• Published 17th Mar 2012
  • 13,458 Views, 437 Comments

Devil hunter among Ponies - Dusk Stalker

DMC/MLP Crossover, Dante winds up in Equestria after getting caught by a little surprise on his current job. At the same time an evil before Celestia was born starts to seethe back into Equestria.

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Secret Mission 4 Part 3: A Devolving Nirvana

Authors Notice: I know, I know. Authors Notice at the bottom of the page, but old habits die really hard. lol oh well usual don't forget to vote and all that and hope you enjoy the mission.

Mission Start.

Nightmare Moon threw her head up chrotling at Dante's request , if the demon world wasn't already fueling her instinct to her peak it was fueling her humor like a raging rapid. Dante could only shake his head and laugh along with her as he went up to her and patted her back as they both laughed it up, Nightmare Moon pointing her forehoof at Dante as he' bumped her fist right into her hoof as they continued laughing. But as serious as it was Nightmare Moon was now wiping a tear from her eye, " Fool! Do you honestly expect me to talk with you?"

" Well no, but just before we head in I want to make something perfectly clear with you." Dante explained, " It seems whatever was happening to that Moon Chick was pretty much taking her down."

" You mean my pathetic excuse of a shell Luna?" Nightmare said, Dante snapped his fingers at her," Yeah, her."

" Hahaha oh it is so humorous to witness how her emotions can be easily toyed and brought into the light, it is the only reason she rushed in to this world so easily ." Nightmare smirked in victory at this, the Unsacred Hellgate that lay behind destroyed wall was the only thing that she could see out of the corner of her eyes, Dante realized this and gazed upon the familiar sight before he saw his brother fall into they abyss, a pang he could never vigorously get rid of; nor would he want to do so.

"Oh what 'fond' memories of that little battle." Dante thought, "And I just can't believe i just said the word fond." His attention turned back to Nightmare, " Now your sounding like one demon I wanted to shoot for a long time." Dante held out Ebony towards Nightmare's head but she slid back ready to launch a spell, Dante smirked, " Nah ah ah, Don't even try it, fought someone like you and pretty much it ended like it did."

" Who? Who did you fight that could surpass me?" Nightmare was humoring the Devil Hunter at this point as she was now feigning curiosity.

" Princess Celestia." Dante saying her name and title for the first time. Now this time Nightmare did not expect the one princess she had never beaten whom she was at odds with, her own sister technically since Luna is her shell. Nightmare let that sink in for a second...

" HAHAHAHAH!" She was now laughing at the prospect something like him could defeat her, more less be the brother of the one defeated herself. Dante could see that it wouldn't get anywhere so he flexed his muscles abit as red energy escaped him, revealing his Devil Trigger and making Nightmare Moon stop and now look in horror at him, she could see past the distorted background coming from the aura around him that he did indeed shared the same blood as the Dark Slayer that she fought in Luna's Dream Cell.

As Dante held his arms out to his side and shook his head, he chuckled a bit " Satisfied princess?"

Nightmare shook her head quickly ignoring the sudden change of appearance, " It doesn't matter, I will never agree to talk to you even if you are the brother of the one that defeated me!" Now this took Dante by surprise, sure he could tell from her look when he went Devil Trigger, but hearing her words from own mouth confirmed. So it seemed she did face his beloved brother and was defeated by him. But that wasn't on Dante's mind as the mirror that stood in front of them seemed to shift a bit. They could both see as the pathway started to transform from The room of the Fallen Ones, to....

"A nirvana, oh happy memories." From the rough image of it on the liquid like surface, it didn't seem to be the same nirvana he traveled through in his previous journey through the Demon Realm. Nightmare could only hear Dante say those words, but think what did he mean by that, but it was too late when Dante know suddenly had a hand around her horn making her squeal not in pleasure, but shock and anger.

"PUT ME DOWN NOW YOU INSOLENT ANT!!" Nightmare demanded at the top of her lungs, Dante could only smirk as he almost effortlessly pull Nightmare Moon off the ground. Dante looked at Nightmare Moon and then sniggered, " You know...lets talk in here shall we?" Dante took a few steps forward Nightmare flailing helplessly unable to cast any spells to get her out as Dante cocked his arm back with Nightmare following. " I AM A GODDESS! AND I DEMAND THAT YOU PUT ME DOWN AT ONCE OR SUFFER MY WRATH!!"

"You know I hear that so many times from demons and yet they can't deliver it." Dante said, "And besides I am being a...gentlecolt aren't I?" Dante just figured it would gentlemen wouldn't work so he went with it.

