• Published 13th May 2013
  • 13,854 Views, 57 Comments

Zig Zag Love - Akashic Brony

The mighty Griffin Kingdoms with their new War Wing airships have ventured forth to conquer their neighbors. A desperate plan is born to change the winds of war. Meanwhile a Griffin meets a Zebra.

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Chapter 13 Revelations

Inside Banshee’s flagship, the Griffin crew stood up from their seats. Outside the War Wing’s windows, the great metal hulks of airships sunk below the cloud curtain as their hulls ruptured from the enemy barrage.

Ironbeak stammered. “We’re outnumbered four to one.”

The Griffin crew muttered to themselves. “If she orders an attack, I’m bailing.”

“Zebra airships, what the buck? Who’d have thought the savages had technology.”

“It must be a trick? An illusion?”

“Orders?! What are our orders?”

“What shall we do?!”

“Flee for your lives!” A Griffin ran for the door. He made the mistake of bumping into Banshee.

Banshee was stirred from her stupor. She swung her claymore sword, barring the coward’s path.

The coward gave a careless smile and pointed a claw to the battle outside. “What are you going do, kill me? We’re already dead!”

Banshee raised her blade to lob the Griffin’s head off.

More mutinous Griffins voiced their discontent.

“Yeah! Without fear, you have nothing!”

“Buck you! We’re not just pawns on your board!”

“You can’t kill all of us!”

Banshee was baffled by the outpouring. She could only sneer and ready her blade. “Come on! Try and die!”

Even Banshee was forced back a step when more of the crew joined against her. The crew were about to swarm her when Ironbeak gave a shrill cry.

“Everyone! Listen, we can’t fight amongst ourselves! Our best bet for survival is before us.” He walked between the crew and Banshee. “You may hate Banshee but you can’t question her effectiveness. Who else can make hard decisions? If we run around like headless chickens, they’ll pick us off.”

The crew considered for a moment then slowly one by one settled back into their stations.

Banshee’s calm commanding was slightly chipped as she bit her beak. She exchanged a questioning look with Ironbeak who rose to her unlikely defense. She grudgingly spoke. “Unload everything! Drop our bomb reserves! Flanking speed reverse!”

“Our War Balloon detachment, they’ll never make pace!”

She cawed. “Abandon them! Use them and the remaining Prench warships as a shield. We must escape this!”

Aboard a small War Balloon on the outskirts of the battle, they observed the enemy rout. The Griffin War Wings pulled back as they Zebra airships advanced upon them. The remaining Prench airships were caught in the crossfire. As the battle waned, half of the Zebra airships pursued the enemy while the remaining encircled the city.

Reagle smiled. “Banshee has never faced a force greater than herself, I’m surprised she retreated. I wonder how humble she must feel now.” His jubilation was not shared.

Zaza and Nokimbe looked off in separate directions, each held their heads low. Nokimbe seemed exceptionally downcast and was stun locked in his position.

“Nokimbe, I need to access the signal flares in your saddlebag.” When her friend did not respond, Zaza reached into his saddle bag and pulled out a firework flare. A twang of pain in her forelegs caused her to drop it.

Reagle rushed to her.

Zaza said. “I guess it’ll take a day or two to fully heal.”

Reagle helped. “Here, Nokimbe and I will take care of it.” He nudged Nokimbe out of his stupor.

“Yeah.” said the male Zebra.

They moved toward the stern of the War Balloon to deploy the flare. Reagle carried the flare in his claws while walking with the sullen Zebra.

He hesitantly broached the topic. “Nokimbe, how are you holding up?”

Nokimbe swallowed before speaking. “I loved Isara, I can’t fault her for choosing her country. Cirta and Bull gave their lives for us as well… Honestly I don’t know how to feel. Yeah?”

“I’m sorry.” Reagle intoned.

Nokimbe said, bitterly. “You can’t understand… you still have Zaza.”

Reagle nodded. “I can’t pretend to understand but you have my sympathy. They were good people.”

