• Published 17th Aug 2013
  • 6,000 Views, 168 Comments

Being Royalty - Coronet the lesser

After her coronation, Twilight is confronted by the complexity of court politics and the pressures of the crown. Not to mention her hidden relationship with Princess Luna . In the end she'll discover the ups and downs of being royalty.

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Unexpected Press Conference

Day court was proceeding rather smoothly. Princess Celestia had dealt with the majority of the petitioners of the day and the council had resolved all additional issues brought before the crown. Despite Storm Mount’s rocky start to the day with his unwelcome encounter with Princess Luna, he felt rather at ease with how the rest of the day was going.

The court was monotonous. Not monotonous in a waiting in line kind of way but rather that it was almost like a déjà vu experience. After years on the political scene the lines between individual cases brought before the court tended to blur into one big great mess. Different day, same old problems. Farmers complaining about the weather, the aristocracy complaining about whatever social issue caught their fancy, mayors in land disputes and worst but not least, taxation.

If there was one thing that the day court despised more than anything else, was when the representatives of the royal treasury came to pay a visit. Even the princess in her almost unbreakable mask of perfection would slip slightly during such sessions. Luckily for the princess, Inkwell was present on such occasions.

The deputy prime minister’s position had been solely acquired in spite of her relatively young age due to her ability to expertly handle the en masse of paper work and financial accounting that came with her position. While Storm Mount was sorry to see his previous deputy go, he had accepted it as a necessary loss in exchange for a superior replacement. It was also quite pleasing to hear some of his more conservative brethren were incensed at a mare being given management of the treasury. Storm Mount had always enjoyed a bit of confrontation within court politics especially when he knew he was right.

Storm Mount was standing to the side of the throne at the bottom of the steps on Princess Celestia’s left. To his left was the deputy prime minister looking over new proposed tax relief for corporations working in the less prosperous border towns. On the other side of the throne lay a group of Princess Celetia’s advisors.

These royal advisors were to extent political aides selected in certain fields from the civil service. Something Storm Mount had no power over, something that he greatly disliked. Almost as much as he disliked the civil service in general. While he had prided himself over maintaining the fine lines between governmental policy and the civil service’s bureaucratic style with astounding efficiency, he often found himself and his council of ministers frustrated by the services indifferent attitudes towards him and the authority of the royal council on occasion. They were like a second opposition. But sadly they were always in power.

Princess Celestia was currently entertaining one of the many guests of the crown. While her face remained unchanged, the subtle droop at the edges of her mouth indicated she wanted the court to finish soon. It wasn’t helped that the petitioner in question was being overtly obtuse.

The stallion in question was a retail developer that was having massive difficulties in regards with the local council of his district after the councillors vetoed his decision to build a golf course over a nature reserve. While this decision would usually be settled at that apparently this stallion had gone through the laborious process of appealing the decision through every legal system in Equestria and eventually to the crown itself.

While Storm Mount was tempted to throw the case out himself the stallion would not accept such mandate or ruling by a government official unless the words came directly from Celestia’s mouth. It was clear that despite Celestia’s usually friendly demeanour that she was going to reject his foalish proposal.

‘So an ignorant buffoon of a pony wastes court time and funds on endless appeals, yet because he’s a commoner he is justified,’ huffed Storm Mount thoughts. He snorted lightly in real life. ‘Had it been one of our ilk the press would be up in arms over it. The two face side of media never changes. Never will. The sooner those trash ‘journalistic’ papers learn of this the better.’

Storm Mount’s ear flicked as another exchange of words between Celestia and the stallion was heard over the copious amount of mutterings between the groups assembled around the throne. Storm Mount was at best feigning interest with the whole thing. Something Celestia caught upon when her eyes trailed over to him during the short breaks between her exchanges. Storm Mount attempted to give a guilty smile but was struggling to do so with his headache.

