• Published 17th Aug 2013
  • 5,993 Views, 168 Comments

Being Royalty - Coronet the lesser

After her coronation, Twilight is confronted by the complexity of court politics and the pressures of the crown. Not to mention her hidden relationship with Princess Luna . In the end she'll discover the ups and downs of being royalty.

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It had been a long enough journey to reach the capital of Saddle Arabia, Equum Terram, not helped by the sweltering heat and the uneasy movements of the train at times. In spite of this, the group had mostly enjoyed the trip. It was a new experience for all of them except for perhaps Luna. But the inclusion of friends this time had taken away the monotony of such journeys.

Captain Daring continued to be a nuisance along the way. Consistently complaining of the inappropriateness of Twilight’s travelling companions as a diplomatic party which in turn earned him the ire of Pinkie Pie. A mistake he regretted deeply as the journey progressed. To be brief, her mastery at the art of the prank had given the poor new blood quite the shake.

Besides the troublesome Captain, the only prick in the side of what had been overall an enjoyable experience, was oddly enough, their new guest Cherilee. While friendly and quite warm when approached, her movements seemed to off. Her manner unsure like a new-born foal finding its first steps. The group tended to overlook this as simple rattling from the incident, though Luna was more sceptical. She had spent at least two nights watching over Cherilee least her fears be confirmed. Not that Luna could get any sleep. The fear of daggers in the night prowled her mind. Fear fed her paranoia. Even worse was that she knew she was just stressing herself. Yet she could not stop nor would she. She had little evidence as of yet to question Cherilee, for she had not shown any typical changeling mannerisms She vowed once they reached the safety of the capital would she ‘examine’ her more carefully. The small spaces of the train carts were no place to confront their guest.

Luna sat and read next to Twilight while their friends played a modern card game called ‘poker’ on the nearby table. Rainbow, Pinkie and Rarity seemed to be doing alright though both Spike and Applejack were struggling. Spike currently had his face on the small table groans occasionally coming from the little dragon. Applejack had a scowl on her face. She hadn’t won a single hand if Luna’s recollection was correct. She was down to her last few bits as it was. This wasn’t surprising considering she was the Element of Honesty playing a game in which lying is paramount to winning. Surprisingly enough though, Cherilee proved quite masterful at the game, having won several hands in the process. She put it down to years of attending ‘staff meetings’ during the school year.

Luna spared a glance towards Twilight who was chipping through her fifth book on horse culture and politics. Apparently she had neither trusted Luna or Darling's summation of what they were to expect, not that Luna had believed that Twilight would. Books in her eyes were sacrosanct, if a book didn't back up exactly what one was saying Twilight would have none of it. Luna allowed herself a smile. It was nice to have little moments like these.

She was shaken from her sentiment quite literally by the abrupt stopping of the train followed by the loud screech of the whistle to announce their arrival. Twilight looked up from her book, shutting it closed.

“Looks like we're here,” she announced.

“Indeed,” confirmed Luna. She clopped her hooves. The ponies temporarily put down their game to see what the commotion. “Right everypony time to get ready. I fear they may have a grand procession in store for us. We don’t want Captain Daring harassing us to move.” All of them nodded and shifted from their positions. Pinkie Pie approached the window. She gasped as she pulled the drapes aside to see the outside world.

“Wow girls look at this!”

Outside of the train was a tall train station. Much like the last stop, it had a large wooden platform. Unlike the military compound though, the train station was far more ornate, less imposing and far more architecturally pleasing. The chiselled white stone decorated with images of horses in intricate detail displayed to all. The gaping entrance to the station bore the same designs to the rock that surrounded it. Above it was a dais raised outwards from the building. On it, bronze statues stood to each side of the great clock that sat above the entrance of the station. Near the edge of the building lay massive pillars that rose high into the blue sky. The two components she could see led up to the higher end of the roof ending with spirals. The roof itself, she could barely see, but the angle at least allowed her to see the side of a glass dome that bejewelled the roof of the entire building. Saddle Arabia was famous for its rather unique and grandiose constructions yet to view them personally was far more rewarding than the illustrations and photographs they had in Equestria. Pinkie was thankful that she brought her camera. She pulled it out and snapped a quick picture.

