• Published 17th Mar 2012
  • 13,453 Views, 437 Comments

Devil hunter among Ponies - Dusk Stalker

DMC/MLP Crossover, Dante winds up in Equestria after getting caught by a little surprise on his current job. At the same time an evil before Celestia was born starts to seethe back into Equestria.

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Secret Mission 1 ,part 1: Arisen and Reborn

Authors Notice: Alright I am in Vergil's part right now, just four more chapters...Lets see if I can pull it off in a week with one of dream theaters songs behind me, but I am rambling, ONWARD!! (I am sorry about grammar mistakes, I ain't the saint of grammar)

Demon World

A dark room...a dark place....so much left in this zone, what could he know? That's what the single man panting on his knees was thinking, after suffering a defeat from his brother, falling for who knows how long into this room, a blood red surface was the only thing keeping him up. He took in his surroundings, fallen angels, demons, all nothing but statues that kept going on forever, for him it was hell, truly a hell feeling nothing but broken pride and honor laid out before him. He gripped his katana, Yamato, to his side as he looked down towards the surface to see nothing but his white hair and blue trench coat showing, showing nothing but a broken man.

" What are you going to do with all that power ?"

" No..... " The man said to himself.

" No matter how hard you try your never gonna be like father ."

" No.... "

The words of his brother Dante were echoing through his mind, literally it was almost torture for him, he felt like nothing. That man that was literally nothing, was Vergil, one of the sons of Sparda and his brother Dante, was the one who defeated him, the one that denied him power and the one that made his bloody journey come to a sudden end from his defeat. He could only ponder on why? Why was he defeated? What could have happened to Dante if he was in this position? Why wouldn't Force Edge respond to him?

All those questions were interrupted by three red orbs in the distance, red electricity was shooting from each orb connecting with each other, Vergil could only look at it, what could he do now? His defeat sealed him...he was nothing.

" We are the Sons of Sparda...within each of us flows his blood, but more importantly his soul !!" Dante's words were echoing throughout his soul, he had a point if he was going to die; he was going to die like a warrior, like his father. He got up and looked up at the three red orbs in the sky; he got out of his funk as he gave a smirk that rivaled Dante's, “It’ll be fun to fight the Prince of Darkness, If my father did it." Vergil drew Yamato out of his sheathe his smirk turned to a grin, “I should be able to do it to." He charged at the Prince of Darkness with a yell that rivaled the ancients, the only thing that ran through his mind was to fight like his father, never to give up, never to surrender to anyone, die with honor even in the face of death, that was his creed...and that was his life lesson he lived by, even to his own end.

Three days before Dante's arrival to Equestria.

Canterlot was glistening to the peace and quiet the night gave, even though the city was still lit up like Hearts Warming Eve, The only pony awake besides the guards was a dark blue alicorn with a cosmic mane, her horn was glowing as the moon was steadily rising, the alicorn kept her focus on the moon as it was the daily routine of the Royal Sisters to keep the cycle going in order to keep balance throughout Equestria. At the peak of the sky, the moon stopped as it shined down on the city and all of Equestria. The dark blue alicorn closed her eyes and gave a grin towards the night sky.

" I can even cook it without trying...usual night ."

This was Princess Luna, the youngest sister and the Princess of the Night, she ruled along with her sister since the day she was purged of Nightmare Moon by the Elements of Harmony, she still had a lot to learn but she was a quick learner as she got caught back up to speed in about two months, but she would gladly raise the moon as part of her duties which she enjoyed very much, she never left her room much or the castle for that matter. But even though in the comforts of the castle she always got bored, all the books in the library she read all of them, the whole castle she knew like the back of her hoof and her sister was sometimes to busy to even have any time for her, so their was only one thing she could do.

She went over to the bookcase, All spell books she kept to herself for the safety of others because it contained to much concentration to even do and that it would take at least all their magic to even do one, except for the princesses whose magic conserves were almost at par with the ancient alicorn whose magic was wild but powerful back then. She put a hoof up lazily skimming her hoof over the spine of all her book; she reached the last one which was almost decrepit and almost falling apart due to its age. She could remember her mother giving her this book because she knew that Luna's curiosity was always a wonderous thing to behold, but at the same time she knew her duty to protect this book from anypony knowing that in the wrong hooves it could go wrong.

She levitated the book over and laid it out on the floor, the pages looked so delicate and clean that even the slightest touch it could spoil the pages, but it was all in due to magic that it was sturdy and clean, but even magic had it's limits with age. She skimmed through many pages, cringing at some of the spells that had ponies going through extreme transformations or dangerous offensive spells, and some of the pages she just looked like it couldn't do anything which was boring her, but she knew this was tame and safe due to the pictures, but one page caught her by surprise it was all blank and was clean as the throne rooms floor, as soon as she touched the page to turn it, writing suddenly appeared.

