• Published 13th May 2013
  • 13,853 Views, 57 Comments

Zig Zag Love - Akashic Brony

The mighty Griffin Kingdoms with their new War Wing airships have ventured forth to conquer their neighbors. A desperate plan is born to change the winds of war. Meanwhile a Griffin meets a Zebra.

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Chapter 3 Scars and Stripes

Morning was quick to come. Reagle was prodded awake with a spear by Zaza who shoved a ration pouch and a canteen towards him.

“You manage your own supplies now. Don’t beg from me if you run out.” said Zaza.

“Yeah sure.” Reagle looked through the pouch and found only grass crackers. “Hey, do you have any meat?” asked Reagle.

Zaza looked at Reagle with disgust. “I will not kill for you.”

“Peanuts then?” suggested Reagle.

“Peanuts!” Nokimbe laughed as he got up as well.

“March! We have many miles to cover.” said Zaza.

The morning sun quickly warmed the plains and desert sands. Walking along the verge of where one ended and the other began, they notice a half a dozen Zebras walking some distance into the plains. They carried spears and had red tribal markings on their flanks.

“Hey!” said Nokimbe, waving a hoof at the Zebras.

“Don’t call them over you idiot.” Zaza faced hoofed.

The Zebra group had already galloped over.

“A Griffin?” questioned the burly leader of the band pointing to Reagle with his spear. Reagle hid behind Zaza and Nokimbe.

“Yes, a simple prisoner transfer. We don’t require your help.” said Zaza.

“Why chain his wings? We’ll just cut them off.” smiled burly Zebra.

Reagle stepped back slowly.

“That won’t be necessary. We are to deliver him intact.” said Zaza.

“It is dangerous to travel here there may be bandits. It would be rude if we did not escort you.” said the burly Zebra.

“I’m Nokimbe, this is Zaza.” said Nokimbe.

“I am Abasi, these are my warriors.” said Abasi.

As they walked, Reagle noticed a metal clinking sound in the saddle bags of the Zebra soldiers and a golden gleam caught his eye.

“So Zaza, where is this prisoner headed to?” asked Abasi.

“The capital.” said Nokimbe.

Zaza shot Nokimbe a nasty look then she calmed herself. “Abasi, your soldiers... don’t you have a patrol route?” asked Zaza.

“Indeed.” said Abasi. “I will see you to safety then return to it.”

“Your warrior tribal markings are unfamiliar to me. Tell me of your village. Where is it?” said Zaza.

Abasi smiled fondly. “We are of the Ekundo tribe. My village is upon a hill. You can see the whole savanna from there. My wife and colt await in a field of never-ending grass.” Abasis descended into despair. “I miss the smell of the stews and brews now overcome by the rot of dead corpses.”

“The war will end soon, you may yet return to them.” said Zaza softly.

“No, this war won’t end.” said Abasi sadly.

“With that attitude it certainly won’t.” said Nokimbe.

“We won’t win. Ask your bird prisoner, he knows.” said Abasi.

“…” Reagle was reticent to nod.

Abasi smiled. “Tell them how many of those new War Wings your people possess.” said Abasi.

Zaza and Nokimbe’s expectant looks tore into Reagle. “Twenty, and factories are churning out more.” said Reagle.

Zaza and Nokimbe looked at each other with flabbergasted stares.

“It is hopeless!” cried Nokimbe.

Zaza recovered her composure. “It is a lie.”

Abasi lowered his head. “We interrogated another Griffin… he told the same number. It is hopeless.”

Zaza leapt unto a boulder they were passing. Her striped coat glistening in the sun she spoke with passion and fervor. “Warriors, hear and have hope! Do not surrender your courage to dark leopards of doubt! Stand strong and firm against the storm! Right now, all throughout our lands,, your brothers are fighting bravely to change the winds of war! An operation is underway that will-”

Zaza’s speech was met with snorts as Abasi and his warriors kept moving. Zaza climbed down the boulder with a hurt expression.

Reagle hung out in back where Zaza walked with a lowered head like everyone else.

“That was a fantastic speech.” whispered Reagle.

“Don’t mock me.” said Zaza.

“No really, it was.” said Reagle kindly.

“Thanks.” said Zaza lifting her head slightly.

Reagle was still fixated on the golden glint of metal inside the Zebra soldier’s bags. He pulled one of the straps lightly to open the pouch however the saddle bag opened spilling out golden plates and other assorted trinkets.

“Why would soldiers be carrying such fineries? Surely not to use them.” said Reagle casually.

