• Published 13th May 2013
  • 13,854 Views, 57 Comments

Zig Zag Love - Akashic Brony

The mighty Griffin Kingdoms with their new War Wing airships have ventured forth to conquer their neighbors. A desperate plan is born to change the winds of war. Meanwhile a Griffin meets a Zebra.

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Chapter 14 The Heat of Hate

Sheltered underneath a rock outcropping, Zaza and Reagle waited for the sandstorm to blow over. The cutting sand impeded them from moving from their position so instead they hunkered down together coming closer.

Reagle sighed. “What now?”

Zaza meekly suggested. “We could run away? Forget all else? Live our lives, together.”

A moment passed painfully.

He spoke sternly laced with a slight anger. “You know that’s not an option!” His words hurt her. Reagle relented. “I would if I could but you and I are beholden to responsibilities beyond ourselves.”

“I’m sorry that was extremely selfish to ask… It’s a great weight, I know.” She frowned.

“Heavy hearts…” Reagle responded.

“Then your battles are my battles. We’ll fight what comes. I won’t let you go,” said Zaza.

Reagle smirked. “If I had known you were crazy possessive, I might not have pursued you.”

She affectionately buried her muzzle in his feathery chest. “Heh, I am a Zerker. Back on the prison ship, I entered the Zerker state and broke those bars, you were my focus.”

Reagle rubbed his forehead. “Zaza, what was your people’s plan?”

The mare rubbed her fore hooves nervously after a moment she spoke. “Originally we were going to secure a Griffin noble to infect the chain of command. I thought it would cause just sterility… but I was foolish and perhaps desperate enough to believe that was all my father’s plans amounted to. He and I were so much driven by revenge. I’m sorry.”

“You know your parents best; what will they do?”

“This new weapon changes everything. I know my father, loss after loss he kept our airships in reserve and secret.”

“Perhaps he deployed them to rescue you?”

“My father is not so sentimental… he suffered Zecora’s pacifism …. he endured the loss of my brother… all the while he’s been planning.” Zaza closed her eyes to better remember. “I saw maps on the planning room table. The fleet was refueling, the ships sagging heavy with black blood stones. More than normal.”

“They mean to extend the range of their ships with extra coal. My gods…”

“He will deploy the weapon into the heart of the Griffin Isles. Military target or civilian city, it won’t matter. Disease will destroy all.”

Reagle pulled out a map. “Wait a tick! Even with a one way trip, the Zebra ships won’t make it to the Griffin Isles.”

“They’ll need to recapture Zericho in order to refuel. We have some time.”

“Not enough…” said Reagle.

Zaza pulled a vial from her saddle pouch. “Luckily I have this.”

“That was meant for me? Wasn’t it?”

“Yes… but now we might be able to save some of your people if the worst comes.”

Reagle stood up. “I must find my father. He must know of my uncle’s treason. Civil war will erupt if we are not swift.”

Zaza rose as well. “Before anything else I must speak to Zecora. She may be able to aid us.”

Wrapping his cloak around his head he looked out at the sandstorm. “Very well, we can’t afford to wait though.”

Zaza pulled a turquois scarf for herself and red scarf for Reagle. “I agree, storm will offer us cover if my father sends airships after us. The sand will choke the engines so they’ll hold off their pursuit.” She pulled out a map as well along with a compass from her saddle bags. She ruffled further into her bags and threw Reagle a canteen.

He raised a brow. “You came prepared?”

She smiled. “Did you think I would walk into the desert without provisions? I came to not bring you back but to join you.”

“I forgot to bring much else. I was sort of caught up in the moment…”

She nuzzled him gently. “My brave prince, save your passion. We shall need it for the coming battles.”

On the boarding bridge between Banshee’s beaten airship and Dori’s War Wing, the two she-griffins faced off. Behind Dori was motley assembled raiding team with an assortment of cutlasses, maces, and even a mop broom made into a spear. Behind Banshee were her black cloaked elite Raven soldiers with their long swords though outnumbered by four to one.

