• Published 17th Aug 2013
  • 6,000 Views, 168 Comments

Being Royalty - Coronet the lesser

After her coronation, Twilight is confronted by the complexity of court politics and the pressures of the crown. Not to mention her hidden relationship with Princess Luna . In the end she'll discover the ups and downs of being royalty.

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Departure Time

“I can’t believe you invited us to go on a holiday to Saddle Arabia with you Twilight! Oh I’m so excited,” shouted Pinkie as she hopped furiously up and down on the library floors with the five other ponies looking at her.

The large sitting room of the library was now home to three suitcases with a fourth in the process of being packed. The letter to which she had just been reading had been abandoned on the nearby coffee table. Twilight carefully picked up and folded the royal invitation she had recieved and placed it within one of the pockets of the suitcases.

With the end of the Hearth's Warming Celebrations, Twilight was suprised to have find out that the letter she had recieved during the envoys visit was a direct invitation for her and her entourage to meet the King of Saddle Arabia. While Twilight had been hesitant at first to accept such a thing so early into her reign, she reconsidered after seeing Luna's ragged state a few days ealier. It just seemed like the perfect oppurtunity for her to spend some time with her friends and her marefriend while also pleasing the Foreign office and Saddle Arabians themselves.

“Just think of all the parties we can have!” Pinkie suddenly gasped. “I’m going to need more confetti!” She disappeared before Twilight could even utter her reply. The resounding indifference expressed by the group as a whole was a testament to regularity of the pink mare’s actions.

“In all seriousness darlings it is simply divine that we get to visit Saddle Arabia,” said Rarity stepping forward. There was a twinkle in Rarity’s eye as she pronounced the name. "It is said to be the home of the finest silk and jewellery of the known world! Why the materials themselves are worth their weight in gold alone due to the transport costs.” Rarity then became rapt with thought before breaking from her stupor.

“Wait a second I have the most fabulous Ideaaaaa!” She faced Spike and batted her lashes at him. “Spike Wikey would you be a dear and prepare another suit case for me I’m going to need it.”

“I’m on it Rarity,” saluted Spike as he rushed out of the library.

“No point in wasting such a golden opportunity to get such products on cheap. Not only is it an exotic holiday but the perfect business venture. Why I’ll be the envy of the fashion scene.” Rarity's mouth began to water at the thought. After receiving a few curious glances from her friends, Rarity laughed awkwardly as she wiped her mouth before trotting over to Twilight.

“I’ll meet you up at the train station darling. I just have to sort out Sweetie Belle's accommodation for now. My parents will be arriving soon to pick her up.” She patted Twilight on the back and moved to the door, looking back to the group once more. “Until then darlings.”

Twilight shook her head and smiled as she watched her go. Applejack shifted on her hooves as Twilight picked out another book from the upper shelf to put in her case. Twilight inspected the title as Applejack spoke up.

“Now Twilight how long exactly is this going take?” Twilight glanced over the top of her case as she rested the book within it. “While I appreciate the sentimentality behind it all, Ah really do, but mah farm ain’t gonna take care of itself you know. Winter Wrap Up is coming soon and Mac’ll have to get the equipment ready, not to mention filing those darn tax returns.”

“I thought those weren’t due for another two months?” asked Twilight. Her knowledge of the Equestria tax system had been rather extensively researched since her coronation.

“It’s tradition. Might as well get ‘em out of the way when there is little work to be done around the farm. Anyway Mac is as stubborn as an ass and won’t do it unless I pester 'm. Ya still haven’t answered my question Twi,” said Applejack.

"Not that long, a week at most, Applejack," sighed Twilight who moved through her collection of books once more. It was apparent that three encyclopaedias along with essentials (which included one general encyclopaedia itself) could sadly be not accommodated in the already bulging case. “I can’t linger anyway not with this whole noble issue hanging over my head.” Her wings shook in agitation.

Fluttershy and Applejack noticed but kept quiet. Twilight became rather edgy if the subject was brought up too often. It was mutually decided that it was best to let her deal with it on her own terms and offer moral support in the meantime. Twilight returned one of the books to the shelves.