“I thought I mattered more to Isara, yet she said nothing. I know I’m not that important but it still stings, yeah. What would you do? What would you choose?”

“Personal loyalty or country?” Reagle scratched his head feathers. “It would depend on the person and their own choice.”

“If you had to choose Zaza or your Griffin Kingdoms?”

He paused.

Nokimbe buried his face in his hooves. He wailed. “How well do we know anyone, truly?”

Reagle kept a stiff upper beak. “In the privacy of our minds, there’s a low level loneliness that we must all deal with—” He smiled. “—but talking about it with a friend helps.”

Nokimbe smiled back and raised his hoof, bumping with Reagle’s claw. A flicker of his jovial attitude returned. “Birdy, you’re okay.”

Their signal flare left a trail of green smoke in the sky. The head Zebra airship deployed a a similar green smoke flare in reply.

After docking their War Balloon with the Zebra flagship, they walked through the corridors of the vessel. The ship’s interior was spartan with little flourish. The wood walls were unpolished and seemed cut from younger timber. Zaza had wrapped Reagle in a concealing cloak.

“Meeting your parents, perhaps I should ask them for you hoof in matrimony?”

Zaza blushed. “Do not joke of such things.”

“I may be so bold,” said Reagle.

“Reagle, please let me do the talking…” Zaza pleaded. “My parents may not understand. Recall on the terms we first met; I regarded you and your kind as monsters.”

“Perhaps my company with you has blinded me to differences… but still… is it necessary for me to wear this cloak?”

A Zebra warrior bowed as he opened the doorway. “You’re expected.”

Reagle and Zaza entered the audience chamber amidst a discussion.

“So the enemy has escaped?”

“The secret of our fleet will soon be known to all.”

The female Zebra spoke. “We had hoped for a year. Now we must prepare. Withdraw our forces; we need not destroy the city with no cause. Hopefully witnessing our strength will give the Griffins pause.”

“Isis, you know better than to hope.” said the male, scrawling orders on a papyrus scroll.

Zaza approached the two thrones and bowed. “Father, Mother, I have returned.” Both King and Queen turned with surprise in their eyes. The stern decorum of the room was broken. Both parents trotted forward.

Her mother wiped her eyes and gave her daughter an affectionate nuzzle while hugging her. “Zaza, there were rumors of your death. We held our breath.”

Her father replied coolly. “We knew better than to listen.” After an awkward moment of silence, he broke down as well, hugging her harder than her mother.

“Father, you’re squishing me,” said Zaza.

They both stepped back into their thrones.

“Where is Assegai, your lieutenant? Where is the army you left with?” asked the Zebra King.

“There were complications in my mission. We became surrounded… I surrendered my forces to spare them death. Assegai sacrificed himself to ensure my success.” said Zaza.

The King frowned deeply. “More terrible news…” He slumped into his throne.

Zaza gritted her teeth. “Also, Zericho has fallen. Commander Zephyr died in its defense.”

“Yes, our scouts saw the smoke from the city.”

Zaza added. “Zecora leads the survivors and refugees to safety.”

Both parents gave a sigh of relief.

The Queen spoke with a soft voice. “Our hearts nearly stopped when the city fell. We are glad that at least Zecora is safe and well.”

The Zebra King was on the edge of his seat. “Zaza, tell us of your mission.”

Zaza bowed. “Father, I present to you Prince Reagle Hawkmor of the Griffin Kingdoms.” Zaza turned to the Griffin. “This is King Zarius and Queen Isis, my father and mother.”

Reagle pulled back his cloak and bowed with a wing folded forward. “A pleasure to—”

The guards shuffled to lower their spears against him. Zaza gestured them to stand down.

The Zebra King interjected. “Where are his chains?! The devil bird is not a prisoner?”

Zaza recoiled. “There were more complications.”

“Noble lords, I came of my own accord, as ummm… an ambassador for my people.” said Reagle, “I hope we might speak of peace between our people.”

