, I always thought you were misguided but you leading this attack is inexcusable!”

Reagle heard a voice. “Curse you, Reagle! The noble path is only open to those who can afford it! Years in your shadow end here!” Ironbeak threw a grenade.

Reagle batted the bomb into the air with his sword. The gas stung his eyes and his throat. He pulled up the scarf gifted to him by Zaza. “You can’t win, even with all your tricks!”

Ironbeak attacked through the noxious cloud with goggles and face mask.

Reagle parried his blow and kicked Ironbeak back. Beating his wings he flew above and tossed a grenade.

“You and your father squandered your right to rule! In your time war has only spread!” Ironbeak flew upwards forced by the blast.

“Your father is a monster! He’d have the world at war!” Reagle folded his wings and struck downwards with all his weight.

“This isn’t for my father, it’s for me!” Ironbeak parried but was pushed down as his wounded wing gave. A tent broke his and Reagle’s fall. Reagle stabbed at Ironbeak as he rolled away.

Ironbeak snatched sand from the ground and threw it into Reagle’s face.

Reagle coughed as he beat his wings to disperse the sand. “Cousin, you and cowardice have always been like tea and biscuits!”

Ironbeak stood again and held shakily to his sword. “Reagle, you’re only brave when you’re strong! I’m meek and weak, and I face you now! Who is truly the braver?!”

“Bravery is more than facing your enemies! It’s facing yourself in a mirror! Who is truly weak! You gave up the last of what’s good in you!”

Ironbeak cackled. “All will be good! I’ll become king and I’ll do all the good your father and family has failed!”

Reagle pointed to the bodies on the ground and the burning tents. “Yet you would make a bloody pile of corpses to hasten your climb?! The means make the end! You’ll become a true monster in the process!”

“Reagle Hawkmor, I’m sorry but you must die. There’s no other way!” Ironbeak lunged.

“Yes there is! Join me! Not as my shadow but as an equal.” Reagle parried.

“Last time I was swayed by your tongue, you offered a hug, and you killed a squad of my guards!”

Reagle punched Ironbeak with the pommel of his sword and knocked his opponent onto the ground. He pointed his sword at the lesser Griffin’s throat. “Cousin, I could’ve killed you a dozen times over in this duel. I refrained.”

Ironbeak paused. The intensity of his gaze was soon lost and he bawled like a fledgling. “Why?! Why are you the golden egg?! You’re perfect in every way I can’t be… My father beat me a thousand times hoping to shape me to be a sword like yours. Yet my metal couldn’t match yours.”

Reagle sighed. “An iron sword overwrought by the zealous hammer of the sword smith becomes brittle. You have your own virtues. I cannot say I’d be half as well off as you were, if I was born under your circumstances. I heard of your father’s tortures… I thought then they were only rumors.”

Ironbeak continued crying. “Kill me. End the farce I call life.”

“Coward! I refrained killing you because I do believe that you could do good if you were to step outside your father’s shadow.” Reagle raged, pulling him by the collar and slapping Ironbeak. “Look into my eyes. With the horrors I’ve seen, I still live on. You can too.”

“I don’t know… but I can try. I’ll order the surrender.” Ironbeak looked away.

Zaza and Zecora, the two Zebra sisters, fought off the deadly duo of Banshee and Dori.

Zaza said, painting. “We can barely hold our own.”

Zecora huffed. “Sister, they are indeed strong. I do not know if we may last as long.”

“You’re facing Banshee, she is a Zerker.” She whispered. “Let us trade, on my mark.”

Zecora nodded.

Both Zebra mares charged at their targets.

“Ha, you’re dead!” Dori readied to intercept.

“Wait!” Banshee took a defensive stance while Dori sprung ahead.

“Now!” Zaza shouted mid-charge.

Crossing each other’s path both sisters attacked the other’s intended target.

Dori deflected Zecora’s spear and was head-butted and smashed onto ground. Banshee dodged Zaza’s strike, but was clipped in the left wing by the spear’s shear.

Both Zebra sisters looked at each other with smiles.

Banshee grimaced at the unconscious Dori. She swiped a line into the ground. Smiling as she unclipped her cloak, she planted her feet. “It seems I am to die here. Our battle shall be glorious. It’s the only thing that tells me I’m alive!”

“I pity you,” Zaza sneered, “You’re too much like the old me.”

“What?” Banshee scoffed.

“The red Zerker haze: you relish it.”

Banshee chuckled. “I fight and hurt others, therefore I am.” She took out a purple potion and eyed it fondly.

“You are empty inside. You’re a ghost that shrieks and howls at others. You have no reason.”

The potion shook in her claws. “I’ll die sober.” Banshee sighed and poured the contents onto the baked ground. “Maybe I do have a reason. Some idiot waggled his tongue and called me his brother.” She lifted her claymore into swinging position as more Zebras pointed their spears her. She gestured with a claw for the hordes to attack. “Come meet your death! I am the destroyer of hope!”

The battle had swung towards the Zebras’ favor. Only half the number of Griffins remained the rest being dead or had fled. Some of those with working wings refused to leave their wounded comrades. They congregated around Banshee as she made her last stand.