Banshee cooed, tapping he claymore sword. “How kind of you to bring me a replacement ship.”

Dori smirked. “You have something of mine, that’s the only reason I haven’t ordered your ship blown to bits.”

“You don’t fear me now?”

Dori cawed out to her troops. From behind the ranks squads of Griffins readied crossbows even a mini mortar was wheeled forth onto the boarding bridge. The cannon ports of Dori’s war wing opened up and the gun barrels poked out. Banshee’s battered War Wing was not able to present an equal of number of guns. Dori smiled as she raised a claw to signal the barrage. “I know your weakness: an abundance superior numbers and firepower can overcome any amount of skill.”

“Before I am slain, my sword shall taste your blood!” Banshee raised her claymore sword and swung it in an intimidating display.

Dori was unimpressed. “Banshee, you sing a song of death for others. I wonder who will sing for you?”

“Stop!” Ironbeak flew in between the two she-Griffins. “As your superior officer, I order you both to stop.”

“What?!” Dori and Banshee were shaken from their battle stances.

Ironbeak puffed up his chest feathers and reared up on his hind legs. His brave display was only tempered by the slight shaking in his voice. “Hear me soldiers of the Griffin Kingdoms and of my clan!” His voice became more resolute and solid as he continued on. “I am the heir of House Ironclaw! My word is law! I, Prince Ironbeak, order you to lower your weapons!”

The soldier wavered as some lowered their weapons ever so slightly as others held fast. They wonder whether the figurehead had actual authority.

“What are you doing? I’m rescuing you, feather bag.” Dori demanded in a harsh whisper as she moved toward Ironbeak.

Ironbeak stuttered. “Y-You’re recuing me?”

Dori blushed. “Yeah… I love you, you stupid softy. We won’t have to worry about your father; I’ll take you into my house.” She gave a soft smile. “So let’s hurry up and kill the witch so we can go home.”

“Banshee is my sister. She’s not evil.”

“She’s your adopted sister! Anyway, this isn’t about good or evil. It never was. The only good I’m concerned about is what is good for us.” Dori sneered.

Banshee strolled forward. “Dori Bloodtalon, I follow Ironbeak now. He has convinced me the value of my life.”

“He’s an idiot, I’m not. You can’t fool me.”

“Give her a chance. She’s gone through a lot… she shares some similar history with you. You’re both birds with wounded wings.”

“No how, now way. She’s a monster. ”

Banshee frowned. She shrieked to her own soldiers. “Ravens, you heard the Prince! Lower your weapons!”

The Elite Ravens obeyed after a tense moment. Banshee herself dropped her claymore clanging to the metal bridge.

Dori was stunned.

Ironbeak smiled softly. “You too, Dori. Officially you’re under my command. Don’t make me order you.”

Dori chirped. “You’re beginning to sound like a prince.” She turned toward her soldiers. “You heard the Prince! Lower your weapons!”

Dori’s soldiers complied as well.

Ironbeak’s chest fell as he got back on all fours and sighed. “Alright I want repair crews. Get this War Wing operational.” He waved his claws.

The Griffin soldiers saluted and got to work.

Dori leaned in and chirped. “I like this new assertive you.”

Ironbeak gritted his beak and whispered back. “Can you tell I’m lying?”

“That’s all public speaking is.” Dori smiled back pecking him with a light kiss.

King Zarius and his Queen Isis scanned the horizon filled with sand. On the airship coning tower they looked through mounted telescopes. With worried looks and downturn frowns they looked on.

The Zebra King barked. “How soon will this Sandstorm clear? Can’t we move now?”

A Zebra officer bowed. “My King, the sand would choke our airship engines.”

Isis massaged her husband’s shoulders with her hooves. “My love, our daughter embodies the spirit of Zulu. Worrying will not do. She will return to us with the devil bird head.”

Nokimbe stepped up the flight of stairs to the coning tower with his head lowered. “The warriors sent in her pursuit have been found dead.”

Isis neighed. “No! Was our daughter amongst the slaughter?!”