Queen Isis scoffed. “Peace with our nation? We see only annihilation!”

“I know like-minded Griffins in my country, abolitionists that would see the end of slavery. Relations between our nations I know have been one sided, but a peace is still possible.”

King Zarius’s voice boomed. “There shall be no peace. We shall wipe you devil birds from our continent and beyond!” The phoenix perched on his shoulder lit up with flames, mirroring the passion in his words.

“Look, even with twelve airships you can’t bloody well take on the whole Griffin Kingdom. Even with twenty you can’t. The best you can do is to negotiate. I can speak for you to my people. There can be peace.”

Zarius was unshaken. “Even if we are to believe your intentions are genuine, it is a naïve notion. The damages and differences between our people are irreconcilable.” Rising from his throne, Zarius walked to the smaller Griffin and glared directly into his eyes. “Would you pay blood for our losses?” There was a deadly gleam in his eyes.

Reagle matched the King’s cold gaze. “Sir, I see the war in your eyes; know that I am no stranger to it either. However, blood begets blood.”

“Then let come the flood. We would drown the world if it would drive you from our lands. You underestimate our resolve.”

Reagle’s voice strained with frustration. “Peace is possible! I beg your pardon, but I know it from personal experience.”

“What experience?”

“I love your daughter.”

Isis’ jaw fell open. “Zebra and Griffin? This is sin.”

Zarius whinnied in shock. “What unnatural perversion in this?”

Zaza held her hooves to hide her eyes as her face lit up red.

Reagle prompted her to speak. “Right, Zaza?”

His prodding elicited no response as Zaza buried herself deeper in her hooves.

Queen Isis spoke after drinking from a glass of water. “Devil bird, respecting your status as… ambassador, we will spare your life. See to your sins and beg for forgiveness in the coming strife.”

King Zarius gave his daughter a deathly glare. “Zaza, I see much has happened… we will speak of this later.”

They left the audience chamber.

“Why didn’t you back me up?”

Zaza cringed. She finally blurted out. “You’re too bold!”

“Perhaps a touch,” He admitted.

“Reagle, that did not go well,” said Zaza, crossly. “I told you to let me do the speaking.”

“I’m not giving up. They’re hardliners; I imagine convincing my own father would be just as difficult.” He held her in place with his claws. “Zaza there’s something you’re not telling me.”

Zaza silenced his question with a kiss.

Reagle pulled back. “If not for peace, what was your mission? Why bring me so far.”

Zaza fidgeted. “Let me talk to my parents. Maybe they shall be more receptive next time. Please let me handle this… my way.”

A single battered and beaten War Wing limps through the skies. Behind them were the smoke trails of two less than lucky ships.

“We escaped!” announced the Griffin pilot, in emotional exhaustion.

Banshee was still; her eyes were glazed over in disbelief. “Never have I experienced such a defeat… I have failed Lord Ironclaw… he will kill me if I return with empty claws…” She took both claws and uncorked two purple potions from her satchel. A disturbing grin appeared on her face. The dosage seemed lethal.

Ironbeak put his claws on her and stopped her. “Lord Ironclaw… I mean my father, he will blame me. You have nothing to worry about. I’ll accept responsibility. I shall go to him with empty claws.”


“Why what?”

“Why die for me?”

“Because, I don’t have much else to live for. I’m a tool. All my life, I’ve lived in others’ shadows.”

Banshee bit her beak. “I cannot permit you to die… you said so yourself… I’d be lonely.”

Ironbeak stammered. “You care? You feel?”

“I know what I am. I am a monster; there can be nothing moral said of what I do… but yes, I do feel.”

He spoke carefully. “I remember when we were barely hatchlings; you were adopted into our family. You were not as you are now. What did my father do to you?”

“Lord Ironclaw gave me purpose. He tried to beat and cut me to be the ideal soldier. However, I was an imperfect instrument to his wishes. To kill my emotions I was given these.” Banshee pulled a purple potion from her pouch. “By imbibing them, I know I shall not live past a decade. There were experiments on prisoners that proved as much.”

