• Published 17th Aug 2013
  • 5,995 Views, 168 Comments

Being Royalty - Coronet the lesser

After her coronation, Twilight is confronted by the complexity of court politics and the pressures of the crown. Not to mention her hidden relationship with Princess Luna . In the end she'll discover the ups and downs of being royalty.

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Be Our Guest: Unwelcome Invitation

The King’s dinner feast was the grandiose affair that Luna had come to expect from the Saddle Arabian’s. The surroundings were a mix of lavish decorations and pompous ornamentation of an oriental variety. The dinner hall itself was just as beautiful and exotic as the rest of the palace. A perfect blend of foreign extravagance and comforting homeliness. Luna idly wondered how much of the King’s treasury went into the design of the room itself. It's high arched ceiling with a curved window supported by ivy covered pillars, looked out to the heavens. Her heavens. The night was made with special care as Luna in honour of their host’s graciousness. The glistening gleam of her stars and her hanging half-moon proving the perfect backdrop to their feast. Not that anypony was entirely focused on what stood above them currently.

The dinner hall was far larger than the throne room. It could hold at least several hundred horses, Luna estimated roughly. It’s bizarrely long table spanned from almost wall to wall. A satin dark purple tablecloth of equal length lay over it. Though one could barely see it through the mass of food resting upon its expensive surface, which was the true night’s entertainment.

In fact, there must have been enough food that Luna swore it could feed half of Manehatten. The sheer amount was so large that even the reinforced metal buttresses beneath the table were buckling under it. There was a wide variety of foods that could suit almost any taste bar that of a carnivorous eater. The arrangement was made to make it all look as striking and delicious as possible and so far Luna could find little fault with what she had tasted. Though the excessive use of spices was perhaps her only complaint. It coated everything. It was even seemingly present the air. When it was not burning her mouth with yet another sharp taste, it burned her nostrils with each intake of breath. The Saddle Arabian’s had a much sharper taste that was unsurprisingly very foreign to Luna, whose experience with spices was limited considering that the spice trade was scarce when she was young. She didn’t hate it, but it was still an annoyance she could not escape.

The hall was a crush of horses, the cream of the Saddle Arabian nobility. All to sit and dine with the King and his most valued guests. Most of them were sitting, bellowing to one another through bouts of eating. A few of the more prominent one’s had dared to approach Luna and her friends. Most were relatives of the King or were governmental ministers. One was even a religious leader. It was all quite flustering, their constant spiel of the never-ending friendship with Equestria, their curtsey bows and their rather not so subtle advances to which Luna for her part, had quashed immediately with an equally polite gesture. The Hall was filled with shouts, laughs and small talk. It all amalgamated into a roar of noise and squawks drowning out the light music played by the King’s personal musicians.

From what Luna could hear of it, it seemed to be a rather upbeat tone, though the use of fugal horn could do little but earn her ire. Every now and again waiting staff darted back and forth, hundreds, like bees outside a hive, buzzing with activity. Regularly inquiring, always cleaning spills or moving empty trays back and forth, replacing empty dishes and returning with freshly stocked ones from the ever swinging doors of the kitchen. Luckily for them they were at the far end of the room, close to the king so the cram was less prevalent due to the ever watchful presence of the King’s guard.

The King’s closer family were the ponies that sat around them. The King at the head of the table, was guzzling down what Luna thought at this point was a casket of wine and took heavy chomps of food between drinks. He always seemed to be laughing at something whether it was what one of his daughters said to him or at the mere merriment of drinking Luna could not say. But his laugh was always the loudest and shook the plates around him. In contrast, his wife was quite the opposite, she was quiet, ate sparingly, drank even less and always seemed to politely whisper to Fluttershy, who was at her side, when she wished to speak.

Out of all, her friends present for the celebration, Fluttershy was the one least enjoying it. She shook every time the King laughed and slinked away when waiters approached. The Queen seemed to like her though, which comforted Fluttershy considerably. Beside Fluttershy was Applejack, who looked on befuddled at the quantity of food. Probably more than she had ever seen in her young life. Nonetheless, she was more animated as she spoke to one of the King’s various daughters. A general sat next to Rainbow and the two were in deep discussion over something. Pinkie was a barely visible blur between the glorious amounts of food she gorged upon. Much to the surprise of the two high-ranking officers next to her, one of which Luna believed was the King’s youngest son. Luna could not help but laugh at that. They were on the Queen’s side to the left.

Luna, Twilight and Rarity sat on the King’s right. The most prestigious position at the table. Captain Daring had been exiled to the end of the table farthest from the King as possible, much to his chagrin. He was amongst the lowest nobles and courtiers, his private fury evident upon his face his frowning face. Luna was glad the annoying captain had been relegated to as far from her as possible.

Luna was right next to the King, who would occasionally ask her questions between his feasting. Most were about Equestria, though others were on her past and her recent return and how she was adapting to the modern world. She was more reluctant to answer the latter ones, seeing them as her own personal business. Whatever she said the King would nod laugh, then her would shout something and then take a swig of wine. It was all very taxing. There was uproarious laughter as some poor should fell from his seat. Luna sighed.

To be honest with herself, she was not entirely enjoying the feast. Content was a more apt term to describe her mood. She couldn’t look downcast for appearances purposes, but she was not as animated as her friends were. She never shook off her years of being an introvert. In many ways, her banishment had only reinforced her previous condition.

A long time ago, she feasted mightily back when she was but a young princess. She drank ate and took part in the many activities befitting of those days and then some. She had been more confident back then, but her naivety went in kind with it. It was a time of youth and passion, but her years of exile had tempered her and the days of feasting was now linked in with the painful memory of the Unification wars.

Her days of excessive drinking, ludicrous dancing sessions and eating until one could not move were gone. Celestia always maintained that the modern princess must play the part of the smiling passive monarch. In that, one should participate but do not do so in excess, enjoy but do not get overzealous, converse but only to the degree the opposite addressee wished for. The limitation felt like a shackle on the usual blunt Lunar Princess.

When she was young, she had insisted to Celestia that she would never be old like her sister. That she would always be a young mare in her heart. Celestia had laughed at her at that time. Little did she know how right her sister had been? Luna shook her head, thinking about Celestia just made her angry. Nonetheless, her want was not to participate in said feast. But rather she desired the tempered company of Twilight in the quiet of their bed reading ponderous tomes or speaking about small insignificant things like the weather, or what her other friend were up to. Not the loud, obnoxious parade of prestige going on before her. It was sometimes the smallest things Luna desired the most.

