• Published 17th Aug 2013
  • 5,995 Views, 168 Comments

Being Royalty - Coronet the lesser

After her coronation, Twilight is confronted by the complexity of court politics and the pressures of the crown. Not to mention her hidden relationship with Princess Luna . In the end she'll discover the ups and downs of being royalty.

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The Hearth

Twilight sighed as she overlooked the chaos from the aftermath of the Hearth's Warming party she had held within her library.

It wasn’t a distressed or angry sigh but rather one of welcome content. The confetti of Pinkie Pie, the spilled punch, the smell of overcooked food and the hanging decorations of the library. Yes the night had been a complete and utter success and Twilight could be no more happy with its outcome.

It was a welcome return to normalcy after the aftermath of the envoy’s meeting, whatever one may deem as ‘normal’ for the lives of the ever active elements of harmony.

She picked out the sleeping Spike from amongst the celebratory debris. Using her magic she gently lifted the young drake and carried him up the stairs, laying Spike on her back as she ascended them.

When she reached the bedroom she briefly looked out onto the clear skies from her balcony. The party had been stuffy and she was inclined to let some air in despite the bitter external cold. The view of the snow-capped houses and wide white fields was also quite nice. She left it open for another purpose anyway, she was expecting company.

She placed the baby dragon down in his wicker basket and pulled up the blanket to his neck to which he greedily grabbed in his sleep induced state in order to offset the oncoming icy temperatures. She smiled down onto him as he slept peacefully.

“Happy Hearth’s Warming Eve, Spike.” She placed a chaste kiss upon his cheek. His face scrunched and he scratched his head as he turned. She supressed a small chuckle so as to not to wake him.

Her ears twitched as she heard an increase of wind and the subsequent slight creak of wood under sompony’s body weight. Maintaining her smile she turned to face the new arrival.

There standing in the centre of moon light was figure dressed in the strangest attire. A rather raunchy red suit rimmed with white rims that reached down to just above the hooves. The suit was designed to highlight the curves of the wearers body which it did most swimmingly in regards to the figure. A similarly designed hat sat upon a horned head. It barely concealed the long starry mane that almost touched the floor. The twinkling of starlight was captured within teal eyes. Luna gave her lover a toothy grin.

“Ho Ho Ho!”

“Discord preserves me,” sighed Twilight failing to hide her ever mounting giggles as she scrutinized Luna’s attire. “What in Tartarus are you wearing?”

“Tis the season to don such apparel no?”

Twilight could only shake her head in reply. Though she did admit the look rather suited Luna in a strange way. Twilight was about to go to Luna but stopped and turned to face Spike once more.

“He does think the world of thee Twilight,” said Luna as she crossed the bedroom towards her lover. She brushed up against Twilight’s side as she approached. Twilight sighed as she leaned into the fuzzy clothing.

“Yeah,” she whispered. “I just…sometimes I feel like it’s unfair on him. He never signed up for this.” Luna raised a questioning eyebrow. Twilight moved her hoof around as if to emphasize her very being. “Me being a princess and all.” Twilight sagged. Her wings touching the floor. “It’s as if I’m forcing him to grow up because of my duties. It’d kill me knowing I took the best years of his life trailing in the shadow of servitude to some ‘princess’.”

“Nonsense,” rebuked Luna. “Spike is not some mindless child.”

“Far from it.” Twilight smiled. “He’s so young but I’d be lost without him. I just don’t want to hurt him is all.” Twilight suddenly laughed as she looked Luna in the eyes. “I’m being a bit of a buzzkill am I not?”

“Twilight.” Luna squeezed a hoof around Twilight. “I may not have the natural institution my sister has for raising children though from learned from experience I can say that you do and will always do what is right for Spike.”

“Hah If only I could be a better royal then maybe I wouldn’t be so down about it eh?”

Luna scowled. “If you are referring to that stupid article...”

“Still a bit mad hmm?” questioned Twilight who decided to poke Luna’s nose gently with her hoof before wriggling out from underneath the lunar mare’s grip. She trotted towards the open balcony.

“How you take such light in the heart of such slander,” hissed Luna under her breath though she relented slightly after meeting Twilight’s turned head.

“I never said I wasn’t upset about the whole thing,” huffed Twilight as she shut the doors rather forcefully and pulled the curtains. Luna gave her an embarrassed smile to which Twilight ignored as she passed. Twilight began her descent down the stairs with Luna in tow.

“He is lucky that he is royalty,” said Luna. “A few days in the cell would perhaps give way to common sense.”

