• Published 17th Aug 2013
  • 5,995 Views, 168 Comments

Being Royalty - Coronet the lesser

After her coronation, Twilight is confronted by the complexity of court politics and the pressures of the crown. Not to mention her hidden relationship with Princess Luna . In the end she'll discover the ups and downs of being royalty.

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Power Play

Lady Blueblood drank deeply from her silver cup. She felt some of the fine wine spill down the side of her mouth, leaving a red trail down her pristine white coat. Even though the lighting was quite dim, its visibility was still quite noticeable. She huffed in annoyance. Sometimes having such a fabulous coat had its disadvantages.

She leaned back against the head of her large bed. She pulled the ruffled sheets closer to her. She really wished the balcony door was not open. The mountain air was far too cold at this time of the year, but it was a necessary evil considering what she had just done. Her brilliant blue eyes scanned over the room, each section filled with the best furniture Canterlot could provide.

To the far right of her bed was a portrait of her, her husband and son dressed in fine clothes from years ago. Their stern neutral gazes met hers, she had always found the portrait ironic. Those cold looks summed up the relationship she held with those she held closest in blood. Her husband had always been too serious. There was no love in this house when he had occupied it, just lots of scotch and arguments. But in return she had everything she desired. Mother had always told her not to marry for love. Love guaranteed no security in life. He was a weak stallion at heart. She almost pitied him in the end.

Though it was far from her, she swore those eyes always looked towards her, constantly judging. She’d have to take the horrible thing down. It made the room look trashy. She flicked her stunning eyes to the other occupant of the room. His coat shimmered in the moonlight as he rummaged through the ice box looking for another wine bottle.

The stallion North Star was her latest ‘acquaintance’ as the staff had phrased it when they thought she couldn’t hear them. A noble of some standing within conservative circles, she only knew him personally through her husband’s frequent visits to Mr North’s establishment or whatever he called the tacky place her ran. While she admitted that his profession was less than pleasing, his influence over several nobles had been impressive and his political views conveniently coincided with her own. Needless to say after a night of alcohol filled political discussions had led to where they were now.

He grunted again as he shuffled through the ice box again. Sighing she decided to end his futile search for more.

“If you are looking for another bottle, I’m afraid this is the last one,” she teased as she lifted the empty bottle near bedside making sure to shake it back from side to side. His eyes followed. She quickly took another swig, enjoying the warm liquid as it crawled done her throat. With a satisfied sigh, she placed the bottle back on her night stand.

“That wasn’t particularly ladylike,” he said with the most impetuous smile she had ever seen. It fitted well on his rather handsome face. He was an ass, but an attractive one nonetheless.

“I did not get into my position by playing nice,” she snapped back. He let out a gentle laugh, his eyes sparkling in the dim lighting. If only he could see how stupid he looked.

“After tonight's display I’m inclined to believe you.” Her eyebrow shot up violently. Despite her best efforts to show her displeasure, he maintained his infuriating grin, his features never wavered or flinched as she carefully examined him. He was lucky she was in a good mood.

“Hmmm indeed. There’s some whiskey in the cabinet," she murmured. She inclined her head towards the disused oak desk opposite to the balcony. She had considered getting rid of it. It was clutter, very expensive clutter, but clutter nonetheless. She recalled briefly that it was a gift, but she could not recollect from who, probably no one important. Her indifference to it ultimately led to her husband taking a liking to storing governmental papers that he didn’t want to deal with and some spare alcoholic beverages in it. She was sure that no one days’ worth of work had ever been done on its polished surface.

He staggered towards it, swaying from side to side. After reaching it the shuffling of those old pages, could be heard followed by the slow sound of a drawer being pulled out. There was a clink as the glass bottle was raised from it hiding spot. He held it with his magic to the moonlight. He squinted as he examined the bottles features. The curve of the glasswork, the swirl of the brown-gold liquid inside before inspecting the label. He looked back at her.

“It’s a good year.” He gave it another swirl. “You sure?” She waved at his dismissively like he had asked another stupid question. She sank her head back against the pillow as she spoke.

“Positive, my husband’s forte. Personally can’t stand the stuff." She looked up to the ceiling, letting out an enormous sigh. “I suppose I was always far too apathetic to clear out his stashes. Celestia forbid where else they may be.”

“He’s been gone for years,” Star snorted. “Surely you’ve found everything.” She threw a derisory glare at him. Even in the dark he could see her piercing blue eyes, she always had an air of intimidation around her. The fear was half the fun for him, it was exhilarating in a way.

“Then you underestimate how much my husband drank.” She turned dragging the crumpled sheets with her, his gaze no longer meeting hers. He levitated one of the many empty glasses over, it swayed in his turquoise magic. There was a slight ‘pop’ as the top of the bottle came off. He tipped it over the rim of the glass filling it to the half way mark before setting the bottle down on the desk. He trotted over to the bed.

