• Published 13th May 2013
  • 13,854 Views, 57 Comments

Zig Zag Love - Akashic Brony

The mighty Griffin Kingdoms with their new War Wing airships have ventured forth to conquer their neighbors. A desperate plan is born to change the winds of war. Meanwhile a Griffin meets a Zebra.

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Chapter 9 Bleeding Hearts

A battle group unlike any other is assembled as the engines of six airships pollute the air with noise. A black and gold War Wing led the fleet while four of the War Wings were a pure black. A silver one stood out amongst the group as they carved a trail of smoke across the sky. Ironbeak and Dori were in the cargo bay of the silver War Wing, sparring with wooden swords in a cleared space.

“That Banshee, I hate her. She’s too much like me. There can be only one Dori.” Dori said as she swiped at Ironbeak.

He parried. “She’s more like my father Ironclaw. Do you know the story behind her?” asked Ironbeak.

They both stopped their practice.

Dori folded her claws and looked away. “I don’t care. I’m going to kill her.”

“She’s Lord Ironclaw’s adopted daughter. Banshee was raised without the restraints that would come with worrying about her surviving to inherit a title; I shudder to think of whatever he did to make her that way. God Odin knows what my father did to me… I pity her. She was kind hearted when she was younger.” said Ironbeak.

“You and your sympathies.” Dori scoffed. “I have a sob story too. I don’t blame how I turned out on circumstances. I chose who I am. You can’t dull your blade.”

“Dori, you can’t deny that your circumstances played a part. You can’t blame yourself.” said Ironbeak.

“No apologies. No retreat.” said Dori.

“Don’t you have doubts?” asked Ironbeak.

“That’s weak thinking. Listen… I was out on patrol once… we encountered a colt. Its parents lay dead next to it, hit by stray crossbow fire. Fletcher, that stupid fool, approached the foal to offer words of comfort and his cloak for warmth. The colt carried a grenade and sparked it with a flint as he drew close. Fletcher is dead.” said Dori.

“That’s a terrible story. Why do you tell me these things?!” said Ironbeak aghast.

“I don’t expect you to kill children. But be wary of sob stories and keep at least ten meters away from them.” said Dori.

“Um, what about our hatchlings if you’ll have them?” asked Ironbeak.

Dori blushed then laughed. “Ten meters, especially if our children take after me. Death by impatient heirs is all too common.” Dori poked Ironbeak lightly with her wooden practice sword. “Anyway stop being weak!”

“I know I’m weak.” said Ironbeak.

“Stop that! You need to be strong, now. I have a feeling that our mission has become more dangerous. I sense something about Banshee. It’s not pity.” said Dori.

The small white Griffin looked at the horizon aboard her own ship.

One of her officers bowed. “Commander Banshee, Zericho will soon be in spitting distance of guns. Shall we make ready?”

“Not yet, have our ships hold their positions. Zericho is defended by two dragons. Our spy has told us as much.”

“Two dragons? We can then expect the loss of a ship or two. Shall we prepare Dragon slaying armaments?”

“Have a quarter of the cannons loaded with harpoons but do not prime them. This will take subtlety.” said Banshee.

Reagle had disarmed himself and faced the mob.

“Hang them!” cried another voice from the mob.

“Reagle, get back behind me!” Zaza tried to shove him back with the length of her spear.

“I’m not letting them string you up too.” said Reagle.

A small foal walked out from the crowd and its mother cried out to the child. “Come back!”

Moving swiftly out of her reach, the little foal continued walking to face the Griffin. “Mr. Devil Bird, you won’t eat me will you?”

“No little foal. We do not eat children.”

“Why did you kill daddy then?”

Reagle cringed.

Another shout came from the crowd. “Kill the devil bird!”

A trumpet was blown. At the call, silver armored Zebra warriors pole vaulted over the crowd and lowered their spears against the mob.