Ironbeak cawed, jumping in between the group. “Stop fighting! All forces lay down your weapons. We surrender!”

A Zebra warrior brayed. “Surrender?! You killed our friends and families! We don’t accept!”

A Griffin defector shouted. “We helped you to drive them back not execute them!”

Another Zebra warrior shouted. “Blood for blood! We’ll all be dead soon, our supplies are in the refugee camp! It burns now! Better death be quick than slow with dehydration and starvation!”

Reagle cawed out as well. “We can stop the fire!”

Zaza stood beside him and added. “Only if we work together!”

Reagle pointed his sword and directed at the Griffins. “You lot with wings still able to use them, Pegasi aren’t the only Weather Warlords. We can change the wind and save the refugee camp! I need every capable flyer with me. Fly like the Valkyries of yore and lore!”

Zaza ordered. “All Zebras use our spears and cloth to form stretchers! Only we have the strength to carry out the wounded before they suffocate in the blaze!” She emphasized to the Zebras. “All the wounded!”

Zecora stood with her sister. “Hurry now, the situation is still most grave! There are many to save!”

Ironbeak screeched. “You heard them! Let’s move.”

Zebras and Griffins moved to comply.

Ironbeak smiled as Dori stirred. She rose with sword in claw.

Ironbeak pulled her back from stabbing Reagle.

Dori stared maw agape, at Zebra and Griffins working together. “What’s going on!?”

“A better way,” said Reagle, “We don’t have to fight. Those years ago I dumped you, I know you begrudge me. I’m sorry, it just wouldn’t have worked.”

Dori dusted herself off. She laughed. “You think it’s all about you? Trust me, it wasn’t personal.”

Reagle remained silent for moment. “You chased after me for over an entire continent, to plunge a sword in my chest.”

Dori said. “Okay, maybe it was partly personal. You left me, it hurt. I wanted to kill you.”

Reagle sighed. “I was fresh returned from the front… parts of me returned. I had scars then that were still bleeding. I couldn’t be with you.”

“Yeah, my clan is Bloodtalon we tend to cause the bleeding. Still a stupid letter by the bed was all you left me before you shipped offed to fight in the next campaign. I was so angry I ripped to pieces. I didn’t read it…” Dori folded her claws and pouted. “What was it supposed say?”

Reagle sighed. “It was short. I remember it.” He continued. “It read: I’m sorry, Dori Bloodtalon, you’re an incredible Griffin.”

“But? What?! Was my plumage not right for you?!”

Reagle smiled. “But nothing. You’re an incredible Griffin. I’m sorry.”

Dori waved her claw. “Yeah it doesn’t matter, I have Ironbeak now. He’s many things, but most importantly he’s mine. If there’s such a thing as love, then I love him.”

“Dori,” Ironbeak cooed and grabbed her. “I love you too.”

“Get off me,” Dori chirped, “—and let me get on you!”

Reagle shuffled away as Dori pounced Ironbeak. “I’ll leave you two to it.”

Drowning the fire in a sandstorm, the Griffins finished their work of squelching the fire while Zebras below tended to the wounded. Reagle and Ironbeak oversaw the camp from a hill while a combined effort focused on tending to the wounded. Zebra potions were distributed.

Ironbeak gasped as he examined his healed wing. “Those Zebra potions sure are something. I can’t believe we scoured this land for gold, the potions would be worth four times their weight in ore.”

Reagle pointed to a line of foals that were examined for minor injuries. “Look at that, you would have hurt foals. Zebra kind aren’t much different from you or me. They have families too.”

Ironbeak’s voice quivered. “I-I-I know…”

“You’ve changed cousin, we all have. When I started even with all my talk of abolition and freedom, at some level I looked down on them. Now, I look Zaza straight in the eyes and I know she to be the love my life. Bloody strange where life takes us.”

Ironbeak scratched his neck feathers. “I can’t believe, I fought you. I never would have dreamed I’d have the courage.”

“You had it all along. Your family House is bucked up something bloody fierce, but you have good instincts. Maybe it’s time you make fly and make your own nest.”

Ironbeak nodded. “I read in the past the House Ironclaw, my house, used to be of honor and conviction. It can be again.”

Reagle said, smiling. “Listen to me cousin, whatever our differences before there is now something more important. I need your help.”

The rest of the ladies joined them on the cliff’s edge.

“Ironbeak, we can still turn Reagle in to your father, and carry through to make you king,” said Dori.

“We can threaten them with a bombing from our War Wing,” said Banshee.

Zaza stared down Banshee. “I noticed the first things you secured were the black bloodstones we had. I suspect you’re low on fuel. Even with those you won’t have enough fuel to return to your battle lines behind the Sand Sea.”

Zecora stood with her sister. “I surmised you would stoop so low. I have hidden our extra supply, bomb us and you’ll never see a rock of coal.”

Banshee and Dori grit their beaks.

Dori grinned. “Maybe we torture you for the information!”

Banshee added. “Maybe we start with the foals.”

The female Griffins and Zebras tensed their muscles to attack.