“Neato!” Pinkie then turned her attention to the gathered mass of horses that stood with anxious facing awaiting their imminent arrival. In the centre of it, all were perhaps the most beautifully embroidered horses she had ever seen. Their jewellery glistening and lustrous in the bright sunlight. The reins on their faces connecting back to unusual looking saddles. Twilight had said something to her about fancy saddles being a sign of the station. She also said something about it being old hat in Equestria. She didn’t listen to the specifics, Twilight had a tendency to go into far too much detail. It looked cool to Pinkie Pie anyway, if not the tiniest bit risque. Rarity might have liked them but whatever made other people happy was fine with Pinkie Pie. She was just surprised so many had come to see them. Captain Daring wasn’t joking when he said this must have been really important.

“Pinkie come on!” shouted Twilight as they lined up to exit the cabin. Daring had made his inconspicuous entrance behind the group. A permanent scowl never leaving his face. He glared daggers at Pinkie as she took her place next to Applejack.

Luna turned around to face all of them blocking the exit door. She heard a knock three times on it. Her guards were on the other side having already set up. They had been fast. It must have only been roughly five minutes. She first identified their exit by the rumbling of the crowd who had yet to see such creatures ‘Good’ she thought. ‘Fifteen seconds faster than in training. Captain Nightshade has once again done a remarkable job.’ She noted that she would have to give thanks to the Captain at a later date. More pressing matters were at hoof.

“Right, listen up everypony.” They did as instructed as their chatter quieted down a bit. “This maybe a bit overwhelming for most of you. Trust me I know. It is not easy being the centre of attention.” She particularly focused her attention on Fluttershy, who was shaking. She gave her a small smile. “I promise it will be over quick.” Luna clicked her tongue. She wasn’t great when it came to things like this. Adapting to new social conventions continued to be a challenging venture for her in spite of a substantial improvement. “Just...Just smile and wave and everything should be okay.” Luna tried to sound cheery at the end but frowned as it became apparent that Fluttershy was nowhere near okay with that.

“Oh, I don’t know,” she whimpered as she bent her head low, nearly touching the floor. "Maybe I should just stay on the train and...Uh, help with the luggage.” All of them shared sympathetic looks with her, understanding the difficultness to which being a public figure was for somepony like her. Except for Captain Daring, who could only look at the mare with indignation and barely contained disgust.

“For Celestia’s sake!” he proclaimed. “Just leave her on the train. The guards can take her to the castle privately later.” He directly looked at Twilight. “We can’t delay this any longer and your friend simpering on the floor is not helping matters!” He pointed at Fluttershy who startled as if she was struck. Applejack then moved towards him giving him a shove.

“Ah, would advise you to kindly shut up sir.” Daring was about to respond but decided against. He seemed more content to mumble to himself while his eye twitched. Applejack then approached Fluttershy. She pulled her into a reassuring hug. “Don’t worry Shy just stay behind me. I can take it.”

“Yeah, Fluttershy don’t worry. We’ve got you covered,” said Rainbow Dash.

“Thank you girls,” whispered Fluttershy.

“Right, Right!” shouted Daring seeing it fit to be a nuisance again. “Enough with the sentimentality. Can we please proceed as planned?” The death glares he received from his fellow ponies was quite a surprise for him. “What? Punctuality is a priority here.”

“Would you be silent,” growled Luna having finally lost patience with him.

“As the Princess wills it,” he replied with little vigour. Princess Luna would reprimand him later when she had time to deal with his haughtiness. With a sigh, she gave Fluttershy a meaningful glance. She outstretched a hoof which Fluttershy took timidly. She gave it a light squeeze,

“Trust me Fluttershy it will be okay,” she said with her most reassuring voice. “I promise.” She retracted her hoof before flicking her eyes briefly to Pinkie. “Pinkie promise.” The party mare gasped and soon Luna found herself performing the ridiculous ritual that came with such a verbal contract.

