• Published 17th Aug 2013
  • 5,995 Views, 168 Comments

Being Royalty - Coronet the lesser

After her coronation, Twilight is confronted by the complexity of court politics and the pressures of the crown. Not to mention her hidden relationship with Princess Luna . In the end she'll discover the ups and downs of being royalty.

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The Diplomats

The sun shone brightly down on Canterlot. The city was buzzing with the gossip of the representatives arrivals. The local council had done a wondrous job of preparing their visit with endless decorations and spotless monuments. Great flags and tapestries hung from every house, nobles walked the streets in their finest clothing and the Royal Guard strolled around in their finely polished armour that creaked as they went past. In truth it was all a testament to the power and splendour of Equestria and the very jewel in her crown, which was the bustling city of Canterlot itself.

Great crowds gathered, gripped with curiosity and great interest over the whole meeting. Soon they amassed before the palace gates which had become the epicentre of the city’s gossip. Taking full advantage of this new hotspot, merchants set up some stalls nearby, crying about their wares and the extremely generous offers they were giving out towards potential customers.

Curious fillies pushed through the throngs of ponies in hopes of catching sight of the exotic visitors that had arrived. Rumours of mountains of gold and great pieces of antiquity which were said to have been brought in tow to the palace to be held as gifts to be brought before the newest princess, indulged their imaginations. Whispers said that even a dragon may have been seen earlier. Yet it proved extremely difficult to separate fact from myth for the distressed crowd who buzzed like a local beehive. For despite the city’s displays of excitement and wonder, there was in truth very little of the palace to see except for the lines of royal guards and local constabulary ponies that covered the entrance to its esteemed halls, thus keeping the whole affair under wraps much to many ponies disappointment.

Beyond the gates were items of grandeur but were far less magical then that assumed by the common pony. In truth, the amount of high ranking diplomats that had arrived all at once put the guards and staff of the castle under great strain. It added to the already stretched resources of the guard who had to keep up with the significant baggage that each party had brought with them. This ranged anywhere from endless wardrobe and personal items to heavily armoured guards and a group of aides demanding they accompany their lords and ladies, to even a bunch of goats that had been apparently brought as some sort of present.

Princess Twilight Sparkle could only sigh as she watched the chaos from one of the high windows of the castle. Unlike her counterpart Discord, who was roaring with laughter as the group of goats had broken free from the obviously overwhelmed private tasked with guarding them. The goats then began eating some of the private plants of the pristine Canterlot gardens much to the outraged shouts of the head gardener, and then proceeded to ransack some of the luggage of the diplomats resulting in a small brawl breaking out between particularly upset looking griffins over their formal robes being chewed upon.

Twilight turned from the window and faced back towards the doors of the meeting room. She was unsure where the time had gone. The light relief that she had felt upon her return to Ponyville despite Luna’s protests was short lived. In truth she was proud of how calm she was handling the situation especially considering it was on such short notice.

Yet Twilight could not shake the feeling that something was off.

Celestia and Luna were distant. Twilight couldn’t exactly place her hoof on it but they were both not exactly with her. They both appeared distracted in their own way. Twilight could tell with Luna that it was troubling her deeply. ‘Maybe it’s got something to do with that nightmare. I never did ask Luna fully about it.’

For a moment Twilight was weighed down with guilt. She had been so self-absorbed with this meeting that she felt that she was neglecting Luna to suit her own needs. It only added fuel to the already growing fire that was her anxiety. She tried desperately to reassure herself that Luna couldn’t have possibly been shaken by a little nightmare. Luna after all was the master of dreams.

‘Besides Luna had told her it was nothing. Surely Luna would not try to hide something from me?’ She desperately tried to ignore the little voice in her head saying that Luna was more than a thousand years old and was bound to keep secrets even from those closest to her. Twilight shook her head dismissively. ‘Focus Twilight, this isn’t the time or place for that. I can sort these issues out later. Just breathe okay.’

“So this is it,” spoke Twilight as she to the two sisters. They both nodded towards her. Luna gave her a quick hug as Twilight could only heave a heavy sigh as she weighted the enormity of the moment before her. Discord attempted to follow but was prevented when several guards stuck their weapons up at him to which he backed away from, pouting slightly in the process. Celestia ignoring Discord, nodded towards each of the golden cladded guards who turned and with the pulsing of their golden magic the great doors swung open.

