• Published 17th Aug 2013
  • 6,000 Views, 168 Comments

Being Royalty - Coronet the lesser

After her coronation, Twilight is confronted by the complexity of court politics and the pressures of the crown. Not to mention her hidden relationship with Princess Luna . In the end she'll discover the ups and downs of being royalty.

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Once Upon A Midnight Dreary

Luna awoke with a start. She was on the couch within Twilight’s cabin. A light blanket wrapped around her.The room was much the same as she had left it. Except it was now completely dark. Night had descended on the land with the sickle shape of a sickly moon hanging low in the empty sky. Luna’s brow flared up in confusion. She had no memory of raising the moon. Worried that something was off, Luna perked her head up over the back of the couch to look over to Twilight’s bed. The sheets were ruffled but the bed was empty of her lover. Panic began to rise within Luna as she stood up.

“Twilight?” The darkness and drum of the train as it passed over the tracks answered her. Luna attempted to turn on the lights with her magic to no avail. Despite the click of the switch, the carriage remained dim. The only illumination being the pale glow. Luna rushed out into the next freight where Twilight’s friends were stationed. With reckless abandon she slammed the door open.

“Rainbow Dash? Fluttershy? Spike?” When she was once again unanswered she quickly used her magic to pull the bed sheet’s down. She found the same thing. Crumpled sheets and no ponies to be found. Luna was becoming distressed. If this was some prank at her expense, she wolud not be very happy. With tentative steps she examined her surroundings. Luggage was untouched in the corner and a few untouched cups of water.

Luna rushed to another carriage. This time it was the one that contained the security corps that had accompanied them in economy class. It was no different. A drink cart was overturned a singled glass on the floor in front of her its liquor spilled on the floor. Suddenly Luna heard the muffled voices of ponies a bit further up the train.

"Hello? Who’s there?" The voices didn’t stop. Instead they seemed to grow louder in response to Luna’s calls. Luna trotted forward avoiding the fallen possessions of the non-present passengers. The closer Luna got to the next carriage the louder and more profound they got. Then suddenly Luna recognised that one of the voices sounded familiar. Opening the door slightly, she peeked into the unknown

What she saw was no freight. Instead the room she saw was none other than her room. The drapes, the bed , the assortment of furniture, she all recognised it as hers. In the centre of the room were two ponies. Her sister was on the left nearest to a set of the entrance doors opposite to Luna. Celestia wore an exasperated expression. Next to her was another version of herself anger and distress filled this Luna’s eyes as she glared daggers at her sister. Luna walked through the door into the middle of the room thoroughly confused by what was happening.

“What’s going on?” she called out. Yet the two didn’t even acknowledge her. 'A memory,' thought Luna. She looked towards the window of her balcony a way ahead of the two images. She could see no reflection of herself. The surroundings, the empty train, the doors to memories, it all made sense. She was still asleep and this was her dream. Much to Luna’s dismay her dream had decided to replay the events of earlier in the day when she confronted her sister. Luna reached out with her magic to control the dream but screamed when a pain seared through her skull forcing her to the floor. Her horn sputtered out a few sparks before going dead. Her dream magic had failed. It was out of her control. Luna was still disorientated as she watched herself and her sister fight.

“I can’t believe you!” shouted Past Luna, her voice reaching The Royal Canterlot voice levels of loud. She pointed an accusatory hoof out in Celestia’s direction. Celestia winced from the volume as a bit of rubble fell from the roof.

“Luna while your anger is understandable can we at least be civil about this,” replied Celestia in an even tone. Luna snorted.

“How can I be? You’re doing it again!” Celestia wore a pained expression. “Taking control of my life. Deciding things for me and Twilight! You just can’t stop being the chess master for even a few moments. You’re always planning things for ponies while leaving them in a dark.”

“I’m doing what I think is best for you,” pleaded Celestia her face dropping.

“I am not a child!” declared Luna.

“Then you should at least be adult enough to realise all I have done is to protect you and Twilight!”

“How can you say that when that the nobles still slander us! When our ‘nephew’ treats Twilight like garbage! And yet you do nothing!”

“It’s more complicated than that,” sighed Celestia. “You can’t change the system on a whim. Court politics has changed since you have returned. It is a far more dangerous game than before. They will be dealt with in time. I implore you to be patient.” Past Luna was unimpressed.

“I have been patient for a thousand years!” Celestia’s mouth flew open in shock.

“Luna I can’t, I’m trying to-.”

