• Published 17th Aug 2013
  • 5,993 Views, 168 Comments

Being Royalty - Coronet the lesser

After her coronation, Twilight is confronted by the complexity of court politics and the pressures of the crown. Not to mention her hidden relationship with Princess Luna . In the end she'll discover the ups and downs of being royalty.

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A Council Meeting and Troubled Thoughts

Celestia was well aware of where she was. The private meeting room for the council was in an excluded wing of the castle. The extravagancy of the room with its various noble marked tapestries and busts of ponies long dead irked Celestia somewhat. The value of the various art pieces within the room itself could have easily supported a hospital for years.

Once she would have thought it inconceivable to have anything less than the finest art and decorations to fill every room of the castle with the imperial majesty of Equestria. But with age Celestia found herself less inclined to pieces of grandeur. It felt wrong to her in a way. Though then again much of her attitudes during the beginning did, compared to what kind of mare she was today.

Celestia shook her head. She had other things to worry about rather than her distaste for the castle's obnoxious decadence. After all there was a concerned looking group of ministers before her. One of her ministers was speaking to her with a look of worry while his mouth indicated he was slightly stuttering much to the bemusement of his colleagues. There was a bead of sweat slowly running down the side of his mane as he spoke.

She then looked towards the tea that sat on the table beside her. Ignoring the minister’s already anticipated words regarding the troubling piece of newspaper placed out in front of her. She took the brief respite to mull over her fondness of the liquid substance that had sustained her in her role for a great duration of her career.

Celestia always had enjoyed tea. Perhaps not as much as coffee though there was hardly a need for regular intakes of caffeine besides the early stumbling’s of morning. In truth Celestia had adapted tea to act as a part of her image in a way. The classical image of the motherly Celestia enjoying tea as she worked endlessly for the happiness of Equestria was an image that many of her previous governments had attempted to promote of her.

There was also the fact that coffee had been an unsuitable substance during negotiations or council meetings least there be accusations that she was a caffeine addict. It was quite a novel thought to Celestia that it was perceived that she had the same shortcomings as a normal pony. Celestia herself was unsure that she could even get addicted to caffeine. Her alicorn body was resistant to most poisons and diseases and bar constant exposure to a substance she was sure that addiction was impossibility for her.

That’s not to say she couldn’t be affected by a substance. She and her sister occasionally enjoyed the blissful pleasure from alcohol from time to time. Celestia allowed herself a small smirk that went unnoticed by the council. Though Celestia and Luna could appreciate it more due to their higher tolerance level.

It was all very fascinating how ponies tried to pull her down to a more normal level. Personally she had always seen herself as a pony and always would but that did not change the fact that she was significantly different from them. At least she had tried to change her image recently. The old god like façade that she had once been dressed in had grown wearisome over the years. She was glad she could rid herself of it.

Eventually the minister repeated his words though this time with more confidence to them than previous. The cabinet looked towards Celestia once more. Unaware that she had read the offending piece over three minutes ago.

“I’m aware of what you are asking minister," replied Celestia cutting him off before he could finish his sentence. He then began to mumble a bit incoherently. Her eyes gazed over her cabinet who all bar Strom Mount winced under her gaze. "You are asking me on what I make of this ‘press conference’ that my nephew has made and you expect me to be somewhat upset at the words spoken within it.” She gently took the cup of tea with her magic as she sipped it with closed eyes.

“Uh, are you upset?” spoke one of them. She believed it was the Minister for Agriculture it she was right in assuming his tone of voice.

“No,” replied Celestia rather flatly. There was quite a commotion at her words. Bar Storm Mount, most of her ministers were bent over in hushed whispers. Celestia raised a hoof to tell them to stop. “I’d be more upset if my nephew actually had kind words to say to me. That would be more of a cause for concern.” There was subdued laughter at Celestia’s remark though it quietened down rather quickly. “Sadly I’m more concerned about the words that he has for our newest royal and my faithful student.”

“It is an act of defamation princess he should immediately retract his remarks least he see himself before the court,” barked Oaken Shield a dark brown earth pony and current Secretary of Defence.