Twilight lifted her head high and had her wings spread out as she entered in an attempt to emulate the royal sisters. She blinked rapidly at the amount of light coming through the high window above the table. When her vision cleared she could see a large congregation of ponies and the ambassadors all standing to attention. Their eyes focused on the entering monarchs. Twilight swore her stomach did a flip as she caught the gazes of each diplomat. She steeled herself once more as she approached the table.

“Sit,” spoke Celestia in a gentle tone. Each ambassador gave a slight bow. Their chairs were pulled out for them by the nearby servants. Twilight sat centrally opposite to each of them in her large ornate chair with her cutie mark adorned over the headrest. Similar thrones had also been provided for Celestia and Luna. Each chair was adorned upon its head rest with their respective owner’s cutie marks. Twilight withheld her awe over the extravagant piece of furniture as she was cast out of thought by a stark voice.

“As your noble majesty wills it,” croaked the griffin representative. Twilight examined him with curious eyes as he sat. Covered in a glistening red uniform, the griffin reminded Twilight more of an officer than a being that actually held an office of any diplomatic nature. His vest was done up with glimmering golden buttons and he wore a navy blue sash which crossed his chest. His wings were tucked tightly against his sides.

There was the soft clink of metal as he swayed from side to side which emanated from the seemingly endless assortment of medals he carried. Most like gained in some military conflict years back. His appearance completely contradicted the books Twilight had read about griffin cultural attire. Though she could assume he was trying to impress or intimidate Twilight from the haughty way he carried himself. Twilight begrudgingly admitted that it had a certain effect on her.

“Twilight I would like to introduce you to our various guests today,” Celestia said as she pointed her hoof in the ambassador’s direction. Celestia regarded the griffin that Twilight was so closely looking at previous. “This is Ivan Grachev, Lord Marshall of the Griffin Aviation Forces and cousin to the current King of Griffins. He has been a valuable ally towards a more peaceful cooperation between our races and furthermore-”

“Why is this one so small?”

“Eh, beg your pardon?” squeaked Twilight.

“I was not expecting one so small.” The griffin turned to the zebra to his left. “Your absurd stories gave the impression that I would meet with some warrior princess. I can see that I have been led on in my presumptions.”

“She has not yet grown to full maturity,” said Luna. While she did not express it through her voice, her body language screamed that she was incensed by the griffin’s remark. “The process of ascension is both long and complex. Besides she shows wisdom beyond her years. Her feats are no mere stories Sir Grachev. Take it from a being that has lived longer than nearly everybody in this room combined.”

“I see,” responded the griffin gruffly. The lord gave a slight nod but did very little otherwise to highlight himself. His expression radiated disinterest. Twilight noticed some of Celestial’s aides frown at the griffin’s response.

‘I suppose that wasn’t meant to happen,’ thought Twilight.

Next was a kind looking horse who smiled when Twilight’s eyes met his. Garbed in the traditional saddle and other attire of his country and an assortment of what Twilight could only guess were ridiculously expensive jewellery. His eyes had a certain mischief about them that Twilight could not place.

“This is Sir Pasha of the horse tribes. He is the recently installed ambassador to Equestria from Saddle Arabia and the far off Emirates.”

“What happened to the two previous ambassadors who visited not too long ago?” asked Twilight looking up to Celestia.

“Oh my dear lady,” answered back Pasha in a soft but carrying voice. “You speak of my household. It is with saddest regret they were unable to attend this most blessed meeting. I have been sent in their place. I hope that this does not offend the lady?”

“No of course not.”

“Ah then it with hearty soul that I must say that the tales and the images of your beauty do you a sore injustice milady. You hold the aura of a descended angel dear princess.” Luna coughed violently on a glass of water she was drinking from as his words reached her ears. Twilight blushed furiously in response. He just chuckled lightly. “Let it be that I bare no falsities in my words but if I’m causing you discomfort then speak and I shall desist.”

“Uh, then…I, uh….” Twilight’s eyes darted towards Princess Celestia who had a small smile donning her features.