To all those of pure heart you may see, but to those of royalty it will be.
To read thy page, one must be of royalty, and good intentions will be able to see the contents of the page

The writing disappeared as it soaked back into the page, Luna tilted her head to the side and itched her mane, she cautiously touched the page, but nothing happened, she gave a sigh and was about to close the book. But she stopped immediately when she saw the page coming to life, pictures and all were suddenly appearing on the page, the last thing that came into view was the title and the description of the spell.

Penance Draw

For that Lonely soul, a second chance

Luna's curiosity was at its peak as she suddenly sunk her head into the book, reading every description from top to bottom and examining every picture line by line. She nodded as she read the ingredients and instructions.

Requires one Blue Phoenix feather

One Blue Phoenix feather? That was the only thing on the list of ingredients, she was glad that it was short because she had a blue phoenix feather with her on her mirror. Of course the castle had an abundance of Blue Phoenix feathers, but this was one was a gift from one of the scribes as thanks for helping them store all the supplies, so she plucked it up from her mirror as it levitated to her. The instructions on the other hand were a different story, they listed the precise picture of a small circle, runes adorning each ring. She intently looked at every procedure to the spell as she nodded to each one, she got up from the book as she set it on her desk.

" Well it looks like this will be awhile."

Back in the Demon World

Vergil met the pillar of an aqueduct with full force, he was panting looking towards his opponent, Yamato ready to keep going. But before he could make a move, three red energy spikes flew right at Vergil as they pinned him to the aqueduct, he grunted in pain as blood leaked from each wound as it dripped towards the blood red surface. He struggled to get out, but they seemed to be stuck in position as a voice boomed from the area.

"Failed attempt by a failed son." The voice was closer, even though it boomed from everywhere, Vergil knew that it was close, he looked up to see a giant stone statue with giant angel wings fly down as his feet touched the surface, Vergil knew who it was as he remained calm and cool in the face of his opponent. " Still a pathetic attempt to even kill me Mundus."

"Fool, I could smite you right now!!" Mundus yelled, but he calmed down as his voice lowered to a normal tone, but normal to him was a yell to Vergil, " But I chose not to, I see potential in you, much more then your father, even your brother."

" What are you saying Mundus?" Vergil said, his eyes not even budging from Mundus.

" I am saying I don't want waste your talent, you have so much hatred and that it’s a waste to ignore it." Mundus said.


" I can give you more power Vergil, I can give you so much of it that it will make your father tremble in his grave and bring your brother to his knees ." Mundus sweetened the deal knowing Vergil's undying thirst for it, " I can make it so."

It was tempting, so much temptation to say yes, to agree to make his brother tremble in pain and humiliation. But the words echoed through him, "We are the Sons of Sparda, within each of us flows his blood, but more importantly his soul!!" So Vergil sighed and then grinned, " As tempting as the offer sounds." A blue energy leaked out from Vergil as he broke out of his bonds and his energy released, a wave of blood red liquid was being sent out through the zone, Vergil looked up towards Mundus, his Devil Trigger released:

"As I was saying as tempting as the offer sounds, I refuse." Vergil's voice changed, it had flooded killing intent with each word, " You maybe the Demonic Emperor, Mundus, but you are scum in my eyes!" Mundus got up and bellowed, his bellow shook every fabric of the Demon world, instead of quaking in fear, but this was Vergil, he stood his ground Yamato at the ready as he leapt up towards Mundus, this was the battle that would make the Demon world quake, and the two titan's would end this, one way or another.

Back in Canterlot

Luna was standing in the middle of a blue and white circle, each rune was drawn to the exact measure of the picture, each in every single ring. In the middle of the circle along with Luna was the Blue Phoenix feather, the moon still shining brightly across the floor, making the room glow an eerie white color. Luna knew she could stop, what if the spell went wrong? Even though the book assured their would be no repercussions when casting the spell, she still felt a little guilt if she did.

But still her bustling curiosity got the best of her as she closed her eyes and got ready to cast the spell, Luna gave out one massive sigh as she prepared.

" Well...here it goes." Her horn started to glow as did the circle, the rings of the circle were emitting a white light mixed with blue. So far, nothing bad was happening with the spell.

" So far so good."

