• Published 17th Mar 2012
  • 13,461 Views, 437 Comments

Devil hunter among Ponies - Dusk Stalker

DMC/MLP Crossover, Dante winds up in Equestria after getting caught by a little surprise on his current job. At the same time an evil before Celestia was born starts to seethe back into Equestria.

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Prologue Mission: First and Last

Authors Notice: I accidentally deleted my story, so putting up the chapters again. I am sorry for this guys, if this passes again, I will get this story Back, I Pinkie Promise, And for added insurance and I forgot to add this when I first wrote this,
The Disclaimer: I do not own My Little Pony or Devil May Cry. Devil May Cry is owned by Capcom while My little Pony is owned by Hasbro
Well thats out of the way, TO THE STORY!!!
And for all the New Readers:

Dark and grimy, the streets of Capulet City laid bare to the winds of the supernatural; full of crime and an unnatural essence, more specifically, demons. These creatures plagued the city and there was not a lick of hope to deal with them. People try too figure it out and hopefully deal with the problems that plague the alleys and it always ended the same, they always get slaughtered like a lamb being sacrificed and that was always the day to day’s life of the demons and their prey. The crime scene when cops arrive are best left censored for the papers, TV, radio, or even the rumors around the city about the grisly scene of dead bodies and the talks of dark laughter in the night. But one man decided to take up the job of hunting demons and exterminating them, that mans name is Dante.

And his job is never truly over...

At the end of a surprisingly clean street was a nameless building with carved wooden doors gracing the front of the shop. The just opened up for business once again and yet again was destroyed, but repaired without a name to grace it. Inside the building was a drum set to the right of him and a pool table right in the upper left hand corner of the room, a jukebox with a giant dent in it was right next to the drum set and was unused for quite awhile ever since the incident at Temen-Ni-Gru. At the end of the room was a nicely carved desk with an old school black dial phone and behind it was a white haired man in a red trench coat leaning back against the wall as he was napping as usual due to the lack of name for the shop, or the lack of jobs walking through his door.

A sword was next to him which never left his sight, the sword itself was a sight to itself: Humerus bones were its guard and a skull was connecting them with the ribs right below it. (Just in case my description of his sword wasn't good enough):

The white haired man was kicking back up against the wall his sword next to him and still napping behind his desk, until the door opened and the familiar breeze of the city greeted him. The white haired man looked up and just laughed, ”You know you could have knocked, right?"

Right in front of him was a brown haired woman in a white button-up shirt, purple shorts with an ammo belt around her waist, the giant rocket launcher on her back was one of the notable features adorning her, but the most noticeable of the details were her eyes, red and blue which was the result from a genetic disorder called Heterochromia, courtesy of her father.

She leaned forward to the white haired man's desk and smirked, “And who else would have come through that door, hmm?" She was still smirking, "Besides Dante you need to think of a name soon, if you don't then the only person that's going to come through that door is gonna be me."

"Yeah yeah Lady, i’ll get right on it as soon as I come up with an original name." Dante said as his voice dripped with sarcasm.

Lady chuckled and walked right over to the couch to Dante's left “I gave you a good name, don't you remember?"

Dante scratched his head for a couple of seconds and shrugged "Beats me."

"It was after you defeated your brother." Lady said.

"Doesn't ring a bell." Dante shrugged.

"You cried when it was over."

"It was only the rain." Dante still didn't like that memory being brought up, nor wanting to mention that little moment he had.

"There wasn’t any rain! It already stopped! " Lady yelled, she liked Dante but he was sometimes slow as molasses, “I told you that even a Devil may cry when he loses someone he loves."

"Oh yeah... That time." Dante flashed his usual smirk before he leaned back in his chair, ”But beside that, you basically didn't come here for nice relaxing chat now, what did ya need?"

Lady nodded “I have a job for you decent pay good start to actually naming the shop." Lady grinned at that as she laid back on the couch. "You know at this rate you’re going to lose the shop faster then when you first opened it."

Dante winced at that memory , "Yeah I get it." The fan was the only noise breaking the ice for Lady and Dante, and the atmosphere was almost the same when Dante was alone.