“My god Odin, I did not know. I suppose even with how badly my father treated me; I had my mother to treat the bruises. You had no one.” The gray Griffin waddled forward and hugged her. “Banshee… I’m sorry sister.”

Banshee said. “Sister?”

“Yes,” said Ironbeak, crying.

“Why are you crying, whelp?”

“I am crying because you can’t.”

“Do not cry for me. With these, I shall not feel a thing.” Banshee raised a potion to guzzle it.

Ironbeak slapped the potion from Banshee’s claws. The contents splashed onto the floor. “Stop that! You’re killing yourself.”

“We die either slowly or quickly.”

“Stop. Live your life no matter how little. If someone as miserable as I can, then so can you.”

“Your weakness is infectious.” Her beak curled into the slightest and almost imperceptible smile.

Their moment was ended when white smoke hissed into the bridge.

A deckhand spoke hesitantly. “Commander, the steam pipes have been ruptured. We’re losing pressure! The engines are dead.”

Banshee laughed. “It seems we will die here then.”

“At least I’m spared death my father’s claws.” Ironbeak chuckled.

“War Wing on the horizon! It’s silver!”

Ironbeak jumped to the window. “Dori!”

Leading the fleet of striped vessels, their ship cruised through the sky. Looming in the distance was a mountain mired in dark haze that obscured their vision.

“So Mount Hope isn’t an active volcano?” asked Reagle.

Nokimbe nodded. “Convincing camouflage, no? The smoke is not from the earth but from the fires of our industry. Our factories produce without stop.”

“That much smoke…” said Reagle. “What are you producing?”

“Weapons of war,” said Zaza.

“It reminds me of Griffin factory cities they all produce the same smog. A bit ominous, don’t you think?” said Reagle rubbing his lower beak.

Zaza frowned. “It wasn’t always like this, once a lush forest lay at our doorstep. I suppose it was destroyed to build these ships.”

The smokescreen parted as their ship cut through. Beyond the curtain of smoke, they saw the city proper. Chimney stacks of factories encircled the residential areas. Buildings were packed densely together. The modern designs seemed copied from various cities.

“So this is the Zebra capital? Most impressive, this city’s splendor is a rival for Manehattan or even the capital of Aviannia.” Reagle pressed his beak against the glass.

Nokimbe laughed. “You thought we just had grass and sand huts?”

“Ummm… I’ve seen Zericho, so no. I just wasn’t expecting something so…”

“This level of urbanization is only seen this side of the sand sea. Before the Griffin onslaught we evacuated many settlements. I oversaw the evacuation of Zanbar myself.”

“That battle was of my father’s fame… it was my first test as an officer… I actually led the foray. We wondered why the resistance was so fierce.”

Zaza and Nokimbe turned toward Reagle with questioning stares.

Zaza spoke softly. “That battle was a massacre. Any that did not evacuate, we heard were slaughtered.”

“My Uncle Ironclaw led the auxiliary forces, they were responsible for the devastation afterwards in the wake of our advance. Seeing that only cemented my position as an abolitionist and anti-imperialist. I know I’m guilty.”

“We don’t need your pity, the Zebra Confederation will rise again.” said Nokimbe.

Reagle sighed. “Do you have two more fleets of this size?”

“No,” the male Zebra said, lamely.

“Then what’s the plan?” said Reagle.

Zaza gave Nokimbe a cold glance that compelled him to silence. Reagle saw the exchange.


“I’m too tired to think, let’s get some rest once we arrive.” said Zaza.

Reagle continued to glare at her questioningly. He shrugged after moments.

The main palace was build into Mount Hope’s slope. Long docking bridges jutted outwards. The Zebra airships pulled up alongside the bridges.

Inside the palace, they were led to their rooms. Reagle helped Zaza onto their bed.

“How are your legs?” asked Reagle.