While he didn’t really need to be present since in an official capacity the court was independent of his authority, he still occasionally was called upon as an advisor to Celestia when it came to matters involving the councils both local and royal or the day to day running of government. Though in this case he was merely acting as a support as a representative of the governmental support for the deputy prime minister’s corporate tax proposal. It wasn’t necessary considering Inkwell was certainly cable enough to handle it on her own but since the mare had a tendency to take a pessimistic view in her oral abilities, she had inquired on whether Storm Mount could be there in case she slipped up. ‘She won’t slip up. But I guess it’s the thought that counts. Still a youngster I guess if you think about it.’

She be probably be more distracted by the fact that her time would be limited because of how long the current case before the crown was taking. Storm Mount could hear the collective groan from both sides of the throne as the stallion mounted a desperate plea to the princess yet again.

It was not the most exciting of times to be in the court but at least it had come in handy in the past. Whether it be to monitor the political movements of his opposition or allies or as he was currently doing, waiting until the alcohol induced headache he had, drained away. The bonus to him was that he was rarely asked questions even it was mandatory for him to be present thus making it even easier to conceal the sporadic impairments of his drinking habit. And even when he was asked for his opinion usually his experience allowed him to deal with the question without much thought.

Eventually he was broken out of his almost perfectly serene and distant state when the sound of heavy hooves against the pristine floor came to him. The petitioner had left and considering the heavy drag of his hooves he had been predictably shot down by the princess. Storm Mount smirked.

While the mopping stallion left a Pegasus mare entered the court room and bowed. Celestia nodded briefly towards her before calling over one of her aides and began speaking with him. The Pegasus then turned from the centre of the court to the side upon which Strom Mount was placed.

Storm Mount raised his eyebrow. While obviously the mare was a messenger it still did not explain why she felt the need to inform him in the middle of court. It would have been much more convenient to leave it at his desk upon review for later. ‘Must be something important.’

The messenger quickly presented the note in her mouth to him. Taking the note in his magical grip he unfolded it as the messenger gave a short bow before the throne and exited once more.

Storm Mount unfolded the page and read over what looked like quickly scribbled down handwriting. The signature indicated it was from one of his ministers. Though the word of the letter was what concerned him. As he read down through each paragraph a slow bead of sweat dripped down his forehead and his left eye twitched uncontrollably. Inkwell noticed and attempted to speak to him but he pushed past her as he crumpled the letter up in a small ball of flames, leaving a small trail of ash along the floor as he went.

Storm Mount cantered to a spot before the throne before clearing his throat to gain the princess’ attention. Princess Celestia broke off her chat with one of her aides to heed the prime minister’s call.

“I’m sorry your highness but I must attend to a matter of government,” he stated evenly. Inkwell’s angry face was caught at the end of his vision as he finished his sentence. “It has come to my attention that my presence is needed elsewhere at the current time despite my commitments to support my deputy’s proposal before you. Thus I ask for leave to attend to such matters of state and for you to accept my sincerest apologies for this disservice.”

“That’s fine Prime Minister you are free to come and go as you please,” replied Celestia as she rolled her eyes. “You do not need my permission.”

“Just following protocol,” he spoke with a smile. She waved a hoof at him to go. He bowed deeply and afterwards turned and trotted in a dignified manner out of the court, though not before catching unsavoury hoof motions Inkwell was making towards him as he left. He would have laughed had not his mind been preoccupied by the letter.

As soon as Storm Mount had left the vision of the Princess he began to gallop at full sprint towards his destination. Only one word echoed in his head as he disregarded the glances he received.


Prince Blueblood, Duke of Canterlot, Lord of House Blueblood and currently Equestria’s most eligible bachelor was in a good mood. He was currently standing amongst a crowd of ponies who were waiting upon his every word. Most were journalists though his entourage of noble ‘yes ponies’ were also not far behind with their plastered smiles of adoration. The journalists were less superficial in their facial expressions but they still looked upon Blueblood as if his words were divine mandate.