“I believe that you have embarrassed my student enough. Though I’m sure she appreciates the compliment.” Celestia beamed at Twilight who continued to sputter before regaining some of her composure following a rather question glare from the ever watching griffin.

“Finally we have Sir Raglan of the Minotaur confederation and Nandi of the zebra clans.” Twilight beheld both of them with a sense of awe and scientific fascination and a bit of fear in regards to the minotaur. While she had met both of their races previous in the form of Zecora and Iron Will, her surprise was more directed towards the fact that both of them were the only members of the room that were not emblazoned with expensive items of attire.

The zebra was slightly taller than Zecora and had the strangest eyes Twilight had ever seen. There was something entrancing about them. They glimmered like little jewels within a sea of blue but their colour shifted with the angle that the light hit them.The only discretising piece of attire she wore was a strange necklace that Twilight assumed signified her position as an ambassador.

“It is a pleasure to meet with you, fair Princess,” she spoke in a sweet tone. Twilight was puzzled by her speech.

“You do not speak in rhythm?”

“No. Would I be correct in assuming that you have spoken with another member of my kind that has?”

“Yes. She is a friend of mine who claims residence in the forest outside of the town where I reside.”

“A shaman no doubt,” said Nandi rather distractedly before refocusing on the princess once more. “We of the plains have a much more…religious based society than yours. Much like your nobility, those of the shaman caste are treated with great respect and reverence. They speak in rhythm so they can better connect themselves with the inner workings of their art. Taken from personal experience I have no doubts about their… considerable abilities in this regard. It is easy to see why my liege keeps one among their counsel. It pleases me to hear that you have made an acquaintance of one.” She flashed a broad smile at Twilight. “They are a strange folk and often times not are not the most social of my kind. To befriend one Princess is wondrous testament to your character.”

“Uh…It was nothing.” Nandi nodded before Twilight tilted her head towards the minotaur.

She gulped slightly at his intimidating size. The fact that it was hard to see his eyes through the pitch blackness of his coat gave Twilight an uneasy feeling. He wore a single light brown vest that Twilight prayed was not made from leather and like Iron Will had a nose ring though it was slightly more stylish. Being engraved with small markings and a small patch of gold plate.

Twilight resisted the urge to spread out her wings to make she look slightly bigger. ‘Stupid natural instincts. You’re one of the most powerful beings on the planet you should not look like your about to bolt,’ spoke a critical part of Twilight’s mind. ‘Next you’ll be afraid of plants or something.’

“I presume from you stance Princess that you are slightly off put by my presence?” smirked Raglan. When Twilight failed to answer immediately, he burst out in laughter. Twilight's vision caught both princesses smirking at her. Twilight managed to shoot them an indignant glance before attempting to answer.

“I mean no insult. I mean I love…no I-wait let me-it just one can have the image that…”

“It’s fine Princess. My people have the perception of being rather brutish. In truth one would not be far of the truth with such an assumption.” He winked at Twilight before letting out another hearty laugh. “In truth I should be the one apologising, to make a princess uncomfortable to be around me is a detriment to my station.” For a moment Twilight saw the minotaur turn his eyes towards the griffin before returning to meet Twilight’s. “I must also apologise for my leaders’ reluctance to send me forth. In my opinion it would be their fear of the mighty warrior princess that they have been so well informed about.”

“There is no need for that,” replied Twilight sheepishly. Suddenly a pony approached the table from the side of the room. He had a confident stride to himself as he made his way next to Celestia’s side.

“I am so sorry to interrupt but it has come to my attention princesses that we are missing one member of our company. It is with great sadness that the Chief of the Buffalo tribes has been delayed and wishes to reschedule to meet Princess Twilight at another time.” He passed a small piece of parchment onto Celestia who scanned the piece of paper.

“How disappointing,” she said. “I suppose we must find another time to accommodate him at a more convenient date. Did he give an explanation as to why he could not attend?”

“The buffalo chief has citied logistical problems and a sudden water shortage in his territory. He was also generous enough to inform us that he has already met Princess Twilight and that she has his full support." Swift Charm’s face turned almost indignant. “I was not personally informed that Princess Twilight had already met a foreign head of state. These thing need to be passed through the foreign office Princess. It is govermental policy!”