Ironbeak held up a claw. “Enough! I ordered peace. I want to listen to what they have to say.”

Banshee stated in a stoic tone. “Such a weapon, its power could conquer the world. Disease leaves infrastructure intact for any invader to claim.”

Dori scratched her beak with a devious grin. “It’s perfect. Your only problem is that it’s gone wrong.”

Zecora pressed her muzzle against Dori’s beak and stared her down. “The disease does not discriminate. All would be destroyed in it born of hate. It not only destroys the Avian, it kills the Equine. Even if it worked, you should not call it fine! Such weapons should never be used. The power lends itself to be abused.”

Dori backed down from Zecora’s verbal onslaught.

Ironbeak sighed. “How can we stop it?”

Zecora replies again. “In cold the disease does die. We can intercept the ships above the ocean as they fly.”

Dori scoffs. “What then? After this, it’s business as usual then?”

Zaza replies. “It is time to stop the cycle of hate. We must make peace between Zebra and Griffin kind.”

“My father would be an obstacle,” said Ironbeak, “This war benefits him most. We have to kill him.”

Zecora whinnied. “You so casually talk of patricide. I do not know we want to be allied.”

Reagle stopped Zecora with a claw. “Rest assured. I know his father. He’s caused this conflict to escalate well the hell out of control. Some people have to die.”

Zaza nodded to her sister. “I trust Reagle and therefore his assessment. There are irredeemable evils. I know it’s against your philosophy, you don’t have to participate in that.”

The Zebra shaman nodded after a fitfully moment.

“The question is how,” Banshee frowned, “I have trained with Lord Ironclaw personally. Not once had I in dueling come close to a victory.”

Zecora sighed. “I may have a method for you. I still wish there was something else we could do.”

Ironbeak sighed. “I actually have a theory. When my father failed to teach me to fight with weapons, my mother taught me intrigue and politics… a various poisons.”

Zecora tilted her head and raised an ear. “A fellow herbalist? I did not expect this.”

Zaza bit her lip. “Next comes our father and mother. They’re set in their ways. Hatred has set in after loss of my brother and their son. I fear it may not be possible to sway them.”

Zecora sighed. “I shall reveal the truth of our brother’s death to our family. I will put their love to test against their hate and see.”

Zaza said. “Sister, it could be their hate is greater than any love they would hold for us.”

Banshee cut in. “Sway them with practical concerns. The war will destroy them as well as us.”

Zecora looked about. “Who would they listen to? I fear no one here would do.”

Reagle rubbed his head. “I think I could convince my father to talk to yours. A meeting between the Griffin King and the Zebra King would be set with equal dignity.”

Zaza said. “Reagle, how would you convince your father though?”

“He’d have to if I make a declaration of my marriage to you before the entire Griffin Imperial Court. I’d kiss you in front of all the stuck up petticoats. I don’t give a buck what they think but it’ll still cause a civil war though. My intended bride, Gilda Goldfeather, is heiress to the third most powerful Bird House of Griffin Kingdoms.”

“Reagle, I’m sorry I complicate things…”

“Zaza, I’d make war with the world if it could mean I’d have you.”

Ironbeak smiled. “There is no concern. You will have the support of the second most powerful house. Once House Ironclaw is mine, we will be allies.”

“Cousin?” Reagle raised his brows in surprise.

“There’s much good that can be done. All the evils that my father perpetuated I’ll reverse them. Hawkmor and Ironclaw shall be allies in this endeavor.”

Reagle remarked placing a claw on the gray Griffin’s shoulders. “Cousin, save some evil. Maybe in a jar, eh? You said the noble path is only open to those who can afford it. I know your house. Ironclaw isn’t run by sunshine and giggles and that won’t change in one generation. Your minor houses all vie to be the major house. Plus it wouldn’t be the same.”

Dori poked Ironbeak with a claw. “I intend to instruct my husband on the finer points.”

Banshee hefted her claymore off her shoulders. “I shall enforce. I am feared most everywhere in Ironclaw Clan lands. None shall oppose, my brother.”

Reagle, Zaza, and Zecora were leered wearily at Banshee.

“Brother?” asked Zaza

Ironbeak declared wrapping a wing around Banshee. “Banshee was raised by my father. She suffered his torture. We both spilled enough blood on his throne room floor that I say some of it has mixed. She is my sister.”

Banshee’s face became red.

“You can blush?” asked Reagle. “I didn’t think drinking those purple potions allowed emotions.”

Banshee took out another purple potion from saddle pouch. “Is that what it is? I’ve been feeling weird sensations since I stopped drinking these.”

“Ah, I’ve had my share of those,” said Zaza exchanging a knowing look. “It’s good thing you’ve stopped.”

Reagle whispered to Ironbeak. “Good luck, she’s going to get emotional… Zaza was a bit crazy when she stopped.”

“Reagle, I heard that!”

Reagle manipulated a compass upon a map while Zaza drew her own calculations. Lacking a second quill, Reagle plucked a feather of his own and gave it to Zaza. They used coffee beans to represent the warship total.

Reagle looked upon the map. “If towed, we can extend the range of a Zebra War Balloon to intercept your father’s fleet.”