“Oh that’s good I don’t know if I could leave Angel bunny any longer,” said Fluttershy changing the subject immediately. “I mean I trust Rose and all,but what if she doesn’t give him his favourite food?” Her eyes widened at the thought. “Or what if she does give him his daily foot rub?" Fluttershy’s wings sprang out in alarm. "What if she forgets about him and doesn't come at all!”

Fluttershy let out a scream that would have been worrying were it not for the fact that it was barely louder then the squeak of a common mouse. “Oh maybe I shouldn’t go,” whimpered Futtershy, her voice almost defeated .

“Shy please,” said Rainbow Dash getting up from the couch where she had been rereading Daring Do. For the sixth time Twilight believed.This was confirmed as she saw the fictional khaki wearing pegagus swinging from a vine on the cover, as Dash placed the book on the coffee table. “I mean the rat-I mean bunny can take care of himself.” Dash flashed Fluttershy a smile as she floated over to her. “Besides Discord will be there to care of him. I think?”

“Somehow that is not very reassuring,” whispered Fluttershy. An image of Angel bunny held by a stick over a fire while Discord laughed manically came to her mind. It wouldn’t be the first time such a thought came to her.

“Oh please you have to go Shy. I mean this is just like book one of Daring Do’s adventures.” Rainbow Dash back flipped and swopped in the air, much to Twilight’s annoyance and Fluttershy’s momentary fright. “Off to a foreign desert land. Bad guys around every corner.” Her eyes shifted back and forth before make a strange movement with her hooves as if to poor imitate some form of martial art form. It looked more like Rainbow was having a mild form of seizure. Fluttershy wilted at Dash’s words. “Gold and treasure beyond our wildest dreams and an evil archaeologist-”

“That is fiction Rainbow Dash. Daring Do is nothing but fiction,” quipped Twilight as she cut the cyan mare from finishing. “Do you realise that we will be doing none of those things especially robbing any treasure.” Dash’s face fell. “This is a diplomatic visit or were you not paying attention to my seminar?”

“No. That thing was sooo boring, it went on for like forever,” groaned Dash as she rolled her head. Twilight was not impressed.

“It was twenty five minutes. I approximated the exact time in order to fit in set lunch breaks and the necessary time needed for the preparation of tea.”

“Whatever,” said Rainbow Dash as she dive bombed back onto the couch with a satisfying ‘thud’ before picking up her book to read again. Sadly her action was for naught as a purple glow lifted her from her seated position. Hanging limply in the magical alicorn’s grip Dash watched as Twilight continued to face away from her as she kept packing. Applejack watched the whole thing with a rather bemused smile.

“Now Rainbow I will remind you to behave,” Twilight reprimanded. "We know very little about the Saddle Arabians outside of the princess’s account on them. I want no tomfoolery. Understand?” Twilight inclined her head forward, her scrutinizing gaze attempted to bore a hole with her eyes into the utterly disinterested Rainbow Dash.

“Sure thing, Mom,” snorted Rainbow Dash.

"There is no need to be so childish Rainbow Dash." Rainbow Dash paid no heed as she stuck her tongue out at Twilight when the alicorn faced away from her. "Think of this as a great opportunity to learn about foreign cultures." Applejack and Fluttershy giggled at the two’s interaction. Twilight sought out the source of their amusement and was once more met with Rainbow Dash who was trying to look inconspicuous.

“Hurray I can’t contain my excitement,” stated the cyan mare rather sarcastically. Suddenly Dash could no longer hear the familiar sound of magic and soon gravity dragged her back down to earth as Twilight harrumphed. Fluttershy spoke as she helped Dash get up.

“Well I can’t wait to see all the lovely new animal friends I can meet. I brought a book and all. Oh I just have to know. I mean the King of Saddle Arabia has the most wonderful private garden right next to his palace.”

“Wow wait,” said the still dazed Rainbow Dash as she gained her bearings. “We will be staying in the palace?”

“Yes Rainbow Dash it is customary for foreign dignitaries to stay in the palace, to which you will be on this journey,” lectured Twilight as if it were common knowledge. Noticing the increase in Rainbow Dash’s attention, Twilight thoughtfully added “You will also be granted unlimited access to anything the king grants is acessible to us.”