Both Cherilee and Daring looked on in bewilderment at the sight of their Princess sticking her hoof into her eye to appease Pinkie, who only sounded out warnings of doom should Luna not live up to her word. The rest of the gang could barely contain their laughter but at least Fluttershy had relaxed substantially. That was what had mattered to Luna. Confident that she had roused a bit of courage in the mare, Luna took her place at the front of the group.

Twilight stood to her right as per the custom. An entourage should never be ahead of the Princess. Luna tapped on the door. The signal to the guards had been sent. Movement could be heard on the other side of the door. Luna put a diplomatic smile as best she could. She could never match her sister’s ability to project utter serenity. The thought briefly brought Luna back to the argument, it threatened to derail her smile. She looked at Twilight, who was also upholding a similar smile though the clear twitch of nervousness could be seen in the movements of her mouth. Luna subtly brushed her wing against Twilight’s side, passing it off on the surface as her merely shifting to the side. Twilight’s eyes flickered to meet Luna’s while also still monitoring the door. The dull clank of metal could be heard as the guards gripped the handle of the door.

“You too Twilight, it will be okay. Just act natural,” whispered Luna.

“Knowing you, that means not being natural at all,” retorted Twilight through her teeth, the mumbling of her friends behind letting only Luna hear her words. That sickeningly sweet smile still on her face. “Hey!” Twilight momentarily broke face as she felt a leg kick her. She had little time to react as at that moment, the door slid open letting in a gush of hot air and the loud noise of the crowd. She reverted to her beaming face.

“Showtime,” spoke Luna striding forward purposefully. Twilight and her friends closely followed. Captain Daring took up the rear, not by his own design but rather by that of Rainbow Dash, who continued to shove him apparently ‘unknowingly’ as far away from Fluttershy as possible.

As the group adjusted to the brightness of Saddle Arabia, they were greeted to blaring cheer from the large assortment of horses. The sound of dozens of cameras could be heard between intervals of cheering, bright flashes occasionally obscuring their vision of the assemblage. A silk red carpet had been laid from the steps of the exit of the train leading towards what they could only presume was their greeting party, who happened to be the most bedazzling of those present. The glisten of the rare stones that clad their attire caught in the bright sunlight. Luna’s guards lined each side of the carpet until it lead to these fantastical individuals at which point guards dressed in similar plate armour of the soldiers at the border could be seen.

Luna was the first to descend from the train, letting off a little wave as she did so. The crowd reacted positively. Hoof stomping could be heard all around them. The platform shook slightly. When Twilight stepped forward, it died down.

Twilight found even herself quite overwhelmed by the whole thing. The experience was both odd and in a strange way terrifying. The way all the eyes of the crowd looked upon, followed every subtle move she made, it was quite off-putting. Twilight wished she could have scowled. Luna made it look far too easy. No wonder then that her friends had jammed themselves right behind her like ducklings following their mother. Except for Rarity, who looked around like a filly in a candy store and Pinkie, who couldn’t stop jumping up and down. Twilight laughed to herself awkwardly before waving. The response was quite lively from the crowd. It was much louder and vocal than Luna’s. She supposed that many were awed to have seen the new princess. Twilight couldn’t stop her head from falling a bit in embarrassment as the crowd continued to applaud her long after she had stepped off the train. She scurried after Luna as quickly as she could without running. The rest of her friends were met with more muted responses. ‘I guess they’re only after the main attraction,’ thought Twilight to herself. It was still quite unusual to be treated in such a manner. She was like a celebrity. Something she had always striven to steer clear off when she was younger. It was not feeling she exactly reveled in but she put up a front for diplomatic reasons.

As Twilight joined Luna’s side she watch as the group of fancily dressed horses bowed deeply before them, their muzzles nearly touching the silk rug, parts of the crowd followed suit. As per common courtesy, Twilight and co returned this with a bow of their own. Eventually the most dazzling of horses came forward. He had a dark brown coat with a golden mane. His mane seemed to be cut short in a neat and orderly fashion much like the soldiers around him, but streaks of white could also be seen within it too. His eyes contrasted with his general appearance being blue. Twilight hated to admit it, but he was quite handsome, though that seemed to be a general theme amongst the horse kind. They all appeared far more graceful than ponies did. He bowed again.