Zarius placed a comforting hoof on his wife shoulder. “As you said our daughter has the bravery of her brother. Even with that she is spirit of her own with the fire of phoenix. I do not believe a single devil bird could overcome her.”

Nokimbe swallowed before speaking. “Some of the warriors were slain with Zebra assegai spear… I fear Zaza has betrayed us.”

Both parents whipped their heads around in a daze.

“I do not believe this.” Zarius bawked.

Isis narrowed her gaze at Nokimbe. “Commander Nokimbe, you know something. Speak whatever ill it will bring.”

Zarius nodded. “We must have the truth hard as it can be.”

Nokimbe sighed. “Our journey was a desperate one; enemies pursued us at all turns. We needed the cooperation of the Griffin. To secure that, Zaza seduced the Griffin... or allow herself to be, I don’t know which is which. Reagle though wasn’t the enemy we imagined. He was kind and good hearted. There were countless times he saved us. Reagle wasn’t evil even if the cause he served was.”

Zarius ground his teeth and angrily bawked. “You sing the devil bird’s praises?! He is our hated enemy.”

Nokimbe coughed. “They aren’t all bad.”

Isis was calm but her eyes were equally furious. “Continue your story. We promise we won’t be angry.” She placed a hoof on her husband’s hoof.

Nokimbe squirmed slightly.

Zarius himself calmed down. “In the least we’ll control our anger.”

They had broken past the curtain of the sandstorm with the dark behind them. Reagle was still surprised that Zaza matched his flying pace while running on the ground. It even seemed she was slowing down to match him. He kept careful not to fly too hard lest he aggravate the mending plumage. The healing brew was working but the pain was magnified as it did. He appreciated it to a degree that it kept his mind sharp.

“Zaza, I—.”

“I need to rest too,” said Zaza mirroring his thoughts or perhaps for his benefit.

They stopped their break neck pace and caught their breaths sitting beside each other.

“How long before we reach your sister?” asked Reagle.

“The refugee camp is close to the capital. We should be there by the next morning if we keep at this speed.”

“If it’s so close. I’m worried Banshee or Dori might be there, they might plunder that place for supplies to recover from their defeat rather than retreat.”

“Do you think they are crazy enough to do that?”

“Perhaps desperate enough, their plans for imperial succession hinge on offing me. What a bloody mess.”

Zaza looked worriedly at Reagle. “If we could return you to the Griffin Kingdoms can you turn the tide?”

“It’ll be a bloodbath…. but yeah, I could consolidate power but by then it might be too late to thwart the Zebra fleet.”

“Let us move one step at a time.”

As Reagle extended his wings he winced in pain. He gave an audible caw as he tried to flap them. He was then surprised Zaza cried next.

Zaza cried out with an anguished tone of regret. “Oh how I have hurt you.”

“No worries, I just need time.” His attempt to smile bravely was tempered as he cringed in further trying to beat a takeoff with his aching wings.

Zaza went from under Reagle and threw him onto her back. Reagle yelped.

“What are you—”

Zaza smiled. “You’ve carried me emotionally, now it’s my turn to carry you physically.”

“Whoa!” Reagle laughed as he was carried of Zaza’s back. “I never had a pony ride like this before.”

“I trained with weights heavier than you. I can take it,” said Zaza, running.

Reagle pressed his beak blowing his breath into his ear. “I bet you can. I love riding you.”

Zaza blushed and cried. “You perverted parrot! Do you want to be thrown off?!”

“Hahaha!” Reagle chirped and hugged her. “I love you.”

Zaza’s face was still red. “I love you too.”

Nokimbe stood nervously in front of Zarius and Isis. The Zebra King and Queen’s faces grew more stern as he had explained. On the airship coning toward, a cold wind swept through them stealing their heat.

“Our daughter is our enemy now,” Zarius announced with a grim grin as he madly spoke.

Nokimbe pleaded. “Zaza hasn’t betrayed you. I know her. She wouldn’t sacrifice her people. If the Griffin Prince can win back his Kingdom, there will be a path towards peace.”