“You’re trying,” sneered Past Luna. “Trying to what? Run my life. Reduce me to one of your court lackey’s. Leave me in the dark over everything of importance. I thought I had returned to the throne to rule side by side with my sister not as a pawn in her political struggles!”

“I do not use you as a pawn,” whispered Celestia. “I would never do that to you. I…you must understand Luna. Things are different. We are treading on egg shells. I risk losing you and Twilight if we are not careful.” Past Luna scoffed much to her sister’s consternation.

“How can you be afraid of those witless fools? We are the princesses of Equestria! We were once gods to them!” Present Luna winced at her past self’s words. It was poor sport of Luna to bring up the power she once had over ponies lives. It was a time in her long life she and her sister didn’t want to revisit. For some very obvious reasons. They had never enjoyed being revered. In fact Luna had despised it.

“Yes, we were, but we are no longer and never will be again,” said Celestia her voice having grown sterner. “I keep telling you things have changed. More than you already know.” Past Luna raised an eyebrow in confusion. Celestia attempted to look into her sisters eyes. “Luna, you underestimate them. Witless as they may be they can cause incalculable damage to you and I, let alone Twilight. These days are not like the days of old.” Celestia threw her gaze towards the Everfree forest. Her visage seemed weary. The continuous burden of responsibility etched onto her features. “I won’t risk you Luna. Never again. We just need time. When all this excitement dies down I promise you that I will never leave you in the dark again.”

“Ah, yes all of this excitement indeed,” said Past Luna more cautiously, off put by her sisters pleading words. “Then what of the Assembly?” Past Luna quickly reverted to her angry tone least she lose face to her emotions.

For a while there was little sound as both tried to readjust themselves for the start of yet another phase of the argument. Present Luna shook her head, well aware of what was to come. She tried to move but found herself bolted to the spot as if she was being restrained. Luna shook her head violently from side to side but it was no use. She was resided to watching the moment play out yet again. She winced when the deadlock was broken.

“How?” asked Celestia

"You really believe that the night court is that blind," snarled Past Luna, all signs of her former hesitation having disappeared. ”You are not the only one with spies, Celestia!”

“Luna I know you’re mad but this is an opportunity to secure Twilight’s position.”

“So you will let it go through!” Past Luna gasped. “I- I have no words! They are putting your student up on a platter and you will let them do it!” Luna’s eyes grew dark, her lower lip trembled fiercely. “Have you lost your mind!? I won’t stand for it!” she roared. “I will proceed no further in this business!” Past Luna turned to leave her steps shuddering the ground beneath her.
“Luna! They have made a mistake. Trust me.” Celestia walked towards her sister who turned her head to look back at her. “By voting they are giving us time.”


“Time to raise Twilight’s status. If Twilight proves successful then the public will force them to vote for her. They would be committing political suicide if they didn't. They have backed themselves into a corner they just don’t realise it yet. it is up to us to take advantage of the situation.”

“And if Twilight doesn’t succeed?” asked Past Luna darkly.

“I won’t let that happen,” said Celestia with conviction on her voice somehow having found new strength in defiance of Luna’s pessimism.

“No you won’t,” grunted Past Luna turning around to fully face her sister once more. Past Luna drew herself to her full height. An intimidating spectacle even if she was still a few inches shorter than Celestia.


“You will stop interfering in Twilight’s life. You will leave her out of her schemes. From now on." There was finality to Luna's tone. Her voice rumbled like the shifting of the mountains. "Unlike myself, I will not stand idly by while you are using her."

“Using her?” Celestia’s eyes flashed with anger. A flame flickered on her coat. “Using her?!" Celestia matched Luna's voice with a more shrill voice laced with discontent. "I would never do such a thing!” Past Luna looked her sister in the eye and growled.

“No. You leave her be. Don’t you understand she’s mine not yours!”

“She is my student!” shouted Celestia bearing her head down to Luna’s level a deep scowl on her face.

“And my love!” screamed Luna as she bore her teeth. “She doesn’t need a teacher anymore. She needs me!”

“What nonsense are you-”

“She belongs to me Celestia, now” Past Luna repeated. “You have taken so much from me but you will not take her! I will not be overshadowed by you this time. I will not let her slip from me to you!” Celestia suddenly understood what her sister was saying. Immediately Celestia’s face softened. The flames on her coat were quenched. She hung her head. For a while Celestia really felt her age. She attempted to reassure her sister’s worries. She outstretched her hoof to Luna. An olive branch towards a return to a less tense discussion. Celestia wanted to put the matter to bed. Past Luna backed away.