(Boss Battle 3-Mundus)

The sound's of battle rang through the demon world as Vergil back flipped from a giant stone hand that was coming down, that blow sent a massive amount of the surface skyrocketing. Vergil flipped back from another burst of three energy spikes that were coming his way, he dodged the first two with a front flip as he felt the heat coming from the spikes, before he could see forward, the third spike was about a foot away and closing in fast on Vergil. All of a sudden the Vergil was behind the energy spike as Vergil sheathed Yamato, the spike split in two as it was soaring towards a giant statue. Vergil dodged another hand from Mundus as it came down. He rolled to the side as another hand started to come crashing down on him, Vergil pointed Yamato up as it made contact with Mundus's hand. As Yamato met his hand, Mundus flinched back in pain to treat his wound that Yamato made, a deep incision was in the center of the hand as it regenerated itself.

Vergil decided to take advantage of it and hopped on top of his untreated hand and dragged Yamato on the ground, chunks of stone were flying up as Yamato was being dragged on Mundus's arm. Mundus took notice as he sent a wave of marble spikes towards Vergil, each one rising from his arm, each tipped with red energy, each one coming closer and closer to Vergil, right as the closest one was about to make contact with Vergil, he disappeared and reappeared right near Mundus's shoulder, the spikes that were traveling down his arm was nothing but a pile of rubble on his arm. Vergil leapt up in the air, nothing but the swift strike of Yamato was waiting for that moment, but it had to wait as Mundus swatted Vergil, Vergil reappeared in front of Mundus and then disappeared again.

Suddenly as he could reappear, a cluster barrage of Judgement Cuts whistled through the air as they made Mundus stagger backwards, suddenly Vergil reappeared in his human form as he sheathed Yamato. All of a sudden a giant gash appeared on his chest, Mundus yelled in pain as he struggled to fix his wound. Vergil turned to Mundus giving a small smirk, knowing victory was at hand, he did the thing his father had accomplished.

He defeated Mundus, a feat which was impossible to any mortal that lived back then, but Vergil proved it right here and now...all doubts vanishing in an instant.

(End Boss Battle)

Back in Canterlot

Luna was now sweating bullets, she was trying her hardest to keep her concentration on the completion of this spell, the rings of the circle started to glow more intensely with every ounce of her concentration.

"Come on...Come on."

Demon World

Vergil could only look at Mundus still in defeat, still humiliated, but strangely he was laughing...laughing? Vergil sensed suspicion as he got a hand Yamato's handle. He didn't expect the Demon Emperor to be defeated this easily, he was taught one thing when he was young, never doubt your opponent, even when he is defeated to quick. Vergil was only standing in silence, Mundus still laughing like it was just a joke. Vergil closed his eyes, enhancing every sense that was available to him, he could hear the drops of the liquid surface drip from the statues, aqueducts, and pillars. He could smell the surface and it smelled like blood.

"You really think you defeated me?!" Mundus then got up, brushing off all the wounds Vergil made.

Vergil couldn't see it but he felt surprised that Mundus got up, but then again he did expect this, but his pride got in the way of his judgement. All of a sudden a splash suddenly could greet Vergil's ears, but it wasn't just one splash, it was two splashes as he felt a liquid grasp on him. He opened his eyes to see two giant red hands grasping him from his sides. He DT'ed again, hoping the increase in strength would be enough to break the grasp, but no matter how hard he struggled, they wouldn't budge an inch.

" Dammit." Vergil said to himself, he knew this was the end of him.

Back in Canterlot

Luna was now at the point that her concentration would break down, she felt like someone was dropping anvils on her head repeatedly, The rings in the circle intensified to the point that it could create a new sun.

"Just a little longer!"

"So Son of Sparda, any last words?" Mundus held out one hand, on the tip of his index was a cloud of black and purple, sparks emitting everywhere in the cloud, like it had a mind of its own. Vergil looked up towards Mundus, instead of anger, it was a grin, " You are pathetic...no wonder my father defeated you so easily." Mundus was at the point that even one little insult could decimate a zone in the demon world, but with victory at hand, the insult brushed him like a gentle breeze in the wind.

"A pity...but then again,." Mundus said, the cloud grew larger as more power was poured into it, " The Sparda bloodline was spoiled anyways."

"What a waste." The cloud was sent towards Vergil, Vergil looked up at the cloud, ready to embrace death, die like a true son of Sparda. No fear, but the funny thing was, he wasn't meant to die like this...never like this as he closed his eyes and waited for that final strike. But fate seemed to favor Vergil, he suddenly was glowing white and the glow started to become brighter and brighter and then all of a sudden in one final flash of white....

He was gone.