On her thought of Twilight, Luna would not be lying by saying her mood was quite dampened by what was happening with Twilight. Twilight sat next to her, but currently it was not Luna gaining her attention but the King’s eldest son who was the source of her conversation. He rarely stopped speaking to her about one thing before moving onto the next and he always had questions for her. It had been a staple of the dinner so far. As if he was desperate to keep her attention. Twilight being the friendly little thing she was, gladly engaged in conversation with him. It annoyed Luna how isolated she felt. The only reprieve was Rarity who had just made new best friends in two of the King’s daughter would occasionally direct a question at him but the exoneration was brief and he would soon return his focus to Twilight again. He’d laugh at her jokes, he’d make puns and he’d fake interest in the topic Twilight would speak of. All the while, he’d sport an idiotic dopey grin she’d ever seen. She hated it.

‘Could you be getting jealous hmmm?’ echoed a tiny little voice. Luna shook and dropped her fork. It was no Nightmare but…herself. Her shock was so sudden that she nearly stood from the seat but at the last moment restrained herself. But the shiver climbing her spine could not be so easily displaced. The coldness of it…it’ couldn’t be her?

“Is something the matter, Princess?” asked the King noticing her sudden straightened posture and dilated eyes. Luna sputtered for a response, her composure severely shaken. She inhaled quickly before she could face him. She put on a diplomatic smile with difficulty.

“No, no, I’m fine,” she lied with practiced ease. “I just thought I needed to sneeze, Your Majesty.”

“Ah, that would be the spices,” he said unsuspecting of her lie, his ever-present smile broadening somewhat. He took a gulp of his wine. “Did I ever tell you how I got into spices?” His tone did not entail that he wanted an actual answer from Luna. “Couldn’t stand the stuff when I was young. It all started when I was but a colt, I was chasing sand pirates across the plains…”

The King recounted a story of how he defeated a dozen sand pirates before his company was slain by giant scorpions. Thus, forcing the King to hide in a cave for days with only spice and half a flask of water. Accordingly, adding spice to dead branches made survival far more enjoyable. Luna was only half paying attention.

Her eyes and more so, her attention, was solely focused on Twilight. In the dim lighting of the large torches that mounted each pillar not only made the rooms insufferably warm but also highlighted Twilight’s glowing purple eyes beautifully. The flames seemed to dance between her pupils, the golden hue contrasting with her perfect hair. Luna couldn’t help but smile. ‘So beautiful, far too good for you and you know it.’ The venomous thought shook Luna again. Her smile faded, and right at that moment the Prince moved to place a hoof on Twilight’s shoulder, she laughed. Luna’s chest constrained, her wing ruffled and before she could control herself, she was up from her seat.


The Prince immediately withdrew his hoof. Twilight spun to see what was wrong. Her previously happy demeanour giving way to one of concern. Some of those around the table had also turned to see what the commotion was. Even the King looked over his glass, his imperturbable eyes staring over Luna.

“Luna what’s wrong?”

Her courage failed her. She was a Princess and she was running on a blank. She had been too hasty in her indignation. She had let her emotions run rampant within her. Not helped by the nagging cold voice whispering inside her. Exacerbating her every doubt and revelling her loss of control. Luna felt a trickle of sweat streak down her chin. Luna sharply breathed in, acutely aware more eyes were now focused on her leading her to become even tenser.

‘Seems you’re in a bit of trouble,’ the voiced sang, her deepest fear whispering to her. A deeply disturbing resonance could be heard trailing the initial words, deep and rumbling like thunder on the mountain in contrast to the sickly sweet chief tone of the voice, mocking and vindictive with each spat word. ‘Come now Luna you are making a scene, best think fast.’

“Be quiet,” insisted Luna underneath her breath, as if saying for it to be quite would stop her wandering thoughts.

“Luna?” Twilight’s voice was laced with concern her eyes wide, searching for an answer. The only satisfaction Luna gained was the brief flash of annoyance that passed over the Prince’s face, though he soon flashed up a curious expression least Twilight see him. Luna fumbled for words, her thoughts were too erratic to be coherent before she noticed an empty seat towards the lower end of the royal table. It was such a sudden shock to her that she and her friends had been so focused on festivities that they had forgotten to inquire about the one pony who had not accompanied them.

Cherilee had been acting odd since she had arrived at the palace. Odder than what she had generally expected from a pony in awe of a trip to a palace to dine with the highest of society. To describe her as skittish would do an injustice to the word, she was all over the place. The constant jolting and looking over her shoulder made Luna think more of Fluttershy rather than the collected, rational, school teacher Twilight spoke of.

As they were preparing to leave earlier, Cherilee exclaimed that she wasn’t feeling too well. She had put it down to exhaustion from the long journey. Luna had suspected something more, but Twilight had insisted she be left alone. Luna had been uneasy since Cherilee had joined the party, but she couldn’t put her hoof on it. Just this off feeling that emanated from the earth pony, skittishness aside. Luna didn’t wish to press the issue. Cherilee was Twilight’s friend and thus Luna trusted her partner’s judgement. Luna had appointed two guards to oversee the door outside of the suite, to keep an eye on the mare. They were also there to accompany her to the hall should she wish to join them later, as she had promised. Yet, the hour was late and she was still missing. Luna felt terrible using the excuse of an ailing friend to excuse herself from an embarrassing dinner situation, but she saw no other way.

“I…apologise,” she swayed as she stood finally ending the awkward minute long silence. It would be easier if the peering eyes around her thought she was a bit tipsy. “I have a bit too much to drink.” She giggled. “Thus the lack of control over the volume of my voice. Forgive me?” She fluttered her eyelids at Twilight, playfully, while consequently ignoring the bemused look of the Prince. She approached Twilight’s seat so as to continue their conversation more privately. By the time Luna had reached her, most of the guests had returned to their own devices much to Luna’s relief.

“Luna?” asked Twilight thoroughly confused still. “What’s going on?” She whispered the last part. Luna for her part did not falter in her ruse despite the deeply sceptical look she was receiving.