“Don’t say that name to me,” derided Past Luna. “You are not my mother and you never will be. I don’t need you patronising me!” As Luna finished Celestia could offer no reply.

An awkward silence descended between the two sisters as neither could find the words to say to qualify their own raging emotions. The sound of birds chirping could be heard out the window. Past Luna breathed heavily before approaching the balcony. Using her magic she unhooked the pin and the doors flung open. A light breeze descended upon the rather humid room. Past Luna took in the air as she looked out to Canterlot. Her gaze swiftly turned to Ponyville. Past Luna knew she was late. It was time to go. There would be no simple resolution to the conversation. This was not the day. The walls between them were still too strong. Neither side willing to let the floodgates break. Anymore conversation was a waster of air.

“I must leave soon. I’m late as it is,” said Past Luna not even bothering to look at her sister. Celestia raised her head. Her eyes which has previously been glued to the floor now looked up in desperation.

“Luna wait I just want to talk.”

"I’m done talking for now. I am too mad at you to engage in conversation any longer."

“Luna please. Please I need to tell you s-”

“Oh, and another thing,” said Luna completely ignoring her sister. “If those nobles dare hurt her or my friends Celestia, I will personally destroy them and damned be the consequences.”

“Luna. I-Twilight, you misunderstand. I won’t.” Celestia groaned in frustration. Her words failing her once more. She could deal with any political crisis yet she couldn’t deal with her sister. Something was definitely wrong with her. “I need you on my side, right now. As my sister. I’m trying. Divines, I am trying to fix this. I just want us to be safe. I don’t want to lose my family to some petty power play!”

“Then why do you need me? As I recall I’m just a child. I need to grow up.” This particular bard hit hard.One of Celestia's old insults turned on its head and redirected to her. Celestia could swear a hole had formed in her stomach. Luna glared at her one last time though as she mounted the balcony and spread her wings. Breathing out slowly she let herself fall off before eventually flapping her wings. With a powerful beat she set off to Ponyville.

Celestia sat on the floor slumped as if she had been struck. Her eyes threatened to break into tears though for the moment she just continued to stare at the floor. With Luna finally gone, she stared up at the ceiling as if looking for some form of providence. When she spoke next her voice was the meekest Luna had ever heard.

“Please let me be doing the right thing. Don’t let me fail again. I cant-”

At that point Celestia’s voice cracked. She stood up and turned presumably to attend court but not before she checked a small mirror for any signs of tears.

Luna looked upon the scene with a deep sense of guilt. Her sister was suffering inside and yet she could not reveal it, even now. Even after all the changes Celestia proclaimed had happened. The perfect Princess had not. It seems some things did not change as Luna had argued.

Celestia put on a faux smile before scowling deeply. Luna approached her sister trying better to see what was going on. Suddenly Celestia spun around, her face full of rage. With far more ferocity than Luna had expected from her sister, she tossed the small mirror across the room. It passed through a cowering Luna like she wasn’t there. The mirror collided with the wall and smashed into a million piece of the floor. With a heaving breath Celestia’s eyes closed. When a moment had past Celestia returned to slumping. The fight having gone out of her.

Luna watched as the pieces were picked up in a golden aura and reassembled before the piece was laid down gently on Luna’s desk. Celestia leaned with one hoof heavily against the door before she eventually pushed through.

There was no more.

Luna was left alone in the room. She then picked up the mirror. When Luna looked into to it she did not see her face. In its stead was the toothy grin of Nightmare Moon.

“Hello Luna dear.”

The mirror dropped and shattered again. This time thought the pieces melted into a black liquid once they hit the floor. The liquid congregated towards the centre of the room as Luna looked around for an escape route. The doors that had been there previously had now disappeared instead replaced by nothingness. Luna looked around desperately as the liquid started to take shape. Tentacles whipped the air as they searched for her. Luna sidestepped one as it nearly struck her. Her eyes darted ahead.

The balcony doors were still open.

With resounding speed, Luna took flight. The tendrils were alerted by the sudden gust of wind and struck outwards. Luna dodged as she turned her body with difficulty. Her wingspan made manoeuvring difficult in such a confined space. Luna managed to find an opening and pushed forward. The tentacles missed as they crashed into the bed crushing it, sending splinters of wood into the air. Luna beat her wings again as the thrust took her closer to freedom.

Then it all stopped as Luna felt the air leave her lungs.