“It is plunder from a Griffin convoy.” said a shifty Zebra explaining.

Zaza stepped back slowly. “Those objects are of Zebra make. You are bandits! You attacked our own people!” She pointed her spear at Abasi.

Abasi sighed. “I had hoped we could slit your throats quietly in the night without a fight.”

“You make a mockery of the warrior markings upon your flanks! When did you desert your duties?!” said Zaza.

Abasi lowered his head in a moment of shame. He lifted it again to retort. “Your speech earlier was fine and fancy however I abandoned the cause when I realized it was lost! It is suicide; we have nothing that can beat their airships!”

“Zulu Zakar, he beat them!” Zaza bit back.

“Yes, and he died doing so. I would rather live.” sighed Abasi. “Surrender your saddlebags and the Griffin.”

“Why the Griffin, he is a prisoner we must transfer.” said Zaza.

“We can sell his feathery ass for gold back to the buzzards.” said Abasi.

“Traitors also?” questioned Reagle.

“What of your village upon the hill?!” Zaza demanded.

“I told you my village was upon a hill… that hill is burial mound now. My village is dead, all killed or sold into bondage by heathen Griffins.” said Abasi smiling madly. “Zebrakind is doomed. I prayed to all the gods that shamans have, they do not answer. Gold is the only god left.”

The shifty Zebra chuckled. “Let us take the mare also. I want to rut with her nice butt.”

“Barbarians.” said Reagle aghast.

Zaza boiled with anger but she calmed herself. “I am a Zerker, death is my god! Leave if you want to live!” shouted Zaza.

“A Zerker?!” said one of the bandits fearfully.

“It is a bluff. All the Zerkers died with Zulu Zakar.” chuckled Abasi.

Zaza’s calm was before a storm. “Not this one!” said Zaza as she charged the bandits.

Zaza, with a push of her mighty hind legs had bounded over the bandits. The bandits were stunned by her athletic move. She shoved her spear into the rear of the shifty Zebra who screamed as he died.

“Hey, birdy!” said Nokimbe tossing Reagle a sword from his saddlebag.

“Much thanks!” said Reagle swinging the blade.

A bandit lunged at the Griffin and Reagle dashed to the side and stabbed the bandit in the sides.

Nokimbe fired a poison blow dart into the neck of one of the bandits. The Zebra’s face became red and he fell over dead.

Zaza deftly dodged a spear swiped at her. She skewered her attacker in the heart.

Another bandit ran towards Reagle. Reagle deflected the spear point and grabbed pole. Pulling the helpless attacker close he slit the bandit’s throat.

Abasi was a tall and brawny warrior Nokimbe and Reagle cautiously backed away a few steps. Abasi however whinnied. “I want to live!” He turned trotting away. The heavily muscled Zebra quickly became a small speck.

“Blasted coward!” Reagle was about to give chase.

Nokimbe placed a hoof in front of him. “Let the princess do the work.”

Zaza had her head tilted back. She snapped back with that crazed look in her eyes that Reagle dreaded.

“Run! Death chases you!” Zaza such was her speed and grace her feet barely seemed to touch the ground. She jumped upwards. Landing, she speared Abasi nailing him to the ground. The strike was through the heart and death instant.

Zaza soon returned to Reagle and Nokimbe. Her head was lowered.

“You ran so fast, it appeared as if you were flying.” said Reagle.

Zaza flicked the blood off her spear. “It is sad. In a time of peace he might have been a shaman healer or a builder.” Zaza frowned.

“Bastard, he got what was coming. You just put down a rabid dog.” said Reagle.

Zaza shot back at Reagle. “People respond differently to grief. They were a symptom of your people’s invasion!” said Zaza.

“So the Griffin Kingdoms are responsible for all your people’s failings? He chose to become a bandit.” Reagle spat back.

Zaza thought for a moment. “…I must apologize. You fought for us, despite that you could have found freedom in their avarice. They would have sold you back to your people.”

“… Hey, one of those bastards threatened your rump. I like that rump.” Reagle chirped.

Zaza blushed again. She swung her spear lightly at Reagle, hitting his head. Reagle smiled. Zaza laughed lightly and Reagle laughed back. The laughter was hollow however as Zaza trailed off sadly.

“Cursed bandits, they better have provisions.” Nokimbe was busy going through the saddle bags of the bandits. He held a golden plate in his mouth.

“Take the water from the canteens and their ration packs, leave the gold. Their god did not serve them.” said Zaza.