"Alright, what's the job?" Dante asked not even looking at Lady as she cleared her throat, "An Antique collector gave me a call, he found a couple of runes around his house each one in different locations and some the runes were grouped up, somehow these people responsible are entering the manor grounds all hooded and chanting from inside his house," Lady just gave her usual stare at Dante, ”And there have been a couple of sacrifices there too."

"Poor bastards probably living on ritual grounds," Dante gave a small chuckle “He should have figured it out by now that he was before he bought the whole damn place."

"That is part of the reason," Lady got up to the fridge and got beer out for herself, “The other reason is that the client has made a discovery from each of the runes around the grounds," She took her first sip and was quiet for awhile, trash cans in the alley were being picked of their treasures by cats and dogs, the only sound was the fan and the scraping of metal by cat's claws, Lady finally decided to break the ice, "Their runes for a summoning, I don't know who their trying to summon but it seems to be right up your alley." Lady eyes traveled over to Dante, " And besides since your the handyman that takes care of any job, I thought I would get you off your ass."

Dante didn't budge at this bit of news, but Lady knew one way to get him out of his chair, " Let me put it to you this way, the pay is enough to be rid of my debt and its within an arms reach."

That little piece of information got Dante's full attention, Lady held out a piece of paper with numbers written on it ”This is the code to enter his property, he wants to meet you face to face so that he can give you low down and that you can discover who is responsible for this."

As Dante was about to reach for the piece of paper with the code, Lady pulled her hand back ”But since I can see that you’re so 'hard' and so busy with your work that you don't want to do this."

Dante gave one long sigh, "Dammit, fine i’ll take the job." Lady smiled and put the slip of paper between her fingers ”That’s what I like to hear." she flicked the code which glided neatly on the Dante's desk.

"Well now that you're on top of it," Lady said as she got up and crushed her beer can, throwing it to the side of the couch, "I've got a job to do too." She picked up her rocket launcher and positioned it on her back, but she paused at the door her back turned to Dante ”By the way Dante, that adds to your debt." The door closed and the only living soul was Dante and a few flies, he sniggered, "Hmm, damn her and that debt."

The city scene melted quickly as a motorcycle cut through the winds on the highway, carrying the Son of Sparda to his destination. The same scent he was use to was now vanishing in the wind for a pine fresh smell as Dante heaved a sigh, ”Well least its a change in the scenery and smell."

The smell was welcoming to Dante, in his opinion the city smelled like rancid blood and hopeless days which is a typical day in Capulet City. Everything seemed to peaceful out in the woods, demons would be everywhere no matter how peaceful a scene was, for all Dante knew it could might as well be a trap for all he cared. But all thoughts and doubts evaporated when he reached a black cast iron gate and the gate even gave off an eerie feeling of demons. "Yeah, nothing says ‘welcome’ like a black cast iron gate." Dante said out loud, a keypad was on Dante's left, the keypad had dried up blood on it. Regardless of the fact that there was blood on it, Dante just typed in the code and went on in.

Dante pulled up into the driveway and propped the step on his motorcycle and walked up to the door to pick up a pungent scent that was familiar in his job, "Damn even the door smells like a demon." He knocked on the door.

“…” He waited a few seconds but there was no response; He knocked on the door again.

“…” Still no response from the denizens inside.

"Screw this."


Door flew off its hinges and was sent flying to the stairwell, breaking in two from the force of the kick. ”Knock knock." Dante sniggered.

The interior of the foyer was not what he expected, demonic busts on both sides of the main foyer all having twisted and sinister looks, the marble floor had blood trailing into the dark hallway in front of Dante, the chandelier was busted but somehow was repaired and put back up poorly, fragments of the chandelier were below some were located imbedded in the wall. On the second floor, something caught his eye, he went up the stairs his step's echoing through the forlorn mansion, this was too weird even for Dante's standards and the evidence in front of him... Was weirder, the walls were ripped right to the drywall, not by demon claws, demon's always left more evidence than this. This was human, and the evidence was almost plausible, by the look of it, it was made by a bladed weapon dipped in acid, not one that enters the body through the veins, but one that melted flesh and bone.