"And you know the common courtesy in my world and this world right?" Nightmare looked at the portal then figured in Dante's hold on her horn. Just then

" LADIES FIRST!" Dante yelled as he chucked Nightmare Moon through to the mirror to the Nirvana as she melted through with ease into it. Dante flexed his whole body a bit as his Devil trigger disappeared revealing his normal self he sighed and smirked, "Well that would only be one time I will ever do that, and besides," Dante put a leg over the frame of the mirror as he entered the portal with ease, " I would never hurt a lady...even if she is a grade A arrogant snob." and with those last thoughts Dante liquified through the portal...following a somewhat familiar path.

But their was one question....

Who changed the path?

Fragmeneted Nirvana

Nightmare Moon was screaming at the top of her lungs as she flew out of the portal and slid down a flight of stairs landing on a large sized platform below, still screaming as if she were falling to her death. Dante followed suit as he walked to the steps and jumped down to the platform below landing right next to her. Nightmare got up eyes flashing and anger rising to its boiling point, " How dare you!?!? You throw me through a portal and now-." She looked up to see the portal leading back to the gateway to Equestria closed, as the last inches started dwindling down she jetted towards the portal hoping to escape, but was met when she felt a massive amount of weight hitting her back like something was not letting her fly.

She turned her head to see not Dante who was still on the platform watching her scrabble to the exit, but waiting for her. Nightmare looked at the abyss ahead to see nothing but white, but to also see other structures out in the air, mostly from her it was stairs interlocking with platforms, some of the staircases were moving to the side, some were upside down while others were at a ninety degree angle. She could some other structures on the platform but she couldn't tell, she turned to the one they were on, and it appeared that their were floating platforms and no stairs and a column up ahead in the distance.

Nightmare sighed as she tried to teleport, but she couldn't feel her body move, she didn't feel the enviorment change nor the feeling of being made of nothing. She couldn't believe that she felt powerless, here, her teleportation and her ability of flight was now bounded and powerless to do anything here, she gave one last look at Dante and then where the portal once stood, she had no choice in the matter right now. She walked down to the bottom of the stairs and jumped over to the platform where the Devil Hunter was waiting.

Dante eyed her a bit and then could see in Nightmare's eyes this was going to be hard for her to admit, she heaved a disappointed sigh, " Fine...what do you want to talk about?"

" Now was that so hard?" Dante chuckled, now the dark mare was now glaring at what she now dubbed, "the foolish oaf" then now to the scenery around her, " Where are we?"

Dante then surveyed the area and then at the obelisk like object in the distance along the broken path, " You know...I think this is a Nirvana."

" A what?" Nightmare was suddenly curious, as Dante answered for her, " Yeah, this is a different Nirvana then what I went through. though a lot cleaner and organized and way more fun." Dante smirked, " And it seems who ever change the path seems to want us to come this way...probably a little game of his.

" And right now this is a perfect time for a little deal." Dante added, Nightmare was unwary about this as she asked, " What deal do you propose?" Dante stretched his arms and cracked his neck.

Oh how he was bad at negotiating at times.

" It seems in that little shell of yours keeping Luna safe from the effects of the Demon World and by the look and attitude your presenting to me, it seems you haven't been let out for a while." He could only figure in that, Nightmare did have an evil aura, already corrupted and thus the corruption she had would protect Luna as long as Nightmare was still up.

" Not since Nightmare Night three months ago have I been free from my shell." Now it was the Devil Hunters turn to act confused, Nightmare could see this amused and answered " A holiday where little fillies and colts dress up in costumes and get candy."

" Sounds like Halloween." Dante said, Nightmare didn't know that word and Dante added at the last second, " Pretty much the same thing as your holiday, but back to business so lets walk and talk hm, time is something we don't have at the moment." Dante took a step forward as a chunk of stone zoomed to connect to the platform they were on, Nightmare was now walking alongside Dante still on her guard from him and whatever demons could be lurking, " As I was saying, your keeping Luna safe so here's the deal, I won't force you to change back while were here so that way you could spread your wings."

Now that was what Nightmare wanted to partially hear, but the next part she loathed to here, " Now for that price, once this mess is over and we get back to Canterlot, you give Luna back complete control of herself."

Nightmare could see it play out somewhat, but found it humorous at best...sad...but humorous, how was he to force her to change back, " You expect me to give Luna back complete control? I am the true Princess of the Night and I don't have to give back my weak shell control."

" You know," The half demon paused for a second as they reached the end, " That wasn't a request."

" And do you expect to beat me? Your brother may have defeated me, but you are not what he is even if you do share the same power as he!" Nightmare shouted at the bare threat Dante made to her.

" Actually, I can beat you and I can just leave you here while I deal with Dreadwing." Dante added a bit of irritation to his voice, he had enough of her pompous little bullshit attitude and was now starting to get impatient.