Isis’ tone was as chilled as her husband’s. “Enough, the devil birds only lie. They will all die.”

“Mobilize the fleet, we shall retake Zericho and use it as our launching pad to deploy our weapon upon the Griffin Isles.”

Nokimbe raised a hoof. “I did some calculations, even with the extra fuel; our airships don’t have the range to strike the Griffin Isles.”

Isis gave a mad mare smile. “We do with a one way voyage. Our enemies won’t expect such courage.”

Nokimbe nodded. “I see.”

Zarius stomped his hoof this time snapping the bolts from the metal tiling itself. “Oh great hate! Take my son; take my daughter, take my soul, but before I go see my enemies destroyed!”

Ironbeak, Dori, and Banshee laid out a map in front of them. Of their two ships, they used Dori’s fresh War Wing as their command center. The two Griffin females stood at opposites of Ironbeak and leering at each other slightly.

Banshee bit her beak. “We cannot return to Lord Ironclaw with nothing.”

“We’ll bring him Reagle Hawkmor,” said Ironbeak.

Dori rubbed her forehead. “He’s with the Zebras and apparently they have a respectable fleet now.”

“I’ll lie and demand a private audience before I hand over ‘Reagle’. It’ll be enough to bring us into the throne room then I’ll challenge my father to a duel for succession.”

Dori and Banshee spun their heads towards Ironbeak.

“Of course, we’ll just gang up, murder him, and then the truth will be what we say it is. My father only has ever ruled by fear. They’ll fear me after I hold his head in my claws. Once the fleet is mine, I’ll turn around and capture the capital. Then I’ll slay King Hawkmor too, and become the King. Reagle’s claim then will mean nothing.”

Both female Griffins’ beaks were left open.

Ironbeak chuckled. “I’ve thought about how I might do this for a long time.”

“I can tell,” said Dori, “My kind gentle feather puff is actually a real Griffin.”

Ironbeak shook his head. “I won’t be a tyrant like my father. I’ll rule with compassion and kindness but first I need to win the throne.”

Banshee spoke softly. “The means to power can corrupt. When you bloodied your claws as I have you’ll find a certain liking to it.”

“Aye, that’s why I have you two. You can be my talons while I will be the beak that speaks.”

Dori nodded. “A great plan for the future, but immediately we need supplies to even make it back to your father. I recommend we raid a refugee camp my scouts have spotted.”

“I agree, rather it is our only choice.” said Banshee.

Ironbeak broke his cool. “A refugee camp? But those are innocent—”

Banshee raised her brow. “You just suggested patricide and regicide with us being your tools to those ends.”

Ironbeak rubbed his beak. “For the greater good, they’ve been words that have justified the worst of actions… but for now that’ll have to do. I have never been a Griffin of ambition, because I lacked the will and the power. You two have provided me power, I won’t fail with will. Let us set forth immediately.”

Dori shivered slightly then chirped. “Ironbeak, you have a silver tongue.”

A veritable tent city, the refugee camp was flushed with wounded and war stranded. Reagle had dismounted from Zaza’s back and they entered the camp quietly. They felt much like the exhausted civilians. There were some that expressed surprised at the Griffin but Reagle saw that their astonishment dissipated rather quickly. He then looked to see that there were Griffins amongst the refugees. They were mostly on gurneys and were war wounded. Zebra guards separated them from the rest.

Zaza commented. “Zecora is most compassionate to tend to all comers.”

“Your sister deeply impresses me.”

Zaza laughed lightly. “Father and mother never approved of her philosophy. I used to agree with them. People like her will be needed after the war,” Zaza looked down at her hooves, “I imagine warriors like us will not be much use in peace.”

“Warriors shall always be needed to keep that peace.”

“You are right. The leopard of doubt is ever on the prowl.”

“Worry no more, I dispatched the leopard hunting around the camp, he leopard sleeps, permanently.” Zecora walked in between them. “Is that my sister and Reagle I see?”