Dash’s face grew into a sly grin. “This trip just suddenly got more interesting.”

"Of course you’d go along and say something like that," chuckled Applejack as she swung a leg around Dash’s shoulders. “Always ‘bout you sugarcube?” Rainbow Dash shoved Applejacks hoof back and held her head up as if in dignified by the remark.

“I’ll admit I’m a mare of simple tastes,” said Dash in a posh haughty voice but snickered as she finished. Her antics drew a light giggle from the other ponies.

“Hopefully anyway,” interjected Twilight. “Perhaps the king won’t take too long with anything he needs to talk to me about.”

“Well I think Angel will be okay but there is one thing, Twilight,” piped in Fluttershy. “Uh, you said um we were going to be foreign uh…speakers.” Fluttershy’s voice seemed to fade as her sentence carried.

“Dignitaries,” corrected Twilight. “But yes Fluttershy I did. What about it?”

“But I really don’t uh want to do that if that’s okay with you?” mumbled Fluttershy. “I wouldn’t even know what to do. It’s just… I don’t believe I’m very…qualified.”

“No Fluttershy you will not need to do any of that," spoke Twilight gently to her friend meeting her eyes as the buttercup mare looked up. Twilight’s tone seemed to relax the tension that had been building up in the poor mares shoulders.

“I’d never impose something like that on you guys. As you said you’re not qualified. Heck I’m not even really qualified if you get down to it. But duty is duty.” Twilight sealed up the case and placed it with the others in a perfect line near the door. She then gave her full attention to her friends. “That’s why Princess Luna and an official from the foreign office will be joining us for our little trip.”

“Princess Luna will be joining us?” Fluttershy asked, her curiosity piqued by the news of the still relatively unknown mare joining their group.

“She insisted she accompany us,” responded Twilight. “She wants to see more of the world and would enjoy doing so in the company of friends.”

“Well I guess that explains the weird bat ponies out the front of the library,” said Applejack.

"Yes sadly we’ll need guards as well. Standard procedure when an official is travelling to another country. I wish we could be a bit more casual when traveling but unfortunately for you, I’m a princess." Twilight shot the two a sympathetic look.

“Oh well ‘am fine with the Princess joining us. We don’t get to see enough of the old girl. Hunkered up in that castle all the time. You must be real excited to see the Princess, Twilight,” said Applejack.

“You have no idea Applejack,” smiled Twilight, the double meaning was lost on the earth pony. Before anything more could be said, there was knock on the door. One of the guards poked his head through the door before clearing his throat.

“I’m sorry your highness, but the hour of our departure is nearing and it would be within our interest for the elements to retrieve their items."

“Thanks you, good sir.” The stallion nodded before closing the door once more. Twilight turned back to her friends. “You heard the stallion girls; you should go get your things. We’ll meet up at the train station in thirty minutes.”

The three mares nodded and departed the library saying a quick goodbyes to Twilight as they went. Twilight returned the gesture and waved at them until the door finally closed. Left alone at last, Twilight was able to collapse onto her couch in a most undignified manner. Her thoughts turned to Luna.

‘Where is she? She’s late already. I wonder what’s keeping her?’

“Princess,” came a gruff voice behind the door. "Do you want us to take your bags?" Twilight didn’t respond immediately, perhaps out of some misguided hope that Luna would just suddenly appear in the middle of the library. Eventually conceding defeat in the matter and cursing Luna’s tardiness she called back "Yes that would be perfect."

Adjusting her mane once more she followed the two stallions out the library door before casting a quick locking spell on it. She regarded the two bat ponies that looked towards her, waiting for her directive.

“Well gentlecolts, let’s get this show on the road,” she said as she passed by the two night guards who followed with her luggage in tow towards the train station.

Author's Note:

Filler Alert!!! Yeah not much of a chapter but it is necessary for transition purposes an to also introduce to introduce the letter from the last chapter. Next chapter will be a signifcant one.

Also Applejack's dialogue is just horrible to write. Love her character but I just hate adding an accent on any of my characters. It looks and feels unnatural.

Well hope you enjoy and once again point out any mistakes I make. Though at this point I'm really considering getting an editor.