The cloud vanished as it made contact with the liquid surface, all that power gone to waste. Mundus looked around the room in a frenzy, trying to find any sign of Vergil. But when a few minutes went by, He pounded a fist in the ground as an incredibly powerful tremor shook the realm as Mundus bellowed to the sky in a storm of fury, fury was pouring out of his eyes as his wings reached its full extent.

He lost a victim...a pity to him, but a curse to Vergil.

Back in Canterlot

Luna suddenly collapsed and the light from the rings vanished leaving nothing but the moon to brighten the room up even more. She got up fine, but her head felt like it was going to split in two as she looked towards where she casted her spell, scorch marks adorned the polished floor leaving nothing but an ugly blot. Luna immediately got rid of the blot and turned towards the door hoping to get a light midnight snack, questioning how the spell didn't work.

She then suddenly heard a large thump behind her, she turned on the spot to see a figure with a blue trench coat and white hair collapsed on the ground. Luna jumped and hid behind the side of the bed, she peeked over the side to see if the creature was alive or awake. She could see his breathing pattern and even a twitch, but he was still knocked out cold, Luna got out from her hiding spot knowing it wasn't the best hiding spot anyways in the world and went closer to examine the creature. She noticed not only his white hair and blue trench coat, but two long legs and two long arms were their, and in one of his hands was a sheathe with a white handle protruding from it.

She was about two inches away from him as she decided to slowly reach out her hoof to see what it looked like from the other side. Right as her hoof was about half an inch away from making any physical contact, the creature suddenly whipped back up and held out what looked like a sword and caught Luna by surprise, the tip of the sword was about an inch away from Luna's neck, the creature was panting as he surveyed Luna, he then sheathed his sword, " A horse...not worth it."

" I prefer the term pony." Luna said surprised even more that it spoke, he remained calm, but didn't show his surprise as he turned to Luna one more time, " A sentient horse....still not worth it."

" Hey that was rude!" Luna said a little insulted as her wings perked up a bit.

"..." He ignored her outburst as he stepped outside on the balcony and looked down, even though he was taking it well on the outside, deep inside he felt like he just gone mad, he could see a clear night sky the moon high above shining down its light, nestled down in the valley was a small colorful village nestled peacefully in the center, he looked towards his left to see a city larger then the town, though dark and quiet, and it gave off a posh but peaceful flow of energy. Vergil looked around again to make sure this was just a dream.

" Ummmm are you okay?" Luna asked.




" Where am I?" he finally asked breaking the awkward silence that was in the room, this time Luna was next to Vergil looking up at him, " Your in Equestria, the city you are in is the royal city of Canterlot, which is also the capital of Equestria."

"..." he walked inside as he looked in the mirror, he noticed he was still alright, but the toll was the restlessness in his eyes, he then looked around the room to notice that it was dark blue matching the Luna's coat. Luna curiosity made way for comforting. " Are you sure you’re okay?"

" Yes." he stated simply, the truth was he wasn't and even Luna saw it in his eyes, but didn't want to bring it up.

" Well...do you have a name?" She asked, from his demeanor and aura, she knew it was like asking a wall, and knew that he wouldn't give it up, but to her surprised he answered her, knowing it was just to humor her. " Vergil."

" Well Vergil, my name is Luna and may I ask what you are?"

" No." Vergil stated simply as he went to the open corner near Luna's bed which had a circle of small pillows, Vergil sat down and closed his eyes, he was tired and he hadn't had a rest for a long time.

" Well do you mind if I ask you any questions?" Luna asked.

"..." Vergil was suddenly not even talking, she then heard a small intake of breath leave him and knew he was asleep. Well tomorrow then she thought, knowing what it would cause if he left the room, his aura gave off more of his personality as she could read off that it would be impossible to even get a true answer from, she huffed as she got into bed forgetting to get a snack. As soon as she was in bed she decided to sleep her troubles away and let her dreams take over.

Just then it came to her as she gave one last glance towards Vergil, she knew it had to be the only way, but she wanted to do it as a last resort, knowing it would be a risky move to do, but she had to it either way.

I just really hope he doesn't make me use it ."

Authors Notice: Annnnd break! Phew one chapter done in a whole day and finished right a midnight, phew what a day, well I am sorry for any grammar mistakes or the short fight. Don't be afraid to comment and I hope you enjoyed the chapter. And if I screwed up on Vergil, I am truly sorry to everyone. :(

And to a note to new readers to the story, this only part 1. part 2 is where the secret mission ends:).

And now I must slam my head against my desk in fatigue as I go to bed and hopes to be forgiven for any grammar mistakes. *Head falls down and slams against the desk as he snores*