" And how can you expect to leave me here after you propose you can defeat me? I am a Goddess and I find it hard to believe you defeated my 'sister'." Dante was now in her face, and Nightmare surprisingly was blushing wildly. Even though she didn't want to admit the fire in the demonic glow in his eye and the way he was presenting himself was almost...enticing. But her tiny admiration at this play of dominance came when Dante at the tone of his voice as it became a bit demonic like in his Devil Trigger, but he wasn't changing. "And do you really want to die here? The reason I am not bailing on you or kicking your ass is because if I do, I would be hurting an innocent so unless you want me to give in to my demonic side and suddenly not give a crap about killing both of you." He cracked his knuckles, "It's your choice and your life in this matter..If you refuse this deal, and if i have to, I will rip your damn soul out of her and kick you ass to high hell and me beating your sister is in the past, leave it...now."

Nightmare took it into consideration for a couple minutes as she put a hoof to her chin, the threat still radiating in her mind...and to her shock, fear. If he possessed the same power as Vergil, then it would be the same outcome and just by the tone in his voice...he was absolutely serious about it, just the tone and mostly the stance and energy he was giving off. If she could compare the energy it would eclipse hers, it seemed malevolent and twisted, but yet it felt calming and kind. Just from the Devil Hunter in front of her, she knew he would be able to get her out and save Equestria.

And the fact she managed to stretch her wings and feel the power of this place was a bonus in itself, she felt like she could conquer Equestria rather handily if she wanted to even if the Elements were used on her again. but what was holding her back, were questions continually running through her head: Why was she so sudden in accepting him? Why was she so intent on getting out of here and...helping him do so?

The same questions kept hitting her over and over again until it united into one simple question, Why was she so comfortable all of a sudden? Was it his presence? His Power? What?

Nightmare gave in, no demanding tone, nothing; she may not like the outcome, but the best chance to escape was with Dante, despite how powerful she was. Just from the fight Luna and Celestia had with the demon Tores, it seemed both were barely able to defeat it even feeling a moment of regret to burst out of her body forcibly and help her, hoping it would ease the battle because if Luna died...she died.

"Even though he is from a different realm and the resemblance of the one who defeated me...enemy of my enemy is my friend?" With that in mind, she heaved a sigh, " Very well, I agree to the terms." Dante looked into her eyes, every drop of sweat and every twinge in her face told him that she didn't want to take her chances of fighting him, he put his hand above his hand like he was going to reach for his sword as Nightmare's horn started to glow dully....

Just then she felt a pat on her back...gentle yet firm pats on the back and a laughing Dante, " You see was that so hard to agree?" Nightmare couldn't believe it, he turned from a serious and brutal demeanor to a cocky and calm stance,"Well he is the only way out of here." Just as she finished that thought, they could hear crumbling behind them as both jerked their heads to find the path behind them disintegrating, the stairs that they came down from was floating up into the air as did the path behind them as it snaked slowly towards them.

Both the Princess of the Night and the Son of Sparda as they pressed forward picking up the pace as did the disintegrating path ahead. As they kept pressing on, the structure up ahead became clearer and clearer raising Nightmare Moon's curiosity and Dante's guard; to Dante he let out a groan to reveal what was in front of them. What was standing in front of them on the platform was a giant obelisk towering above them, a leery shadow cast upon them as both of them stopped in front of the obelisk, the path behind them finally caught up and instantly disappeared leaving nothing more then the ground below there feet, with absolutely no way back, cementing Dante's theory that someone had their demonic grasp on their path to Dreadwing.

The Obeslisk in front of them was not only tall, but very simply detailed with a black gem in the upper right hand corner. The carving on the Obelisk was a depiction of a giant shadowy mass stretching to the corners and a pair of demonic claws clasped together, but strangely it seemed to be...waiting for them, like it was expecting them to come forward and face it. But the oddest thing, it felt like that the obelisk was alive, like it is watching and waiting for them, eager to see them and willing to kill.

Dante's hand glided over the obelisk's surface, feeling the strange sensation when he entered one of these, he remembered them like the back of his hand where he had to fight every single one of his encounters again until the doorway revealed itself to him. Nightmare eyed the Obelisk then at the gem in the corner, then went right back to Dante.

" What is he doing?" but before she could wrap her head around what was going to happen, Dante melted into the obelisk as Nightmare staggered back from surprise to see him melt. But before she could scream, his head popped out of the obelisk as she was heaving from his smirk, the look on her face was priceless for him, ' Come on, the only way back is forward and I bet you don't be inside a demon's stomach?" as Dante's head disappeared in the Obelisk, Nightmare sighed, he did have a point...well two actually as she approached a bit closer to the obelisk cautiously, she held out her hoof to the surface of it and pushed it to find herself melting into the wall, she pressed on still as her whole body disappeared into the structure until the only thing that gave one last flap was her starry tail.

And with that the, Nirvana was lifeless...the platform they were on was disintegrating towards the Obelisk, as it changed, the engraving seemed to disappear leaving a toothy grin as the obelisk fell apart stone by stone into the abyss below. A feature that wasn't seen by the Demon Hunter's or Princess of the Night's eyes.

