• Published 13th May 2013
  • 13,854 Views, 57 Comments

Zig Zag Love - Akashic Brony

The mighty Griffin Kingdoms with their new War Wing airships have ventured forth to conquer their neighbors. A desperate plan is born to change the winds of war. Meanwhile a Griffin meets a Zebra.

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Chapter 5 Running Questions

The night is lit by burning tents. In the darkness there are streaks of white as Zebras charged at a crude defensive line of overturned carts. Griffin soldiers desperately loaded a large wooden contraption with bolts. With clockwork precision, each pull of a massive crank shot out a bolt while another took its place. There were three automatic crossbows lined up, spitting bolts into the darkness. The fallen Zebras were silent in death. The feathers of the Griffin defenders stood upright in dread. One Zebra continued charging with many crossbow bolts bristling on its back, only to die with a heavy thud against the improvised barricades.

A large obese yet muscled Griffin with a red cloak perched atop a cart and oversaw the defenses. He loaded bolts into the top box feeding mechanism himself as his soldiers pulled back the crank.

The wires of the crossbow twanged as they fired nothing but air. The last of the bolts were spent smacking down a Zebra. The rest of the Zebra pulled back.

“Ammunition! Ammo! Give it here!” the large Griffin yelled as he gestured with an empty claw.

“Lord Helmsford! There are no more bolts!” cried a small Griffin attendant lugging over an empty box.

Lord Helmsford gasped in horror. He then turned towards his soldiers with composure. “Draw your swords and ready your lances! Prepare for their second onslaught! This small circle of wagons is the Griffin Isles! Come what will do not falter! Let us meet again in Valhalla and with honor!”

Griffin soldiers shakily drew their close range weapons.

Helmsford hopped off of his podium. He turned toward the small Griffin attendant. “Reagle, you are no longer my squire. I discharge you from your duty.”

“Lord Helmsford?” questioned the small Griffin following after his Commander.

Lord Helmsford strolled over to an overturned cart. His muscles rippled as he lifted the heavy wagon. He grabbed Reagle by the scruff of his neck and placed the young Griffin under the cart. He dropped the cart, trapping Reagle beneath it.

“They are upon us!” shrieked a female Griffin soldier.

“Lord Helmsford!” Reagle turned around clawing at the cart.

Reagle found a hole in the cart and peered through it, watching Lord Helmsford and the soldiers fight on.

“Give me your best, you striped fiends!” Lord Helmsford had drawn a large claymore sword from his back. He swung the giant blade cleaving several Zebras in half.

A Zebra in golden armor with a blue helmet frill however charged forward, spearing Lord Helmsford in the eye. Reagle shuddered as he saw the large Griffin fall. The Zebra was salivating over the kill with a crazed look in its brown eyes. Reagle gasped in fright as those same eyes turned towards him.

Reagle shot awake. Dark brown eyes were peering at him. “No!!” cried Reagle falling from the bed.

“Reagle! It’s me!” said Zaza.

Reagle’s feathery chest was still heaving. He looked at the Zebra mare’s confused look.

Zaza looked into Reagle’s eyes. “You’ve seen serious combat.” She nodded understandingly.

Reagle could only lightly nod in return.

“The nightmare is over.” said Zaza.

Reagle felt her forelegs wrap around him in a hug.

A giant of a Griffin stood at the podium. His body shook and his beak moved slowly as he spoke words of pain and anguish. “Subjects of the Griffin Kingdoms, it was days ago that our young Prince was so cruelly snatched from us, the young flame of his life extinguished. My son, may he take wing to Valhalla, the hall of heroes, and fly amongst the Valkyries.” The Griffin started choking on his words. “I must retire to reflect upon this... in my stead I temporarily leave the war front to my trusted brother, Lord Ironclaw.” The giant Griffin shuffled off stage.

“Thank you King Hawkmor.” A gray Griffin with sharp eyes took King Hawkmor’s place.

Lord Ironclaw addressed the assembly. “Prince Reagle Hawkmor was a peaceful soul that advocated peace and even abolition. Was he rewarded by savages he so championed? No! Rather they stabbed him in the back! What say we do to these barbarians?!”