“It was not something that was previously planned Minister. An unexpected detour if you will." She caught Twilight's eye breifly before returning to the page. "That is a sorry thing to hear. Please pass on my best wishes in the matter and my hopes that the tribes will be able to deal with their crisis post haste.”

“You’ve met with the buffalo?” inquired Nandi to Twilight.

“It’s a long story,” said Twilight rather bashfully.

“Well the Princess has spoken,” drawled out Swift Cham absently. “For now I feel it would be in the best interest of everybody if we got back on topic.” Swift Charm was given a long curled up list from one of his aides. He then proceeded to unfurl it and took a small pair of reading glasses from the pocket of the tidy, black vest he was wearing.

“It may be a long story Princess,” interrupted Pasha. “But I for one and speaking on behalf of the majority of my fellow equals would love to hear of your exploits it so pleases your majesty.”

“This is highly irregular sir,” snorted Swift Charm much to the chagrin of most of the table. “There are far more important issues than discussing Princess Twilight’s achievements which you have already indicated that you are aware of.”

“Yes,” said Raglan in a sharp tone, his eyes considered Sift Charm briefly. “While I have heard much in my land of these 'Elements of Harmony', the sad truth is that the authenticity of these tales has very little substance to rely upon. I feel that perhaps the princess may wish to enlighten us with her wisdom. I for one would enjoy the break from the regular diplomatic formula of our meeting if only for this one occasion.”

"The Elements of Harmony are classified. They are a matter of national security!" shouted Swift Charm.

"I highly doubt that Sir Swift Charm," snorted Luna. The Elements are not weapons. Without their bearers they are no more then pretty looking jewelerry. This has been public knowledge for quite some time." Swift Charm looked taken aback by the princesses statment and remained in silence as the conversation moved on.

“In truth my stories of my life are of little worth in any political sense outside of the Elements of course,” protested Twilight.

“Why should they be Princess?” laughed Raglan. “Is this not a meeting to introduce us to newest royalty?” He gestured around the room with his two burly arms as if he was speaking to a captivated audience. “As unorthodox as it may be it is only because of our natural curiosity. Of course if you do not feel comfortable with divulging such details then so be it.I’m sure you Minister’s list will be…” Raglan sighed. “Most…enjoyable.”

“I have no problems telling you about myself if that is what you wish.” Twilight was slightly surprised even by her sudden boldness after being so meek previous. The occupants of the room all briefly glanced at her. Twilight suddenly found herself slowly crawling down the seat with a nervous smile adorning her face.

“Well it's settled then!” announced Lord Pasha loudly clapping his hooves together.

“What about my list?” asked Sift Charm in a rather annoyed tone.

“Your list can wait for another time Sir Swift Charm,” replied Luna curtly. “The ambassadors merely wish to learn of Princess Twilight’s achievements. I fear they may have a few doubts between them.” Luna glared at the griffin who returned the favour towards the princess. Swift Charm seemed to be ready to retort but was quickly dissuaded from such an action after Luna shifted her withering gaze upon him once more. Swift Charm's distaste only grew for the moon princess as a result.

All the eyes of the room settled on Twilight once more. A sordid silence permutated as Twilight’s mind raced. She felt her eyes go to pinpricks as her panic began to rise again. Though it subsided to some extent as she caught the reassuring looks upon both of her fellow princesses faces. Taking a quick breath she took a moment to gather her thoughts.

‘I wasn’t prepared for this!! Of all the things they would ask why in sweet Celestia’s name would they ask personal questions about me?!’

‘In a meeting about you I would have never guessed. Plus you’re the one who said you had no problem with it! Why did you agree to something if your not comfortable with it?'

‘Don’t get smart with me….uh me?’ Twilight’s face scrunched up. 'It seemed like a good idea at the time.’

'Then why are you panicking?'

'Because I can.'

'You are a strange and sad little mare.'

'I am not! Take that back brain!'

‘You know you should really start talking now. It has been about a minute now.’

“What?!” hissed Twilight. Though she squeaked as she realised that she had spoken aloud. She looked up to find several rather bemused ponies looking at her. Apparently she had just been mumbling to herself in front of a packed room. 'Fantastic. That's just great.'

“Twilight as much as you are entitled to your own privacy if you wish to share with us than I believe now would be an appropriate time to speak,” stated Celestia.