"Damn these guys." Dante shook his head, he put both hands in his pockets and walked downstairs to follow the trail of blood. ”So his way of saying hello is this? Some ripped up walls and a trail of blood? Did this guy piss off his Ex?" The hall was adorned with medieval armor which its sole purpose was to collect dust and look exotic. An echo rang in Dante's ear, it was right down the hallway and the voice mumbled gibberish in Dante's ear.

He continued his sojourn down the dark and 'welcoming' hallway, the chanting was getting louder and louder with every step, a ring was introduced and as the chanting grew louder so did the ringing. At the end, was a dimly lit room and somewhat a guy in a black robe that Dante could make out, the man's chanting was clear. ”For we are praised to be one with the Universe-Ender, we shall owe our lives to thee, for we are the chosen ones," The man became clearer and clearer, and now he could make out a black robe gilded in light blue, a symbol of a rip vortex was in the center and two crossed swords piercing through it ”They have chosen us to lead to our destiny for our master," The voice was deep and full of unending devoted bloodlust, the room became clear too, and to Dante's eyes it was a ballroom, windows in front were drawn and locked down, the pillars were etched in a rune and in the center of the circle was a red ring, it wasn't blood, it was paint, and in the middle was an elderly dead body in a business suit. Something told him that was probably his client...and with that, his hopes for a pay day were gone.

"This is for our master, Ishra, Ripper of Dimensions!!!" The man raised both hands and laughed maniacally to the ceiling, a painted ceiling of a coiled Chinese dragon, its claws in the painting emitted a purple and black smoke ripping into a grey void, many rips emitted red energy or white energy, the body of the dragon was white and black, his eyes were all white and emitting a sinister burst of purple smoke.

Dante sniggered ”So, you worship some damn long overgrown lizard, ehh?" The man paid no heed as he walked to the center of the circle, he turned around and pulled his hood off and it wasn't a surprise for Dante, he sniggered at the appearance of the man. His eyes were glowing bright red and his hair was spiked and grey with a demented and otherworldly smile.

"Thou should have not come, spawn of Sparda ."

"Well," He shrugged "The door was open and the trail of blood was welcoming, go figure." He put both of his hands in his pocket "But I gotta ask, why possess all of a sudden? "

"The vessel is necessary to live and to complete my master's task." His head drooped to his left his smile still pasted on his face.

"Well you could have picked better though." Dante said, his smug smirk never leaving his face, “Jeez and you had a city of selections and you pick this old fart."

" As I said, This vessel and the other before me were necessary." The demon-possessed human said,"But I shall no longer need this vessel," He pulled out a twisted serrated obsidian knife, ready for it's new target, he raised his knife"For the glory of Ishra!!."

He plunged the knife right into his stomach, instead of blood flowing from the body, the body disintegrated into ash, the circle started to glow a dim white aura, the body in the center disintegrated into ash too, the edges of the ring started to crawl to the center, lurking like a lioness to her prey, the energy kept crawling to the center, the circle looked like a starry abyss in the middle, stars moving in a whirlpool like fashion and mesmerizing any fools who would dare enter the abyss. Suddenly, a giant set of claws appeared and in the corner another pair, and another, and finally the fourth set, the body was rising along with the sets of claws, the head fathomed at its surroundings, it's all white eyes scanning the area taking no heed of Dante.

" Ahhh the Mortal world ," His voice sounded like a rock band that turned their amps to twelve, even when he was speaking softly it sounded loud."It has been a while." He walked to the end of the ballroom and smashed the windows and wall in front of him. He was free to walk out, until......


A little explosion of granite hit right near Ishra, he reared his coiled head to Dante, "What is this?" Dante held out a black and white guns in both hands, both barrels smoking from the shots.

Dante smirked “Wow for a demonic dragon that can rip through dimensions, you're just a thick headed dumbass." Ishra had his full attention on Dante" Ahh, the infamous Son of Sparda ," Ishra stomped, every step was filled with thousands years of rage, every stomp came close to Dante "That fool was the first one that sealed me in the first place ."

"Figures my old man would seal an overgrown lizard like you." Dante said, still not giving up his trademark smirk.

LIZARD!?!" Ishra bellowed as he sent a giant clawed foot on Dante, Dante rolled out of the way as he holstered his guns and being cocky as always when in the face of something big as this. ”Someone’s got a short temper."