This is how it should have been for him, a world that revolved solely around himself like it used to be a few years ago. Oh how he was admired and adored by everpony. How the very weight of his word meant the making or breaking of a pony’s political career. How every mare far and wide would give everything they had just to grace his bed for one night. The pride of House Blueblood was what he once was. Equestria’s golden child in many ways.

Blueblood’s smile fell as he ignored another pointless commoner questioning him. His thoughts turned to how his fortunes had been faring recently. The answer was not a pleasing one to the prince.

A perceived smear campaign by what he thought was republican elements within Canterlot over the past few years had ruined his public image. He was seen by the average pony as the decadence and moral fallibility of the current noble run system. In many ways he had become the new face for the nobility but not for the reasons he wanted himself to be. Not to mention his disastrous ‘date’ with the Element of Generosity had reached some circles of Canterlot who accused him of insulting a national hero. Blueblood shook his head in dismissal of such a perception.

‘How was I to know supposed to know that she was a ‘hero’? That mare’s attitude towards true royalty belonged more with the brigands who lay amongst the dogs in the taverns at night.’

“Prince Blueblood what are your opinions on Twilight Sparkle? Do you believe she’s out of her depth here? What do you think of this ambassadorial visit set up for her?” blurted a reporter with a speed that frankly caught Blueblood off guard. The prince straightened himself and faced away from the reporter as he answered, his stink was making Blueblood nauseated. He pulled out a handkerchief and held it to his nose briefly as he turned until he was sure that he was out of the reporter’s reeking range.

Twilight Sparkle. The name was like poison to his ears. This nopony had suddenly become the main star in the great play of life. Her accomplishments were quite astounding if Blueblood was to be honest to himself. Though he only begrudgingly admitted to such.

‘Perfect Twilight, clever Twilight, gifted Twilight,’ his thoughts spat. ‘What is this mare but nothing more than a puppet of my aunt? Another one of her toys that she plays around with to pass her eternal boredom. Yet she feels that this one is worthy to sit amongst giants. A filthy, uncouth, poor blooded commoner sitting on the throne as if she were my equal.’

The words were like a cliquey of Bluebloods worst nightmares but he could have not said somethin so rash to the press. Despite the nobilities protests, Twilight Sparkle was still in effect an extremely popular figure within Equestria. The relative mystery around her character and her humble background had almost earned some sort of cult following amongst the youth of Equestria. Her mane style covered the head of nearly every adolescent teenager in Equestria. Another role Blueblood felt he had been striped of by her.

He couldn’t in effect touch her without incensing millions of commoners across the globe and risking the full wrath of his aunt. But still he had the right to champion a cause for his own agenda. A cause he felt was shared by much of the nobility. Even his aunt couldn’t deny the truth that there were serious doubts surrounding Twilight Sparkle’s capacity as princess especially amongst the political old guard. She hadn't even made her first royal address to the House of Commons. These doubts about her, Blueblood hoped he could play to his advantage.

That was why he had this little press conference per say outside the palace. He had deliberately made it seem like the press had ‘ambushed’ him while he was off attending to royal duties. He owed that much to his political team. He hoped he could be the face of the opposition and a figure the nobility could rally under to protest his aunt's decision.

“I for one feel that this mare is completely unqualified for the job she has been assigned. She is a child playing amongst the big boys. The senility and the crudeness that my aunt has shown in this matter has thoroughly damaged our prestige abroad as well on the home front.” Blueblood paused briefly to allow the reporters to catch up. “I feel this sham of a visit for a princess that has yet to be actually officially accepted by the lower house is disgraceful. Not to mention that Miss Sparkle has no connection to the royal bloodlines. In effect my aunt has disenfranchised the very institution upon which our very culture stands. I for one will not go crawling into the night on the reassurances of a Prime Minister that has for so long ignored his very own family links to bow to please the masses.”

“So I take it Prince Blueblood that you will not pledge your support towards Princess Twilight Sparkle?” asked a rather attractive female earth pony with a lanky aide following close behind her hold a pen and page.