“Apologies I just needed a moment.”

"Consider it not so deeply Princess," said Pasha with a calm smile.

‘Okay just breathe.’ Twilight thought. She blinked slowly. ‘Just imagine you’re in Ponyville again. Act like you’re speaking to your friends that’s all. No pressure. Nope, no pressure at all. You’ve fought gods; this should be a stroll in the park. Just breathe. In, out. In, out.’

‘Just don’t screw up.’

‘Just remember to be yourself.’

‘Don’t screw up.’

‘This isn’t the be all or end all.’

‘Don’t make a fool of yourself in front of this entire delegation that sitting there quietly judging you. It’s not like that if I fail they’ll all declare war on Equestria because you failed utterly…’

'You’ve done this a thousand times before.'

‘Then Celestia will send you to the sun because the moon is overrated and all the books you take with you will burn because book don’t really respond well to a temperature of 5505…’


And so she did…

“I am severely disappointed that the tale of the eight hundred assassins is false,” said Raglan. “It was a rather colourful tale in my part of the world. Are sure it there wasn’t even one?”

“I have never encountered an assassin in my life and hopefully I never will,” replied Twilight. This talk of assassins was rather uncomfortable for the new princess.

“Never count your chickens before they hatch Princess,” he laughed. Celestia and Luna shot him a dirty glare. He shrugged his shoulders. “What too soon?”

“Well as fascinating as these tales of fancy and old hat are, I feel now is the time that the princess may need to press onto more important matters of state,” said Swift Charm as he called the aide who was holding his list over. But before the list could arrive, Nandi raised her hoof.

“While I am as eager as the next diplomat for the comfort of the next trade agreement on the sale of lima beans,” she spoke in a rather sarcastic tone much to the amusement of the majority of the rather tired room. “I find myself ever so slightly famished. Perhaps a recess is required.”

“I find myself in a similar disposition,” said Raglan smacking his stomach. The trip here has me wearied.” With the exception of Swift Charm and the two of his aides, the quiet whispering of the room seemed to agree with the minotaur.

“Aye,” croaked Pasha. “Besides I have seen enough of the fair Princess to know that my country is not faced by a tyrant. Though I must admit Princess the thought of you in the armour of my land is quite the…ravishing image.”
Twilight then proceeded to make a weird gurgling sound in her throat as she tried to hide her discomfort behind a poorly acted cough. The ambassador was oblivious to the metaphorical holes being bored into his skull from the infuriated glare of a certain moon goddess.

“Well, let us hope that the day that Princess Twilight needs to don armour is a far day off yet,” retorted a rather composed Celestia. “I suppose that we shall converge in the dining hall. Until then I believe we can call this meeting to a close.” Celestia nodded towards the functionaries around the room and proceeded to stand from her throne like seat.

Everybody followed her example as they began to make towards the exit of the room. The princesses exited with as much composure that flustered Twilight and the upset Luna could manage followed by the ministers of the crown. Who among them remained a rather dissatisfied Swift Charm and finally the ambassadors and their various aides who were all in talk over the new information they had required.

Needless to say, the topic of Princess Twilight still rang among there groups as they exited the finery of the room.

The whole event began to die down as the day passed into the evening. The group had relocated towards the grand hall for a more spacious and relaxed venue then the relatively uncomfortable stuffiness of the meeting room.

The ambassadors were now mingling among the elite of Canterlot. Every now and then there was a cheer or a burst of laughter from the various groups within the hall but otherwise the atmosphere was rather subdued.

While still new to the whole political game, Twilight could not help but imagine the whole thing was like some great game played by little foals but which held the direst consequences should one fail. Her ears could nearly pick up the individual little power games going on behind each conversation. The hushed whispers, the occasional sideways glances, the faux smiles it was a terribly fascinating yet overwhelming thing in its design. Each pony was like an actor on the stage. Everpony had a part to play and she was the one in the spotlight. The play was now revolving around her. No matter how much Twilight would have enjoyed the bliss obscurity, she had been thrust by fate to the spotlight and now she could not go back. She had her part to play yet.

She was nervous but also exhilarated. A mad rush. It was a difficult feeling for her to comprehend. Yet in spite of this, Twilight could not stop imagining daggers within each ‘noble’ smile that was directed at her. The whole thing felt so much smaller than it actually was. She felt herself becoming slightly lightheaded.