Waiting for the two fool's that entered it's domain.

Nirvana of Degeneration

Most of Dante's body was waiting for Nightmare as he was tapping his foot in a steady beat to something in the background, suddenly Nightmare seemed to come in shape like one whose tv had static as it came into view. Nightmare suddenly appeared full body and all as she took in her surroundings, they were standing on a gigantic white platform that seemed to stretch around two miles long, boulders and pitfalls riddled the area. But the sky and the abyss below were a different story, it was pitch black with purple blobs of plasma like substance, something you would find in a lava lamp dotting the skies above, some of the substance parting away from their bigger counterparts.

" Huh, were in a lava lamp." Dante laughed watching one of the blobs split apart and float up, Nightmare didn't know what a lava lamp was, nor did she want to know. She would have marveled at this sight a bit more.....

"ARRGGHH!" Nightmare was kneeling on her forehooves as purple sparks issued from her body, As soon as Dante turned to Nightmare, he suddenly felt his devil trigger slip away as Rebellion's humerus bones closed up to its locked state:

Dante turned to Rebellion, " Oh you son of a bitch." Dante was now starting to feel his demonic blood start to wither away: his speed, strength, agility, reflexes and regeneration were their but in a weaken state without his demonic blood coursing through his veins, but Nightmare was having the worse of the two of them, she seemed to dim between Luna and her current form and the dim revealed Luna who was straining to keep Nightmare up while Nightmare was doing the same for Luna keep her form up to keep herself from reverting back.

"So the flies come to the web....." Both the two looked in front of them to see nothing more then a humanoid demon about twice the size of Dante, four eyes all beaded with red in the shape of a wolf's eye. It had two swords on its back with a huge cloud of shadow as its lower half with absolutely no appendages or anything to hold him up except the dark wisp beneath his waist. His upper body was covered in shadow's leaking from it's wounded scarred grey skin, To Dante and the Princess of the Night...

He looked like a drachnid in a way...a wispy looking drachnid.

" Comfy little place you got here." Dante complimented, " Love the stone work, who did it after these long years of no women...or your case any lack of life or any friends?" Nightmare couldn't retort or say anything to Dante as she had trouble talking and keeping her form up and the burdening of that action weighing her down every second.

An unemotional demon only shook his head, "Ahhh you...a very brash mouth on you...but something that doesn't waver me."

" Well...you...." Dante began, " I never heard or seen you, but from what I have seen your just another demon that's ass is gonna be black and blue." Dante turned to Luna, " No offense." Nightmare managed to let a grunt escape her, whether it was to berate him or no offense to be taken, " But judging from your lower body, guess whoever left you here pretty much kicked the ass out of you." The demon's eyebrow twitched a bit, but it wouldn't let insults break him down.

"It seems out of the two of you Sons of Sparda, your are the one that seem's to forget any form of greeting..." The demon looked at the corrupt shell of princess, having a hard time even standing up, with a sigh escaping his lips he snapped his fingers as Nightmare suddenly didn't feel any ounce of struggle with her form and got up rather smoothly, but panting still as she felt Luna digging back into Nightmare's form and her magic starting to regenerate as Nightmare gave Dante a fearful glance, a look that never graced her face until she met the Dark Slayer and the outcome that would have happen if not for her shell to intervene and stop him from delivering the executioner's blow.

"And it wouldn't be a challenge if one of you was still weak to fight." The demon explained, but it was rather a taunt, all bark but no bite in Dante's perspective, "But the question is this, why enter my domain if you know you both are going to die by my hand?"

" The being called Dreadwing has caused damages to our world and demon's from this world have invaded our realm." Nightmare said, her fore hooves kneeling for trouble, " And we aim to make him pay and retrieve what is ours...or those that came before us."

"Ah him....I remember the being called Dreadwing, he rambled in the demon world with nothing but a madman's prayer...lets just say I had a hand in twisting the apperance you see." Dante was now sharing the same surprised look as Nightmare, he twisted him "He was regretful, empty, and weak, I changed his appearance to a more...feral approach, my master did the rest." Dante tilted his head again, " Really, Is he here? Let's just say I got a few words for him." Dante slowly pulled Rebellion out, The demon noticed and chuckled, "You don't understand do you...Whoever steps in my realm....they lose everything or go backwards in the evolutionary ladder." The demon chrotled, "And as you can see your demonic blood that was flowing proudly through your veins has now been put to sleep, the only thing that is keeping you from becoming a more pathetic seed of that traitorous bastard is that."

Nightmare was shocked, that was the reason she was having a hard time keeping her form...it was trying to force her to devolve to her original...and yet why would this demon keep her like this?

The demon pointed at Dante's amulet, gently wavering side to side as the demon was snarling at it,the silver glaring in his eye despite no light source in this realm" That little wretched piece of a relic did this to me and my brothers."