Reagle opened one of the saddlebags. He sighed at the grass wheat crackers. Hunger pangs hit him as his stomach growled.

“I can live a while on water but I sort of need real food. I’ll settle for mice now.” Reagle groaned.

“Why didn’t you gorge yourself on those dead guys back there?” asked Nokimbe.

“Hey, that is utterly uncouth.” Reagle lifted his beak.

“So is eating meat .” said Zaza.

“We don’t eat people. I’ll starve to death before that.” said Reagle flatly.

“Hunt yourself.” said Nokimbe.

“Yeah. My wings are chained remember? I don’t have a crossbow either.” said Reagle, jingling the chains that wrapped his wings.

“I shall get your something.” Zaza sighed, trotting away.

Zaza returned with a vulture skewered on her spear. Reagle recoiled at the sight of the bald bird.

“You’re going to make me a cannibal?!” asked Reagle.

“This creature was. It was feasting on one your dead scouts.” said Zaza.

“Wait, take me to the body!” said Reagle.

They arrived at where the dead Griffin scout was with wings sprawled out. The vulture had done its work on it. The juiciest parts, the eyeballs and tongue were missing.

Reagle respectfully saluted the soldier with his claws and then rummaged through the backpack of the dead Griffin. He grinned in triumph as he pulled out several tins from the soldier’s pouch.

“Thank you friend, I live today because of you.” said Reagle.

“Dumb bird, he should have packed more water before daring the desert.” said Nokimbe checking the dead soldier’s empty canteen.

Reagle spotted a rolled scroll near the soldier’s pouch. He poured the pouch’s contents out. There was a scroll and a compass. He unfurled the scroll. It was a map that had desperate scribbles on it.

“Looks like he got lost. How, I don’t know.” said Reagle.

“Technology.” said Zaza poking at a compass. The needle of the device was turning erratically. “Those don’t work near here. There are magnetic mountains that interfere.”

He noticed another scroll that wrapped around the map. It was a portrait of him.

“My father is looking for me. This soldier is dead because of me.” said Reagle.

Zaza inspected the dead soldier and tucked in chest cavity of the scout’s armor was another piece of paper. Zaza pulled the paper out with her hooves and unfolded it, reading aloud.

Upon finding the Prince, report discovery directly to me. Your mission is of utmost secrecy. House Ironclaw’s future depends on your success. Failure to do so will result in punishment.

Commander Dori

“Dori is my cousin’s lieutenant.” Reagle gasped.

“So your cousin hunts us. He was a coward, fleeing as his soldiers died. I think even I could kill that chicken.” said Nokimbe.

“I’m not worried about that him. His lieutenant Dori however gives me the creeps. She’s utterly ruthless.” said Reagle.

The humming of a War Wing’s engines caused birds to scatter from trees. The airship bore the emblem of a silver claw wreathed in black feathers. Four War Balloons followed.

“Why are we at so low an altitude?” asked Ironbeak.

A tan Griffin felt her forehead. “Because we don’t want to be spotted.” said Dori.

“If the Zebras took him, isn’t he dead anyway?” asked Ironbeak.

“If they try to ransom him or execute him publicly, what do you think will happen to us when it is revealed that Reagle lives?” Dori replied before Ironbeak could even speak. “Off our heads will tumble. Out our blood will flow. As I’m sure you know.”

“I’m sorry, Dori. This sort of work does not become me.” Ironbeak said softly.

Dori scoffed. “Then become someone different. When I was but a hatch-ling, my House Bloodtalon was fearsome only in name. My father wanted to marry me off to a lord of a greater house. I spat on that and in war I won more lands and titles than that stupid marriage would have gotten.” Dori smiled.

Ironbeak jabbed a thumb towards himself. “Then why choose me? I’m weak willed and soft. I know so. My name Ironbeak is only ironic… I may be the heir to Ironclaw… but I’m sure you could have had Reagle himself if you wanted…”

Dori chortled lifting her beak into the air. “You’re kind and sensitive. You’re one partner I could comfortably turn my back towards. That is priceless to me.”

Ironbeak cooed. “Dori, you’ve never spoken to me like that.” Ironbeak hugged the tan Griffin.

“When we wed, I don’t intend to take up the surname Ironclaw. You will take up mine.” Dori smiled dangerously.

“Umm, my father Lord Ironclaw may object to that.” said Ironbeak nervously.

“Yeah… I’ll kill him if he complains.” said Dori, grabbing Ironbeak by the neck scruff feathers and forcing a kiss.