“I wish to depart for some air,” Luna replied in a low voice, laughing intermediately. “Do not tell our host but the heat in here is suffocating,” she laughed half-heartedly.

“Well, yeah I…suppose it is,” admitted Twilight tapping her hoof on the table after a moment’s hesitation. “I have a feeling there is something more though Luna.”

“There isn’t I swear.” Luna balked briefly. “I’m just…not that, how would you say, comfortable with the whole setting, is all.” Twilight was silent for a moment, her eyes examining for some unsaid meaning from Luna though Luna could see Twilight could not extract it from her.

“You know you can tell me anything, right?” offered Twilight.

“Of course. But I’m okay.”

‘Such lies. Sweet little lies. Once they begin, they never stop again. Oh ho. Where do they ever end? Such sweet little lies.’ Some old story Celestia used to sing to her before bed slipped into her mind

“It would be a most prudent time to check upon our friend Cherilee as well.” Luna looked away briefly. “Perhaps we shall re-join you together.”

“Oh, Cherilee,” said Twilight in surprise. The distraction being enough to catch Twilight off guard.

“It is rather odd she’s not come down. Maybe she’s sicker than we thought.”

“More the reason to see if she’s okay.”

‘Or running away, that’s all you were ever good for. Typical’

“I will send a guard to see her if you prefer” interjected the Prince. Twilight appeared startled though Luna bit her tongue to hold back her vitriol. The fact that he was eavesdropping on their conversation boiled Luna’s blood, not helped by the smug look of satisfaction he donned every time he spoke. “My guard should also accompany any foreign head of state within the premises it is only natural, for your security.”

“That’s very kind of you,” started Twilight

“No,” answered Luna flatly.

‘But if you leave, how can you stop him from seducing poor little Twilight? Can you imagine? She’ll leave you. You’ll be alone again.

“Luna,” grumbled Twilight. “What are you mumbling about? Why are you so abrasive?”

“No, that will be unnecessary,” directing her answer to the Prince rather than Twilight. “Besides, Cherilee could use a friendly face. My security would be of little concern if there were anything capable of slaying me within your castle walls I would have known it by now.” Luna snorted. “No offence to your guards.”

‘You’re making a mistake just like you always do.’ Luna winced, the building anger within her only contained by her vast experience in control, yet even that was faltering under her own self-doubt. She needed to leave. To get some space. To clear her head. Now.

“I see if that is what you wish,” said the Prince unsurely. His face downcast as if he had been scolded. Luna was troubled from the varying degrees of satisfaction she gained from seeing him look so.

“It is,” gulped Luna, straining her neck, her teeth gnashing against each other in a desperate attempt to control her emotions.

“Luna.” Twilight had left her seat also and came over to Luna’s side A simple hoof on her shoulder was able to relax Luna slightly. But not enough. She relished the touch, desired it to be hers alone. If she could kiss Twilight here, she would. She was hers. And Luna was Twilight’s ‘She is yours, make it so.’ Luna shook her head. She needed to control herself, she was getting out of hoof. The worst she had been in a long time. She knew she was going to do something she would regret of she stayed. She gently shrugged off the hoof.

“I should be fine,” said Luna as reassured as she could muster. “I…just need some air.” She tried to smile, but it came out lopsided. Twilight looked more than worried than ever, the surroundings being the only reason she could not voice her concern.


“Please.” Luna briefly brushed her hoof against Twilight’s. It wasn’t much, but she hoped it was enough. Luckily Twilight’s shoulders drooped and the tension in her face relaxed, so Luna knew she had won the battle.

“Okay,” said Twilight with a tinge of sadness. Twilight held her gaze at Luna’s but the steel in Luna’s eyes indicated no more was to be said. It almost broke Luna hearing her voice and the downtrodden look upon Twilight’s face. It made her feel like she was betraying her closest friend. But Twilight did not deserve the Pandora’s box Luna had within her. It was her burden and her’s alone. Nopony else would be hurt because of her even if it meant complicating things in the short term.

‘Burden,’ the voice mocked. Beneath her metal shoes, a seeping liquid appeared to slowly crawl up her leg though it was unnoticeable in the current lighting. She felt it. It's cold grasp like an old lover come to weigh her down again. The horror of familiarity. She ignored it and prayed others did not see.

Twilight walked slowly back to her seat and returned to looking forward at the table not even sparing a second glance at her. Luna’s lip quivered, but she did not move to comfort the mare. Instead, she turned to the King, who was speaking with his wife. He noticed Luna’s approach. Luna bowed her head. The King waved a hoof.

“Speak, a welcome guest.”

“I’m afraid I must excuse myself from your delightful feast, your Majesty. If it so pleases you.” Luna tried to sound as sincere as possible in front of her host, but she had doubts if she had portrayed it as so.


“You are free to come and go as you please, Princess,” laughed the King. “My palace is your palace. Besides between you and me, I understand your reservations. Saddle Arabian festivities can be overwhelming even amongst the most well-travelled of diplomats.” He took a swig of wine before laughing, a trickle of the red substance poured down the side of his mouth. His flashy grin coated in red. “Take care, Princess.”

“Thank you.” Luna stood up from her bow. Her gaze briefly looking back at Twilight. The seeping blackness moved again. The mare did not look back at Luna.


Instead, she caught Rarity’s line of sight. The white mare was smiling at Luna, as the King’s daughters spoke amongst themselves behind her. She seemed, behind Pinkie and Rainbow, probably had drunk the most out of all of them. Thus, the mare was quite flushed. Yet, besides Twilight she was the only one noticing that Luna was about to leave.

“Oh, don’t worry Darling, you go,” Rarity called after her. “We’ll keep them plenty occupied!” The sisters laughed with Rarity. Speaking of the white mare she quickly leaned over to speak to him.

“Now dear Prince Fahd I have just heard the most superb….” Rarity winked at Luna as she spoke with him. Luna felt a bit gratified that Rarity had pulled the Prince’s attention from Twilight despite how horrible the selfishness of such a thing was. Her other leg went cold.