The head warrior spoke to Reagle. “Lady Zecora sends her regards, for we will be your guards. Forgive us for being late. We shall escort you and your date.”

A Gazelle astride a giant Water Buffalo plowed through the crowd to meet them in the center. “We’re here too!” Cirta waved.

“Why are the city guards protecting that devil bird?” queried a Zebra from the mob.

The lead guard addressed the masses. “Back to your homes; nothing to see here.” Against the wall of spears, the crowd backed away slowly however they still did not disperse.

“Come on we can take them! We are many and they are few!” one of the leaders of the mob pressed forward.

A shadow was cast over the Zebras and a roar resonated through the air. A dark, desert brown dragon flew in and landed before the mob, causing the ground to rumble. The beast opened its maw and if the rows of teeth were not intimidating enough, the dragon gave another ear-splitting roar.

“Our guardians have turned against us!” A voice screamed as the crowd dispersed.

“Idiots,” spat Cirta.

A few still observed but at a distance and behind the corners of buildings. After it became apparent the dragon would not pursue them some went back to their business.

The dragon spoke in a matronly voice. “Zecora, I thought we were to protect the city from the devil bird heathens. Yet you have me pay guard service to one?”

A Zebra riding atop the dragon’s head answered. “Serifima, do not eat this Griffin. It is dating my kin.” Zecora said, smiling.

“Dragon.” Reagle’s beak was left wide open.

Serifima lowered her head to allow Zecora to hop off. The drake swung her head towards Reagle, inspecting him closely. She intoned warningly. “Best behave or there will naught but ashes for your grave.”

“Serifima, pleased to see you.” said Zaza calling attention to herself from Reagle.

“Likewise, call upon me again should the need arise. I wish you well Zaza, sister of Zecora.” Serifima flapped her wings and became airborne in a mighty gale of sand that swept past them.

Zaza sighed in relief. Zecora was out of earshot and making hoof motions as she directed the city guards to form a perimeter.

“I thought we might have to contend with something like this. I asked your sister for some help. I didn’t know she’d bring a dragon.” Reagle whispered.

“I am sorry that you must walk through our streets with guards. Here I am reminded of the reality of our race, it saddens me.” said Zaza.

“Hey, forget about that.” Reagle placed a claw on Zaza’s shoulder and leaned in for a kiss. Before he fully closed his eyes though, he noticed Zaza quickly wipe away the purple stain from her lips. “Zaza, did you drink a—”

She silenced him with a kiss. “I’m so happy.” said Zaza as tears flowed down her cheeks.

Their kiss elicited a cheer from Cirta. “Whooo!” The small Gazelle nearly fell off her Water Buffalo companion.

Zecora looked over at the pair and nodded approvingly.

An assembly was held in the massive hanger bay of Banshee’s flagship where a stage and podium was set up. The dark cloaked Raven troops seemed utterly fixated on something invisible in front of them.

“Why are we amongst her regular soldiers? How dare she treat me like common cannon fodder.” said Dori indignantly.

“These guys are like statues.” Ironbeak whispered to Dori.

Another soldier heard them. “Aren’t they so cool?”

Ironbeak and Dori noticed the brown Griffin clothing; a junior officer’s green cloak. He wore a winning smile and cheerfully chirped. His face feathers were soft and plushy, marking his youth. “The name’s Vikers. I got transferred several days ago. I haven’t seen you two so you must be new too.” The junior officer offered a claw for Ironbeak to shake.

Ironbeak gladly accepted the claw.

“I’m with an automatic crossbow crew. I’m a bolt loader. What are you guys?” asked Vikers.

Dori sneered when Vikers offered a claw. “We’re not with your basic infantry.”

When a small white Griffin walked the steps to the stage, the attention of soldiers turned fully towards her.

Banshee rose to the podium. “Odin’s grace upon thee my Ravens.”

The soldiers recited in a single voice. “Messengers of his will. We deliver death.”