“Cheers,” he said to himself. Lady Blueblood turned once more. He took a gulp of the sweet liquid and lavished as its warming effects spread over him. He looked down at her again. He clambered back up into the bed, content to interact with her again. He wouldn’t let one dalliance dissuade him from returning to the issue at hoof. He decided to take another swig before continuing. “So, I assume I wasn’t invited just for entertainment.”

“Can a lady not enjoy herself?” she shot back. He let out a dignified laugh.

“Of course she can, least that lady not be the most vocal opposition to a little problem, eh.” He tipped his glass in her direction. “A little problem that was the sole reason for me coming over here? How am I not to know you’re canvasing for support?” She sat up fully again, clearly unhappy at his implications.

“You wish,” she sneered. “As if I’d stoop to such levels. This.” She swept her hoof across the bed for indication. “Has nothing to do with it.”

“As I said, I’m not convinced of your innocence.”

“I never said I was innocent,” she sighed. “I’m merely clarifying that I would never partake in such crass methods. As if I would even need to. You act like that I have no support as it is.” She made a made a grinding sound with her teeth as she spoke with some venom to him. “It is the worst kept secret among the upper circles of Canterlot that this little student will never be fit to wear a crown and our peers know it.” Sensing her anger, he attempted to prod further.

“Celestia would disagree.”

“A minor issue.” He almost laughed but hid it behind a hiccup. The result was a horrible gurgling sound.

“Really, I would have thought that the most powerful pony in the land would have something to say about her prized pet being criticized so.”

“Celestia has not always been the best at selecting students.”

“Indeed.” He had a brief flashback to seeing a red-haired mare trotting beside the princess some years ago during a party. Then one day she was gone and if he recalled correctly, Celestia was upset for months afterward. What happened to the mare was one of the great mysteries of Canterlot. He didn’t ponder much on it. He took another sip of his drink. There was an amiable silence as both weighed up before one of them spoke next. Eventually, the lady cleared her throat.

“While Celestia may keep her in power in no way will the nobility let her have any executive power,” she stated convincingly as if her words were already assured. “It would be an insult to the system that has been in place since the foundation of our nation.” North Star leaned back.

“The how do you explain Princess Cadence?” he asked. She huffed in reply, that same huff she saved for ignorant courtiers or commoners. It grated upon him slightly to be talked down by a peer. It was not something he was generally accustomed to. Then again, he was also not very accustomed to sharing a bed with one of the most powerful figures in the land. He could make an exception this time.

“Mi Amore Cadenza was related to several lower noble families before the accident and it was many years before she assumed any realistic power. She went through the system and proved worthy. Besides, she does not even reside within Equestria anymore. Perhaps for the better, considering her rather...liberal views.” She clicked her jaw in displeasure.

“And our new princess does not deserve the same treatment?”

“She is a commoner, is all I have to say on that matter,” she snapped. Her eyes bulged outwards focusing intently upon him. “That is all she will ever be. The daughter of some lowly author and some lackey from the royal astronomy institution. That will always stand against her, no matter what paper crown sits on her head.”

“You know it sounds that you’re just jealous.” He finished his drink, gliding it steadily over to the night stand. He felt the bed move as on her legs shook. He did not even have to make eye contact to feel the anger radiating off her. On the outside, she was still the elegant picture of perfection but inside the roar of a storm could almost be heard. She made that came deep from her throat. He was unsure if it was a growl or another huff of displeasure. He’d always tried to push the limit on most things, he’d never been known for his great sense of tact. Personally he thought his bluntness was a rather charming trait, though the lady apparently did not agree.

“Excuse me?” He inspected his hoof for a moment making sure only to glance at her with his peripheral vision.

“If some of my little birds are correct, and they generally are, Miss Sparkle usurped your son for the prime position as Celestia’s favourite. Though considering how lacklustre your son has been in nearly all departments, it’s not a surprise.” He let out a faux cheerful laugh, if were not for the lighting he could see her pale face light up red. The quiet chattering of her teeth could be heard as the tension in her jaw grew. “Though I may still have heard you did not take this rejection well.”

“You will be silent on such matters,” she hissed menacingly.

“There’s no shame in admitting that your spawn is second best to a commoner,” he said well knowing that such words would only further incense the mare.

“Don’t speak to me of my son. Not here. Speak one more word.”

“Ooh. Sompony’s a bit touchy,” he mocked. It seemed that the lady had enough. She stood up from the bed. She raised herself to her full height, which while still a bit shorter than himself still was quite imposing. For a second, he almost regretted saying such words to her. Almost.

“Do not assume that because I shared a bed with you can you assume that you are suddenly in a position to mock me. You should understand that I will always be your better and do not assume that I will not ruin you out of some misplaced sentimentality.” While her voice never wavered from the sickly sweet, neutral tone she always carried, the stern edge was very noticeable. Seeing that she was completely serious and that his fun had run its course he decided to deescalate the situation.

“Alright,” he coughed. “Alright. Keep it caged madam. I’m not the one you’re after. Besides, are we not on the same side?”