Luna felt a painful surge on her leg. A powerful force shoved her backwards. Luna forced her wings again in an attempt to mover herself forward, to no avail. It was like fighting against the tide. It only resulted in her spinning to her side throwing off her balance. The balcony doors clamped shut. Luna was lifted into the air before the backwards motion flung her painfully onto the floor further away from the balcony. There was a crack of marble as she kept moving in reverse in spite of the fact that her leg was now free of the dark grip.

Luna roared in agony as one of her wings was caught under her body weight. With a cry she shifted to her side where she collapsed. He breathing became heavy. Inhaling was proving difficult. A sharp metallic taste entered her mouth as she felt something warm dribble down her chin collecting in a pool beneath her jaw.

Eventually Luna’s eyes fluttered open to face a pitch black mare towering above her. The wide grin and gleaming slit eyes filled with untold malice. Her spread out wings highlighted her already impressive size. The glinting armour shinning in perfection. There was little left to be said about Luna’s adversary. Who other than Nightmare Moon would it be?

“Oh, look what you have done Luna,” she taunted her voice much the same as the last time. Though the echo of her voice was less pronounced this time it was still present and very much intimidating. It gave the impression that she was all around room. Luna shuddered. “Getting yourself all beat up because you tried to run.” Nightmare leaned down a caressed Luna’s side as she whispered.

“Didn’t your mommy and Daddy ever tell you it is rude not to entertain guests?” Luna glowered at her before she spat at the wicked mare’s standing hoof. Nightmare grimaced as she pressed down her trailing hoof onto Luna’s crippled wing. Luna gasped which quickly turned to groan of anguish. Nightmare relented briefly. “Now that was rude. You used to have far better manners then that. Maybe that mare isn’t such a positive influence on you after all.” Luna struggled to get up and received a light kick for her efforts.

“Shut up,” spat Luna. Nightmare couldn’t hold back her laughter.

“You know what’s funny about you though.” Nightmare brought her head close to Luna’s. Her breath pouring onto Luna’s face. “How little you’ve changed, little moon. Here you are still bickering with you sister. A thousand years and you’re still whinging about poor me.” Nightmare pulled back and put a hoof to her chest in a dramatic gesture before she broke down cackling. “Even after I visit you again. It’s still me. Me. Me. Give it a break.”

“That is you fault,” coughed Luna.

"No, Luna it is your fault," hissed Nightmare her face growing dangerously angry. She still had her hoof hovering over Luna’s body. “If you and your sister weren’t so pig headed.”

“Do not speak of my sister!” roared Luna. She shot up to attack Nightmare but was quickly put down again by a bolt of black magic. Luna grew dizzy as her world spun. The side effects of the attack nearly paralyzing her body. Though Luna could still gesture her head. Spasms rocked her immobile body.

“Oh, you still care for her silly me,” giggled Nightmare Moon who quickly returned her face to a serious scowl. “From what I saw you seem pretty content to make each other miserable. It’s like I haven’t even left.” Luna growled. “Don’t be like that,” Nightmare said her tone softening a little. “You know I care for you. Everything I do is for you Luna.” The caressing touched returned and the gentleness of it surprised Luna, though not enough for Luna to cease exchanging dialogue with her foe.

“Liar,” she whispered her was dry as she struggled to get the words out. Each time she wished to speak her mind found itself under great strain. The spell had blatantly done something to her.

“Keep telling yourself that but it is the truth,” scoffed Nightmare. “Otherwise I wouldn’t have arrived tonight.”

“How are you still here? I defeated you.”

“Oh Yee of little faith,” laughed Nightmare. “How naïve do you have to be to realise that you can’t get rid of me that easily. Do you think a few spells can just make me disappear?" A great shadow descended upon the room. The light began to die, as all Luna saw was darkness and the gleam of Nightmare’s eye teal eyes and glistening white fangs. “I’m saddened to say your little mental problems run much deeper than that my sweet Luna. In a way you’ll never be free.”

Suddenly the lights returned a Nightmare stepped back a bit. Luna flapped around uselessly on the floor trying to regain her footing. Nightmare tsked before holding Luna in place with her magic.

“Ah-ah, don’t struggle now, we wouldn’t want Twilight to find you as a bloody mess when you wake up.” Luna felt her wings snap back into a place to which she grunted in response. The blood on her lip disappeared and her vision righted itself again. She was still dizzy and Nightmare still wouldn’t let her stand up in a comfortable position. “After all I would do nothing to upset our precious Twilight.” Luna threw a sceptical eye towards her. “I must admit I’m quite proud of you. Standing up to Celestia over Twilight like that. You’re finally learning to be a mare.” There was a glimmer of pride in the mare’s eyes as she regarded Luna.