Reagle and Zaza explained their situation in the privacy of empty medical tent. Zecora’s smiled turned towards disgust as Zaza finished. “—we must stop my father before he deploys the weapon. However there is no assurance we can, that’s why we need a cure.” Zaza produced the dreaded vial.

“Oh sister, I feel I am responsible, one time I had a text book. My father took a look. This foul scheme stems from my study. I now feel more empty.”

Reagle and Zaza looked at each worriedly. Zecora sunk down in melancholy as she looked away from their gaze. Reagle recalled only how recently the Zebra mare had lost, her city, her husband, and her integrity as a pacifist.

Zaza hugged her sister for a moment. “Please eldest sister, this isn’t your fault. We need you to focus. I need you to be strong. You’ve always been an example for me to follow.”

“Curious, I always admired you for being so noble. I thought I followed you; I did not know you followed me, it seems we go in a circle.”

Zaza smiled along with her sister. “Zecora, I never knew.” She let go of her sister and returned to topic. “Zecora, could you do it?”

“Indeed I could perhaps produce a cure. First I must see what’s in there.” Zecora pointed a hoof at the dreaded vial.

“Will there be time to produce a cure? Please hurry,” said Reagle.

“I see the reason for your worry. If we are to stop this plan, we mustn’t tarry.”

Zaza planted a fore hoof on the ground. “We know what’s at stake.”

“For using this mother and father are fools. I need to analyze this but I do not have the tools.”

A white pony with a red cross mark on her flanks poked her head into the tent. “Maybe I can help. I’m actually a student volunteer.”

They followed the white pony to an equipment hut as she ruffled through boxes of equipment. The crates and boxes had a symbol of two Alicorns hovering in circle.

Reagle chirped. “Bloody brilliant, Equestrian relief aid?”

The nurse pony nodded. “Officially we’re trying to alleviate the problems in Zebrika. In reality I think it’s just to prolong the war between Griffins and Zebras. Equestria has a vested interest in keeping Zebrika on life support in order to distract the Griffins.”

Reagle raised a claw. “You fear the Griffin Kingdoms will look for greener pastures for fodder after they’re done with Zebrika?”

The nurse pony opened up another crate disappointed it was the wrong one. “Yeah, I was so full of ideals starting out. I know now there’s an ulterior motive to much of everything even charity.”

“Geopolitics,” Zaza spat.

“I hate all ticks in general,” said Reagle, angrily.

Zaza placed a reassuring hoof on the nurse. “Even if your efforts are tokens, we appreciate it. If you can help us now it’ll be a step towards real progress.”

The nurse pony frowned. “I wish we could do better. I admit sadly we’re mostly giving out band aids instead of healing the damage.”

“Give us the tools. We will stop the bleeding,” said Reagle, resolutely.

The nurse pony then smiled as she opened a crate with the proper equipment. The cushioning hay flew as she dug for it. Reagle and Zaza looked at the odd instrument questioningly. The nurse pony then gave the device to Zecora.

Zecora held the device aloft with familiarity. “You have fulfilled our hope. Indeed it is a microscope.”

The nurse nodded with a sunny smile.

“Miss, what’s your name anyway?” Reagle chirped.

“Call me Redheart.” The white pony left.

Reagle was fixated on the slight sway of her hips.

Zaza poked him affectionately. “Eyes on me, Reagle.”

Reagle and Zaza watched as Zecora worked the nobs on the strange device and peered through the small aperture atop it.

Reagle leaned in over Zecora’s shoulder while talking to Zaza. “How is it that your sister knows how to use equipment like this?”

“Zecora has studied abroad,” said Zaza, “Once my father had hoped foreign education would provide a solution.”

“What solution?”

“Weapons and such, however my sister chose medicine and chemistry instead.”

“A most noble venture.”

Zaza leaned in further. “I wonder how long it will take.”

Reagle crowded in as well. “Yeah.”

Zecora smiled at Zaza and Reagle perched on her shoulders. “Please be silent, I must concentrate. Results come to those who wait.” She returned looked through her microscope. After an agonizing half hour Zecora turn to them.

