• Published 17th Mar 2012
  • 13,461 Views, 437 Comments

Devil hunter among Ponies - Dusk Stalker

DMC/MLP Crossover, Dante winds up in Equestria after getting caught by a little surprise on his current job. At the same time an evil before Celestia was born starts to seethe back into Equestria.

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Mission 14: Party Crashers

Authors Notice: Well the invasion is coming up(no shocker) so the decision is who will be fighting who? A Dante vs Discord will be pretty likely of course. Wondering if both Luna and Celestia fight one of the demons in the 2nd Secret Missions. Oh well cross that bridge later. To Mission 14.

Outside Canterlot

Akaro was looking up at the night sky, he never saw the sky this in the demon world; all part of the madness and cycle of the demon world. He dreamed of seeing a sky that was always moving and to feel the warmth of the sun, the cool crisp breeze of the night, it never really felt the same in the Demon World. He remembered rumors of one demon who was a student of Sparda and was entrusted his power, but instead of embracing it and living up to the Dark Knight's name, he set down his sword and walked the path of peace, not willing to lift his sword up to fight any demon that came in his way. Why did he feel the same when he was looking up at the night sky? Why was the only question he kept asking himself from then on.

He could hear footsteps arriving on the scene, from what he could guess the majority that arrived consisted of the Wrath, Sloth, Greed, and Gluttony demons, Envy seemed to not be available at the moment at least.

" More grubs to a slaughter, it takes out all the fun ." Tores was saying to himself, Akaro took a quick peek towards Discord who was still feeling a bit uncomfortable with this, he approached him as he placed his hand on Discord's back which the result was him jumping back.

" Thirty minutes..." Akaro put it simply, he had to stick to the plan that was laid out in front of him.

" But what do -" Discord was cutoff by Akaro barely raising his hand, " you will know."

" But again what do I-?"

"Just go along with the plan, it will play out soon I will let you know when to go." Akaro finished that with a gaze towards the horde, Discord hovered over some of the demons seeing some that not even he could describe, and seeing one holding up a giant pulsating orb on his back (Wrath) was something he never expected. Akaro could only see the city lights dim a bit as he turned to Tores.

"Very soon." Akaro said, Tores scoffed a bit and slammed all of his axes on the ground, before he could retort he looked up to see Akaro's eyes glowing dark red.

"My patience is thin with you despite us knowing each other for a short time; if you don't show patience I will make sure that you do understand it." Tores wasn't a fool to pick a fight with him if he was shedding some of his demonic energy around the area, annoying him would just make it worse; but he digressed with him knowing that he could still take him. Akaro on the other hand gave one last peek towards Discord, whatever Dreadwing did to him, he did not envy his fate.

Not one bit....

Canterlot's Ballroom

" SURRRPRISSEE!" A clamor rang out through the whole ballroom as Dante cleaned his ears and looking around. What he didn't expect was a room full and ready for a party, balloons and hats adorning every table in the room. Dante looked to see not only Pinkie Pie beaming at the reaction on Dante's face, but Rainbow Dash hovering above Pinkie with three other ponies in blue jumpsuits, and he could swear he could see some other ponies from what he guessed was curious enough to know who caused the commotion at the Wonderbolt's practice field.

" I surprised ya didn't I huh huh?" Pinkie was hopping up and down that smile never leaving her face, Dante didn't mind that it was a simple party, but a party was a party in his eyes.

" How in the hay did ya set it up this fast again Pinkie?" Applejack asked.

" Did you use your party Cannon again?" Rarity had experience with it as she remembered vaguely that she not only had to rush back and forth between Twilight's birthday party, but also Fancy Pant's garden party.

" No silly I didn't use the Party Cannon, I used the Party Cannon and a Party Bazooka!" Pinkie finished as she sneezed out a small cloud of confetti. The others walked away slowly towards the party as Dante was grinning ear to ear, it was official, Pinkie was probably his favorite out of the six.

"Hell she alone could put the partiers back home to shame." but before he could say anything to Pinkie she gasped, " I almost forgot your surprise, stay right there!" She left towards the main building of the castle leaving nothing but a single balloon behind, Dante was laughing at this, as fast as he laughed she returned revealing something Dante didn't expect. Right in front of him was not only a happy Pinkie juggling something up in the air as she managed to squeak a bit from the hot metal serving platter, but it did not matter as Dante's eyes were watering.

"Is that what I think it is?" Dante could make out the crust and bubbly cheese and was on the verge of tears.

" I don't know, it just suddenly came to me when I was aiming the Party Bazooka and preparing for your party." Pinkie answered.