“No,” came Bluebloods blunt reply as his eyes rolled over the mares features. Slightly disturbed by the princes leering she backed away but still managed to hold face to ask another question.

“What measures could the new princess take in order for you to possible change your mind?”

“Her full abdication followed by her immediate removal from all politics.” A laugh echoed around the group at the assumed joke, it quickly faded into awkward silence as they realised that Blueblood was not joking. Even Blueblood’s supporters cringed. Eventually another reporter managed to break the silence with another question.

“Then what do you make of the Prime Minister? Will his policy of supporting the new princess affects your relationship with him?”

“I feel that perhaps a review of the current administration is in order. Whether that administration can’t be attributed to one pony I cannot say. But considering the feelings of discontent around this issue perhaps the government should consider its options.” Blueblood applauded himself for his cautious approach to the question. Though he was unable to say more as the crowd began to shuffle and part.

What Blueblood was confronted with was a very unhappy looking prime minister flanked by two royal guards. Blueblood’s eyes went wide as his entourage slowly backed away mumbling apologies. The reporters began bombarding him with questions followed by the flashing of a hundred cameras.

“I would ask you all to immediately leave these private premises unless you wish to be prosecuted!” boomed Storm Mount as he emphasised the word private and motioned for the two guards to move forward. The press bemoaned their treatment as they shouted abuse at the prime minister as they were escorted rather roughly by the guards towards the palace gates.

Storm Mount never broke his gaze with Blueblood who attempted to return the stare with the same intensity though it looked more like a foal trying to act like a stallion. Storm Mount approached him. Blueblood backed up but hit his flank against the wall of the palace building. Storm Mount bore down his still considerable height onto the hapless prince.

“You’re a disgrace to the name Blueblood,” Storm Mount hissed. "I turn my back for one minute and I have your already spilling your guts to the press. Who exactly do you think you are?" Storm Mount pulled back shaking his head viciously. "If you were half the stallion your father was."

“I am Prince Blueblood!” shouted Blueblood. “Heir to the throne and therefore your superior.”

“You are a prince dressed in borrowed robes,” spat Storm Mount. “I’ve spent my entire career trying to protect your family and its interests and yet this is my repayment! Ingratitude is what it is. Your foolishness will be your downfall. I should have you under house arrest for treasonous activities!” Blueblood smirked a smug smile as he brushed off some dust from his coat.

“I’m afraid we both know you won’t do that." Blueblood fixed the rose on his coat. "Without my house's support you wouldn’t have a leg to stand on. You are in quite the fix Storm Mount. While you may be Prime Minister remember that my family still holds considerable sway.” Blueblood made his way to the palace gets to return to his group, no doubt to spend more of the taxpayer’s money on something extravagant. “I will not bow to some common pretender of the throne. Neither should you.” Blueblood gave him a meaningful gaze. “My father also once said that blood is thicker than water. Perhaps you should consider such words before abandoning your own kin. There are consequences to every action.”

Storm Mount turned obviously disinterested with Blueblood’s warning. The prime minister nodded at the guards to return to their posts who had returned to him after they had evicted the pesky reporters. He had achieved what he wanted there was no need any more to barter words with the empty headed prince.

He did not turn around to look upon the prince again. Before he made for the direction of the palace doors he stopped. Blueblood’s ominous words still rang clear through his head. He had now experienced the pleasure of butting heads with two of his superiors within a matter of hours, two figures he was meant to be aiding not defying.

Now faced with the possibility that Storm Mount’s life would most likely be turbulent at best for the next few weeks with both Blueblood and members of his own party in open defiance of his and the princess’s authority only one thought came to mind.

‘ Oh,Celestia how I could use another drink.’

Author's Note:

Exposition do your duty!! Hurray Bluebloods an asshole. Were you honestly suprised? And no I will not make Blueblood this big bad villain. He's not evil...just opinionated.

Didn't have a lot of time to edit because of real life problems so there may be a few mistakes. I plan to look over it again so anyway.

Hope you enjoy it anyway!