Zaza said. “They are much better. I think they were only fractured to begin with. Tomorrow morning, I should be able to even run.”

“I’m truly amazed by those potions, but take it easy.”

“I will.” Zaza looked away.

“You seem tense. I have the cure. A backrub!” Reagle pounced.

Zaza purred as he sore muscles were subjected to the Griffin’s massage. Her limbs relaxed and she sprawled out further onto the bed. “Those devilish claws of yours!”

He stopped. Zaza moaned in disappointment.


The Zebra rolled over facing him. “I didn’t mean to… You’re different. You’re not like the rest.”

“Zaza, I’m not the only one. I know noble Griffins back home that are noble in title and spirit. We’ve just had the misfortune of encounter the worst which war brings.”

“I know.” She rubbed her other hoof. “People have stripes of good and bad—” Zaza rubbed the feathers on Reagle’s chest. ”—some no stripes at all.”

Reagle fell back on the bed. “When this war is over, I’ll take you to Aviannia. We can travel the world. When all is done and said, home is beside you in bed.”

Zaza jumped the Griffin and pinned him by sprawling out his wings. “Let’s live like our last.”

Reagle awoke to a cold chill in his bed. Zaza had slipped away from the sheets. He was tempted to fall back to sleep yet another icy draft caused him to stir. Their door creaked ever so slightly as the Zebra mare opened and closed it. In several hoof steps and heartbeats after, Reagle decided to follow.

He said softly to himself. “Zaza, what do I mean to you? Am I just a tool or fool?”

Zaza entered the throne room and greeted her parents.

“Mother,” Zaza spoke tentatively. “Father, we have to talk.”

King Zarius nodded. “Daughter, that we do. The plan is near complete. ”

Isis gestured. “Come with us. We have much to discuss.”

Zarius asked. “Have you eaten breakfast?”

“No,” said Zaza.


Reagle leaned against the wall to hear. The voices suddenly became dim. He hovered over and past the guards, slipping into the throne room. The guards noted only the slight breeze.

Inside the room, he spotted a set of descending stairs that had opened up in the steps to the throne. Cautiously he ventured after Zaza’s voice in the dimly torch lit passageway. As he negotiated the dark corridor, he felt the slick surface of the walls.

Zaza walked and talked with her parents. A tension filled the air as she conversed.

Isis said. “The Equestrians have their sorcery, the Griffins have technology, and we shall have biology.”

Zaza turned to her mother. “I thought the plan was many moons away from completion.”

Her father replied. “We had to choose another route…. a simpler version.”

“What do you mean?”

Zarius set his hoof on a lever. Instantly light flooded the corridor. The walls were revealed to be thick panels of glass that were separated into cells. Behind the panes were shadows of creatures. The emaciated animals gave shrill shrieks as they clawed at the glass. Slamming against the invisible barrier the animals mindlessly threw themselves in rage and hate.

“Hell has given up its dead.” Zaza’s gasped as she noticed the creatures were formerly Griffins. Feathers flew off from their molting and sickened forms. The eyes of the creatures bled red blood.

Zarius looked at the creatures in disdain. “Before the war, the devil birds tried giving out blankets contaminated with the pox. It is apt and ironic they gave us inspiration for this plan. It is a variant of Bird Flu, designed to target Griffins.” His tone was tinged with a mixture of eagerness and anger. “The contagion is highly infectious. It will destroy them all. The buzzards will drop from the skies like flies!”

“I thought it would only cause sterility in a limited population. It’s not right to destroy them… all. I…” said Zaza. “Are there no alternatives?”

The King retracted his enthusiasm. “We haven’t the time to wait for them die naturally. To wait for that is to wait for our own and we are at our last.”

Isis pleaded. “We have lost generations. If this war continues anymore, no longer will we be a nation. This is an act of desperation but not before we made every other consideration.”

Zarius loomed over his daughter. “That idiot Griffin will be the perfect carrier to infect their entire chain of command.”

Zaza said, softly. “He trusts me.”

