• Published 17th Aug 2013
  • 6,000 Views, 168 Comments

Being Royalty - Coronet the lesser

After her coronation, Twilight is confronted by the complexity of court politics and the pressures of the crown. Not to mention her hidden relationship with Princess Luna . In the end she'll discover the ups and downs of being royalty.

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Here's Looking At You.

Twilight waited patiently at the edge of the platform as a group of guards unloaded her baggage onto the train. Much to Twilight’s embarrassment, unlike the usual economy class seats that she and her friends rode in usually, she had instead been gifted an entire section of the train consisting of three passengers carriages. All outfitted with extremely luxurious interior decorating. Needless to say Rarity was gushing all about it. Her other friends didn’t mind so much, only Fluttershy seemed to share Twilight’s discomfiture.

Twilight had decided to step back from the group who were off at the other end of the platform talking to family or friends while they waited to board. She had assured her friends and Spike that she just needed some time to think by herself. Yet there was an ulterior motive for her seclusion. A motive which was grating on Twilight’s already shot nerves.

Eventually after a solid five minutes she heard a gust of wind and the familiar creak of the wooden platform indicating that someone had just landed behind her. Twilight didn’t even bother to turn around.

“You’re late,” she said in an icy tone. Luna scraped her hoof against the wooden boarding with he head low towards the ground.

“I know I’m sorry,” she coughed.

“Luna, that’s not good enough. You know how nervous I am for this! Twilight spun around to confront her partner. Luna shrank back.

“I came didn’t I?” she whispered. Twilight huffed angrily.

“Ughh, that’s not the point!”

“Twilight I assure I have valid reason for being late.” Luna put a hoof on Twilight’s shoulder pulling her towards her. Twilight put up some mild resistance.

“Please Twilight, listen,” pleaded Luna. “Do you care for me?" Twilight tried to be angry with Luna. It didn’t work. She wasn’t angry earlier. She didn’t even know why she was like this. Perhaps it was all that was going on in her life finally getting to her. It was hard to tell in the moment. Twilight looked Luna in the eyes. Those teal orbs had never lied to her in the past and still didn’t. Twilight felt her rage dissipate the longer she maintained eye contact. Luna always had a calming effect on her. Her head dropped with an exasperated sigh before she answered Luna.

“I-of course I do.”

“Well, that’s good to know,” laughed Luna as she caressed Twilight’s hair. Twilight leaned into her gentle grip. It had been a while since she had last met up with Luna. They had both been relatively busy with paper work in preparation for the trip and dealing with the convoluted bureaucracy of the civil service. Yet Twilight did not fully forgive Luna’s mishap.

“Then why’d you do it, silly? Getting me all worried like that. You know how I am,” teased Twilight. It was funny how she could switch from one emotion to another. She supposed it spoke a lot about how her mental state was at the moment. She didn’t really care. It was easier now that Luna was here. “One minute late and I sometimes think the worlds crashing around me.” Twilight flung one of her hooves up in the air dramatically.

“Yes, I do know. I still think it’s cute,” breathed Luna heavily. Twilight blushed. She was lucky that she decided on such an excluded part of the train platform. The two of them were already in trouble with the nobles. The last thing Twilight needed was a public scandal. Luna didn’t seem even fazed by the idea that they may be caught as she tried to nibble Twilight’s ear. Twilight pushed her away much to Luna’s dismay.

“You’re avoiding the issue. Why’d you do it?” asked Twilight in a serious tone. Luna always used intimacy to try and distract from the big issues. Twilight would not be fooled again. Luna wouldn’t pull the wool over her eyes. She looked despondent though at Twilight's question. Twilight remembered a situation some time ago that sent Luna into a similar stupor. “It isn’t Storm Mount again?” Twilight scowled. “I swear if he’s after us before our trip I’ll go to Canterlot myself and send him straight to-.”

“No, no. He’s been true to his word.” She shook her head. “He has not spoken to me anymore of it. It’s- I.” Luna sighed deeply. “I-I spoke with my sister today.”

“Oh, I see,” Twilight blanched. She knew this wasn’t going to be good.

“It did not go well.”

“That much is clear,” said Twilight, moving closer to her.” Luna you didn’t say anything you’d regret did you?”

“I may have. I was angry. She was delaying me. She wanted to talk before we went off on this mission. I had hear something that made me upset. I-.”

“Tell me.” Luna took a deep breath. She really didn’t want to do this. Twilight was special to Luna but she really didn’t want to add to Twilight’s already stressed state whining about her strained relations with her sister. Yet Luna felt she had no choice in the matter. Twilight was many things to Luna. A fellow princess, a friend, a lover and a confidant. Twilight’s eyes were filled with reassurance and a gentle smile adorned her lips. Luna gained some strange new confidence. Perhaps talking would help. It had in the past. Luna decided to go with her gut feeling. Just as she was about to indulge Twilight with the details of her encounter, a shout interrupted her before the roar of the engine of the train completely threw her off.