" And that begs the question before I kick your ass...who the hell are you and why should I care?"

"Ahh my manners," The demon pulled out his blades both had a shamshir like quality to the structure of the blade, their fragments from both blades missing in certain areas on the blade itself as he twirled them around, "I am Zeresh, The Devolving Hell, and you Son of Sparda," He charged right at him both blades whistling, "Will fall."

Boss Battle 9-Zeresh

The blades fanned over where Dante's neck was leveled at as both Nightmare and Dante jumped back avoiding the blades, Dante looked at Nightmare as Zeresh was ready for another attack, " Tag team?" Nightmare didn't know what 'Tag team' meant.. but it was better then dying, " Sure."

" Great I'm in first." Dante rocketed forward, Nightmare flew up and then it hit her " Wait first?" Her answer came when a defeaning sword clash erupted over her train of thought, she shook her head quickly and had a spell at the ready watching the Devil Hunter and Zeresh clash with each other. Rebellion came crashing down on Zeresh, Zeresh held braced himself barely for the sword to come crashing down as Dante used his blades as a wall to jump back and whip out Ebony and Ivory. He delivered a barrage of shots all showering down at Zeresh who was spinning his blades deflecting the bullets as they ricocheted off his blades and into the Nirvana.

One stray bullet passed Nightmare as it grazed her cheek as she felt the sting of the graze. She flinched back as it sizzled a bit as she hid behind one of the pillars watching as both warriors were clashing with each other.

She couldn't believe it, even though he was a bit slower then his brother he was still fast enough to rival the ferocity of a dragon. His strength was his greatest factor hammering down on Zeresh despite being in an unawakened state of him. She witnessed Dante disappearing in a flash of red as he came down with not Rebellion but Agni and Rudra as he twirled both blades around and procceded to launch him up, Zeresh caught wind of his next course of action as he placed both blades down to hold him back, as Agni and Rudra met his blades, Zeresh broke off and lunged forward with both his blades as Dante managed to counter them with Agni and Rudra, Zeresh floated back a couple feet away from Dante holding both his swords to his side. Dante then rushed forward as he closed the distance between the two of them as broke the sonic barrier and began slashing away at Zeresh who managed to barely block the Firestorm(Agni and Rudra's nickname). Zeresh managed to gain momentum from the blades clashing and glided backwards as Dante did the same.

The Son of Sparda felt himself start to get weary, barely managing to hold Agni and Rudra up but still had enough to keep going as he took a deep breath. He glared up at Zeresh as he did the same.

"Why don't you use your father's sword? Why use those two outcasts?" Dante raised an eyebrow at Zeresh's question but he gave the answer to the first one, the second would have to let Agni and Rudra tell him...but oh how he wished to not even bring it up to them. " You know, since your putting up a fight I thought I would meet ya in the middle and trust me I love a good fight," He slid Agni's blade across Rudra's broadside as sparks flew off in every direction as it involved to flames, " And as you know me now, I want to go all out." Dante's eyes flashed red and a giant smirk appeared as Zeresh zoomed forward his blades out to his side as the distance of the point of the blade. Dante dropped Agni and Rudra and held out his hands.

(End theme for now)

Nightmare knew what was going to happen as she zoomed forward hoping to stop Zeresh, Dante suddenly tagged her hoof and pushed her out of the way just in time for Zeresh to stab the Son of Sparda, both bodies zoomed as blood rained down on the ground as the force of both seemed to jam Dante at a marble obelisk with one of Zeresh's blades was protruding through Dante holding his whole body up. Nightmare was horrified as Zeresh swiped his other blade with Dante's blood across his body, the Son of Sparda turned to Nightmare and let a chuckle, " Tag your it." The Son of Sparda then suddenly felt heavy and drowsy as his body loosened up, Nightmare could look horrified as Zeresh silently passed her their eyes passed, their gazes locked as Nightmare could only stagger back a bit.

"You are not worth it," Zeresh waved his hand and a portal appeared, it revealed to be a portal to the gateway that they came out of and Nightmare could remember it was truly the gateway home, "I have no quarrel with you nor would I dare it coward,' that struck a chord in Nightmare's heart and a twinge of prideful anger was boiling in her soul, "If your path leads to the Core of the Stream." Zeresh eyed Nightmare waiting for her reaction, " Then you are a fool for coming this far, it will only lead to death and it would seem...you weren't brought here by choice alone?"

" H.How did you-?" Nightmare stumbled a bit, Zeresh's suspicions on why she came were true, from his little skirmish with Dante he only surveyed her out of the corner of his eye. He edged closer to Nightmare and put his on her back, sending a shiver up her spine. "I know more about you from just from looking at you...you are afraid, your shell...Luna I presume she is known as," Nightmare again was surprised at this bit, but Zeresh disregarded her look and kept going, "Let me guess...Luna went because of love, but for who? Certainly not him." gesturing to the Devil Hunter pinned against the obelisk, "Hm oh yes...the brother."