“Then you are in the perfect position. Take this.” Zarius produced a vial filled with an emerald liquid. “Slip it into the devil bird’s food. It’s odorless and tasteless. It will take a week for the symptoms to manifest.”

Zaza took the green vial. “Father, I…”

Her mother replied instead. “Zaza, the need is ever so great, now is not the time for uncertainty. Do your duty to your people and country.”

Zarius smiled. “We have an opportunity to avenge your brother.”

Zaza turned her head away from her parents. Through the now lit corridors, she saw him.

Reagle’s jaw was hanging open, his chest heaved as he stood stunned. An infected Griffin pounded the glass next to him. Through suffocating bile and disease, the creature rasped. “R-R-Run!”

Zarius cried out. “Stop that Griffin! He’ll spoil everything!”

Reagle ran through the hallways of horror. The Griffins in the cells were in various stages of their affliction. Some cried muffled calls for help behind their glass enclosures. The nightmares of the battlefield invaded his mind.


He ignored the call as he ran further. His heart pulsed as he sprinted past more prisoners. Running out of the secret passage, two Zebra guards awaited him.

“Stop!” cried a guard.

The second guard lunged with his spear. Reagle dodged the point and used the spear’s length to guide his sword. The guard’s scream was cut short as the blade met his throat.

The alarm drums began their beating. The sound of running hooves filled the palace. Reagle wove through the corridors for cover. Hoofsteps behind him caused him to look back. In front of him, he nearly crashed into another familiar Zebra.

Nokimbe yawned. “Reagle, what’s going on? What’s the ruckus?” The Zebra rubbed his sleepy eyes.

He searched the male Zebra’s face for any emotion. “Nokimbe, did you know?”

“Know what? You’re not making any sense, yeah?”

Reagle shot off. “Bloody Helhiem! The plan, the prisoners, the disease.”

Nokimbe recoiled. “What?! What are ya blabbing about?”

Reagle relaxed slightly. “You have to help me escape. They’re looking for me. At least hide me.”

“Yeah, sure. Come with me.” Nokimbe gestured Reagle into his room.

As Reagle entered, he heard a small click after the lock clicking. Nokimbe winced at the treacherous sound. Reagle spun around and grabbed Nokimbe’s right foreleg before he could lift it. He narrowed his eyes. “Zaza has a hidden horseshoe spike. Do you wear one?”

Nokimbe gritted his teeth. “Umm…”

He lifted the Zebra’s foreleg. Underneath the horseshoe was the same spring dagger mechanism. The spike deployed outwards as the hoof was off the ground. Reagle sighed. “All along huh?”

Nokimbe sighed. “Sorry, birdy.” His eyes then matched Reagle’s intensity. “Nothing personal, the fate of my people rides upon the plan.” Nokimbe swiveled and wrestled away Reagle’s grip of his foreleg.

“I guess you and Isara were meant for each other. Fellowship doesn’t mean much, does it? Were you going to shove that horse shoe spike into my back?”

“… ” Nokimbe’s face twisted and contort as Reagle’s words reached him. “You’re a good person… friend, but what is that compared to my race or nation?”

Reagle drew his sword and faced Nokimbe. “You can’t beat me. I’m several cuts above.”

“I know.” said Nokimbe. He turned towards the door and shouted. “He’s here!”

Reagle smashed his sword guard into Nokimbe’s face. The Zebra fell to the ground unconscious.

The morning’s light was subdued by brewing storm clouds. From a palace tower, King Zarius shouted orders to his guards. The Zebra legions quickly dispersed throughout the city.

“I want the city on full alert, if you cannot capture… then kill!”

“Father, we can still capture him,” Zaza said.

Queen Isis ran forward. “He’s killed two guards, blood has been shed. A patrol squad of four was just reported dead.”

Zarius turned to his daughter. “You see. We must preserve the secret of the plan at all costs.”