“It is not against the law for him to criticise the monarchy despite the fact that he belongs to such an organisation. It is guaranteed under the Freedom of Speech act 781 of the Royal Council,” huffed the Justice Minister. “It would be a crime to prevent him from doing so.”

“Nonetheless as the Princess said, this cannot stand,” wheezed the ill looking Minister of Interior Lord AuldBerry. Celestia gazed at him with sympathetic eyes. He was azure unicorn but the colour from his coat had faded significantly due to his illness. Sadly from the look of him he only had two or three years left in him, Celestia had presciently tried to offer him a generous retirement package though he refused every time. He had stated that it was his personal duty to serve till the end. Celestia respected his choice.

"Twilight will be meeting with important representatives from our neighbours," said Celestia. "If they learn that only a few days previous a member of my own household released a damming article to the media about Twilight it will not only undermine her position during the meeting but no doubt this will damage my students confidence. She has had little time to develop the thick skin that is required for her post."

“What do you wish for us to do princess? The council is at your disposal,” replied Inkwell.

Celestia pondered for a moment what course of action was required. She could hardly let the trouble her nephew caused go unnoticed especially considering what was at stake during Twilight’s meetings. Yet a confrontation with her nephew was equally undesirable. The last thing she needed at the moment was migraine. She decided to consult her ministers.

"I will not damage Equestria’s principles of freedom," announced Celestia letting a bit of force enter her voice. "But I will also not stand by idly while I risk Twilight’s position. What are our options?"

"We could delay the publishing of the report," piped in Strom Mount from a relaxed position in his chair. "Place a gag order on the papers until after the dignitaries leave. Then let the worm spill his guts all he wants. Not that many will listen to such nonsensical prattling." Celestia frowned at the terminology used to describe her nephew but held her tongue. Family was still family despite how poorly they may behave. The Justice Minister scowled.

"That’s not much better. We would still be abusing the system. The courts should not be answerable to our decisions."

"It won’t be the council’s decision," said Storm Mount. He meet Celestia’s gaze. "The Princess will instigate it. In her position as supreme judicial authority of the state, it is with her power."

"Are you suggesting we use the royal prerogative?"

Storm Mount merely nodded. The council seemed struck with unease. Celestia rarely used the full extent of her powers which in theory were almost unlimited with only Princess Luna being capable of overruling Celestia. The Justice Minister stared at Celestia.

“The Ministry of justice is ultimately still answerable to you Princess. While it is a rather extreme use of your prerogative powers we will carry out your orders if you so wish. We can claim that Blueblood is trying to slander Princess Twilight without reason and thus prevent him from publishing such words but should he or the press appeal we won’t be viably able to prevent them from overturning the decision. It will give us enough time but I fear for the damage such a case would do towards the crown. Nonetheless I whatever your answer is Princess. It will be done to the letter."

Celestia needed little time to think about what she needed to do. The alternatives as she already said were equally undesirable. While she hated to admit it, she felt that her personal feelings were getting in the way of her decision yet she was helpless to prevent these feelings. Twilight had a special place in her heart and Celestia dreaded any harm whether verbal or physical come to her. While she knew to be a futile struggle and that Twilight needed to stand by herself soon but there was still a great part of Celestia that was reluctant to let her go. Even so if she could find a justifiable excuse to protect Twilight then all the better. Though she was still torn on the issue.

There was also the matter of Luna. From Celestia’s experience Luna would not take well to Blueblood’s words. In fact it would further dampen thee already strained relationship between her nephew and sister. Considering how well Luna had taken to Twilight, Celestia would be putting her nephew’s life in precarious hooves should the article be released. At least with a temporary gag order placed on the interview would allow her to speak to her sister in a calm relaxed manner. Not tonight as her sister was holding court and it would be rude to interrupt but perhaps when Twilight returned to Ponyville the next day.

Even then the likelihood of Luna talking about it in a calm and relaxed manner would be less likely than Discord deciding to settle down and do something productive. With such knowledge in hoof Celestia made the call.