Zaza circled a city with her quill. “They would have retaken Zericho by now. Using the coal reserves they will extend the range of their airships for a one way suicide run against your Griffin Kingdoms.”

“We still don’t have anything to match them. By the time Ironbeak secures his house and uses his resources to help us. It would still be too late.” He tapped a claw at the beans that represented Ironclaw war assets.

Zaza removed eight from the dozen pool of beans used to represent Zebra forces. “My father would want to use all of his airships. My mother would stop him and tell him to send a quarter. Four would be enough to distribute the disease. ”

Reagle rubbed his beak. “So we’d only have to face four Zebra airships… still a war balloon is useless.”

“We do not have to take out their fleet. I still know the Zebra signal command codes. We can pretend to be an emergency dispatch from my father. To their knowledge, I have not betrayed them. This way we can recall the fleet.”

“Wouldn’t you have to face you parents?”

Zaza shook her head. “They wouldn’t themselves be aboard. It is a suicide fleet, remember.”

Reagle grimaced. “The older generations ask the younger ones to die; Griffin and Zebra are too much alike.”

Zaza bashfully rubbed her hooves. “Reagle, be with me tonight… I fear tomorrow.”

He hugged her tightly. “Have no fear, I’ll be there.” Reagle grinned with his beak in her ear. “You’re asking now?”

Zaza punched him playfully back stuck out her tongue. “Well then none for you.”

Reagle guffawed. “Hey now!”

Zaza smiled. “Let’s make it our reason to come back.”

Reagle nodded. “Aye, that’s a good bucking reason.”

Aboard the throne room of his flagship, Lord Ironclaw sipped his wine from an alabaster cup. Upon closer inspection it is the skull of a Griffin. The greater Griffin set aside his drink when several smaller Griffins entered the throne room.

“Ironbeak, you claim to have captured Prince Reagle. I do not see him before you.”

“Father,” Ironbeak addressed his father.

Ironclaw angrily sneered. “You bow before your superiors. You have not earned the right to call me your father.”

Ironbeak cawed. “Then I refute that role! I am my own Griffin. I’m working with Reagle. It’s over. King Hawkmor will know of your treason.” He continued. “All your years of cruelty end here.”

“Your betrayal is unexpected but not unprepared for. A pity you’ve grown a spine, now that I must break it. Even in your first act as a male you disappoint, only fools gloat before final victory.”

“You’re already dead. I learned your little lessons well. ” Ironbeak said, indifferently.

Ironclaw stared at the cup. “Impossible, I have a personal wine taster that I watch over.”

“The Zebras are most adept at chemistry. The poison is odorless, flavorless, and works with a reasonable enough delay.”

Ironclaw threw his skull cup shattering the bone chalice. “You bluff,”

“It wasn’t in the wine; it was in the air, a chemical powder made mist I had pumped through the ventilation into your throne room. Quickly it’s made harmless in the air but in your lungs, it’ll coat. You have gained your power through force and brutality. Does it pain you that you are killed by my method?”

Ironclaw tried to draw his sword but the metal slab fell to the floor as he choked.

The son loomed over the father. “You’ve beaten and betrayed the world, death in battle is more than you deserve. My only regret is this method leaves little time for you to suffer for those you’ve hurt. Me, Banshee, and your entire House, you never cared.”

Dori chirped, kicking the corpse. “All squawk and no walk.”

Ironbeak replied. “We vented in enough poison to kill two elephants. I’m surprised he was still talking when we entered the throne room.”

Banshee tried to pull Ironbeak away by his cape collar. “Stay back. The beast can still bite.”

The giant Griffin arose to the horror of all save Ironbeak. He lunged with his claws and gripped Ironbeak’s throat. Ironbeak dismissed Dori and Banshee with a wave of his claws. “Stop, he doesn’t even have the strength to strangle me.”

The dark Griffin cackled and smiled. Ironclaw coughed blood onto Ironbeak’s chest. “Son, you have made me proud! You are truly my heir!”

Ironbeak gasped as he shoved the dead body away from him.

“Screams of rage and hatred, even callow indifference, I was prepared for. It’s the first time he calls me ‘son’ and it’s with those words. Why does this hurt me most of all? His pride fills me with shame…”

Dori rubbed Ironbeak’s shoulder. “Buck the bastard. You may have seeded your egg, but you’re not his son.”

Banshee kicked the corpse of the once imposing Griffin. “I can’t believe Ironclaw fell so easily. He did so much. He was my master… I do not feel full with his death.”

Ironbeak sighed. “Banshee, that’s over now. You’re free. His death’s not supposed to satisfy any of us. We have to find our happiness and satisfaction by living life.”

Dori sneered at the body. “Mortal after all?”

Banshee said. “Aren’t we all? I heard even gods can die with the right weapons.”

A group of generals entered the throne room with swords raised. “Great Odin, Lord Ironclaw is slain! Ironbeak, explain yourself!”

Ironbeak shouted. “Yes it’s a terrible tragedy! Lord Ironclaw choked upon red wine! Have the lesser lords of my house assemble and swear fealty to me.”