Luna began her solemn trot out of the room. Thankfully there was an inconspicuous exit behind the head of the table that led down to a passageway that was more or less empty. It was designed as an exit for the King and company to head back to the royal compound. Luna was gratified, for she didn’t wish for anyone to see her in such a state let alone a passing maid or guard. Everypony was thankfully distracted by the banquet meaning Luna could leave unimpeded. One of the Kings Guard side stepped and nodded towards her as she passed.
Luna pressed the door outward out onto the passage. The darkness welcomed her into the cold embrace of the outside. Luna shut the door behind her forcefully cutting out the last visages of warmth. Luna was now truly alone. She breathed heavily letting her shoulders drop. Luna looked down at her hooves. Her eyes bulged at the sight of them.

“No. No. No.” Luna sprung forward down the pathway, oblivious to all else. Her head shaking in disbelief. She pushed on even though each step felt like a trudge through tar and her vision was not picking up in the dark halls. She was disorientated and could not get her bearings the ice cold grip lacing around her legs began to be felt in earnest, crawling and withering with life. Consuming her with each passing moment.

She stumbled awkwardly down a flight of stairs, turning right into a narrow room leading off to some indistinguishable direction. It appeared the foyer grew longer with each passing blink. The world, for a fleeting instant, felt almost malleable, dream-like in its proportions. It was just a trick of the mind, in truth. A toxic mix of disorientation and a lack of direction. Luna wasn’t even sure how she had managed to reach the end of the hall, but the effort almost exhausted her.

“What is wrong with me?” Luna cried out to no one in particular.

‘There was something always wrong with you, you just won’t accept it,’ the bitter part of whispered.

“This isn’t happening.” Luna swung right entering another aimless halls almost losing her footing. ‘They all look the same’. Luna rocked her head sharply left and took that direction. The night was cold, but Luna was dripping with sweat.

Luna pushed on, but her momentum was stopped as she was flung forward, her balance failing her. She slipped and smashed into a wall painfully twisting as she fell sideways and painfully landed on her wing. Luna tumbled over and came to rest at the bottom of a stairway. Luna sighed and dropped her head against the cold stone. She felt helpless, a child lost in the dark.

“No,” Luna blinked. The effervescing anger within her growing. “You will not control me, I know this is your fault, Nightmare.” She shook in anger. “It has to be she assured herself, not entirely confident in her statement.


“You are no part of me.”

‘Why do we lie to ourselves?’ a solemn part of her answered.

“Damn you to Tartarus,” she cursed. “Damn you.” The chirp of the crickets outside was her only answer. The voices had stopped. Luna felt drained between everything that had transpired, her irrational fear overtaking her. It was foolish and she knew it. She was losing sight of herself.

“Princess Luna,” a voice echoed, far off.

“Twilight,” she groggily said. She turned over. Her hooves were light now. She could stand with little effort. Her relief was palpable. Her vision came back into focus allowing Luna to take in her surroundings. She was at the end of a passage leaning heavily against a pillar before a small flight of stairs. She was sweating profusely, she rubbed her hoof against her forehead. The light of her moon spilled into the room like an ever-present friend watching over her. She welcomed its presence even if it had no power to aid her.

Then she heard the patter of her hooves. She looked up in hope. Has Twilight followed? She glanced at her hooves. Much to her horror, they were still coated black, she resisted the urge to scream as the noise grew closer. There was a sharp turn of the corner. Much to Luna’s eternal disappointment as her vision clear she was faced with the thin, unattractive face of Captain Daring. His eyes wide in terror or shock, she couldn’t be sure, but she also cared very little as well. He was sweating, clearing in some distress. He looked like he wanted to help Luna balanced herself but appeared to think he would disintegrate at the merest touch of her.

“Princess what are you doing? You’re expected at the feast.”

“Captain Daring,” she said flatly.

“Are you drunk wandering about these halls like this? You’re meant to be a representative at the dinner like your sister requested!” he babbled before looking more astutely at the Princess. He then jolted back, a strange apprehension dancing on his features. “What happened to your face?”

“My face…” Luna touched her cheek gently with her hoof wondering what exactly he was talking about. She decided it was something she would deal with later. “I…nevermind.” She sighed exasperatedly. “And I am not drunk, I just merely wish to be excused for the present.” The Captain’s face is twisted in distaste.

“Excusing yourself at the most important dinner of the year?” His lower lip trembled. “You can’t,” he grovelled. “My career.” He began to sweat, little beads glistening down his muzzle in the low light. “It’ll be a diplomatic incident, I’m sure of it.”

“I wish to be alone,” she stressed. “Please, Captain.”

“You don’t under-”

“I perfectly understand,” she growled flaring out her wings menacingly.

“What? I-”

“Be quiet,” she said with an effort. “I’ve had enough of your snivelling.” He sputtered viciously though Luna cut him off before he could say anymore. “I am your Princess,” she said with as much authority as she could muster. “You are interfering with my personal business. Best leave me before I see that precious career of yours falls into ruin.” Luna hadn’t meant to have the venom in her voice, but it came almost naturally. His eyes went as wide as saucers and the twitch in his eye became violently out of control.

“I-I-I m-m-meant-”

“You meant nothing,” huffed Luna. “You’re wasting air. Begone. I have concerns of a more immediate nature.”


“GO!” she roared, her voice shook some of the hanging plants and bits of the stone beneath her jumped at the sudden boom. Captain Daring did not need any more prompts as he fled from her presence disappearing around a corner.

Luna took in a deep breath. She was finally free of disruptions and her mind was surprisingly clear if not frazzled by her experience. Her distractions had been so great that she forgot that she could merely teleport back to the suite. Though she had initially thought the walk would have done her wonders, her current disposition made her rethink her decision. She decided the best course of action would be to teleport back to the suite and sort out what was going on with her. She needed to meditate, to reflect on this…event, even if she had avoid direct confrontation with other ponies until she sorted it.

Though she was at least sure in that she could not go back to the party. Not if Twilight was there. Not after how she acted. Luna inhaled and the power of her magic hummed up her horn growing until it surrounded her. When the bubble of energy surrounded her, there was a flash and she was gone.

Luna’s teleportation was off as she had not arrived in the bathroom of the suite as she wanted but rather painfully landed head first in the centre of the room, out in the open. Her legs swung widely as she vainly sought grip before the inevitable falling in a heap on the floor. The impact hurt less than the throbbing headache caused by the miscasting of her teleport. Luna groaned. Getting up from the floor after falling twice on the same night was not exactly something becoming of a princess.