Twilight tore her eyes from the ponies surrounding her to look for Celestia and Luna amongst the crowd. With little difficulty Twilight could see the pointed crown of Celestia and her wings flourished out in their full majesty like a great swan. Twilight could also barely make out the navy coloured pony behind her. The two princesses were in discussion with who Twilight could only assume was one of their ministers. From the distance Twilight was standing at, it looked like Celestia had significantly relaxed her stance from earlier and had actually managed a smile. The mere picture of her smile alone was a somewhat reassuring relief for Twilight in the present. Her eyes trailed onto what little of Luna she could see. For a moment the distraction of Luna speaking had made her unaware of a dark, looming shadow behind her.

“Your eyes tell too much little one,” said the griffin in a slow drawl as Twilight was shaken out of her reprieve. Managing to regain some of her dignity from her unexpected start, Twilight narrowed her eyes at him before standing up straighter in response to the griffin’s presence.

“What is that exactly supposed to mean?” retorted Twilight curtly. The griffin seemed off put by her tone but relaxed back into a more calm posture after a moment.

“You wear your heart too close to your skin child,” chirped the griffin as he took another sip of his goblet. Twilight tilted her head. He sighed before looking at her again. “You will not last long in this great game if you cannot play the part of deception.”

“Deception? quizzed Twilight. “Why on earth would I want to lie to anypony? I’m a Princess. I should strive towards being honest and just to everpony. Honesty is a virtue you know.”

“It is also the best way to an early political grave,” snorted the griffin dismissively. “Your naivety astounds me. Such childish beliefs will only end in your eventual humiliation you know. Even you must recognise that the lying is the basis of all politics. You’re too smart Princess to assume otherwise. While you may feel you should be the example in the end you are no different than any of the ministers that serve you. Do you really believe that Princess Celestia has not lied to achieve her own ends?”

“I believe that this conversation has over stayed its welcome,” huffed Twilight. “”If all you wish is to criticise me than please do it elsewhere. Can’t you see I’m trying to enjoy the rest of the night?”

“You ponies take criticism too seriously,” chuckled the griffin, much to Twilight’s dismay. “I fear that were you a princess of my homeland you would find that a much thicker skin is required. We griffins are not the most…civilised creatures at times. Especially around drink.” Twilight seemed content to be disinterested with his story as shown by her deadpanned face. “But I certainly mean you no insult. I just thought you could use a bit of wisdom from an old fool.”

Twilight thought about it for a moment. In hindsight she had perhaps taken the griffin’s advice from only her perspective. It was hard to say that he was being kind but when she replayed the words in her mind she had admit that they did have a certain degree of sense to them, as much as Twilight wished it were otherwise. She did earlier admit that everypony lied here to some degree. They always had.

She just couldn’t find it in herself to accept that perhaps as a princess that she would have to be so compromised morally. Celestia had always seemed to make the right choices. Never strayed from the path of doing what was best while at the same time maintaining a seemingly unbreakable integrity and virtue. A younger Twilight would have angrily dismissed even the idea that the perfection that was the princess would ever lie in order to suit her own end. Looking back, the griffin was right. It was a ‘childish’ belief. The Celestia of this morning had shown that. The Princesses did hide things.

There was no black and white now, no big baddie that Twilight could zap and that would be the end of it. It was far more...grey now. Twilight just hoped that she would never find herself outright lying as a means to an end. It felt wrong to her. But avoice in her head still whispered that it was inevitible that she would one day find herself in such circumstance.

“Thanks, I think,” she replied, still unsure of the griffin’s intentions. Twilight was uncertain whether the griffin disliked her or was merely indifferent. She nevertheless thought his advice at least worth consideration.

“The pleasure is mine Princess,” he muttered as he drank from his glass. He stopped a moment before placing his glass on a nearby table. “Here I was bid you to give you this.” The griffin pulled from the inner pocket of his fine red coat, a brown paper letter with a red wax mark stamped with an official signal upon it. Twilight tentatively took the item with her magic and looked over it.

“What is it?”

“It is not for me to say,” he said. “All I know was that I was instructed to give this to Princess Twilight and nothing more.”