“You’re filth!” Luna gurgled as she felt pressure on her throat.

“Oh, you’re not making this easy are you?” Nightmare shook her head. “I try to be civil yet all I get is insults. We used to be friends Luna.”

“You were never my friend.”

“Now who is the liar,” smiled Nightmare. “Alas I do not have a lot of time. Your waking hour is coming soon.”

“Good,” croaked Luna still recovering from the temporary throttling she just received. She flapped her wing to find that it had been completely healed. “Next time I will not make it so easy for you to slip through the cracks.”

“Listen to yourself,” said Nightmare. “And they call me arrogant. Your strong Luna but to me you’re an open book.” Nightmare moved her hoof around in the air. A black liquid followed the path of her hoof as if they were under water. “I know all the dark little secrets within that twisted mind of yours.”

The liquid then began to form shapes. Pony shapes. The shapes moved around a bit like a dance but then a large black shape with teal eyes washed over the figures leaving tiny little screams in its wake. Luna grimaced as the twisted little play ended. The liquid then poured into Nightmare’s hoof. Collecting until it formed some strange doll. The doll had a lavender coat and tiny little wings and horn. It had buttons on its eyes. Nightmare adjusted one of the loose buttons carefully almost lovingly from Luna’s perspective.

“One must wonder what Twilight would say if I spilled them all. Who knows what secrets might pop out? Hahhah.”

“Leave her alone. I will-,” Luna stood on all hooves finally free to move around though she still could not control her magic. She slipped as she tried to get closer to Nightmare. Apparently her coordination was still off.

“But how can I? We share a mutual interest in her? No?" Nightmare looked down at the doll and gave a grin as she played with its bangs. "Have I not come to warn you what dangers may befall our precious young princess?"

“Dangers?,” mouthed Luna. Nightmare nodded.

“Oh yes, Dear Luna.” Nightmare stared intently at the doll not even second glancing towards Luna. “Do not think that I have just shown you all of this to mock you. That’s only partially the reason. I am not as blind as my apparent death has rendered me. I see things beyond your imperfect understanding.” Eventually she returned her gaze to Luna a sinister smile creeping on her features. It was almost surreal in its width. Luna suppressed a tremor. Her wings fluffed nervously. Nightmare took slow steps towards the Lunar mare, her gait was more of a shuffle than a fluid movement. “You and Twilight are in for quite the fall if you do not tread carefully.”

“What do you speak of?” asked Luna. Luna watched as Nightmare’s form began to slowly dissipate like a sand before a heavy wind. The room was the first to go. The surroundings were swallowed up into the nothingness. Drawn into a liquid like state that Nightmare had previously displayed. A heavy haze that Luna had to block with her hoof. The mist formed a whirlpool around the two mares. Luna watched as Nightmare began to follow the room’s example as the back of her body began to disappear.

“You’ll see. I may not be blind but my vision is limited. Just beware sweet princess.” The slow dissipation crept up to Nightmare’s neck. The doll of Twilight’s mouth opened, only for it to be nothing more than ash moments later as it too was consumed. Luna looked on horrified. She shot up her eyes in anger but was greeted only by a wide smile suspended in air. The smile wrapped around itself until nothing was left but the swirling blackness before Luna.

“No! What does this mean!” shouted Luna over the roar of the black vortex. There was a sinister laugh on the air as a voice called out before the boom.

“Beware Luna. Least you lose it all.”

“Wait, tell me! Damn you fiend tell me! What is to become? What threat? What foul devil do you speak of?” More laughter. Luna felt despair in her gut. The winds began to die down. Soon the dead silence was all that was left. Luna stood in an empty void. Her face dripping with sweat. Her mane haggard and tossed. She spun around desperately looking for something. Anything.

Then it happened.

Slowly Luna watched as feathers dropped from some undetermined place above her. Long brown primary feathers descended around her in a circular pattern. Luna inspected them more closely.

They were griffon feathers.

Luna picked up one of the feathers with her now returned magic. Suddenly there was a weight on her chest. Her head began to dip. her eyelids grew heavy and the dream rippled. It was like she was drowning. The pressure could have been tons. Luna was gasping for air until the eventually bliss of unconsciousness welcomed her.

“Sleep tight Luna.”

And then-

Author's Note:

Sorry if this is a bit dark. I was itching for another Nightmare cameo. Also this is a pretty important chapter towards where the story is going.

I hope you enjoy!

Also sorry if this is a bit shoddily edited. A sat down for one massive session between free time I had in order to finish the thing. Hope I didn't screw up too badly. I'll give a look over later tonight.