“Another happy landing,” she sardonically remarked. Luna pushed over her hair that covered her face to the side. The room was predominantly dark, no light bar a simple lamp was lit. Luna looked on puzzled by overturned chairs and a flurry of other discarded furniture pieces. Luna’s ears sprung up as she heard some gentle muttering that would have been inaudible to a normal pony. She thought briefly about rushing to the bathroom but something drew her to staying and investigating.

“Cherilee?” Something scuttled past her. Luna took a tentative step forward following the trail of whatever had rushed past her. Luna lit up her horn to provide the room with a bit more light in spite of the burning sensation at the base of her horn. She subtlety sent out a magic pulse to check if Cherilee was actually in the room. When the pulse returned, it confirmed that she was, but the magical relay was off. The magic was unusual not that of a general earth pony but something more…alien.

‘Something’s not right.’

“No, open croaked something near the large decorative window looking out past the balcony. A figure of pure black shifting in the blurred light. “Too weak. Foolish. Foolish. Too close to her. She was always watching,” whispered a strange sounding voice coming from the direction that Luna was headed to. “Should have left sooner. Windows are too strong, some foul magic was amok. Fool. Fool.” Then there was a strong gargle, a mix between what sounded like pain and exasperation emanated from the figure. Suddenly it jarred as if sensing Luna’s approach.

“Cherilee?” she repeated more warily, readying an offensive bolt at the base of her horn. The shadow stood up straight, it's head swinging back and forth.

“Uh, s-stay back,” came a stammered answer. The voice positively belonged to Cherilee and was quite different from the muttering from just a moment ago. Luna halted a few steps from what she supposed was Cherilee. “It’s j-just I-I’m feeling quite ill is all.” She finished with a hearty cough followed by a sniffle.

“We were worried about at dinner,” said Luna only partially lying.

“Really that’s very…sweet of you. But I assure you-” Cherilee stopped speaking as her voice suddenly pitched strangely. Her final words had an unusual echo to them, a sound between a hum and a purr. Luna’s ears twisted wildly at the strangeness of it. “I am…fine.” Cherilee’s voice was much more assured as she finished.

“Will I call a doctor?” Luna looked around at the thrown furniture. “The room’s a mess.”

“No,” she replied forcefully. “No,” she reiterated, softer. “I’m okay, I was a bit frantic earlier, but I’m b-better now.” Luna’s brow shot up.

“Why do you linger in the dark?” asked Luna tensely. “Come out to the light?” she suggested with a little force in her voice.

“Please stay back,” urged the voice, wavering with each spoken word. Luna increased her magical input into her light spell, thus increasing the radius of its glow over a greater distance eventually revealing a rather dishevelled Cherilee.

“There you are,” said Luna with a strained smile.

“Heh,” she said before coughing heavily. “Sorry to have startled you, Princess.”

“Do not apologise I have been…on edge recently.” Luna sighed deeply, her guilt spilling over.

“Forgive me.” Luna took another step forward. Cherilee had bowed her head in solemn acceptance of her sovereign’s apology. The movement had caused Luna’s illuminating light to spill over Cherilee’s mane. Luna hadn’t been entirely focused on Cherilee herself until she glanced at the mane more thoroughly. Her mane was styled very much the same when she had first encountered the school, teacher. But now there was something different. Luna squinted and cocked her head to the side. Cherilee to what Luna knew had a pink mane. But not here.

Instead, her head bowed before her, was a mane of dark sickly greenish yellow

Luna’s eyes widened and she retreated backward. The pieces began to connect. The skittishness, the border stop, the strange noises and the sudden sickness. Luna’s law dropped, shock, confusion, disbelief coursing through her. She moved to speak, but nothing but a harsh gargle came out. Her head started to shake, light-headedness returned to her, the need to faint becoming overwhelming. But soon her shock subsided to cold rage. Her mouth tightened her eyes narrowed and her legs began to bend under the pressure of her wrath. ‘Cherilee’ seemed to notice something was wrong.

“Princess what are you s-staring at?” She asked quietly

“You have made a mistake,” said Luna her voice dripping with venom the blackness that had consumed Luna’s legs. Her eyes never leaving ‘Cherilee’. The sudden mincing steps towards the purple mare.

“What?” ‘Cherilee’s’ eyes darted looking for what was the cause for the sudden shift in attitude. A single lock of hair quickly caught her attention. Her mouth gaped. With a flash of yellow flames the offending piece shifted to pink. Cherilee started back in Luna her face twisted into pure terror.

“No!” she managed to squeal before Luna launched herself.

‘Cherilee’ spun away as one of Luna’s spells hit right next to her, a scorch mark present where it hit. Suddenly she was hit from the side and launched backwards crashing harshly against the window, the loud smack of the glass against the back of her head disorientated her. Before she could recover, she felt a harsh grip around her throat as she was literally dragged through the air. ‘Cherilee’ sputtered for breath as she was placed close to Princess Luna. ‘Cherilee’s’ irises went to pinpricks as she looked at Luna’s scowling face.

“Cherilee is it?” Luna growled. ‘Cherilee’ gasped as the grip around her neck tightened. “A lie if I have ever seen it. You must make a poor spy if you’re slipping up on such a simple thing as a mane,” Luna snarled. “Reveal your true form.” She shook the mare violently.

“This is my-” Luna increased the pressure in her magic, constricting her throat further. “S-stop, y-you're hurting me!” Luna was unmoved Pleassse. ‘Cherilee’ began sweating profusely. “Please,” she choked. “F-fine, s-stop, stop,” she half sobbed. “I’ll do what you say.” Cherilee hit the floor hard. Without hesitation, the Cherilee disguise fell apart in a column of flames.

“A changeling?” Luna said almost more exasperated than shocked. She flicked her tongue. Before her was it lay, it had a black and green body, over layered with yellowish-green chitin armour. “Of course.” On closer inspection, there was something different about this one. It was a few inches shorter than her but still taller than most ponies. Her muzzle was less contracted and her general shape was more feminine. Her wings and horn were longer and more pronounced.

In a strange alien way she was beautiful if not for the littering of crevices throughout her body and especially around the legs. Unlike the changelings from Canterlot, the wings were more rounded and had, a yellow stripe down the central membrane of the wing that carried over to the shell of the body. This strip spread out against her body like a spider web. Her eyes were a particular shade of gold that hummed brightly in the dark similar to a cat. “No. you are not just some mere drone. Some sort of Princess?” Luna’s shoulders tensed, the situation had become more complicated for her. A changeling princess was a greater threat than Luna ever though she would have encountered on this journey.