“Well that’s a rather apathetic tone to take to something that could be of significance to both me and the state,” deadpanned Twilight.

“Apathy is a part of the job,” said Grachev as he shrugged his shoulders. “Detachment becomes a habit when you work in diplomacy. Emotions are a sign of weakness.”

“I tend to disagree,” growled Twilight, a bit incensed at the griffin’s statement.

“Who am I to criticise a Princess?” spoke Grachev slowly as if considering his words. “It is not my place. Though I would direct you back to the conversation we just had. Emotions are bad for politics.”

“Of course they,” Twilight said sarcastically as she examined the letter. She decided to initiate some small talk to change the topic. “How go the affairs in your lands?”

“I thought they would have told you,” he grimaced, concern laden in his eyes.

“No,” replied Twilight while frowning. “I’ve barely gotten around to local politics let alone foreign affairs. Sir Swift Charm sends a monthly report to me anyway. Why? Is there something urgent I need know of?”

The griffin seemed to hesitate and opened his mouth to answer but suddenly the two were interrupted by a loud and deliberate cough. The two turned only to be faced to the sly grin of Prince Blueblood who had seemingly come from thin air.

“It is a pleasure to finally meet you Princess Twilight,” he spoke in a rather courteous tone. “Though I believe we have already made acquaintances previously, no? Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns yes?”

“Yes I remember Blueblood.”

“My you’ve gotten taller. Lord Pasha was not lying when he said how radiant you are looking,” he smiled as he gave Twilight a less than subtle look over which she appeared to be completely oblivious to. Grachev though could not hold back his scowl at the princeling. Blueblood caught his eye. He waved over an attendant to bring him some wine and then took a sip of it as he held it within his magic. “Ambassador! How pleasant to see that one of our princesses is getting on with so well with someone so….exotic.”

“Evening Princeling,” hissed the griffin. Twilight was taken aback by the rather hostile tone that the griffin had adopted towards Blueblood. “I see that you are still in your aunt's good graces for some inexplicably reason.”

“Oh yes, for now, and I for one find there is a totally explicable reason,” laughed Blueblood. Twilight was becoming exceeding ling uncomfortable the griffin inclined his head to Twilight bowing slightly as he did so.

“I am saddened to say that something of significance has just come to mind Princess. If you would excuse me Princess.” He paused as he turned to Blueblood. “I feel a sudden and powerful urge to wash.”

“What was that about?” enquired Twilight as her eyes followed the departing griffin.

“Oh you know Griffin’s temperamental creatures they are. If they didn’t have their king they’d still be bashing in the skulls of each other. Such is the vice of their kind. But enough of that talk now.” Using years of skilled practice Blueblood put on his most dazzling smile. “It’s an honour to final meet you as equals. After all we’re practically family now.”

“Well I don’t t-”

“Practically family,” he boomed as cut across her. “And as family I must enquire on how your little meeting went.”

“I thought it went rather well all-”

“Splendid! Not too nervous with my aunt putting all this fair and beautiful countries hopes and aspirations on you?” he beamed happily with his haughty smile towards the shaken alicorn. Twilight frowned as an unsure look passed over her face. She was suddenly rapt with new anxieties. Her wings twitched slightly in response. A gesture Blueblood did not fail to notice. “You know she has quite the high regard for you. I imagine you won’t fail her. After all failing my aunt is like failing the nation as a whole and wouldn’t that be just…terrible?” Another twitch came from Twilight’s wings. An eyebrow repeated the same action.

“Well I never looked at it lik-”

“Ah no doubt you’ll be fine. Anyway my day has been fantastic if I don’t mind saying. Why just today I received the greatest-”

“The ‘greatest’ what, dear nephew?” asked Celestial as she and Luna approached Twilight.Blueblood’s magical grip of his glass slipped alongside his composure for a second and the item shattered on the floor. The sound reverberated around the room. Some ponies looked over to see the commotion. The atmosphere quickly returned as Celestia’s presence was enough to reassure everybody that nothing was truly amiss. Twilight turned to give both of them a nuzzle before returning to Blueblood.