The lead general chirped, quizzically. “Your house?”

Dori and Banshee raised their swords.

Banshee heft up her claymore sword. “You stand before the new Lord Ironclaw!”

Dori screeched harshly. “Bow, knave! Bow before your lord before my sword makes you!”

The lead general gulped down the lump in his throat and bowed before Ironbeak. His beak nearly touched the ground. “Your will be done! Hail Lord Ironclaw!”

The other generals promptly bowed.

As the generals left, Ironbeak quipped. “How capricious the loyalties of those ruled by fear. My father was wrong. The loyalty of love is stronger.”

Dori scoffed. “Love for their own necks and their own rewards that is.”

Banshee nodded. “I suspect those generals would expect boons.”

Ironbeak shook his head. “My words are worthless without you two.”

Dori cooed. “Your words are weapons on their own… don’t get too confident of that big beak though. My lord and love you may be, but in the nest you’re mine.”

Ironbeak blushed.

Banshee added. “Brother, I am glad you are happy.”

Ironbeak blinked then smiled acknowledging that Banshee had accepted their bond. “Sister, I’m sure we can find you another masochist like me.”

A Zebra War Balloon approached a fleet of six Zebra airships. On the deck of the war balloon Reagle, Zaza, and Zecora stood.

“They have accepted our command codes, but the lead ship wants to dock with us to confirm,” said Zaza, nervously.

Zecora placed a hoof on her sister’s shoulders. “We issue orders under our parents’ names. Our blood heritage will bolster our claims.”

Reagle sighed. “I’m still going to sneak aboard. You sure about the ventilation network? Are they connected to the float tanks?”

Zaza nodded. “I saw our airships built… still hopefully we won’t need you. I don’t want to kill the command bridge if we could persuade them to give us control.”

Zecora crunched up her face painfully.

Zaza turned to her. “Can you do this?”

Zecora sighed. “If taking some lives will save many more, I am sure.”

“I’m just insurance,” said Reagle, strapping on a grenade belt.

War Balloon and Warship connected. Zecora and Zaza were lead to the command bridge of the airship.

As they entered Zecora stammered. “Mother? Father?

Zaza’s own words came tumbling out. “W-W-Why are you here?”

The patron Zebra shook his head. “Children, did you not believe we had the conviction and courage of will to do this on our own?”

The matron Zebra spoke. “We are touched that you would join our suicide mission. But this is our sole burden.”

Zecora sternly worded. “We came not to join you but we came to stop you. There is something that you do not know of your brew.”

Zaza stomped her hoof denting the metal flooring. “The disease destroys all, Griffin, Zebra, or even pony. The Griffin Isles happen to be along trade wind currents. It would end the world!”

The Zebra King and Queen looked at each for a thoughtful moment then resumed.

King Zarius smiled. “Then still the Griffin Kingdoms would be the first to die!”

Zecora cried. “This is madness, father! Tell me you do not think the same, mother?!”

Queen Isis, grimaced. “The genocide of Zebrika and our people then shall be paid for! This is the nature of true war!”

Both Zebra sisters staggered back. Zecora and Zaza leaned against one another to stand.

Zaza cried. “Why?!”

Queen Isis sneered. “Zulu, your brother is dead by enemy claws! Vengeance is our cause!”

Zaza shouted. “There are good Griffins! They do not deserve the death that the disease will bring!”

Zarius sneered. “Zaza, my daughter, Nokimbe told me you were cavorting with one of the devil bird scum! Succumbing to lust! Do you care nothing for your brother?”

Zaza growled. “I cried for Zulu, more than you know! I picked up the spear and took to battle for his very memory!”

Zarius retorted. “Then you dishonor him.”

“There is a confession to make. I do not care if our brother’s reputation it will break.” Zecora drew a purple potion from her pouch. “Brave brother Zulu, died consumed by the poison of hate! Will you have the world match his fate?!”

King Zarius bit. “Your brother drank the poison of battle brews to fight the enemy. His death was their fault.”

Zaza gasped. “He fought on the frontlines for years! All this time you knew he was killing himself?!”

King Zarius affixed a gleaming glaive to his war saddle. “Now you know the depth of our commitment. Not even our own deaths will stop us.”

Queen Isis attached an ebony war hammer to her own war saddle. “This is your last chance; go. I—”

Zecora countered with words. “This is wrong, you know it to be so!”

“No more talk! We have accepted our deaths!” Zarius swung his glaive in rage. Zaza blocked her father from her sister.

Father and daughter met eyes. It was Zarius that looked away shamefully.

Zaza screamed. “Father, at least look your daughter in the eyes before you slay her!”

Zarius hesitated, holding his glaive back.

Isis was colder. “Kill her! We’ve come so far! Cast aside all weakness!”

Zecora glared at her mother. “Your rhyme has left you! Has reason too?”

Isis hissed and swung her body, her war hammer followed through aimed at Zaza.

Reagle popped out of the air vents to block the blow. His sword shattered to metallic splinters and he was smashed the ground.

“Reagle!” cried Zaza.

Reagle coughed. “You two who have two perfectly fine daughters. Is your hate greater than your love for them?”