“Twilight!” shouted Spike who waddled swiftly towards her.

"Spike what’s wrong?" asked Twilight as she greeted the dragon. Spike stopped before Twilight, he leaned out with his claw on her leg slightly while breathing heavily. Twilight rolled her eyes at Luna who giggled behind her hoof. After his panting subsided, Spike looked up at Twilight but before he said anything he noticed and gave a quizzical glance at Princess Luna behind Twilight.

“Oh, hi Princess Luna. You joining us too?”

“Indeed young Spike said Luna with her most graceful smile. "I am here in advisory capacity for Twilight.”

“ Oh that explains it. It's just like all of the other times Luna has visited the library in the middle of the night, right Twi?” said Spike innocently. Twilight’s could only barely keep her mouth from flying open in shock or embarrassment she couldn't be sure. Luna managed better but still had an embarrassed blush on her face. With difficulty she managed to look Spike in the eye.

“ And how would you know about that Spike?” smiled Twilight sweetly trying to hide her shame.

“Oh, sometimes I hear you guys talking about things then there is a lot of noise and sounds. I was wondering what was going on. But I guess now I know, right? Luna just comes to advise you?" Spike traded looks between Twilight and Luna who both had taken on blank stares at what the young dragon had just said. Twilight was the first to recover.

“Yes, Spike your right, hehe-heh,” Twilight gulped. Luna looked like she about to burst out laughing while Twilight struggled not to slam her head into the ground.

“Stop standing around Twilight, we need to go,” said Spike as he tugged on her leg. “The thin guy from Canterlot says we need to get on the train.”

“Thin guy from Canterlot?” Twilight turned her head towards Luna.

“A representative from the foreign office most likely,” replied Luna with a shrug as if it was typical. “Probably to make sure you don’t create a diplomatic incident. My sister’s doing, no doubt. Even now she hounds us.” Twilight gave Luna a sympathetic look. She mouthed the words ‘are you okay?’ silently. Luna nodded.

“I don’t know. The guy's all nervous and stuttering like he has something wrong with him,” said Spike. “Doesn’t look like some minister if you ask me.”

“Great, some incompetent noble’s son appointed to the foreign office,” scoffed Luna. She rolled her eyes to the heavens. “Even Better." She approached Twilight. “Another shun to us,” She turned her head to the side against Twilight’s with a sarcastic smile.

“Always the optimist aren’t you Luna?” Luna stuck her tongue at Twilight. Spike raised his eyebrow at this gesture of familiarity. Twilight leaned down to Spike’s level. “Spike, tell him we’ll be there in a second.”

“Okay Twi.” Spike saluted her before rushing off. Luna laughed again. Spike was quite the little gentleman. Twilight proceeded to follow.

“We’re not done Luna,” called Twilight. “Don’t think you’ve weaseled your way out of this.” With surprising speed managed to face Luna once more to give her a short peck on the lips. Which Luna returned with as much gusto a she could muster in the short time. She was disappointed as Twilight pulled back before things became more heated. “Love you. Also we have to be more careful next time okay? Spike’s too young to know about these sort of things.”

“Well it’s not my fault you’re so loud.” Luna put on a cheeky smile. Twilight’s face immediately paled before Luna felt a light smack across her head. Luna was bewildered by indignation as she watched Twilight trot away from her.

“You are so sleeping alone for this holiday,” said Twilight as she shook her rear in a rather seductive way. The lavender mare then deliberately flicked her tail to one side as she went. Luna struggled to maintain her emotions and her wings as Twilight continued her journey to the train and luckily for Luna, she had the best view. Eventually Twilight’s tail returned and she quickened her pace away from the Lunar goddess. Luna took a few moments to regain her composure and let her now 'agitated' wings to return to her sides. Suddenly Twilight’s words began to set in.

“Twilight you not serious are you? Come now, I meant it not! Twilight! Please! Twilight come back! Twilight?!” Luna ran after her companion quite distressed.

Luna quickly found herself inside the royal department of the train. Twilight had said nothing in response to Luna’s pleas much to her eternal annoyance. She was also surrounded by Twilight’s friends who had decided to welcome their surprise guest for the trip. One pony in particular was most eager to meet her inside the rather decadent surroundings.

“I simply can’t believe you got Princess Luna to accompany us for this journey Twilight!” said Rarity whose grin was spread nearly ear to ear. “Why I am simply ecstatic that I’m sharing a carriage with royalty.” Rarity dropped into a low bow before her with Rarity’s head nearly touching the expensive rug carpet.