Night had come. They found shelter behind a large slab of rock that broke the wind. Once more beside the dying fire, the three slept on their bed rolls. Nokimbe had already fallen into snoring. Reagle tilted his head upwards drinking the small vial of potion that was to keep him alive. Looking above, he saw them. It was a cloudless night and the stars shone brilliantly above the savannah sky.

“Wow, most beautiful.” said Reagle pointing a claw upwards.

“You Griffins look down upon the world, seldom do you look up.” Zaza snorted.

Reagle turned back to the Zebra mare. “Zaza, now that I’m on the level. Tell me of your home?”

“I don’t have one.” said Zaza.

Reagle lowered his beak ashamedly. “I’m sorry.” said Reagle.

“No it was not destroyed. The people of my tribe are nomadic. Ours was called the moving city. We slayed the great beasts that would attacked other tribes.”

“Mercenaries eh?” asked Reagle.

“No, our only payment was food, gifts, and warm smiles the grateful villagers gave us. When you Griffins attacked, my people thought you were not unlike the monsters we fought. We rose to the defense of others and died by droves in the beginning of the war.” Zaza said sadly.

Reagle decided to change the subject. “You’re a princess right?”

“A princess,” Zaza gave a bark of laughter, “the title is cheap here. There are many chieftains and they have many daughters. The Zakar tribe was voted to head the Confederation… I had a brother but I still have a sister.” said Zaza.

“I see.” said Reagle.

“Tell me, how does a Griffin Prince live?” asked Zaza.

Reagle chuckled. “I had everything. riches, land, and even a bossy bird-friend that only cared for my status.” said Reagle.

“A bossy bird-friend?” Zaza smirked.

Reagle laughed. “The bossiest.” He then looked angrily off. “She not subtly asked me to kill my father so she could be Queen. Gilda, gold was her god.”

“Where is it that you grew up?” asked Zaza.

“I grew up in the mead halls my father’s knights would frequent. I drank up the beer and heroic stories the soldiers offered me. I was severely disappointed growing up to find politics and power the driving force behind it all. I spent ages trying to add reforms to Griffin Imperial court to curb corruption. Now that I’m gone, I think even those will mean nothing. My life up to this point has been empty pride.” said Reagle, clasping his claw on his head shamefully.

Zaza said nothing.

Reagle looked at the Zebra mare through the gaps in his claws. “I admire your purpose and focus.”

The embers of the fire began to die further. The flames keep them close yet apart.

Zaza looked skyward. “…I am that way because I must. I was never given a choice. Truthfully I am assailed by my doubt every night. Like a leopard, it stalks me. I am a Zerker, only the red haze of battle, gives me any clarity… Even that is no reprieve. I have survived Zebras braver than I.” Zaza smiled.

“If you keep fighting you’ll die.” said Reagle.

“So be it then. I shall return to the grass and the leopard will stalk me no more.” Zaza’s coat shimmered in the star light.

“Zaza, I’ll go with you to your capital, perhaps there might be some solution that can be negotiated.” said Reagle.

“Prince Reagle, you don’t have choice.” said Zaza.

“Is that so?” Reagle stood up and flexed his wings. The chains fell off his body. “I figured out the lock ages ago.” Reagle pounced, jumping over the dead fire.

Zaza stood up alarmed. She was about swing her spear when Reagle held the weapon in his claws.

“Kill us and you’ll never get the cure for the poison.” Zaza countered grinding her teeth.

“It is fake. A bold bluff.” Reagle chirped.

“How did you know?” said Zaza.

“It seemed too convenient like a plot device of a poorly written play. I know theater.” said Reagle. “What you just told me now confirms it.” He touched Zaza’s chin with his talons.

He looked into the Zaza’s confused stare. As he gently kissed the Zebra mare he noticed that she had a spiked horseshoe against his throat. Zaza however dropped her hoof as she leaned into the kiss. Reagle grabbed her full face, feeling the scar on her cheek.

Zaza fell back. “What was that?” said Zaza blushing and panting.

“A kiss.” said Reagle.

“We are of a different species.” said Zaza stammering.

“Didn’t your reports say I was a pervert?” Reagle chuckled and hugged Zaza.

“You wicked Griffins take everything. I hate your people!” Zaza shouted.

“You don’t hate me right?” Reagle chirped into her ear.

“…Be not so keen to follow. Death chases me.” said Zaza.

Reagle grabbed his bedroll and set it beside Zaza. “Well then, I’ll just have to follow you just a little closer.” Reagle set himself beside Zaza.

Author's Note:

Dori and Ironbeak