“It is an honour to be graced by your presence your Majesties,'” he spoke clearly even though his accent could still be partially heard. He seemed to pontificate upon the vowels of his words.

“I am Prince Fahd, third of his line,” he smiled causing Rarity to startle. “It is my most humbling duty to welcome you to Saddle Arabia my dear guests. I hope the journey has not been too harsh on you.” Rarity blushed deeply when his gaze met hers. He shifted his focus back onto Luna.

“No, it has not,” she announced. Luna stopped for a moment to think of a compliment. “Your country is quite beautiful.” His deep laughter was his response. Luna raised an eyebrow.

“No need to flatter me, Princess,” he said between chuckles. “Desert and rocks. Little green in these lands aside from the coast. Nothing much like your land. I have heard many tales since I was but a mere boy of Equestria’s beauty.”

“You do your country a disservice, Prince,” piped in Rarity. She immediately regretted his boldness, she let out a squeak and tried to move towards the back only to be blocked by Applejack. It also didn’t help that the Prince was much taller than the rest of them and could still easily see her. A gentle smile came over him.

“And who might this delightful pony be?” he asked. Luna exchanged a few looks with Twilight before a mischievous grin took over her. Luna decided to embarrass their mutual friend. Luna parted way and shoved Rarity to the front so the prince could answer her better, much to a stammering Rarity’s shock.

“This is my friend Rarity,” proclaimed Luna. “The Element of Generosity.”

“A pleasure to meet you,” he said sincerely. With his foremost left leg, he lifted a tomato faced Rarity’s right leg. He bent his head downward and laid a small kiss upon it. Rarity trembled.

"Oh, thank you y-your highness," she sputtered before resuming her place behind Luna, the deep blush on her coat still present. A few whistles could be heard in the crowd. The prince was unfazed by her flustered state.

“If that is the case then, I presume the rest of your troupe are also bearers?” Luna nodded. “How excellent! Rarely do we receive not only the heads of other nation’s states, let alone heroes of such magnitude!”

"Now who is the one spouting flattery?" scoffed Luna sarcastically. The two shared in a mutual laugh.

“Oh, do not be so modest Princess. I hope my little cohort of nobles is not found lacking,” he mused almost to himself. Before Luna could respond, Captain Daring found it’s prudent to show himself, obscuring Twilight for a moment.

“It’s all quite smashing, Prince Fahd,” he dismissed producing a large piece of paper he unfurled it until it touched the prince’s hooves. The captain cleared his throat. “Now your highness I have a few things to read to you on behalf of the Equestrian nobility. Ahem, Dear Prince of the Horse lands it is our esteemed h-” The Prince looked beyond him to Twilight, having recognised that she was an alicorn like Luna.

“Then this must be who I think it is?” he questioned in an awestruck tone, purposefully ignoring the blathering noble in front of him. Twilight looked up at him. The way his blue eyes lit up as he looked over her, much like a sculptor looks over a statue. Twilight didn’t know whether to be flattered or be insulted, she chose for somewhere in between, though she maintained her perfectly calm exterior.

“Excuse me!” barked Daring.

“Princess Twilight Sparkle is it?”

“Eh, yeah,” she answered bashfully. “I mean yes!” She stuck out a hoof to shake. She should have realised that he would have done what he did to Rarity, but it was too late to retract her hoof, least her be insulted by her rejection. She really didn’t need that having only just arrived. He repeated the process again, he lifted her hoof and planted a kiss on it, though Twilight swore it was more protracted than Rarity’s. She also noticed that Luna was no longer smiling.

“Excuse me!” Daring finally shouted.

“I have heard quite a bit about you. Though I am unsure.” He squinted before leaning back his head. “I imagined someone much older would be befitting of such a title as Princess.” While most would assume that his words to be insulting, the cheeky smile he kept on his face said otherwise. Twilight decided to play along.

“And I was purported to have thought the crown prince would be taller,” replied without batting an eyelash. The prince chuckled. He was forced to bring a hoof to his mouth to quiet himself down.

“Hah! Sir Pasha did not speak of your boldness. You remind me of one of my old courtiers.”

“The ambassador spoke to you of me?”

“Indeed! Mainly through letters but he does speak highly of you. Though I’m afraid, his description of you falls short.” Twilight let her smile drop a bit. “Much of your beauty seems to have been lost in translation as the ponies of your culture would say.” He winked at her. Twilight twisted her jaw, the red glow on her cheeks quite visible to the prince. Pinkie for some reason found it the perfect time to take a picture. The faint scraping of metal as Luna skid her hoof along the floor. Twilight’s wings fidgeted before she eventually straightened herself.

“I hardly believe such a thing is appropriate for a stallion of his station, along with yours,” she said apparently thought her ever present blush would not subside.

“Oh, don’t mind me.” He waved his hoof dismissively, still laughing. “I merely jest. I just wish to say that you made a lasting impression upon him and thus as a result, me. Do not see my words as a slight against your character. I hardly believe that would be befitting of me towards our closest allies.

“Ahem,” said Luna trying to gain Twilight’s attention. The vicious little jealous voice in the back of her head snapping against its chains. Both the Prince and Twilight regarded her. Luna didn’t say anymore as the shrill cry of Captain Daring interrupted her. Something she was grateful for because in reality, she had not exactly thought ahead beyond disrupting the conversation. The yammering voice was silenced once more and Luna was at peace.

“Excuse me Prince. I demand your attention!” The pony’s confidence quickly wilted as the prince brought his full figure in front of him. The glint of the heavily armed guards looking at him curiously. “If that is alright by you, your highness.” he dropped into a low bow. “I only insist for I have important messages to relay to you.” The prince raised his hoof, indicating for him to say no more.

“Please friend, save it until after we have returned to the castle. And I have had a few more drinks in me.” he gave Daring a friendly smile. “I hardly believe this platform is appropriate for matters of the state, Captain Darling was it?” Darling let out a whining sound, his face flushed while his face shook violently. This final indignation having pushed him to the edge.

"Right,” he said almost evenly. He violently wrapped up the scroll he carried. “Right! Whatever! Who cares?” The only display of the Captain’s indignation was the redness that refused to leave his puffy red cheeks. “Right!” He stormed away from them pushing past the Prince’s guards into the hub of the station.

“Have I insulted him?” asked Fahd to the group.

“No, he’s always been like that,” huffed Applejack. “An ol’ stick in the mud he is.” Fahd could only smile awkwardly, the smile of a stallion that did not exactly understand. Rarity made a waving gesture to show that it was okay.

“Oh, well, whatever suits him.” The prince then turned his head over his shoulder, his eyes trailed to the clock between the brass statues. “Oh would you look at the time, you must be starving.” His gentle gaze made a sweep over each individual mare, he stopped on Luna. “I hardly imagine travel food is befitting of such lovely mares.” The way he looked at Luna caused her an acute sense of disgust, for no particular reason. Perhaps it was the way he spoke to Twilight or was it because she had seen his kind before, the charming prince act. Maybe his good intentions were right but at the moment, her jealousy spoke before she could reign it in.

“Quite the charmer aren’t you?” said Luna with a far bit more venom than she had intended. The girls all took on quizzical glances at Luna’s sudden shift in tone.

“I try.” He donned a face splitting smile, his features still politely neutral. Luna tried and failed miserably to hide her frown. She shook her head, her regal smile having returned. Content that their exchange had finished, he banged his hooves. Immediately two courtiers and guards stepped forward. “But come, we should not keep you out here with the rest of this rabble.” He lazily swung a hoof towards the ever watching crowd. “A common platform is no place for such heroes.” He put a particular emphasis on the word hero. “The castle awaits you. My father has been dying to entertain new guests for weeks now. The boredoms of court sadly weary him. I do not know, I find the entertainment here has always been most pleasing.”

“I can’t imagine why?” growled Luna under her breath, her teeth grinded painfully together painfully, a tension formed in her lower jaw. The Prince had not noticed. His attention was more or less occupied with his own entourage.

“Guards escort our guests to the royal carriages. Take them directly to the castle.” The sudden shift to an authoritative tone from his previously gentle demeanour, caught most of the mares off guard, except for perhaps Luna, Twilight and Daring. “They can see the rest of our fine city later. Be sure not to let any of the nobles stop you. I’m afraid my friends here will get enough of their hot air later when the drinks flowing.” He let a little chuckle out, but the joke seemed more private than an invitation for others to join in with him.

One of the soldiers that he had been speaking to then stepped forward. He leaned his head as the two exchanged whispers in a language that only Luna had any sort of knowledge of. Even then, she was quite rusty. Something about ‘preparedness’ and ‘infiltration on the’ and ‘Sentencing in regards to postponing?’ Whatever the full conversation was, it was clear that it had upset the already fidgeting Crown Prince. His apologetic smile rapidly quashed the previous signs of unease.

“Will you not be joining us?” asked Rarity, far too hastily. She could barely contain the dusting of red from gracing her cheeks. The rest of her friends either gave her confusing or knowing looks. Realising that she had not addressed him correctly she managed to squeak out “Eh, your majesty.” The Prince let his facial expression twist into something akin to regret.

“Alas, not for the moment. I have a few issues to sort out at the barracks.” he let out a heavy sigh. “It seems my commanders have kicked up an awful fuss about a military parade and such. An entirely superfluous thing, be assured.” While the gang mulled over the uncomfortable idea of any kind of ceremony be set for them, he let his hoof stamp against the wood again. The ponies drew their attention to him again as the sound of his rattling garments interrupted them. “I did not have one when Princess Celestia and I will not have one now. But eh what can one do, these horses were bred to fight not to listen.” He demandingly looked over his military escort, it was hard to escape the feeling that the Prince in some part resented their presence, like one, would in the care of a hovering parent. He eventually nodded his head. Two guards took up positions on both sides. This was a sign of his departure. He once again pulled off a dazzling smile before giving them a small wave. “Take care my friends you are good hoofs.” Before the Prince left, he motioned his head to one of the soldiers that would not be accompanying him. The officer quickly saluted and rushed forward to the spot where the Prince had once been. He could briefly be seen turning a corner, the way his head shook evidently showing that something was pestering him, then he was gone. All but Luna were saddened to see him leave so shortly after their introduction. Nonetheless, the new spectacle of the soldier in armour was quick to draw their attention.

“So?” questioned Rainbow as the horse remained disturbingly motionless. It seemed that Rainbows words must have done something as their new guide dropped into another low bow, almost dragging her muzzle against the beautiful silk.

“I am Commander Halise your Ladyships, I have been instructed to take you to the castle.”

“It’s nice to meet you mam,” said Applejack, tipping her hat in Commander’s direction. Halise rose herself from her bow. She gave them a kindly small smile.

“And you too, milady.” She nodded her head. Her eyes though betrayed her acute sense of discomfort “Though I’m afraid I have little room to ‘chit chat,' as you would say, the Prince was quite clear that we must move quickly. She bowed her head again in apology. “The nobles here can be quite...persistent around foreigners of rank and title.”

“Why?” asked Pinkie quite reasonably for once. The Commander frowned.

“Your country are our primary exporters. Our countries industries rely heavily on trade imports from Equestria. The nobility run most of the industry within our country. Thanks to a renewed trade agreement from over fifty years ago, deals with Equestrians are of paramount towards advancing your status, as a member aristocracy, within society."

“What?” questioned Rainbow Dash, who had little idea what she was talking about. Twilight moved forward. She lifted her head and inhaled sharply, often a sign that she was going into ‘lecture mode.' Dash tried to stop her, but the effort was one in vain.

“Because Equestria is perceived as a vastly wealthy country in comparison to other nations, Rainbow Dash.” Twilight clicked her tongue, an obvious sign of her uncomfortableness with her statement. Her next few words were drawn out slightly. “While not entirely untrue, Equestria buys a lot of its finer luxury items from Saddle Arabia in exchange for food and gold such as silks, mineral rocks and gas. Due to a long, arduous process of unification for the tribes of Saddle Arabia, unlike Equestria, individual leaders of groups each had their own separate trade agreement with Equestria for hundreds of years. This would lead to trade wars between tribes in order to get a cut, as it were, of Equestria’s prosperity. Thus, individual clans began specialising in certain fields of industry in order to get a better chance of recognition from our state... Competition was fierce and many noble houses were wiped out in the process. When unified under the reigning house, most of them were absorbed into the nobility. Most of the nobility maintain their ties to Equestria through trade still though. It all dates back to two thousand and fifteen years ago when the great tribal chieftain Ar-”

“I get it egghead,” groaned Rainbow Dash “We’ve got money. They like money. That’s why they’d be desperate to get our attention. I don’t need a history lesson.” Twilight scowled but it weakened upon hearing Rainbow Dash’s, admittedly, quite accurate statement.

“Well, that is an overly simplified way of explaining it.” Twilight’s face flushed as she felt rather flustered at Dash’s response. Luna let herself laugh genuinely, the tension that was present when the Crown Prince was present, having faded away.

“Is somepony upset they could not educate their friends?” teased Luna, jostling Twilight as she took her place by her side

“N-no, uh, yes, history is important!" Twilight shook off Luna and shot daggers with her subsequent glare. The small laughter from her friends only added to her annoyance.

“Indeed, but perhaps now is not the time,” said Luna much like a schoolteacher.

"There is never not a good time for history," murmured Twilight. Luna dealt out another friendly nudge, which Twilight returned in kind, to the reception of some questioning glances of her still present friends. Before much else could be said, the Commander made herself known again. Her agitation growing at the delay, wary of the fact that she would be reprimanded if they did not move soon.

“Princesses and esteemed company, I insist we save your arguments for a later date. We may be late for His Majesty's feast if we do not make haste." Twilight’s eyes bulged at the word ‘late.' Luna cursed at how their escort had used that word. It would only have one result. Twilight’s wings shot up like sails in the wind.

"Oh, late we better hurry. I wouldn’t want to upset the King." Twilight flapped her wings. She then bit down hard on her hoof. Rainbow Dash rolled. Applejack and Rarity smiled uncomfortably, while Fluttershy was content to hide behind Applejack. Spike walked forward and pulled on Twilight’s leg. “What if he is already upset?” A little bit of her mane sprang up. Spike tugged at her again.

“Twi, calm down.” She rambled on regardless of the dragons calming presence.

“What if he expels us from his country, then he will cut off diplomatic ties and then there will be a war of coalition against Equestria and then-” Seeing that some of the soldiers' heads were turning to see what is going on, Luna decided to intervene. She didn’t want Twilight to embarrass herself. Bringing herself up to her full height, she moved in front of Twilight.

“Hush. It will be fine. We will go now. We are alicorns. If we are late then we are late. A ruler is never late or early, they arrive exactly when they mean too,” said Luna with a lopsided smile. Twilight seemed to calm down. Twilight looked down at Spike and sighed. Luna then returned her gaze to the Commander only to notice the very cautious look that Halise was giving Spike, her eyes narrowing as she looked over the young drake.

“I did not know you owned a dragon, most unusual.”

“He is not owned,” said Twilight firmly. “He is family.” Twilight gave him a slight nuzzle. Spike groaned.


“I did not mean, I well you see I have not seen such pe-”

“Come on girls lets go to the party,” shouted Pinkie before the Commander further gave her opinion on the matter. The Commander nodded in acceptance but was surprised as she felt a strong gust of wind pass her by. The pink blur bouncing into the hub of the station the guards scrambled to follow after their appointed charge. The rest of Pinkie’s friends quickly followed the sound of the bouncing mare. All of them aware that Pinkie loose in a place full of new ponies to meet may result in one or two embarrassments.

"Pinkie come back!” cried Rainbow Dash quite concerned to the damage to which the mare could cause. Not for Pinkie’s sake, but more so that the mare’s actions may ruin her chances at seeing the pool up at the palace. She and Fluttershy pulled up the rear, leaving Spike, the Commander, Twilight and Luna back on the platform. Luna’s guard then rushed passed them, realising that their charges were duly unaccompanied. Luna felt rather despondent and retracted some of her previous statements about her guard’s competency upon seeing them fumble after Pinkie. Then again, Miss Pie was not exactly a usual individual.

“Come, let’s go follow them,” sighed Twilight, through the corner of her mouth almost pulled itself into a smile.

“She is a strange one she is. Where did she get that camera? She carries no bags with her,” said one of the guards as he wheeled around.

“It’s better not to ask,” shrugged Spike as he and Twilight walked after their friends. Luna was about to join her when the Commander stuck out a hoof.

“Princess, I believe we are one short.”

“What?” asked Luna sceptically. She placed a hoof against her mouth. She had been sure that they were all accounted for. Even Fluttershy.

“Cherilee!” exclaimed Twilight. The commander then pointed towards the dark purple pony who was still near the train, seemingly easing herself closer to the barriers, where the now much depleted crowd was stationed behind, while still occasionally looking as the luggage as if not to look conspicuous. She was facing away from them, her head never turned back to the direction of the station. Luna quirked her eyebrow at such behaviour. Twilight stepped forward, ready to approach or at least, call out to her friend but Luna moved in front of her.

“It’s okay I’ll go get her. You got with Halise and make sure Miss Pie doesn’t tear down the entire station.” Twilight and Halise laughed though the dead serious look Luna gave the commander startled her. “I only wish I was joking Commander.” Twilight was about to protest, but Luna was quicker the draw.


“Just go.” Luna looked over her shoulder in Cherilee's direction. “Poor dear is probably just a little shaken is all. Happens to those who are not in the public’s eye to often.” Twilight appeared satisfied with this.

“Okay. Don’t be too long.” She then turned and left. Luna let out a deep breath before she went after Cherilee. The mare had still not moved from where she had been standing previous. Luna called out to her as she moved swiftly forward.

“Miss Cherilee!” The mare jumped, she swung herself around to the fast approaching Luna. Her body swayed and one of her back hooves took a step back towards the train. “Why do you sit alone? We are late.” Luna squinted as the mare’s eyes consistently shifted from side to side, her face laced with anxiety. “Are you trying to leave?”

“What? No!” Cherilee looked hurt. She then lowered her head. “I-I just needed to be away.” The next thing she said was too mumbled though Luna thought she heard ‘too many eyes.' “I’m not really used to the whole in the limelight thing.” Cherilee gave a dismissive wave to indicate she was joking, Luna was unconvinced. I just was thinking that I should probably just go.” She laughed nervously, her voice cracked at ‘go.'

“I see no reason why you should leave.”

“But I’m no court mare just a mere teacher, I-I think perhaps I should leave it to you and the girls.”

“Why do you start so?” Luna asked the skittish mare, allowing some of her old vocabulary to slip through. Luna took a step forward, Cherilee stepped back.

“I’m not starting,” mumbled Cherilee through a twitching smile. Her confidence wilting under the scrutinizing gaze of the Princess.

“Then why not join us?”

“I wouldn’t want to impose.”

“You are not.”

“But I already have.”

“You’re friends with Twilight. Friends do such things for each other. It would be most rude for you to leave without saying goodbye.” Luna narrowed her eyes a cold edge to her tone.

“I know but perhaps you will give them-”



“I do not understand your trepidation. Unless there is something, I should know.”

“I-well I-”Cherilee tried to say something but at that moment, two of the Prince’s guards passed them towards the luggage cart. The two mares watched as they languidly trotted by. Cherilee’s eyes never leaving the glistening weapons. “On the other hoof, maybe you’re right, Princess. I shouldn’t be so selfish. I owe you that much.”

“Indeed,” said Luna, ever watching as Cherilee hurried herself to the hub of the station. Luna’s determination to confront the mare in private now heightened. But that time would have to wait. There was a King to meet and dinner to have.

Author's Note:

Sorry about the delay. Hope you enjoy!

Also this chapter is a good test for my new grammar software I recently acquired. Hope it works! Do tell if it doesn't!