“A little time is all we need Minister. Let any backlash that may come of it rest on my hooves. I will speak with my sister on the matter at first light tomorrow as well as Blueblood." She then sighed as she looked directly at her Minister. “Make it so,” she said evenly. The ministers all nodded in agreement. The Justice Minister called over an aide and using a quill quickly scribbled down a note to which the aide bolted out of the room with. Storm Mount stood from his chair.

"With this in mind. Does anypony else have anything to contribute to this meeting?" The collective shaking of heads indicated a no. He stared at the princess. "Would you mind Princess?"

"Of course," she replied with a hint of weariness in her voice. "I call this meeting to a close. You are all dismissed. Thank you for your time and advice."

Each minister then rose, pushed in their chairs and bowed to the princess before leaving. As per custom Princess Celestia was the last to exit. This left her to her thoughts briefly as her various aides rushed in to tell her of any late evening activities she had to attend.

The exiting Minister of the Exterior Swift Charm could only muse as he walked down the relatively empty halls.

“The Gentlecolts Society will be most interested to hear of this,” he spoke in a hushed tone. “Most interested indeed.”

Luna had pondered her nightmare over and over again. It had troubled her throughout the entirety of court proceedings. Even the less vigilant of the petitioners had noticed her distracted mood. During the short breaks between each court hearing she sat unmoved from her throne like one of the statues of the garden.

In truth Luna barely paid attention to it all. Only her natural ability to pick up the little details had saved her from embarrassment on the occasion. Everything had almost become white noise compared to the harsh words of the Nightmare echoing in her skull. It filled her with a great sense of doubt. While Luna had insisted it was all lies, could the instruments of darkness tell truths in order to win her to her harm?

It was a ridiculous thought. The Nightmare was gone. As was its influence over her. Yet why did she ponder its words so deeply as if they were truths? Luna could not fathom an answer to such a question.

It took Luna off guard when her aide announced that court had finished and that Luna had finished her scheduled duties. She felt almost numb when she dismissed him and closed the court. The formalities that she conducted in doing so were graced with efficiency if only because of her distraction.

When left to her own devices, Luna could not help but stare at the magnificence of the stain glass windows and her beautiful moonlight that flooded through them. Though each time she turned it felt as if the nightmare had returned and held her throat in its hold. Foul bile began to build up within her as fear and doubt wrestled for control of her mind. She barely noticed as she flicked her horn to transport to her room.

She was tempted to tell Twilight. After all, Twilight had reacted well to her slip up earlier in the day. What was to say this would be any different? Other than there being a chance that Twilight would think that she was insane. Luna shook her head vigorously. To make such an assumption was an insult to Twilight’s character. She was smart, she was kind, she understood….

Luna arrived with a pop and looked as if she was about to speak before she saw what was before her. The young princess had fallen asleep with her head literally in a book. The book read ‘Diplomacy for dummies’. Her wing curled around a small blanket as the last vestiges of moonlight shone brightly on her lavender coat giving it an almost heavenly look to it.

…She was beautiful.

Luna could only put away her petty troubles as she stared at the mare with adoring eyes. It was not right to burden Twilight with a silly nightmare for now.

She scooped Twilight onto her back using her magic as the alicorn groaned and flayed slightly as she was deprived of her blankets warmth. Luna could barely supress her giggle as she carried the mare off to the bed.

Luna could tell Twilight another time. Twilight would be leaving in the morning and the last thing Luna wanted was to export a foalish problem under the already stressed mare. Twilight had a big day ahead of her. No matter what the Nightmare had said, Luna knew what she had with Twilight was real.

Secured with this knowledge Luna, for a brief while, felt content as she let her troubles slip away under the bliss of the waning moon.

Author's Note:

Yeah it's a short chapter enough chapter but as I said I've been off doing personal stuff for the past two weeks so it's hard getting back into the swing of writing. Still due to a long enough break I can do a bit more writing this week so I may get three chapters out rather than just one. We'll see.

Anyway I hope you like this chapter. I wasn't too sure about the bit about Luna at the end but I decided to add it in anyway as I feel it adressed a bit of the last chapter to tie in with the majority of this chapter with the Blueblood bit.

Hope you enjoy it. Hope I didn't make too many mistakes. Ciao!