Nightmare felt Luna inside her perk up at this, "You are in love with the brother aren't you? Oh I can smell it on you, the sudden reach and the sudden attachment of wanting too be with him,how you will never be able to tell him how you feel." Luna was starting to fight through Nightmare's control but still managed to keep Nightmare's form up, "Oh he knows...and in the end it won't be the one called Dreadwing to kill him...no it will be him, my lord and the ruler of this realm." Luna was now starting to get angry and Nightmare was having trouble trying to keep her personality up and Luna's tucked away. "No wait, he won't kill him, he has bigger plans for the Son of Sparda...he will tear his living soul from his body...making him into a lifeless husk."

Nightmare was struggling immensely against Luna's growing anger as it seemed to boil into Nightmare activating her Royal Fury mode, and the realm shaking a bit, but it didn't stop Zeresh...laying down one sentence to seal Luna's(Nightmare's) choice.

"A puppet...that can never love....."

" Don't...."

"A shell of his former self that will never accept your friendship."

"You even say that about him..." Luna was starting to overpower Nightmare with every sentence, but it didn't end...because one sentence broke the camel's back.

"A husk that even if you told him, he would never accept it...."

"Even from a weak lover like you."

"RRRRRRRRRRRAGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH!" As fast as Zeresh could comprehend Nightmare suddenly had brought Agni and Rudra with her magic ,a dark blue aura surrounding both of them, down upon Zeresh, Nightmare was now up in Zeresh's face as he had trouble trying to keep his blades up, sparks and gale force winds picked up as Nightmare snarled, "If you get in my way and try to cause...for my subjects," Zeresh could see this was Luna not Nightmare talking as Agni and Rudra came down again as the ground below concaved a bit, " Or threaten my friends!"


" And if you ever....!"


"EVER TRY TO HARM VERGIL IN ANY WAY WHETHER IT WOULD BE YOU OR ANY BEING!!!" Her Royal Canterlot Voice rang out through the Nirvana as it ricocheted off the walls and with one more swing coming down the ground below con caved, "I WILL PERSONALLY END YOUR OR ANY BEINGS EXISTENCE AS WE SPEAK!!!!" Nightmare suddenly brought both blades swinging from the side as a wall of flames appeared in front of both of them Zeresh jumping back right on time avoid it, he could see through the flames Nightmare snarling as a light blue mist was at her hooves and seemed to swell up with every breath. Zeresh knew their was no choice; with the combination of her anger, her power, and the powers of Agni and Rudra, he would surely fall somehow this was her full power and it seemed to be wearing her down quickly.

"I gave you a choice..." His eyes glew as the lower part of his body started to swarm around him, Nightmare(Mostly Luna) could see the transformation happening but stood her ground, the Firestorm ready to fight as they hovered closely to her sides.

Suddenly, she could see a giant leg pop out as the claws curled in, tearing the ground below it as the other popped out. Both feet seemed to be the size of a carriage as both claws arced out to the ground. Six pairs of arms appeared from the mist as a gargantuan body shot out of the mist. Each of the arms had chains wrapped around each appendage, each of them rusted, bladed, and dripping with a black substance. The final part of his body was his head, his head morphed differently from what they last seen, his head was now a morph of a spiders head with pincers shooting out of his head and beady little eyes bearing down on Nightmare, the mouth left an impact on Nightmare as what she witnessed almost made her puke.

His teeth had torn flesh and powdered bone on the surface and in between the teeth, some shredded fabric could be seen dripping from them as well as a green liquid that dripped from his teeth. "It has been awhile since I have used this form." Suddenly he kneeled down to the pony, a snort from his nose solidifying Nightmare's fear, but making Luna still stand her ground as she took full control of Nightmare, her hooves digging into the ground.

"And you shall fill my hunger for flesh along with all those that you rule over." A chain shot at Nightmare who swatted it away with Agni and shot forward with Rudra in the lead with a whirlwind surrounding it, A chain from one of Zeresh's arms zoomed towards Nightmare at equal speed as it slithered and contorted like a snake. Before Nightmare could bring Rudra up or deliver a quick stab, chains swatted her to the side resulting in her being pelted smashing into a couple of Obelisk as they crumbled from the force of the hit, Nightmare got up from the cloud of dust as she inhaled and exhaled a ferocious snarl as the mist around her swelled even more.

Letting out an almighty roar, she flew forward unleashing a massive lightning spell at Zeresh who swiped it away as she sent another each growing bigger and volatile, as Zeresh swiped the last lightning bolt, Nightmare appeared in front of her Agni and Rudra charged up to their fullest as the blues turned blue on Agni and the whirlwind around Rudra seemed to have a coat of ethereal around it. Zeresh spat out of his mouth a stream of venom as it sizzled in the air, the venom suddenly was coated in a dark blue aura as it stopped mid flight and flung innocently by Nightmare.