“Mercy” pleaded the changeling in her strange double voice, she crawled pathetically on the floor. “I am helpless, I pose you no threat.”

“You’re…you lied to us,” accused Luna, the bubbling rage inside her was threatening boil over into an uncontrollable tempest. “You were with us this whole trip, watching us, preying upon us.” The true weight of the threat that had been posed finally hit Luna. She shook with fury. “You could have killed us in our sleep.”

“Nooo, Helic wouldn’t,” the changeling cried. “Helic was…lost. Our hive was hunted, so many lost, so many dead.” She looked briefly at the floor, her voice crackling in what Luna assumed was some sort of sob. “Helic h-had to.” She stammered. “I-I had no choice. You weren’t meant to see me I only wished to head to the wastes….I-I mea-”

“I know what you intended. I see through your lies. Your kind are nothing but a plague,” thundered Luna. “Your Queen hurt my sister!” Luna’s face twitched. “And you expect mercy?!”

“No. I never hurt any ponies,” she whimpered. The changeling threw up her hooves to cover her face as if Luna was about to strike her. “I was never with Chrysalis.” The changeling spat at the floor. “She is bad. A Bad changeling.” Her wings buzzed aggressively. “Arrogant changeling. Always. Always,” the changeling barked in anger, she immediately lost her newfound confidence and quietened as explained further. “Not like me. My mother is wise, she knows of your land. We of the plains fear the Lady of the Sun. We would never invade her realm. Folly. I say. Folly. It’s true.”

Luna conflicted, she had expected a more defiant display, but she was still wary of the changeling. A future queen was not a foe to underestimate. She knew that in only took a second for the changeling to change face. The changeling looked up at Luna, her expression as timid as she could muster. She crawled to across the floor to Luna outstretching her holed-hoof close to Luna’s

“We would never harm you,” she said looking into Luna’s eyes. “Never. Ponies are good.” She feebly thrummed her wings. “Good and kind. We swear. Please.” Her tone softened even more.

“We’d never hurt the one you love. We see how you look at her… ack!” She couldn’t finish before she was quickly suspended in air by the jugular again. She thrashed violently as her oxygen supply was cut off. Luna’s breathing was laborious as she held the changeling.

“You’ve been feeding. On…On…my love with ArrGhhh!”she roared. Luna was blinded by her rage. Her pure anger. The revelation that this…thing had been aware and worse it had been feeding off them since they arrived at the station. A parasite sucking away at their emotions. She could now only see one end to the threat and it did not involve mercy.

“We do not understand,” gasped Helic between strangled garbles.

“I have no words,” seethed Luna her voice threatening to fall out of control. “You admit it, don’t you?” Luna felt her anger pool in with her strength. “Don’t you?!”

“I… do,” it cried. “I-ahh…was hung-array. So hungry.” She let out a painful yelp. “I-I’d starve. So pure ugh.” She twisted again in the air, her wings desperately buzzing for some sort of escape, to no avail. “I’m sorry,” she begged it voice no more than a wheeze now. “I-I’m sorry.”

“No…No, you’re not. Not yet.” Luna began to subtlety push the magic she was conducting forward. While sustaining the pressure on the neck, causing the appendage to push backward ever so slowly.

“N-No,” it cried. “No!”

“It will be over soon,” Luna said, but the words were not hers. They couldn’t be. This wasn’t right she thought. This wasn’t her.

“No, please mercy.”

“There is none,” said an almost toneless voice devoid of compassion or even the slightest bit of emotion. Luna felt wrong, violated. Like she was watching her body from above. What was she doing? She was killing this defenceless thing but then…why did it feel so right? Why was it coming so natural to her?

‘You know why.’

“Pleasse,” she tried to scream.

“I…” her voice began, but she stopped as a light temporarily blinded her. She squinted and looked for the sudden distraction. Much to her annoyance, the light of her moon had clipped the reflection of the window drawing her eye to it. She went numb.

The reflection was not her. It looked like her but it couldn’t be her. It was a reflection of what she had looked like as the Nightmare. A mare of pitch black, towering above her scenery. Her mane was a void, dark and spiralling with black holes like the boundless abyss of space. Her mouth was a set of fangs, protruding out like a hunting wolf in the night. Her eyes were predatory, irises but slits into nothing, consuming everything that gazed upon. A terrible beauty. A nightmare. Luna gasped

‘Look at yourself. Look at what you are. And what you always shall be.’

And with that it was broken.

Luna dropped the changeling princess, her form crashing on the floor once more, she lay in a heap. Luna herself backpedalled until she fell tumbling over some upturned chair. Desperate to flee the accursed vision of the window. Her breathing was erratic, uncontrollable as she shook in terror. Her fear consuming her like a filly. And with that Luna curled up into a comforting ball. Luna rested her head between her hooves and took deep breaths In and out. She focused her mind on regaining her calm, regaining herself. She shut herself off from the world, all but herself and her mind. ‘I am in control. I am in control,’ she repeated over and over in her mind. She was the Princess of the Night and she was beyond fear.

Her breathing gradually returned to normal. In the background, she could hear the changeling wheeze as it lay on its side, the chirp of the crickets and whoosh of the silk curtains. Luna stood and blinked and then looking back from the window was not the dark mare but her, just regular Princess Luna. Whatever foul spell over her had been broken. The darkness had passed. If only for now.

“No…Not…I won’t. I am not her,” she whispered to herself. Luna looked down at the winded changeling, her face a mix of pity and disgust, with herself or the changeling she could not be sure. “And I will not kill you,” she declared to the changeling. Luna’s shame could not prevent her from showing her distaste. “Even if I would very much like to.”