"Smug little smartass!" Ishra yelled as his voice intensified to fifteen at a rock concert.

"There goes your sophistication," Dante said and pulled out Rebellion “And in a few minutes, your life."

Ishra began his charge at the Son of Sparda as the demon clawed at where he was, Dante flipped back and landed on the balcony above just as fast as he landed another slash was streaking right at him as he pulled up Rebellion fast and pushed back from the force of the claw. Ishra then proceeded to tear into the air summoning a dark rip in front of him as he sent his front clawed foot in it, Dante stood his ground and then dashed back when he saw the clawed foot appear out from the wall.

"This is getting interesting!!" Dante was getting more excited about this, he flipped back from another clawed foot for Dante, he was barely trying to even fight, but he put a tiny bit of effort in his actions."STAND STILL, WHELP!!!" Ishra was getting agitated with every missed hit, Dante decided to end it as he jumped on the rail and leapt up into a dive right towards Ishra, Rebellion whipped out and ready to slice through demon flesh and sinew.

"NO YOU DON’T!!!" Ishra slashed at the air and sent both front feet in, suddenly rip's appeared in front of Dante and the claws coming his way, the claws were close... Closer... Closer.

But Ishra felt something fluid leave his claws, he looked to see a huge slash wound from one of his feet, Rebellion tearing through it as Dante was diving down, he then whipped out Ebony and repeatedly pulled the trigger for a while, as shot's came out at an almost rapid fire, Ishra erupted in agonizing pain as he pulled his front claws away and the rip disappearing with it, but before he can retort, a giant hole was in Ishra's chest, as Dante was holding out Ivory.

" Nooooo... Im-Im-Possi-." Ishra then lost all control as his lifeless body fell back in the starry abyss; Dante smirked as he landed on the ground swatting the blood off Rebellion and sheathing it to its usual spot ”Well that should go away, seems the old fart's summoning didn't go as plan."

But Dante was wrong, dead wrong; during the fight and with Ishra's death the portal that he opened was now without an anchor and the events beforehand started to appear. A small breeze appeared which suddenly evolved immediately to gale force winds, Dante suddenly felt the feeling of being pulled back, he ran to the hallway as fast as his demonic blood let him, but to no avail as the wind speed evolved to unearthly winds. Dante's speed couldn't fight against it as he was lifted off his feet effortlessly and pulled into the abyss, ”Son of a-" Were his last words that he managed to say before the abyss disappeared in a flash of white light, the once pristine ballroom that was in exceptional condition, was now destroyed... And empty.

Dante woke up in a groggy state, like he woke up from a bad nap, his vision was blurred a little as he woke up, the sun was beating in his face like small pokes to his face, "Dammit Lady," He mumbled swatting at nothing but the air around him, ”I get it, you’ll get my pay for my debt soon."

He put his hands on the ground to feel the soft and leathery touch of his couch... But to his surprise, it felt like paper, the edges weren't like paper but more smooth and forgiving to the touch. Dante felt the ground a little more his hand's scrambling everywhere his arms could reach ”This isn’t my couch... This is grass!”

As soon as he was at full reach his vision returned and whipped his head up fast, he could see mountains peaked with snow, and right at the top was a castle gilded with gold of some sorts, ”Okay... Am I in some freaking six year old kid's dream or something?" Dante got up and rubbed his head at this, as he turned around he saw a little orange-eyed, yellow pony with a red bow in her red mane, which was the same color as her tail. Dante raised his eyebrows, “What the he-?" Before he could finish the little yellow pony screamed at the top of her lungs as she ran away leaving nothing but a trail of dust behind her.

"Ooooookay," Dante said in a confused tone "I did not see that coming."

Author's Note:

Author's notice:Phew, First Chapter up and I am continuing back on track. Again I am really sorry about the guys who stuck with this fic to the end, I did not mean to Delete the story. This will be back on track I promise. Pray to god this will pass again. And those new to the he story don't be afraid to comment.

P.S.: If you don't like it, don't read it. If you don't like the way its going understandable, needs work, understandable, but trolling or disliking for the hell of it(Maybe because I dislike Doctor Who probably), pretty low,