Zaza looked on the city. “You chase the Whirlwind Prince; Reagle Hawkmor. He is brave and courageous; he is a soldier worth a legion.”

Isis examined Zaza carefully. “Daughter, you sing his praises as he kills our brothers. You speak as if you were lovers.”

Zarius turned towards Zaza. “Yes, the devil bird said he loved you. What did that mean?”

“I deceived him to believe that. The bird brain walked willing with us. The ruse made my mission easier that way.” Zaza bowed. “Permit me to hunt him. I know his weaknesses. Also his lingering affections might stay his sword, there then I might pierce his heart with my spear.”

Zarius nodded. “I trust your abilities, but I worry if the devil bird is as fearsome as you say. Riding with you is the hope of our people, he must not warn the rest of heathens.”

“I will deliver you his head, leave me with the task.” said Zaza with a steady and steely voice. She departed with great haste.

Isis frowned. “Husband, not that I doubt she would succeed… nevertheless I am worried.”

Zarius shared her grimace. “Send a squad of our best warriors to follow. I would send the fleet, if we weren’t refueling. We must strike while the iron is hot. We shall resort to second version of the plan.”

Reagle flew low to the ground into the desert. His wings burned with the strain. He let the physical hurt distract him from everything else. However no matter how hard he flew, a dot on the horizon doggedly followed him. Touching down onto the evening chilled sands; he used his sword as crutch and leaned against it. As he caught his breath, his eyes sharpened on the dot on the horizon. It disappeared and appeared with the highs and lows of the terrain. Surmounting the final dune of sand, Zaza appeared before him.

“Reagle,” she panted.

“You knew all this time? This was your mission?” asked Reagle.

“Yes, but please listen to me!” replied Zaza.

Reagle shouted. “Odin damn it, get away from me! Go back!”

“Please Reagle! Forgive me!”

Reagle was bitterly sarcastic. “Sure, I forgive you for all this time leading me to the genocide of my people!” He extended his wings readying to take flight. “You think I can ignore that!”

“No! Don’t go!” Zaza charged; her spear stabbed into Reagle’s right wing.

Reagle felt the pain as blood trickled down. He winced in pain. “Again, you wound me…”

Zaza panicked as she realized what she had done. “I can heal you! I’m sorry! I need you to listen.”

Reagle folded his bloodied wing. His right wing was disabled, he was grounded. He bounded away, running from her.

“You can’t outrun me!” said Zaza.

Reagle cawed back. “If you ever cared about me, turn back!”

Zaza pursued. She tackled Reagle to the ground. “I’m not letting you go! I care—”

He punched and shoved Zaza back. “The bloody hell you do! You crazy mare!” said Reagle readied his sword.

“Yes, I do!” Zaza cried.

“Yeah, that’s why you involved me in a plot to kill not only my country but my entire race!”

“What could we do?! The Griffins Kingdoms advance everywhere! We had nothing to counter your airships. We were desperate. It was before I met you!”

“You chose to continue! After everything, you told me nothing. I would have walked blindly with you to Tartarus.”

“I thought it was only sterilization.” Zaza then gave a hollow laugh. “We couldn’t have children anyway!”

Reagle spat. “Die in a pit! It was more convenient for you that I come willingly. You seduced me. You evil enchantress!”

“What I feel for you is real! Even if it was a lie of omission, every moment I wanted to tell you, but I knew you would leave. I’m sorry I was selfish.”

“I don’t give a buck what you feel!” He shuddered after uttering those words. “I must go to warn my people. If you follow me I will kill you,” said Reagle, directing his sword at her.

“No, I’m not letting you go!”

Reagle raised his sword. The blade shook in his claws. “Back away! Whatever else I am, I am a knight of Griffin Kingdoms! I am sworn protector of the realm and my people. You are a Zebra warrior, my enemy. The duel in the dunes, we finish it!”

Zaza extended her spear. “I shall fight for us! If I win, will you listen?!”

His eyes narrowed and focused. “This isn’t about winning or losing, this is life and death!” He rushed forward and swiped his blade.