“There is no need to bow Miss Rarity,” said Luna softly. She pulled Rarity up from her bowing position and put a hoof on her shoulder. “I do not let my friends bow to me.” Rarity pulled away while giggling madly at the thought that the princess considered her a friend. Luna didn’t know how to react and Twilight only gave her a shrug for her efforts. But before Luna could say anymore she was disturbed by a flash of pink and a swarm of confetti. The pony, Pinkie Pie, was hopping up and down in front of her. Luna was then drawn into a bone crushing hug.

“Yay! Partying with the Princess!” exclaimed Pinkie before releasing Luna who took in a heavy breath. Somehow Pinkie also had slipped a party hat onto Luna’s head. “This is going to be the best party train ever!” While most of Twilight’s friends were horrified by Pinkie’s assault on royalty, Twilight could barely contain herself. Suddenly a shrill voice pierced Pinkie’s jovial atmosphere.

“There will be no parties o-on th-this diplomatic mission,” wheezed a stallion near the entrance to the carriage. Luna presumed he was their aide for the trip.

The figure had a pale yellow coat and was gauntly thin shape yet was quite tall for such a young stallion. His lips were pursed tightly and his face was scrunched with exasperation but his green eyes were filled with worry. He had a thin mustache in imitation of the more extravagant nobles though it looked purely ridiculous on him. His mane was ashen grey but quite messy. Probably from the stress. If Luna was to guess this was probably the poor stallion’s first assignment abroad. Not an easy task considering he was dealing with one Pinkie Pie.

With calculating steps he approached Pinkie Pike who was now filling up balloons somehow with an air pump that was not there previously. The stallion’s eye twitched madly when one of Pinkie’s balloons flew around the room making some unflattering sounds as it went. Apparently the pink mare found this hilarious much to the disdain of the stallion.

“I-I thought I told you this!” he squeaked as he smashed another balloon. Pinkie shot him an innocent smile.

“Oh, hi Captain Darling!”

“I-It’s C-captain Daring!” His eye wouldn’t stop shaking. “How many times have I told you this?” The Captain then noticed that the mare was surrounded by an assortment of party goods. “Where did you get those?” He pointed to the balloons. “I-I t-thought I confiscated all of y-your contraband?” Pinkie just giggled.

“I keep party materials all over Equestria in case of party emergencies!”

“No parties. Y-your n-not turning this into a c-circus. You h-hear me.”

“Oooohh. That’s no fun,” pouted Pinkie as her balloons and hair deflated. Luna ignored the antics of the two ponies so she could address the remainder of Twilight’s friends before they departed.

“In any case, We are most glad to receive friends for this special time for Twilight and I am most glad that I am most humbled to join you all.”

"Princesses are always welcome with us," answered Applejack. “‘am sure y’all be super help for Twah.” Applejack swung a hoof around Twilight’s neck who tried to hide her blush behind her hoof. Luna then felt something she shouldn’t have. There was a grumble deep within her at Applekjack's closeness. One of Luna’s eyebrows shot up but the feeling quickly passed as Applejack released Twilight. Luckily Luna had little time to ponder it as Rainbow Dash intervened.

“Yeah, whatever, princess is cool and all. Now where’s the pool?” Twilight turned towards Dash with a scowl. The blue mare seemed unaffected.

“Rainbow Dash it’s not on the train.”

“Well, this just got disappointing,” replied Rainbow Dash. She slumped down onto one of the fine couches on the other end of the room.

“Your friend is quite hard to please,” whispered Luna to Twilight. Twilight gave her lopsided grin.

“Unfortunately yes. Don’t worry she grows on you.”

“Right,” said Luna sceptically. “Now, where is Fluttershy?” A buttercup yellow pegasus pushed out from behind Applejack. With her mane covering half her face.

“Oh, I’m right here Princ-.”

“Where did you get that?” roared a shrill voice. Luna turned to find Pinkie and the Captain engaged in yet another argument. This time Pinkie had a large pink canon with her much to Daring’s dismay.

“It’s my party cannon,” explained Pinkie Pie. She gave the barrel a pat like an old friend. “Great for all sorts of celebrations.”

“That is an unauthorised weapon. Give it to me before I throw you in jail.”

“No,” said Pinkie as she pulled the canon into a hug. He attempted to shove her off but Pinkie continued to resist. The captain’s face looked like it was about to explode with rage. Almost shoving his face into hers he managed to screech

“U-under the jurisdiction of the crown you w-will g-give that-.”

“No Darling!” yelled Pinkie back in kind shoving his head back with her own.