Zarius unhitched his glaive from his war saddle.

Isis still held her war hammer firmly. “You took a blow for a Zebra? Why?”

“I love Zaza, a Zebra, I would die for her.” said Reagle.

Zaza used her body to shield Reagle. “I love Reagle, a Griffin, and I too would die for him. It matters not our race. We found hope in our love. Call it delusional or naïve but what matters now is we die together. So mother, pray your hammer swings quick if you deem to judge us!”

Zarius tapped Isis on the shoulders. “I cannot do this… my queen… our son… now our daughters. My soul sunders.”

Isis exhaled then inhaled deeply. “We are an arrow in flight. I do not know it is even possible to make this right. The captains that volunteered for this suicide fleet might not listen. What can be done?”

Zecora intoned. “We must explain the nature of the disease. They will listen to our pleas.”

Through signal lights the new orders were flashed. The airships dropped their payloads of disease into the seas. They breathed a collective sigh at how close they’d come to the Griffin Isles. The land was visible on the horizon.

Zarius nodded. “A disease that could kill the world: if we had unleashed that, how many more lives would have been lost?”

Isis exchanged an apologetic look toward her daughters. “The deadlier disease has been our hatred. What we might have done fills me with dread.”

“We can move beyond that, some may call that idealism naïve. But we must fight to believe. ” said Zaza.

Zecora looked to her sister, her brows piqued at her rhyming. She gave a smile. “That was most sublime. Sister is that a rhyme?”

Zaza laughed prodding Zecora with her hoof. “Just that one time.”

Reagle hugged Zaza. “It’s kinda cute.”

Zarius’ face turned. “The last Airship has refused our commands! It has entered flanking speed. It signals that it will continue its mission.”

“Intercept!” cried Zaza.

Outside the windows, they saw the thunder of the airship’s cannons. The shells shattered the ailerons of two of its escorts.

“It’s disabled the ships closest to it!” said Zarius.

“Who is the bloody captain?!” asked Reagle.

“Nokimbe.” said Zarius.

“Reagle, can you fly me there?” asked Zaza.

Reagle nodded. “With a falling start I could. Have this airship ascend.”

Reagle and Zaza landed onto the coning tower of the Zebra airship. Zebra warriors drew their spears.

“I am Commander Zaza of the Zebra Legion, I order you to lay down your weapons! Have you not heard the disease destroys all!? The plan must not go through.” Zaza readied her spear expecting resistance.

The Zebra warriors instead saluted. “We heed and obey but the captain used a Griffin grenade and blew the corridor connecting to the bridge.”

Reagle groaned. “Nokimbe, he took my gear when I fled.”

Zaza spat. “Can you disable the bomb bay controls then?!”

The Zebra shook their heads. “No, but we can disable the individual bomb racks… it won’t be enough time.”

Reagle pulled Zaza’s hoof. “We can go in through the windows.” He deployed his wings. Zaza nodded. “Our next stop then!”

Glass shattered as Reagle and Zaza crashed through to the bridge. The wind whistled as pressure equalized in the cabin. Nokimbe held fast onto a lever in spite of the gale. Outside the airship windows they saw that they were above land, the Griffin Capital city’s outline could be seen growing larger.

Nokimbe “One step more and I pull this crank and open the bomb bay doors.”

Zaza cried. “Nokimbe, why are you doing this?! Why are you a captain of a suicide ship?”

“I lost my friends and Isara, I don’t have anything else. I volunteered.”

Reagle said, gently gesturing with his claws. “You’ve got us, mate.”

The Zebra stallion scoffed. “Birdy, you’ve got Zaza. She chose you over anything else.”

Reagle chirped. “Nokimbe, we are friends.”

Zaza shook her head. “Stop this. You know it is wrong.”

Nokimbe cried. “I’ve got nothing else! This is the only meaning I have left.”

Reagle nodded. “This war has taken us all there, mate. You can come back.”

Zaza continued. “You can make your meaning in the peace that follows.”

Nokimbe, looked at the lever then took his hoof off. Zaza stepped forward gingerly and hugged Nokimbe. The Zebra male wept. Through his tears he glared at Reagle. “Can you make peace happen?”

Reagle shook his head. “I can’t, but we can.”

Peering past the brick chimney stacks of their skyline, Griffins looked upwards at the passing striped ships. The smoke clouds of Griffin industry were interrupted by the wind churned by the ships’ propeller blades.

A Griffin in a petticoat adjusted his monocle. “What in blue blazes?! Zebra airships!? Odin save us, they have a fleet!”

A Griffin wheeling an egg by with a baby carriage replied to her husband. “Have you heard, crazier still the crown Prince Reagle lives!”

The husband rubbed his beak. “Yeah, some big thing at the palace.”

Swaggering through the throne room, Reagle and Zaza strolled past the lines of gather Griffin nobles. Zebra warriors walked with them. Beaks were wide open. Seeing the Zebras with him, some nobles held fast their cape collars as if to avoid the plague.

Their march stopped before the grand throne.