“Ah Auntie I did not see you there? Still rather silent on your feet eh?” Blueblood looked towards the shattered glass. “Look at that, you made me break my glass. He gestured to one of the waiters dressed in aback and tie suit to come post haste and merely pointed towards the floor. "My glass has broken. I wish to have the shards removed and the floor cleaned." The earth pony waiter nodded and pulled a napkin to clean the spilled liquid while carefully avoiding some of the glass.

"No don’t clean it with your mouth, you dolt! Can you not see that I am conversing with my aunts and the Princess! Get a unicorn who can properly clean this mess post-haste," sneered Blueblood. The poor pony bumbled slightly as he dropped the napkin. Celestia and Luna frowned deeply as Twilight’s face contorted in disgust.

"Yes I didn’t know sir I’m sorry sir," fumbled the obviously upset waiter.

“Of course you didn’t, now go!” snapped Blueblood.

“That won’t be necessary.” Suddenly the shards were suddenly grasped by a blue glow and slowly each insignificant piece reform and the soft blue light correlated and danced around it. Each bit was illuminated by light as eventually the light came to the centre and the glass reform just as new albeit minus the liquid. The glass lowered before the earth pony, who looked up at Princess Luna with awe. “You may return this to the kitchen. Please enjoy the rest of your night.” The earth pony mumbled a ‘thank you in-between a low bow and taking the glass in his mouth before trotting off. Luna’s smile vanished as he disappeared from view.

“That was uncalled for,” sighed Celestia to Blueblood.

“For what? Me telling him to do his job?” asked Blueblood incredulously. Celestial’s stern gaze though made him turn his to avoid looking at her. He should know his place.

“Perhaps you should also consider your place nephew,” spoke Luna. “We are not a dictatorship where we decide the place of ponies.”

"But we are state are we not? Everypony has their role to play in the state whether it be leadership or to serve. It is hypocrisy to say that we of noble blood are not above those that serve us only then to hold a disproportionate amount of wealth at the same time.” The princesses did not respond but from the disdain in Luna’ eyes that his statement was not well received.

“As I was saying to Twilight before all that, that I have received the most wonderful news,” he said proudly. Celestia eyed him carefully. The double meaning behind the words was clear to her. Her messengers had already informed of the court case's outcome. It was what she had expected but that didn't mean she had to be happy about it.

“And what could this most wonderful news be?”

“Oh it’s nothing really in hindsight. Just a silly unicorn’s attempts to make small talk with a Princess. Besides we’ll all know it is soon enough. I would hate to take any of the limelight from our dear Princess. After all this is Twilight’s day, is it not?” Blueblood then pulled out a small pocket watch from his coat and looked at it. He gasped. “Oh would you look at the time. It seems my dalliances have made me late for the latest troop inspection. Ah, I don’t imagine a few minutes in the cold will do them harm. But sadly it would be cruel to leave them much longer. Alas duty calls Princess.”

He moved forward, bowed and then lifted Twilight’s hoof and planted a small kiss upon it. Twilight pulled back slightly but he merely smiled as he did the same. Luna’s face was completely neutral but few saw the golden glow desperately holding her legs in place to prevent her from doing something she regretted. Blueblood turned and trotted with his head high as he exited.

"Do take care Princesses and be sure not to miss tomorrow’s paper would you?!" He called as he exited. Luna and Twilight looked baffled by his words and looked at each other. Though they failed to see the growing scowl that donned Celestia's features as the white unicorn exited.

Storm Mount who was enjoying some scotch turned to watch the Prince leave, not even pretending to actually care about the lady who was talking about her views on the educational system. His eyes followed the Prince until he was out of sight. He took a long drink of his scotch.

'Things are just about to get interesting around here.'

Author's Note:

And I'MMM BAAACK!! Yeah it's been hell the past few weeks. I expect it to be hell for the next few months as well. I may need to start shortening chapters.

In case anyone's wondering I time timeskipped to the meeting because the plot was moving too slow for my liking. I decided to increase the pace so we could finally get out of the fluff. Blueblood was a joy to write but I feel I need more devlopment on his part later so he isn't a one dimensional buffon throughout the story.

As for editing. I'm sorry if it's riddled with mistakes. The sheer bulk of this chapter was incredible to manage. I'll never figure out how people can write 10k and still have a social life.

Please pick out errors so I can correct them and I hope you enjoy! Ciao!!