"NEVER AGAIN!!!!" Nightmare bellowed, "WILL YOU EVEN TRY ATTEMPT TO BRING HARM TO MY FRIENDS AND SUBJECTS!!! With that the blades came down leaving a streak of blue flames and etheral winds twisting in harmony in a strand, Zeresh held his chains up and powered up as he held out his chains casually.

Suddenly as they made contact, a small glint appeared then a giant flash of white surrounded the combatants as the stone around them and Dante flung under a pile of rubble as chunks of white marble piled on top. The force of the swing shook the Demon Realm like a quake as it continued. All of Nightmare's power poured into that swing, as the light subsided and as she landed panting and quickly collapsing, sweat dripping down the side of her cheek as the smoke and her Royal Fury subsided, she was victorious and knew she had the courage to do so...she struggled to stand on her four hooves. At that moment she could hear laughing...hysterical and taunting.


"Do you honestly think you would defeat me so easily." A hand grasped her as she yelled out in pain, Zeresh was almost unharmed but still had plenty of energy to kill.

"I have to admit, your action was valiant and amusing, but it was never enough to harm, more or less kill me for that matter." Zeresh laughed as Nightmare tried to struggle out of his grasp. Suddenly she heard bones cracking as she felt an agonizing amount of pain shoot through her body as she screamed out into the nirvana.

"Scream for me whelp," His grip tightened and more bones started to deteriate, "SCREAM!!!"

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" As her scream rang throughout the Nirvana, no hope of her being spared. Except the screams were heard by one half demon...under a pile of rubble.

"Dante, Vergil go!! I can hold them off just get out of here!!"






Beneath the pile rubble, it was silent as the grave until a black gauntlet punched its way out and unfurl it self and a red,black, and purple aura surrounded it. It transformed into claws in a flash of black rings.

The screams....were enough to remember one thing that he promised that one day....

Never give up.

Nightmare's screams were unrelenting and agonizing, Zeresh was having his fun hearing bone crush and life starting to exit her body.

Nightmare and Luna were crying at the same time as one, "Vergil...I'm sorry...I'm sorry I never got to tell you how much......how much.... I love you.." A tears started to leak from Nightmare's teal eyes as The Master of Degeneration started to chortle on.

"And thus ends any resistance from you..." As his shoulder tensed up he opened his mouth hanging Nightmare above his mouth,"Goodbye."

As he was about to let go of a barely conscience Nightmare, a dark beam of energy hit Zeresh straight in the chest as he let go of her and bellowed out in pain as she felt her body starting to fall as fast as a piano to pavement. But she felt herself hovering as she barely managed to open one of her teal eyes being carried bridal style by a sight that she couldn't believe.

Standing right in front of her was a demon with four dragon like wings and a towering height that eclipsed Celestia. It's wings were one of the most prominent features as majority of it was black with some magenta around the base of the wing where they met the back. It's whole body was black but red veins running along its whole body, both feet having three dark claws all sharp to the point, it's hands had five obsidian like claws which reflected like the sun. It's head was above all the most notable as two horns protruded from the side of its face and orange eyes glowing like a nova.

Nightmare pieced altogether and whispered in surprise, "Dante." it gave her a nod confirming her suspicion that it was him as he set her body safely away from the battlefield and turned to Zeresh who was getting up from the blast.

Dante materialized right at the foot of Zeresh as he looked up solemnly at him, seeing the astonished look in his eyes and the fury in his voice.


Dante shook his head as two glowing red blades appeared from under his arms, his gesture said it all as he pointed one of his blades up at Zeresh.

"You will die."

Boss Battle continue-Theme Change

Dante was skyrocketing up Zeresh as he delivered a swift attack with his blade as it was coated in an icy mist. Zeresh clutched his cheek as he yelled at this as blood trickled down his cheek, but it didn't stop their as Dante's blades were now coated in a white mist as he barraged him with more slashes from his blades, cuts appearing all over his face as Zeresh was trying to bring Dante down with his chains. Dante realized this as he sent a ball of electricity at the chains as they parried away and slung right back to Zeresh.

Dante's blades retracted as he held back a fist at the Demon Lord's stomach as it launched forward meeting Zeresh's stomach head on as it retracted back as blood gushed and bones snapped. Zeresh clutched his stomach as he saw the Son of Sparda standing above his back retracted back a bit and his wings far apart. Zeresh tried to take advantage of the momentary pause as he sent all his chains straight at Dante. Suddenly a pillar of light erupted beneath Zeresh's feet as he felt himself burning from this power, the chains lost momentum as they slumped to the ground. The blades suddenly shot out of Dante's arm as he dove towards the Demon lord in a circle of red as he rolled with both blades in a lunar phase like movement and crashed down upon the demons arms as they were cleaved right off making Zeresh flinch in horror and pain as the Son of Sparda just kept looking at him.