Zaza evaded but winced as a thin red line appeared on her right flank.

“Last chance!” Reagle cawed out.

“No, I’m not leaving!”

The desert sands were splattered with trails of red as they fought and bled. The deadly dance was not as it appeared. In thrust and swipe, before the killing blow, each combatant veered off. Occasionally there were nicks or scratches but never beyond. Frustration and exhaustion were mirrored. In the time of their battle, the sun moved its position in the sky lengthening their shadows.

“You can’t do it, can’t you?” Zaza said, softly.

“You missed several opportunities as well.”

Zaza retracted her spear. “I can’t do this anymore… I will prove to you that I mean what I say.” She pulled off her war saddle and threw it to the side.

He eyed her suspiciously. “I’m not falling for that. You have a hidden horse shoe spike.”

Zaza showed her hooves. “I left it on the nightstand…”

“How can I trust you?”

She tilted her head offering her neck. “My life… take it. It is yours. If any part of you loves me… pray it may be quick.” She tilted her head and offered her neck again. She walked slowly towards him and bowed.

Reagle raised his sword above his own head. Zaza shut her eyes. With a swing he brought the metal down. In the last second he pulled back as a sparkling tear of hers caught the sunlight. He reeled backwards. Only the tip of his blade cut her.

Zaza opened her eyes in surprise. “If a death by thousand cuts it is, then I accept.” She closed her eyes again and awaited a follow up strike.

“Zaza…” Reagle’s entire body shook. “You coward!”

The Zebra mare blinked incredulously. “Reagle?”

“You want me to do this?!”

A squad of Zebra warriors ran over a dune into view. “Commander Zaza, we came to assist! The sky darkens! A sandstorm is coming!”

“I ordered you to go back!” Zaza shouted.

“I knew it, you were stalling for reinforcements. You back stabbing—“ Reagle raged in anguish.

The Zebra warriors looked at Zaza’s wounds. “The Commander is wounded!” The squad of Zebra warriors raised their weapons against Reagle. “Protect the Commander!” The soldiers charged down the dune towards the Griffin. “Die devil bird!”

Reagle had readied himself. He deflected the first warrior’s spear point, using the warrior’s own momentum, Reagle sliced the Zebra. He spun to his left avoiding the second warrior. The second fell to his sword promptly in the follow through slash. However he winced as the third lunged at his right flank too quickly to evade or block. The spear never penetrated… instead the warrior was stopped by another spear. Reagle saw Zaza as the wielder of the weapon. The fourth Zebra warrior’s face was equally aghast as it was baffled when he saw Zaza. She pulled her spear from the warrior then lunged again.

“Why?!” The last Zebra warrior looked at Zaza’s spear was thrust into his chest. The spray of his blood splattered on her coat.

Zaza staggered back as the dead Zebra slid off her weapon. She frantically swung her spear trying to fling away the blood that stained it. She screamed and collapsed as tears blinded her. She threw the spear into the sand and flung off her war saddle.

Reagle gasped letting his sword slide from his claws into the sand. “Zaza, those were your own people, you killed them… for me.” He embraced her wrapping her with his wounded wings.

Zaza cried, pounding her hooves on his chest. “I know. I hate you!” Zaza sobbed. “Yet you gave me a reason to live beyond my hatred. I don’t want to go back to before. I’d rather that you kill me. I hid my heart then… I couldn’t confess… No more lies! Today I give you everything even my life.” She looked up into his eyes. “Reagle Hawkmor, I love you!”

Reagle sobbed with her. He hugged her harder. “No, I could never kill you… You ended the nightmares that haunted my heart. I have dream of us living happily on a hill. Zaza Zakar, I don’t know how but I’ll make that dream come true!”

Driven by emotional and physical exhaustion, their bodies collapsed into one another. Their tears and blood, shed together, co-mingled as they held onto each other. Trails of sand whipped through the wind, heralds of the coming storm.

Author's Note: