• Published 13th May 2013
  • 13,854 Views, 57 Comments

Zig Zag Love - Akashic Brony

The mighty Griffin Kingdoms with their new War Wing airships have ventured forth to conquer their neighbors. A desperate plan is born to change the winds of war. Meanwhile a Griffin meets a Zebra.

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Chapter 2 Weary Walk

The sound of wheels crunching on gravel brought Reagle to consciousness. Reagle found that his legs were bound by rope and his wings were tied to his chest by metal chains that just allowed him to breathe. There was a small hole of light. The rough texture of a burlap sack rubbed against his body. He felt the vibrations as the cart was pulled along. Two conspirators whispered.

A meek male voice spoke. “Zaza, let me pull the cart.”

“No Nokimbe, I can handle this.” said the female voice.

“Your potion will soon wear off and even mended, the pain in your leg will be immense.” said Nokimbe.

“Fine, I will not ride in the cart however.” said Zaza.

“It’s just as well. I don't think I have the strength to pull you both.” chuckled Nokimbe.

“Hurry up, we're in the open now. I don't like this.” said Zaza.

The cart stopped moving temporarily only to be pulled again. Reagle poked his head out of the bag. He saw that he was being pulled by a small lanky male Zebra. He recognized the Zebra mare that strolled alongside the male Zebra. Reagle ducked back into the bag and started straining to wiggle out of his bindings. He stopped struggling when he realized his beak though tied still had its sharp curve. He began sawing through his ropes.

“Zaza, do you think we'll make it?” asked Nokimbe.

“We must. I owe it to Assegai and my warriors now captive.” said Zaza fiercely.

Reagle had already undone his ties when he poked out of the burlap sack again and saw the two distracted in conversation. Taking the chance, Reagle jumped out and ran. The chains wrapped around his chest and wings jingled.

Zaza and Nokimbe looked off wistfully as Reagle sprinted away.

“He's stronger than we gave him credit for, the drug's worn off.” said Nokimbe.

“That or you messed up the brewing the potion. I should have done it.” said Zaza dismissively.

“Shall I fetch him?” asked Nokimbe.

“No, I will.” said Zaza.

Reagle legs burned as he over exerted them. Sweat ran down the corners of his peak. He looked disbelievingly to his right at the Zebra mare that kept a casual pace with him. Reagle saw a sand dune and slid down. Zaza followed. He ran further, but looked with wide eyes when he saw Zaza right beside him.

“Where is it that you think your going?” Zaza spat.

“Freedom or so I thought.” Reagle sighed. He slowed to a stop. Panting, he caught his breath.

Zaza levelled her spear to Reagle's neck. “You really thought you could outrun a Zebra Zerker?” She cocked her brow.

“Nope!” Reagle threw the sand that he had collected in his claws. The cloud hit Zaza in the face blinding her. Reagle wrenched her spear from her war saddle. He smiled at the reversal. “Now you, back away slowly.”

Zaza had rubbed the sand from her eyes but she flared with anger. Quickly she calmed herself. “So you think that will give you a fighting chance.” Zaza said coolly, looking at the pole-arm gripped in Reagle's claws.

“This time I'm ready for you. I know what you are.” said Reagle spinning the spear.

Zaza darted towards Reagle with lightning speed. To his amazement she jumped over Reagle's swipe attack and his head. Before Reagle could fully turn his back Zaza kicked her hindlegs into Reagle's sides sending him back. Zaza followed up the attack with another as she got in close. Reagle was force to defend himself with the spear's handle.

“A spear is a range weapon, once I get in close you're done for.” Zaza kept delivering precise strikes to only a certain point of the wooden pole. Reagle jumped back.

“You're trying to break my weapon!” said Reagle.

“How observant.” said Zaza.

“Let me help you.” said Reagle snapping the spear in two.

“The famed Warrior Prince of the Griffins is a fool.” said Zaza chuckling.

“Wrong again, I'm a sword user!” Reagle retorted, going on the offensive.

Zaza was surprised by Reagle's aggression and the precision with which he swung the shortened spear like a sword. “Your training is in close range also.” Zaza's composure was temporarily shaken. She noticed her left cheek was bleeding a red line and she winced in pain. “Oh no the potion.” Zaza gasped as pain shot upward through the leg where she was so recently healed, causing her to trip.

Reagle motioned to finish her but stopped. Hate-filled eyes stared at him.

“Be done with it.” Zaza closed her eyes, defiantly holding up her chin.

“You were injured.” said Reagle, gesturing to Zaza's leg. “It was not noble for me fight you. In accordance to the rules of dueling, I cannot take your life.” Reagle chirped solemnly.

Zaza tilted her head in confusion.

“Zaza!” Nokimbe slid down from the top of the sand dune and pointed his spear at Reagle. Nokimbe stared at Zaza on the ground. “He beat you? No way!” stammered Nokimbe.

Zaza lowered her head in shame.

Nokimbe began shaking nervously. His fearful vibration transferred through to the very spear he held against Reagle. “You drop that weapon!”

Reagle spun the halved spear in his claws. “I take it you’re not much of a fighter?” smiled Reagle.

“Not even close to Zaza.” said Nokimbe looking away. “However I will die before I let you escape!”

The conversation was interrupted by shrill hawkish cry. Everyone looked upwards to see figures in the sky. With a soft thud a squad of Griffins landed lead by a single Griffin.

Reagle joyfully recognized the black head of the lead Griffin. “Ironbeak! I'm saved! Thank you cousin!”

“Kill them!” said Ironbeak.

“Wait!” said Reagle standing in between Ironbeak and the two Zebras. “Let them live. We can take them prisoner.” said Reagle.

Zaza and Nokimbe looked at each other quizzically.

As Reagle walked towards him, Ironbeak shoved Reagle back.

“Cousin?” Reagle looked at Ironbeak with confusion.

Ironbeak pointed his lance at Reagle. “I'm sorry, Reagle. You are the sole heir to House Hawkmor. With your death succession goes to their heir of house Ironclaw.”

Reagle began to bob his head in realization. “Ironbeak, aren’t you are the heir of house Ironclaw?” Reagle's eyes narrowed.

“Yeah, that's right.” said Ironbeak holding his lance in a fidgety manner.

Nokimbe shouted. “That was not part of the deal. You were to let us take him.”

“Lord Ironclaw told me to make sure… he commanded me…” said Ironbeak.

“Your father?” said Reagle.

“Yeah, Lord Ironclaw, that's what I said.” Ironbeak lowered his beak.

“Murder and betrayal does not become you cousin. We are kin.” said Reagle.

“I know! But I have to!” said Ironbeak nearly biting his tongue.

Reagle dropped the spear pieces.“Cousin, let us embrace as family and forget all this.” said Reagle walked towards Ironbeak with outstretched claws.

Before Ironbeak could react Reagle rushed ahead and grabbed Ironbeak's lance. He twisted the weapon out of Ironbeak's claws and tossed the weapon to Zaza.

“Fight with me!” shouted Reagle to the two Zebras.

A Griffin with a crossbow fired and Reagle jumped back. Reagle saw Zaza guzzle a purple potion from her saddlebag before she popped upwards with the lance and bounded towards a Griffin who was about impale Reagle. Zaza speared the lancer first.

Reagle jumped on the crossbow wielding Griffin before the weapon was reloaded. Stealing the soldier's sword from scabbard, Reagle cut down the Griffin.

Another Griffin charged Zaza from behind, flailing his sword. Zaza slipped off of her war saddle and spun around, kicking the Griffin with a crack to the head. The Griffin fell into the sand and dirt.

The fourth Griffin swiped at Reagle with a sword. Reagle parried the strike and punched the Griffin in the beak with his other claw. The Griffin staggered back, but before Reagle could swing his sword, Zaza had come from behind him and impaled the enemy Griffin with her lance. The efficiency and speed of the Zebra scared Reagle.

Reagle and Zaza both turned towards the last Griffin. Ironbeak shrieked in fear and with a flap of his wings became airborne.

Reagle instinctively jumped after him but fell into the sand. It was a painful reminder that his wings were still chained to his body.

In the bloodied sand, Reagle faced Zaza and Nokimbe. They each still clung to their weapons.

“That little worm. We attended academy together!” Reagle stabbed at the dirt.

“Wow, you two beat them before I could even…. Wow!” said Nokimbe.

“Zaza is it? You're a great fighter.” said Reagle smiling.

“…” Zaza did not reply. She snapped to the tension in the air. “You're coming with us now. Your wings are still tied. You can't run.” said Zaza.

“Better, I can fight.” said Reagle holding out his sword.

Zaza sneered pointing her lance. “Luck won’t save you this time.”

“In every fight you are disadvantaged, you have to keep me alive for your purposes.” smiled Reagle.

Zaza smiled. “Indeed however if you will not go willingly, it is better that you be killed. I won’t hold back this time.”

She tilted her head back as if to enter a trance. Zaza popped her head back forward and glared at Reagle. Zaza’s eyes sharpened. It was unnerving, usually predators shared that stare but here an herbivore had those same eyes. Even the Griffin’s raptor eyes could not match her gaze.

A bead of sweat dripped from Reagle’s face feathers his confidence wavered. Reagle gulped. “Hey, let’s talk about this.”

Zaza salivated. “No more talking, my hot blood hungers for yours!”

“Zaza! Stop! Don’t lose control! We need the bird alive!” cried Nokimbe.

Reagle felt a dart in his chest.

Nokimbe had a blow dart gun pointed at him.

“Zaza, calm down! I got him! Remember your mission! Your people!” said Nokimbe.

Zaza blinked. Reagle noticed that the Zebra mare had regained her composure after tilting her head back.

“You got me?” asked Reagle, examining the dart that barely penetrated his chest.

Nokimbe pointed a hoof at Reagle. “That dart's been tipped with a slow acting poison, you'll need the delay solution every twelve hours. We're more than a day away from your battle lines. The true antidote is at our destination.”

Reagle gasped. “Poison?! That's lowly!” said Reagle dropping his blade.

Reagle walked through the sand dunes lead by a rope attached to his neck. Zaza led the way, pulling on Reagle's rope. Nokimbe walked beside him.

Reagle turned to Nokimbe. “What was that thing she did?” asked Reagle still shivering slightly.

“That scare you birdy?” Nokimble chuckled.

Reagle nodded meekly.

“It scares me too. It is called the Zerker battle trance. It is a trained state of mind. It sacrifices sanity for unparalleled focus. Be glad that she didn’t enter it fully. We both might have been killed.” said Nokimbe.

Reagle shivered as he stared at the Zebra mare in front of him. “That’s positively fearsome! I love it.” said Reagle.

Zaza looked back. “I may not be able to flip back next time. Don’t make me do that again or I will kill you.”

“Where do you hope to take me and what can you possibly accomplish?” asked Reagle.

“That is none of your concern.” said Zaza.

“Ransom then?” asked Reagle.

“No, petty bits don't concern us. We will use you to regain our people's pride and lands.” said Zaza proudly.

“That's an outdated cause, you've lost too much ground.” said Reagle.

“It is not. I recall that recently Zulu Zakar bested your Lord Helmsford in battle. The Zebra people won a great victory.” said Zaza proudly.

“Okay, granted your people won one battle with that Zulu Zakar fellow but you must know you can't win the war. Even that great General Zulu of yours was killed in that same battle. Your so called victory was a draw. So you have no leadership, no significant weapons, and no chance. You might as well surrender.” said Reagle.

Zaza blew steam from her nostrils in rage. “Arggh!” She turned about and smashed Reagle in the stomach with a kick of her hind legs.

Reagle coughed as the kick winded him.

“Hey birdbrain, guess whose brother died?” said Nokimbe.

Reagle recovered. “Wait, she's Zulu Zakar's sister?! She's royalty!”

As they walked further in the heat, his feet began aching.

“Why didn't you bring the cart?” asked Reagle groaning.

Zaza looked back. “You can walk. It is dignified to walk rather than be carried.” said Zaza, tugging strongly on Reagle's rope with her mouth.

Reagle nodded. As they walked further Reagle noticed the swaying of Zaza's rump as she strolled along. His face became red. “I can walk wherever you want with such a prize at the end.” Reagle chirped.

Zaza's face became red. “That's it! Nokimbe you lead him!” said Zaza giving the rope to the other Zebra.

“Hahaha! Keep your eyes off my flank birdy!” Nokimbe laughed.

“Argh! Come on!” said Reagle. He stopped complaining when Zaza slowed her pace to walk beside him.

“I'm watching you don't try anything smart.” said Zaza narrowing her eyes.

“I'm thirsty.” Reagle whined.

“You have spit to talk. Now walk.” said Zaza angrily.

The sun's oppression reached its full fervor as it moved to its zenith in the sky. The three figures walking in the desert were the center of its focus.

Reagle began feeling faint. He wobbled in his walk. He fell, leaning on Zaza.

“You pervert!” cried Zaza, raising a hoof to strike him however she relaxed when she saw Reagle collapse into the sand. Zaza stopped. She shoved a canteen into Reagle's claws.

“Drink.” said Zaza.

Reagle greedily took the canteen and tipped it upwards. Water flowed into his beak.

Zaza kicked the Griffin slightly. “Not all of it! Or you'll be drinking your piss!” shouted Zaza.

Reagle stopped and gave back the canteen. “Thanks you, Zaza.” said Reagle.

“Yeah.” said Zaza uncomfortably.

“Hey your mouth touched this, does this mean we've kissed by proxy?” Reagle smirked.

“Think again birdy! That's my canteen!” Nokimbe yelled back laughing.

“Argh! Come on!” shouted Reagle.

Walking further, they arrived at small grove that was half consumed by the desert. Night was beginning to roll in.

“We make camp here.” Zaza declared.

“Finally! I’m beat.” said Nokimbe falling down.

“Hey, we need a fire and wood if we don't want to freeze to death.” said Zaza.

“Send the pet out.” said Nokimbe grumbling as he shifted to use his leg as a pillow.

“Lazy.” Zaza spat.

Nokimbe took an hourglass out of his pouch and saw that all the grains of sand had reached the bottom. “Twelve hours are up. Here, have him drink this so he won’t die on you.” said Nokimbe throwing Zaza a small vial of liquid that landed in the sand.

Zaza pushed the vial to Reagle and he drained it to the last drop.

Zaza and Reagle gathered a small pile from the surrounding trees. Still on a leash, Reagle climbed several trees, snapping off death branches and throwing them down. Finishing Reagle climbed off the tree while Zaza watched.

“Excellent work.” said Zaza.

“Hey, a compliment.” said Reagle.

Zaza snorted pulling Reagle harshly back to the campsite.

Placing the pile in the center of the campsite, they noticed that Nokimbe was loudly snoring. Reagle watched with great fascination as Zaza created a fire through friction using a curved twig, some string, and a stick.

“Very nice, I'd be lost without a flint lighter.” said Reagle.

“You Griffins and your technology.” Zaza spat.

The fire between them grew as Zaza tossed several more sticks in the blaze. In the flickering fire, Reagle noticed the scar on Zaza's cheek, the scar he made.

“Hey, I'm sorry about….” Reagle pointed to his own cheek.

Zaza felt her face she noticed a horizontal scar on her left cheek. “It is nothing, we Zerkers do not fear pain.”

“Those purple potions in your pouch say otherwise.” said Reagle.

“Those are traditional brews all Zerkers drink. It merely numbs the pain so that we might focus on combat.” said Zaza.

“I see.” said Reagle.

“You had me, then you stopped. Why?” asked Zaza.

“Hey, we Griffins aren't as evil as you imagine. I wasn’t going to take advantage of a slave. You also had tears in your eyes....”said Reagle. “Anyway it’d be more fun if you were willing.” Reagle chuckled.

Zaza blushed and coughed. “I was referring to our battle.”

“Oh were you?” Reagle smiled wryly.

“Prince Reagle, the reports paint you as a lascivious monster of great cruelty and malice.” smiled Zaza. “You are nothing as they color. The old canvas might as well be discarded.”

Reagle scratched the feathers on the back of his head in embarrassment. “You really think that? What makes you say so?”

“Your bearing is noble like my brother, Zulu Zakar.” said Zaza sadly.

“Thanks.” said Reagle.

“However the cause and nation you serve is evil. I may feel a small sorrow for your passing but not for your people.” Zaza words were cryptic and cold.

Reagle twisted his head trying to decipher her words. “Holding me hostage will do you no good. You may stop my father but the other houses will capitalize on his weakness and overthrow him. Worse wait in the wings to take control. You can only delay.”

“If you might stem the blood slaughter of your people if only for moment, wouldn't you?” asked Zaza.

“I understand. If you let me go however I might be able to change policy. I represent more moderate Griffin Houses that have no economic interests in the conquest; they grow envious of the houses enriching themselves. I could leverage that to spare your people.”

Zaza smirked. “You can't be trusted. You'll say anything to secure your freedom.”

“I am a knight, you dare doubt my honor?” said Reagle proudly.

“Good night Prince Reagle.” said Zaza turning away from the Griffin.

The embers of the fire died down.

A singular Griffin stumbled in the cold. Small lights greeted him in the distance and Griffin soldiers soared towards him and landed.

A Griffin with a crossbow walked towards the lone Griffin. “Commander Ironbeak, we were looking for you!” shouted a tan feathered female Griffin holding up a torch to the Ironbeak’s black face.

“Were you Dori?” said Ironbeak.

“We are your soldiers. I am your lieutenant.” Dori then lowered her speech to a whisper. “How did your hunt for the Prince go, is he dead?”

“I failed, Reagle lives.” Ironbeak shook his head violently.

Dori drew a hankerchief and cleaned the sand and dirt from Ironbeak’s face. “Lord Ironclaw will kill you for this failure in order to appease King Hawkmor.” said Dori alarmed.

“I know.” said Ironbeak.

“Where are your guards?” asked Dori.

“Slain, to the west of here...”, Ironbeak started whimpering, “I was a coward... I ran as my guards fell”

“No, you fought bravely as they fell and stayed to avenge their deaths.” said Dori.

“What are you saying, Dori?” asked Ironbeak.

Dori directed the squad of soldiers following. “Head west and collect the corpses of the fallen guards. Burn one them beyond recognition. Make sure the face feathers are particular burnt.” said Dori.

“Dori?” asked Ironbeak.

“I won’t see you killed.” said Dori.

“I see. We’ll need a story.” said Ironbeak.

“Gather some Zebra slaves and slay them. We shall report to King Hawkmor that Zebras killed his beloved son.” Dori rubbed the bottom of her beak. “And you-” said Dori pointed to Ironbeak.

“I shall report to my father and say it was I.” said Ironbeak.

“All the while, we continue the hunt.” said Dori.