“My name is not D-darling!” bellowed the captain to the heavens. Luna was worried his hair would start falling out. Luna decided to try and deescalated the crisis.

“Relax, Captain,” soothed Luna. The stallion looked exhausted. He was heaving breaths heavily as he regarded the princess. Pinkie gave a triumphant look to Daring through Luna frowned.

“Now, g-good y-you’re here Will please sort this damned m-.”

“Give it a rest,” said Luna. “Mares will be mares.” The captain was unconvinced but Luna’s sudden change to a stern look of ‘I’m telling you to give it a rest or else’ seemed to have a greater effect on him. Twilight had been on the end of the look a few times in the past. It was quite amusing for her to see it being used on someone other than her.

“F-fine,” he breathed exasperatedly. “But Princess, we have much to discuss.”

“Yes, yes. We'll be on are best behaviour. No starting wars. No insulting the king. No fighting the guards. No spending massive amounts of money on impractical garden fountains. The usual,” said Luna sweetly while waving off the captains concern. “I think me and Twilight can handle it.”

"That doesn't sound like a lot of fun," piped in Pinkie. Who was now forced to cross off several things on her list of 'What to do on holidays'.

“Ah hah. But-.”

“Captain. Go take a drink. We’ll deal with this as we go along. No point of worrying about it. Now don’t you worry and go off and enjoy the trip.” The captain was about to protest yet again. Luna immediately lost her calm demeanour and scowled. “That’s an order.” The captain bulked at the mention of 'order' and gave Luna a half-hearted salute and turned to leave.

“I s-should have stayed in the a-army,” muttered Captain Daring as he departed to look out for the service mare with the drinks cart.

Everypony laughed as he went.

After a while, the group started to settle in. They decided to check out the sleeping accommodation first so they could unpack their luggage. They exited the recreational freight then entered the sleeping quarters. Twilight saw that he friends had been set up in a room with two large bunk beds with three beds per bunk enough to accommodate her friends. There was also some modest furniture and some clothing trunks as well as a vanity mirror. While the walls were decorated with the finest designs the nobility could afford the room itself was nothing special. Especially in comparison to Twilight's room. Twilight shocked to find an entire carriage dedicated to her room alone. It was the same royal suite that belonged to Celestia and Luna when they travelled via train. Strangely enough, there seemed to have been an oversight for Luna's accommodation. She was without a bed or a room. There was apparently a mix up with the paperwork. Twilight suspected foul play as Luna wouldn't stop grinning the whole time. Twilight would have to share with Luna much to Luna’s delight.

While none of her friends seemed to suspicious of this grouping, Spike once again seemed unsure. To which Twilight tried reassured him. Spike was probably the most vocal about his disposition from Twilight’s side but Luna’s gentle encouragement had managed to sooth his nerves. Twilight thanked her. Though it didn't stop Twilight from advocating that the room size was unnecessary and she wished to have sleeping arrangements similar to her friends to Captain Daring who was found scoffing down some scotch in middle class. Luna's attempts to persuade Twilight otherwise failed.

Twilight was eventually told it was necessary for security reasons by the taxing Captain who proclaimed that the noble would have a sissy fit if Twilight slept in the same room as some commoners even if they were the elements of harmony.

After returning to her room and being reassured that her friends would be fine by Luna, Twilight began unpacking some of her luggage over near her large queen sized bed. Twilight hadn’t the heart to tell Luna that the goddess would be sleeping on the equally expensive looking wine coloured couch until she was assured that her friends wouldn't walk in on her in the middle of the night and for Luna's earlier comment. Twilight didn’t exactly feel that her friends were ready for that particular bombshell.

The two alicorn’s then felt the train pull away from the station. Twilight sighed deeply before sitting on said couch. Luna looked over towards her. Sympathy etched on her features. She took a seat next to Twilight and nuzzled her back. Twilight smiled. She looked out through the small window as she watched Ponyville, her home, flew by. No doubt her friends were back in the recreational carriage speaking about the trip. Twilight was more content to be left with her thoughts for a moment.

“Well, here we go,” she said quietly.


“You ready to talk?”

“Tonight. I promise,” whispered Luna. Luna leaned down and their lips wrapped around each other almost instinctively. The kiss was brief but full of passion as Ponyville fell away. When they eventually parted, the two enjoyed the silent companionship they shared on the couch watching the passing countryside. Twilight settled her head within the crook of Luna’s neck. Suddenly their peace was interrupted by an explosion of music coming from the carriage two ways up and the distinctive sound of one pink mare.

“Road trip!”

“Miss Pie! WHAT IN-.”

“This going to be a long ride isn’t it?” questioned Luna grinning. Twilight flashed her a dazzling smile before resting into her neck again.

“You bet,” giggled Twilight.