Banshee drew the massive claymore sword on her back. With one claw she gestured to a group of soldiers that brought forth a massive scroll. The Griffins unrolled the parchment to display a map and Banshee pointed to a black dot that had been circled in red. “You have been told the Zebra city of Zericho is our target. I tell you that the greatest operation since our initial invasion is now secondary. Our true goal is—” Two Griffins brought forth a framed portrait of Prince Reagle. “is the crown prince.”

To the annoyance of Dori, Vikers raised his claws with a question like an academy student. “There was a national day of mourning. Isn’t the Prince dead?”

“Contrary to the report of some,” Banshee shot Dori and Ironbeak a nasty glare. “the Whirlwind Prince still lives. We’re going to kill him.”

Vikers whispered to Dori. “Kill the prince? That’s treason.”

Dori brought a claw to her face, nursing her minor headache.

Banshee resumed the briefing. “The failure of previous attempts was lack of leadership and intelligence.”

Dori scowled in offense. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Intelligence meaning information.” said Banshee. “We now know the exact location of our target. In conjunction to the main assault force, you, my selected ones will penetrate the enemy’s citadel and kill our target.”

“Zericho’s walls are impenetrable. They rise above even the altitude of our airships. How do you mean to get past that?” asked Dori.

“Come with me and see.” said Banshee.

Zaza and Reagle strolled through the palace halls, admiring the various artifacts that were on display. They stopped by a giant sword the size of several Zebras.

“That there is a Zanbatō, it is a weapon of the far east. It is said to be able to cleave a manticore in two.”

Reagle flexed his muscles and tried to lift the giant blade. He groaned as the weapon continue to lay in its pedestal.

Zaza giggled at Reagle’s attempt. “It’s obviously ornamental. Such a weapon is impractical in real combat. Even affixed on a war saddle, you would not be able to walk with it.”

“Maybe my dad could.” He gave up and hopped to the next artifact, pointing at it. “What’s this?”

Zaza looked at the small urn and brilliant red feathers behind a glass case. “Ashes of a fallen phoenix. Its name was Gesundi. It was our family pet for generations, given to us by an unknown Equestrian.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Even in death it protects our family. I once fell ill. One of its feathers was used to brew a potion that saved my life.”

“Medical miracles.” exclaimed Reagle. “How we Griffins have blundered, the true treasures of your people are your potions.”

“Speaking of brews, I must go gather more herbs from the gardens. Could you swap your empty saddle bag for my full one.”

“Sure, I’ll take your bags to our room.”

“Thank you.” Zaza gave Reagle a light kiss. “Wait there. I’ll freshen up along the way and be back shortly. Gird your loins for the coming battle.” Zaza winked.

Reagle blushed, his wings becoming stiff.

Reagle hopped along happily, slinging Zaza bags onto his back. The contents shifted as he moved and the sound of clinking glass brought him out of his daydreams. He stopped and set the bags down, untied the belt and opened the flaps. Glass bottles lay in neat little rows, cushioned with hay. Many of them were empty with purple residue staining their bottoms.

“Zaza, this can’t be healthy.”

He found the door to Zecora’s room open but he knocked anyway. The Zebra mare was grinding grass herbs with a wheel mortar and pestle. She sat in a chair and leaned forward into her task. The rhythmic clattering of stone against stone filled the room as the green was ground into a fine powder.

“Come in, I am not too busy. I must say you make my sister very happy.”

“About that…” Reagle closed the door. “Zecora, I’ve seen Zaza take those Zerker potions. Do you know what those potions are?”

Her work slowed slightly. “I know of these potions you speak. How many does she take in a week?” asked Zecora cautiously while she continued.

“Once a day.”

Zecora stopped working and her pause caused a tension that filled the room.

Reagle asked nervously. “Do they have any side effects?”

“No they do not with proper use. They will however, with abuse… Dulling strong emotions is the side effect of those potions. That is until you can feel nothing. Death, of the soul, they bring.”