“Dad,” said Reagle reservedly as the social circumstances. “There’s much to tell. The Zebra airship fleet above our capital is friendly. It’s time we pursue peace. The—”

“Reagle! My son!” The greater Griffin collapsed in front of his son sobbing. With a sweep of his claws he picked up Reagle. “I thought you were lost. Are you a ghost come back? Is it really you?”

“Yeah, it’s me dad. There’s a lot to talk about. I found the one to be my wife.”

“What?” King Hawkmor released Reagle, and looked about. “This glorious! Double cause for celebration! Hear noble Houses! My son returns and brings with him a new Princess!” The giant Griffin roared in jubilation.

Applause started amongst the Griffin nobles.

“Where is the lady of yours? What is here name.”

“She’s right here and her name is Zaza Zakar, Princess of the Zebra Confederation!” Reagle pulled Zaza to him and kissed her.

There were cries of shock.

An older Griffin growled. “Beastiality!”

A Griffin lady took a handkerchief to her beak. “It’s an affront to nature! Like lions with hyenas!”

A younger Griffin tugged his collar. “I’m all for abolition but…”

Another Griffin turned up his beak. “This must be a joke.”

King Hawkmor raised his giant sword to separate their embrace. He poised his blade above them as to cut them apart by limb if necessary. Reagle and Zaza only held each other tighter and looked defiantly at King Hawkmor.

King Hawkmor looked for a minute into Reagle’s eyes. He nodded when his son did not flinch. Swinging his giant sword King Hawmor smashed into the ground creating a fissure through the throne room. His words echoed through the hall. “Why did you fools stop applauding! Rejoice! Celebrate! Hohohoho! Make merry! You have a new Princess!”

A fat fearful Griffin poked his compatriots with a claw. “Their airship fleet is poised above us… should they bomb.”

The applause was slow, but soon it came back.

“Our Prince is so progressive.”

“They can’t all be animals.”

“It’s a new era!”

“Must be an incredible Zebra that won his heart. Surely worthy of our Prince!”

“It was said that we Griffins were born of an unnatural union, so it must natural!”

Reagle and Zaza smiled lightly at the sheepish flock of Griffin nobles which were so easily swayed by fear of force.

The applause died down soon after. Zaza spoke. “Noble lords and ladies of the United Griffin Kingdoms, be calm. The dark leopard of doubt now stalks you. Be assured the Zebra airships above you come in peace.”

There were skeptical murmurs amongst the noble Griffin bird houses.

Zaza continued. “I shall confess my people have long withheld the secret of our fleet and for a time our intention was your destruction. Yet hate begets more hate, until the fires do consume us all. I have felt these flames it was the love of your Prince that quelled such fires.”

Reagle rose. “My sentiments are shared with my mate of whom I have sworn my life to. Our nation, these United Griffin Kingdoms, is blighted by a curse of bigotry and inequity. We profess to hold each Griffin as equals. How different are we from the other races? Do they not cry for sorrow and joy as do we? We cannot keep the world in bondage and hold ourselves moral and just.”

There was only a smattering of applause.

King Hawkmor smiled and raised his sword skyward. “Hear hear! I support abolition! We will be better than the Prench and Naponean! The rival nation of Equestria was built upon a unity of three races. With this coalition they repulsed our past military advance. Their Pegasi are their air force, their Earth Pony their infantry, and Unicorn are their mage artillery. With the inclusion of the Zebra nation into our glorious kingdoms! We shall have fearsome Zebra Zerker infantry! It is a bold step towards world conquest!”

The room erupted in the clapping of claws.

Alone on the top most tower of the castle, Reagle, Zaza, and King Hawkmor spoke.

Reagle rubbed his head. “Dad, why did you say that?”

“Reagle, my son, practical concerns abound. You and your wife’s speech was well and good but it doesn’t unite the disparate Griffin Kingdoms. My rhetoric makes the medicine go down. People love to hate, perhaps we could direct that to enemies far away enough that we can settle affairs of our home.”

“A common enemy wasn’t that what the Zebra tribes were to your Griffin Kingdoms?” asked Zaza.

“Once we beat back Naponeon and Prance, Equestria will be our true enemy. They monopolize magic and gemstones… imagine the wealth and power we could attain from taking even chunk of their territory! Zebra Zerker infantry might make that happen!” The Griffin King gave a greedy and hearty laugh. “Hohohohoho!”

Reagle snapped. “Another time, dad! Let’s end one war first!”

Zaza bowed. “King Hawkmor, still… I am thankful that you so readily accepted me.”

The greater Griffin sighed. “My son is smart, smarter than me. He bears truly after his mother if he’s chosen you. I have no choice but to approve. I am surprised to find a Zebra so… um eloquent.”

“I should like you to meet my parents then. They helped me become who I am today.” Zaza smiled.

“Ah peace talks.” King Hawkmor bobbed his head in acknowledgement.

King Hawkmor left to speak with Zaza’s parents. Reagle and Zaza gazed at the setting sun.

Zaza fell down, with an exhausted exhale. Reagle joined her wrapping his wing around her torso.

“We still have a world of work to do. The path of peace shall be long and winding.” Zaza hid behind her hooves.