" Nor do we know how she got one or how she knew what it was meant to do." Dante was overlooking the pizza, not one thing was a miss, not even olives on the pizza to him that was a great relief despite the pizza being plain cheese.

" So what do ya think?" Pinkie asked as she looked back towards the party to see everypony chatting among each other as Dante was taking a bite of the pizza, he didn't care that his mouth was literally burning because it was fresh out of the oven or the fact Pinkie knew what a pizza looked like, it felt like heaven as he felt the mix of cheese and tomato sauce grace his mouth; Dante then gazed down at Pinkie and held out a fist.

" Pinks...Thank you, probably better then the pizza's back home." Dante finished it with a final gulp of the first slice as he looked down, the whole thing was good for seven more slices as he smiled and held up a piece towards Pinkie, " Slice?"

" Oh boy! But waaaaiiit a second...this is the certain pizza you were talking about early this morning? I was thinking of a flat cake with strawberry sauce mixed with peppers." Pinkie took the slice with a bit of gusto as she took a bite, her hair inflated at the taste of the pizza invaded her mouth, she rocketed up to the ceiling and exploded in joy scaring everypony in the audience.

" Boy that was yummy! I am soo going to make more!" Pinkie rushed out of the hall in blinding speed( Enough to even make Rainbow Dash's sonic Rainboom seem equal to it), Dante shrugged and went back to his pizza a brow raised on how the hell she even knew what a pizza was? Dante didn't mind though his thoughts were lost in every single bite of his pizza, last time he had one of these he was holding back a stray Pride Demon with his hand while it was swinging its scythe away.

But their were many more pizzas to come for him and a bigger debt on his tab.

Dante then looked around at the fellow ponies that attended and it seemed that some were to nervous to approach him as he waved to two pegasi mares still in their armor, one blushed while the other flinched a bit. The Devil Hunter could only put his hand down gently as he attempted to do a bit of a greeting for the other ponies in the room, but some were a bit uneasy as most eyed his sword rather then him. But he didn't seem to mind as he started looking around seeing Rainbow Dash waving towards him to come over, he obliged as he gently pushed one of the ponies aside.

Dante then stopped to see of course three pegasi in blue jumpsuits with yellow lightning bolts on their side; Dante could see out of the corner of his eye Dash shaking a bit with a giant grin on her face and her eyes as big as plates.

" So your the pony...or human that trashed our field huh?" The pony in the middle said, from what he could see she had an orange mane with the same exact color eyes and from her wings, it seemed her body was yellow.

" Yea, chicks wanted a show, gave it to them," Dante gave an innocent little shrug with a small smirk, " Can you blame me?" The pony on the left was chuckling a bit while the pony on her right was laughing, the center one seemed to nod but had a smile on her face nonetheless, " Nah I can't, from what Dash told me," She gestured to Rainbow Dash who squealed a bit at the sound of her name, " You seem to have seen a lot of stuff where your from."

" Depends on what your talking about." Dante said as he pulled up a chair and turned it around setting Rebellion across the table along with Ebony and Ivory, " And by the way, isn't it rude to not give out your names?" as he gestured to the pony in the middle and the two others to her side as they pulled up a couple of chairs.

" Well shoot thanks for reminding me, names Spitfire, Captain of the Wonderbolts, over to my right is Soarin." she gestured to the pegasi with the bluish mane as he nodded in haste, his eyes traveling over Rebellion, " And of course to my left is Blizzard." The pegasus right next to her was blushing a bit at Dante and waving a little, but Dante ignored her as he leaned back in his chair.

" Well from what Dash told ya, you want to hear what I did?" Their answers were nods even Soarin who barely nodded his eyes on Rebellion still. Dante leaned forward knowing the perfect thing to tell them, " Surprised you got the time to come over here, was suspecting that you would be as nervous as these babes."

" Well...Just from you and the mess you caused, seems they aren't boring." She eyed the demonic keepsake of his for a bit with Soarin, just from the glint of the blade it felt uneasy to be around it or him for that matter. But that didn't stop her as she maintained her composure and pulled up a chair along with Rainbow Dash and the others, Soarin did but he could not take his eyes off Rebellion until Spitfire whistled right near his ear, which his pupil's shrank and he fell out of his seat as Dante and the other Wonderbolts and Rainbow Dash, Dane leaned a bit in his chair, all eyes on the half demon, " So you want a short one eh?"

They all gave a curt nod as Dante leaned back in his chair" Now then where do I [urbegin?"

Outside Canterlot

The horde seemed distraught, angry, and their thirst for blood was almost to its point where they would snap on the spot and attack. But thanks to Tores and Akaro, they didn't dare make a move to any of the demons which in turn made Discord seem a lot more comfortable about this fact as he pulled up his fur on his left arm to see a giant watch ticking away.