There were jeers and shouts in the crowds.

“Vengeance!” cried a young noble female Griffin.

“Animals!” shouted a well preened noble Griffin..

“Kill them all!” cried another voice.

“Noble Houses of the Griffin Kingdoms, the time for leniency and temperance is over! Let us cast aside soft idiot thoughts like abolition and peace! The Zebra beasts have shown both to be impossible! Instead we should harden our hearts so as to be invulnerable to their guiles! I propose total war and nothing less than full commitment of our resources! Let us bring them under our iron claws!”

The caws and cheers boomed drowning out all other voices.

Reagle rested in Zaza’s hug and the two of them snuggled on the bed.

“I knew that you have seen fighting. You show entirely too much poise to be a virgin in war.” said Zaza rubbing Reagle’s head.

“Zaza, about last night.” said Reagle nervously.

Zaza smiled, kissing the top of Reagle’s beak. “It felt so right.”

Reagle sighed in relief.

“Want a rematch?” asked Zaza deviously.

“Who won the first round?” Reagle smirked.

“We both won.” said Zaza.

With morning came a knock on their door. Isara greeted them with a warm smile and led Reagle and Zaza to the bar floor. Reagle jumped back when he saw there were others.

“Be not afraid, these fine folks are my soldiers. Each of them is deeply in love with me. Isn’t that right?” asked Isara.

“Aye!” cried the three male Ibexes, a male Water Buffalo, and even a small female Gazelle.

“She promised us the one that stayed the longest a hoof in marriage.” said the burly Water Buffalo.

“It’s been a five year and seventy two days, tied.” said the small female Gazelle.

“It’s a long term relationship.” smiled Isara. She addressed her motley crew. “Boys!”

The small female Gazelle stamped her hoof.

“-and Girl!” smiled Isara. “We have a mission!”

“What’s the job.” said a male Ibex chewing the handle of his dagger.

“Escort mission for these two Zebras and one devil bird.” said Isara.

“Grahhh.” there were a series of groans and moans throughout the room.

“Foal sitting seriously?” questioned the small Gazelle.

“Don’t trot just yet. The pay is real good.” said Isara.

“Are these warriors any good though? We will likely have to fight Griffins.” asked Zaza.

The Water Buffalo laughed. “Where is that you think we got this from?” The Water Buffalo turned to show off his back. He had an automatic crossbow mounted. The gargantuan weapon had its base cut down and was tied to the Buffalo by straps.

Reagle raised a brow impressed. “How do you fire that? It takes a team.”

The small female Gazelle jumped up. “Bull and I manage fine. I’m Cirta by the way. ” Cirta leaned on Bull’s back and caressed the crank of the automatic crossbow.

“You could have scavenged that from a battlefield.” said Zaza dismissively.

An Ibex with one horn chipped off spat. “We lost two brothers trying to flank that damn emplacement! My only regret is we killed the crossbow crew too quickly.”

Zaza nodded understandingly.

“The name’s Scythe. I was a farmer once, until I found cutting Griffins was easier than wheat stalks.” said one of the Ibexes with a curved blade.

“Spear, my parents were very uncreative.” said an Ibex with oddly enough a sword.

The Ibex with the one horn spoke. “I am called Javelin.” The Ibex had several fine spears only used for stabbing. Javelin stood up and glared at Zaza. “Anyway, who are you Missy to question the fight in us? I want to know who our client is.”

Zaza spoke calmly. “I’m Zaza Zakar.”

The mercenaries gasped and Javelin gave a smile before sitting back down.

“Who’s the devil bird?” Cirta hopped to inspect Reagle.

“I’m-” Reagle was cut off by Zaza’s hoof in his mouth.

“He’s coming with us. When do we set out?” asked Zaza.

“When you two have had a bath.” said Isara.

“Huh?” said Reagle.

“The Griffins have brought in some Diamond Dog slaves, they’re sniffing the streets.” said Isara.

The bathroom of the bar was luxuriously tiled white. A large tub was in the center, already prepared.