“Why?” it rasped

“You are no threat to me,” said Luna, tiredness creeping into her voice. She was sure the last few hours had aged her by years. The weight of the world was crushing her and Luna wasn’t certain how long she could hold out anymore. ‘Twilight.’ Luna cringed. ‘And sister’ she added reluctantly. ‘Hold on for them. They're all you’ve got.’ “My hooves are charged with too much of the blood of others that came long before you.” Luna straightened a chair and sank into it. Her mouth felt rather dry. With adept magical skill in spite of her exhaustion, she managed to retrieve a wine bottle the King had gifted to them. Luna self admittedly was not a heavy drinker, though she certainly needed one right now. She uncorked it with some effort and took a sniff. Deciding it was good, she took a gulp. She gagged slightly. It was good but bitter. She enjoyed the buzz the liquid provided as it lightened her head. “I will not sully them anymore. Not tonight. I am too weary.” Luna placed the bottle on the floor. She’d have to come up with an excuse to Twilight about why she drank it. That issue was for a later time.

“Thank you,” croaked Helic. “Mercy is a gift of the gods.”

“Do not speak to me about ecumenical matters,” dismissed Luna harshly. “I have no ear for them. Now leave.” The changeling perked up at that. “You must go. I will not stop you.”

“I cannot,” was her blunt reply. Luna raised her head wearily up and shot a disdainful gaze at the changeling bordering angry but more exasperated than anything.

“What do you mean you cannot? Can’t you see what I nearly did? Do you not understand the threat to your life? We're your pleas for mercy but a façade? You can and you should. Alicorn I may be, but even I have limits to my patience.”

“I am too weak. I told you,” said the changeling somehow portraying some dignity after her ordeal managing to shakily stay on her hooves though she looked entirely unsure. Like Luna, she looked exhausted though from the gaunt appearance of her, but it was not from magic but seemingly malnutrition. For a second Luna almost felt a pang of pity. Almost. “I could not break the windows. They were locked and they have ancient magic. Changeling hating magic. The palace is layered with it. Everywhere.” She spat on the floor.

“Then leave through the front doors,” groaned Luna resting her head against one of the hooves.

“Your guards,” deadpanned the changeling. “Will not let me pass.”

“Then change?” huffed Luna. “Is that not what your race does?”

“We do more than imitate much like how you ponies do more than eat grass,” Helic retorted with some indignation, personally hurt by Luna’s words. The fact that the changeling was seemingly more upset by Luna’s analogy then the fact that Luna almost strangled her to death may have been funny in another circumstance. Sadly Luna could find a little humour in it at present. “I cannot. You broke what little energy I had left. They will kill me if I leave.”

“Why should I care what happens to you. I said I would not slay you I said nothing about them,” snapped Luna.

“How can you be so cruel?” barked the changeling Helic with equal venom.

“How can parasites be so normal?”

“We are a race just like you. We live, die and bleed just like you. We have our way, you have yours.”

“You are insufferable,” exhaled Luna massaging a temple. What do want from me? Can you not see I suffer enough? Just leave me be.” The changeling hummed annoyingly, then smiled.

“If you help poor Helic, I will tell you what she knows.” She approached Luna’s chair. “She has learned things. Where others think, there is silence. Even here.” Luna continued to look off into the distance.

“You have nothing I want,” said Luna evenly.

“I do,” purred the changeling. “Poor Helic, she knows. The handsome royal one and the King were talking. Talking about the young purple princ-” Luna shot up from her chair, her ears perked. Her heart began to beat fast again.

“What?” she blurted out. “Tell me!”

“Help Helic first,” she demanded with strength that Luna had not expected. “Let me feed and call off your guards. Then I will reveal all.”

“Let you feed?” snarled Luna. “You’re lucky I spared you now you want-”

“If you don’t then Helic will die and then what you seek will die with her,” she interrupted. She impressively held her gaze with Luna for what seemed to be an eternity. Gold on blue eyes seeking any sort of break. Luna folded first. She turned and trotted briskly to the main doors.

“I-I, stay there,” she said with reluctance. She swung open the doors to greet her surprised looking night guards who had been vigilantly holding their position. Private Nightwing was the first to address the dishevelled princess.

“Princess, we did not hear you come in.” He saluted, his partner was quick to follow his example. “The captain is on patrol of the perimeter of the building shall I fetch him?”

“No,” Luna said slowly. She tried to put on a smile, but it lacked any warmth. “You are dismissed from your posts. Go join the party, privates.” The two guards had exchanged glances before Nightwing spoke up.

“Princess is that particularly-”

“Join the party that is an order,” said Luna with little room for discussion. She did not feel good about ordering her closest guards around, but she had little choice.

“Princess is-”

“You go where I tell you to go,” stated Luna. “Now leave.” There was a bit of a hurt in Private Nightwing’s eyes, but his slip up was quickly returned to a stoic neutral expression. Both the guards bowed.

“As your majesty commands,” they said in unison. They then departed down the hall, fading into the darkness. Luna sighed and shut the doors. She returned to the window and the menacing shadow of the changeling resting against the window.

“They are gone,” she said.

“The Princess is wise. Helic saw it in her. She knew.” Luna’s lip quivered. She bit down hard upon her lip. The metallic taste of blood filled her mouth, her desperate attempt to bite back her anger.


“I must feed.”

“You will not touch with your foul magic’s,” said Luna recoiling in disgust. “I have gone beyond to accommodate you. Nothing is impeding your escape.”

“The Princess’s words hurt me. I assure it will not hurt.” She shrugged. “Much. I just need a sip.” She looked hungrily at Luna.

“This…this…this is a travesty I will not let you…you just take something from me!”

“Then you will not know what they are planning,” the changeling mocked. “This city is wicked. Wicked horses. Wicked rulers. Rotten. Rotten to the core. Gold and blood is real king here. You will learn when Helic tells you. But only then. It will open your eyes.”

“I-No. I have had enough this is madness!” shouted Luna. “No amount of information is worth this-”

“Even if it concerns the one you love?”

“Twilight,” murmured Luna.

“Yes,” the changeling rasped. “Prying eyes looking at her. Always. Always. Power they see. Through her they see their own rise,” she said cryptically.

“I need to know,” admitted Luna to herself.

“I will not tell unless I am satisfied.”

“I could threaten you,” again seethed Luna. “It’d be easy.” The changeling appeared taken aback.

“The do so but know you shall forever dishonour yourself. Giving mercy and then dealing death.” Her eye’s narrowed. “The one true Queen above knows the ways of betrayal. Such is the way of the hives. But such an act is beyond redemption. I will not tell you even if you commit this heinous act.”