" Near midnight." Discord said to himself, " I need a smaller watch." he threw the big one away and pulled out a bigger one from thin air, " Much better."

" Near midnight you say?" Akaro perked up a bit his eyes never leaving the sight of the city.

" Yes." Discord said.

" Then," Akaro got up and snapped his fingers as a dark cloud of thirty prides, four wrath's, and ten lust demons appeared next to Discord. He jumped back a bit but managed to stay a float, " I assume you can teleport them and yourself in?"

" Absolutely but why now?" Discord asked, he felt a small crunch in the air as Tores literally face palmed himself: Akaro gave a steely look to Tores as he gave his attention back to Discord, " Because this when they are at their weakest, you strike at the vital point." Akaro's eyes flared towards the city, " Then you execute the enemy where they stand." Discord threw his notepad out the window much to Akaro's confusion on how he got one.

" But these demons," Akaro still explaining to Discord who was intently listening, even though he didn't like where this was going, "Will make sure the job is done." Akaro held out a fully stretched out, " Now go." Discord snapped his talons as an orb of white surrounded him and the demons; Akaro could see them disappear in the blink of an eye as he turned his attention back to Canterlot.

"You know that fool won't be the same when he faces the Son of Sparda." Tores said, he barely had any faith in Discord accomplishing his duty.

"It will reveal it self, we will get our vengeance...patience."

"I HAVE WAITED TWO THOUSAND YEARS FOR THIS AND YOU EXPECT ME TO WAIT EVEN MORE!!!" Tores was bellowing out loud that even Ponyville could hear it, but he was cutoff from a red eyed Akaro who was staring him down like a hunter on its prey.

"Patience...you will know when it comes." Akaro stated gently the glow in his eyes gone, Tores cooled down as the veins on his body simmered down to its original pale glow. Akaro watched vigilantly at Canterlot, his eyes ready for the signal.

"I don't envy his fate...not one bit."

Canterlot Ballroom

As Dante finished his story when he finally opened his shop (1st mission DMC 3) he ended it with this, " So I said ' This is going to be one hell of a party!' and I kicked the door open." Dante finished to see not only the three Wonderbolts and Rainbow Dash's jaw dropping to the floor but some of the ponies who were gathering around him had their jaws touching the floor as well, most of them intrigued by the little incident the Devil hunter had ; Dante was smirking at the reactions of each and every single one of them, " and much more to my ever lasting joy right when I went outside low and behold, way more then I could count." Dante finished at that as he got up from his chair it seemed a small circle was forming around him from his little sojourn with the demons.

" Never expected any of you to be actually interested." Dante said to the crowd, " Geez thought all of would be snoozing." Dante reached for a his second pizza, courtesy of Pinkie bringing it to him when she was trying to tell him about her concoction of a chocolate and tomato pizza sauce; but Pinkie being Pinkie she was hopping around the room making sure other ponies were having a good time at the party. The only ponies that seemed interested in Dante's first little story besides Rainbow Dash and the Wonderbolts, but quite a few of the Royal Guard's seemed to take a great interest in how Dante dispatched the demons.

"Wow...Pinks sure knows how to throw a party only downside is no babes," Dante took a peek at the sight of the mares in the ballroom, " In a sense." Dante reached for another slice, he felt nothing but air whisk through his fingers, he reached again to see nothing. Rainbow Dash was the first to notice that the sheet holding the pizza was nothing more then a rubber duck, Dante noticed the look on Rainbow Dash's face and sniggered, " Really?" Dante looked around the room and raised his voice a bit alerting some of the surrounding ponies, " Really?"

All of them could hear a transparent laugh off in the distance and it seemed to be closing in, Dante recognized the voice as he literally rubbed his temple in disgust, "Please tell me it isn't-." He was cutoff by a sudden flash of blinding light in the room as he glared past the light to see the familiar sight of Discord laughing, and to irritate Dante even more, Discord had his pizza hovering right next to him.

" I can see why you like this stuff." Discord said taking a large bite out of the slice, " Vewy gooey and zesty."

" Figures you would come back." Dante said," What your job is to irritate every pony you bump into, come on dude don't you have any hobbies?"

" Well yes I do, I love to juggle chickens in the air with exploding glasses of chocolate milk and-."

" What do you want Discord?" Rainbow Dash yelled out as Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Rarity ran next to her as the rest of the room backed up against the wall.

" Me?" Discord gestured to himself, " Why I am here to take over this little shin dig you got here along with this little castle."