“We’ll get there. We can get anywhere, because I know where we’ve already been.” Reagle rubbed her shoulders with his claws.

“To Tartarus and back? I suppose it’s true. ” Zaza smiled as she poked Reagle in the belly. Zaza frowned at the cold tower stone work. “I wish to just feel the grass below me. A day of nothing, we could lazily watch the cloud pass. That would be my Elysium.”

Reagle pulled himself atop Zaza. “Once everything calms down, I’d love for us to tour the world. We could see many fields of grass Zebrika, the Griffin Isle, or even Equestria, they’d all be Elysium if I could see them with you.”

Zaza rolled herself atop Reagle. “I’ve love to come with you.”

Upon endless plains of baked amber grass, there sprung green patches of new life. Floating above and standing in the middle of a large gangplank between a Griffin War Wing and Zebra Airship, Reagle and Zaza stood before Zecora.

Reagle whispered in Zaza’s ear. “A bit dramatic, I think you’ve grown fond of theater.”

Zaza snickered. “You have me wearing a wedding dress and veil just to tear it off later?”

Reagle smirked.

King Zarius, Queen Isis, and Nokimbe and other Zebras had gathered to observe the ritual. King Hawkmor, Ironbeak, Dori, and Banshee found their place as well.

Zecora spoke. “Cast before the earth and heavens, here two lovers ready to make their stand.”

Reagle held Zaza’s hooves by his claws.

“Zaza Zakar, are you ready to take this Griffin of House Hawkmor to be your husband?”

Zaza smiled. “I am and always.” She took a hoof and snapped a golden neck ring onto Reagle’s neck. The ring had a blue sapphire bead. It slid under his cape and collar. Reagle adjusted it so it was visible shimmering in the sun’s light.

“Reagle Hawkmor, are you ready to take this Zebra of the Zakar tribe to be your wife?”

Reagle smiled. “I am and always.” He took his claws removed the neck ring of Zaza’s that had the green emerald engagement bead. He added then a ring with a blue sapphire bead to Zaza’s neck.

“Do you both swear to uphold thy vows through life and death, weal and woe, happiness and strife?”

Reagle and Zaza cried. “We do!”

“Then by all under the sky ocean, I hereby pronounce you husband and wife. May you hold and honor thy partner through all of life.”

With a claw Reagle parted Zaza’s wedding veil. Under the setting sun and its heat haze, their silhouettes connected in their kiss. Zebra and Griffin whooped for joy instead of the once familiar battle cries. Airship cannons fired confetti instead of explosive shells. As the sun fell further with the closing curtain of the evening, all shadows of whatever races and shapes became one.

Author's Note:

Meet Zeal, the hippogriff!

It's been a long and wild ride. Thanks for your readership! Check out my other stories in the Akashic Universe. Reagle and Zaza, may pay special visits! :raritywink:

Comments ( 13 )

This was a great read and a wonderful story! Reagle and Zazas daughter looks so cute! :rainbowkiss:

Follow me too friend. All my stories intersect in interesting ways. Remember the heroes of one story may be the villain of an another's. Such is the curse of perspective. :raritywink:

Ohohohoho Zeal is a cute little she-griffin now but wait till she grows up... In Shadows of Shattered Dreams.

This story was cheesier, than all the dairy-shops in Switzerland and the last chapter was rather rushed.
But I still enjoyed the entire story :pinkiehappy:!

Bravo sir, bravo, *slow clap*

Originally I had three more chapters planned concerning the loose ends with Gilda and securing Griffin homeland support. The political backstabbing and Imperial court intrigue would have put an even more cynical shade upon the nature of securing 'peace'. Time budget didn't allow for those chapters. I figured though it was still worth it to tie the bow and give ZZL the ending it deserved. :twilightsmile:

Check out my other stories... they all interconnect! You may see our Griffin and Zebra pair yet again. :raritywink:

5304268 Thanks. I had forgotten what that was at the time.

A nice happy ending. Though I have to agree that it felt a bit rushed what with how everything seemed to click together with minimal conflict, especially with the scene in the King's court with all the nobles, true they are more guided by fear and a want to appease the king, I just feel they are just going to cause trouble for the Griffon-Zebra unity.

Though I understand what with your time budget you had to cut it short, political and court intrigue are a pain to think about, more so thinking them and writing them I suppose.

Hope there's more stories with Reagle and Zaza :twilightsmile:

Check out my other stories if you want more Reagle and Zaza. They pop up in unexpected places. Also the heroes of one story may be the villains of another. All my stories interconnect. :twilightsmile:

Lunacy of Love

Hole Hearted

In the Akashic Universe chronologically ZZL takes place before the events of Hole Hearted. There's clues like how a certain rhymer isn't in Equestria yet. Also there's a encounter with a familiar figure in a fedora.

Since there wasn't a eclipse during the day, you can surmise that it's before the MLP main canon.

Thanks for your interest. I hope that helps. :twilightsmile:

Another great story from this Ark really nice work. By the way how is your game going, is there a release date anytime soon?

Thanks for your interest. It's been a long struggle but Chapter 0 of SOSDreams is done and free to play check it out!

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