“That explains why she became more emotional as she was running out. I don’t know why she would be taking them? What is it she trying to suppress?” Reagle’s tone grew worried. “Zecora, help me speak to your sister about this.”

“There will be much to speak of and neither one of us will be enough.” She rose from her seat and gestured him to follow her.

Zaza was humming happily as she entered the room belonging to Reagle and herself. Her happiness disappeared however, when she saw her sister.

Zecora placed an empty bottle on the table in front of Zaza and gave her sister a disapproving look.

“What? It is an empty bottle.” She tried to fake a light laugh.

Her sister tiled the bottle and pointed to the purple residue on the bottom of the bottle.

“Zecora, I can explain.” said Zaza.

“Sister, this brings me much pain.”

Zaza backed away but Reagle appeared behind her and locked the door.

Zaza swiveled and her eyes flashed angrily at the Griffin. “Reagle, what are you doing here?”

“He is here because he cares.” said Zecora prodding Reagle lightly.

Reagle stood by Zecora’s side and they presented a united front.

Zaza bit bitterly. “What is there to discuss. I have this handled. Those potions are necessary for combat. They are not addictive.”

“Addictive physically, no. Psychologically it is so.” Zecora countered.

“Zaza, please I’ve seen you drink those potions every day even outside of combat now.”

“Back away.” she spat. “You are fast friends with my sister. I wonder if she’d be so friendly if she knew.”

He recoiled at that statement and Zecora tilted her head questioningly.

Reagle resumed. “Zaza, I’m here for your own good.”

“Reagle killed our brother.”

A deathly silence followed.

Zecora flinched and she moved sideways several steps from the Griffin. However she quickly regained her composure. “What you mention, it is not the subject of today’s intervention.”

Zaza snorted. “Did you not hear me? He killed Zulu Zakar, our brother! Even now his people are committing genocide against us.”

“You think me so callous? However that is not what we are here to discuss.”

“Stop it Zecora! Why aren’t you at his throat!” Zaza pointed a hoof at Reagle.

“We are talking about you. His actions and his people have nothing to do.”

“Arggh!! Every moment I’m with him I feel as if I am burying my brother again! Yet I cannot help myself! Do you feel no love for our brother or our people?” Zaza raged.

“The potions last less and less. You are feeling the withdrawal, it makes you say the heartless.”

“How can you be so calm? Our brother was our people’s last great hope!”

“Our brother, you are so obsessed with his glory. But you do not know the full story.”

“You did not fight with our tribe against the devil birds! You did not follow the campaigns! You were not there when we dug trenches for graves! You did not lay his body to rest in the cold ground! What did you know of our brother? You aren’t a warrior!”

“What I knew, I knew better than you.” said Zecora.

Zaza’s body tensed like a coiled spring. “You can’t possibly! I dare you!” Her eyes became fierce and her blood boiled with rage.

Reagle realized she was entering the Zerker battle state. Zecora placed a hoof in front of the Griffin to stop him. Her words were calm but now filled with sadness. “Zulu was brave, that much is true. However it was not without the help of a certain brew. He shared your affliction and it became an addiction. His death was certain within weeks even if he had lived past his famous victory. Death in battle was a mercy.”

Tears in her sister’s eyes brought Zaza back to sanity. “What?” Zaza stammered. “You didn’t stop him, why?”

“I found out too late, at that point there was no point to try. The poison in him was so great, he was sure to die. Towards the end he cared for nothing, not even himself. He only drank more to hide the decay in his health. He would charge the enemy blindly without strategy. His recklessness was often mistaken for his usual bravery.”

“Zecora, I’m so sorry.” Zaza broke down as tears streamed from her eyes.

“The doom of our brother. I pray it will not happen to another.”

The two sisters collapsed into each other. The water from their eyes gushed as they hugged and the moment lingered.

Reagle felt out of place and he edged towards the door.