“If I let you,” sighed Luna defeated utterly. “If Twilight was at risk then there is no price I will not pay but if you are lying I swear death will be a mercy to you.”

“This one understands your dispositions though I must remind you that you have all the cards, I have no reason to lie other than my life.” She crossed her forelegs. “Besides, my feast will be brief. It flows strongly in you.” The changeling’s eyes narrowed and her mouth opened. “Like an ocean.” She took in a heavy breath holding it before exhaling. “I need only but a drop.”

“But you will tell me everything,” said Luna eyeing her.

“I will,” she replied softly taking prideful steps around Luna, circling her. Luna followed her movements. She glided along with grace unbefitting of a creature of such a terrible appearance

“And for what it’s worth, I, Princess Helic will owe you a favour for the rest of her days.”

“I want none of your favours.”

“A future queen’s favour is not one to turn down lightly,” she hummed.

“Pray that we do not meet, for if I find do, I will not hesitate next time.” Luna’s voice was filled with ice. Her threat was entirely sincere.

“This one understands.” The changeling nodded as she passed Luna again. “Now shall we begin,” she said from somewhere behind her.

“Do it before I change my mind.” Luna braced herself as the tingle of foreign magic washed over her. Her own senses screaming for a reaction, but she quashed them under her centuries of self-control. Her skin crawled as the magic washed over her, followed by a pinch of a pain to which Luna winced at. Then she felt empty as the magic worked its way drawing emotion from her. Luna felt tired more than anything, tired and empty. Then as soon as the process had started it stopped.

“It is done,” the changeling said happily a wide smile coming over her features and her broader frame. She salivated, ting droplets running down her mouth a dripping to the floor. “How glorious, your love runs deeper than you know. Perhaps even more she knows.” The changeling sauntered back to her place near the window with a newfound spring in her step. Luna felt like vomiting, it was a profane experience that Luna felt she must be clean of. Yet, she had not thought it to have been so smooth.

“That was…less painful than expected.”

“For you, maybe,” the changeling shot back. “Lesser beings lack the, how would you ponies put it?” She tapped her hoof against her chin. “Stomach, is it? For such actions, thus we generally have a sedative.” She opened her maw displaying four fangs, two on top, and two on the bottom glittering in the light, wet greenish saliva dripped from them. She closed her mouth. “It is highly effective.”

“I have read of your kinds methods, I do not need to know more than what has already been made clear to me,” said Luna tersely, she pointed an accusing hoof at the creature. “I upheld my end now where is yours?”

“Of course,” she said as it bowed mockingly. “It started before dinner though you all had departed at such a point. I had tried to escape, but the windows proved most unsuitable. I tried the front since your guards were conspicuously absent at the time meeting with their superior. I was about to run for it but stopped upon hearing voices. I retreated to the doorway. It was the King and that handsome one. The Prince is it? They were talking. The King seemed optimistic though the Prince seemed hesitant, I could sense it in his feelings. I had missed the start of the conversation, but it regarded the purple princess if I am to believe.”


“Yes?” Helic nodded. “It was all about her.” She licked her lips with her overly long tongue, revelling in Luna’s in uncertainty. “About the handsome one and her. They stopped before the door. They had probably assumed I was asleep. The Prince argued something that King didn’t agree with at all. He was very insistent on one particular matter, he was all in jitters about it, it radiated off him.” The changeling protracted the last few sentences allowing the tension to build as she looked into Luna’s pleading eyes, all the while donning the expression of a bored schoolteacher explains something simple to a noncompliant student.

“About what?” Luna’s stomach dropped.

“Their future Marriage.”

Author's Note:

Hope this makes up for the hiatus. This was a monoster to write let alone edit so I'm expecting a littering of mistakes. Feel free to point any out.

Hope you guys enjoy were getting into the serious stuff now. Until then, Terrah!

Comments ( 15 )

They done goofed. :twilightoops:

Well, this chapter was very informative...

We see that Luna is still broken, and the only thing that could help her is also hindering her...
And here comes out the big plot twist... Whose idea was it to send Twilight here? Is it Celestia plotting again?

Some new stuff on changelings, I wonder, will this changeling have a bigger role later? So far it's there to
serve as a "love meter", to show how much Luna loves Twilight... it borders on obsession, it seems.

Wonder what will happen when Luna finally blows... The fallout will be massive...

My only issue is that Helic didn't to the fire change thing. that should be fixed.

6523102 Where? When she was changing her mane or when she dropped her disguise?

6523221 well it seems when ever Changeling use their magic to change forms a colunm of fire is the sign.

6523221 when will there be an update?

6843949 Soon. I know I haven't been diligent with this story but soon. Within a week or so

I want to give you 10 outta 10 for this story. I love this story. I want to enjoy this story.

But dear sweet god, the grammar and spelling errors. It's jarring when the flow of the story goes down like a flushing toilet because your " " marks are in the wrong places or there's a random or 'wrong' word thrown into a sentence.

I'd still recommend this story to my brony friends, but damn is it jarring to read at times. 8/10, and a Pinkie while we're at it too. :pinkiesad2:

good story, had feel back when I start reading, that something going to happen and twilight was going to be wed off without anyone knowing about it before hand........

great story I be watch for updates

The space in/on the sun AND moon COMBINED will not be enough to accommodate the incoming arrivals!!!!!! what'll they do with the extras??

Although this is a great way to publicize Luna and Twi's relationship, e.g. 'Prince [horseface] is speaking to Twi in the dining hall and, for Twilight's sake, he proposes to her, to which Twilight simply says no, and when questioned about it, she tells him, and inadvertently tells everypony else in the room, that she's already in a relationship, ponies/horses scoff at her and say it's unimportant, and that if her lover knew she was proposed to by royalty, then [lover] would surely submit and tell her to wed said royal... and then Luna would say something like 'except I'm the one she's dating' nopony believes Luna, so she and Twilight shrug to each other and share a passionate kiss, and then something silly happens like Prince horseface faints...
Just an idea...


Hi, Being Royalty is unfortunately on hiatus for the foreseeable future. I have only written a rough draft for the next chapter and that's been on the back-burner for a while now. Sorry if this is disappointing but other projects have taken their toll on it.

Maybe one day I'll come back to it but for now an update is unlikely. :raritycry:

A crying shame. This story deserved to be completed.

This may be canceled but it’s still good enough for a fav and reread

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