Twilight trotted tot the kitchen using he magic to collect various dirty plates and utensils lying around the place. Luna threw in the odd plate into the sink as well. Twilight ran some warm water into the sink and taking a cloth so helpfully given by the red dressed mare began to clean with her magic each plate.

Without turning to Luna she asked “Are you still mad at Celestia?” The words came out as weak to Luna's ears. Barely above a whisper. It was apparent that Twilight’s concern lay not with the ramblings of an incompetent but rather the hurt that had occurred because of it between the two sisters. ‘Always the one to think of another pony. It is a wonder that you were not ingrained with the element of kindness as well Twilight,’ thought Luna.

These thoughts though turned to a sudden burst of anger as Luna explored her mind deeper in order to answer. The words of the nightmare from not too long ago came rushing back like a heavy cloud held above her head or a black thorn that kept cutting at her very being. The sudden onset of despair and disappointment became intoxicating. Luna could not then control her words as they slipped out.

“Of course I am! She hid this from me.” Twilight stopped her cleaning. “She hid this from us! She felt the need to interfere again.” Luna placed the gift she carried and her hat on the nearby dining table. "Like she always does!” Luna shook her head violent as she spat out her final words.

“Keep it down Luna,” hushed Twilight as she confronted the alicorn with a look of indignation. “Spike’s trying to sleep.”

Luna was about to counter but her anger was lost. She felt ashamed once more to have lost her temper. How could she have been so hostile on such an important night as this? Twilight did not deserve to be the source of her anger. In truth that was the last emotion she had ever wanted to impress on Twilight. She sighed and sat on one of the chairs near the table. Content to reside in her frustration.

Twilight noticed the sudden wilt that Luna appeared to go through. Putting down her washing she trotted over to Luna.

“Let’s move into the sitting room. It’s warmer in there,” whispered Twilight. Luna nodded numbly though brightened a bit when Twilight placed the red hat with bells back on her head which temporarily covered her eyes.

Grinning as she did so, she retaliated by tripping the young alicorn with her magic as she entered the darkened sitting room of the library. The only source of light was a roaring fire opposite to the rather luxurious couch to which Twilight ensued to trip onto. Landing with a soft ‘umph’ as she did so. Luna laughed at the adorable little face Twilight made in doing so. It made her almost forget her questions on the hazards of having a large fire in a building made entirely of wood.

Luna nuzzled Twilight’s neck as she joined her on the couch. The gentle warmth of the fire felt rather nice after such a long flight in the cold, perhaps even better when the warmth was intertwined with heat of Twilight’s body.

“I don’t understand,” mumbled Luna. Her wings flicked in agitation.

“Understand what?”

“How you can forgive so easily?” Luna met the purple orbs of Twilight’s eyes. “How can you ignore these…wrongdoings, Twilight? How can you stand while that stallion and his cronies drag your name through the mud?"

Twilight was silent a moment and while her eyes were still looking at Luna, the look was distant. It was if their roles were interchanged. Luna having become the wide eyed student and Twilight suddenly growing to be the wise old alicorn.

“Because growing up as Celestia’s student you learn to put up with ponies like Blueblood and their nastiness." She gave Luna a meaningful look."Don’t think this was the first time I’ve ever been verbally abused Luna. Having no friends was only one of the problems of growing up being me.” Twilight frowned deeply. “Getting mad about it is pointless.” Twilight’s hoof tightened slightly around Luna. “Trust me I know.” Luna drew her into a gentle kiss I attempt to alleviate her mare’s discomfort.

“But what of Celestia?” queried Luna weakly as she pulled back from the kiss. Luna kicked herself mentally for returning to the subject. The evening was becoming a bit less enjoyable each time she appeared to speak. “Surely you agree our sister has overstepped herself once more?”

“If you’re asking me if I’m upset that Celestia didn’t come to us originally than yes I am,” stated Twilight Luna drew back in surprise But. Luna’s head fell once more as she heard the dreaded ‘but’. "I can’t fault her for trying to protect us Luna.”

“Protect us,” scoffed Luna. “As if we need protection.”

“We do Luna,” rebuked Twilight. “If that article came out during a state visit it would have been a disaster. We’d make the entire state look like fools if one our own princes were actively coming out against a standing sovereign, let alone one related to you two.

You are overreacting to this whole thing. Blueblood isn’t a monster Luna. Yes he’s a horrid, pig headed, coward and bigot that likes to put others down to make himself feel better but by letting his tripe get to you are letting him win.”