Zecora showed a small dot on her hoof where she took a sample. “This is strange. This disease has made a change. I tested both our bloods to be sure. We are all in grave danger.” She immediately grabbed the ceremonial masks from the walls and put them on her and Zaza.

Zaza looked nervously. “The disease kills Zebras as well now?”

Zecora nodded. “There is a story of a tribe that summoned a demon to destroy their great foe. When the demon was not satisfied their joy turned to woe. It is now lore. That tribe is no more.”

“How ironic, disease doesn’t discriminate.” Reagle shook his head.

Zaza pleaded. “Sister, if all else fails, we need you to come up with a cure.”

“This will put my abilities to the test; however I will do my best.”

Screams echoed through the refugee camp.

A cry came out. “The devil birds are here!”

Ironbeak walked through the center of refugee camp. Besides him were Dori and Banshee and behind them was a platoon of Griffins.

“I spotted Griffins amongst the refugees.”

Dori replied. “Deserters from the airship battle, we can restore them with reduced ranks or execute them.”

Banshee sneered. “Cowards are useless, they may desert us again.”

Ironbeak spoke coldly. “They can at the very lowest serve as cannon fodder, offer them repatriation if they refuse then execute them.” He added with a sigh. “We can offer them that mercy.”

Dori said. “From the air we saw several Zebra War Balloons, hopefully they still have black blood stones or we’ll be in trouble with fuel.”

Ironbeak nodded.

Banshee swung her claymore sword. “Take all and kill all that refuses or resists.”

Ironbeak drew a sword and countered parrying her sword. “Who gives the orders?!”

Banshee raised a brow quizzically. “Sorry?”

Ironbeak smiled. “It’s alright.” He turned to the Griffin platoon. “Soldiers take only what we need! Do not fire unless fired upon! No bloodshed! We are not bandits!” Ironbeak swung his blade and ordered his soldiers forward.

Reagle, Zaza, and Zecora peered through a tent flap at the Griffin raiding party that was scouring the camp.

Reagle drew his sword. “Curses, those are Dori’s troops.”

They tucked back as Griffins with black cloaks rushed past their tent.

“I see the Ravens amongst their ranks, their leader Banshee must be amongst them also.” said Zaza.

Zecora peered at the sky hole of the tent. “Why do they send only infantry? There are no War Wings I see.”

Reagle rubbed his beak. “They must be extremely low in fuel. They’d send in the War Wings only after they are certain they can secure it otherwise they’d burn up their reserves on the trip.”

Zaza asked. “Zecora, how many warriors do you command?”

“Please Zaza, let not this place of refuge become a killing ground. We have half their number of warriors, doing battle would be unsound.”

“If they take the fuel from the War Balloons, we’ll lose our only means to get to the Griffin Kingdoms,” said Reagle.

Nurse Redheart held firmly onto a case as a Griffin tried to wrest it from her.

“Please, it’s an emergency we’re using that alcohol to sterilize wounds!”

The greedy Griffin officer pulled harder. “Yeah, and I need that to drown my sorrows over my dead comrades!”

“Please, stop!” Nurse Redheart cried as she was pried off the case by another Griffin.

Nurse Redheart was punched to ground so hard her hair tie fell off. Refugees gathered to help her. Some Zebras looked at the Griffins with burning rage in their eyes.

The greedy Griffin officer directed his crossbow. “What are you grass sucking sods looking at?”

“You monsters!” cried a Zebra mare.

“We’re not all monsters.” Some of the war wounded Griffins stepped forward from the crowd of refugees. The bandaged and limping group faced off with the squad of Griffin raiders. A gray feathered older Griffin stepped up and placed a claw on the officer’s crossbow. “These people helped us. Don’t bully them. Leave the case. Their wounded need that more than your beer belly does.”

The greedy Griffin shoved back the war wounded Griffin and cocked his crossbow. “Back the buck off. You’re deserters; we have orders to execute you unless you return to your ranks.”

The war wounded Griffins produced broken and improvised weapons. “Yeah we deserted your stupid army. We won’t desert these people though.”