" Yea you and what army?" Discord smirked at Rainbow Dash's answer as he snapped his talons. The stain glass windows shattered on each side as blurs of black and red appeared from each of them. The doors flew open to see skinny grey things holding a large pulsating ball on their back, the weight of it was almost unbearable for them. Right next to a smirking Discord was a handful of Prides, Lust, and Wrath demons all howling at the ponies in the room. The five of them leapt back away from the center and towards the wall, frightened by the sudden appearance of the demons.

Dante on the other hand clapped both his hands as he grabbed Rebellion and sheathed it on his back, " Well looks like this party is getting crazy!" Dante whipped out Ebony and Ivory ready to challenge the three armies of hell, “Well then...Let's rock!"

Twilight's room

As Twilight scribbled down the last note from Agni and Rudra she looked up at them and beamed, " Well you two have been very helpful." So far they blinked, surprisingly a little hoarse from the details they poured out; it showed in a large roll of parchment draping out the window, fluttering a bit from the notes. The most interesting weapon she loved out of them all was Nevan, she didn't know that this 'Guitar' was also a scythe and could summon lightning and bats with a single strum, just the mere sight of the weapon made her want to find out more about its properties. The lightning crawling up the neck of the guitar emitting a few sparks every once in a while, and just the shape of the body to was enough to have her curiosity peak even more.

"Well I think Dante's is going to need this back now." She looked out the window a cool breeze going through her mane, the view was wonderous of the mountain range off in the distance as the last beams of the sun were now bathing Equestria with gold and purple, courtesy of her mentor. Just from the sight of the sun, setting it was a hunch that Luna wasn't doing her duty and probably had something important to deal with at the moment being the Princess of the Night and all. Down below, she could see the ballroom clearly and the silhouette of a shadow on two feet which she knew was Dante.

And the other sight she managed to catch out of the corner of her eye was a streamer gliding into her room

She levitated Agni and Rudra and the rest of the Devil Arms as she made her way to the door, "Brother...I shall miss our time with miss Twilight." Twilight felt sorry for the two, they did explain their first meeting with Dante and could understand their position clearly, but the fact that those two annoyed Dante didn't make as much sense as she thought it did.

"As will I." Rudra said, going back to Dante, not being able to speak was almost heartbreaking; but in the presence of Twilight it felt good to talk with someone...or in her case somepony.

" Thank you, you two were a wealth of information." Twilight said beaming at both of them as she levitated so she could look at both of them, " Both of you." Agni and Rudra, moved their lips into a small grin, a thanks was all they every asked.

As Twilight reached for the door, it swung gently back as the regal figure of Princess Celestia, her eyes baggy and her stature almost wilting from the her regal composure. Twilight immedeatly rushed over to her beloved Mentor's side to prop her up but she patted her hoof on Twilight's back telling her she was alright, " I appreciate the concern though." Celestia gave Twilight motherly smile as she could see the proud smirk that was in Twilight all along. Celestia noticed the weapons had in his room that she managed to bring to here, and seeing the twinkle in Twilight's eyes fade quickly.

" Is their something wrong Princess?"

" No...but I do have some good news." This piqued Twilight's interest at Celestia's attitude as it slowly started to grow happier." I know where the Elements of Purity are located."

" It is where the Old empire of Dragon's use to be in the North, before Equestria was reformed right in the tomb of the most celebrated Dragon emperor that ever walked the dynasty of their kingdom." Celestia explained, " I need you to gather your friends and Dante immedeat-"

Suddenly they heard window's breaking from outside and howls piercing the crisp night air as both the mentor and the student stuck their heads out the window to their horror to see from what Twilight witnessed, what looked like minature Hell Vanguards and the silhouette of Dante in the center of the circle of demons.

" Oh no." Twilight whispered as Celestia remained stoic about this, she ran to the door and gestured for her to follow as her stoic emotion suddenly changed to fear.

" We must provide whatever we can down there!" Twilight nodded as she ran alongside Celestia, the Devil Hunter's Devil Arms trailing behind her.

Knowing what was to come would be a fate worse then eternal night or endless chaos that she had faced with her friends.

A fate that Equestria could never comprehend.

Authors Notice: BOOM MISSION 14 DONE!! Sorry for the wait work was catching up. For the whole thing with the pizza, well Pinkie is PInkie I may go back and tweak the chapter a bit. Sorry for the wait and grammar mistakes and as for LyonAzakura I am sorry for not letting you know when to Proofread the whole this mission, on Mission 15 it is all you man:( if your ever reading this.

For the Public, I am sorry for the wait and grammar mistakes and spacing writing near midnight takes its toll, still I hoped you guys enjoyed the chapter despite the many grammar mistakes and spacing, I really do try my best:(

Don't be afraid to leave a comment I won't bite.