Twilight put on her best smile for the finish while turning Luna’s head to meet hers and lowered it so both of them felt the slight tingle of their breaths on each other’s face. “Don’t let him get under your skin Luna. He’s spent his entire life trying to make misery for those who don’t agree with him and relishes when you strike back at him. Don’t give him that satisfaction Luna. It isn’t worth our time.”

“Gah, I hate when you make more sense than me,” murmured Luna as she pulled away only to be stopped by Twilight. “Why can’t you be the ignorant angry one for once?”

“You have your anger I have my nervous breakdowns,” said Twilight as she giggled. Luna sat up straight once, shifting her body weight in the process so that she appeared a bit taller. “At least I hope you put it aside for today.” Twilight peered at Luna with one eye half closed. “Right?”

“If you mean my feelings about my sister than yes,” Luna sighed and relaxed her tense shoulder blades."Hearth’s Warming is a special time for me and my sister.” Luna’s mouth twitched. “We do not fight on this day in spite of our differences. Even if we must put on a mask around each other to act in such a normal manner, the occasion is of great significance to us.” Twilight was about to cut in but Luna beat her to the punch. “But that does not mean I have forgotten what has transgressed.”

“I’m not asking you to forget.” Twilight clicked her tongue in thought. She wondered briefly why the day meant so much but silenced it to answer more pressing matters. “I’m just asking you to talk about it. If not with me than with Celestia.”

“And if she does not listen?”

“Then make her listen,” urged Twilight as she put her hoof on Luna’s. “Don’t let her shut you out Luna and don’t let yourself be shut in.”

“I’ll…take your words into consideration.”

“That’s all I can ask of you." Twilight used one of her hoofs to massage her temple. The day had been a taxing experience and Luna’s issues weren’t helping. “Ugh this night’s been a bit of a train wreck hasn’t it?” She didn’t wait for Luna to reply. “I think we need something to loosen up a bit.” She levitated some glasses over with her magic.

A large, open bottle of wine followed it. “I think a little alcohol will do us nicely. I think we both need this. I certainly do.” Twilight poured a glass for both of them. “Sorry I couldn’t find an unopened bottle you’d be surprised how fast the girls go through my stock for the year.”

“Twilight Sparkle the alcoholic,” laughed Luna. “I would have never guessed.” Twilight sputtered on her drink and gagged. Luna hit her with broadside of her wing and eventually Twilight returned to her senses while massaging her throat. Luna enjoyed the change of conversation.

“I am no-t an alcoholic. I just enjoy the occasional drink is all,” stutteredTwilight as she circled the rim of the glass with her hoof while blushing. “Just don’t tell my parents okay.”

“Excuse me?” Luna’s Cheshire grin grew to enormous proportions. “Did I really just here you admit that you’re afraid that your mother may find out that you’re a casual drinker. This is new.” Luna sat back with her glass as she sipped from it. “This is despite the clear fact that you are of legal age and a princess with the boot.”

“It’s to boot, Luna,” corrected Twilight as she rolled her eyes. “Yes I’m aware of how childish it sounds, but then again what am I exactly afraid of you’ve never me met my parents.” Twilight snorted dismissively.

“I presume that somehow it would be ill advised for me to encounter your parents from your use of tone?”

“If they learned of your exact relationship with me with then I would say most certainly yes,” said Twilight as she looked down at her glass.

"Your parents sound like the rather traditional type," giggled Luna.

“You have no idea,” sighed Twilight as she leaned back into the couch. She looked up towards the present Luna had brought. “What’s that there?”

“Oh this,” said Luna. She brushed forward the gift with her feathered appendage. “Tis a gift for you. In the spirit of this season and as by tradition between friends I believe.”

“You didn’t have to get me a gift you know,” said Twilight pulling it forward with her magic and examining it with great curiosity. “I’m quite happy already with what I have.”

“Stop being so humble, Twilight. It would not have felt right to leave you without anything from me besides I'm quite content in terms of material possesions yet you still thought to buy a gift for me if the less than subtle way dear in which you concealed your present behind the couch is any indication dear."

“Well uh yeah,” smiled Twilight bashfully. She gently undid the purple bow of the navy blue box. Within it lay a velvet red cushion upon which the top was graced with the most beautiful looking broach. It glimmered in the low lighting, the fire reflected in its beauty. The definitive shape of Twilight’s cutie mark was etched. The stone was clearly of fine rock almost diamond likein the detail of the cut except for the purple colour and and slightly diffrent feel to it.