“I cannot but hold some doubts your position within all this,” she spoke narrowing her eyes at him. “You have given me very little to suggest that you’re on my side other than a mutual dislike of the current political situation.”

“You do well to think so, I’m generally on no one’s side because no one’s on my side,” he said rather honestly for once. He relaxed slightly. “But if I can reassure you, I am just eager as you to keep things as status quo ante. It is clear that Princess Twilight Sparkle has proved most…disappointing for my interests. Too protected to be manipulated and too…liberal as you would say, to be brought into the fold. Clearly things need to change least a good pony find that said interests could be placed at substantial risk. The ideals of friendship as she would put it, are bad for business.”

“Even so, you seem to be quite adamant that my efforts are in vain.”

“Perhaps,” he corrected. “I’m merely asserting how would ever plan to stop this going through. As you stated, you can’t just remove her from her position. She’s an alicorn. She’s been chosen, no doubt that so-called executive powers will follow despite what us mere nobles have to say. I hardly think Celestia put her on the throne to smile, wave and look pretty. It is sad but true.” He looked down towards his hooves almost apologetically.

“Then it is best to have a plan for such eventualities.”

“Then you also believe you will fail.”

“Not entirely but I recognise the difficulties that are associated with my position on such matters. It's politics. I get that. The balance of probabilities will favour Miss Twilight Sparkle. So it is best to prepare to in advance. In doing so is a matter of removing her as far away from political power as possible. The fact that she lives in that backward rat hole of a town is a start. But that hardly will be a permanent arrangement. No, I’ll have to look to something more binding. Maybe some arrangement outside of Equestria. There are so many excellent young princes out there desperate for a bit of prestige. An alicorn is quite the catch.

“She’d never agree to such a thing and you know it,” he said barely containing a dry laugh behind his grin.

“There’s time yet.” She scratched underneath her chin. “Yes, time yet.”

“You know when it comes to me, I’ve always chosen the more direct way to get what I want.” He crawled up near her leaning his head low against her. He nuzzled against her ear. “And I always get what I want.” She shoved him away roughly.

“If you wish to act in such a manner, then excuse yourself to that little establishment of yours,” she retorted.

“I take that as an insult.” He feigned indignity. “I am one of the managers one of the finest establishments in all of Canterlot.” She shot a piercing looking through him. His mouth twisted instinctively.

“If you’re just some manager.” She placed a warm hoof on his test and trailed it up and down slowly. His breath caught slightly. Moving forward, she looked up to him with her mouth slightly open. “Then I’m just some widow of a prince.” She flicked him on the nose with her hoof, he scrunched his muzzle in response. “We all know what goes on behind those doors,” she whispered huskily before she withdrew back to the bed.

“And praytell what have you heard?” he asked, his curiosity piqued by her knowledge.

“Enough,” she replied as she crawled into the bed.

“Oh indeed, then I suppose I should have better security. Can’t have people know what goes on up here in the upper circle. Who knows what secrets might just pop out.” He put severe emphasis on the last few words but was disappointed when he did not get an automatic response. Instead, the Lady pulled on a rope that hung from the side of her beds head. The jingle of a bell was heard by North.

“I believe it is time for you to go,” came the muffled reply from the bed. “It was…fun for the most part. The help will see you out.” North Star shrugged. Endings to such nights were always brief. Even here in the privacy of the bedroom of the most powerful family in Equestria, politics reigned. Everything was short, to the point, and most of all not personal. Business mixed with pleasure. That’s how all the nobles played. There was no room for lingering attachments. He decided to let himself out. He needed to sleep off the definite hangover he would have in the morning. With quiet steps, he approached the door. The knob turned and it creaked open but before he could exit, he stopped for a moment. He looked back towards the bed. There was something he had to say.

“You know you’re wrong.” A white head poked up from under the sheets.

“What?” asked a fairly annoyed voice.

“Princess Twilight.” His words were followed by sigh.

“I don’t follow.”

“You wish to make her a pariah.” There was a brief silence and some more movement.

“Not exactly what I’m aiming for, but even so, what of it?”

“Well, from my own conclusions, I’ve always found hero’s far more profitable. Everypony loves a good hero.” Even though he knew she couldn’t see him, he put on his best politician’s smile. “Everypony.”

“What in Tartarus is that meant to mean?”

“Oh, nothing take care dear. Just a silly thought.” He stepped through the door. He turned to face the room from outside, the lady glanced once more at him. “Until next time.” The door then closed and the audible sound of him descending the marble steps could be heard until there was nothing more. The lady laid back down unto her pillow, unsure what to make of the stallion’s departing remarks till sleep overtook her.

Author's Note:

Has it really been a full month since I updated. Wow I'm an asshole. Considering what's in this chapter, that statement is probably true.

Well let's all hope I can get back into a regular schedule once again so I can start getting to the really meaty stuff up ahead.

Also if there are a few mistakes then it just shows how rusty I am. Or least I need to stop uploading chapters while I'm sick.