"YOU BASTARD!! His arms disintegrated into ash as he struggled to get up, "YOU WILL PAY FOR THAT!!!"

Nightmare was suddenly waking up, a bit of her strength regained after her brief respite. She noticed Zeresh on the ground his arms cleaved from the left side of his body and a furious rampage about to happen. Then she noticed the Devil Hunter, calm in the face of danger even though the by his form you couldn't tell.

"THIS WILL END THIS BATTLE ONCE AND FOR ALL." Zeresh's body was covered in a purple aura as he charged right at Dante chains circling around him like an atom,"I WILL NOT BE BESTED BY A TRATIOR'S SON!!! Zeresh's whole body started to turn into a mist as they chains continued their motion,"NEVER BY YOU!!!" Dante's back retracted in the same motion as he was in the air as then lunged forward in place. A rune circle appeared in front of Dante and a cross stream of light and black shot forward as it zoomed closer and closer to Zeresh.

"Out of my face."

As suddenly as it began, the beams pierced right through the mist as it started to glow white and black as it writhed around in pain as the mist started to solidify into stone. Nightmare could see faces contorting and shaping in the mist as the beam pierced through it. The mist suddenly started to turn into the same material around him, the same goop that was in the sky, both Dante and Nightmare could hear its blood curdling screams as Dante exited his form to reveal not only his wound totally stitched up as a couple of outstretched misty arms grasping at thin air as they suddenly turned to stone.

The Son of Sparda stopped right at Nightmare and held out a hand, " You alright?" Dante looked back to Zeresh now completely solidified, one of his arms were about an inch away from Dante's back almost to the point he could scrabble his back but not reach him. Dante pulled out Ebony and let it charge as the whole gun was coated in a red aura as red and white sparks issued from the gun, Dante's eyes lit up when the sparks danced around his guns, a monotone voice replacing his once cocky demeanor, and his words filled with anger.

"Bingo." The shot was releasing a massive discharge as all of Zeresh was now gone from exsistence. The barrel of Ebony was smoking from the shot, discharging absolutely nothing. Nightmare could only wonder how powerful was Dante really? How strong could he become with age? All of the doubts she had that Dante fighting Celestia was now pretty much brought to light to her as Luna retreated back in her shell, exhausted from taking control of Nightmare's body. Dante held out his hand with his back still to Nightmare.

" You gonna be okay?" Dante asked.

" Y.Yes." Nightmare said lucky to be alive from this ordeal. The Son of Sparda could only give a nod as he helped her up, not even questioning what he just became. Dante went over to Nightmare's side and took Agni and Rudra as he hid them in his infinitely carrying coat. " You did some work from what I could hear." Nightmare blushed at this praise, never before did she ever get noticed or any recognition except the infamy she built around her, Dante noticed her small blush, " And you know your not bad, but still Luna did some work to." despite that little statement, Nightmare's blush was still there.

Suddenly a gong like noise vibrated and echoed through out the Nirvana as a flash of white appeared behind them revealing a portal with the mirror like picture of their next destination. Dante took a few seconds to look in as he grinned, " Oh yeah this way." As soon as he was about to go through first he stepped to the side and let Nightmare go, " Ladies first."

She approached the portal and put her forehoof in but paused at the last second, this time he could sense Luna switching with Nightmare as her teal eyes met his blue eyes. " Something wrong? Dante asked.

" No, I just have one question." Nightmare answered.

" Well shoot." Dante responded as they could feel the reverberating feel of the portal in front of them and the silence it brought. Nightmare took a deep breath, it wasn't his form he took no; that would be an answer that would time would have to answer, it was just one question, " How did you know N...I mean, that I was within Luna the whole time?"

Dante's answer came with a comforting smirk, something he saw as a little philosophy to himself, " We all have a little devil inside of us, sometimes its gotta come out sooner or later." Nightmare shook her head as she went through, Dante followed with the same gusto and leaving one sentence behind that echoed throughout the Nirvana...and in Luna's mind scape.

We all have a little devil inside of us...Sometimes its gotta come out sooner or later...

Words that would be what she would follow to the end.....

Author's Note:

For the Blue(Since I couldn't do it) It is a Furious Royal Fury Nightmare Moon. Since I couldn't do such a thing in the past(I think)
Sorry if their was confusion with Nightmare and Luna, I meant their personality not their bodies that were switching.
But their we go the Final Secret Mission! You have all earned this!:D

and for your patience and determination to go through them all:

I am sorry if it wasn't the best Secret mission, nor the best mission of it all, but I thank you for your patience and for putting up with it.:)

I hope you enjoyed it and don't be afraid to leave a comment. Again sorry if it was somewhat a disappointment. :/

P.S. It will update later I just wanted to give it to you guys for your patience and love for this fic(If you do love this fic, but then again I don't know)