“Don’t go.” Zaza bit the furry scruff end of his tail and tugged light.

He turned around and looked into her pleading eyes. “I was a fool to think it was resolved in but a few words. Pushing you into this relationship, I didn’t realize I was causing you so much pain.”

“Don’t go.” she pleaded.

Reagle relented. He deployed his wings and wrapped them around her, hugging her close.

A half dozen dark cloaked figures climbed a sand compacted tower. Against the moonlit night, their silhouettes broke the outline of the tower’s form. The Griffins held onto spikes and stabbed them into the grooves of the tower while ropes connected each of the Griffins. Banshee was furthest along to the top.

“Walking and climbing when we could be flying?” Ironbeak groaned.

“Stealth, Banshee knows that much. However, why are we lugging that stupid crate around.” Dori looked at the box that was connected by rope and weighed every Griffin down.

Banshee and several Griffins finally reached the top, turning to pull the rest forward.

The top of the tower was defined by a massive keep with a large landing pad. The door to the keep was open and two pairs of yellow eyes peered through the black.

Two plumes of fire shot forth leaving burning streaks that illuminated the evening.

“Dragons!” said Ironbeak cowering.

The rest of the Griffins readied to draw their weapons.

Stepping through and past her guards Banshee approached the two dragons. The dragons’ keep was massive and the small Griffin seemed all the smaller, however Banshee had a presence and confidence that clashed against even that of the wyverns.

The male dragon snorted smoke and ashy fire in the face of the Griffins. “Devil bird, you have much courage to speak to us.” said Sanscara.

Dori and Ironbeak jumped back.

“I fear you not.” Only Banshee’s feathers were ruffled by the air blast. She remained calm. “I bring an offer.”

The female dragon Serifima spoke. “We are listening. Be quick explaining.”

“The Zebras pay you to protect the city? Do they not?”

Both dragons nodded.

“Why accept the tiny tithe they give you when you can have the city yourselves? Why accept eggs when you can have the hen? The Griffin Kingdoms are willing to pay even more than that. I am willing to give the greatest of treasures if you cooperate. ” said Banshee.

“Begone, you think it is only gems that compel us! You mock us for base beasts!” said Sanscara.

“A dragon’s creed is greater than greed. The Zebras are kind and give us all that we need.” said Serifima.

“I said I would give you the greatest of treasures did I not?” Banshee snapped her claws.

A couple of Griffin attendants brought forth the crate and began prying it open with claws and hammers.

“I am missing a dragon head trophy from my mantle. Those scars upon your wings.” Banshee pointed at Sanscara. She mused. “I thought they would not heal.”

Sanscara eyes widened. “It was you who drove us from our nest!?”

Serifima and Sanscara both roared in furious anger.

“Yes and imagine what wonder I found.” The crate was finally cracked open. “Better yet see for yourself.” Through the straw, Banshee pulled a small polka dotted orb from the crate.

The fury of the dragons subsided.

“This cannot be, our child was lost. That was our escape’s cost.” Serafima cried.

Sanscara spoke with halting words. “You destroyed our nest yet that is our egg.”

“I understand for your breed, an egg is the rarest of treasures. We found it while digging for your hoard.” Banshee ran her claw nails gently across the surface of the egg. “You can feel its mother’s warmth still. That little life inside, how easy would it be for me to snuff that flame.”

Serifima glowered at the Griffin. “You would threaten us with our own un-hatched child? You are the one most reviled—”

“Dragon Slayer, that is what they call you. A devil bird known even amongst the dragon-kin. You are a monster.” said Sanscara.

“Called a monster by beasts, I’m flattered. You know my reputation, good. Know then I will not hesitate.” Banshee held up the egg.

The dragons were humbled and lowered their heads in shame.

Banshee scoffed. “Bleeding hearts.” She commanded. “Hear me and obey! At our trumpets’ calls. Zericho falls. Crashing down will come the walls.”