“There’s only one tub. Ladies first.” said Reagle bowing.

“We haven’t time.” said Zaza pushing Reagle into the tub.

Reagle plopped into the water. He smiled as Zaza climbed in. Submerged in the calm warm waters and soap suds they both relaxed.

Zaza leaned against the tub edge. Her head barely popped out of the soapy water. “It is times like these that make me almost forget myself. I could relax completely and drown. No more would war haunt me.”

“I heard that across the sea, there is a land called Equestria where a foal may grow up without hearing of war,” said Reagle.

“I’ve read reports; they are ruled by an immortal alicorn dictatorship. I’m not sure I would trade freedom for that,” said Zaza.

“You speak of freedom but you said you never had a choice in your path. If you consider yourself an advocate of freedom, shouldn’t you choose another way?” said Reagle.

“Even though that may be, it was my choice to continue.” said Zaza.

“Even if death awaits?” asked Reagle.

“Prince Reagle, I don’t need you to save me. It is condescending of you to think I haven’t considered the consequences.” said Zaza.

“What about the consequences of us?” asked Reagle.

Zaza’s widened she stammered. “…I ugh…” Zaza angrily splashed water on Reagle. “You came onto me!”

Reagle splashed back. “It was your choice to continue. Last night I recall you were the aggressor.” Reagle nodded smugly.

Zaza blushed.

Reagle spoke softly. “So?”

“I don’t know…” said Zaza her face filled with confusion and worry.

The Griffin pulled the Zebra mare close.

Ironbeak visited Dori in the infirmary of their War Wing. The bandaged tan female Griffin shuffled restlessly in her white bed, staring through her window down at the city beneath them.

“Have the dogs found anything yet?” asked Dori.

“No.” said Ironbeak.

“Argh, those incompetents! We shall have to kill more of them as an example!” said Dori.

“We had to withdraw the search teams due to rioting caused by the incident at the marketplace. Your cruelty caused this.” said Ironbeak.

“What?! You withdrew the search teams?” said Dori.

“Dori, must you always be so cruel?” asked Ironbeak sternly.

“You wouldn’t be asking me that if I wasn’t wounded.” said Dori dangerously but after a few seconds she sighed, letting her anger out with her breath. “The world is cruel. I won’t tell a sob story about it. My brothers were cruel. When I was a fledgling they thought it funny the expressions on my face as they plucked out my feathers. It hurt so much.”

“Dori.” said Ironbeak softly motioning to hug her without touching her bandaged chest.

Dori stopped Ironbeak with a raised claw. She spoke matter-of-factly with a declarative tone. “I learned to be crueler than they. The eldest and nastiest, I arranged it that the smoke grenades he was training with were replaced with live ones. Father was so torn up; I wonder if he’d be so emotional if it were I. There was no evidence against me but still, at the funeral I smiled and let my other brothers know. I made sure to get extra cozy with father afterwards. As the old bird lay dying, I took his claws and parchment and made myself the heiress of the family name and fortune.” Dori sat and hugged herself with her unfolded wings.

“That’s…umm.” Ironbeak sputtered.

“Tell me of your messed up family situation.” smiled Dori.

Ironbeak lowered his beak in familiar pain. “…My parents saw me as a disappointment from the get go. I had not the aptitude for the skills they wanted me to acquire. How could I compare to my cousin who seemed to glow with Odin’s grace? My mother tried training me in subtly and subterfuge, even in that I was a failure. I have no excuse.”

“You’re not so spineless. You disobeyed me.” said Dori.

“Huh?” said Ironbeak.

“You came back for me even though I told you to run.” Dori chuckled gently. “My brothers would not dare disobey me. And best of all, you did it for me.” Dori rubbed her head affectionately against Ironbeak.

“I like you like this.” cooed Ironbeak.

Dori threw a pillow at Ironbeak’s face. “You would pluck my feathers also and see me powerless and weak?!”

Ironbeak grabbed the pillow and looked from behind it. “I would like to see you strong without being cruel.”

Dori arose. “You will need my cruelty; we have a murderous mission still to accomplish.” She winced slightly from the pain as she stumbled slightly.

Ironbeak helped Dori by offering a claw and she thought for a moment before accepting it.

Reagle and Zaza joined the mercenaries on the main floor of the bar. There was an unfamiliar Ibex in the room speaking to Isara. The Ibex presented a message tube attached on his saddle. Zaza pushed Reagle back up the stairwell a bit so that they could listen in while being unnoticed.

“Commandant Isara, the Capital Committee of Ibelin regrets to inform you there shall be no reinforcements. The Ibex Empire is now officially aligned with Griffin Kingdoms. There is to be no more action against them covert or otherwise. Forthwith the intelligence limb of Ibaristan is to lend their full cooperation to a Griffin handler.” the messenger spoke.

“Committee cowards! They surrender their souls so that they might be spared a few more years of lowly life. What will they do when War Wings and devil birds darken their skies?” cried Isara angrily.

“Commandant Isara, those are the orders given. I don’t like it much either.” said the messenger.

Zaza stepped forward. “Our mission is vital. It could mean an end to this war! Commandant Isara if you cannot aid us then you must give us free passage. The hope of nations rest in the balance! I will not stop here!” Zaza had affixed a spear to her war saddle.

“Are you threatening our Commandant?!” the mercenaries in the room stood up.

Isara batted an eye. “You have a weapon against me. Are you my enemy? I always wondered whether the Zerkers matched their reputation.”

“I will fight you. I may not win but neither will you.” said Zaza.

“Isara, don’t do this.” said Nokimbe.

Isara’s voice became silky smooth. “Relax, do you see us turning our spears against you?” Isara flicked her head and motioned her body to show her ‘pretty’ side. “Messenger, due to Griffin interference you were unable to deliver this message to me. Are we clear?” Isara produced a bar of gold from her saddle pouch and handed it to the messenger.

The messenger eagerly nodded. “Yes Commandant, we never spoke.” saluted the messenger as he exited the bar.

Nokimbe smiled. “Isara, thank you.”

Isara snorted. “I don’t leave my soldiers hanging. I won’t let politics get in the way.” Isara then glared at Zaza and her words were chilled to icicles. “Unless you mean to kill me never point a weapon at me again. I will kill you.”

“A Zerker enters battle accepting death. I do not fear your threat.” said Zaza.

For a moment, the Ibex and the Zebra mare stared at each other.

Isara chuckled. “I like you!” she declared. “Now let’s move out!”

The streets were abuzz with angry Ibexes. They could hear grenades being thrown in the distance as smoke filled the streets in the distance. There were many more dead Ibexes and some Griffins. The winding back streets were deserted and their bad moved forward in two squads. Isara’s soldiers were first as they crossed streets and scouted ahead.

“How will we escape the road blocks?” asked Zaza.

“Warehouse district, we have a special piece of equipment hidden.” said Isara with a cryptic smile.

“Commandant, trouble.” said Javelin running back.

Several squads of Griffins, twelve in total were setting jars into carts. Two were perched above atop a warehouse building. Their long shadows could be seen around the corner of the warehouse block. The bodies of several Ibex workers were also strewn across the ground where Griffin crossbow bolts had killed them.

“Stinking looters.” said Zaza.

“They are in our way. Time to get to work.” said Isara drawing her spear.

“Roger.” Bull knelt down and positioned his body aiming the automatic crossbow.

Cirta the gazelle loaded a box of bolts into the top feed of the automatic crossbow. “Be in position when we open up on them.” Cirta cocked the mechanism drawing the string back.

“Kill the watchers.” said Isara pointing to shadows of the Griffins .

“On me.” said Javelin leading the Ibex fighters backwards and around.

“What shall we do?” asked Reagle.

“Frontal assault.” said Isara.

“Hurry, don’t spill a drop. Ambrosia wine sells its weight in gold back in the Isles.” A tall and lanky Griffin Commander directed his troops.

Two shrill shrieks caused the Griffins soldiers to set down their wine jars. The lookout Griffins fell to the ground with spears jabbed into them.

“Now!” cried Isara running from cover.

Bull braced himself. Cirta tapped Bull with her forelegs, signaling the Water Buffalo to swivel his body and the automatic crossbow on his back. Cirta let loose the first volley from the automatic crossbow and the deadly bolts whistled through the air.

Immediately two Griffins fell to the crossbow’s barrage.

“Scatter!” shouted the Griffin Commander. He was run through by Isara’s spear before he could draw his sword.

“Fly away!” shouted several Griffins as the bolts of the automatic crossbow chased them.

“Get nailed!” Cirta downed another Griffin.

Scythe and Spear jumped from the warehouse rooftops, cushioning their fall with sickening cracks as they landed on fleeing Griffins.

Zaza and Nokimbe finished two more of the grounded Griffins with their spears as Reagle stabbed an attacking Griffin with his sword.

The red wine jars had been shattered in the fighting, leaving the wine to mix with the blood on the ground.

A single Griffin soldier was left. “Stay back!” A young white Griffin held onto a grenade with claw flints at the ready to light the short fuse.

The three Ibexes readied to strike, closing in on the fearful soldier.

Reagle recognized the short green cloak the soldier wore. “Wait stop! He’s a cadet!” cried a horrified Reagle.

Crossbow bolts ripped into the Griffin cadet and the fuse was sparked. Everyone jumped backwards. There was plume of white feathers colored crimson.

Reagle turned back to Bull to see that Isara had pushed Cirta aside. The automatic crossbow twanged empty as Isara hopped off of Bull.

“That Griffin was a cadet!” said Reagle pointing his sword at Isara.

Isara snorted. “Any devil bird that directs a weapon at me or my own is an enemy. You best sheath that blade.”

Reagle’s eyes were wide with rage and his claws held onto his sword so tightly that blood dripped where he’d dug into his palm.

“Come on.” Zaza spoke to Reagle.

They entered the warehouse adjacent to the one where the Griffins had been looting. The door was cranked opened to reveal an airship laying in a drydock. The metallic raw steel was almost blinding and with the solid metal construction, it looked like a smaller War Wing albeit with a razor’s edge bow. However, two full-sized War Wing propellers were mounted on the miniature ship’s sides.

Nokimbe gasped. “This is an airship. How did you steal this?”

“Steal? We made this.” said Isara. “Okay the engine was stolen.”

“This would be a windfall if our engineers at Mount Hope were to examine the engine.” said Zaza.

“The engines are outdated. They’re Mark 1, current War Wings use Mark 4.” Reagle remarked staring at propellers.

“Will it be fast enough to escape?” asked Nokimbe.

“This ship is a third the size and doesn’t have to carry a bomb payload so it should be more than enough.” said Reagle.

“Of course this ship is faster than a War Wing. It was designed so.” said Isara.

“The Ibex Empire has this technology, why didn’t they share it?!” said Zaza.

“It is a prototype, the last gasp before my people surrendered all hope.” said Isara.

Dori was helped onto the War Wing command bridge by Ironbeak to the salutes of the bridge personnel as she sat down.

“Commander, the rioting has gotten worse. We had to withdraw our search teams. We’ve lost several squads.” an officer reported.

“What of the Ibaristan governor, can’t he get his people in line? Don’t we own his offices?” asked Dori.

“The governor’s office has been overrun. Our treaty with the Ibex Empire is no good.” replied the officer.

“Open bomb bay doors!” snarled Dori.

“Wait! I thought we were going to-” cried Ironbeak.

“We won’t bomb them directly, only enough to inspire fear.” said Dori.

Ironbeak scratched his head feathers. “That’s a little bit better.”

“Commander? An enemy airship?” said an officer staring outside their window.

“Airship enemy? Don’t you mean balloon?” asked Ironbeak.

A metal ship ascended outside their windows. Griffin deck officers stood up from their seats to look.

Dori was unfazed. “All crew to battle stations! Signal our War Balloons to provide support fire! I want that ship sunk! Nothing challenges our supremacy of the skies!”

Author's Note:

Bull and Cirta