“Oh my it’s... beautiful Luna.” Twilight’s eyes grew into saucers, her mouth hanging open in disbelief. She stuttered I have no words her mouth gaped for air as she met Luna’s eyes. “Where did you get this Luna?”

“Oh, the craft ponies of this era are far more numerous than those of my era. With enough bits you’d be surprised as you say how may would come popping out of the wood work. Though I must question how ponies exactly emerge from wood. Was there a time when ethereal spells existed in which ponies could traverse the wood of houses and establishments?”

“I really need to get you a phrase book Luna.” Twilight examined the broaches beauty one more time before lowering it back into the box. She then quickly dove into a kiss with Luna to which the moon goddess recuperated with great vigour.

Eventually the need for air outweighed the passion of the moment and the two mutually separated, thought a strand of saliva hung for a moment between them much Twilight’s chagrin. “Uh Thanks again Luna,” she coughed as she twirled the edge of her mane with her hoof. “It’s just…” Luna put up her silver gilded shoe to Twilight’s face.

“You do not need to thank me anymore than you already have Twilight. The pleasure was mine in buying such a gift for you. It only serves that the most glorious of jewellery is assigned to the most beautiful of mares.”

Twilight blushed profusely as lit up her horn which summoned with a flash of magenta light a rectangular gift wrapped rather poorly in blue wrapping paper with cute little snowmen around it.

“Sorry about the wrapping Pinkie tried to open it earlier something about checking if the gift was right. It feels kind of cheap compared to the packing that yours came with.”

Luna immediately tore into it the paper and discarded it onto the floor. The gift was revealed to be a book. Luna couldn’t help but smirk. If there was one gift she would always be assured of from Twilight then it would definitely be a book. She raised it up from her lap to get a better look at it. She scanned over the worn cover before the authors name spring out at her. Her mouth fell.

“This is one of the works of Cali Pose!” gasped Luna.

“Yes,that it is” stated Twilight coyly as she drank some more.

“But this is impossible! This poetry is over a thousand years old. Celestia told me most of the old library was lost in a fire.” Luna kept looking back from the book to Twilight and then to the book again in disbelief. “How…what…How did you even know I liked poetry? I believe I have not mentioned it to you before.”

“No but I believe Celestia mentioned it during a conversation one day, so I started browsing for something from your time period.”
“But surely everything was lost.”

“When you’re a princess you have your ways of finding out what you want pretty fast. I recovered it from a merchant outside of Equestria in Saddle Arabia. Cost me a bit a good bit of my stipend as well but from the look on your face I’d say it was worth it. Now…” Suddenly Twilight was brought into a bone crushing hug.

“You’re welcome Luna,” whispered Twilight into Luna’s ear as she leaned into the hug. The sweet scent of Luna’s mane filling her nostrils as the two held their hug. Luna then released her captive as she once again was entranced by the book. Like a foal in a candy shop she flicked through the pages though was careful not to damage the aged pages.

“I barely remember half of this book. I was but a mere foal when this art came to fruition. To have a first edition in such quality...” Luna stopped to catch her breath. Her eyes were cast downwards only to shoot up to Twilight. “Perhaps I could teach you a thing or two about it sometime.” Twilight just chuckled.

“I’d like that Luna. I’d like that a lot.”

Eventually the two settled down in front of the hearth and laid there gifts aside. They two did not speak but rather enjoyed the companionable silence of each other’s company. Occasionally they would take a drink from their respective glasses as they watched the dancing fire.

Twilight glanced over towards a nearby table where an important letter was placed. Its contents forgotten about for now. Instead she chose to move closer To Luna who draped a comforting wing around her and snuggled in close.

The comforting moment shared between made them forget about the raging snowstorm that had begun outside and the bitter grasp that accompanied it. But it meant little to both the residents of Ponyville and of the town's library, for they were in the company of the ones they loved and that was warmth enough.

Author's Note:

Damn that was way too late getting out! For that I apologise. I've been traveling to see family for the past few days and then had to come home and tear down the decorations, not to mention about of courses I had to attend meant that I was utterly backtracked with writing. Eh C'est la vie during Christmas.

Know it's a bit late but I guess it's the thought that counts right?

Please point out mistakes. Hope you enjoy! Oh and Merry Really Late Christmas And I'm So Sorry I Didn't Get The Chapter Out On Time! So happy M.R.L.C.A.I.S.S.I.D.G.T.O.O.T