“Traitor!” The greedy Griffin fired a bolt killing a war wounded Griffin.

“Get those bastards!”

The mob swarmed the greedy Griffin before he could reload.

Ironbeak look flustered as fighting broke out. A line of Griffins with crossbows held the crowd back with bolt volleys. One line fired while another reloaded in rotation.

Ironbeak gave a dismayed caw. “I thought we could avoid bloodshed.”

“There will be yet more blood to make you king,” said Banshee.

Dori cawed. “We need now to order the Grenadiers to suppress the crowd. So you make the orders, what will it be?”

Ironbeak maw fell open. “Grenades, those will shred them apart… those are still civilians.”

Dori fired a crossbow bolt downing a Zebra that charged with a spear. “They’re civilians with soldiers intermixed.”

A Griffin officer saluted and reported. “Lord Ironbeak, the deserters are fighting for the refugees.”

Ironbeak stammered. “W-W-What? Did you extend our offer?”

Dori interjected by pulling Ironbeak’s collar and pulling his close. She cooed soft as she could. “Ironbeak, my love. Let me take command.”

Ironbeak shook his head. “I appreciate it, but I can no longer be a witness even if it means I must be a participant in the horrors.” He raised his saber. “Grenadiers make ready!”

Banshee added. “We should use incendiary munitions. The majority of the enemy are Zebra ground infantry they will suffocate in the blaze while we fly above.”

Banshee’s suggestion made Ironbeak aghast as his saber fell limply.

Reagle drew his saber and cut down a Raven soldier. With their mounted spears, Zecora sliced down another while Zaza impaled a third.

“Damn that Dori and Banshee,” said Reagle.

“They’re determined to choose the bloodiest path, both must die for there to be peace.” said Zaza.

Zecora raged. “Again, I must break my pacifist vow. These foes, I don’t care now. They must die. Infidels, bastards, beasts! I will rend them apart.”

Reagle and Zaza turned to Zecora noticing her break in speech and seething tone. It was disturbing but nothing to Zecora’s Zerker eyes.

Through many tents, Reagle’s stellar vision caught a glimpse of Ironbeak with an upraised saber behind a firing line of Griffins. “Ironbeak’s leading the attack?”

Ironbeak recovered enough to protest. “Regular grenades are enough!”

“You made us your talons, let us work. If you can’t I’ll give the order then,” said Banshee as indifferently as ever.

Dori spouted. “Banshee, that’s too far! You genocidal witch! You have to go that extra mile don’t you?”

A Zebra warrior barreled through the firing line of Griffins before he was taken out by Banshee’s claymore sword. Banshee flung the blood from her blade. “We can’t stall. Grenades aren’t enough we need incendiary. My Ravens are equipped.”

Dori sneered as she grudgingly stepped back. “I’d ask if you planned this, but I already know you did.”

Ironbeak shivered before he spoke. “Dori, Banshee is right. Prepare the incendiary grenades!”

The Griffins lit rags attached to jars.

“Light them up!”

The flung jars exploded into brilliant flashes of liquid fire as they fell. The tent city came ablaze as the flames spread.

Ironbeak held himself afterwards. He fell onto the ground and dropped his saber. “Oh Odin, Tartarus awaits me…”

Dori cooed. “Ironbeak, you’re too much of a softy to command, you should have—”

Ironbeak stood back up with tears streaming but a steady gaze. “Dori, I’ll manage.”

“IRONBEAK!!!” a shriek came. Reagle cut through a tent with his sword. Appearing beside him were Zaza and Zecora.

Ironbeak squeaked. “Reagle?”

Zebra warriors cut through the tents towards the Griffins. The Zebra infantry leapt upon the firing line of crossbow Griffins.

“A flanking maneuver?!” Dori screeched.

Reagle, Zaza, and Zecora charged. Ironbeak, Dori, and Banshee turned to intercept. Amongst the burning tents and choking ashes the battle was engaged. The hellish flames raged as Tartarus had been borne upon the earth. Blood spilled dried quickly in the heat of hate.

Author's Note:

Reagle and Zaza new art!